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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1906 NEW TODAY. Wanted! $50,000 In sums of $5,000 and up. Will positively Guarantee .1 0 Per Cent Per annum. Gilt-edged real es tate investments. You hold the securities. "Impossible!" you say. Well, your Wealthy Friends did not make their fortunes at the rate of 4 per cent. Schuyleman & Co. my2 WASHINGTON ST. ROOMS 34-35 1HE PORTLAND SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY. Propo.iL tor tbe Purr In of Bottdtags- TIM undersigned will rwln MM bkl At ate office. 10$ Sherlock Mock, until 1 o'clock nooa. October 8. 1906. far the purchaee of til or U saturate parcel of toe following buildings belonging to the Portland Seattle Rallwer CoDjpaar. la (be City of Port land. Oregon: PARCEL A. Dwell log sad barm. 148 North Tenth at reel: dwellings 494-426-430 181 III M Irvksg atreet; flate, 14aV14H North Eleventh atreeta; dwellings 151-155 North Eleventh alual EARCEL R. Dwellings 44 Irabu atreet and I64l66-16gi;0-174 North Twelfth treat: abed awl bnlldlara 420-4 Johaaon atreet; owerangs aia in bu! Wll.lll North Tenth atreet. North Elereath atreet. l8 PARCEL C. Dwelling 431 Johnson atreet and North Eleventh PARCEL D. Dwellings eS6 S8 488 atreet; building 427 Johnson atreet; dwelling 181-188-185-187-Its IBS North Tenth atreet; barn 181 North Tenth atreet; dwell lnca 42ft-428 Kearney atreet ; dwelllnca 184-192-180-188-188 North Elerenth atreet. PARCEL E. Building 200 202 North Twelfth atreet; dwelllnra 204-20S 20A 210 214 North Twelfth atreet; dwell ing 461 44D447 R earner street: d w e 1 1 1 age 203 206-207 20 215 North EleTenth atreet. PARCEL P. Dwellings 448 Lo rotor atreet and zs-ZM-zao north Tweirtn atreet. Bnlldlnc 456 Marshall atreet; dwelling and bare 491-449 Mar PARCEL a. shall street- abed 447 Maraaall met; raiMiaga 241-Z40-347-24B North Beeves th atreet. and 444 444 H 446 Northrop atreet: build bhf and abed 400-410 1, North p atreet: dwelllnca 244V 244 North Twelfth atreet. Warehooae 200-214 North ran PARCEL H atreet Terms caah. Certified check for 10 par cent of the amount of bid moat accompany each nropoeai nana or raw prop opeety can be aaan at the office of the oedersigned. The right Is raaareii to reject say aad all Mea. J. D. WILCOX. Agent. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 4. 108. Confidence Confidence Is simply another name for CREDIT. Larking the confidence one man haa In an other, bnatneaa would be paralysed. We have confidence In Cortland aad In the people of Portland, born of Intimate assorts, tten with them for TWENTY TEAKS. Many eac easeful buelneea men of Portland owe a goodly portion of their prosperity to the assistance they haee received from the OLDEST TRUST CO at PANT IK 0RE00N " during the FIFTH or A KNTI HY of its M I twawTf? . If 70a biT nTpr don- tmslntn with us. Belli IB HOd ft irquaintfd 2 INTEREST PAID ON Cheek accounts (eras hundreds) on Dally Balances off $500 Or Over. RESOURCES OVER $1,780,000 00 Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. cor. fid and Oak eta. Phone Be. 72. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice President B. LEE PAGET Secretary I. O. OOLTKA Assistant Secretary Oakhurst Lots going rapidly. Water pipes are be ing laid. Cbeapeet and best on the market. For full particulars, call on or ring up our agent. M. I. WALLING i SS1R. R. Le CATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance frlfONa. HXCHANOB 70. NEW TODAY. RIGHT IN TOWN Green's Addition With thd completion of that two now streetcar lines throuRh and alone our property makoa It possible, for you to eat your lunch with the wife and chil dren and not be obliged to put up with a cold lunch, bains- located on the WEST SIDE and only 11 minutes from the business centec, and selling at the very low price of Only $550 Per lot. with all the city advantages in SCHOOLS and FIRE PROTECTION, be Me wetting- on hleh and alarhtlv around. After October 10, ISO, price advance 10 par cent. Only 5 Days Left To oot These tots a BUY NOW It's not long until you win have to pay double these prices. Money advanced to those wtahlng to build homes. For further Information see m. ilTlee Washington Rt. Phone Pnclflc 01m Certificates In amounts of Rve dollars Or mors, secured by flret aaertgmgss piaoed In trait, netting per oesR. Inter est payable semi-annually. Tou can suit yourself aa to the length of time your money la Invested. Call for Information. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company idg. Floor West Side 8-Room Residence $6,250, One-Half Cash 60x100 lot, beautiful surrounding, near car line; furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry, gas, electric lights; house built for a home only one, year ago and Is cheap at f 7,000. If you wish a atrlctly modern, up-to-date home. don't fall to see this place. UREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautiful locations lti this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llglitc, gaa and graded streets. Superb viw of Mt. Hood. East Portland snd Willamette river. Choic est lots $600 each. Terms. WRIT, ft MX1RRAR, 204-208 Orsgonlan Building. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, potato and stock growers, number In family, ages, etc. Call or Write us for prices. Rural Directory Co., 82 Tourth street WEATHER REPORT. Aa lmmenae high preaeure area orarllea the north Pacific atatea and no rain of consequence haa fallen on the Pacific alone during the laat 24 hours. It la much aooler In the Willamette valley, eaatern Oreron. aouthern Idaho. Nevada. I I'tah. Colorado. Wyoming. Montana and the western portion or the irakotaa. Heavy rroata occurred this morning In extreme eaatern Ore gon snd Is the Rolee basis, ssd light froats are reported In northeaatern Waahlngtoa and southeastern Idaho; froata were also reported generally In Utah and Nevada. The storrc yeaterday over western North Dakota hss di minished greatly In Intensity and moved to Minnesota. The low pressure ares over Arl xona haa deepened and a trough of law pros aure extende from this disturbance northeast ward and connects with the one over Min nesota. The shallow disturbance yeaterday over western North Dakota baa diminished greatly Is Intensity and moved to Minnesota. The low pressure area over Arhtona has deeseasd and a trough of low preeenre extends from thla northeastward and connects with the one over Minnesota. The shallow dis turbance yeaterday over Tennessee bss prac tically disappeared aud the barometer continnea high over New England. Light raise have fal len at scattered places In the Canadian north west. South Dakota, Nebraska and In the middle and south Atlantic states , they were heaviest In Virginia. The Indications are for .fair weather In this district tonight and Friday, with heavy froata tonight eaat of the Caeca de mount etna and light froats tonight In northwestern Oregon and la western Washington, It will be warmer rrisay. Stations Baker City. Oregon Ronton. Massachusetts Chicago. Illinois Itenver, Colorado Kanaae City, Missouri.... Los Angeles. California... New Orleans, Louisiana. . . Portland, Oregon Rosebnrg, Oregon "t. Loslf. Missouri Salt Lake. 1 tab san Francisco. California . Spokane. Waahtrtgtna Tscome. Washington Walla Walla, Washington -Temp. Mln. Max. Prsrl . 50 . AS . AS . S4 . T4 . Ss . Tg . SI . SD . TO I . T2 . As :S :i2 4S (S to 70 44 il SS 04 4 40 40 MARRIAGE LICEN8E8. Charles Mcflee. 414 Nineteenth atreet. SO; Margaret NSS1. KH. Harry. W. Booliam, Rt. Johns. Oregon, 85 Alloa M. Band. SS. tvitlielm Olson. H22 Upshur atreet. 26: Anas rauison. lw. John l.atta. 21; Emma Corbstt Palling. IS. adding os bill Cards. W. O. Smith Co.. Wssh- g . cor. Fourth and Washington ata. ng and calnas cards eagraved oe printed. R. 1. Rnahten. 222 Wsshlsi Miss Berths Martin, room 81 Alisky bldg. Stamping and fine needlework: lam ana given. Full dress suite for rash all Tailoring Co , 300 Stark at. Unique DEATHS. WILIAMSON- -October 1, Andrew W. William eon, 68 yesrs, 120 East Twenty -etxth? degen erstlon of splnsl cord. WEBER October 2. Bsgala L. Weber. 8 months. 480 Best Twenty-seventh, endo carditis. MILLS October 1. Bala B. Mills, 11 months. 480 Colombia, gastro entrltla FUNERAL NOTICES. W 1 1 ,1-1 AMBON The funeral services for ths Ists Andrew Woods Williamson. Ph. I), formerly of Beck lalaud Illinois, will bs held Friday morning. October 8. ISO, at loap. at ImmanueT Swedish Evangelical Lutheran rhurrb. corner 18tb snd Irrlug laviteo. First Mortgage Security BIRTHS. M' DONALD- September 28. to air. and hire. Sylvester J. Ilclkaaala, Aanbel. e ghi. Bo) HON October 9, to Mr. and Mrs. B. Boy eoo. 142 Bast Thirty fifth, a Ctrl. WlLtNOX EN -September 17. to Mr. and Mrs. William WOeaxen, North Pacific aealtartnm. 8TBOWG R R September 12. to Mr. and Mai. AUen W. Strewger. 07 Bast Twenty-eighth til Nl'HKR -October S. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Clumber. 21 second, a boy. BITCHES seetainber 21. to Mr. sad Mrs. Botcher. Oflrraat Twenty-aecood north" a bo. RARRRR September 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Will lam H. Barber. MS Bast Heeenth north, a girl. FARAH August 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Najleh Karah. 194 North Tenth, a bar. SAM September 27. to Mr. aad Mrs. Charley Han. 14H Second, a bay. , SAi September It. to Mr. and Jim. Wong Ones mi. fine aeer nrrnaa, a nay. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McKotee Gllbengh. aadertakers and rmba Users, modern In erery detail. Reman ana rise, mate eu. La ay A. R. Remntock. undertaker and rmba laser East Thirteenth and Cmatllla are. Phone gall wooa ii. Undertaking Co . aad embalming. 40 Phone Mala 618$. Lady asawtsst. Alder it. i. P. rialey J Rons. Third aad Madlasa Of Dee of eonaty coroner. Phone Mai 1 8. CLARKE BROS.. Plorlata Ptae flowers and norai iieaigna. 2B Morrison an. Edward Rolman. undertaker. 290 Third at. RITXB VIEW CEMETERY. Singh) graves $10. Family rota $75 to $1,000. The only cemetery Id Portland which per petually maintain! aad caree for lots. Par fan Information apply to W. R. Msckenste, W ceater block, city. W. M. Ladd. praeldaat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Onatave A. Kaaper to Anna N. Xsspsr. east SB fast of north 67 feet of west H of lots T god 8, block 25S. city $ 1 Bohn Lumber company to Daniel McKln aon, undlvdsd U of northwest hi sec tion SS. townshln S north, range 2 wsst ljBOO Oensvleve C. Sweet snd husband to El len O'Neill, wsst H of lot 4 snd west of north S of lot s. block 1. Oold amlth'a addition 8.250 Louie P. Boas et si. to Kleen O'Neill, wsst 4 of lot 4 and west H of north H of Tot S, block 1. Goldsmith's ad dition 1 Henry C. Cabell to Gertrude H. Sbephsrd. lots 1 snd 2, block IS. John lrvlag'a First addition to Bast Portland 2,500 O. W. Priest sad wifs to Swan WUson. lot IS. block IS. Central Alblns 1,890 Elisabeth M. Breen and husband to Helen Boss, lot 10, block R, Sell wood 825 Aruhtr J. Prtdeasx to Samuel B. Poster, hut 2, block S, Pa.-k sddltloa to Al blns so T. M. Word (sheriff) to Lotus L. Lsng- ' Is, block 8. west of ssat line of Mac adam road. Pulton 100 B. 9. Anaplund to George Knight Clark, lot T, block 2, Mount Tabor Central Tract $ Title Guarantee 4k. Trust company to William A. Gentry, lot 1. block 18. West Piedmont 290 I. H. aad 8 T. Bests to William G. Goaslln et si., west U of northeast U of section 21 snd the soot Sweat of the southeast of section IS, town ship 2 north, range S wsst 10 J. 8. Otis snd wlfs to 8. B. Miller et si., east 89 acre of northwest H or norm west K of section 28. township 1 . south, rsaga 4 east 0,800 J. H. and Fannie Courtney to H. P. Bosk sad wife, lot 4, block a, uiirrora addition to Alblns 400 Henry M. Williams and wife to Minna Wllhalma. lots 29. SO, block is, r-oint View 80S Security Ravings ft Trust company, jo W. L. Ahrams, lot is, una jz, vonn Irvlng'a First addition to East Port land 1 J. L. Hartman et si. to W. V. John son, lota 8 aad 4. block z. soooiviajon of 8t. Johns Heights sddttkw to St. Johns 1 R. L. Stevens (sheriff) to Sallle B. Pbrhes, snbdlvtstons A ana n or an s. block 5. Portland Homestead 400 E. C. Dean and wife to Prank M. Dltt- mer, south H or lots o ana t, nsscs 1. sabdlvslon of Rlverrlew sddltloa to A thins 1,800 Daniel Kern snd wife to Dssdy Hur Inert, lot 8. Mock 1, Brown's addition to Eaat Portland 1.100 George Bnrbach to William Ire Witt, lot 8, block 21, Lincoln Park v 1,200 C. B. Donohoe and wife to Halite M. Love, lots 1 snd 2, block 201. Holla- day'a addition to Eaat Portland 8,000 M. Jay Myera st sL to If. Jonas. lot 20. Mock 1. Albion sddltloa 8,50 R. I. and Inex McK. Eckerson to J. E. and D. A. Weatervclt, let 4. black 1. Runnyalde addition 1 J. E. and D. A. Westervelt to Isadora E. 8. Dowden, lot 4. block 1. Rnnny- slda addition 8,400 M. C. snd Msry B. George to Fred Knab, lot 10, Linn Park 850 Nannie H. Parka to Charles U. Helto- Istsr. south 8T test of let T, block 1, annyslde addition 1 lack A. Hlbbsrd to Bertha M. sad Elisa beth Be mis. wsst 50 feet of lots S and 4. block 2S4. Holladay'a addition to Eaat Portland 1.800 Cltlasna bank to Dells Mason, lot 8. block 238. Holladay'a addition to East Portland 1 Delia Mason to George Q Weldla, lot 8. block SSS Holladay'a addition to Eaat Portland , 1.450 Herbert Daamaa and wife to S. C. Priestley, lot 1, block 18, Eoxchsss addition to Bsat Portland 1 H. H. Northnp and wife to W. W. Webster. 2H acres In tract D of Over ton Park 1 Walter W. Webster to C. C. Stanley. earns property aa above 1 R L. Stevens (sheriff) to Ellis O. Hughes, lot 2. block 4. North Portland.' 1.200 W. Calvert and wife to Otto Myhre, 1st 8. block 4, Beacon Heights; slso a strip SO feet wide along the east slds of aald lot V , 8,250 t-r', b. f siadrr to Martha S. Becker, lot 12. block 28. Alblns Homestead 485 Fidelity Trust company to August Alaleven. US l-SxT feet beginning st point In west boundary line of lot T, block 11. Blacklatone'a addition 8,000 H. E. Eogleman to J. F. HIU. lot 15, block A, Danlway'a subdivision of Rlrervlew addition to Albtna ....... .. TOO J. F. Hill snd wife to F. A. sad F. i. Nntbrown, lot 15. block A. Dontway'd M.l.fMn of Uteeevlew addition to Alblns 1.100 Portland Trust Comfiany of Oregon to Miss H. M. M. Crulk shank , lots 1, 12 18, 18. 10. block 15, Tremont Place. 410 German Savings Ixsaa aoclsty to W. n rinastlo at lota 1. 2. block 282. etiv M George W. Watt and wife to I. 0. Denny. 1.22 acres beginning st point on an eaat extension of block line of Williams Mines In southeast U of Clinton Kellr dons t Ion "land claim M L. H. Rlngbouas and wlfs to Theodore B. Wilcox, pert of the northwest L of the northeast of section 8. townahlp 1 south, rsngs I esst j.. Charles Srrntton and wife to Henry W. Vonn lots lo and 11. block 4T. Sunny- atda ' 1.800 Title Guarantee A Trust company to F. txr Tssslsr lota T and 8. block T. niton's addition 10 For abstracts title. Insurance or mortgage loane, call oa Pacific Title Trust company, formerly Pacific Coast .Abstract Otjaraaty ft irnsr oompasiy. o--g- ' Get your aad abstracts to reel sststs from the Title Guarantee Treat company. 140 Washington street, corner NOTICE. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR a ion TO claimants. -In tbe county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. In the matter of the estate of Rachel Wells Morris, deceased. Notice la hereby given Ibst tbe undersigned has been duly spnolnted by the above entitled court executor of the last will snd testament of Rsehel Wells Morris, deceased All persons having clalma against the estate of ssld deceased are hereby required to present them with proper voucher within six months from the date of thla notice to the under signed, executor aa aforesaid, at the office ofTeel ft Mlunr. room 814 Worcester block. In the city of Portland, county of Multnomah snd stste of Oregon. Dated thla alxth day of September. 1806. JOSEPH N. TEAL. Executor of the Last Will of Rachel Wells Morris. Deceased. EXPERTS WANTED Sealed bids will be re ceived by ths county court of Crook county. Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m . November 7. 1808. for ths einertlng of the bonks of the clerk, sheriff and treasurer of Crook coun ty from Inly 4. t04. to July 2. 1808. Bids to stats whstber rbsrgs is per dsy or sum total for the work. Fids to e sesled snd marked "Expert" and addressed to the coun ty clerk. I'rlnevllle. Oregon. Tbe court re serves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the court. WARREN BROWN. Clerk pf Crook County, Oregon, NOTICE. NrtTfran nr of BONDS. Notice la hereby given that the board of dlrsctors of the Hood Blvsr Irrlgatisn district In Wssco coamty. Oregon, will aell the hputt of said district la the sum of 840.000 us Thursday, tbe 28th dag of October, 1800. at the boar of 2 o'clock p. m.. st tbs office of the board of dlrssters. st tbs resMswes of J. H. Shoemaker la ssld district, sad that sealed propose I for aald bonds will bs re cessed by said board at aald place for the porchaas of aald honda until the day snd hour shove men turned; st which time the board shall open tbs propose la sad award tbs ser cnsss of tbs bonds to tbe highest responsible; bidder, tbs board rsservlng tbe right tb reyect say aad all bids. Bids to be accompanied by a certified check for S per cent of tbs amount of tbe bonds for which the bid la submitted - t Said bonds ahall bs payable hi United States gow coin in ten series, aa rouows. iovu. goes coin ra tea series, as rouows the expiration of 11 years, 5 per whole number of said boude; 12 cent; 12 years, T pee csnt; 14 er ceui us. ins I years, a per reare. 8 oar Mt: 15 veara. 8 aar eaat: 10 yeara, 10 per cent; IT yeara, 11 per csnt; 18 years. IS per cent; 10 yeara. 15 per cent; 20 yesrs. 18 per csnt, sad shall beer Interest at tbs rats of 0 per cent per annum, payable aeml annually, on tbs first dsy of January and July of seek year. Tbs principle and Interest sbsll be payable af the place designated m thaboads sad bidders are given the option of baring SiM honda payable at Portland, Oregon, or ew York city. N. Y., aad aald bonds will bs issued Is accordance with the election of the auccessful bidders; aald bonds ahall bs each of the denomination of not leaa than $100 and not mors tbsn $500. ssd sbsll bs negotiable In form, sad eteaaeas for the In terest shall bs attached to each and algned by the secretary. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, thla 17th day of September, 1800. J. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. MEETING NOTICES. WEB FOOT CAMP, NO. 69. Woodmen of tbs World Meets every Friday night at W. 0. W. hall. Tenth aad Waahtngtoa ata. Re freahmente will be aerved. All visiting neighbors wet corns. r a una haw c r A. L. BABBFR, Clerk. 261 jhtrd st. HAWTHORNS Lodge. No. Ill, A. F. at A. at. Special eommanloatlon this (Thursday) evenlns at 7:30, Burkhard bids. Work la ths E. A. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. By order of the w. M 0. B. MILLER. Secretary. COLUMBIA Lodge, No. 114, A. F. 41 A. M. Stated communication this (Thuraday) evening, 7:80 o'clock. Masonic Temple, Third sad Alder sts. Work Is E. A. degree. All E. A. Masses In vited B. 8. PAGUE. Sec. DANISH AID SOCIETY Members take notice; Andrew Larsen's wife dead; funeral eervleae held st Ftnjer'a chapel at 2 p. m. Friday. October 6. In terment Lous Fir cemetery. MACCABEES Portland Tent. No. 1. meets erery Thuraday night In K. of P. halt 11th and Alder sts. Visitors are welcome. E. M. LANCE. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good mi fur all oocaaiona, very reasonable. 46 Lucratla st. or M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8408. meets Wedneaday svenlng. Alisky bldg.. Third aad CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letters; addressing, mailing. ZS1H stark. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp. No. oXfTB. Mon days 11th and Marshall: rial tors wsVasmi, LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED from Ross Island, sbont September as, l email gray norae, aoout i.ouu pounos; 1 dspple gray boras, about 1,800 pounds These horses wars ssea tied up at Union a vs. snd Lincoln st. Return to Oregon Tranafer Co. aad be paid for trouble. Sixth aad Hoyt. FOUND A Mgbt bay horse with whits spot on forehead. Inquire at J. H. Mlsenhlmer, with Fink A Co., 514 Mississippi are. LOST Red Irish setter without collar, a lacs September 10. Return TOO Hoyt at Generous reward. LOST Gray-brown paper envelope eontalnng ptctures snd pa pare addressed B. O. Wagner, from 10th snd Johnson to 208 Madison st. and Eaat Morrison st Return ssms to Barr hotel, cor. Sixth and Gllaan sts., and receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. FrSS employment to our patrons. Weakly rates: Room. $1.25 up; room sad asara. gs.oo up. RAILROAD WORK. STATION MEN. Fine wheelbarrow work, slso good Hp-rap work at extra good prices on ths O R N., east of ths mountains; free transportation. Mearham. Oregon, or room 10. I. 0, 0. F. bldg., Portland. Orsgoft. E. T. Johaaon ft Co., contractors. WANTED Salesmen; many maks $100 to $190 psr month; some even mors; stock clean; grown oa reservation, far from eld orchards; caah advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Washlagtsa Nursery company, Top penlah, Waablngton. WANTED Young people to prepare thsmselvss as bookkeepers sad stenographere; have had 948 calls since September 1; placed 296 la positions. We will place you when patent. Dsy or Bight. Catalogue. Bah: com- hake- Walker Business college. WANTED For out-of town manufacturing en ter pries, young man aa atenograpner ana xer general office work; must bs good at figures and have good handwriting. Address P TT, care Journal. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade In eight weeks; graduates earn rrora sis xo as weekly; expert las tree tors ; catalogue tree Motor System of Callages . 85 North Fourth St. portisao. KbaBBB WANTED An experienced bench hand snd framemsker. Apply Portland Saab ft Doer Co.. Esst Taylor snd Union are. WANTED Young men to lesrn telegraphy and railroad accounting; salaries $75 00 to 880.00. For tree catalogue address Moras College et Telegraphy. 808 12th st. Oakland. Oaf WANTED Boy; steady work. 85 N. Front Davis. WANTED- Ma ttreaamakera; steady work. 56 Front, corner Davla. WANTED 80 swampers at good wages; H mllea from Portland and one mile from rail road. Apply Western Cpg. Co., 808 Stearns bldg., Portland. tv tNTED Two er three first class, all-around machine men: permanent position, good wsges. Oregon Furnlturs Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WE gat aurk for our members; apodal mem bers, $2. Y M. C. A.. Fourth and YamhilL AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank'a new stone lees plum; miracle; big pay: permanent position. Cklen Nursery Co.. Salem. Ore. YOCNO man attending hnalneaa college wsnts pises to work for board aad room. P 89, cars Journal. WANTED 80 esrpsntsrs st once, for out of town work; none but good men nssd apply. Bsvlas, Hendricks ft Tobey. ST Labbe bldg. AGENTS wsntsd to sell superidr, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; caah weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery company. Salem. Or. i LOGGERS and sswmlll wanted. SOS Com- merdsl block. WANTst) Boy to learn ths hardwsra hosl- nssa; also general repairing and keyfittlng; small wagea to begin with. A. B. Burger, 44 Third at., hear Ash. WANTED Must hsvs 26 mors young msn to preps re themaelves for railway telegraph service: big demand for graduates. Csll dsy or svenlng. Expert College of Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth sad Ankeny sts A BOY desiring to lesrn a fins trade; wagea to start with. 211 Marieey bldg BOYS with wheel waated Immediately .Ap ply at superintendent's office, Olds, Wort man ft King. CABINET MAKERS waated at 872 Front at WANTED Boy with Mas to deliver nscksges; must be over 16 yeara old. Apply A. B. Steinbeck ft Co. BOYS Do you wsat a better position I If you're bright and Intelligent and a good talker, address H 100. care Journal, snd stste salary expected; $ geed chance for the right bey. BOY wanted for delivery wagon; moat have experience and good rsfereucea. 47T-4T0 Wil liams are. HELP WANTED MALE. GOING to tear down old hous st Eighth and Harrison ate. aad will glvs sway wood gad material us u wooa la era age anas o r as. If yea wsat It. C. R. Black. MAN of good manners to drive a dye and clean ing works wagon; must have some experience In the dyeing sad cleaning baslssea 14S Grsnd are . city. ' j WANTED 2 upholsterers. 1 cabinet maker, 1 finisher: must bs first uas workmen. Apply ai raciory, seer noyc st. WANTED Two high -era da real aetata sake. men of integrity, ability aad good nanus, us-twaen-lhs'kis at 80 and SB. at large salaries; noes but mad of ths highest qualifications need apply. Address x . journal. BOY WANTED for grocery delivery; must hsve experience sad reference. New T aad Groesry, 4TT-4T9 Williams si HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. lfiStt Fourth St., cor. Morrison, upstairs. Phone Mala 9888. Alongside the Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work shirts meed. snd overalls. Lessons glvsa to Inexpert Apply at stauaara raciory iss. a, un and a vs. aad Esst Taylor at. WANTED Girls to mske "1 a 1st at TS First at. of AU" ovsr- HANSBN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S48U Wasblag tea at., ear. Seventh, upetatre. Phone Main 2602 Femsls hslp wsntsd. GIRLS waatsd for general housework: eooke sod waitress. City Employment Office, suits 1, 885H Waahlugton at. Mala 8410. WANTED Girl, steady work, at tg N. Front, corner Davis, FBW la diss wanted to asstat making assy fancy work spare time at horns; good steady pay; no experience required. SSS Flsldnsr bldg., 407 Washington St. GIRLS, wbsa yon wsat work call on tbs 8c as dlnsvlan Ladles' Agency. 10TH fllxtb at. Mala 5000. John Anderson, manager. GIRLS Chocolate dippers snd packers. Oldos Candy Co.. 10th aad Glteaa. WANTED Experienced body lroner; steady em ployment. Oregon Laundry Co. Phone Esst WANTED 4 housekeepers, 6 cooks for fami lies. 885; 6 at $30; cooks, hotel ssd boardlng nouses. Home Ladles' Agency. Main 5826. MIDDLE-AGED wnman to de housework for small family. . Cell 850 Montgomsry st. or call Pacific 2700. WANTED Girl for general help cars for 2 small children. 435 12th st. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; good wages. raon bone Msta 8086. WANTED Good girl tor general housework. Call 800 Park st. . SHORTHAND scholarship In lending business college, good for 8 month a, tor sals at dis count. Phone Main 8001. WANTED Oostmskers, pantamakera. vast makers. A. J. Brault, room 10, Hamilton bldg. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If you work, why not earn more than a living f Bs Independent; do good.' Ths Vlsvl Co. slrssdy employs 12.000 women: ths work covers 28 countrlea of the world; we will entertain a replications from capable women: net canvasalng. bet helpful, dignified work Address by mill only, Vlavl Co.. Lewie bldg. Steady employment. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit u., lzin ana uavta sts. WANTED Competent girl for i work. Apply 188 "Bast 16th St. GIRL for general h 407 Jackson at. A CHAMBERMAID at ISS Fifth St. WANTED, at ones, a lady to Dress c garments at Bast Portland Dye Works; geed pay tor right party. 14S Grand are., city. WANTED Girl to assist with housework: assy work; wages $15. 251 H Alder, room 18. lain 6700. IF yon are looking for a position call room 18, VL Alder. Main 6700. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. YOUNG men and women to tesro bookkeeping: newest and meet modern equipment on the Pacific coast; bank, wholesale, commission, freight, real aetata aad inaoranee offices; all furnished with loose leaf ledgers, adding ma chines, card files, etc. Holmes Business Col lege. Washington sad 10th ata. WANTED Typswrltlsts sad commercial grspb opbooe operators; are hsvs positions opsn for competent help. Apply Commercial Grapbophoue dept. Columbia Phonograph Oe., 871 Washington st MAKE MONEY la the advertising business; no soliciting: splendid salary when you begin sad every chance for sdvaacemaot. Call or write and learn all shout It. Page-Darts Co., Dept. 21, 418 Commercial bldg., Portland. Or. HELP wanted aad supplied, msls or female. B. O. Drake. 20H Waahtngton at- Pacific 17 WANTED In country horns, two children to care fur good school. Address B. If. W., poatofflcs box 06, Scappooss, Or. WANTED First-class lady and gentlemen can vassers; salary and commission. Call st Agency Bureau. 82 Fourth at, Portland, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A YOUNG man 17 yessj) old wants position te work sfter school snd Satnrdaya. Address S an, journal i H. H. RICHARDS Rooka posted, collections, general clerical work: references. 802 4th at. WANTED A altnatlon ss bartender by a mar ried msn. Phone East 5808. T 48, Journal. WANTED Position aa collector for reliable firm: will furnish boras snd buggy snd glva bonds; well acquainted la city. T 48, Journal. YOL'NG msn wsnts situation wire splicing. ' L 12, care Journal. MAN and wife wish altnatlons ss cook and helper; city or out. 2S5M Washington st. Mala 8410. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A STENOGRAPHER of experience das tree position; am an expert. L 18, ears Journal. PRACTICAL nurse wants work: confinement eases preferred; good references. Main 4563. WANTED Plain sewing by dsv or piece. Esst Ankeny at. Phone Best 261. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted in every town In Oregon to represent the National Ltfs Insurance Co. of U. S. A. B. O. Beuand, state manager. SOS Flledner bldg., Portland, Or. AGENTS, peddlers, esavsassrs and atreet work ers, get your supplies from B. M. Plummer, 260 Third St.; new goods, bottom prices. AGENTS wanted Is every town In Oregon to introduce Dust Clean, the sweeping com pound. Address Dust Clean, R84 Alder st EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFIOB FOB MBN. North Second at Phone Main 1626. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., 206 Vi Morrison St. insane Pacific 288. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To Tbe Portland Capitalist Wa taake a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, placing FIBS INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CARE OF PROPERTY. Ws have ths best of facilities for carrying out your wishes as sn agent. Wa solicit your Ktronage. Our references; Ladd ft Til I on, nkera. aad Merchants' Nsttonal bank. B. H. BLOSSOM. S10 CHAM BSS OF COMMERCE. C. L. PARRIHH ft CO. have opened a general reel eststs office st 428 Lumbar Exchange bldg., corner Second aad Stsrk ate., and will bey and aell realty, collect rents sad negotiate loans; first-class references ; honest dealing Wlta owe clients. rasas aaans esje. PROPERTY WANTED Ws want 8 or 6-room homes reasonably close in on esat aide, la the paat two week! see have effected tbe sale of s number, but we cannot begin to supply the demand, flat with ua If wish to self at oace. HAGEMANN ft RLaNOHARD. 81 Fifth at WANTED REAL ESTATE. PASTY KM hay ass raraaa er ettv property for aala place them with Ltad ft Pewtbef Oo. for quick sctlont 820 Lumber Mxcbsngs. Secoad aad Stark sts. - - g- -,7 - ' WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO B stores, offices. BENT i Biasse. eettearss, flats. see. OF DEBOOR. WANTED FINANCIAL. AT once, loan of $15,000 for 9 yeara oa well lmnroved farm of 2.000 acres; a etasservstlvs ysfne of this property is over three times the loan desired. Answer Immediately. J 80, care Journal. MA KB me aa offer for 800 share of tb Port land Coal ft Development Co.; I meat ban money. Address H 22. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 159 Mala Seal FURNITURE WANTED FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS sit rust st HIGHEST price peld for men'a cast-off cloth- lag. Psoas Fee omc se. Uncle Jos. 98 Third. WS WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING, i WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. SET 629 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 788. WE WILL BOY your furniture any old Uses. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st WANTED Ws pay biggest price for hand clothing. Phone Pacific 2887. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TBS GRAND, 46 H North Third et. Boon gentlemen $1.29 per week and up. THE RICHELIEU. 88 H ""North Sixth et. I gaatly furnished: steam beet aad bathe. "THE HUR." 86 Eleventh at., corner Stark; with sttam beat sad bath. FOB SB NT S nice light snnny rooms with gaa, batb sad phons; 1 front room suitable (or three; gentlsmeu preferred. 208 Fifth st LINDA VISTA. 247 H Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay windows, snd sleeping rooms. LARGE, elegantly furnished front rooma. 11th at. . 215 ELEGANTLY furnished rooma. furnace heated and bath. 4T4 Salmon at PLEASANT treat ream, newly furniabed. la private family, close In. reasonable; heat and hath. Apply 881 Bast Davla at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL. Sad Seventh transient; e Rooma, housekeeping aad venlsat; prices reasonable. $1.26 WEEK UP. clean, furniabed housekeep ing rooms; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 8H Stanton. U car. $1.50 WEEK up, large, clean, furnished house keeping rooma, laundry aad bath. 184 Sher man sooth. Portland. FOR RENT 8 furniabed housekeeping -rooms In private family, second noor; gas. phone family, second 427 Second at. and bath. near xxaix. 88 2 ROOMS completely furnished for keening. Phone Main 4628. 8 NICE front rooms, completely furniabed for housekeeping: gas, hath, bay window; easy walking dhitonea; $19- Ml Sherman at. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 UNFURNISHED rooms, 1 floor, gas or elec tric light, eteam neat; close in; no cniierea or dogs. Q 90, Journal The Continental Co. 8 PLEASANT unfurnished rooma at 860 Mont st, " all VI ( irtn at. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 898 Iron st, $T month. FOR RENT HOUSES. 8-ROOM modern bouse, choice location; T40 Mala. 10-room modern, 28th aad Bast Couch. 5-room modern house, 14th aad Bast An keny, by November 1. , HENKLB ft HARRISON, 21T Ablngton bldg. MODERN 6-room house on WS Idler at, $18 par month. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 881 Stark st. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt and rs- plaso and furoiture-movere; also stor age. Phone Mala 1885. Office 110 If. Third. FOR RENT 8 handsome modern 7 -room bouses, cqavealeatly located oa Thirds t. car line: 910. Bt2 and 814 Corbstt st; rent raaaooible te desirable tenants. David 8. Stearns, 248 Waablngton at $16 MODERN Broom cottage. 488 Boss St.. . near steel bridge. Inquire 900 Stark at Mala FOR SALE, or rent, 2 7 room houses, Jaehaea st, Oregon City. Inquire 207 Grant et., Portland, or Lawrence Hornachuh, Oregon City. 9-ROOM modern house, newly finished. Sixth aad Oarathsrs. Phone Main 4520. IS-ROOM furnished house on west aids; Nob Bill district: STS per month. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 201 Stark at. FOB BENT Modern bones; gaa, electricity, newly finished. 884 Cars there, near Sixth. Phons Main 4920. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, furniabed, east side; choice location. Call after 8 o'clock eventnga, phone East 448. HOUSE 8 rooms, reaaonable to permanent, re sponsible tensnts. Apply 844 Hall at. FOR RENT 4-room cottage on Garfield aye.. 1 block from Union. Csll 814 Sixth at. Phone Main 4515. FOR RENT Boose Ne. 888 Sacramento at. Inquire at T2 Third at. H. Sinshelmer. FOR RENT 4-rnom cottage Second and Col lege! rent $12. Inquire 490 Fifth St. 6 ROOMS sscb; double house; new, never been occupied; close in on west slds; $16.50 each per month. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 801 Stark at. 6-ROOM hoses, corner let East 84th near Hawthorne are.. SIT month. 408 Com mercial bldg. Pacific 818. 10 ROOMS, modern conveniences, rooma aad toilet off of hall; good rooming house. 800 Everett. Wakefield i Fries. 6-ROOM house on Albtaa avs., 88 per month; 15-mlnnte car service. Phone Bast 901. FOR RENT FLATS. $15.00 MODERN lower 4-room flat, ysrd snd baeement, 444 Rodney are., corner Tillamook. Bast 4866. 4 FURNISHED flats, 8 rooms eseb. bath, $8 and $10. 084 Seventh at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. DBBIRABLB offices. Including electric lights, hot and cold water, janitor and elevator service, in the new. airy Commonwealth bldg.. old poatof flee site. Sixth snd Bnrnaids at. Agagt room 411, MIT of shop te rent, suitable for painter er . 80S Foarth ax. OFFICE-ROOMS, untarnished rooms and sample rooms tor rent Good Dough bldg. Apply a le vator. FOR SENT Small atere with living rooms; suitable for dressmaker. Inquire at Wake field ft Fries, 228 Stsrk st. STORE, 25x50 feet, full hseement. st lTth sod Waablngton sts.;- modern front snd plumb ing tas nest, uevernr- esaa, ws nrai ai. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. A 6-ROOM bona tor rent, furnlturs for ssl $850. Phone Pacific 9900. ROOM house for rent, furnlturs for sale: strictly central and modern. Phone Pacific 917. LEAVING city, will eell furniture of 6 room nones chssp: house far rest. Address X 8, care Journal. FOR RENT FARMS. 60 ACRES larRsxyvssl. l" axils "north of asaasaisi T mllea from Portland. Jsmea Barnes, a. 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. 1-9 BLOCS LOCKS on Frankfurt st. hat. Fifteenth er manufacturlag: Urge creek aad mineral apring oa the grounds; Brooklyn snd Mil Hankie streetcar lines within 1 blocks, 8 blocks from 8. F. carahopa. faquirs st Tl$ Marquam bldg. Phone Psoinc 1724. B. 0. Spltsnsr. HALL aad ballroom, separate or together; new sad with ell osnvanleaaoo. Pheae Mala 880. BUSINESS CHANCES. A FEW SNAPS 8-room house, Id lanor 4 room house, 46th avenue 8-room house, 44th avenue $ 800 950 T-room thorn and 48th 8 200 8-room house, with 6)i lots, cheap at. 1,025 LIND ft CO.. 888 Lumber Exchange, Second aad Stark ata. FOR SALE Fin little restaurant en Washing ton st:- 2-vear lesas. low rent, rood stock. good $460. traoe; pest bargain in xna city; only Grocery store, cloaa la. Union are.; low rest; owner will sacrifice on account of sick ness; a aaap $850. Several cigar atands for sal. T. U GARLAND, 228 Field ner bldg., 10th and Waahlngtoa sts. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. Ones mene lag Saturday, October 6. 180$.. On account of tbe dssth of the proprietor, the stock of ths Delicacy Trading Co., 418 Eaat Clay. wUl be sold out regardless of eaat. How Is your chance to got your groceries, creek ary, glassware sad hardware, slso store fix tures and house furnlturs. Remember tbe place, 412 Ssat Clay st. A 8NAP la a 10-room bouse, nestly furnished In good location. $700; mast be sold; rent only $88. Tapfer, 285V Wyblngtoo. Mala WANTED Partner In msnufsetere et eea roofing tile, avy own patent snd most profit- sble business. A. volgt, TOO Michigan ava- nue PHENOMENAL rise la price of Hunt Switch expected any dey; this may be your east opportunity to buy before aubsttrlptlon boots ire cloeed. J. F. Herat ft Co., SOS lie lay bldg. FOR SALE Apartment-house of 15 rooms sll newly furniabed; eeay terms It necessary; In come $100; rent 850; located en Morrison et Apply Oohn Bros.' Furniture Co., 180 First AN exceptionally choice opening to engage as manager aad secure equal Interest In a prominent, surs money-making office busi ness la offered aa active, neat appearing, temperate man with salesmanship ehuty; former experience not a necessity : 6850 re quired. For Interview writs T 44. Journal. FOR SALE Good etock of dlae on route at new s. p. railroad; will in voice about $5,500; aell or rent new a tore building. Write or call J. 0. Lyons, Elk ton, Oregon. FOB SALE Grocery store, good locstloa, west aide, cloaa la, doing fair business; will In voice $050 or $700. Pheae Pacific 941. BUSIK good BBS OPPORTUNITY If you went a saying business from $1,000 to 818,000, ea Immediately J. F. Croft ft Oo.. address Rlamath Falls, Or. SMALL restaurant and lunch counter In good location with lease fur aala. Y 80. Journal. MEAT MARKET at ta votes l well established business, splendid location. Telephone Mala 8807. CLOTHES cleaning aa cheap. Cell 847 Msdfae at WHAT have you to trade for a $800 restaurant t Name It; good locstloa sad business; poor health. J 26, ears Journal WANTED A partner la a well-establtobsd bualneae; best references. Adore H 21, care Journal FOB SALE Grocery atere. chssp; our! leav ing city. Address 881 Third at LIST your bust esse chances with ua. Metro poBtaa Realty Oe., 851H Alder. Main STOP. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A NSW T room house, lust flntshsd. aad 80-foot let oa West are., near Hawthorne sve . Bull Run water, beautiful view; price 82.500: I. Jackson, room 8, Hamilton Mate 1888. Send One Dollar Aad ws will list year property with 1.000 reel eatate dealers who are aa ssajse te earn a commission as yoa are to sell; ear plan seldom falls; send description: we ere helping many others, why not you 1 Address Ths In vestor Guide. Sll Marquam bldg., Portland. 500 Homes For Sale Farms snd Cltr Property. THE INVESTORS GUIDE CO., Sll Hsrquam bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Sellwood ft French. 1670 B. 18th. Phone Sellwood 74. k City View Park lota, $875 sad up; Ross 1 Addition lota, f 100 and up; $8 down and 88 a month. Home from $000 to $5,000. Lets 8800 ssd up. In all parts of Sellwood. Last yean property with aa; we will aell ft. FOB SALE 1. 2, 8. 4 and 5-acre tracts alee houses sad lots, en Mount Scott eerSne, 9 fare. Moaat Scott Real Eatate Co., Lents. Phone Scott 2284. 5 and 10 ACRE TRACTS PRIME LA NO And location for a a. Investment Co. 244 Stark. HARQAINS FOB SOMEONE. K modern B room boms, run I Ms let 68x141. all kinds mall fruit, two blocks to beet carnne 1 small hero, $2,700. half cash. No. 12 and East Taylor, owner; phone Beet 5 and 10 ACSB TRACTS PRIME LASS Aad location for a Investment Co. 844 Stark. 8-ACSB trset for sals, partly cleared, neat car Una; so agents. S SO, care Journal TBS PRETTIEST BUILDING SITS ON BAST 18TH ST. Near new high school ; lot 80x100; walking distance: 88.000 take It 0. L. PARRISH A CO 428 Lumber Exchange Phone Main 8815. Great Sale in Acreage New on. Several hundred acres Just platted; abundance of running water on eech let, ad Joining a 8-story ninth grade school, close to town snd earllne; Isnd nearly ell level and In hlgb state of cultivation; no better toll la tke state; $100 to $175 per acre; terms. parties leave ear office at 0 a. m. every day; go with ua; you will find land better than igeisnntan gnats at snap in acreage Scboyleman & Co. StTH Washington at. rOR SALE Improved aad unimproved farm, wheat and stock ranches, timber lead and aswmius. city ana suburban property ex snges a neviaiiy. mrner as waiaer, 80SH Washington at. WE HAVE just completed two new modern res idences st Archer Place; one a aevaa-roean hones (82.1901. sad ths other a six-room hoae (91.0601. One third caah and balance on easy monthly per meats, both bsrgslas. E. F. CANNON ft CO., 908 McKay bldg. Third sad Stark sts. SOMEHTING EXTRA , room house, mods room house, modern, lot 100x108; the worth money asked. wawPBBN OREGON TRUST CO, 11 Stark 88, - e ' ,,