The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 04, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Gold Merchan
dise Coupons
But we can't yll mail orders
on these hour-sale goods.
These prices are for one hour
only. Send us your name for
our new fall catalogue.
Filled Here
With every 5 cents you
spend at our store. Ask for
them every time you make a
purchase. They are good as
1 . ' J
Whitney Boise Declare Former
Engineer Watched Progreee
on Rueeell Street.
Chief Grttzmacher Refuses to
Hold Man Arrested by District
Attorney's Detective.
Had to Rely on Some One's Judg
ment and So They Relied on That
of City Engineer Caea la Being
Heard Before Judge Eraser.
Deputy Haney Admits Chief la Tech
nically Correct, bat Expresses Sur
prise st Discontinuance of Custom
So Long in Vogue.
E7! B&LeBsjgMB
"We did everything possible to set a
good street end then accepted that Im
provement because Captain Warner told
as it should be accepted. The whole
executive board never Investigates a
remonstrance of property owners.' fur
ther than to approve the report made
by the street committee. The street
committee referred the on
the Improvement of Russell street from
Williams avenue to Oantenbelo avenue
to Captain Wanser. then the city en
gineer end he reported that the work
was wall dene." was ths testimony of
Whitney U. Boise, former meber of the
street .ommlttee of the city executive
board, before Judge Fraier In the cir
cuit court his morning.
A number of cltlsens owning- prop
erty abutting the etreet in question
brought suit Is the circuit court to re
strain the city from Issuing warrants
for the payment of ths Improvement,
alleging that it did not comply with the
specifications. An engineer employed by
the property owners. George Rae. tes
tified early in the hearing that he had
made teats of the concrete foundation
of the pavement, of the brick used for
paving and of the srouttng. or mortar,
used between the brick. He rel the
concrete had a crushing strength of
only 167 pounds when It ought to have
2,000 pounds; that the brick were not
uniform In quality, and that so little
grouting had been used that SO per cent
of the brick In the pavement were loose
-when he examined them. Neither the
concrete nor the grouting had th re
quired amount of cement in them, eatd
Mr. Boise testified this morning that
the committee had relied entirely on
Captain Wanser.
"I never used mors caution in the ac
ceptance of say etreet than I did In
thla one." said Botes "We looked St
that street In every stage of its m-os-isss
and went to It time and again.
There were so many complaints about
It that I bees me convinced that no mat
ter what the committee might do to
have a good street the property owners
ouid not be satisfied wltn anything
voktjt a lawsuit.
"The committee were R. L uiisan ana
myself. We were not experts and Cap
tain Wanser was our adviser constantly.
The manufacturers of the brie told
us that It was Impossible to burn brick
of a uniform quality and we told the
Inspector to select brick of a Quality
ss uniform so possible. Before the
Stick was used some samples were
tested and the teats showed that they
jaraagjoa a. esrgUa1fiM . AX'Ar
complaint was made abput the grouting
aorrfe of It was done over."
Additional testimony on behalf of the
city la belcg 4eard thla afternoon. At
torney J. M. Long represents the ob
jecting property owners. Deputy City
Attorney Kavanaugb and Attorney R.
R Olltner appear for the city.
Charcoal Kills 1
Bad Breath
Bad Odor of Indigestion. Smoking,
Drinking or Bating Can Be
Instantly Stopped.
Other people notloe your bad breath
where you would not notice it at all.
It Is nauseating to other people to
stand before them and while you are
talking, give them a whiff or two of
your bed breath. It usually comes from
ood fermenting on your stomach.
Sometimes you have It In the morning.
that awful eour, bilious, bad breath.
Tou can stop that at ones by swallow
ing one or two Stuart Charcoal Dosen
ges. the most powerful gaa and odor
absorbers ever prepared.
Bomvtlmes your meals will reveal
vtherosalves In your breath to those who
' ""talk jrKh iou. "You've had onions" or
lod've been eating cabbage." and all
. or a. suddsn you belch In the fsoe of
.- your friend. Charcoal Is a wonderful
absorber of odors, ss every one knows.
That Is why BtuartS Charcoal Losenges
are sr.. quick to stop sll gases and odora
of odorous foods or gaa from lndlgea
Don't use breath perfumes. They
never conceal the odor, and never ab
sorb the gaa that causes the odor. Be
sides the very fact of using them re
veals the reason for' their uss. Stuart's
Charcoal Losenges In the first plaoe
stop for good all sour brash snd belch
ing ef gas and make 'your breath pure,
fresh and sweet, just aftar you've
eaten. Then no one will turn his face
away from you when you breathe or
talk; your breath will be pure and fresh,
snd besides yoar food will taste so
?uch better to you at your next meal,
ist try It.
Charcoal does other wonderful things,
K too. It carries away from your stomach
.- and Intestines, all ths Impurities there
massed together snd which causes the
v bad breath. Charcoal Is s purifier as
well as an absorber.
Charcoal la now by far the best, most
easy and mild laxative known. A whole
boxful will do no harm; In fact, the
more you take the better. Stuart s Char
coal Losenges are msde of pure willow
charcoal and mixed with Just a faint
flavor of honey to make them palatable
tor you, but not too sweet.' Tou just
chew them 11kg candy. They are abeo
" lately harmless
Get s new, pure, eweet breath, fresh
en your atomach for your next meal,
and keep the Intestines In good work
ing order. These two things era the
secret of good health and long Ufa.
Tou can get all the charcoal aeoeeeary
te do these wonderful but simple things
by getting Stuart's Charcoal Losenges.
We want you to test these little wonder
workers yourself before you buy them.
Bo send us your full name and addrass
for a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal
Losenges. Then after you have tried the
sample, and been convinced, go to your
druggist and get a lie dox or mem.
Tftn'll. feel better all over, more comfort
able, and "cleaner" Inside.
Send ue your name and addreee to
' day and we wilt at onee send you by
mall a sample package, free. Addreee
F A. atuart Co., II Stuart Btdg.
Marshall, Mich.
A miniature rem peat has been cauaed
in the district attorneys oBee by ths
absolute refusal last night of Chief of
Police Qrltsraechcr to hold Dick Tsko,
arreated by Speclul Detective Maher on
a charge of larceny without a duly veri
fied complaint and warrant The chief
contends that u was acting entirely
within hie right in lefusing to look up
the man without due process of law.
The county ofnolsls, while admitting
that Orltsmaeher'e position Is technic
ally tenable, mslisMXn that In scores of
similar oases be never has raised the
question of the legality la making sa
arrest on a felony charge without a
The clash between the county prose
cuting officers ind the bead of the po
lice department is the result of a mis
take made by Cashier Q. W. U pshaw
of the Portland Trust Company of Ore
gon in cashing a check presented by
Take It Is alleged that Tsko, In com
pany with several other, Oreefc labor
ers, came to the bank Tuesday after
noon with checks for various amounts,
and that U pshaw paid them 141.76 mora
than be was entitled to. The mistake
was discovered Immediately, but Tako
maintained that he had not received
more money than tale check called for.
One of hie companions, however. In
formed the bank officials that Tako had
received the money. ,
Tako Xs Arrested.
Upahaw swore to s complaint charg
ing the man with larceny and Maher
was detailed to locate the man. Deputy
Bert Haney Issued the information, but
it was not verified before Clerk Hen
nessey of the municipal court and no
warrant had bean leeued by Judge Cam
eron. Maher finally located Tako and
took him to police headquarters Chief
Orltxmacher refused to receive him
without a proper complaint and the fel
low was turned loess.
Chief Otitxesaoasr, in discussing the
matter tsia morning, declared that
Haney could have secured the Indorse
ment of Judge Cameron on the com
plaint if he had used due diligence, snd
that he did not Intend to take any
chances In looking up any one without
the necessary papers.
"They could have turned the man
over to Sheriff Stevens but undoubtedly
knew that be would not receive him
unless a proper warrant had been is
sued. I told Maher to get Hennessey
or the Judge over the telephone and
have the complaint sworn to. I went
oat to look for the Judge and during
my absence Maher turned the man
Deputy District Attorney Bert Haney
admits thst the chief was technically
justified in taking the stand he did,
but Is ait a loss to understand why at
this late date he sets aalde a custom
that has been In vogue for a grsat
length of time.
"1 telephoned to Orltxmacher to bold
Tako and we would have the complaint
sworn to thla morning." said Haney
today. "I do not personally feel ag
grieved over the matter, but we maf
have some difficulty In locating ths so
cuscd man again."
It la believed that the refusal sf
Orltxmacher to accept the prisoner ie
due to the fact that a abort time ago
a suit for (10.000 was" instituted against
the police official far alleged false Im
prisonment of John Peterson, a wood
chopper, who waa confined in the city
prison for several daya en a statutory
(Special Msssteb to The Joersal.)
Colfax. Wash., Oet 4 Judge 8 J.
Chadwick ef the auperlor court of Whit
man county holda that the law creating
a railroad commission and giving It
power to msks rates and Joint rates
with the state of Washington Is consti
tutional, thus defeating the contention
of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation
company, the Northern Pacific and the
Great Northern Kaiiroaa companies
which appealed from the decision of the
railroad commission to the courts The
appeal was based on the grounds that
that law was unconstitutional. In that
It exempted electric railroads; and. fur
ther, that the commission hss no power
to msks joint rates, juage unaawics.
who heard the arguments of railroad at
torneys at Olympla, decides against the
railroads in every particular and up
holds ths commission In making the
joint rate.
Aberdeen. Wash., Oct. 4. Parting of a
cable in a logging camp about la miles
from here, Saturday night, caused the
death of Howard L. Jenlaon of Portland.
Toung Jenlson was struck on the head
by the oable, which caused concussion
of the brain. He was given prompt
medical attention but failed to recover
from the blow, hie death occurring Mon
day morning.
Howard U Jenlson was It years, 11
months snd IT days old at the time of
his demies He waa the eon of Charles
T. Jenlson of University Park, Port
land. Ths remelne were sent to Port
land for burial.
The remains of Howard L. Jenlson are
being hale at the morgue In thla city
awaiting the completion of funeral ar
rangements Deceased waa a wsll-known
young man of thle city, formerly resid
ing at University Park. A wide circle
of frlenda mourn his untimely death.
Seattle. Oet 4. After securing s fund
of 11,004 the Pacific Coast Lumbar
Manufacturers' association Intend to
atart suit against the Northern Pacific
railroad before the interstate commerce
commission upon ths allegation that the
railroad ha a discriminated against it In
failing to furnish sufficient cars for
east-bound shipments.
St E. Anderson, a prominent business
man of Walla Wall. Washington, la at
I the Oregon hotel.
White Corner Sale Bargain Friday
Marvelous Examples ol Smalt Profit Quick-Sale Merchandising lor Tomorrow's Business
A day sure to be made the busiest of a mighty stlrrinj week, by gigantic values that last for one hour each. Everyone sure
of Just what they come for, no matter If some of the lots are small they'll last for an hour's selling:. But be here on the HOUR.
One-Hour Bargains in Both Ends of the Store
These One -Hour
FROM 9 to 10 A. M.
CARVING SETS Consisting of
knife and fork only, regular
price is $1 act, for 1 hour Ilv
GINGHAMS In short piece,
regular 10c grade; customer mnit
take piece at it is, from 9 to ?
Trimmings for Fall Hats, worth
to 35c the buich; 9 to 10, r
only, for aW
TABLE LINEN Good width,
half bleached, and it's all linen,
regular 50c goods, from 9 to JQr
10. yard
All Pay FrtssT. TMrt Street
Raincoats Worth
An extraordinary and timely offering. Wa
terproof Cravenette Raincoats that we
bought from a manufacturer whose sales
man had used them on the road as samples
Made with extreme care, that they might
pass the critical inspection of buyers all
over the country. Not many of a ktad
belted or plain effects, good range of
KiES .....$5.59
Special all
CWa 5tnr
Want a city Job?
The municipality hae a lot of Jobs to
offer. If you're fit you can wear the
helmet of a policeman or the blue shirt
of s fireman. Tou can catch unllceneea
docs or dig ditches. no y" -she
there wlU be a chance to hammer
a typewriter somewhere In the city ball
before Ion. . ...
Before the end of the month the civil
mission will hold examlns-
hmi fn, a number of DOSltlons. AS
mn mmv vacancies now being
filled by temporary appointments those
who pass nignesi win
. Auitinni without delav.
In the police department examinations,
both physloal and mental, will he cslled
for detectives, aergeants, drivers, pa
trolmen, jailers rock-pile guards, hsr-
bormaster ana aupuiy imruwi.-..
r. r 1 1 tw nr.wnt harbormaster
haa not resigned nor has thsra been any
talk of his bring dismissed, but It Is
. . . .n- .nnf h.r exam lnatlon. and ha
II III v 4va ee"" -
with the new sppllcsnts will have to
pass sevsral tests, it is possioie ini
some one will be appointed to ths posl-
j..i. harbormaster, a place
provided for in the charter bat, sever
Detectives get i0 a month and pa
trolmen t0. Appllcanta must be be
tween 26 and 44 years of age. firemen
must be between II and II.
In the flrs department eaamlnatlons
will be called for drivers hosemen snd
truckmen. An important part of the
firemen's examination Is the physical
tset. Police sppllcsnts must run 100
yards la II seconds. Iron-olad refer
ences by reputable men will be de-
It will not tarnish gold work nor
cratch the enamel. A perfect
dentrifice the one for you.. Ask
your rkntiit.
Bargains Are on
FROM 10 to 11 A. M.
CALICOES In all sorts of col
ors and the regular 7c grade A c
for 1 hour only, yard rl
TAPESTRY Full 54 inches wide,
rich patterns, regular price ia 2 J
75c the yard, 10 to 11, yd... OOL
MISSES' SHOES Made of prima
box calf, regular price $175 Qflr
the pair; from 10 to 11, only. Ov
CLOAKING Rich dark blue in
color, the White Corner price
was $175 the yard, from t
10 to 11 ejlslij
Handsome Silk Waists
One hundred and fifty Waists in finest silk, come
In black, white, cream, blue and brown. Dressy
ouahty. Worth from $5.00 to $10.00 aadu
oay rnoay Ov
nd of all annllcants.
in the enalnsering department rour
ehalnmen are wanted at ise a monm.
aian tarn eomnutera at 17s and several
Inspectors of brick end stone sewers st
4 a day. Traction engineers at 14
cents sn hour are wanted, aa well as
I .- 1 I. HM.tAI. Jl' .
The wstsr department wants 40
laborers at $2.25 a day. A deputy
poundmaeter. whose chief duty will be
. , v, imll.cnuui nanlnes. la on the
wanted list. This Job psys 140 a month.
Most of these places are now uiieu ny
temporary appointment.
... v. - M .tMinmnhnri on the
eligible list, and an examination for thla
place will also be cslled.
Continued from Page Ons)
a vary early hour the next morning
Mrs. Snyder waa notified of the crime
bv teleDhone.
he told tha news to her husband.
who arose with an oath and proceeded
to Portland, there he met Perry and the
man known ns Brashear or Rogers and
called bla wife by long distance tele
phone, telling hsr that he had met them
and would be home that evening.
The three secured a team from a
livery barn In Portland and stsrted out
the Cornell road toward Qlencos That
waa ths last seen of Carey D. Snyder
a far aa ths officers have beeen able
to team until hla skeleton waa found on
Monday In the desolate spot by the
Olencoe road.
That Mrs Snyder was a party to
ths original plans of tha bank robbery
officers are confident. Shs Is sstd to
have told a complete account of the
original plans and subsequent crime to
a woman friend In Portland. During
ths long and diligent search for Snyder
that waa begun by Sheriff Connell Im
mediately after his disappearance, Mra.
Snyder maintained that her husband
had boon murdered but gave no reason
for her eoavtouoaaV
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hartman. of ren
dition are at the Oregon hotel. They
are well known society people of Pendle
ton snd have many Portland frlenda.
Mr. and Mrs A. Baillls and Miss Ball-
11s of Taeoma are at the Portland. Mr.
Baillls Is a well known capitalist of the
Sound city.
Dr. C. W. Bates, a physician of Kel-
Washtngton. la at the Imperial. Ue
Is accompanied by Mra. Bates
,.n, hUHfciM. 1, 1 1 if 1 r if,-hi liflfttt .MAj&a&M -
t-1. -'sh t ftiff a- ''fti1satsaaswsaaafisVssBirs
Sale in the Second
FROM 1 to 2 P. M.
ART DENIM A splendid grade,
regularly worth 29c the yard, A r
from 1 to 2 only, yard llV
lot worth from 75c to $4.25 the
pair; from 1 to 2 only, $2.49
down to .. Ol V
TABLE LINEN Bleached, and it
is 60 inches wide; regular 65c 1Q.
the yard, from 1 to z only.. Ot
mixtures for skirts, suits and coats,
worth $1.00; from 1 to (. A
2, yard OC
The Third Street Store Offers
Bargains, One Hour Each
Every article mentioned in this list is too cheap to sail for all day, and we want to give yon some tre
mendous values for Bargain Friday; so here they are, mad for ONE HOUR ONLY.
' PROM 9 TO 10 A. M.
FLANNELETTES In all colors, regular 12ic 0
grade; from 9 to 10 only, yard. Ov
PROM 11 TO 12 A. M.
MEN'S NIGHTSHIRTS Made of good mualin,
nicely trimmed, good full sizes, worth 75c; one Yin
hour .'v
PROM 1 TO 2 P. M.
lofty cotton, regular price 8 l-3c; one
PROM 9 TO 10 A M.
WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS Of knit lisle, regu
lar price 65c, trimmed with silk braid, one 2Ca
hour OOX
FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.
regular 35c garments; sell for 1 hour at, each...
PROM 9 TO 10 A. M.
FRAMED PICTURES Pretty little things for
the home, regular 25c onea, for 1 hour
PROM 10 TO It A. M.
GOLD DUST A regular 25c package, selling
for 1 hour only, in the basement, for
Mi w -&J gar
Lucky Dog! Haa Two Tails to Wag.
A man-child born with a gold spoon In
hla mouth Is not In It with a dog born
to wag two tails; no, not for a minute!
Twice happy la ths dog equipped with
two tails to wag. Such fortunate ca
nines ars rare. Probably there Is only
one In the whole wide world alive and
growling, but there la at least one. and
tha Indications are that ha will live to a
good old age and be for years the won
der and snvy of sll dogs who havs here
tofore been contented with only one wlg
aar. .
The two-tailed dog is tne property or
H. H. Hern, a photographer at present
located at Lavcomb, Oregon. Mr. ttern
declares that hs hss traveled tha world
over, but haa never beheld aueh a
specimen ss the puppy born to hta pet
Scotch shspherd bitch 24 daya ago.
Frequently a freak chicken hatches out
of an sgg or a Reformed animal la hern
In the barnyard, but In ths vaat . ma
jority sf cases It dies within a few
daya or hours aftar Its birth. But
Herns pug Is perfectly healthy and
standa as good a chance to grow to
mature doghood as the one other per
fectly formed animal born with It
Heme freak puppy Is ths daughter
of s Scotch shepherd mother ana a
Street Store Old White Corner
FROM 2 to 3 P. M.
WOMEN'8 PANTS Camelshair,
good value, no vests to match;
regular 50c, 1 hour 25c
In edges and inserting, some of
them worth 25c yard, 2 to 3 A
only -a
heavy, in black or blue, regu- Mtc
lar $2 grade, from 2 to 3 only 7Uiy
goods for out of doors workers
the sort that will stand hard A
wear, worth $1 each, z to 3.. v
PROM 2 TO 3 P. M.
WOMEN'S KID GLOVES Come in black, white
and cream, good grades and good sixes, one
PROM 4 TO 5 P. M.
TAFPETA SILK A superb quality that sells regu
larly for $1.50 the yard, comes in black, brown AC a
and blue; special for one hour
PROM 5 TO 0 P. M.
ODD PLATES A lot of them in the basement;
plain or decorated, worth 15c and 20c each J.
for one hour in basement Ov
LAUNDRY SOAP In the basement, too 10 bars
of the best sort of Laundry Soap (only one C.
lot to a customer); one hour .aedv
PROM 3 to 4 P. M.
CHILDREN'S HOSE The kind that wear, Qr
fast black, ribbed cotton, worth 18c pair; 1 hour... "L
PROM 1 TO 2 P.M.
MIXING BOWLS 5 quart size, regular 25c Qr
value: for 1 hour only, in the basement, each sV
batts, pure
beagle father. It Is black and white
and above the ordinary else and Intel
ligence. It Is one dog aa far down as
ths diaphragm, and aftsr that It Is two
dogs. It has only one gullet, but thst
gullet must feed two stomacba and two
pair of hind quartera. The dog there
fore haa alx legs and two talis four
of the lags being hind lege, and all of
them being perfectly formed and in
uss. When the Uttle fellow takes break
fast In the morning the . spectator te
furnished with the rsrs eight of one
dog feeding two 'logs, of two tslls wag
ging furiously as one mouth eata away
with double gusto.
Mr. Hern hss not yet decided whether
or not he will place hla prise on exhi
mwsil aseetel Bsrrlss. !T i , .... ,
BlaefteMa, Oct 4 -Ths reports of Btlngar, city tlekst agent,
the asukloalor are greatly exaggerated. Co.. I'ortland,
VI most the entire force escaped. It "
is known that three are dead. Thai W. Whsaiaon. a preSSS allsrsxss Sf m
nusaha, OX mjurl has sot bee. !... i T. Dalles. :a at Lka Persia
FROM 3 to 4 P. M.
MEN'S SHIRTS In stiff or soft
styles, worth $1.00 each,
GOODS Light colored
regular 25c grade; i'Jn
for J hour only, yard
BOYS' SHOES Good heavy ones
for school wear, worth a Q
$2 the pair, from 3 fo 4. ... ?!"
Can be worn with waists, come
dozen in box and sold that wav.
worth 10 each, 3 to 4,
These Hourly
Aftar Adjournment on Saturday
Dissatisfied Taxpayers Will
Hava No Chance.
Only tomorrow and Saturday
for property-owners to msks
plaints to tha board of equalisation af
ths courthouse at the asaisssd valaea
on their property. Aftsr tha board ad
journs Saturday it Will be impossible
for any owner of property who thinks
It Is valued too high to obtain s hear
ing. While more than 110 complaints had
been received at noon today, it la con
siderably lass than were received la a
corresponding period last year, when
119 complaints were received In the
first three snd one half daya
J. C. Morels nd stated In an affidavit
thla morning that hs would be glad to
sell two lots on the hlllsMa In ths
Market street addition for 1741. They
are assessed at J1.200, and Mr. More
land asks that this be reduced to 1400
He also objected to paying taxes on an
assessment of 29S for a shack on prop
arty at Belmont park thst was built
without his consent by s man named
Smith, who thought be wss on other
property. N. J. Blagen wrote to the
board from Hoqslasn. Waehington. sett
ing thst the assaaement of 144.04 on
his property at Front and Burnstde
streets be reduced to 444.000.
C A. Richards objected to being as
sessed 11.000 for furniture st Thirteenth
and Alder treats, when, he eaye, C B.
Brown owns It. The aesessment of H.
Sinahlmer was Increased from 11,400 to
44.000 by the board without complaint
from Sinahlmer. The board of school
trustees ask to havs the assessment
on school property In Johnson a addi
tion reduced from 410.000 to 410.000.
A tract of land at First and Yamhill
streets, II by 71 feet, eras asaisssd at
424.440. W. Mackintosh snd J. Closset
want It reduced ts 415.000. The Day
ton Hardware company stated that their
stock and accouuts ware worth only
11.70. while they had bees ai
at til..
Low Rata to Now Orlaans.
Account national convention Salgats
of Pythias, to ha held
la October, the O. K.
October 7
from Por
at Nw flrlaass ass
e -.. cs wm on m
and 4 uiiivamtasw AS
tiand at rata eg 40.29 rer jpsj
information rasyraj w i.miw, isxajpaj