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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY BVSNIWq, OCTOBER 4, 1. 10 TODAY'S MARKETS AIL CANNED GOODS QUOTED STIFF General Upward Trend Expected in Market in Most Lines in Near Future. SHORT DELIVERIES WILL BE THE BASIS Generally Believed at This Time That Deliveries of Tomato Will Reach Seventy-Five Per Cent Eastern Buyers Already in the Market Prlnclpsl market features todayi Great strength tn canned foods. Very dull la sup market, bp am flm but unchanged. Chicken market holding unchanged. Orangee aad lemons an higher. . Bluestone to edvsnoed Hie. Wheat trade Is boldtn, stesdy. Beans export tkmt offered lower. Head made eboootstes As higher. Great Strength la rare da ths canned tooda market aba are added etrength. The tone to gradually strength suing In tomatoes tad even the corn market baa a batter feeling than a taw wiehi ago. Short deliveries are now eipected ta tomatoes, trot to what extent orders will be eat eaaaot be foretold at this time. A few weeks of the pres ent weather would ripen a considerable amoant of stock oa the rsclMc coast aad thus allow the canneries to run tower than anticipated. This may fire them a pack, bat slightly under that of a year saw. It to now said that noose esnners oa tan Kettle coast will not dellrer mors than per coat of their early sales hi tomatoes. Dot some will dellrer T8 per cent aad a few will In all probability firs Wars all they ordered. Oa the arenas It to now believed that the dellrerles will not ran mors than TS per coat. Already the price of future tomatoaa has climbed eeversl notobes shore the opening and at this time bat taw dealen wUl make nay price st all. Most canneries bare withdrawn all fotm-e prices oa this line. Eastern bay an an already inquiring far coast tomatoes and some rslr-stsed salsa ban been reported far that sec tion. This last fact to cassias area mors stiff ness m tomatoes than any other. ana Con b firmer. In canned earn the latest reports from the east say that walla the production this season will not be short. It will not be as hoary aa a ysar ago. No peckers sn now naming future prions oa Titers oa account of the expsctsd short pack. It to stated that the peck will be considerably curtailed this sesson on account of the tote storm off the fulf- That section has bean growing much of tots as aa oyster producing territory. I Every year the shortage la the pack of lob Stors to mors proooanced. This seassa It Is being fait mora than erar on account of the shortage la other lines. Prices an eipected so ha much higher. Cannsd Emits An Adraaosd. In the canned fruit market most lines will show a sbortags la pack this season. The pack f aprteota la nominal sad prices are so high that It takes a king's paras to sfford them. jfiaaaas wUl show a pack smaller to that of a esr ago, bat this sbortags will not be quite Ss small as expected. It will cause advanced prices, however All aorta of berries. Including IS aim I toe blaehbsrrlss snd raspberries, show a sbortags for this year's esnalng operations. The strawberry crop wss the llghtsst In recent veers sad no prices can now bs aeeared. la the cannsd sshnnu markst ths pack this nsssas shows s sbortags In all centers. This is inanstUlly true of tan Paget sound snd Alaaka .district. On the Columbia rlrar ths sack i si most no ta that of a year nan. Prices canned salmon sn from 6 to Me s dosen hither tans fas opening nguras of s yesr sgo. urrster advsnees an expected because of the bareness or stocks of lost years production. Tory Dull is Hep Markst. Walls sn occasional sals of hops to reported ft fjm Willamette Tiller from 11 to Us a sound, than Is bat llttls doing st this time. lleelers sn still holding aloft snd those who Sara cheap-price contracts on wsltlng ta get rases in before restoring into tne open market Growers an getting nry restless under the otreln of no often snd msny srs willing to 1st so. A Dromtoent ilsstor msds ths assertion st the Belvedere today thst bs could pick ap all ths hone of ensues grade ha wsntsd nt the pres ent tints aroaad 15 and 16c a pound. Several dsalsri thought this pries s trifle too low. but nans would accept the talker's Invitation to bay asms from him at thst figure. Brief Veins of ths Street. Bluest one to lle s pound higher today ea ac count of nary small supplies. Today' pries st St s round. Barge an firm but anchangnd. Still another ear ta from Kansas. Poultry prices srs holding around yesterday's figures. Ban tots quits hoary, tost as glut to e1nywn Both oranges and lemons sn quoted nt aa sdvsnce today. Hand msds cheeses ts creams sn quoted Jc s pound higher by locsl manufacturers today. Wheat Is holding stedy. bat some lower priest ben trees named oa export flour by sound mil ton. Price ben still et $8.18. Loral people unwilling to no neatness user tnst rigors. Ths trad pays ths fngnwtag prices to Front street. Prices paid shippers sn toss com m la stone: GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, SH baying pries sslllns. Ssa8fce. WHEAT New club. SSc; red Bonis n. ate: "beTbYNsw rasd. 2Ui railed. $21 OO. CORN Wbois. 127.00; VTB $1.86 par ewt- OATS Haw Producers pries No. t whits !&b Eastern ' Oregon patents. $8.80 Straights. $8 .SB; sxport. 11.08; Title. SI so graham is, s.ow: wnme want, ga in; rye. Os. SK 00; bales. $3.75. MIU-STCrrSBrsa. $15.60 par eon; mid dungs.; aborts, country. $17.80; city. Jtslo, chop, waooati.o BAT Prodaeen' price Timofhr Willamette nsltoy. faacy. H.OOOiroo- ordlnsry. $.ono 10.00; lis miotis on- iow; mixed. S10.OOdlO.B: etovsr. $7.00; grain. 87.60C8.5u; extent, ar-ua. and Pssltry. BTJTTBa PAT P. s. b am. MUaSOr: sour. 6UOJBc. urrrraiR City eresmery. BrvatSSir,. oa tilde 14Ht TCSnf. SSSiSOc; ordAsry, 17 He; store. BOOS NoJL fraOrsee.odlsd. WejSOr Uttfmiiw'-l' eresm.' flats. Mei leainr America. ls4BllHa. era i.'ikx miseo cnica l$H14c ner St; fancy bens, lHei4e par lb; roottera, old, lo ner A; suga. lOHc per lb; frysra, 13U4ll4c 10c 5! JZSFmSVS gar' eZ sA Reps, "eel snd HOPS 1808 erop. eholcs. 18e; chctoe. 14 HQ ISe: prime. 14 Si 14 He wool. i enp v.n.,, aoaxi stOHAISt ew. uomlnsL SHKK P8K I NB Shearing. 18Sns neh; short want, SS0e; sssdlun: wsss. aOfJTBe neh; to!, wool. TBeOSl.OO sadA TAIJW PrTis, ear lb. 8HS No. S sad SlsTTlBlABK-B HIDBaV Dry. ha. 1. IS As end ess, I8HJ ITHa par A; dry kip. No. 1. $ te 18 lbs. lis: ivy ..If Ma. 1, wader 8 lbs. lBsi W"M aides. Sml seaad. SB Aa sad seer. PBajlls: saws, ansa, aanrted. le ton: nil.. Is nee St len: Ksaalgai, nltsd. neh. $1 28ft.TS; Ay. M,SSeljS; sell hides. aTSdjSOc; Beat sataa. J?l i neh. lOSjlBe; Aaaata. nsh. tSesj ' PruHs aad Tsgeasblsa. POTATOB -Itaybig pries. 80eJ88e; johblrut. Siai in per ewt: ewesva, 1.4. ON Iowa sssoiuw anew new urenoa, si SI IMl baying prlea. Beaiii; g.rllc jBc per m. ehjeess. aa.aaaB8.78 pee box. fsncy. sur baa; lamas, ktorlsan. $1 28 par JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS It la not believed at this Unas that the advance to S3 Si eents a pound quoted In butter by osia local creamery can be main- a) talned and It Is aald that aalaa 4 are already being- made under that prion. Other cresmerlee nay that suppllaa am too great at e this tlmo to advance the price e beyond SO cants, aa graaa la vary plentiful and cream la coming e faster than for aoma weeks, e Along Front street the trade la full up oa butter and tha trada a Is able to buy aoma of it at Its d) own price. e 100; plums. 40060c per crats;csntaloapea, 11.25; grapes. $1 1071 90; Concords. 27H80c: water memna. Mi(0c, crated. 11.10: paicbes. P0c fl; pears. i6rO$l : prunes, bulk, Ss per lb; peeked. 4Ct90c par box: huckleberrlss. 10c: ground cherries, doty 76c box. V RUST BLEH Turnips, new. fl.00 per nek: carrots. 11 sack, beets.. 1.50 sack; Oregon radishes. SOe per das; cabbage. Oregon. :i.ft0; bell peppers. Be pee lb: tomatoes, BsRaaa par boa; parsnips, SeHcOllOO: string beans oreeon. Ce7c par lb: esull flower. $1(31.36 nsr dsn; pass, et.5r; horse radish. ettfOc par lb: artichokes. TSc per dos; squash. 75cg$l.0D par hex: eggplant, 11.50 per dos bunches: inwa 88a per box; celerv. TSdjPOc dos: grass corn, $1.50 asrk; summer squash, 75O$l.U0 per box: eggplant, 1176 per crate; pumpkins, lr; cranberries, local, $8,600 B.00: Cape God, .sof 10.00 per bbl. DBIEU rainTB Annies, vaaorated. UO 140 per lb; apricots. lSHOlSe per lb; uisrkn. iscj per lb; sacks. He per lb tots; prunes, Be; He drop on each MS smaller CsntoeoU Mack ssMttt BS Bjl ; San, Csllfornls white, 0He per lb; dates, golden. per lb; tarda. 11.40411. 10 sea lb-lb bos. SUOAB All reflnsrlns Cabs. M 70: saw dsred, tS.SS; fruit, graaulated. 5 .35; drj granulsted. IS-45; conl. A, td.aS; extra C 4. 05: axddan C U.ta: D. re I low. ts.Bd: bbls 10c; bbls. XSe; boxes. OOc advance on nek basis, ton SSe per ewt for cssh. 15 dsys; maple xesjue par in. (Abovs prion aanly to ntos of ton tasa sur lata. Car lota st special prion snbjsat te Inetuatlooa l HONBT-StOO wm crate. riOPFRK Psckage brands. StV2Sa.tB.TB. BAIT Oosras Bslf ground. lOak. tO.OO per tea; 80s. B.sO; table, dairy. 80s, $18.00: 100s. $12.75; bales. $1.88; Imported Liverpool. 80s. S1T.0O; 100s. $18.50; 224s, $18.00; sxtrs bbls, Ss. as. los, $4 ao5.BO: Urnrpool lump rock. glB.BO per ton; oo-io rock, pv.w; aw, SS.OO. BIOS Imperial Japan, No. 1, Ss; No. A SOSUc; New Orleans heed. To; AJsx. Sal Creole. 8Hc BRANS 8m.ll white. St. SB; Urge white. B80; pink. $2.78: bayou. $4 78; Um as, $S.B9: xlcaa reds. 4 Ha NCTS PesnuU, Jumbo. At per lb: Tlrglnls. SarSHe per lb; rosstsd. 8J8Ha per lb; Japa nese. BfjdHe; roasted, 707Hc P lb: cocoa nuts. SSsrSOc per dos; wsloats. lMlSHe pet A; ptnrnuts. ioajlSHc per lb; bsakory nam, 10s par A; chntnuts. snsterc. IsOMe per Thj Brssil nata IBs per lb: filberts. UOlBs per lb; faacy pecans. 18c; slmonds. lSHtflSc. Heats. FaA aad Piuilstoae, FRESH MKATB Front Street Bogs, fancy. tOSHc psr A; balls, $qSH par A; nal, sxtra. 8S8He par lb; ordinary. THc par lb; poor. 8c per lb; mutton, fsncy, $e$Hc per lb; lambs, $OSc xsaxew warsiN ir-m Hoetiano pack (local) una. Ml to ft bs. lBHo per lb: 14 to 18 lbs. 18c per lb; brass fast bacon. lBHajBle per lb; picnics. 10Hc per lb; cottage, 10(40 par lb; regular short clean, unsmoksd. 11 H per lb; smoked, lie psr A: elesr backs, aasmoked. ltc per lb; smoked lac psr lb; Colon butts 10 ta 18 As; cosmos. d. 8c Dee lb; smoked. e per lb; clear bslUes. u ssmca sC lot per Ai smoked. 18e per Iks .houldera 12V.o per A; IAlTaAi KettJe'toaf. 10s. ISHe pat lb: 8s. UHne psr A; BO-lb. tin, 12c par lb; steam rendered. lOsinc per A; Bs, UHt ANNSJttSAI.lbNolumiils river. I Jb tslls. $1 80; t-lb tslla $2.75; f.ncy. Mb Bats. $1. ta; Alasks tetta. pink. a)S0a; red. $1.80; nomlnsi Ss, UU, 82.1 00. Fll BR Bock end. 7o per A; Soanden. Be oar A; hsllbut. 8c per lb; crabs, fl.00Ol.S0 dos; slrtped bsss. IZHc per lb: cstasn. Be per U aalamn, Columbia river chlnook. 7c; sllverslde. 8c, steal aeaa. Te lb; herring. Be per lb; soles. 8c per lb; shrimps, 10c psr A; ssrrk Be psr A; black cod. 7c per lb, tosses, te par lb: silver smslt, be per lb; lobsters. ISe psr lb: fresh mackerel. 8c psr A; erawtsh. BOe per ens; shad. 8c par A; sturg.ea. 10c Bar 10; black nan, xwc. Of STUBS Sboslwster bay. pat gsl. BBSS per 110-lb nek, $4.00; OlrmpU. par gallon. $2 25; per 115 lb nek. $5.00. CLAM Hardshell par Box. $a.oo rssar clsms, $2.00 per boa. Palats, Ooal Ofl. Xta. BOPS Pan kUalla. 14.; staadsrd. UHe; stosl. lie. COAL OIL Pssrl or Astral Cases lHe per gsl; .water waits, Iron berreto 14c per gsl. wnasn ITe nsr gsi; nsanngoi. iiu-ueg. XI He par gsi. OASUUN 84 Ha per gal. Iras nets 18c per aaL BBNBIr NB BS nay, ease, zee per gal. tros bbla 18V4e ner aaL TCBFBNTINB la easts SSs nm gsl, wood.. WHITbTla'd Ton tost. 7 Hi par A: SBO-lr lota, 8c per lb: ton lots, SHa psr lb. WIBB NAILS Present bests at J SB. LINB&kp OIL Par. raw. in B-bbi lom. sac: EXTREME FIRMNESS SHOWN IN SHEEP MARKET Tone Is Stronger With Price Un changed Hogs Are Steady " and Cattle Firm. Portland TJbIob 8 took yards. Oct. 4 Livestock recelnt. Hon. Osttls. Sheep, Todsy - 185 BS 81 Wank ago 13S 52 187 Month ago 61 281 017 Ynr ago S8T 100 04 Extreme firmans to noted today ta sheep, but vslun sre practically unchanged from ye. terdsy. (Stile an firm but unchanged. Hogs stesdy. Offlclsl II lbs hut nrleas: Hogs Belt eastern Oregon, $8.80; blocker. snd th las rate, ga.ootaa.zs. Cattle But eastern Oregon .tears, $8.10 $.88; brat cows snd heifers. $2:50(92.80: stock. an and reeoara,; uuiia. si.ou. Shnp Mixed. 4tt4Hc; Umbs, Be. HOGS AND sltEEP STEADY OBloara Market Zs Plrm Btron Di- mand tut Oattla. Chicago, Oct. 4. Linstock reeslpts: Hogs. Csttle. Chlesro 14.000 8.000 22. Eensn City T.000 S.noo 7.000 Omaha , 4,800 8.000 20.000 Hogs srs stesdy st ynterdsy's best prices with XS.UUU lert ever rteceipri s ynr sgo won 17 008. Todas's or Ice. : Mixed. lt.Uat.KI stood, f8.4Sejd.B3H; cough. $8.8508.30; light. sn.asan.isr. Csttle Strong Sanaa Steady. BIG CATTLE SHIPMENT Tvrsnty-Bwven Oars Oo Otty So Walla (Bpeetal Wsp.tch to The Journal.) Raker City. Or., Oct. A A big shipment of eattts conslsttng of ST cars was sent out from Baker City to Wells Wsila yesterday over the 0. S. 4 N. The rattle ban Just been brnusht in from the rsogn snd were sold tn the W .11. w.lla Mnt eimipsny. Beven can wen eln shipped to nuntlngtan yesterday, where 'hey will bs fattened sad then shipped tn wejm wan. Liverpool Oat ten Market LI hi s ul. Oct. 4 Cotton futui S te 11 points lower and closed $ to $H Pits aansr pntern.y. Sterling Nsw Tork. Oct. 488.78; SS days, SSS. 4 -Sterling: Dsmaad WORLD'S WHEAT A FRACTION DOWN Eastern and European Markets Rather Slow With Showing of Preeeure Today. ALL OPTIONS DOWN UNDER YESTERDAY Nearby Months Suffer Most From Liquidation October Down Five Eighths Cent at Close Others Lose Three-Eighths. BBXATTTS WHBAT VALUES. Oct. 4. Oct. 8. October . liecember May .$ .72 $ .73B .784 SA .78 A . 7 . 7H Whest wsi bsarl.h la sll msrkett ef the east snd Europe today. In Li re r pool the opening was Wwsr and As close s fraction off to unchanged. In Chics go the pressure was eapeclslly notlcnble In nesr-by months, ths October being heaviest with a drop of c. Ttonnmhsi snd afar neh lost fes. Offlclsl guotatlons by Or.rbeck, Starr Cooks company: WHIIAT. Open. High. December ?J 72 May TBH TBH Low. 75 Close. COBN. SST..:::::: 1 44,' Jaly 48 eSB SS' B1 OATH. Inly Sag 84? MBSS PORK. . 1848 1849 1887 1S40B October .... Peng m hat Jtmrnawf . ... 883 888 887 fir TPS TSS SHORT RIBS. 880 702 iT'inw ........ January - - ??? m SIS 720 T18 LIVERPOOL ORAIJf BtARKET. Liverpool. Oct, A Official prices: WHBAT. Oat. 4. Oct. A Less. December te 4 Ss 8d d March , St SHd 8k H1 ... CORN. December 4s Bd as attd Ud Jsnusry ss 1 Hd 4a 1 Hd . . . rot. i cisaraaon: Want and flour, 800,000 bushels; corn. 48,080 buahsto: oats, 180.000 Chicago Caah Wheat, Chicago. Oct 4. Cash wheat: No. S red, T8JT4c; No. S rad, 72T$Hc; No. 2 hard. T$dTBc; No. S hard. T2T8cw No. 1 northern, SlOSSe; No. S northern, TBOSSe; No. 8 spring, T2g)82e. M Innnpolls Wheat Market, MlnusspolU. Oct. A Whest December, 74c nsksd. DuAtb, Oct. 4 Wheat. December. 74 o. LEPS CREEK GOLD TWO CENTS TODAY Trsdlng on the Portland stock exchange to day shows is In ef 2,000 .hare. T corns Steal at lOHc snd 1.000 sham Len Crsek Gold st Sc. Offlclsl prices. BANK STOCKS. m Bank of Callforste' National Oreapn Trust 4 Savings ... Portland Trust Co ... Banksrs' A Lambai Asa's United States National 208 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbell's Oss Burner Union Oil 301 H Associated Oil 88 Alasks Peckers' 1 . B8 Psclflc Ststes Telspoons 102H Home Telephone 30 Puget Bound Telephone Oregon Life Insurance........ Cement Products J. C. Lee Oa 0. R. AN. By. n MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal 04 H International Coal fin British Oolumbls Am. I 04H Psclflc Mstnl Eitrsctlon Alaska Petroleum 18 Alaska Pioneer BS Standard Consolldsted OS Oregon Securttln 06 Snowstorm aso 8 now. hoe 88 Lara Creek Oold 01 H Tscoma Stnl 7. 10H Oallrs Consolidated G.llsher 08 Oolden Rule Consolldsted Bullfrog Terrible., rv...v..TsJl I.J OolCOOdS .i North Falrrlsw : 04 Le Roy 160 120 108 206 S sos ts 'as so 1000 so 140 101 H 84 08H SS 1T 'ion 2BT. T4 OS 11M 04 OS 01 08 04 OS Bu P IT 840 83 'OS IS 1000 100 Hlswstha Cascsdla Lucky Boy.... :::::::::::::: Sg Herla II. m bier Cs rtbaa Dixie Meadows Great Northern Mountain View Blue River Gold 828 880 Garvin Cyanide 81 GAR STOCKS. HswslUn Commercial SS Hoookea 13 Hutrhlnsoa v IB Onoroes 88 Pianhas 17 Vnlon 88 8T iSH NEW TORK COTTON MARKET. Nsw Tork, Oct. 4. Cotton futurn closed S3 to 87 points ap. Offlclsl quotations by Over beck, Starr a Cooks csmpsny : upen. nign. uom. ucr. a. OCT h Jsnusry. February March .. April .... Hir Jane . . ... July .... October November December .... 1033 1030 100T 1048 1013 1043 1047 1043 1088 1021 ....108S 1087 1023 108ft 1028 10SS .... 10SS 1078 1081 108B 1084 .... 1080 lOTVO 1080 1087 1088 .... 108S 1078 1088 1074 1088 .... 1081 1067 1010 1048 1008 1016 1080 1010 1048 1020 1088 1004 104S 100$ 1008 BAN AN CISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Saa Francisco, Oct. 4. Offlclsl clan Bid. Aak Contra Costs Water 68 08 M Sarins Vslfer Wster 28 34 Olsnt Powder 80 BOH H.wsllsn Commercial 88 t 18 Honokes Bujsr ia4 Hutchison Soger 18 Mskswsll Sugar ouomen Sngsr 88 Alasks Packers' 61 H Associated Oil 87 VP 2& UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS. New Tork, Oct. 4. Government bonds: Dats. Bid. Twos, registered ds coupon . . . . Tbren, registered .... do eonpoa Small sonde Foan, registered . . do ceupna Ponri, registered . . . . do coupon District of snmbtu ... Philippine Islsnd. .... New Tork Bond New Tork. Oct. 4. OfSctal price, Burlington Joint 4s Lonli.Tlle A Nashville 4s 101 Norfolk A Western COM. 48 08' Ask. tStt Altantlc Const I.lns 4a 86 .... a A A N. 4s U , M0 Mis) Ask ... Opt. 103 104 ... Opt. 103 104 ...Opt 1021 "MV, ... 1028 102H 10$ . .. 1B07 102tJ 103 ... 1P2S 181 182 ... 1828 181 183 ... 1024 118 100 Trend of Canned Goods Market la Upward on Account of Short Deliveries by Packer Tomato Situation la Gaining in Firmness. RISE IN COPPER A HELPTOOAY Amalgamated Nearly One and a Half Points Up Anaconda Advances. FOUR POINTS L08T BY U. 8. RUBBER Severe Pressure Continues snd Issue Is Sold by Trade Disappointment in Canadian Dividend Causes Loss in Price. NET GAINS. ....3 IHaxIcna Central... ....lMtonourl Pacific. I SB I III ... Amslgsuistsd Atchii ilOut. A Western.... JPennsylvnnln iBk',nslsDd! Smelter . . . Cob). Fuel. St, Psul... DtotUfsn .. Southern Ky i I 1'SC Narr losses. Csr a Foundry Katy H Canadian 2N. V. Ceotral 1H tooosnotlrs aTTTsxss A Psclflc 1 Northern Psclflc . .SUnlon Pacific LoalsvlUs Hit!. S. Rubber 4 Aa sdvsnce tn tha price of raw copper was the chief aid to coppers today. AnsalgamaUd sdvsncsd waits stesdUy under good buying snd closed with n gala of 1 points. Ineroaito closed 8 points up. United 8tates Rubber was nry hnvy sad cloned with a ton of 4 points under ynterdsy. Northern Psclflc lost 3 points. Csnsdlsu Pacific was sold oa sccoont of the sctloo of ths directors A not Increasing the dividend. The ragnlsr one was dsclarad. The stock tost 3 points aa a molt. Offlclsl quoistlooe by Over beck. Starr Cooks company: ft I F CBIPTION. AmaL Copper Oo Am. Car A Found. , com do preferred Am. Cotton Oil, cam. Am. Locomotive, cam Am. Sugar, com Am. Bmslt., com , da preferred ..... Anaconda Mining On. .. Am. Woolen, com Atchison, com do preferred Baltimore Ohio, Bom do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Psclflc, eon. Central Lnther, con. do preferred Chi. A Gt. West., com. CM.. Mil. A St. Paul lliHllii 288 386 18 in.' 208 Chi. a Northwest., com. Chesapeake A Ohio Colo. Fuel Iron, com . . Colo. Southern, com... do 3d prsferred oo let prsrsrrsd Delaware a Hudson... D. A A O., com do preferrsd Erie, com da 3d preferred 4b At pref srred Illinois Central Loul.vllle A Na.hvUle. Msxlcan Central By. . at. ST A t. . coat.... do prsfsrrsd Federsl Smelters Missouri Psclflc National Lead Nsw York Central , N. Y Oat. A Watt. Norfolk A Western, com do prefsrrsd North Amsrlcsn Northern Psclflc, com. Paclflc Mall Steam. Co. Pennylvsnla Br p. o., l. a o. Co Praseed Steel Oar, nm do preferred Sending, com do 3d prsferred Sn 1st prefsrrsd: Ben. Iron A Stnl. com do preferred Bock Islsnd, cont da preferred St. L. A S. P., 3d pfd. do 1st prsferred St. L. A B. W., com.. do preferred 174 n in St 141 SSH 1D2 Southern I'srlflc, com..) 84 83 84 do pnrerred Southern Railway, com do preferred Tenn. Cosl A Iron Texas A faeirio C St. X. A w.. com.. do preferred Union Pacific, coat do preferred U. B. Rubber, com do prefsrrsd V. A Steel On., asm... do preferred wsbash, common do preferred Wnt. Union Telegraph wis. Central, com do nrafnrrsd iU2 10. sit 32 Aetata Ohsmlril Total sabs for day. Ott.iM sharse Call sy closed 44i par cent. Vmaelaos Mining Zxcksngs. Oct. 4. Offlclsl closing! Bid.! BB.STHlStetnwiy ..... Belmont Cash Beg Qoldsn Anchor. Boms Jim Bntler MscNamsrs . . Mldwsy Montana North Star ... Ohio Tonopah Sx.... Nevada West Aad Adams Atlanta Blacken Booth Colombia aft.. Con. quarry... ril.mondfleld . OoMfleld Jumbo A Sx KeiKl.ll Lsgnns May Qneen.... Konawk Bed Top lands form .... MlTsr Pick.... It. Ivei Nstlonal Bsnk. Denver eclipse Oold Bar 0. Ball Frog. .14 uon. i si. va. 2 Itlphlr a JT .SS 1.08 j .61 I IS .18 is .18 .18 .IS .13 .IS .11 .SS .08 .04 .17 M .04 .81 .87 2 .18 Bsxlcsn l.tttt'Caledoala ifcxcheqner INorereos . Oold Crows..,. 1 10 .2.00 4 .as 628 18.00 1.80 .00 .28 .18 .84 .SS is .08 .88 great Bead.... FReecae Black Batte Bs. Montgomery Mt Sanest Sceptre . Msnhnttaa .... ISsylorHaaiprey. I Dexter Orsnny oold wsage.... Lens Star lOrest Bend Sx. IdoAnoss. . . . ICreecent ICowboy l.2 .01 .6$ .48 M 4.00 l.M) .88 .87 .88 1.86 1.68 SO 1.10 . .14 Denver annex., noils A Bears.. Black Bock .... IN. T. Conaol... Manhattan Con. Utile Joe afsvflower .... Jnmnlns Jsck . . Red Tee xtB. iBnlV'rreg Win! jTrlsngrs Boston corns xaaxct. Boston, Oct. 4. -Official close, bid prices t. Adventure, 88 78; Attoaee. JS8.S714 ; Arcadian. $8.8Tit: Atlantic. $11.80: Bingham. S88.S3H; CahUBet, $810.00: Centennlsl. $38.80: Oep. Range. $88.28: Dely Wset, $17 80: rtsnkhn. ESTBO: Greene Con.. $27 1214; Arauhy. $14 00; ohawk, $87.60; Nevada .. $18.78: North Butte, $118.80: Old Dominion, $88.36: Osceola, $164.50; Parrot. $27 00; Qalaey. $07.00; Royal. $33.60: Rhode Island. 88.28: Shannon. 818.78: Trinity. $14.60; Cnlted Cop., 88 00; tan. $87.00: Victoria, $7.00; Winona. SB.75: Wolverine. t ISO. 60; TJ. S. Mining.. $88.00; Batte Oonln. 11.75: Cat. A Arlsons. $183.80. FOBTXAND BANK STATEMENT, Clearings today Clearings yser age.. Less today . $ 10.1SS.0S Saw CewBer Is Asveaeed. New Tork, Oct. 4. All grade, of copper ad- SyA (Joaraal Speelsl Service.) Colorsdo Springs, Oct. 4. The first Snow fell today. There are several lnohes of snow in ths mountains. SIXTY MINERS DEAD IN WEST VIRGINIA wiTvv.r't.-it I appeara eartaln that at laaat $0 d ara dead tn tha Pocahootaa mine a In which bb ex pi on I on ooourred d yesterday. All tha coffins In tha d town have bean ordpred out to d the ml us. A nre makas tha a rescue of any of the survivors A practically Impossible. William a Ferguson and Charlaa McHanry, A member! of a rescue party, were a a. i kiiiao. s t ANOTHER RABBI WISE AT TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL A temporary auccaaaor of the aaxtis name as tha present rabbi has bean called to Templa Beth Israel to fill for a time the chair vacated by Dr. Stephen 8. Wise. Tha new Rabbi Wise la no kin of the retlrlna rabbi. He halls from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and la the son of Rabbi Iaaac M. Wise, father of re formed Judaism In America. The elder rsbbl was at ona time president of the Hebrew .Union Medical college at Cin cinnati, and for men years editor of the American Israelite, a Jewish publi cation of national repute, and Is one of the best known figures In modern Juda ism. Rabbi Jonah Wise' will arrive this evenlnir and will fill the pulpit of Tem ple Beth Israel tomorrow evening and be Introduced by tha present Rabbi Wise. He Is a young man of brilliant promise and It Is expected that his tarm here until the permanent filling of the pastorate will be wholly success ful. Dr. Stephen Wise will preach his farewell sermon to the congregation a week from tomorrow evening snd spe cial music has been prepared for the service, which will undoubtedly be largely attended. SOUTH PORTLAND PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF CAR SERVICE Residents of 8outh Portland are reg istering a vlaprous kick sgalnst the car service maintained oa the South Third street line. Twice this week the oar that leaves Hamilton avenue for the city was derailed at one of the tem porary cross-overs on that line, result ing in a delay of half an hour or more. This morning a work train was off the track on Glbbs street, tlelng up a dosen care for 20 minutes and forcing soorea of people to walk to town or be lata at their work. The trouble seems to be due to the flimsy character of the temporary switches and cross-overs that have been put in along the line where repair work la going on. MYSTERY SURROUNDS FINDING BABE'S BODY (Joorsal Specie 1 Berries.) Philadelphia, Oct. 4. Mystery sur rounds tha finding of tha mutilated body of an Infant in a trunk in" the Women's Christian Association building hare last Saturday. The coroner after an ez- ' haustlve Investigation of the ease ad mits that be Is baffled. Opening her storage trunk for the first time In six months, Miss Elisabeth Smart, one of the Inmates of ths build ing, discovered the body of sn Infant in a shoe box. Tha coroner states that rat Ibs Smart ts an Innocent victim tn the affair and that the body waa probably dlspoaed of by some transient Inmate of ths Institution. CORPORATIONS FILE ARTICLES AT SALEM (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Salem. Oct 4. Articles of incorpora tion were filed today wlthf the secre tary of state as follows: The Martin Furniture company. Incor porators, W. E. Keeler. J. C. Martin and IC M. Keeler; principal office, Port land; capital stock. $10,000. Churchill Csndy company; Incorpor ators, R. C Churchill, Julia Churchill and JT. N. Chambers; principal office, Albany; capital stock, $3,000. Long Lake Lumbar company; incor porators, Fred T. Hlgglns, John T. Get ty snd Albert E. Imbleer: principal of fice, Klamath Falls; capital stock. $1$, 006. HIGGINS NOMINATED ON , ANTI-BOSS PLATFORM tJournsl Special Satrles.) Providence. R. I., Oct. 4. Jamea H. Hlgglna. mayor of Pawtucket, was nom inated for governor by the Democaatlo state convention yesterday. The ticket was completed ss follows: Lieutenant-Governor, Charles M Sis son, Providence. Secretary of state, William Palmer, Providence. Attorney-general, Edward M Sullivan. Cranston. State treasurer, John K. Arebibaalt Warwick. The platform adopted denounces the "boss system." which it declares dom inates national and state affairs. PORTLAND PHYSICIANS AT LEWISTON SESSION (Speelsl Dlepstch to Ths JonrneL) Lewlston. Idaho, Oct. 4. The Idaho States Medical association convened here this morning and about forty phy slcisns ars in attendance at the two days' annual meeting. phy slclans sre present from all over the states of Washington snd Oregon. The Portland physicians attending are: t)rs. R. C. Coffey, Andrew C. Smith, R. L, Gillespie. Williamson and White. FIERCE HURRICANE ON CANADIAN COAST (Speclsi Dispatch to The Joaraal ) Victoria. B. C. Oct. 4. Tha Toss Msru arrived this morning and reports a hurricane on Tuesday off this coast. It lasted 14 hours. The officers nay It was the worst ever experienced. The vessel bad to stesm full speed agalnt a southeastern gale and even then was carried at times with the storm. Keats are entertained for any small vossols which might be caught by it. MILLION IS DAMAGE AT SHELLBANKS YARD (Jesrnal Speelsl Service.) A Pensscola, Pis., Oct. 4 Ths town of Shellbanka, Alabama, d was totally destroyed snd two A families wars lost In ths recent A storm. Rear Admiral t'npps d estimates the damage to ths d navy yard at $1,800,000. . d f CHARLES SWEENEY BUYS nruitaa mall tutsan a stair if utl.ul DUILUIHIi AnnCA Spoksns Millionaire) Now Owns Portland Realty Worth Mors Than Million Dollars. Char las Sweeney, the Spokane, million aire, baa added to his holdings otr Port land realty by purchasing the annex to the Dekum building, on Fourth etreet between Washington and Alder, and which at present is occupied aa a wing of Llpman. Wolf a A Co.'s store. The price paid for the property, whtoh was purchased through Rountree A Diamond, la said to hava been in the neighborhood Of $1(0,000, which makea tha total pur chases made by Mr. Sweeney nearly 11, 200,000. The properties he now holds in Portland have an estimated value of $1. 760.000. The property waa purchased -by Mr. Sweeney from James M. Davis, who is connected with the Burrell Investment company, but the negotiations leading up to the sale were conducted by Walter r. Burrell. By the purchase of the Dekum building annex, Mr. Sweeney owns more than half a block of ths moat valuable real estate la Portland, for some time ago he purchased the Dekum building and the Washington building, whtoh adjoins It on Third street. Tha latest purchase by Mr. Sweeney has been transferred several times recently. It was originally ownad by the Rosen blatt estate, who about a rear ago sold It to Jack Peterson for $111,000. snd about five months ago it was purchased from him by Mr. Davis for 14t,t00. By the purchase of the snnex the fu ture location of the big store of Llpman, Wolfe A CoC. is settled. They had a laaae on their present location until ttsxt October and It haa frequently been re ported that they were looking for a new and larger location. At ona time the reports were very insistent that they would occupy a part of tha Marquam building, but now that Mr. Sweeney has secured the annex Llpman. Wolfe A Co. will remain In their present loca tion. It is understood thst an agreement has been made by the company with Mr. Sweeney whereby next October a new lease will be executed giving Llp man, Wolfe A Co. occupancy of tha store for s long time. A number of Improvements will be made in both the Dekum building and the annex to ac commodate the growing business of ths department store. None of tteeae plana, however, are settled and It Is not likely that the changes will be msds until the spring. CHICK HOUGHTON IS BOUND OVER Ex-Convict Accused of Theft of Trousers Is Hold to tha Grand Jury. "Chick" Houghton, ex-convict, has at last been started again on the road to the penitentiary. In the municipal court this morning he wss bound over to await the nation of the grand Jury by Judge Cameron on a charge of steal ing a pair of trousers from D. Stein's second-hand store. A plea was made by bia attorneys to allow him to go, aa his relatives In tended to provide hint with $2,000 to establish himself In business tn Lewis ton, Idsho. Attorney McMahon main tained that 'Tor the good of the coun try" this action Should be taken. This called forth the caustic reply from Deputy Pistrlct Attorney Hsney thst "for the good of the country he should be returned to the penitentiary ." Stein Identified the trousers aa his property and Captsln Bruin told of Houghton's confssslon of having com mitted the theft snd tha finding of tha garments in the defendant's home. The defenae asked further time to produce two witnesses, who would testify thst Jeee Hall, the convict highwayman, had given the trousers to Houghton. Judge Cameron held that there was sufficient testimony to hold tha defendant and ac cordingly made the order binding him over to the higher court for trial. Bonda were fixed In the sum of $1,500. Houghton had sureties on hand and waa released. SPORTING GOSSIP. Sllloo had a hard time in winning the Kentucky Futurity yesterday at Lexing ton, but he managed to lead the classic event e s The Giants don't seem to care what team comes along these days. Seals, Tigers, Angels, Slwsshes snd Com muters all look alike to the wary Port landers. That Portland has the pennant cinched cannot be denied. e a Chicago will have a double celebration this year. The Chicago Nationsls and Chicago Americans have finished first In both pennant races. The Nationals havs had their pennant won for a long time, but the Americans ware In doubt until yesterday s results. Great IS the Windy City. i e e Plane for a team of English lady tennis experts to visit the United States next season to Inaugurate the play for She Aator cup havs been partially com pleted. It can be etated that they are far enough advanced to Insure the pres ence in America of sons of the very best of ths English players. While no formal Invitation haa been extended from America, yet it can be said on au thority that It will come at the proper time, and will be promptly accepted. e s The new racetraok at La Tramblay, near Paris, haa been formally opened and will be a strong bidder for populsr favor. It la located near Nogent, eaat of Paris. Tile grandstands snd general equipment, are described ss embodying ths best festures in modern rsce-course Improvements. The minister of agri culture waa present and conferred decorations on the officials. e e George Hackenachmldt, "Ths Russian Lion," Is tn sober earnest about going In for boxing. He spars constantly With Gunner Molr, one of the beat of the Brltlah heavyweights, and It Is re ported by those who have seen him that he ts really clever with the mitts snd whlls s llttls slow hss a "punch" which is liable to give anyone trouble should it land. Motr is to fight Jsck Palmer, the British heavyweight champion, on October 1$, and. aa he says Hack can do him up easily, It will be possible to get a line on the pugilistic ability of the greet wrestler. It is doubted, howsver. if Hack would And Molr so easy In case they Met In tha ring. ' miss Cured In Six to Fsasssaa Stays. PASO OINTMENT Is nisrenteed to rare my eses of It.hlng. Blind, Bleeding or Prot coding pi la. In 8 to 14 days or money refondst. 80c. Lawyers complain that they don't get fees enough In the probate court. Some inconsiderate people who die leave only small eatatea. HAVE YOU SENT IN VAI1D k NCWFD 9 .vim iifOHLn i Who, Where ant What Contest Arouses Interest Accuracy Counts So Be Sura You Are Right Last Answer May Ba One. k Did you, try 7 It wasn't so easy ss you thought It would be, was It? The Who, Where and What contest taxes everyone's store of information. Some persons sdopt novel methods of finding out -the ana were. Tha enthuaiaam arouaed by the contest WSS amaslng. Among ths most Inter ested are business men, who sre largely engaged in advertising and who pre pared lists, not. of course, because they were anxious to win the gold, but Just to see If they could "figure the thing out." One of the most successful sdvertlsers in the othp, man who from his position In the business world should be thor oughly "posted" sat down yesterday afternoon to prepare a list. In half sn hour he had gone through about half the Hat, and his most frequent remark waa,. "that's a ptissle." He said that hs hadn't finished the list to his satisfac tion yet. The $160 in gold will be divided be tween tha persons who send in the 18 CORRECT or more nearly correot sn swsrs. It ta accuracy that counts. Soma persona have prepared two lists, whloh Is permitted by the rules of the contest. A person's ch&noe of winning is still good. It Is by no means certain, that the letters already received contain the correct answers to ths 7t . advertise ments. What on first reading may ap pear to refer to ona store may on sec ond reading favor another. Hurry along with your solutions. - No body knows what tha answers already received contain nobody will know until after Monday, swhen the letters will be opened la tha order In which they were received, and the payments $160 tn gold, given to the SS correot anawars that are found. If none Is wholly correct the payments will be given to the 88 nearest correct answers. If you have net already tried, get The Journal of Tuasday and send in your answer. It is hard to name the whole 7$ merchants correctly. THE LAST ANSWER IN MAY BE A WINNER "Reader" probably Is aware by this time) that the questions aren't ths kind that are answered correctly off-hend. and It is tha CORRECT, not the first answer, that will win the money. Bo send your answer in aa soon ss you're sure It Is right. we..,... Heillg Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Friday. Saturday Nights Mstlaes Saturday, DIGBT BELL IN "THE EDUCATION 07 MA. rTTT." STVENINO PBICK8 Lower Boor. $1.60, $1; alcoay, $1. 78c, 60c ; gallery. Sbc and 36c. MATINEE PBICAte-AV to $. Seats New Selling at Heillg Theatre. HEILIG THEATRE SUNDAY NIGHT. OCTOBES T, . ILLISTBATED TALK Russo-Japanese War SY TATBI TA KATO War Correspondent Japanese Trade Journal. Graduate Tokto College. PRICES SOe and 25c. BARER THEATRE Phone Main 1807. Geo. L. Baker, Manager. OREGON THEATRE CO., LESSEE. Tonight All This Weaks-Mstlnee Saturday. The Baker Stock Company In Hoyt'sSesnl1lcsl fares. The greatest settee en politics ever wrltlea. Yon esn't afford to alas it. Evening prices, 36c. .TV. SOe. Mstlnees, l.V. 36c. Next Week "The Gey Lord Quex." EMPIRE THEATRE Twelfth end Morrison. Milton W. See sum. Mgr. Phone Main 117. Playing Only the Best Boed Attrsctloas. ALL THIS WEEK, The Celebrated Comedy Drams. "A MILLIONAIRE TRAMP. Bright, Clever. Ner. rnU of Up to Dice finer tilt los Night Prices 16c, 36c, 86c. 60c. Matinees. 10c. 15c. 38c. Next attraeUoa "L'ncle Josh Perkins." THE STAR Weak of Oat. I. Phone Main 6498. ALLEN STOCK COMPANY PRESENTS With Speelsl Eliborate Scenery and Kffocte. Mstlnees Toeedsys, Thursdays. Ssturdari aad Snndays at 3:30 a. at., prices. 10 snd 20 cents. Every evening st 8:18 o'clockj) prices; 10, 30 end 80 cents. Seets csn be secured by phene tor both afternoon and evening perform-' a Bean. LYRIC THBATRR WSEA BEGINNING OCTOB0R 1ST. Sensational Heart Story, t?e.aal IT -.. AV3Vapt.V ST vm :e" The Grand Week of Oct. lat. MR. LEW PALMAR. Sixty Laughs S Minute Herbert Break. Co. Manilla snd Roma. Raymond snd Clark. Salmon aad Chester. Miss Camilla Person!. Master Harold Hoff. Sraadieoene. Price. -Mstlnees. 10c to 11 ssstl except 10c. 20c. box seats 80c. Performances 2:80. 7:80. 0:16 p. m FREE ! Moving Pictures either Miscellaneous Sublecte. Every evening 7 o'clock. Bring the children. CORNER MORRISON AND THIRD. Change of Program Weekly. HARRY BHUMAN, General Advertises. Otvll Bervloe Examination!. Tha following civil service examina tions with the date upon which they, win be held were announced today: Clerk and dispenser, Panama canal serv ice, October 80-31; gardner, October 31: telephone operator (male), October $1; farmer, with knowledge of Irrigation, October 17; clerk-draughtsman, October 30-31. Applicants should see z. A. Leigh at the postoffloa for full Infor mation concerning the examinations Bonda In Pour Acta. nmaji