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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER S. 1906. SHIP COMES FROM STRICKEN CITY Sailing Vessel Leaves Valparaiso for Portland in Search of Busin DUE TO ARRIVE HERE IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS . t Several Windjammers Are . Due to Arrive at the Mouth 'of the Co lumbia at Any Time, the French - Bark Jacobaen Being Close at Hand The British eblp Halewood left Val paraiso (or Portland Monday, according to e cablegram received this morning. Sba will be the first t-isel to north etna the eexthnmiko that partly wracked the Chilean city, and it la be lieved that aha wee one of the vaaanli In the harbor there at the time of the dlaaater. Tha Halewood la reported aa comma In ballast seeking buii.ien. If not al ready undar charter aha will undoubt edly soon be picked, up, aa tha wheat shipping season wlfl be at Its helsnt whan the vessel arrlvea here about two months hence. Tha Oarraan ahip Nerelde, which ar rived several days ago from Hakodate, Japan, under charter to the Portland Flouring Mills company, la atlll at Ban field's dock dlacharglng ballast. She will probably shift to one of the wheat docks by the first of next week. The Nerelde will probably have to be loaded by nonunion men, for the longshore men have atatad that In caee the wheat la trucked by nonunion men on the dock they will refuse to stow It In the hoM. There are quite a few sailing veasels due to arrive now from porta on the other aide of tha Atlantic, one of them being the French berk Jacobsegt, wtilcb left Dunkirk April 11 for the Columbia river with a cargo of cement consigned to W. P. Fuller Co. Instead of .doub ling Caps Horn, the Frenchman took the longer route around Cape of Good Hope end by way of Australia, and she was laat heard of during the early pert of July, when ahe put Into Hobarttown, Tasmania, to show that ahe has a go'-l tat bounty coming upon returning to her home port In France. Bhe left Ho barttown July It, and ta'now well due ge re Other veaaela well due to arrive hero are the French barks L Perous aud La Tour d'Auvergne, the British bark Inverneaeabtre and tha British ahlp Qlenalvon. all of wbleh have been out since early in May. HAD TO EAT PORPOISE Sailors OB the Ship Allerton Catch Big Tish few rood. When a few miles thla aide of the equator on tha way from Iqulque, Chile, the aallora ef the Brttlah ahlp Allerton ware compelled by shortage of meat to devote a couple of daya to shark and porpoise fishing. Porpoise la not the FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER V DISEASE that is not beyond the reach S of medicine No medicine can do mores WIS GIVE UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel. 1204 N. Virginia ft.. Eraneville, Ind., writes: "For over five Clara I wss troubled with kidney sad ladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lest flesh and wss all run down, and a year ago bad to sbsndon work entirely. I hsd three of the beat physicians who did me no good snd I was practically gives up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure wss recommended snd the first bottle gave me greet relief, snd after taking the second bottle 1 wa entirely cured." TWO SUMS, 50c AID $1.00, SOLD A NO RECOMMENDED BY tx- Co. and moat pete table of fishes, the sailors say. but beats no food at ell. They caught two jihsrks one after noon, both of monstrous alae. One got ewsy after being hauled .nearly half way on the deck, tha hi Iron hook straightening out from tha enormous weight. The other was eucoaasruiiy landed en deck and promptly dlapatcbed. after having bitten e broom handle In twain. The porpoises furnished lasa sport, but they wars of more value, since the aallora wars beginning to (ire of tha scant diet of salt perk and rloe. "We never had a spud after we left Tqulque," aeld one if the tars In speak ing of the trip, "and aa for turnips, why we don't know what they look like. Salt pork and beef once In a while, a a m ill chunk of bread and some coffee or tea was all wa bad for two months. Por poise fleah tasted good to us, I tall you. because we were hungry for a change." It took the AJlerton 60 daya to make the run from Iqulque to tha Columbia river. She encountered fairly good weather .all the wey, and waa in the vicinity of the line when Valparaiso waa shaken by the earthquake, but no dis turbance was noticed at ssa. The AJlerton berthed at Montgomery dock No. 1, where ahe will discharge ballaet and load wheat for Europe. Her aallora may be oalled upon to handle the wheat In the hold In case of the long ahoremen refusing to work out of sym pathy for the striking grain handlers. WAIT FOR SMOOTH BAR Delayed by Strong Blow Of Testerday Off the Silver. The Columbia river bar waa ao agi tated thla morning because of the storm of yesterday that two large steamers ware compelled to remain outside wait ing for a smoother channel. The look out at North Head reported to the weather bureau this morning that the bar waa breaking ao violently that In hla opinion the skippers of the two steamers ahowed good Judgment by not attempting to make port. Indications are for a smooth bar this evening because the wind has veered and la now leas likely to'klck up big seas. While the maximum velocity yes terday waa It miles an hour It blew only 20 miles this morning. The gala of , yesterday whipped up auch big rollers far out to sea that the bar waa even worse thla morning that last night. - The ataamere outside are believed to be the British tramp Wynerlc -from Seattle and tha Harrlman freighter Barraoouta from San Francisco, both being due to arrive. FLOUR FOR SIBERIA Sealers Sscure Big Older From Vladivostok Merohants. An order for about (0,000 barrels of I flour haa been received here from Vladl i vostok, Siberia, so it Is reported on good authority, and the exporters are look ing for a suitable craft to carry It ! acroaa the ocean. In case a ateamer ! cannot be found available for thla port j without much delay? tha flour will be . shipped vie Puget around. There Is a possibility of one of the oriental liners plying out of this port being pressed Into the service to de liver the shipment, which is snough to furnish a full cargo for a veeaal the alae of the A ragon la- RETURNS FOR LUMBER s Ban Francisco for Columbia Biver. The American bark Paramlta, which was here about six months ago and took cargo of railroad ties to a Mexican port, will return for a cargo of lumber aoon. having sailed from Ban Francisco for the Columbia river this morning;. The Paramlta. was north during the summer end returned a few daya age with a cargo of salmon from the can neries in the vicinity of Bristol bay. Bhe 1 will, In all probability, be busy all win ter carrying lumber out of thle port, since ahe la a bandy veaael for the -trade and In better condition than most of the old-timers of her class. ALONO THE WATERFRONT. Colonel 8. W. Roesslsr. United States engineer, left for Fort Stevens this morning to see If the atorm did any damage to the Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia, end Captain P J. Werllch, Inspector of tha thirteenth lighthouse district, went to the upper Columbia to select a location for a new light. The oriental liner Aragonla la Idle today because the agents are undecided about taking a ahlpment of flour to Tientsin for which space haa been ap plied for. The trip to Tientsin would delay the steamer considerably and therefore the company officials are re luctant to receive the cargo. An Increase of $6 a month haa been granted eellors shipping out of Puget sound porta,, Ths wage scale will be 120 Inetead of .tit. Thla refers to deep aea sailors only. Improvements are to be made at the light stations at Point Ada ma and Cape Disappointment. While on her way to Portland, the stesmer Joseph Kellogg ran on the rocks yesterdey afternoon Just after lealng Caacade locks and atovs auch a large hole In her bottom that ahe had to be beached. Bhe will be patched up aa aoon aa possible and taken to Portland for repairs. Bhe wea carrying a num ber of passengers, but they were soon quieted and taken aarery ashore. The ateamer Alliance eelled for Coos bay at t o'clock last night. Ths British ateamer Wynerlc eroaaed In over the bar at ll:tl this morning. Bhe will probably leaifs up thla after noon and In that event will be at the mills of Inman, Poulaen Co. tomorrow morning. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Oct I. Arrived down laet night, eteamer Oeorge Loom I a. Ar rived down at 8:41 a. m.. ateamer Al liance. Arived at 10:11 a. ss.; steamer Bar rac outs, from Ban Francisco. Ar rived at H:lt a. m., steamer Wynerlc, from Seattle Ban Francisco, Oct I. Balled last night, steamer Aurella, for Portland. Astoria, Oct. t. Steamer Caacade re turned; bar too rough. Valparaiso, Oct. 1. Balled, Brlttah ahlp Halewood, for Portland. San Pranclsco. Oct 1. Arrived, ateamer Helen P. Drew, from Portland. Belled, bark Paramlta, for Astoria. Astoria, Oct. t. Condition of the bar at J a. m.. rough; wind northwest; weether eloudy. NO TAINTED MONEY WANTED BY TAC0MA ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal Tacoms. Oet. I Mayor Wright haa given notice to the city council that he will abolish the fining system levied agalnat women of the restricted district after January 1 next He haa taken this stsnd, be says, because the cry has been raised that tbe city Is accepting tainted money. President Salmson of the Olty council, who la a strong church man. Is not opposed to the city accept ing thla'talnted money. The mayor' Is also personally in favor of the fining system, but he Is swinging Into line, he declsres, with public sentiment. Approximately MO. 000 a year la now being derived In fines from disorderly women WOMEN GREAT AID IN TOQRK Take Prominent Part tin Gather ing Funds for the Now Association Building. COMMITTEES WORK WITH GREAT ZEAL Young; Women Raise Large Amount Among Working Girls and Seek to Collect As Much ss the Young Men's Committees. The T. W. C. A. Is rendering the T. M. C. A, moat effective ad In the campaign for new building that will be an honor to tha city and a joy to the members of both associations. Other cities the alae of Portland have beauti ful T. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. build ings and it la argued that Portland ahould not be the laat to help theae in stitutions. The officers and members of the T. W. C. A. have worked untiringly to raise the required amount not only worked, but given generously toward the fund themselves. Mrs. Rockey, chair man of the business womsn's commit tee, haa organised soliciting committees nnd each committee Is given a Hat of the names of the people to be called on for subscriptions. In thla way the same people are not called on again and again. The more prominent girls of the T. W. C. A. are divided into 10 companies and each company haa' 10 members. There is much rivalry between these companies and each one haa a different color and numerous yells to cheer the workers on toward victory. Are Doing Bard Work. It Is the Intention of these companlea to raise the eum of $10,000, and aa they have already ralaed $8,000 Just from tha business women end working girls In Portland It la not likely that they will have any difficulty In raising the whole amount The girls under It have raised between $300 and $400. The rank and file have done nobly, and If othere would do aa well the fund of $350,000 would aoon be an accom plished fact t The Portland T. W. C. A. came Into existence a little over six years ago when Mre. C. A. Dolph, chairman of the Btnte Young Women's Christian Asso ciation, invited 60 of the most prominent women In Portland to a parlor confer ence at the Portland hotel to discuss plans for a local branch of ths Y. W. C. A. The result of that meeting waa the organisation of the first Y. W. C A. In Portland. Mrs. W. J. Honeyman was. elected president and the club atarted with a membership of too. Rooms were obtained in the Maoleay building and the work put on a prac tical working basis. The Y. W. C. A. became a home, a school, and a social center to ths busi ness women of ths city. The school work of the aaaoclatlon waa divided. Into four different departments: education, domeatle aclence, domeatle art and Bible atudy. Many girls have been helped to better employment by tbe educational departments of the Y. W. C A. It helps the girl who is anxious to succeed and to become more proficient in some spe cial branch of study. The great scope of this work la shown by the fact that the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. combined enroll more pupils during the year than Eugene university and all the normal schools In the state put together. An employment bureau ia run In con nection with the Y. W. C. A. for the benefit of members only. Thla employ ment bureau doea not conflict with other bureaus aa It helpa members only, in the same msnnsr aa doea every well conducted club. The Y. W. C. A. library is growing feat and last year over tOO books were circulated. One of the moet Important branches of the Y. W. C. 'A. la the "Drivelers' Aid, which fills a vital need in I city the else of Pertlend. The Traveler"' Aid alma to help every atranger that comes to the city. Suitable rooms are found Didn't Hurt a Bit THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323 WASHINGTON STREET ooaurn or som Pine Set Teeth, warranted to fit or ae pay SS.OO Flexible Flesh-Colored Pisses 910.00 aa-.. (raid Crowns S.I. fit) tm-m. Bridge Work 93.BO Foroelain Crown 93.50 Fillings SO A 13-rear protective xuaraatee with all work. Cease and take advantage of onr fall reduction!. San your teeth ssd rour mo or 7 Opes evening! and osdaye. fjUNatT"11' Mi for strangers, especially young girls, young people who are traveling alone are looked after and many sirls saved from the horrible fata that too often overtakes young glrle la a arrange city, by the vigilant work of the Travelers Aid committee. The work la so well known that let ters are received from all over ths world asking the Aid to look after children who sre traveling alone; one man wrote from Scotland, saying that hla daughter would arrive la the olty on a certain data, and asking the Aid to find her a room and look after her, as ahe would be entirely alone. During tbe Lewis and Clark fair tha Travelers' Aid waa Instrumental In sav ing many girls who oame to the elty to see the fair or in the hope of obtaining work. The value of the work of the Travelers' Aid la shown by tha fact that a T. A card la posted in every station on the Harrlman Unas and In this way reaches thouaanda. For the laat two years a camp has been maintained at the beach during the summer months and at the coat of only $5 a week a girl may spend a pleasant vacation. Marshall Kinney has pre sented the Y. W. C. A. with four lots at Oearhart Park, so in time the aaaocla tlon will be able to establish a perma nent beach home. Not only doea tha Y. W. C. A look after and help girls during the week, but on Sunday aa well. Something unique on the coast are the Sunday aft ernoons given by the Y. W. C. A at their rooms on Sixth and Oak streets. Ths afternoons ars usually held be tween the hours of 2 and t and the girls are) entertained by taiks by prominent men and women In the city; different musicians kindly offer their services and some very interesting programs have been rendered. After the afternoon reception a aupper la served to those present without ooat It la almost Impossible to limit the scope of the Y. W. C. A. as ao many are reached and helped to a more pleas ant and efficient Ufa, and It has much to do with making more loyal and use ful cttlsens of our business women. But this aaaoclatlon la cramped by lack Of room and conveniences to do the work at hand. The building now In use. Inadequate as it is, must be given up by the 1st of June, and it will be al most Impossible to find other rooms near the business district without pay ing an enormous rent, whloh would ne cessitate constant appeals to tha publlo in order to obtain enough money to carry on the work of the aaaoclatlon. It must have a building: in the business part of the olty, and by the way, the hand on the dial movee alowly but aurely toward the $360,000 sign. Port land will aoon have a representative Y. W. C. A and Y. M. C. A building; SJ- L AT THE THEATRES. i "Royal Cher for Last Time. Ths last performance of the musical comedy, "The Royal Chef," will be given tonight at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Waahlngton atreeta. Bright snappy dialogue, together with any number of catchy 'melodies sung by a bevy of pretty girls, sre the predominating fea tures with thla clever company. Re member, tonight will be your last op portunlty of hearing them. Seata are selling at Helllg theatre box office. Digby Bell Tomorrow Night. Tomorrow night at ths Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Waahlngton streets, Dlgby Bell and hla excellent company of players will present Augustus Thomas' comedy, "The Education of Mr. Plpp." which will continue as ths attraction Friday and Saturday nights, with a spe cial price matinee Saturday. Seata are new selling for the engagement at the box office of the Helllg. Tatsuya Kato st Heilig. Tatauya Kato, graduate from the Toklo college and war correapondent of the Japanese Trade Journal, will de liver an Illustrated talk at the Helllg theatre next Sunday night, October T, on "The Russo-Japanese War." Popu lar prices will prevail. "Checkers" Next Monday. The character comedy, "Checkers." will be the attraction at tha Helllg theatre for three nlghta, beginning next Monday, October I, with a special price matinee Wednesday. Advance aale opena next Saturday et box office of the HelHg theatre. Fourteenth and Waahlngton streets. Next Week st the Bsker. Next week, beginning Sunday matinee, the Baker Stock company will produce the famoua society play, "The day Lord Quex," which created such a sensation in London and New York. Special acen ery le being painted for the production, which gives promise of being one of the best of the present season of stock at thla popular playhouse. "A Texas Steer." John Steppllng, William Harris and James Oleason form' the Investigation committee In "A Texas Steer," at the Baker this week, and their antics keep the audience In an uproar whenever they are on the stage. They form one of the most realistic and Texas-like In vestigating committees that has ever read the'llnea of Hoyt's famous satire on politics. Frances Slosson makes a hit aa Boaay, and the others of the com pany do excellent work. You don't want to mlaa "A Texas fitesr." Coming of Uncle Josh, "Uncle' Josh Perkins," a brand new comedy drama with an original plot, plenty of thrilling dramatic action, a pleasing Injection of lovely comedy end a sprinkling of high claae musical and dancing specialties, will be the attrac tion at the Empire ail next week start ing Sunday matinee. "A Millionaire Tramp." The Empire certelnly haa an attrac tion thla week In "A Millionaire Tramp" that Is pleasing patrons of that popular uptown theatre. Every performance the house ts crowded. The Empire has al- i ways been a popular place of amufte- ment, and playa Use "A Millionaire Tramp" tend to make It more so. The play will be here all the reat of the week, with a matinee Saturday. Don't miss It VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. Psntsges' Bis; Show. Here are the things Pantages theatre offers you this week; compare them with the others: The sis St. I .eons, greatest of acrobats; moving picture, representation of the Oans-N'elaon fight; Smith and Kills, fuamaksrs; Maude Sharp and Baby May. novelty act; the two Birds, comedy sketch; Jean Wilson, baritone. "Escsped From bondage." In the presentation of that highly emotional melodrama. 'Tie eased From Bondage," the L.yrle stock company la to be complimented on the efficient manner In whloh It la rendering this beautiful play. The character parta are true to life and enlist the sympathise PIIISBIJRY'S Best iQj20c Food 15 cent kind 20 Per Cent Saved Latest styles in Men's and Youths' Suits, Overcoats, I Hats, Pants and Shirts. Also a General Line of Shoes. Com plete Line of Blankets, Comforters, Trunks and Suit Cases at 20 per cent less in price in comparison with other . 8 tores' prices ; JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST STREET, CORNER YAMHILL and 53-55 . N. THIRD STREET, COR DAVIS A Modern School LSO, A MODEL SCHOOL We A offering greater opportunities to young people seeking a thorough business training than any similar institution on the coast M Because we will promotion and place you in a position when com petent DAY AND EVENING. Catalogue. walker DAY AND Phonm Main 3 90 TTTT T MILITARY fllLLACADEMY A Boarding and Day School for Boys Manual Training;. Military Discipline, College Preparation. Boys of any age admitted at any time. Write for Illus trated Catalogue. Dr. J. W. HILL, Prop, and Principal fall term will open Sept It. ISO a. FOKTLAWD. ORBOOBf. of the audience from the first to the laat curtain. At the Grand. Herbert Brooks and his famoua trunk myatery la one of the many epeclaltlea at the Grand thle wees, me incs is performed In a manner which keepa the audience ruesslng. Just ee le the case with ths card feats. Brooks performs. Lew Pelmer haa a collection of songs and Imitations which have the house laughing all ths time he la on the stage. "Monte Cristo" st the- Star. In "Monte Cristo". the Allen stock company has a great attraction tllle week. Every one knows "Monte Cristo" and every one likes ths sterling old drama, wtth Its romance, advsnturs and love. It la one of the fsw modern playa which will be living centuries to come. Henry McRea ts portraying the central character and as Edmund Dantes he Is giving one of tbe best perform ances tha theatre-goers of thla city have witnessed In many years. Milwaukis Country Club. Eastern and California raoea. Take Seiiwood sad Oregeei City ears at rust and Alder. When i mil bun Breakfast food goes as far as does in purchasing the ordinary ready HERE 18 THS REASON. A 2 pound package of Pillsburv'a Best Cereal Vitoa costs 20 cents and makes the "White heart of the Wheat" food packages of the ordinary ready cost 1 1.80, and make only about 11 lbs. ot lood. bo you see where the great economy lies I VitOS never gets sticky or lumpy in cooking. Ask Your Grocer. are iWHY train you for successful BUSINESS COLLEGE EVENING Mlk$ Building We Have Made a Rule to alwaya give the best value for money received In anything we sell In our line of hardware, cutlery or tools. When you buy from us you get tbe best that la manufactured. We keep a line of ready mixed palnta that will be found very convenient for the house keeper. Avery SL Co. THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Corner Eaet Twelfth end Salmon streets. prepares pupils ror colleges snd technical schools. Sixth yser begins September . I. For catalogues address THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOBTCAJR). mmWm wwrim sstai wimm OeSt mart VITOS $2.22 ii - cooked kind. IS lbs. of Twelve - to - eat ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PUls. Must Bear Signature) Of rot heaoacil FOR 0I72III ESS. FOR OIUOUSHEtS. FOR TORPID LIVES. FOR C0MSTIPATI0S. FOR SAUOWSMN. FOR THEC0MPLI XI0I CURS SICK HIADAONI. G R E GG Easiest to Learn Beat When Learned Taught in Poor Fifths of the Best Business Colleges in the United States. THAT SHOULD RECOMMEND IT Day and Nights SCHOOL ALL THE TIME OLNES BUSINESS COLLEGE v Washington f, tenth 5th .PORTLAND. OREL BeauttfallT located ia Portland Orages. alari ussurpaeeed facilities for tbe est are ssd education ef roues women. Specie! epportaaltiee in Music. Art. Lansvaaee and Liter store. Well equipped Phrslca! and Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium aad Mlaersl Cabiaet. Tbe tartest sad olcUat Ladies' Seminary Is fits Pacts Nertbwest. It esjayi a national reputailoa lev lay pertinf the beet phreical. mental and moral trsis Sat aad developing tree womanhood. Kealse eciaBr ssd educationally lor the meet exalted etauoo. Cealsrs Academic sad Collegia Deersee br Suae Authority. Isterierenc wttb ceerfctiess ef non Catholics ia crupuleaalr a raided. Acadeasy m ideally located, amid lasallasg Steele eases. Social ospevtanlttea each as sre 1 cut sa the Cel aWldiagel ioua well Hinted. aof saieeriee sad sriTSts- reeses aaoiiern convnlenca. The I aad pregraeslva withes aa amat teedlMUaa mt aea aad Satialscjerr refaicecesiaaasajaa varus MS sal bVeskH. Seereaasf ssbssssbbbbbbj Address gtatef teseriee. St Merr ' Aesseaas PORTLAH D, OR 100, I sJX,, library SHORTHAND! 1 m I