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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER S, 1IM. Custom Sha Work "Peninsular" Stoves and Ranges Botterick Patterns Columbia Yarns I Town Topfesji to via xti AMOuiuam. Heillg "The Boys! Cber' BOtr "A Aw Steer" Essslre "The Mmionsire Trsmj" i::::::::::::::::r..SfiC Psstsges Vaedslls Grand Vesdesllle The Journal agency at Salem haa bean transferred to Ruaaall ML Brooka. headquartara at Capitol Drug Store, 404 SUte street, phone Main 1079, and all changee. saw aubacrlpUona and com plalnta will reoelvo prompt attention. Salt for $10,000 damages from . C. Waters haa been filed In the circuit court by B. W. Taxr. alleging that Wat era attempted to defraud him of his intereal in a mining claim In Douglas county. Targ- atatea that while promot ing the Sacajawoa Mining company for the purpose of developing the mine he mat Waters, who agreed to buy 76,000 hares of the a took. They want to gether to tnapeet the property, aaya Tarr, and Waters then tried to defraud him of hla Interest. Tarr alleges that WatersTormed the Shirley Mining com pany for the purpose of developing the same mine that the Sacajawea company waa to dovslop. High suit prices do not necessarily mean anything mors thsn that the tailor needa the mousy. High suit quality comes from the tailor's ability to pay cash for his goods. Ws make any suit In the house to order for 15. no more, no leaa. Ws used to charge ttl to 140 for the sams values, but now ws not only sell four times as many suite, but by ordering four times as much goods and paying cash, savs a large per eent In buying. We Invite your patronage with confidence that you will bo satis fled. Unique Tailoring Co., 100 Stark street, near Sixth. A Jury In Judge Cleland's department of the circuit court yesterdsy afternoon found Nellie Washington guilty of as sault on her husband, George Washing ton. The testimony showed thst Wash ington had quarreled with his wlfs over her religious views and In the course of the quarrel she shot him. She was tried on the charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, but the jury found her guilty of ths lesser crime of simple assault, for which shs may be punished by a Jail sentence or a fins. Because of a question as to their moral character sight men who seek city Jobs cannot got them until they have proved that their reputations at Isast are good and that reputable men will swear they know tbsm to bs lit for ths places. Ths civil service com mission this morning; took this action as ths result of ths Investigations Into the references of applicants recently or dered. The majority of ths msn wanted to bs policemen. The Oregon synod of what was the Cumberland Presbyterlsn church, but Is now the Presbyterian church of the United States of America, will mast to night at 7:10 o'clock. In ths Hawthorne Park .Presbyterian church. Twslfth and East Taylor streets. Ons of ths features of the session will bs sn address by President H. M. Crooks of Albany col-legs. Charging, desertion, beginning at Grants Pass, Oregon. In December, ' 1(04, Anna R. Wiley has begun suit In lh drult court for a divorce from ' Sam M. Wiley. They were married at Eu- 1 gene. Oregon, In November, 1107, and have one child, Esther, aged I years, whose custody Mrs. Wiley asks. Mar tin r,. Pipes appears as her attorney. A poor suit carefully cleaned and pressed each week will outlast a better suit you neglect. We will take care of your clothes sod shine your shoes for only fl per month. Calling and deliver ing each week. No bother to you or car rying bundles. Phone Main 014. Unlqus Tailoring Co.. 100 Stark, near Sixth. The Meier Frank Store's Great Annual Sale . . . 1 , of Women's Men's Hosiery and Underwear Woman's tmi Mm'iWtatmr Hotkey nd Under ww at kkUrmtiagpricmtbi wresitost tmortmvnt of rtyksaad wrights we rvar wpptWiiB Sale and discJay--! ver y repataMa brand it rftmmfiHodmry and UndT wear gathered from leading mills at noma and abroad Standard styles, standard vary garmentpr kd at lowest point consistent with good int3ixhandiev-Mail orders receive prompt and carofal attention-4sQok to your needs and profit by tlteaa offsi lags Economical Women Will Buy Their Winter Underwear Today Women's heavy cotton Vests and Panto high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; nicely finished; belt 35c values; on sale at this' special low O price, per garment svJt Women's pure white heavy cotton Vests and Pants, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; sst- sizes 4, 5, 6; great special value at .aaC Women's heavy cotton fleece-lined Vests and Pants, high neck and long sleeves; perfect fitting; regu lar 65c values, on sale at this unusually AjTL low price, per garment HPaC Women's heavy weight cotton Union Suits; high neck and long sleeves; well made; all ASks siaes; 65c values, for ffOC Women's "Swan" brand Swiss ribbed Vests; high neck and long sleeves, all sizes; best $1.00 values, on aale at, per garment s OC Women's fine Swiss ribbed cotton Vests and Pants; fiure white, perfect fitting garments; high neck, ong sleeves, ankle length; sizes 4, 5, 6; Cess, reg. 75c values, on aale at, per garment . . JJC Women's fine wool and cotton Vests and Pants: high neck and long sleeves, ankle length; good winter weight, nicely made and finished; f 7 75c values at Jst V Women's extra fine cream and natural cashmere wool Vests and Pants; high neck and long sleeves; regular $1.25 values, in all sizes, on sale QQ. at this special low price UC Women's extra fine white fleece-lined Union Suits; high neck and long sleeves; rich silk AO. fleece;- $1.50 values, all sizes 7UC Women's fine ribbed wool Union Suits, "Munsing brand, natural or whits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; $3.50 val 5, iUUIIHUB $2.69 Economical Men Will Buy Their Winter Underwear Today Men's heavy fleeced Underwear of extra quality, all sizes shirts and drawers; great special A n value at, the garment 4JC Men's form-fitting Derby-ribbed Underwear, in blue, brown and ecru, all sizes shirts and draw- iK. ers; great value H'JC Men's natural wool Underwear, super-weight, all sizes shirts and drawers; best values in !Q town at, per garment U7C Men's soft finish gray Underwear, medium weight, nicely made; shirts and 'drawers in all 9Q. sizes; regular $1.00 value M "Cooper's" second quality ribbed Underwear, form fitting; pink, blue and ecru, all sizes shirts and drawers; $1.00 values a aC Men's vicuna wool Underwear, best fall weight, all sizes shirts and drawers; regular 1 1 A $1.50 values, on sale at, garment p 1 s 1 7 Men's gray worsted ribbed Underwear; best $1.00 values; all sizes in shirts and drawers) your choice at, per garment ... JrC Boys' heavy ribbed Underwear in gray and brown, all sizes in shirts and drawers; 50c values, 3ijf on sale at this low price, per garment ssf JC Boys' natural wool Underwear, shirts and drawers; 65c values, in all sizes, on sale at this ALg low price, per garment "afJC Men's and Boya' Sweaters and Jerseys-by far the largest and most complete stock in the city every good style in all grades and at the very lowest prices. We are sole Portland agents for the celebrated "Ramie" linen mesh Underwear, five weights, shirts, drawers, union suits, pajamas, nightshirts. Women's Hose Low Priced Women's fast black Cotton Hose; seamless foot; sizes 8 '4 Q. to 10; values extraordinary at this low price, pair 7C The celebrated "Burson" Hose for women; seamless and 1 perfect fitting; fast black; all sizes; great value at, pair... la C Women's fine Egyptian Cotton Hose; full fashioned; 1 flues, double soles; nice weight; all sizes; grand value, pair I v Women's fine black Cotton Hose' with white feet; Herms- OaT dorf dye; fashioned leg; all sizes; 35c value at, pair .4WafV Women's fine black Cotton Hose; nicely embroid ered instep; several designs, including bowknots, polka dots and rings; 39c values on OQ-s sale at, per pair 7V Women's fine black Cotton Hose; outsizes; double sole; elastic tops; fast color; best 35c y sT Women's fine black Cotton Hose, with embroid ered insteps; many pretty designs; val- )Q ue tip to oOrrat, parr as Women's fine black Lace Lisle Hose, also plain Gauze Hose and embroidered Lisle and Cotton Hose; values in the lot tip to $1.00 a 9A. . V pair; your choice at. values at, per pair All grades of Women's, Misses' and Chillren's Hosiery sold here at the very lowest prices, orders promptly filled. -Mail Chfld'n's Hosiery Boys' and girls' black ribbed cot ton Hose; all sizes, fast color; best 15c values, on sale at A this low price, per pair....7C Boys' and girls' fine and heavy ribbed cotton Hose, warranted fast color, all sizes; ! special value at, pair 1 JC Boys' and girls' black cotton ribbed Hose, double knees and soles, all sizes; 25c val- 1 f f ues, on sale at, pair 1 tf C 1,000 pairs of boys' and girls' Ger man cotton-ribbed Hose, fine and heavy weight, double knee, toes and heels, white or black feet; sizes 5 to 10; 35c val- 1 A. ues at, pair 1 C 33c Underwear it 16c 600 children's Undervests -rn nat ural, white and cream cotton; good heavy winter weight; sizes to fit children 2 to 9 years of age; regular 35c values, on I L sale at, per garment IOC Men's Winter Hosiery at Special Low Prices 2,000 pairs of men's finest Cash mere Wool Hose, in gray, natural and black; also fancy colors and patterns; all sizes; large assort ment , 50c,?5cValaes 29c Men's heavy natural grav im ported Cotton Hose in all sizes; regular 25c 1 vals., on sale, pr . . 1 m Special lot of men's black Cash mere Hose, all sizes; wonder ful values at this 1 low price, pair 1 sWC Great special lot of men's lisle and silk plaited Half Hose; the very newest patterns in figures, stripes and silk clockings; all sizes; first and second qualities; great variety to select from; 25c 1 Q and 35c values on sale at this special price, pair I 7C The property known as ths Paris bouse, which covers a half block on Davis street between Third and Fourth, has passed Into the hands of Milton H. Stevenson of Bait Laka City. The price Is said to have bean about John Horhmervllle and Arthur H. Brey man were the fawner owners. Mike Potato Is being tried before Judge Praser In the circuit court todsy chsrged with a statutory offense against 10-year-old Mabel Max Potato Assorts thst he is not guilty, snd that he Is being prosecuted by ths girl's mother through malice. WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT TRUST Frank Smith Meat Company Declines to Become On Arm of the Octopus. Frank Gordon, alias Frank Smith, In the circuit court this morning pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing keya, locksmith's tools, firearms, and other property valued at 1100, from L Oold enberg. His trial was set for Oc tober S. I In ths circuit court this morning James Sullivan and M. T. Touhay plead ed not guilty to the charge of breaking Into a fish market at ttt Grand avenue and stealing a quantity of fish. Clvio Improvement Don't litter your st rest with wood. Burn coal. Ws de liver It in your basement. Independent Coal ek Ico company, auccsssor to Holmes Coal a Ico company. The Frank Smith Meat company has declined to enter into any arrangement with the Paciric States racking com pany for butchering at the Smith slaughtering plant north of the el'y. Mrs. Smith, manager of the Frank Smith company. Is authority for the statement that ths company will build a complete packing plant, and put one or two other packing concerns out of business. Mrs. Smith said: "We have fought the trust for years, snd are not going to quit now. On the contrary, we have the trust on the run, snd ars going to follow up our ad vantage by putting In a complete pack ing houae. Instead of leasing or aelllng the present plant we will enlarge and Improve It. The old plant was formerly occupied by three different companies, but we now have It all. . It la located convenient to the North Bank road, and Is a good placs for s packing plant. Building operations will begin Just as soon as weather conditions permit." Tour Eye. Examined Free. Ws are Still selling eyeglaaaea st 11.00. A per fect lit guaranteed. Metxger a Co., jewelers and opticians. 111 811th street. Ws serve ths best noon luneh In Portland for 25 cents, st ths nsw Scott restaurant. Seventh and Anksny. Grill room service at popular prices. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments ; tl down, lOo a week. Don't go without a good timepiece gaMetsger a Co., ill sixth street Among ths vacations provided for people who cannot afford to pay for LETTER PRESS PRINTING as done by us excels steel die lithograph 6 copperplate work and costs much less Let M ihow vou samples of high class Of ce Stationery TWO PHONES BOTH MAIN 165 F.WBltcs6Co Bsl Prlntrrg First ft Oak them out of their own pockets, ths out ing of IB women and It children, paid for by Alexander Kerr, will bs long remembered by those who participated. All the womsn were self-supporting but poor. The oldest child was T years of age. They spent sight day at Locksley hall. Seaside, all their ex penses being borne by Mr. Kerr. Thsy returned several days ago. Swimming pool. Steam and tub bathe. All for 2 cents. Separate apart ments for ladles. 207 Third, between Taylor and Salmon. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal lace, agent. 188 Second street. Telephone Psclflo 16. POLICEMEN RAID CHINESE JOINT Break Up Fantan Game Running J Within Fifty Yard of Po lice Headquarters. Almost simultaneously with the an nual vacation of Patrolman B. P. Smith, the nominal bead of the Chinatown mined, the police awoke from their ap parent letharslc state laat night, and a flourishing Chinese gambling resort which haa been openly conducted within 50 yards of ths entrance to police head quarters, was raided by Sergeant Baty and posse. Ah Chlng wss taken Into custody on a charge of conducting a. gaming house, and four patrons were booked on charges of visiting the place. Some of the paraphernalia used In the seductive game of fantan and 1210 In silver coin found on Chlng waa booked as evidence. To avoid all possible legal complica tions Sergeant Baty fortified himself With John Dos warrants Armed with these orders of the court the posse were empowered to bresk down all doors without fesr.of damage suits. The main barricade to tin- place, which Is msde Acms Oil Co. sells the best ssfsty 00a I oil and fins gasoline. Phone Bast Til. Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I;, business men's lunch. Solicitors wsntsd. Ill Lumber exchange. HOOD RIVER FRUIT FAIR 4). a IT. Stake Bsdnoed Bate o From October 11 to It ths Hood River Biennial Fruit Fslr and Orsgon Irriga tion association meeting will bs hsld at IJood River, snd for this occasion ths O. R'a N. will make a round-trip rate from Portlsnd of 12.11. Tickets may ho secured at ths slty tlckst off lee, corner Third and Waahlngton streets. '1 suffered habitually from const 1 pa il. mi Doan'a Hegulets relieved end strengthened the bowels, so thst they haxe been regulsr ever since." A. ht Davie, grocer. Sulphur Springs, Texas. Fire Has No Terror For the patrons of our Safe Deposit Vault. These vaults stood the test in the great San Francisco fire, the con tents of the vault not be 4 ' ing injured in the least. Boxes in the vault $4 and up per year. Just the place for your jewels and valu able papers. Working! of the vault gladly shown. Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon. Sixth and Washington Sts. of two-Inch oak planks, backed with sheet Iron snd fastened with two Iron bars snd thrse locks resisted the on slaught of the sledge-hammers and crowbars In ths hsnds of ths police for over five minutes. When an entrance was finally effeeted all evidence-of gambling had been removed and the oc cupants were apparently engaged In a debate on the advantages and disad vantages of the open-door policy. In the hallway leading to the place was found an electrical contrivance by which ths lookout on the sidewalk could extinguish all of tbs lights In the resort as a warning of the approach of the police. All of the Chinese ar rested were released on ball. It has bean rumored that the Chlness gambling fraternity Intended opening at least II resorts within s short time, snd preparatory to doing so were erecting heavy, barricaded doors to keep out the police. The raid made last - night demonstrates that ths police can frus trate this scheme. Shortly sftsr the raid on 17 Second atreet, Sergeant Baty and Detective Hill Asnr Washington Heflig Theatre Msla Lsst Tim Tonlgbt, S:lt o'clock. 44 Ths Tnnetul Mnslcsl Comedy, THE ROYAL CHEF SO People Catchy Music Pretty Olrls PRICES Lower Soar, (I SO. 11; balcony, 1, TBc. See; gallery. 86c. 26c. Bests Selling it Helllg Theatre swooped down on No. 129 '4 on the same thoroughfare and arreated Teck Tong on a charge of having lottery tickets In his possession. A large quantity of unmarked tickets were secured, as evi dence. In the municipal court this morning Judge Cameron found Tong guilty and Imposed a fine of III. i Fosl languid, weak. run-downT Head ache? Stomach "off"? Juat a plain case of lazy liver. Burdock Blood Bit ters tones liver ana stomach, promotee digestion, purlfles the blood. 14th and ( -!lf casts. . Washington IsWliaJJ 1 OIBUS Phone Hals 1 Tomorrow, Friday. Saturday Nights. Oct e, I, Special Price Matisse Saturday. DIQ BY BELL -v jps "THE EDUCATION OF Ml POT." BVBNINO PB1CKS Lower Soar. SI SO, 11; ilisry. SOc. hw. balcony, II. 76c. SOc; rallery. 55c. MATINEE r KI(.B TOC IO S1.WJ. Seata Selling at Bsillg Theatre HEILIG THEATRE Bt-NDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER T, ILL! STBATED TAIJt Russo-Japanese War BT TATSCTA K A TO War Correspondent Japanese Trade Oradusts Tnkto College. PBICBS SOc snd 26c. Journal. atllllnsry. , "The Chapeau" for fine millinery at reasonable price. 111 Seventh street, opposite Imperial hotel. PIANO QUALITY The Sleinway Piano BAKER THEATRE Phone Main 1807. Oso. L. Baker, Mas agar. OBBUON THBATBB CO., LESSEE. Tonight -All Tbl. Week Mstlsse Saturday. BSBoya "A TMrASrSTEIB." The greatest aatlre on politics erer written. You esn't afford to miss It. Krenlng prices, 2Sc, SSc. SOc. M atlases, ISo.. SSe- Nest Week "Tb Usy lord Qnes." EMPIRE THEATRE ' Twelfth and Morrison. Milton W Seaman. Mgr. Phase Msla 11T. l laylng Only tbs Best Road Attractions. Ill THIS WEEK, i tbe Celebrated Comedy Drams. "A MILLIOBAIKI fxtAJIP." Bright, Clerer. Neu mil of Up to-Da ts Bpsrtartlos, Night Prices -ISc. SSc, (Sc. SOc. Mlttans 10c. 15c. 2Sc. Nsxt attraction "I ncls Josh Perkins." THE STAR Wsek of Oct. 1. Phone Main SeBS. ALLEN STOCK COMPANY PRESENTS "THE COUBT Or KOaTTS CRISTO." With Special Klaborats Scenery and Effects. Matinees Tussdsys, Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays st 3:80 s. m.. prices. 10 and M cents Erery .renins st 8:18 o'ajeek: prises. 10. 30 aad 30 cents. Beeta can be sscarsd by phone for both afternoon and evening ssrforssW snces. Is, ths world over, recognized as ths world's greatest Pis no. Ws vslus most everything by comparison with some similar article of known worth. The steinway Piano has a- fixed commercial value in all parts of ths world. Should the owner of a Steinway wish to dispose of his Piano It will always bring more than will any other instrument Ths reason Is found In ths fact that musicians, everywhere, recognise the artistic superiority of ths Steinway. Ths Steinway ensbles the musician better to express the finer sentiments of ths soul. Ths Steinway tons Is Individual. Ths action Is flexible snd responslvs with a firmness which bo tokens strength. Acknowledged the World's Highest Standard "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" SHERMAN, CLAY C& CO. Sixth and Morrison Streets, Portland LASOSST SftJSIO BtOUBS 1ST Oakland, Ues Aagsles. ssfSssSBS, TS Maes, Bvsrstt. LYRIC THEATER WSEK BEGINNING OCTOBER 1ST. Sensational Heart garni. Escaped From Bondage" Is rear Acts. The Grand Week of Oct. 1st. Herbert Breaks Os. atari Is na4 Boms. Bsjsassl aad Clark. Salrasa and Chests?. Miss Camilla Fsrsonl. 4 Koff . Master Harold LEW PSXMXB. Slity Laughs a Minute Prices Mstlnees. 10c to ell seats ssssjaS boxes. Evenings. Bun., lOe. SOc. boi sssts ! Perfornce. 8:80, T:0, fl n, S. PA1NTAQES V-Sstt4 THE SIX LEOBS. Mevisg Picture Impersonation Osau-Bstsss FsyM BsslU aad Ellis . Teasg Dili Maud, attar and Baby May. rsrfsrmancsa diu at j3s, 7 :8S sa t. nv Admission let sad SOo. Bssms, SSa. Ladies sad oblldrsss taae say ass at week-day ststlaas fsi TUT sea FREE ! Moving Pictures Subjects. Bring the) 91 Cither Hla i llanSnils vary evening 7 o'clock. children CORNER MORRISON AND THIRD i 'hangs of Program Weekly. HARRY Sill 'MAN. Usneral Advertiaa Lewis & Lewis Artkftsct natnutllata in Artlstls JLMI