The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 03, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    the Oregon daily journal, Portland. Wednesday evening. October a. ins.
Policeman Slain and Alderman
Wounded In Attack on Jail
at Mobil.
Governor Orders Oat Militia, Fearing
Attacks on the Blacks. Sirnilar to
Those et Atlanta Recent Assaults
on White Women Arouse Citixens.
Young Man Bring Suit for
Twenty-Five Thousand Dam
ages Against Landlord
rjaarnal SdmUI SerTlee.)
Mobile. Ala., Oct. I. The mob which
attempted to capture and lynch Dick
ROb in eon. young nogro, lor aseauiimg
Ruth Sossaman. a 1-year-old white girl,
hot and killed Roy Hoyle. a special
policeman, and Alderman Sudney Lyon,
chairman of the city council, waa shot
In the hand. The attack on the girl waa
mad -yesterday morning, and a taw
houra later Roblnaon was captured and
Identified by hie victim, rearing that
a mob would attack the Jell, Sheriff
Fatoh had Roblnaon taken Into the coun
try Aa waa expected, the mob attacked
the Jail, and WM met by the sheriff,
who Informed them that Roblnaon was
not lnelde, and Invited a committee of
the mob to search the building. About
40 man walked through the corridor,
where Hoyle and Alderman Lyons were
tending. While the jail waa Doing
aearched by part of the mob the othera
became excited and tried to battef down
the door. While thU waa auin on
someone fired a. shot, and In a aecond
the air was fined with bullets. One of
these atruck Hoyle and he died about
two houra later. Another hit Alderman
Lyons In the hand, and despite hie
wound he appeared on the atepa of the
Jail, and In a speech pacified the greater
part of the mob.
There were, however, unruly spirits In
the mob, and under the leadership of
one man part of them atarted toward
the negro section of the city, shouting,
"We will give the blacks what they got
at Atlanta." The negroes ran to cover.
In the meantime the police had been
poured Into that aectlon of the city and
dispersed the mob. Great fears are en
tertained that there will be an outbreak,
and Governor Jelka has ordered three
companies of the militia to be brought
here. Some of- the soldiers arrived to
day, and It Is expected by night the
city will be under military rule. The
feeling agalnat'the negroes, on account
of recent attacks an white women and
girls. Is growing bitter and trouble la
looked for slmoat any time.
After It became known that Roblnaon
was held B biding by the officers out
side of the city, a mob of about 800 got
on a train, determined to go to a little
place about eight mites from the city
and lynch the negro, but when they ar
rived there the offlcera and their pris
oner had dlaappeared. At I o'clock thta
morning the mob returned to the city
disappointed, but declaring that they
will yet punish the negroes.
(Special Dlspeteb to The Joan!.)
Chehalle, Oct 3 The Portland &
Seattle Railway company haa begun half
a dosen condemnation aults for right of
way up the Stearna creak valley, some
of the land which It la sought to con
demn for the new Hill Una being the
aame property over which the new
Union Pacific survey passes. The Ore
gon A Washington company haa several
condemnation cases In process of prep
aration In the aame neighborhood.
Low Rates East.
On October 5 and the Chicago A
Northwestern railway Witt sell ronntt
t rip tickets to Buffalo, New York, for
$84.(0. Going limit 1 daya from date
of sale and final limit November 15.
Stopovers are allowed In both direc
tions and choice of routes going and re
turning. For further Information write
or call on Mr. R. V. Holder, general
agent, C. a N W. Ry.. 11 Third street.
Portland, Oregon.
(leer eel Special Berries.)
New York, Oct. I. Justice Newburger
and a jury In the supreme court wars
called upon to decide whether a hotel
proprietor haa the legal right to eject
a man from the room of a wonfan. the
gueat of a hotel, upon whom he la call
ing, on the atrength of a rule of the
hotel forbidding a woman gueat from
receiving men visitors except In one
of the public parlors. The question Is
raised by Frank Arms In his ault against
the Navarre hotel for 126,000 damages,
which waa aet down for trial today.
Arms called at the Navarre to visit
his mother, Mra. F. M. Anna. Ha went
to her room, but was called on by the
house detective, who requested him to
gs down to the off lea and aee the clerk.
Ha declined to sea the clerk, and waa
arrested and taken down to the clerk's
desk to hla great humiliation and an
noyance. The managers of the Navarre aay that
the whole trouble waa due to the fail
ure of Anna to atop at the deak and
explain who ha waa before going up
to hla mother's room.
Mrs. Gresham, Author of Corsa
Letters, Principal In Cap
ital Scandal.
(Jearsal Seeelal Barries.)
New York, Oct. I. Raoul Amador, son
of the president of Panama, and himself
a conaul general In this city for that re
public, was arrested on the complaint of
Mrs. Berths K. Gresham In proceedings
for the support of a child. Amador waa
arraigned and gave $300 bail.
Amador -would aay nothing about the
case, except to deny fhe truth of the
complaint- The woman was defeated
only a weak ago In the supreme court,
when ahe brought a breach of promise
ault agatnat Amador. Mrs. Oreaham waa
Bertha Keniiard, daughter of William
Kennard of Washington, once page to
Henry' Clay. She first married Rear
Admiral Friable, who died, leaving her
$10,000. Bhe next married Lieutenant
William Gresham of the navy, and la his
Amador Is married and haa two chil
dren.. It la asserted -that Mra. Oreaham
wrote the fanfoua Corea letters, the
anonymous epistles, which Informed
Mra Hah Jordan or Mason. Georgia, that
her fiance, Don Lula F. Cores, minister
at Washington for Nicaragua, waa a
negro. Tha fact that the letters ware
written became public and the conse
quent notoriety led to the breaking of
the engagement of Mrs. Jordan to Cores.
That hi address-
Ins; Mrs, Pink
harn you are con
fiding; your private
Ills to a woman
a woman whose experi
ence with women's dls-
eases servers great
1 many years.
Mra. Pinkham la aha
daughter - In law of
Lydla K. Pinkham,
! and for many years
andsrher direction,
and aince her de
cease. she haa been
advising alck wo
men free of charge.
Many woman
suffer In silence and drift along frees
bad to worse, knowing full well that 1
they ought to have immediate assist
ance, but ft natural modesty impels
them to shrink from exposing; them
selves to tha questions and probable
examinations of wren their family
physician. It Is unnecessary Without
man whose knowledge from actual ex
perience la great.
Mrs. PlakhanTs Standing Invitation.
Woman suffering from any form of
female weakneaa are invited to promptly
communicate with Mra. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. All letters are received,
opened, read and answered by women
only. A woman can freely talk of her
private illness to woman; thus haa
been established tha eternal confidence
between Mra. Pinkham and the women
of America which has never been
broken. Out of the vast volume of
experience which ahe haa to draw from,
It la more than possible that ahe has
gained the very knowledge that will
help your case. She asks nothing in
return except your good-will, and her
advice haa relieved thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, la very foolish
If she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of assistance.
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a
bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham 's Vegetable
Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink
ham. Lynn. Mass., for special advice.
When a medicine has been successful
In restoring to health so many women,
yon cannot well say, without trying; it
' I do not believe it will help me.
(Journal Special Srrle.
' Vienna. Oct. S. A new rule has Just
coma into fores on the .Bavarian rail
way system. On the "lafllee only" oom
partmenta notices appear to the effect
that smoking is strictly prohibited. It
hss become necessary, aaya an an
nouncement Issued by tha minister of
railways, aa complaints have become
Increasingly frequent of ladles smok
ing cigarettes in the compartments sst
apart for thalr use. Ladles objecting
to this were In consequence compelled
to seek refuge In non-smoktng compart
ments, where they hsd perforce to put
up with the presence -of the other sex.
Will Quit Council Because He
Doesn't Cars to Serve
Two Masters.
Low Rates to Now Orleans.
Account national convention Knights
of Pythias, to be held at New Orleans
In October, tha O. R. A N. Co. will on
October 7 and I sell round-trip tickets
from Portlsnd st rats of fSS.IO. For
further Informstlon In regard to limits,
stopovers, ate., call on or address C. W.
Stinger, city ticket sgent O. R. a N.
Co.. Portlsnd.
Believes His Acts Would Be Mis
construed If He Remained Public
Servant and Dealt With Railroad
Measures in the Council Chamber.
k m m mm i sr i i J c
All that any man can ask
for in a shoe
Fit, Style,
our claims with , a
shop reason for every
claim. Your $15.00
boot-maker can do
no better, if as well.
Florsheim Styles
$5.00 and $6.00
Worthmore Styles
$340 and $4.00
313 Washington Street J
Ml Ml
H ate; -' awJsrwSaw?
Oeorge 8. Shepherd, president of the
city council, is going to resign his po
sition at the head of that body, not Im
mediately but soon. He win take that
step, which he aaya ha haa contem
plated for soma time, not at tha be
hest of any of hla constituents or be
cause he thtnka ha la not serving the
people well, but because ha does not
desire to longer remain In a position
where his acts might be misconstrued
or where he might be the subject of
adverse public criticism.
Shepherd will bid hla frlenda of the
council adlsu In a short time, that la,
as soon sa hs haa seen through to pas
sage or defeat the public building or
dinance and" soma other measures In
which ha ta Interested. He la also un
der a tacit promise, he aaya to remain
In office until euch time aa the mem
bers of the council now absent shall
return to ine cuy ana do reeay to elect
hla successor.
Mr. Shepherd waa In a talkative
mood thta morning when hs waa asked
whether or not ha Intended to resign,
and hs discussed the question. "Can
man serve two masters at the sams
timer' freely.
"My attitude," aald the prealdant of
the council, "haa been In effect all the
time that of an opponent to the South
ern Pacific and all tha other railroads,
unless It waa the Northern Pacific, for
I refused to vote on all Harrlman prop
ositions while I did vote on the ques
tion of the Hill franchises and did what
H could to help that system to gain
entrance Into the city.
"1. by not voting, defeated that east
aids franchlae ordinance." continued
Mr. Shepherd, taking another tack on
his subject and reaching for a copy of
the city charter. "Hera you will see
by section ST of the charter that It
takes a two thirds vota to an
ordinance and In the event of Its being
vetoed by the mayor it requires a three
fourtha vote. Now I have refrained
from voting on all Harrlman questions
and my alienee counta aa a negative
vote, therefore, after tha mayor had
vetoed tha franchlae ordinance and It
failed to go over hla head by one vote
I defeated Ita final passage. Didn't IT
and Mr. Shepherd looked the question
aa wall as asked it.
Mr. Shepherd says further thst the
only people who want him to realgn
are the Harrlman people, though of
course they have not asked him to atep
down, but have left It to hla own choice.
"I work for the Oregon a Washing
ton railroad." aald Mr. Shepherd, "and
have dona all my railroad bualneas In
Waahlngton looking up tltlea to Wash
ington land. Mr. Fenton did not know
that I worked for tha Harrlman inter
ests until about two weeka ago. Now
then thsy would Just ss isave I would
realgn from the council because prac
tically I vote against every Harrlman
proposition that cornea up. But thay
have left It to ma and I am going to
resign because I do not think It la fair
to the railroad company for tee to
work for them and vote against them
on everything, and also I do not wish
to remain In a position Where I can
be unjustly criticised, for my record
has been good and I have done nothing
that I am ashamed of."
And In thla manner Mr. Shepherd
serves notice that hla efforts In the
public behalf as president of the coun
cil are soon to draw to a oloee.
Lost in Store
Party who took green
handbag; from counter in
our store in the rush
Monday Is known end
will save trouble by re
turning asme AT ONCE.
No questions asked. Keep
money sad return watch
that was in beg.
Sensational Bargain-Giving
at the White Corner Sale
A DISTRIBUTION of better class merchandise every article one of known and proven merit at phe
nomenal bargain prices. Both stores crowded from the moment the doors open till they close.
Discerning shoppers are supplying their needs for months to come. Tremendous values meet you
on every hand. Come in from either entrance and walk through then you'll be convinced.
Powerfully Attractive Bargains
in the Domestic Section
White Corner stock of Domestics and Linens going at phenomenally low prices. Thoroughly reliable
qualities at aale prices. Supply your naeda now, for this is an opportunity youll never have again.
Bleached Pequot Sheeting, 9-4
width; White Corner jQr
price 35c yd.; our price. . ."
Unbleached Sheeting, 6-4 width.
Standard brand; White Corner
sSc:.Mc:.r1r. 19c
Bleached Pequot Sheeting, 8-4
width; White Corner Re
price 30c; our price aVtV
Calicoes, sll colors; White i 1
Corner price 7c ; ssle price .
White Cotton Blankets, good
size; White Corner price AC
$1.50 the pair; ssle price. "Ot
Comforts; White Corner price,
each, $1.50; sale 4
Comforts, silkoline, colored;
White Corner price 1 1Q
$2.25; sale price e?I.d7
Outing Flannel; White Corner
price 10c and 12'c; QWr
aale price
Table Linen, half bleached, good
width; White Corner JQn
price 45c yd.; sale price. . LVK,
Bleached Table Linen, 60 inches
wide; White Corner price 1Q
55c yard; sale price OVC
Red Table Linen; White Corner
price 50c yard; sale 39c
Irish Huck Toweling. 16 inches
wide; White Corner price
9c the yard; sale re
price OC
Cotton Hock Towels, large sire;
White Corner price 10c m
each; aale price .01
Huck Towels, with 3-stripe red
border; White Corner price f?-
10c; aale price 3C
Sine 16x27 inches.
Bath Towels, good size, good
weight, 16 by 37 inches; White
Corner price 15c each;
aale price, 3 for
Pequot Sheeting, 9-4 width", un
bleached; White Corner 7
price 35c yd.; onr price.. aWC
Bleached Sheets, size 72x90 in.,
splendid grade of muslin ; worth
75csnd 85c; sale price, CO
Straw Ticking; White Corner
price 16c yard; aale iO
price ILL
Table Oilcloth, colored; White
Comer price 20c; sale :
price... IOC
Dairy Cloth; White Corner a
price 6c; sale price
Unbleached Muslin, 36 inches
wide, standard brands; White
Corner price 8 l-3c ( n
yard; sale price O4C
Wamsutta Muslin, bleached, 36
in. wide; White Corner ")r
price 16c yd.; our price... 1C
Olden Days Muslin, bleached,
36 in. wide; White Corner r
price 8 l-3c; sale price dC
Hosiery About Half
Women's Hose with ribbed top. fast black;
White Corner price 18c pair; ssle JQg
Women's Fancy Hose, in blue, tan, etc;
White Corner price 35c pair; sale ft.
Women's Hose, in neat polka dot patterns ;
White Corner price 25c pair; sale A.
price Ilrv
Children's Hose, ribbed cotton with double
heel and sole; White Corner price 15c O-
pair; aale price OC
Misses' Union Suits, fleece lined; 7Qr
White Corner price 50c; ssle price.. 7V
Women's Swiss Ribbed Pants, fall and win
ter weight; White Corner price 35c; Q
sale price, pair IOC
House Needs
Basins, heavy returned; White Corner
price 10c; sale price
Kettle Covers; White Corner price
10c; aale price
Tea and Coffee Pots, 3-qt. size; White
Corner price 15c; sale price
Grsniteware Tea and Coffee Pots,
size; White Corner price 85c each; AQr
sale price tIC
s" Umbrellas 37c
White Corner stock Umbrellas that we got under
price. Made in the best manner; fast color cover
ings, wood handles, good strong frames that will
withstand a good hard wind. Now, the "7
White Corner price on these was 75c each. - i
Your choice of 300 at V
10 Bars
A standard make of Soap.
Special price for
this ssle only, 10
ban for
Lace Curtains at $1.19
3 and 3 yards long and good full widths; come in
unusually beautiful patterns; Nottingham and Point
De Kaprtt and the beautiful Fern patterns. Any.
where on earth but at this wonderful
sale they'd cost you $2.50 pair. Sale
price while they last, pr., $1.25 and
w items. Any-
Women's Hsts of sll kinds; some
of diem worth as high aa
$2.00. Yonr choice at the
low price of
p wusw
Laces, Embroideries, Edgings, In
sertions and Headings;
worth to 15c yard; at the
low price of
is, in-
All sixes and all styles
Come and choose your
favorite shape.
nu uriw-
Medium weigh Shirts and Dibit-
era, in plain colon or
stripes, worth 50c gar
ment, tor . ..
rjf m Third and Yamhill
LM LlOnCtiS Second and Yamhill
IJoareal Special Swvlee.t -Harrlsburs.
Pa-, Oct. S. Thta city la
'lonnlnc gala attire in anticipation of
the visit of President Roosevelt, who Is
coming tomorrow to attend the dedica
tion of tha new state capltol. The ded
ication promises to bs the most mem
orable public event that haa ever taken
place here. Mayor Gross has Issued a
proclamation declaring the day a public
holiday. Hundreds of visitors are ex
pected from all parts of Pennsylvania
and from Maryland, West Virginia and
other nearby states.
Every effort will be made to safe
guard President Roosevelt from all in
trusion and accldenta while on his visit.
Besides the special protection which the
mayor haa arranged a squadron of
United States cavalry ta hare to act
aa escort.
Salem, Oct. I, Articles of Incorpora
tion were filed yesterday with the sec
retary of atate:
Tower Investment company of Port
land; tacorpcratora, Hosmer K. Arnold,
Kstherlne 8. Arnold, and Margaret EL
Arnold; capital stock, $60,000.
The Presbyterian church of Eagle
Creek. Clackamas county; trustees, J.
H. Colt, E. C. Suter and Elwood Still
The capital stock of tha Condon and
lone Rock Telephone company was In
creased from 1500 to 12.000.
The Oreaham Trading; and Packing
company filed Ita declaration of dissolution.
Soothes Itching skin. Heals cats oa
burns without a sear. Cures piles, ec
zema, salt rheum, any Itching. Doan'e
Ointment. Tour druggist sells It.
For Rent
Two Elegantly Appointed Stores at Seventh and
Washington. Pull Basement Under Each.
The fine brick structure is new and the stores have just been completed.
Each has a frontage of 27 feet and a depth of 70 feet They have magnificent plate
glass fronts, strictly modern, and are provided with perfect heating and lighting appli
ances, toilets, etc Washington is rapidly developing into the great retail business street
of the city, and these stores will soon be considered a choice location on the street
And there can be no question that before the expiration of that time tha lenses will be worth three
times the sum wa are asking now. Apply to
I. GEVURTZ & SONS The House Furnishers First and Yamhill Streets