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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER HOt. AND HE DECIDED TO MOVE It Wasn't Mud He Was Standing In, as He Thought, But Some Fresh Concrete That Was Setting Rapidly The Mr derrick at the Corbett build ing. Fifth and Morrison streets, was II ft Ins the heavy ceatlron oases ror the columns. Pedestrians stopped to watch the operation and one cltlsen more Interested than others approached close to the ercsvatlon to watch the derrick crew lower the big casting In Its proper place. He was so Intent on watching the operation that he did not notice exactly where he was standing or what he was standing on. The first base was safely lowered and the Interested onlooker continued to stand and watch other castings lifted from the street and put down on the concrete footings. He made himself comfortable by leaning against a tele graph pole and apparently prepared to spend the whole afternoon In that par ticular spot. After he had been leaning against the pole for about fifteen minutes an em ploye passed him and said: "Twenty-three for you. Skldoo." "I. don't know why I should hike," replied the Interested one. "I guess this la a public street and I am one of those who every March trip Joyfully FOUND WIFE AFTER LONG CHASE Tacoma Hotel Man Traveled Ten Thousand Miles Look ing for Elopers. SEARCHING GERMANY STRUCK RIGHT CLUE Mrs. Matter, Who Left Home With Butcher Wannernann, Located by. Wronged Husband at Calgary Man Deserted Wife. (Special DUpitcb to The Jonrnal.) Tacoma. Wash., Oct. I. J. Mauer, formerly proprietor of the California hotel here, after traveling over 10,000 miles in a search for bis runaway wife, has Just found her and caused the ar rest of a man named Wannernann, with whom she elopod. The two were at Calgary. Wannernann ' n German, who de serted his family, so the police here say, after spending all the means of his wife. ' she being wealthy when he married her. Upon coming to the United States na landed at Leadvllle, and there met Mrs. Hedwtg Raebel. She wa a widow with considerable mean and soon became infatuated with Wannernann. Hu lnduoad her to give him $5,000 to invest. Upon receiving the money he suddenly left Leadvllle. Coming to Tacoma he want Into the butcher business and It was In this way that he met Mrs. Mauer. She Is a beautiful woman, and Wannernann fell In love with her. She reciprocated his affection and the two eloped In May last. In the meantime Mrs. Raebel had got ten trace of Wannernann and a warrant was Issued for his arrest for making away with her money, and It was by a very narrow margin that he got away from the city ibuut a day before the police began a search for him. Proprie tor Mauer, finding that Ml Wife had left him, made no complaint to the police, but started a search on bis own hook. He went to Leadvllle and from there to Germany, where Wannemann'a old home was. By doing some detective work In Germany he found that Wanne rnann was located In Calgary and start ed back around the earth to find him. He landed In Calgary night before last and ascertained that Wannernann was running a butchrr shop and that he and Mrs. Mauer were living together as man and wife. He wired the Tacoma police department and Chief Malony ached the Calgary authorities to ar rest and hold the man until he could be extradited. Cheapest accident Insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Stops the pain and heals the wound. All druggists sell It There is so much variety in style this sea son that whatever a man wants is sure to be cor rect for him to wear. Long; llffes for the short man and short lines for the long man and no long faces over the prices! The best is here. FALL SUITS TOPCOATS RAIN PROOF COATS $10 to $30 LION b C lot 1 lino Co GuMnh-nr3m" Men's and Boys' Outfitters. 166 and IAS Third Street. Mohawk Building. up to. the court house and meet the sheriffs call for taxes." "Get out Clear away. If you don't you will be a permanent ornament on the corner. You'll be frosen fast and we'll put a cigar box In your hand and make you a cigar store Indian." "I guess I'll haove when I get good and ready." "When you gat ready you won't move unless you hurry now." "How do you figure that out? Draw me a picture of mr not moving when I want to," said the spectator as he cast an aye at a casting that was being lifted Into the air by the derrick. "Well, If you stand there much long er you'll not be able to move. You will be frosen fast to tha earth. You will bo. glued to the pavement. You're standing In a bed of fresh concrete, so move while you can before I have to pry you loose with a crowbar." The cltlsen looked at his feet, and sure enough the mud ha thought he was standing In waa a nice bad of cement that was rapidly setting. He took the workman's advice and moved before ha was frosen fast to the pavement. FOREST RESERVE OPEN RANGE Number of Sheep to Be Allowed on Government Land Greatly Reduced. HEAVY CUTS IN BLUE MOUNTAIN ALLOTMENT Bands Will Be Considered as Con sisting of Twelve Hundred Sheep and Lambs Will Not Be Counted as They Were Last Year. (Saectil Dtapatrb to Tin Jennet.) Pendleton, Or., Oct. J Dan P. Smyths, secretary of the State Wool- growers' association, states that reduc tions will be made In tha number of sheep allowed next year In the Blue Mountain, Wenaha, Wallowa, and other forest reserves. According to Mr. Smythe he has been officially Informed regarding the matter by A. F. Potter, associate forester snd chief of the grating department for the forestry bureau. The reduction In the various reserves will be as follows: Blue Mountain reserve, eastern dlvl slon, 26 per cent, reducing the number from SJS.0OO in 190t, to 180,000 for 107; Blue Mountain reserve, western di vision, 10 per cent, reducing the num ber from 276,000 to 230.000'. Wenaha re serve, II par cent, reducing the number of aheep from 117.000 to 100.000; Wal Iowa reserve, 10 per cent, reducing the number from 1(6,000 to 160,000; Chesl- mus reserve, an Increase of 10 per cent, raising the number from 46,000 to 60,- 000. In admitting sheep to any of the re serves lambs will be disregarded Instead of counting two lambs as one sheep as waa done this year. In the eastern division of the Blue Mountain reserve a band will be consld ered aa consisting of 1.20, and permits for one band will be Issued without reduction. A grower having leas than one band may secure a permit Increasing his number to 1.200. providing the In crease la not greater than 20 per cent With growers having from 1,100 to 2.006 sheep In the reserve this year a cut of 20 per cent will be made, pro vlded such a cut will not reduce the number to less than 1,200. Growers having 1,000 to 4.000 sheep this year will be reduced SO per cent provided such reduction will not make the number less thsn 2000. In the western division of the Blue Mountain reserve the asms plan will be followed as in the eastern, though the gsneral out will be 20 per cent. In the Wenaha reserve 1,100 aheep will constitute s band, snd growers hav Ing 00 or less may Increase their num ber SO per cent. On or about November I a meeting will be held In Bumpter for the stock men using the eastern division of tha blue Mountain reserve under the direc tion of Superintendent D. B. Soeller. At that time the range within tha eastern division will be allotted according to the rules of the forestry bureau. Neat year the range will not be used In com mon aa tt was during the past sum mer. POPULAR EUGENE GIRL WEDS MINNESOTA MAN (Sprrlil Dtepetrb to The Josrsal.) Eugene, Or., Oot. J Yesterday at 10 o'clock Mies Sybil Kuyksndall, daughter of Hon. and Mra W. Kuykendall, and Robert E. Smith, aaslstsnt general man ager of the Brooks-Scsnlon Lumber company of Minneapolis, were married at the homo of the bride's parents In Eugene. The wedding was a quiet affair, but nevertheless a pretty one. Tha decora tions were beautiful and elaborate. Rev. L. E. Rockwell, paator of Humphrey Memorial M. E. church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on the afternoon train for Duluth, Minne sota, where they will reside. The bride waS graduated from the Unlveralty of Oregon In 1S0S and taught throe years In the Drain Normal school. She Is vary popular here SOPHOMORES ABOLISH HAZING AT UNIVERSITY (SpecUl Dl.p.trb le Tbe J aortal 1'nlverslty of Oregon, Eugene, Oct S. Tuesday afternoon the sophomore class of the varsity organised. After the election of officers the following resolution wss passed: "Be It resolved that tha sophomore class of the Uni versity of Oregon be opposed to haslng during the year." Fully one half of the clsss refused to vote on tbe meaeure. The class elected officers aa follows: President, O. Wilson, Baker City; vice president. Miss Jessie Bscon. Gold Hill; secretary. Miss Msrlam Watson, Eu gene: treasurer, Miss Harriet Lane. Portland, and sergeant-at-arms, Mr. R H. Smith, Pendleton, Cocoa beans grow In pods on the trunk 1 and limbs of a deli cate tropical tree. They contain tlx times more food val ue than beef. We use the highest cost beans that are o-rnwn and there Is nothing In our cocoa but cocoa. That Is why It Is the most delicious of cocoas ni naltbb a. to win ce. One Acre and 40 choice bearing fruit trees, and This Comfortable Home and two good barns, cost $2,600 to build the house alone; lots worth 00 the whole works $1,800 , balance easy term $800 cash, balance easy terms. Come quick. C. C. Vaughn 110 noon URGE HYDRAULIC MINE III ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Euchre Creek Property Being De veloped by Portland and Los Angeles Men. (Special Dlsseteh to Th. Journal.) Grants Pass, Or., Oot. S. The Euchre Creek Mining company, which purchased a large tract of placer ground on Half Moon and Black Bear bars, on Rogue river, below Grants Pass, a few months ago, Is developing and equipping one of the largest hydraulic mines in southern Oregon. The company has employed a large crew of men all summer, and Is rapidly getting the properties In shape for operation. Several miles of ditches and flumes have been constructed. Wa ter will be derived from Tom East creek, and will be sufficient to keep the bat tery of giants at work for a season of eight or nine months. The Euchre Creek Mining company is composed largely of Lee Angeles and Portland men, Charles H. Mills being president and general manager. Mr. Mills hss been on the ground for seversl months past superintending the work of development and equipment. Many tons of machinery snd equipment have beenj piarea. ins only way or reaching the propertlea la by pack trail from West Pork, and It was over this route the ponderous pieces of steel and Iron were carried by pack pony. , Evan a sawmill was carried In on pack animals, and has been at work for the past several weeks, cutting lumber from the fine timber on the claims for the construction of flumes and the erection of mine build ings. The diggings of Half Moon and Black Bear bars are among the richest In the state. It Is all virgin ground, and car ries values principally In coarse gold, ranging from SO cents to SI per yard. WANTED FOR ABDUCTING YOUNG MARC0LA GIRL (atrial DLy.trb t Tbe Jeeraal.) Eugene, Or., Oct. J. The local offi cers are looking for J. Dubois, aged about 26 yeara. who la charged with the abduction of Mahal Conrad, the 14-yeer- oid atepaaugnter or Homer Keely of Marcoht. It Is said that Dubois and the girl left Marcola Sunday and, taking me nigm train at ajugene, left for the south. The officers all along tbe line have been notified to keep a lookout for the couple. ONTARIO CITIZEN HURT ON RAILROAD (pedal Dtapitcb to Tke Journal.) Ontario. Or.. Oct. S. Dayton F Fair- child, a well-known cltlsen residing 1 1 - The don'T crsck to .Mles." ' M Made with" tWOCORf)" m buttonhole that bold. m A Faff aurunk. 14 sties If you want them. I . ets. p. ipi a co., tuaw tisi. n. y. I Let Suit By our easy payment method of selling cloth ing. It is our specialty. You make a small de posit when you take the suit, then only A Yon are Welcome to Credit We make it easy for you-we make it pleasant for you-to buy your clothing on our easy-payment plan. GEVURTZ & 173-175 First Street (Corner First near this city, was severely Injured Monday by being struck by the west bound passenger train at the depot. Con siderable freight was piled up 'on the platform and the truck loaded with bag gage was run up next to the etrack awaiting the arrival of the train. Mr. Falrohlld did not seem to realise that the approaching train waa so near snd attempted to paas between the truck struck oil the right hip and side by the locomotive pilot and knocked down. He was also hit by the tender and baggage oar. It is feared he has received Inter nal Injuries. ' WIRELESS CONGRESS MEETING IN BERLIN (Jonrnal Specl.l Servlee.) Berlin, Oct. S. Thirty-one govern ments. Including Mexico and several of the South American republics, are rep resented at the International wlrelees telegraph conference which Opened In Berlin today. The United States Is of ficially represented by a distinguished delegation that Includes Ambasaador Charlemagne Tower. Brigadier General James Allan, chief of the signal corps of me onueo. oiaies army; near Anmirai H. N. Manney. U. S. N and John I. Waterbury of New York. Stgnor Mar coni la present as an official representa tive of the government of Montenegro. Another delegate la Sunklcht Klreure, who Is accused by tha Slaby-Arco com pany of having appropriated the general Slaby-Arco Ideas for the Japanese gov. .rnm.nt. Tha main purpose of the conference, as set forth in the call lasued by the Oerman government. Is to secure inter national action that will oblige each and all of the varloua wireless compantea to receive and forward messages coming tO them regrdli yf the systems which Us YOU Week It will sooq pay for a suit and youll never feel it to be a burden on your pay envelope THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE' SONS Best Magazine DELINEATOR, I year McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, I year WORLD'S WORK, I year TMi Osfe McUftl for e-M WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION SUCCESS MAGAZINE REVIEW OF REVIEWS Send for Oar Complete List of Magazines and Club Offers JONES' BOOK STORE Pacific Coast Subscription Agency 201 ALDER STREET send out the mea sages, the refusal to do which le regarded as a very serious matter by haval powers. Allen Lewis' Beet Brand. kmm eSEbfBbVbVv mmmJf (T HsH ssgCasTO'sTPsffmT t wSwhfcixrCirW JflwSw. Mmwmmwmwfa K1jA& mmmmmmjQrnmSa)mmmmmmmJL TTl sVtT JeraliMswsm tWeBalPHffsl-TsH mam TSkWmm fxT'lTjBsM swaeVwivfllawvBfliH HttnS HVw ; -'K 7 J . stnwHH BH IBBwT-HfiiWsfi jPjFgTt'-PTsJB BHfl LMsVreBBsyMsMsaLA v aV if driVf t j9S9 Bw8PfcjPawrt jjC jjaj B( o5fl eS s-PfTyyyfjpB rB WEB' L L!ieLetfB57fl Ww firm and Yamhill) 219-227 Yamhill St Offer Ever Made PORTLAND, OREGON Sale of A' Sdm! Dtaeatek t Tbe Jonrnal.) Aberdeen, Oct. I. The real estate market here continues to be lively. The lateet large sale was made today by Harding St Engen. when they sold the property on the southwest corner Of F iAII ThreuFor m !Ftr TEETH Cut Rates ly successful Alveolar Btathoa, we will do work at eut sees for 30 Days a in 1MI rutulu with ! nak MBtaaMMi tram ltl... .mhun a. orowms (SSk.) SS.SO to SB.ooi bridge- as low as MOO. 'averythlag first elase. X.ady attendant. BOSTON DENTISTS 39 1& Morrison Street Opposite Poelofnee and Hume streets to Emll Oleen for 17,000. The land le 104x100 feet and was owned by O. I., crain. The large livery stable of Mr. Johnston now stands on the land, but It is expected that Mr. Olsen will build a good business block on It in tbe spring.