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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
aal THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, ltOt. OIL Till MEASURE FAULTY Loopholes in Ordinance Are So Large That the Health and Police Committee of the Council Postpones Action Upon It Through the faulty construcUoa of the ordinance Intended to compel the re moval of the tanks of the Standard Oil company from their present location on Eaet Madison street It would be possible for the company to cut down the slae of the tanks, and fill a whole block with a .number of smaller ones. The health and police committee of the council this morning therefore post poned action on the measure. Whitney L. Boise, leading; the east sldere op posed to the tanks.- said that K. M. Brannlck would attend to the prepara tion of a new ordinance when he re turned from the east. George 8. Flanders, local manager of the Standard OH, said the company wag willing that an ordinance be passed giv ing 100.000 gallons of any one kind of oil as the maximum amount to be stored there at any time. He admitted, however, that 20 kinds of oil were oarrled In stock, but said only three tanks hold over 100,000 gallons each. ' I About 50.000 gallons handled was an ordinary day's business, he said. t u nAuit am. f ttu imnUnunt deal ers who want to see the oil tanks a long way from their property, said mat the Standard Oil could get no Insurance , I ,- tanb. iiminr Ylsndars re plied to this by offering to bet $100 to $10 that all the Insurance desired could .. ...l AR,.I,H mnM ll. flashed liu uviiib w " . - a handful of double eagles In the face of the remonatrutors. The present measure limits the slse . - -w , is AAA arallnna This would Interfere with the crude oil tank from which engines ars filled, which Is located in the middle of the O. R. & N. yards In Albtna. Mr. Flanders declared that the pack ing part of the business Is now being transferred to the Portsmouth station as fast as possible, and said he be lieved practically all the business would be handled from there within two years. He could give no assurance of this, however. Heart Palpitation Indigestion causes th stomas to expand swell and puff up against the heart This crowds the heart and interferes with Its action, causing shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure PI0CSTS WHAT TOD EAT takaa the strain off the heart, and contributes nourishment, strength sod health to every organ of ths body. Cures Indi gestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stom ach. Belching. Gas on Stomach, and all Stomach troubles. tux auamrt tout comtant w otusoow. Portland Trust Company of Oregon INCORPORATED APRIL. 11, HIT. Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets PORTLAND, OREGON $6,000,000 III DIVIDENDS PAia OUT IN GOTHAM During Remainder of Month Twenty Millions Mora Will Be Distributed. dearest Seerlal Servlee.) New Tork, Oct. 1. There was paid out yesterday In dividends and Interest by ths corporations, great and small, of the United States It, 00. 000. Dur ing the remainder of the month about 120,000,000 more will be disbursed to holders of (Securities of these com panies. This is an Increase, over the Septem ber disbursements of more than 100 per cent. So far this year ' the payments of this kind aggregate t:K0.SI7.26 as against 1116,776.7 for the corres ponding period of last year. The largest payments were made by the Harrlman roads the Union Pacific - disbursed 111.74.225 and the Southern Pacific !, 340.210. In the Industrial list the great Morgan property, the United States Steel corporation, leads with payments or it.osi.azs. DEATH DUE TO BLOW (Continued from. Page One.) long-abandoned path that leads Into the mase of forest and that Is overgrown with vines and underbrush. Following the almost oblltersted path for fully 60 yards Into the depths of the thicket, the searching party at last reached a lonely and desolste spot part ly cleared. In this remote and Isolated opening In the copse they found the re mains of Carey D. Snyder. The body lay prone usotr It SSSSSIt with hands outstretched end head thrown partly to one aide. On a losH nearby ley a rusty revolver witn an empty chamber and a short distance away lay the dead man's coat, neatly folded, and also his hat. Sola m the In the forehead of the prostrste corpse there gsped a small, black hole, plainly visible, though countless rains and the ceaseless work of elements hud obliterated most all other marks. Be side the body was found the costly gold watch and chain of the former debonalre young man and a small sum of money, $1.10, In bis pocket. The bullet hole In the head, with the revolver and empty chamber nearby, were features of the examination, which soon led to a verdict by the coronor's Jury favoring ths theory of suicide. The remains were brought to this place and further examination continued. It was only yesterday afternoon that evidence was discovered clearly disprov ing the Idea of suicide and pointing un mistakably to murder. At the base and directly on top of the akull there wore bruises and Indentures which would have caused ths death of- any human being without the aid of a bullet wound, according to Dr. Bailey. And a bullet could not have caused such Injury, hs 'said, for only a blunt instrument, such as a bludgeon, could so fracture the akull. a Convincing Bvldenoe. Following upon this other evidence quickly came to light and officers are now convinced that Snyder was the victim of -as foul a murder as was ever perpetrated. They are convinced that he was lured to the place where his badly decomposed body was found on Monday and there murdered. It was there the robbers went to divide their plunder after the robbery of the Forest Grove bank, officers declare, and it was , . there that a dispute arose as to a set tlement of the plunder, which resulted In the willful murder of Snyder. fj The story of Snyder's brief career rora the time -he settled here until his sudden daVpearance Is Ilka a blood-red yarn of border days. It wss two years ago that he with the aid of his father, a capitalist of Kansas City, secured a ranch in the foothills, near Olencoe. With him to ths ranch went his wife aad there they settled to escape the world and forget the past. Thsy were a striking pair; he, wild and reckless; she, stately aad composed, but ap parently sharing with him the delight of bolsterlous and daring sports. Both wSrs expert shota It Is ssld ihst frequently shs entertained their guests by splitting with a rifle ball an apple' which her husband poised upon his head. With revolvers she wss equally as proficient, while Snyder Is said to hsve had an unerring aim. Many were the wild and Jovial house parties they had among the hills and wine flowed as fri-ely as water from the spring. He spent money with s lavish hand and soon became known as a "re mittance man," for whenever hs was In want hs touched the wire and quick ly an anxious fathsr replied with re markable generosity. Thereplles with money were liberal and regular until a short time before young Snyder's sud den disappearance. To all appearances Snyder end his wife were boon companions snd stead- CASTOR I A For Infants sad Children. The Kind You Haft Always Bought Boars ths Signature of fast friends. But neighbors say that It was only a ahem; that when alone they quarreled and fought bitterly. Once here upon the streets he alnpped her face In public, but she made no audible reply or ,tven apparently took offense. But nofr neighbors say they heard her threaten his lire end say to him that if such conduct was repeated she would "do to him what she did to her former husband." Married in Portland. The pair eloped from Kansas City and ware married In Portland. It was m Kansas City that this son of a rich father engaged In his first criminal es capade, and news of it reached here soon sfter the jobbery of the Forest n, hank With others he held up u wealthy Jewelor and his wife upon the streets and robbed them oi-jems valued at 110,000. Hs was arrested, convicted and paroled. His father sent him here in the hope of reformation, and for many months checks from htm cams promptly and generously. But young Snyder and his wife were wildly extravagant, and more funds were needed to follow th route they traveled. After he had lived here a year, and soon after the checks began to come with less frequency. Snyder's cousin, (ieorge Perry, srrlved. Nothing wns known of him here, and he was rarely seen in this vicinity? He rescue! 'his place a week before the robbery of the Forest Grove 'jank. and nothing h?a been seen of him In this vicinity slnco that time. With him came ti strangnr. who. also dlssppesred soon after the bank robbery. Connected With Bamk Bobbery. Sheriff Connell has evidence which Is said to connect the trio with the rob bery of the bank, and Portland de tectives secured evidence which strongly corroborates his conclusion. Snyder and his cousin are known to have met on the afternooa before the crime, and it Is also known that on the day following the three men secured a teem from a Portland livery stable and drove out on t,be Cornell road towards OJencoo. They reached a point about 12 miles from this place, where a deep and almost im penetrable thicket stretches near to the roadside. There they left the rig for a time. What happened then Is only con jecture, but the officers believe that they murdered Snyder either to forever hush the story of their crime, fearing hla reckless snd fearless talk, or aa ths result of a dispute over a division of the booty. Next dsy the empty tig was found standing on a street In Portland. Sny der was not seen again. Boon sfter the finding of the rig In Portlsnd Perry and his companion disappeared. For a short time officers kept track of their movements, but they gradually drifted from city to city until all traoe of them hss been lost. Oenova, lows. Three Tears aeo I was afflicted with indif estltfl so much that I was in continual pain. After sating my heart was affected SSd I had smothering sensations. Two bottles of Kodol cored me. ALBERT LAMM. WC aWIer sewJs asSjJas 1H Urn as aisc as tht trial or SO. sees. Prtpmnt at the Lattrmrrtt A C OoWIU 4t Ce. Chicago, U.S. A Sold by Skldmore 9g Co. sad Woodaxd, Clarke S) Co. Auditor's Report and Comparative Statement of Condition at Close of Business September 21, 1905 and September 21, 1906 To o&r Patrons. Present and Proepeettve: There la no banking law in Oregon, hence no examination of State banks by any public authority. It haa always been the pollqy of the "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" to keep its depositors and clients, in general, posted aa to Its resources aad liabili ties: with which end In view statements are printed for distribution at frequent intervals. Recent events in Chicago and Philadelphia have mora than ever emphasised ths fact that no bank Is worthy of confidence unless its sjffalrs are rigidly Investigated by competent outslds authority, free from the influence of inter ested partlea With this idea of our duty to the public, I engaged the services of Mr. George Black, the well-known Public Accountant of thlo city, to make a full, searching and exhaustive examination of the affairs of the Portland Tms Company of Oregon. He was engaged by me, and began his Investigation on September 11th. !80, without the previous knowledge of sny other officer, stockholder or employe of the Company. His work, which is Just completed, has verified our statement of September 21st, 1904. For purposes of comparison a similar statement of September list, 10B, Is printed in parallel columns. Bespectfully submitted. Portland, Oregon. October lot, IMS. BBNJ. X. COHEN, President. Report of Condition at the Close of Business EVIDENCES OF MURDER (Continued from Page One.) rlage with Ita mysterious 'occupants hurried toward Portland and passed ths heavy fir copae oy ths roadalde where the skeleton was found on Monday. They drove at a fearful rate of speed until they reached Portland, shortly be fore daylight. Abandoned Carriage. Evidently fearing pursuit, they sban doned the carriage on IveJoy street, leaving the horses unhitched, and no trace of them has been . seen since. A women, near whose home In Portland the team was left, notified the police, who called for It. Ths horses were Jaded and worn ant. so exhausted that they remained standing unhitched in ths streets for more than an hour. All additional evidence that haa been secured will be presented to the coro ner's Jury tomorrow. Ths Jury's find ings will be presented to tbe district attorney's office and a more thorough and exhaustive Investigation into ths many phases of the mysterious cass will be begun. the necessary expenses. The bank would not act in the matter, and Sheriff Connell decided to wait until Snyder was found. The sheriff cams to Port lsnd In March and asked for aaslsUnce and I helped him for a few days, we found evidence that the rig hired from the Central stables had traveled to with in a mile of the Snyder place. This trip is supposed to have been taken to recover the stolen 10.000, which may have been buried in that vicinity. Many other peculiar featurea of the case sre related by Vaughn, such as the fact that a man who, until the finding of the body, was supposed to be Snyder, redeemed a pawned watch in Portland on the morning of Deoeirfber 6. Another Is that a man, presumably Snyder, left two handgrips In Beals gun store on Third street on December 4 and never called for them. Two months later they were opened by Vaughn and found to eon tain ammunition and peraonal effects belonging to Snyder. AST0R DESCENDANT WEDS NEWSPAPER REPORTER (Journal Special Service.! Bed Hook. N. J.. Oct. I. In ths Epis copal church here today Miss Margaret Livingston Chanler was quietly weddsd to Mr. Richard Aldrlch. a New York newspaper man. The brtda la a great -great-granddaughter of John Jacob As ter and a sister of John Armstrong Chanler. who married Amelia Rlvsa. Another of her brothers is Lewis Ktuyvesant Chanler. who la the nomi nee for lieutenant-governor of New York on the Hearst ticket. Ths wedding ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Harris, rector of the church. The bride was given away oy bar brother. Wlnthrop Chanlsr. The ceremony at the church waa followed by a small reception at the bride's coun try place at Barrytown. X-RAY PROVES FATAL TO BIG DAMAGE CASE (fssectal DUpatdk to The est Chebalis. Oct. I. Chehalls' 88,000 damage auit came to naught today when the attorney for the city, W. E. Blahop. secured a compromise of the action on t i?r. In nil In limi Mr.v n oait. in ... ' - - Sarah Hoagland, an elderly lsdy here. fell on a derecuve siaewai ana mjur-u . - WnM that tlma ungvrw vim vmw i . Mnwlnrf hor hand In a sllnr snd j mum i, i ...... -. - .. w 1 - , .m.I,. am hrrttivht ault aaalnSt i ths city for 11,000 damages. Last week j tbe court ordered an examination of the woman a nana oy iw jm)f.n;u. ua city. An X-ray picture showed that her hand was uninjured. When It waa learned that this waa ths cass the mat tar was easily settled out of court and the action dismissed. LOW RATES EAST RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Furniture and Fixtures Home Savings Banks ........ Stocks Bonds Bonds to Secure City Deposits . Improved Reel Estate (10,000 sq. ft) S. E Cor. Third and Oak Streets for Banking House and future additions. Other Real Eatate Improved and Unimproved Cash In Office :aah In Bank LIABILITIES. Capital Surplus Fund Undivided Profits . Demand Deposits . Savings Deposits . . Time Deposits Individual Credits . .1171,049 S . . 565, 711.51 . 11,711.95 Sept. 21. 1905. .1 409.174.14 4.045.15 1.691.00 11.100.00 418,442.11 119,111.65 64.642 51 16,808 4! 100.1(8.04 ..1100.000.00 11,140.07 Sept 11, 1906 I 718,01078 11.874.S1 14.876.00 679.882.78 50,000 00 117.167.74 25.821 16 2597 59 70.8(8.14 169.616.26 128.048.16 897.717.66 22,821.62 Total Deposits 1888,8(8.78 81,204,006.86 8 800.000.00 16.000.00 18,(47.48 81.407.868.68 81,787.801.01 Stock Exchange Securities, September 21, 1906 BONDS Par. 60,000.00 50.000.00 60.000.00 60,000.00 60.000.00 50.000.00 80,000.00 60.000.00 60.000.00 40,000.00 16,000.00 60.000.00 60,000.00 40,000.00 8,(00.00 60,000 00 United Railways of St. Louis 4's Chicago. Burlington A Qulncy. Joint eS...t Southern Pacific first refunding 4's Louisville A Nashville unified 4's.,.. United Railways, gold trust 4's (Philadelphia) . . Reading, general 4's St. Louis A Ssn Francisco, refunding 4'S Central Pacific, first 4's Chesapeake A Ohio, general 4 Vs Norfolk A Western, consolidated 4'a Electrio A People's, 4's (Philadelphia).. Metropolitan St Ry. (N. Y). refunding 4's Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific, first refunding Atlantic Coast Line (L N. Collat). 4's Oregon Railroad A Navigation, 4's Oregon Short Line, refunding gold 4s 4's. Ledger Vslue. ...I (4.070.(8 . . . 49.419.3S ... (8,887.60 ... 50.889.89 . ... (1,600.00 ... 61,382.60 ... 15,794.75 . . . 60,586 26 ... (8.(38.25 , . . . 40.637.60 ... 16,005.63 ... 46.386.16 .... 49,611.74 ... 87.312.60 . . . 6.000.00 ... 48.662.60 3680.000 00 8658.333.7J BONDS TO SECURE DEPOSITS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON. 360,000.00 Atlantlo Coast Line, Consolidated 4 s 150,000.00 OTHER BONDS. 311.(00.00 Hood Blver Electric Light. Powsr A Water Company 6's 321,500.00 e. a st- Low 3ound-Trip Bats. THINKS SNYDER WAS (Contlnusd from Pairs One.) Braahear came to the northwest to do some crooked work with Snyder. "This robbery was to be pulled off on Use. last night of November," con tinues? Vaughn. "Snyder and his wife drove Into Forest Grove la one rig and Perry and Brashear drove in In another. But on account of a misunderstanding sach party wstted for the other at a different place. The Jinyders waited until t o'clock In the morning, when they drove back home. This much Mrs. Snyder confessed to ons of her friends, though she said she would deny It If placed on the stand. Unable to Join la Crime. "The next day a call came for Sny der over the telephone, but the answsr wss that he was s'.ck. Ths next day after that, ths day after the robbery, when the news cam over the telephone that ths bank had been robbed. Mrs. Snyder heard her husband say. Those fellows hsve gone on and robbed that bank alone. I'm going to go to Port land and gat my share of the money or know the reason why.' "Snyder came to Portland on Decem ber 8. The same day he telephoned to hla wife that he had seen the me, but had not come to an understanding. Ha ssld that he would probably be home the next day. On the evening of the Fourth Snyder hired a two-sestad surrey from the Central stables, at Nineteenth and Wsshlngton streets, giving a flotltloue name. Thta rig waa found at dawn next morning standing at Lovsjoy snd Twenty-fourth streets, snd by 9:10 o'clock It was back in the Central barn. Snyder was never seen sgsln. Ferry showed up In Kansas City and ws could have got him, but there was no money to pay The O. R. A N. Co. haa mads a low rata of 184.50 for round trip, Portland to Buffalo, New York, account tbe In ternsttonsl convention of Christian churches, to be held st that plaoe Octo ber IS to 17. Tickets will be on sale October ( and (. A choloe of several different routes la given, and stopovers allowed In both dlreotlona For further partic ulars' in regard to routss. through slseping-oar service, etc call on or ad dress C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R- A N. Co., Third and Washington streets, Portland- Buffalo Convention. On account of the big convention of Christian churches at Buffalo October 13 to 17, the Canadian, Pacific haa mads a rate of 184.50 for the round trip. Tickets on sale October and (- Long time limit Make your aleeplng car reservations now. Double dally train service. For further particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. A P. A.. 143 Third street, Portlsnd, Oregon. Fcstmssters Meet la St. bonis. (Jearasl Sseeisl Sarvlee.i St. Louis. Mo., Oat. 8. Ths Nations Aasocistlon of Postmssters of the first clsss assembled In St Louis today snd began a three days' convention at ths Hotel Jefferson. More than one hun dred postmasters and asslstsnt post masters are in attendance. Add IK- Graves' Tooth Powder. to your toilet necessities if you want the best results. It removes discolorations and tartar. An antiseptic a purifier a cleanser. Ask your dentist. Ask him why. GEORGE BLACK FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT WOBCESTER BUILDING. Portland, Oregon. October 1st, 190(. To the President and Directors of Portland Trust Company of Oregon: Gentlemen I hereby certify that I have carefully examined the books of account of the Portland Trust Company of Oregon, with a view to ascertaining; the accuracy of the statement of resources and liabUltlee as of September 21st. 1900. and am of the opinion that the same, as submitted herewith. Is trus and correct. I also certify that I have examined the securities and evidences of indebted ness In connection therewith, by Inspection of the original documents, except In ths case of such bonds of the company as are on deposit with the National Fark Bank of New York, from which Institution I have received a list of the same, stating that thsy are not pledged or hypothecated in any manner; and I have also received a statement from the Treasurer of the City of Portland as to ths 350,000 of bonds pledged with, htm to secure City deposits. The value of the company's resources as set forth In ths said stste- ment is , 11,787,301.01 DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: Loans and Discounts 81 per cent of which is amply secured by mortgages, deede of trust and collateral; ths remaining notes are In my opinion good. . 718,010.91 Bonds Tbsaa represent ths Company's "Second Ressrva"; they are well selected securities, running for long periods. Owing to the present deprsssed condition of the bond market, they are worth a small discount below the book value at which they arc carried, but tbolr Intrtnstd value Is beyond ques tion. - a -V . Furniture and Fixtures This item Includes the counters and other fittings of ths new banking-house recently Installed. Tt9.863.78 Stocks These sre carried amount. sf' par, aad are regarded aa worth that Improved Real Estate 10.000 sq. ft S E. Cor. Third and Oak streets, for Banklnjr-House Slid Future Additions I hsve had this property appraised by conservative valua tors, who regard It as worth at leaat 340,000 In excess of the above sum. Other Real Eatate Improved and Unimproved This Itsm Is also conservatively valued and should sell for a figure well above that amount Cash In Offlcs Proved by Actual Count Cash In Banks, subject to check Verified by the ststements of Cor respondent Banks ' 11.(74.(3 24,(75.00 117.1(7.74 15.818.16 33,597.69 70.3(8.14 . Total $1,737,301.01 I have made due allowance for interest due to depositors, and all other 'expenses to, date; have considered discount on the bonds; the reasonable value of ths Company's Resl Estate; snd believe that aa then adjusted ths Company's Resources would be worth well In excess of ths above figure, via: It.7l7,8(l.l. The general administration of the Company la well organised. Ita manage ment Is conservative, and its books and records st present In use are wall snd accurately kept. Respectfully submitted. ' GEO. BLACK. F. A. A.. Public Accountant Portland Trust Company of Oregon la taauidy motel aaas D'- aims' Tooth Powdor Co. BENJAMIN T COHEN H 1. PITTOCK B. LBS PAGET J. O. OOLTRA .President , Vlce-Prosldeut Secretary , . .Assistant Secretary 1 Jnt New Pattern Hats Yesterday's express from the East brought the choicest lot of French and American Pat tern Hats we have ever shown. There are so many charming and exclusive models in the lot that to describe each one would take too much fume come Tomorrow anu sec iw yourself. We are also offering Gage Hats in the new Autumn modes. Cash or credit. Flower Vase Special Between the hours of 2 and 6 to morrow we will sell these, beautiful crimped glass Flower Vases, -i L 18 inches high, at, special vV Not more than two to one cus tomer. One-half the people in Port land are trading here now we make these special offers to induce the other halt to come here. Eastern OutfittingCo. Washington and Tenth tbb iron wnEBETOtrm oaz s Wear Get the Habit v "Best Hat In the World for the Money" $3.00 New Fall Shapes Ready BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER Butter-Nut is a Loaf Compsre it wtth any broad you csn "'OU 1TC find In Portland. Nots the crisp, (ol den brown crust; tbe white, satiny, 1 uniform texture of the crumb; the pUlTC fresh, wholesome odor; the delicious flavor and you will agree with as T 1 that it is the finest breed baked in -LjlK.C town. Butter-Nut is sn economical bread, keeps fresh longest, is the whitest, cleanest, most nutritious breed baked. Oet e loaf today, give it a trial; the first taste is a revela tion of how good bread csn be mads. Look for ths label. 5 Cents a Loaf Everywhere rliUiLLV "K. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A RtWtf WOK ALL