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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 8, ltOt. ATTORNEYS CLASH COURT fagus and Schnabel Have Con troversy in Friedlander Bankruptcy Case. iFORTY-FIVE DOLLARS CAUSE OF ARGUMENT Vague Wants Amount Stricken From List of Assets, While Schnabel De clares Proceeding Is Unfair and Not Strictly Legal. Whin B. a Pasue, attorney for 8am H. Friedlander. a. petitioner la bank ruptcy, appeared in the United States district court this morning and naked that the clause specifying $4 as "caah on hand" be stricken from the Hat of a seats. C. J. Schnabel. representing the creditors, made rigorous objection. A warm discussion between the two at torneys followed. Both made positive statements Involving direct contradic tions. Judge Wolverton Interposed in the argument and ordered the attor neys to appear In the court tomorrow morning with Referee Chester Murphy, before whom the hearings have been held. ' Friedlander Is manager of amuse ments at the Oaks and has lived In .Portland several years, coming to the .Rose City from San Francisco, where most of the creditors scheduled in his petition reside. I Pullman palace cars, services of Plnkerton sleuths, royalties on plays and other and highly Interesting factors of strenuous twentieth century life were scheduled in the list of liabilities which show that Friedlander has debts amounting to $15,383 and property to the value of 1445. Included In the list of creditors la (as -Mayor Jsmaa Phelan of San Fran cisco. . who has a claim against Fried lander for 1150 for "money loaned." .There are many such Items In the list of debts, snd also s number for "serv ices." These are said to be from actors "and actrsssss , who were in Frledland ars employ. Pullman Oar Debt. The debt of tho Pullman Car com pany against Friedlander amounts to 110.000 snd is said to be for private cars engaged' by the amusement man ager for his trips between Portland and the Bay City. He also Is Indebted to the Plnkerton detective agency for the services of numerous sleuths, which were worth $500 to the detective .ageney. .Frtedland.r's petition was filed June oovta J. E. Oover, 101 N. Main St., Ottawa. Kan., writes: "Every fall It has been my wife's trouhle to catch a savers co(d. and therefore to cough all winter lona. La at fall I got her a bottle of Horehound Syrup. She uaed It and haa been able to sleep soundly all night 'long. Whenever 'e cough troubles her 'two or three deewe stops, the cough, and she le sole to he up snd wall." I5c Is ska to be up ana well." f5c. 5c g 1.07 Sold by Woods rd, Clarke . aru. .Co Famous Clothing: Co. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS FOR OCTOBER'S 190 .1 1 WW of in f &&eJbJliMm Dreaslea up-to-ine-mmuie, QJ&low&iSsn in pattern, style and price, L neat n fcrwu. Other Stores Ask $15.00 for Them J. B. Stetson Hats ESS $4.00 It sued haa been pending settlement since that time. Attorney Pague In sists that all creditors are satlsAad with the exception of a few, and that their consent will be forthcoming soon. Attorney Schnabel seems to be one of the few, because he waa emphatic in hia declarations In court today. Ho said: 'This amendment to the original bill of complaint la but one In a aerlea which have made the methoda of Fried lander notorious in his efforts to be ad Judged a bankrupt. Thsaa $45 should be Included in the list of asgsta and the effort to have them stricken out st this time is but another move on the part of the petitioner to save all he can." Attorney Pague Inalated that the in clusion of the 541 was an error on his part, and that tha money had been handed to him oy Friedlander the day before the petition was filed that tha clerk'a feea might be paid, lie said that he erred in Including It In the pe tition when, aa a matter of fact, it was not cash on hand, but money which the petitioner had advanced for the pay ment of the proceedings for the peti tions. LINERS UNABLE TO ENTER NEW YORK HARBOR New Cunarders' Draft Too Deep for Present Channels, Say Marina Engineers. (Journal Saecfel Service. ) New York. Oct. I. There Is a strong probability that the two greatest ocean liners, ths Ounarder s Lusitanla and Mauritania, Will not be able to enter New York harbor when they arrive oft this port a year and a half hence. To day It would be aa Impossible for them to reach their piers on the New York water front aa It would be for them to reach Buffalo by way of the Erie canal. There la not a channel up the bay deep enough to float them. And according to harbor men and peraons In close touch with the altuatlon there la not likely to be one In two or three yeara. They will not be able to enter In safety un til the completion of the new Ambrose channel, which will be finished In about four yeara, according to the englneera In charge of tha work. Just how much water the new Cu narders will draw It is Impossible at this time to say. The builders estimate the load draft at 57 fast ( inches. This may be two feet underestimated, say experienced boat builders and marine engineers. When all the fittings are put aboard they say the probabintiea are that the draft will be much greater. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ORGANIZE Forest Orove, Or.. Oct. I. The fresh man class of Pacific university has or ganised and elected the following of ficers for the coming term: Miss Amy Thomas, president; Haskell Ferrtn, vice president: A. A. Kirk wood, treasurer: Gordon Brawn, sergeant at arms, and Paul Abraham, class reporter on the Weekly Index. The Alpha Zeta society held Its first meeting Saturday and elected the fol lowing officers: President. H. H. Mar ks), vice-president. Virgil Waterman; secretary. Charles Ward: treasurer, Fred Knight, and sergeant at Jamea Ward. FIRST WEEK WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO A NEW FALL SUIT CRAVENETTE OR OVERCOAT medium or heavy weight either single or double WW LVjammaHlPa VssQ WW i' Fine needs emphasis when describing the Hanan Shoe. Other shoes have borrowed the word and abused it. Let's tay "satisfaction", in stead satisfaction based on fit, comfort, style and service. That's what you get with every pair of Hanan Shoes. Low-priced, we think, fox what they offer. $ 5.00 and up. For men and women. SOLE AGENTS Rosenthal's 149 THIRD STREET "Portland's BEST Shoe Store." IRRIGATION DISCUSSED DY 1 BOARD OF TRADE Number- of Speeches Made Support of Efforts to Raise Funds for Jetty. in At a meeting of the Portland board of trade last evening tho question of Irrigation Investigations and experi ments In eastern Oregon waa taken up for discussion, and it was the senti ment of the meeting thst the state of Oregon should sfford sufficient finan cial aid to warrant the federal govern ment In continuing tha Irrigation Inves tigations. From s communication received from A. P. Stover, who Is conducting the experiments. It wss learned that he Is Hsiut tn r.fir. from the field because 1 of lack of Interest shown by ths state He said: "1 regret very much this turn of af fairs, for Just at this stags of eastern Oregon's development tha need la vary great for experimental solutions of Ir rigation problems snd for actual field demonstrations in thd preparation of land and me application of water." Under a cooperative plan between na tional and. atate governments, it Is nec essary for a state to appropriate IS, 000 or more, and the national government augments this with a similar amount. The board paaaed a resolution urging the Oregon legislature to appropriate a sum necessary to continue the Irrigation experiments. A number of speeches were made In derogation of the chamber of com merce movement to raise money to as sist in completing ths Columbia river Jetty, and a resolution was passed ask ing the government to make the Jetty work a continuing contract. ARMED MEN (Continued from Page One.) ha" from the striken yea. and the unamblguoua flat of Chief Ortlsmschsr. Tha exporters got a "hunch" last night, according to W. J. Burns, -that there was a conspiracy among the strik ers to blow up Montgomery Dock' No. I, where all the strike-breakers are housed at night. They, therefore, had three forcea of men on hand . to do guard duty. There were two policemen, Bills, and Roberta; seven detectives hired from tha Thlel agency, E. H. I Debord J. A McMonles, F. A. Brough- ton. J. W Qui nn. F B. Hot hern. D. 1. Mennett and H. Griffith, and the steam launch Palmer, containing Harbormas ter m-lin and Tiou Gamer, the owner of the launch. Why Blglln took It upon hlm..lf tn met Into the service of the exporters and hunt for strikers Is s mystery, but Sfter his experience last night it Is not likely that he will bo so accommodating in the future. Harbormaster Opens Battle. Blglln snd Gsrner crulaed up and down in front of Montgomery No. 2 for some time. At snout ocioca iney approached within a few feet of the dock. Blglln saw a light under the dock and Immediately Jumped at the con clusion that It waa a strikers who ought to be shot. Ths harbormaster whipped ' out his revolver and fired at tha light. What was his surprise to be answered by a volley from above. "Detectives" Debord and McMonles, thinking they were hstng attacked by strikers begsn emptying their revolvers ss fast ss they could pull the triggers. Blglln set up a loud outcry and Policemen Ellis and Roberts came on the ran, calling upon the frightened watchmen to Stop firing. But tha watchmen did not stop until they had discharged even revolver bullets Into the hull of the Palmer, one of them graslng Oar ner'a face and leaving a scratch three Inches long upon his cheek. Had the "detectives" not been too panic-stricken to take careful aim, they would have killed both Blglln and Gsrner. for they were only s fsw yards distant, and evi dently shot to kill. When the battle was over and con gratulations hsd been exchanged over the fact that no one wss seriously hurt, ths policemen reported ths occurrence to headquarters. Ths result was thst In a few minutes Sergeant Cols and a squad of sevsn patrolmen were on their way to the dock to disarm ths dstee tlvSs. A revfflver of large caliber waa taken from both Debord and MacMooles. as well ss from esch of ths five other guards stationed at other points about the dork These guns were taken to po lice headquarters, whers thsy still re. msln. Chsrgss were not preferred against any of ths psrtles to the affair, but Chief Grltsmscher declares thst he will tolerate no more of such business. The strikers are Jubilant over the In cident of last night . snd they believe thst the disarming of the gusrds will mark the beginning of desertlona which will leave only a handful of tha 40 or M strlkebreskers now la thS employ of ths exporters, COMPILES NEW LAW REGULATING ALL INSURANCE BUSINESS IN STATE r P. A. MacPherson Has Proposed Bill Which Ha Hopes Legisla ture Will Act Upon. MEASURE PROVIDES FOR VERY COMPLETE REPORT Demands Additional Information Concerning Property Held by Com panies, Expenditures for All Pur poses, List of Officers, Etc. P. A. MacPherson, past president of the Order of Waahlngtan with head quarters In the Marquam building, haa been studying the Insurance laws of the State, and aa a result has compiled the draft of a law which he thinks It would be well for the coming legislature to consider and. If possible, adopt In the proposed bill he stipulates in brief that the entire business of the companies should be opea to the Inspection of the public, through the annual reports to be msde by each compsny. Mr. MacPherson in hie bill provides thst "additional Information should be Incorporated In the annual reports of life Insurance companies doing business In this state, and for the publication of an abstract thereof by such companies.' In section 1 of tha proposed lsw the writer provides that all real property held by any corporation shall be noted In the report with ths dates of acquisi tion, the namea of tha vendors, the actual coat, tha value at which It la car. lied on the company's books, the mar ket value, the amount expended dur ing the year for repairs and improve ments, tha gross and net Income from each parcel. aecords of All Loans. It la also provided that the amount fif all loans on real property shall be set forth and also whether the loan was mads In the ststs ox, la, a foreign company . or person. It Is further provided that all other property, Including securities, whether they are recognized by ths law aa RESERVE CREATED AI GOOSE LAKE Inhabitants of Region on Oregon-California Border Ap prove President's Act, WILL END RANGE WARS CAUSED BY STOCKMEN Overstocking and Invasion by For eign Flocks Stopped Country In cluded Is of Rough Volcanic Char acter. (Washlagtoa Bursas of The Jonrnal.) Waahtngton, D. . C, Oct. . The Goose Lake foreat reserve wss created in Oregon recently by presidential proc lamation. This rsssrve, en its name Im plies, la situated near Goose lake, which extends Into Oregon from the northern border of California. The country which It embraces Is very rough, except along the water courses, being mainly of volcanic character with a surfsos of broken lava rocka or solid basaltic escarpments or "rim rock." Cli mate, physical structure and soli condi tions effectually preclude development ss sn agricultural area, though there are some small valleys where fruit and veg etables for home use can be successfully grown. The principal Industry of the region is csttle snd sheep graslng, and this will be the case until the demand for lumbar Increases In the district. There sre two main types of forest that represented by the lodgepole pine aress, and that of the western yellow (bull) pine snd sugar pine areas. Much of ths latter has been cut for local use, snd the cut-over lands almost Invariably corns up to the Inferior lodgepole pipe. Says Chief Forester Plnchst: "Tha creation of the reserve will serve threo very beneficial purposes, and local conditions are auch thst the bona fide settlers of the region sre preponderantly In fsvor of reserve ad ministration. In the first place, the Im portant graslng rights of the Inhab itants will be protected against tha In roads of foreign bands of sheep that overrun the range to the detriment of the sheep and cattle owned In the neigh hrnov, nf the reserve. Moreover, tho range wll be carefully allotted to pre vent overstocking, and to eliminate ail differences between sheep snd eat'.lo owners, to the Immense advantage of both. In the second place, wlae restric tions In the outtlng of timber will tend towsrd s preservation and a reproduc tion of the valuable species until the timber of ths region will hsvs a much higher commercial value and a greater usefulness. In tha third place, forest preservation will be of greet benefit to the various Irrigation projects, the tuoxt important of which Is the Klamath proj- "eej of the United States reclamation service, wnicn draws a targe portion or Ita supply from the wsterahed endosej In ths reserve." The Goose Lake reserve Is quite . Ir Dyspepsia b an indication that the stomach and other digestive organs are weak, tired or debilitated. It causes no end of aches and pains and is most common where people bolt their meals and harry and worry, at they do in this country. Hood sSarsaparilla cures dyspepsia it has "a mafoc touch in this disease. Far tsstJmonials of i ssssrfcsili cs Mai for Book on Dyspasia. No. 3. CL proper Investments or not. and all data concerning such property, shall be noted In detail in the annual report. It la also eet out that all commis sions paid to any person Is the em ploy of the compsny. for the purchase or aale of property, for legal services or other servloes. or for loans, all moneys expended In connection with any matter pending before any legislative body or any officer or dspartmsnt of government ahall be recorded In the an nual report together with all particulars relating to each separate action. O Ulcers' aVeooiSs Demanded. The namea of all the officers snd directors of the company shsll be printed, together with the proceedings Of the annual meeting, the namea of all candidates for cilice, the number of votes cast for each and whether these votaa were cast in person, by proxies or by mail. Ths sstarlea and all emolu ments of each nerson connected with the company In a salaried or paid ca pacity are to fee noted and in the event of the amount paid being over $5,000, dates of payment and authority to make the payment ahall be noted In detail. The largest balancea carried In anv financial Institution for each month ahall be recorded, aa ahall all death claims paid, resisted or compromised. A complete statement shall be kept of the profits snd losses upon Jhe yesr's business, tha sources of all gains or loases and also a statement showing separately the margins upon all pre miums for the first year of Insurance It Is also provided that a separate statement shall he made showing the amounta of gains made by tha com pany attributable to policies written after December 31, 1907, and the pre cise method by Which the calculation haa been msde. I: Is also atlpuluted that the fates of annual dividends for all plans of Insurance shsll be given. It Is provided that ths rates of divi dends paid on deferred dividend poli cies shall be detailed aa well aa all sums held or set apart for apportion ment upon policies with deferred divi dends for periods longer than one year In all plans of Insurance. .It Is finally provided that every In surance company doing business In ths state shall furnish the required ab stract at Its own expense, snd that the abstract shall be published for ths pe riod of time required by law In two papers published In the city of Portland. regular In shape and has some detached areas, but comprises In all about 100.000 acres. . HAND OF DIAL (Continued from Psge One.) made the total emount raised to dute $203,771. and leaves! fcr the committee to raise by 8a tut day nignt Included tn today's subscriptions utrt two 11.000. subscriptions, om from the Oregon Real Etnle y find the other from the Marshall-Wells company. Mualcals Tonlfht. One of the features for thla week In the raising of money for the new asso ciation building will be the musicals arranged for tonight at the clubhouse of the Irvlngton Tennis club. An ad mission fee of B0 centa will be charged and ths receipts will be turned over to the committee. This will be one of ths best muslcales ever given In Portland snd all the local artists of note will ap pear and take part In ths program. The regular club dance has been postponed on account of the affair and a cordial invitation haa been extended to the pub lic to attend. Those who are In charge of the affair are expecting a large crowd to turn out to hear ths music ar ranged fof the musicals. BEGGARS BEHEADED FOR BEGGING FROM MERCHANT , Mooraal Sbeetal Berates.) Vancouver B. C, Oct. 1.- Accordlng to the "Shanghai Mercury," copies of which have been received hers, ths beg gars and .the magistrates' servants In Canton enjoy a prescriptive right to exact money from every tradesman who opena a new shop, especially a pawn broker's shop, aa pawnbrokers are re garded by the people aa Chinese shy locks. V Recently, when s pawnbroker named Fu Bhang opened a new establishment near the Cblng Fung bridge, a vast num ber of theae beggars and magistrates' servanta were there demanding exorbi tant sums from the owner. As Fu Shanif had psld his license fee to the government he refused to psy the sum demanded, end reported the matter to the police, who arrested more than a score of them and brought them before the magistrate for trial. Four of the extortioners were dis charged, but two ringleaders were sen tenced to be beheaded, notwithstanding ths fsct thst they were the magistrate's own servants, and the rest of them were sentenced tn be put In stocks before the pawnbroker's shop snd to remain there for a period of three months. SEATTLE RAILWAY FAILS ON ELECTION PROMISE (Jcsrnsl Speetsl Serrlce.) Seattle, Wash., Oct. g. As an In ducement for the streetcar men to vote sgalnst municipal ownership In ths Ists campaign and to abandon tha union or ganization, the employes of ths Seattle Electrlo company allege they were promlssd handsnme increases In salary to, become effective October 1. General dissatisfaction Is ezpresssd upon ths snnouncement by the compsny that It will pay an Increase of 10 to It cants a day for 10 honrs' work. There Sre 8S0 men affected and sll sre grumbling. TEDDY JR. SUMMONED BEFORE GRAND JURY (Journal Rpeclnl SBtrlee.) Boston. Oct. t. Shaun Kelley. tha roommate of Theodora Roosevelt Jr., waa arraigned In the municipal court today and pleaded not guilty to an as sault on a police officer during a stu dents' fracas on ths commons recently. The esse wss continued to October 10 and Roosevelt was summoned to testify. Ths president's son and anothsr were summoned to testify In the Investiga tion of the asms case by ths grand jury tomorrow. ENDED LIFE BY A JUMP IN FRONT OF A TRAIN Chshalls. Wash., Oct. I. No Inquest will be held on the stranger killed here by the train lsst night It Is believed his nsme was not Taylor, hut that the book ha carried belonged to a seloon kseper st Osts City. Further tnveetlga tlon suhstantlatea ths theory that the man got on ths track with suicidal Intent. "The Greatest Family Medicine Ever Discovered Is Peruna" so 8AY8 Ex-Member B MWwB North Carolina 1 Legislature. Hlallllli "The grass 1 family medicine ever discovered. In my opinion, which comes from experience as well aa observation, la Parana. The most common affliction to humalttttd Is a bad cold. Parana drives It oat of doors, wards off catarrh, InvlsjHw and gives fresh strength to mind and, body. "I give PerunaKr Unqualified endorsement." Wm. G. Hunter, Census Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. r t N aplts of ths chilly evenings and cold nights o October, this month is he most healthful month of the Whole season. There Is one liability, however, which constantly hsngs over ths month of October the liability to catch cold at night. Clothing TOO Thla. People have been accustomed to warm nights during tha summer. Thsy go out for tha evening without proper clothing. Before their return they find themselves chilled to ths bona. Sometimes people go to sleep without proper covering, only -to waken In the morning and find they have caught sold. BLACK EAGLE COAL PHONE 7 EAST ' F. B. Jones & Co. fp 181 E- Water Street TAGGART TO FIGHT HEARST III Wig STATE National Chairman Prepares to Oppose Inroads of Inde pendence League. (Jonrnil Siwclal Serrles.) Indianapolis. Ind Oct t. National Democratic Chairman Taggart came up from ths French Lick springs snd win remain In ths city till attar tha election Ho will take personal 'charge of the forces which sre opposing the Inroads of William R. Hearst In Indiana and he and othsr leading Democrats will do svsrything possible to discourage the organisation of an Independence league In thla stats. Agents of Hearst are st work In s number of the counties snd while they sre not men of recognised Influence the Democratic managers believe thst there should be work la opposition to the Hearst people tn order to prevent him from getting a foothold in ths stats for ma. GEORGIA IS ELECTING HOKE SMITH GOVERNOR (J .nrn.l gp.rt.l serrlee.) Atlanta, CI a.. Oct. . Georgia's bi ennial election for governor and other ststs officers Is In progress today. The election of Hoke Smith aa governor snd the other Democratic candidatss decided FSBSJB- r ir smtase. Don't wait 23 ounces JAQUES Catching Cold fa October. It Is very unfortunste Indeed to get a cold during the month of October. Any cold more or less undermines the system, snd a great many colds lay the foundation for chronic catarrh, pneu monia and other diseases of tha winter season. Ths watchword of October la to guard against cold, so ss to make the most of this beautiful and healthful month. P.-ru-na, a - Peruna kept In the houae la a con venient remedy against colds. At the appearance of ths first symptoms of cold, a few doses of Peruna will ofton mitigate the attack entirely. Peruna is the recognised family medi cine In over a million homes, and lie value cannot bo overestimated when It is propsrly us $7.00 rat TON DELIVERED upon at the recant stats primary la, cf course, assured. The only opposition ticket In the field is that of the Social ists, which is headed by J. B. Osborne aa candidate for governor. At ths polls today the voters also bal lot upon the ratification of the constitu tional amendments creating a new atate court of appeals and expressing their preference for three Judges to constitute the court. In the event the Amendment is ratified, the three candidates for the judgeship receiving ths lsrgest popular vote will be declared to be the nominees. They Will be elected st the general elec tion in Novmber. ALASKAN STEAMER PUTS INTO PORT LEAKING iJonrnal Ssecl.l SsrrlM.) Seattle. Wash., Oct. I Ths North western Steamship compsny's steamer Santa Ana, which Bailed for Alaska on Monday, returned to Clallam bay thla morning with 'Ave fast of wstsr tn hsr hold. COURT STOPS SEIZURE OF DECAYED POULTRY , (Journal 8seclal serrles.) Chicago, Oct. 1. Ths circuit court today lssusd an injunction restraining ' the city from interfering with ths con duct of ths businsss of F. A. Becker A Co. snd ths North American Cold Stor- n mm pnmnunv. thfSA firms bains' I h. nh- Jecta of attack by health department of eg floors, who selssd for destruction tons of decayed meat and poultry. Thscaso will be argued Ssturdsy. Ths firms claim ths city has no right to selss such property. BAKING POWDER is the wsnotrful raisin powder oi ths Wave Circle Thousands of women its bringing greater health and better food Into their homes by using K C Baking Towdcr. Costs just one-third what you alway pay. If you have never used it you don't know what you've mined. I All grocers for 23 cents MFG. CO. mm