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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE ORgOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER $. 1906. 1 BILLON PROTESTS EMITS' GAME Umpire's Decision in Favor of Portland May Cause Con test to Be Thrown Out. GIANTS SCORE EIGHT RUNS IN TWO INNINGS Log Angeles Apparently Had Game Cinched, but Nagle Wai Pound Eaay in Eighth and Ninth and Con test Went to the Northerners. (Journal Special Service! Los Angeles, Oct. S. The Olanta In vaded the horn of the Angela yester day and managed to walk away with the fame, although there la a good chance for the Portlandera losing- the came on a protest from Dillon. The trouble arose over a decision of Umpire Perrlne In the eighth inning. With a man on first, Carson hit a ball that struck a board n lop of the fence and then bounced bark Into the field. Per rlne ruled this ix homo run. The gen eral Impression was that It was not a home run and that President Bert will decide the match against Portland. It looked Ilka the Angela' game from the start. Schlmpff pitched for the visitors and wa3 found easy; seven runs war made off his delivery In' six In nings. - All this time Randolph had been pitching great ball, blanking the Olanta easily for seven Innings, but his arm; got sore and ha retired In favor of Nagle, who was suffering from a bad finger. Nagle waa In no condition to pitch and the Olanta- batted him all over creation, scoring sight runs in the last two Inning. Hsnderson pitched the last Inning for Schlmpff in order to hang on to the victory. Bernards) fielding, batting and ba sr running were the features. The score: PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Sweeney, ss. McHals, of. Mitchell, If. McCredle, rf. Smith, 8b. . Donahue, 2b. Carson, c. . . Mater, lb. . . Sohlrapff, p. . Henderson, p. Totals . 40 I 16 IT II 1 LOS AB. R. H. PO. A. E ,413210 Bernard, V-f. Gochnauer, ss. . Cravath, rf. Brashear, tb. ... Dillon, lb. ..... Carlisle. If. .... o l l 3 4 4 1 t o 1 k Toman, tb I Buckley, o 4 Randolph, p. I Nagle, p 1 Totals ' SS T IS IT 9 S SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 12 0 0 3 1 0 0 07 Hits 1 S 1 1 4 S 0 0 013 Portland . 000000044 S Hits 0 1 0 0 1 3 1 4 5-U5 SUMMARY Hits Off Randolph. 6;' off Nagle, 9. Home run Carson. Two-baas nits Carlisle !, Toman. Smith 2. Sacrifice hits Toman, Randolph. First base on error T-os Angeles. 1. Left on bases Los Angeles, 4 : Portland, S. Bases on belle Off Randolph, f. off Schlmpff. 1: Off Nngle, 1. Struck Out By Randolph, 1: by Schlmpff, 1: by Henderson. 2. Double play McCredle to Carson. Passed balls Pucklsy. 2. Hit by & Itched balls; Bernard Lister. Stolen ases Barnard I. Cravath, Buckley, Randolph, McCredls, Donahue. Time of game Two hours and S minutes. Um pire Perrine. SALEM HIGH SCHOOLERS ON THE GRIDIRON (Speclsl DUpatrh te The Jesrssl.) Salem. Or., Oct. t. In response to the call Issued by Captain Jones of the high school team, a score or mora of football enthusiasts went through the initial practice of the season last even ing. . There appears to be an amount of football spirit at the hlgn school, and the encouraging sign Is that the enthusiasm Is aha red by the entire student body. Captain Jones will try for one of the back field positions, and Lloyd Farmer la a candidate for the quarterback position. Ralph Moores Is trying for one of . the ends, and Olon Mill so far seems to have thlnga his own way at center. Manager Mott Is preparing to engage a coach for the season, and lu aeveral men In view. Prank Orannls, who coached the team last year, has been mentioned aa ths probable trainer. Virgil Earl, a Unlveralty of Oregon player, la As Tonic Is Better Than Any Kind of Medicine. CLARET table wine, 754 to f 1.50 a gallon. ZINFANDEL tart wine, 7S to ei.KO a gallon. BURGUNDY. Very dry. 1.50 to 3.00 a gallon. RIESLING white wine. $ l.OO and f 1.50 gallon. PORT, fioo to oo , gallon. 8HERRY, f l.OO to l.oo. ANGELICA. very fine, ' S 1.50 a gallon. MUSCATEL, sweet, SI. SO a gallon. MADEIRA. fl.SO a gallon. TOKAY, fl.SO a gallon. MALAGA, fl.SO a gallon. CATAWBA. fl.SO a gallon. We Carry All Flavor of Wine Manufactured. THE QUALITY STORE Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6499. Pure Wine A 'STStSi. If Your Stomach Is Lacking in Di gestive Power, Why Not Help the Stomach Do Its Work Espe cially When It Costs Noth ing To Try? Not with drugs, but with a reinforce ment of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work tit the atomach? Sci entific analysis shows that digestion re quires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and ths secretion of hydrochloric acid. When your food falls to digest. It Is proof positive that some of these agenta are lacking In your dlgeatlve apparatus. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements nec essary to digestion and when placed at work in the weak stomach and small In testines supply what these organs need. They stimulate the gastric glanda and gradually bring the digestive organs back to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical tests at home and abroad and are found to con tain nothing but natural digestives. Chemical Laboratory. Telegraphio ad dress, "Dtfflndo," London. Telephone No. 11029 Central. 10 Cullum St., Fen church St., E. C. London, 9th Aug., 1906. I have analysed moat carefully a boa of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets (which I bought myself at a city chemist's shop for the purpose), manufactured by the P. A. Stuart Co., Temple Chambers, London. E. C, and have to report that I canaot find any trace of vegetable or mineral poisons. Knowing the Ingre dients of ths tablets, I am of opinion that they are admirably adaptable for the purpose for which they sre Intended. (Signed) John R. Brooke. P. I. C, P. C. B. There Is no secret In the preparation of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Their composition Is commonly known among physicians, as la shown by ths recom mendations of 40.000 ltcenaed physicians in the United States and Canada. They are the most popular of all remedlee for Indigestion, dyspepsia, water braah. In somnia, loss i of appetite, melancholia, constipation, dysentery and kindred dis eases originating from improper disso lution and assimilation of foods, be cause they are thoroughly reliable and harmless to man or child. Stuart'e Dyepepela Tablets are at once a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain of these tablets being strong enough (by test) to digest 2,000 grains of steak, eggs and other foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest your food for you when your stomach can't. Aak your druggist for a fifty cent package or aend to ua direct for a free trial sample package and you will be surprised at the result. P. A. Stuart CO., 14 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. the favorite of many, but It is not sure that Mr. Earl can be prevailed upon to come to Salem to teach the great col lege game. At all events the pros pects are good for one of the h-.-st teams the Salem school haa ever put out. Games are being 'arranged with the high schools at Eugene, Baker City, Pendleton and Portland, but no dates have aa yet been agreed upon. WILLAMETTES DEFEAT COMMERCIAL BOWLERS The first games of the "B" claaa schedule of the Portland Bowling asso ciation were plavod last night on the Oregon alleys. The members of this claas are novlcsa. but will give a good account of themselves before the sea- mnrx la nver The rnntMtln. tMma were ! the Commercial o S versus Willamette The latter took all three games. Moeer waa the star player, securing highest single game, 213, also the high average, ISS. The score follows: WILLAMETTE. 1 (I) Ave. Raymond 149 171 118 147 Smith 140 ltt 14S 138 W. Crook ISO m 147 19 Moser IIS II 101 188 Dolphin 14S US 111 ltt Total .......... W Tie 741 COMMERCIAL NO. t. (1) . (t) (S) Ave. Aldrlch 10S ltl 14S ltt Simon ltt 108 ISt 110 Scott 101 17 10S 10 Sessions Ill 10 ltt 11 Killings worth 141 111 146 14 Total ltl IIS S7 Tonight the Schlllera will play the AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PC. Ch rum 1 Chlcnro New York Cleveland . . Philadelphia St. Louie . , Detroit . . .. Wsshlngton Boston . . . . At Bt. Louis. n it r st Louis l ll Chicago ..4 0 i Ratterles Glaigt and Spencer; Owena and Roth. Ft H E. New York I o Philadelphia 4 10 1 1 Batteries Ohrsbro, Doyle and i Thomas; i oomna ana Berry. At Cleveland. R. H. E. Cleveland Detroit .7 It 1 .1 i o Batteries Liebhardt and Buelow Donovan and Payne. At R. H. S. .1 11 1 Washington Boston . . 4 Batteries Ocodwln. Smith Wakefield; Oberlln and Carigan. and NATIONAL LEAGUE. '2Z " ' Chicago New York Pittsburg . . .. Philadelphia . . Cincinnati . . .. Brooklyn St. Louis Boston 7 SO .S93 St ST .171' 7 S7 .533 74 71 .8111 7 71 .490 S4 .171 47 t .SIS Wo,. It 41 Lost P.G. I .70 I .It I .111 (' .41 i 4ti I 410 '- .140 100 .St4 , At Brooklyn. Pittsburg . . -. Of i Brooklyn t 1 .Batteries Willis, Phelps snd Glee son. Whiting and Bitter. Umpires Johnstone and Emails. At R. If E Boston 2 7 1 Cincinnati t I 1 Batteries Pfelffer and O'Nell; Sw ing and Bchlel. Umpire Coaway. TODAY'S FOOTBALL GAMES Yale va. Wssleyan. at New Hnvwn. Princeton va. Stevens Institute, at Princeton. I'nlverslty nf pennaylvalia va. Get tysburg, at Philadelphia Cornell vs. Hamilton, at Ithaca. Harvard vs. Bowdoln, at Cambridge. E KELtEY'S MARK California's Trainer Claims That Snedigar Can Beat Ore gon's Star Man. KELLEY WILL ATTEND PACIFIC MEETING Track Meet Will Be Held on Berk eley Oval and the Speediest If en on the Coast Will Compete for Hon ors Parsons Will Enter Sprints. i Journal Special Service.) University of California, Oct. t. The Pacific Athletic association, which will hold Its track meet on the Berkeley oval some time this month, Is already attracting "an unusual amount of In terest from athletes all over ths coast. The meet will bring to California's Held some of the fastest men on the coast and rivalry between different clubs will be keen. The students from the Uni versity of California are looking for ward to the meet because Dan Kslley, the record man from Oregon, will be here and will compete agalnat Cali fornia's Idol, OUle Snedigar. Parsons, the Olympic club man. Is also sched uled to appear In the dual meet, and when these three men get together there will be something doing. Trainer Walter Chrlstis ksspe Impressing the fact upon the men of California that there la no athlete equal to Snedigar, and the students hsve heard thla so often that they now believe every word he aays. At the big unlveralty rally the other evening Christie stated that he did not believe Kelley could beat Snedigar In the 10 and 220-yard dashes. Moreover, be did not believe Kelley ever made S-S In the hundred. Christie bases his statement on the work of Kelley at the Lewis and Clark fair. Snedigar la undoubtedly one of the faatest men on the coast in getting off the mark, but the walkaway that Par sons gave the U. of C. mart hardly would make him the favorite If such. a race would come off. And such a meet must come off because the Callfornlana have heard so much about Kelley and were disappointed at his failure to ahow up during the aummer meet in San Fran cisco ' that they think he should accom modate them. If only for settling the minds of those who do not think him a record breaker. California men are already training for the coming meet, and Snedigar la one of the most im portant ones on the cinder path at the present time. GOOD RACING AT WALLA WALLA FAIR ta.vecl.l Diane trh to The Jnnrnal 1 Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. t. Tester day's races were marred somewhat by heavy rains, but daeplte the threaten ing weather fully J,000 people were In attendance, at the fair. Yesterday waa Umatilla county dsy, and aeveral hun dred excursionists from Pendleton. Athena and Weston took advantage of the low ratea. A big excursion train from Dayton and Wartsburg arrived at o'clock this morning with about S00 excursionist a. Results yesterday were aa followo: Three-year-old pace General Hurtle first, Lou MlUsr second; time, 2 15'. which broke the track record for t-year-olda for Oregon and Washington bred horses. 2:18 pace Lou Lovelace first. Bonnie M. second; time, 2:13 1-1 Three-quarter mile, running race Gremmont first. Councillor second. La Taranta third: time, l:iH. One mile, aelllng Peter J. first. An vil second. Roy third; time, 1:44. Merchants handicap A. Toka first. Billy Mahan second; time. 1:0114. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT SPOKANE TRACK (Special DUpatrh to The Jesrssl.) ne. Wash.. Oct. I. lesteraeys race results at the state fair: Five furlongs, sailing Canopus II, 1 to 1, won; Little Mlnch Jr., 3 to 1. sec ond: Box. 40 to 1, third. Time. 1 .OS Vs. One mile and IC yards, selling Pay Me, I to 1, won; Tuck Back, t to I. sec ond: Old Mike. I to 1. third. Time, 1:11. Five and one half furlongs, selling Procrastinate, 1 to I. won; Euchre Deck, tl to 1, second; Minna Baker. JB) to 1. third. Time, 1:114- w Flvs and one-half furlongs Olenden alng, t to l. won; Soundly, 7 to 10.- Sec ond; Besutlful and Best, S to 1, third. Time. l:ltH. One mile, selling Christine A.. 1 to t. won: Golden Light, R to i second. Ma jor Tenny. ltt to 1, third. Time. 1:47 Vs. Seven furlongs, handlcsp, selling Eleven Bells, 4 to 1. won; Young Mar low, 4 to 1, second; Canejo, I to I, third. Time, l 34 V DAN KELLEY RECOVERS FROM HIS OPERATION (Special Dlapatca to Tb. Journal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. . I Dan Kelley recovered from the opera tlon on hla thigh without any diffl-I culty, and will be around In a day or two. He was under the anaesthetic for one hour and twenty minutes. SPORTING GOSSIP. Jerry Kane has been out of the gsme for several days on account of a alight Injury received during the first engage ment at Oakland. Schlmpff la a Cali fornia buaher. Fred Tenney and Roy Thomaa are reported as purchasers of the Boston' National league team. - t- e e Tommy Burna knocked not Jimmy Plynn at Los Angeles Inat night In the saved mis ura. J. W. Davenport. Wlngo, Ky.. writes, June 14, 1902: I want to tell you I believe Bollard's Snow Liniment saved my life. I waa under the treatment of two doctors, and they told me one of my lungs waa entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I alaO had a lump on my aide. I don't think that I could have lived ver two months longer. I was induced by a friend to t-y Ballard's Show 'Liniment. The first application gave me great relief; two fifty-cent bottles cored me sound snd well. It Is a wonderful medicine and I recommend It to suffering humanity." Soiu by Wondard. Clarke 4k Co. CHRISTI DOUBTS Klynn was badly pun- Lieutenant Prank P. Lahm. Sixth cav alry, r. 8. A., won the James Gordon Bennett prlae for the balloon race that! startsd from Paris on Sunday. Slgnor Von Wilier. Italy, waa second; Count da, la Vautx. Prance, third, and Hon. C. C. Rolls, Great Britain, fourth. ' e e The following young men have been chosen by the Multnomah club to cap tain the basketball teams during the season, which starts today and ands on December It: V. H. Dent, captain; 81m Bennett, Carl Neth, M 8. Mulford. D. P. Camp bell, Walter Scott. Arthur Allen, captain; Win Pearcy, O. Olt, Walter Allen, K. Montague. Ft. O'Connor. Harry Livingston, raptain; Edgsr Frank. Prank Callshsn, M. C. Morrow, Leon Hughes, Fred Gram. Charlea Barton, captain. Harry Plsher, Ed Allen, Sam May. Edw. Jeffery Jr., H. G. Clark Stuart Harder, captain; Oscar Kerri gan, Forest Smlthaon. Irving Stearna. Milton Frnhman, Ray Hlnkle. Bert Allen, captain; Pat Kennedy, j Dewttt Agler. James Ormandy, Will Pennington, CUnt Ambrose. It la said that Theodore Breitensteln will be back with a big league baseball club nest season, after five years In the Southern league. ' 1 The Columbus club, champing of the American association, . played tl errorless games during the season just closed, e r e Buffalo, winner of the Eastern Base ball league pennant this season, won the flag also in 104 and waa second In 103 and IMS. e e There will be changes In the Baltimore Baseball club from manager down next season, Hugh Jennings goes to Detroit and aeveral of the old players will be sold or traded. The Sioux City baseball team waa cer tainly going at s mad gallop when they took four In a row from the champion Dea Molnea olub. e "Dick" Padden's St. Louis team had all they could do to keep out ef laat place during ths seaaon lust closed, e e Manager MtoGraw of the New York Giants took a one-night stand team over to Newark recently for a Sunday game, thinking the Sailors would be easy pick ing. The so-called Giants got ons hit and wars shut out I to 0. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. fifteenth round, ished. Won. Lost PC. Portland ( 47 .7 San Francisco 71 70 .117 Seattle 10 73 .ltt Los Angeles II 71 .101 Oakland . . ft 74 10 .440 Fresno IS ! .Ill Oakland wins One. (Journal Special Service.) Oakland, Cel., Got. a. Seattle waa defeated here yesterday by the locals The score: R. H. E. Seattle 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 t I 1 Oakland 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 I I t Batteries Vlcksrs and Blankenshlp; Cates and Bliss. Umpire Mahaffey. (Journal Special Service. V Fresno, Csl., Oct. S. The Tigers' bat ting won their game from the Seala yesterday. The store: R. H. E. Ban Francisco ..0 100 1 000 01 I 2 Fresno 10510000 0 S 1 Batteries Myers and Spies; Hoagand Hogan. Umpire Derrick. LOW RATES EAST O. m. fc H. Announce Low Bennd-Trlp Mate. The O. R. N. Co. haa made a low rate of 114.10 for round trip. Portland to Buffalo. New York, account the In ternational convention of Christian i liurches, to be held at that- plaoa Octo-1 ber It to 17. Tlcketa will be on sale October I and . A choice of several different routea Is glvsn. and stopovers allowed In both directions. For further particulars In regard to routea. through sleeping-car service, etc., call on or ad dress C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R N. Co.. Third and Washington streets. Portland. strike ST ear Carson. (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) La Grande. Or. Oct.. S. A recent strike on some quarts claims near Car son In the eastern part of Baker county, owned by La Grande people, haa been eacltlng considerable attention among mining people. A bond haa been ob tained on the property by James A. Howard of Suroptsr. The miners are now, taking out gold that Is milling HIS to the ton. m Ready for Work Comprises all that's necessary to predi cate of the BAY STATE palnta which are here for your selection and pur chase. It's our business to know paints, to keep on hand a supply of paints with which to fill your orders. Ill BIO PAIBfT STOKE, Fisher, Thorsen &Co. rsosT Asro mobuusot m LILY DENTAL CO. TBI PAIBLISS DZmSTS. Ths One-Priced offloe, tinea Set at .-- -BJSj xnira and Ocra We ess oabr first rlssa materials; do tb w e r k as else Us sab ad price It within row resell. Examiaa tloa and ssthaatss f res. Solid Oeld Crews. i Bridg. Weill, per tjetk SS.KI old ruitag, 11 up Silver rillisg. is ss tgTJS sss no fees Sat fer Is Offset rths aa. not l A ISO, M H WE CURE MEN Our Fee, $12.50 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN PORTLAND NO PAY UNLESS CURED diaease, which we treat completely ana nuics y. We use In our trestmsnt of diseases of men, all the scientific appliances and equipment which la superior to any found In Portland. We have fitted up our offices at a Brest expense with all the modern aide used for curing diseases of men. We give you these treatments sbsolutely free, one fee covering all treatments necessary- Before taking treatment elsewhere. Investigate our clalma and forms of treatment as to merit and superiority. Talk with ths physicians of this Instltutln and yu will find them cultured, scientific gentlemen of great learning and experience and a few momenta' conversation will convince you that we thoroughly ttnderstsnd our business. You will also And that we are following out the plana of science In our treatment of the various diseases of men. We especially invite all men af flicted with chronic ailments or any acute conditions recently contracted. We ewe So stay cured for lite. Our reliability and financial standing la unquestioned and from records, which. If you wish to do so, you may look up and you will find that we are all ws claim to be, both In professional atandlng and the oldest spe cialise in the city, as this Institution has .been here for 25 years and has an unreproachable reputation. Again, we atate that a little talk with ua will not cost you s cant, and we may be the means of restoring you to your right condition again. We do not aocept any eaaee aha we cannot acre. We wail every nan IB the country who is afflicted to write us about his ailment. WE CUIE YOU AT HOME. HOUna S a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings, 7i30 to 8:3a Sundays, 9 a. m. to IS noon. St. Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL oo: SECOaTD AKTD T. ThcDoctorsWhoCurc We want every man who la suffering from any special disease or condition to come and have n social chat with us and ws will explain to you a system of treatment whlcn Dr. W. Norton Davis haa developed after over 20 years' ex- ferlence In the special diseases of men. t lass treatment based upon scientific knowledge, and one which has proven superior to all others. Inasmuch aa it has been tried by thousands and proved successful. If vou will call and see ua we wlU give you FREE OF CHARGE "an honeat and scientific opinion of ybur case. If, after examining you, we And your case lncur.jble, we will tell you ao: If, ort the other hand, we And your case Is curable, we will guarantee a cure, allowing vou TO PAY WHEN ENTIRELY SATISFIED THAT A CUBE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you may pay lu monthly payments should you desire. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Instructive book for men mailed free in plain wrapper, sealed. If you cannot call it efflce, write for question blank. Thousands cured by home treatment. OOBSTO.TATXOH ASTD The Leading Specialist of the Office Mours a. m. to S p. m. aad 7 10 a. m. to IS m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offlcee la TAB WOT O SPICES, o COFFEE, TEA, BAKING POWDER, inJkVOWNODCTPAaS AMuttrHaTily. f1rv3i Flavor, Ormrtsl$lTfisth CL0SSET ft DEYERS PORTLAND. OSSKGON. INJECTION BROU WILL CUBE GONORRHOEA and GLEET WITHOUT OTHBB TBBATMENT Sold by all Druggl ehnySoyal Fills SB f ar Draentat sad P THE BIABieVD Rata to. V u a f, " Consultation Free We ease Skin Diseases, Blood Poison, Tarioo cels, Stricture. Kervoas Decline, Weakness, Gon orrhoea and Diseases OS the Kidneys, Bladder and Prostate aland, la acute and chronic forms and ell Bsotal Diseases. It la a great deal of satisfaction to us to know that we hsve the gratitude and good will of all ur patlenta; thla la due to the fact that we cure our patlenta. We take special pains !n our treatment of each Individual case. and. by a careful and thorough examination, supple mented by skillful prescribing, we eradicate the Dispensary X. STS., rOBTXASTO, OBBOOsT. ADVICE PRES. Horthwsst. to 8 p. m. Established ISM. Sundaya aad Molldays, ST., Cor. Bias. POBTIaaVBP. I TRANSPORTATION. $84.50" Buffalo, N.Y. and return via the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. 5 and 6; ! final limit November 15. This will be your last opportunity of ; the year to go to the far east at so reasonable a figure. Make I your berth reservations early to ! ' insure good accomodation. See any ticket agent or write to H. B. SMITH, T. P. A. Seattle, Wash. TELEGRAPH The only steamboat making a round trip Except funday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA ASTB WAT PODTTB Leave Portland : a a Arrive Astoria !: as, l eave Astoria 1:1 p. m Arrive Portland V- SB. ttt-.ttaf SERVED A LA CARTS Pr rtland tan ding. Aides Street Dock, Astoria Landing. Callander Seek. E B. SCOTT. Agent. Pbon Main 84. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Union Depot Leave. Arrive. For Mavgers, Rainier, Clata kanle. WMtport. Clifton. A terlt. Warren ton. riavel. Hammond. Port Steveas. Uar- hart Park. Seaside 00 m 11:88 ass Aatocia and Seesaor. express dslly 100 est :80 pm All irsin oeiiy. J. C hi A TO. 6. T. aad P A.. Astoria. Or. 0. A. STB W AST. Commercial Ageat. 34 Alder street. Pbon Main Sag. BaT RSeWWSLOW'S SOOTUIfi STROP ejsaTSJ S BBBarSfeji SB 8 BIWS I bTTLBT1 jrsVy 4BLB I S A BSTTLA.. TRANSPORTATION. W11SN TOU TS.4VSL carry The West Case Motel a Railway Oasts te trait-, bests afrestcsre. laMaS); 10 ay watt et Sssani Oregon Short Line Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Tlireegk Psllaus stsadsrd sad town alee. Isg-ears dally to Omaha. Chleaan. Spokane; toorlat alMBias cars sally to Besses Otl Thnaiab reclining ehalrcalra aeat a free) tt the Kant dslly. I'sioB Depot Leave. Arriea. Clilcaso-Purtland Special fee the Beat tIs Hantraarrtm. dly. S: SO ass 1:00 pal fpokanj rly.r for Raatera Waehlniton. Walls Walla l.ewl.ton. Caenr d'Aleoe asd .'IT t .""rtlieni enrate. dally. S: IS sis S:00 an Atlantic Riareaa for the Bsat ia Huntlnrton. dally S: 1.1 pot T:l sw fT'land Btra larel. fer all ttn a between Blags asd Portland, dally TT... . . 1:11 aaa SASsas COLUMBIA RIVKR Division. ..J. A,'ortl sd way polata. resseetlns with ,;"'ntr r II warn aad N,rth Rearh. Steam! Hsaaalo Aee-t. dork, learea . m. dally. "da t : Saturday, te s. at. Arrives about 8 p. m .xp Swadsy. TAMBILL RIVKR BOLTS. Crw Dayton. Oregon city and Yamhill rlre a. st earner Both and Modnr. Aah-t. doeS, ST s. w. dally, except Snnday rwatav per Ssnday Arrtr T a m sally, 8NAKK RIVER ROUTS. .'"L kwlton. Idaho, aad way point from Blperta. Waal... ateamer Spokane and Lewta. !.. .8: s. m.. or npos arrival Trsls Be. 4. dally eirept 8 tar-Jay. Arties 4 p. m. dallr exceitt rrld Ticket Offlee. Third and Waahlngtoa at. Telephone Mara 713. C. W. "tlKOKB. City Ticket Agest Wm. McMURBAY. Oatwrsl Paaaeaser Agent. EAST VIA SOUTH L'n Ion Depot Leave. Arrive. ovenane Bxpreaa Train for Salem. Boseborg. Ash land, Sacramento. Osden. Bsa ftaawtses, Stockton. Los Angeles. B Paso, New Or lean and the east. 45 pm T:II Morning train connects st Woodborn daily except Sunday with trsls for Mount Angel, Sllrerton. ilrownavllle. Springfield. V.'emlHng and Natron S:00sm "T:S Baa Busen paaaang.t cob- sects st Woodburn with Mount Angel and Sllv.rton local M is bob !: ess Corvtlta paaaesgar T:OOam : em Sheridan paasesger 4:.V) pm 8:SSpas Porvst Grove paaaenger 111 no am 1110:90 sea roreat drove naaaenger . . . l!:0pn 111:8 pm Dslly. MDaSy except Sesdsv. JKFFERSON-STBEBT STATION. For Dalla and Intermedial points dally. T:M a. m. and 4'tt p. m. Arrive Portland 10:1 a. m. aad 4:2S p. m. For time ssd card of Oswego anharban trains apply st City Ticket Office, or station. Tickets to Banters point and Europe; alas Japan, rhlna. Honolulu aad .Australia City Ticket Office corner Third and Wssh Inst no streets. Phone Main 7IJ. C. W STINOBR. Win. McMURRAT. City Ticket Agent. Oen. Paaa. Agent. TIME CARD or TRAINS Portlands Leave. Arrtvs. Vellowatone Park Kanaaa City St. Loo la Special for Cbehall. Centralis. Olympla., Cray's Harbor. South Bend. Taroma. Sealtie, Spokane. Iwlaton. Bntte. Billing. Denver. Oma ha, Kansas City. St. Loul and SotJtheaet. dally : SO pas 4:3 pas North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Taeoma. Seattle. Spokane. Bntte, Mloneanolla. 81. 1'ao.I sad the Eaat. dally 2:00 pm 7:00 ass Paget Round Limited. for Claremont Cbehall. Cen tralis, Taeoma aad Seattle only. Sally 4:30 pm :S aes Twin City Express for Taeo ma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena, j Bntte. St. Paul. Minneapolis Lincoln, St. Joseph. Ksasas City, Omaha. St. Louie, with out change of cars. Direct connections for all polnta Best and Southeast, dally 11:48 um 10:88 SS . aSJpV Ua hie m TNE cotworTrastx WAV. 2 Overland Trails Dally 7 Ta Oriental LlmlMd. tas lest Mail VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE. Portland tls ackedale Dally. Leave. To and from Spokane, St. Paul. Minneapolis, miltith asd all point Eaat via Seattle SfS am 11:48 pm To and from St. Paul. Minneapolis, a Diilath and all points Eaat via Spokane S:IS pm Dally. Arrive. T OO am e so pa oo Great Bel taste Steamaktp O. Sailing from Brattle for Japan sad China port and Mantis, car rj lag pas. engr and freight. S. A Mlaaaesta, Ortsssf SS, S. S. Dakota, Vevemser SS. BIPPOB TUBES KA1SHA i Japan Mall Steamaklp Co.) . Teas will sail frog Kesttl sheet October far Japan and Chinese port, carrying paaaeagtrs asd freight. Per ticket, ret, berth, reserr tiOBS. eTe.. call ea er addreaa H. DICKSOB, C. T. T. A.. 1SS Third at.. P.rtUnd. Orga. Phon. Mala SS. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Ievss Oak street dock every. Monday. rmsLs .n.. "a tosTAss: connsa ttng with ike tsaes Saivet Tiwae- portaUaa Oosspaays staaxassts tor points aa tar est us aTOTam. trn JZ. u.. Por-iand Tuesday. Thsrs- lav and Hotiird ly ct and excel len :. er Ire. PhOtMS and 3301. S. 6. F. A. Kilbun fer Cess Ber. Bra sad Sea I Best aainag OaMB Pettaisd frUs Best sailing reast ass rr a , Tl B L. aBBEBOtSSSt iav vrtss saak . 1 1jj 4tBM m