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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENIfcQ, OCTOBER 8. 1909. XI CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMI8T Read! lead! Read! THIS 18 roB TOC' BEAD CARErULLY tar roiowiNO words; Madam Barth . iwmhiII; located la her own koaae. 418 TASK BT. Tbla w4 erful nui, a. Seewlealsad by tb. world to be the greateat TSrnfiitmiU. without you writing a ease. Sa c artcciag oh word. ahe tola) yoe Ju.t what ra caaa. for Low uaol la row fa 11 aad .11 (boat rh T.I), ubn. date. nd facta. Tall rx of lov. marriage, Lata bawlaia apMalattoaa. lnveatmrute. a anraS nil. gaV and mineral of all & nam "3 Influence, and teerhe. a control tar ooa yoe ton. unite, the asperated aad eae epeedy a ad coa aaerUI anarrtag. No matter what yeer eon SSaa aauTba. MADAM BABTH WILL HE-P TOd! 421 STARK. COB. ISTH. TlX WUBK GUABANTBED, rEK WITHIN MUCH Or ALL. HOIBS 10 A. M. TUX 8 P M. KVOMSH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. ro a rrw tats onlt. A SPECIAL $5 BBAD1NO ?BJ ALWAYS CON8ILT THB BEST. 1 PBOr. E KH1MO. Oroatpat living aatml rt.-ad trance elalr oyaut ef the a; ADVISER ON BUS1NK8S AND ALL APTATBS OF UTI; win marry bow to control the one yr k, area though mile away; roonlfoa the ecp anted; give ect powers to control. I will So all other, sdvertlee to oe ad a rreat deal more. TUB ENTIRE WORLD htm anil nilTirn WITH THE POW ER Or THE UNSEEN rORCES I HAVB AT j NT COMMAND, and I pro it o raw who- "rt fJB&B&m hy having your NAME TOLD (IN rULL). StJtT WHAT YOU CAM! rOB, aad (Ha roa adrlea absolutely ERKE beftsreavoe decide ta baa a reading WHO CAN OB WILL DO MORI TO CONVINCE TH BKBPTICt no hot ansa this opportunity, as rr WILL MOT RE OFFERED TO YOO AGAIN PROF. e. KHIMO. Permanently Located In Hla Own i neea. HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 255 Fifth at., cor oar Madison at CONSULT THE BEST! Prof. Wallace, the notrd rlalraoyant Palmtet and dead trance medium. Tb ol.leat In practice. rre aatlafacttoa. He tella yoar paat. preaant nd fntnr. Tall yonr friaad. eneiale and rlaabv Who aad when yon will marry. Satisfaction, nr he cliara yon nnthlnf Onnault blm on hnslneea. Ooainlt him In lore affair.. He chance yon only 50 cent. S41S Morrtoon at., corner Seranth. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Bocni uta ta C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO., Phoa Boat SB. 2ST B. blwlaaa at ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer, la eutdwuod. coal aad green aad dry alabwood. B. B. aad ABttea aaa.. S block. aat of ferry. Eaat 574. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer, la coal. mdrS aad dry alabwood. Phone Baat 414. OB BOON FUEL CO. All kind of seal aad r d. SS4 Alder at, Pboa Mala SB. BOX aad pUaor wood. Staadard Weed O. Immediate daUvwrr. Phaw Eaat tSm WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Ha blackustth coal. Pboa Mala 1018. BOX. block aad alabwood. Pboa Mala 2141.. Star Boxwood Oa. CAFES. THB orrtCB 285 W.ahlngtoa at. pbeae Kara TT1. Saaawl Ylgoeoi. ' CHIROPODISTS. , CHIROPODY aad Pedlcnrtng. Mr. M. D. Hill. Bo WO rUedaar Bldg. Phon Pac. 185- DANCINO. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading school: ballroom etlnuette. correct social and" claaalc Aancrag: both aex; young folk., adults: In- "J AWei- IWli Prof. Rtagtrr. dancing master. WOODWARD DANCINO SCHOOL Claw. Mon , Thura. and Bat- eve.: children' tie. Rat. afternoon. Social, fancy and atep darning t Ugitt. aT8DCt ball. ear. lad Fencing taught. Western Academy aad Homaoa. racine laao. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Burkhard hall, 8874 Baat Burn-lde; phone Main 3718. Social da ace Tsaraday; class night Tbnrsday. DENTISTS. THB CHICAGO DENTISTS, 828 Washington St.. ear. BUth. Guarantee all work. DRESSMAKINO. TRY Angela Dressmaking Parlors. 242 put k aad Main. Pacific 882. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, eoatr.c tor. repairer, electric wiring, aoppD. 84 c. alar. aia bob. k. h. Tat, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOK .8 81 Sixth at. Contractora, electric snnpllas, Motara aad dyaaaaoa: w Install tight aad power plants. EDUCATIONAL. MART DAVIS MAOINNIS. teacher af tlnnal sad naturalistic china: water -color bead a specialty. Stadia 821 B aL, N. FURNACES. BOTNTON fnrnace save faeL J. C. Bayer Fnrn.c Co.. 250 Second. Mala 481. DRYItorSE HEATING PIPES, marl to rdr br J. 112 Jefferson: Phone Pacific 1414. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER di CO. Potatoes. 118 Union are. Phon Bit teed aad 1517 HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. THE HATTER, 18 N. Sixth -t claim and block soft and a tiff bat. Pana ma a a specialty FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. 4ORTLAND WIBB a IBON WOBRS BBS Flandera at., ear. Third. Phone Mala 3000. BAIT PORTLAND FENCE A WIBB WORKS. ISO Baat Water at. Phon. Baat 82L HOTELS. THE BELLEvri. Fourth and Salmon sts Boom 50c ap: rates hv week or month- aat-nf wa trade aollclted. PaclSe 2105, GOLD F- N WIST HOTEf . " Btvouran plan; roona from 50 cent, nn: aieal It emu. Beranth and Everett St. HOOD HOTEL Room. 5c ap; rata, by week m ; oat -of -town trade aollclted. 82 V. Sixth it.. S blocks from depot. HOTEL Portland, American plaa: SS. IS per day BELVEDBRB; Euro p. an pita: 4th aad Alder at HARDWARE. Part land Hardware Co solicits opportunity ate price. 7 aixth t racier 450. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITS, tire Inrarsae. hack bldg. 844 I AS. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and In dfvtdaa) aeeldaat meaty band ef an klada. Phase 47. SOS Mr Kay bldg. - i MACHINERY. B. HRENKMAN ft CO Mining. awmtll. lo casting: all JASOI.INE aaglasa. all slae. nd tyla lowest price. Betraoa Wa.,ln.ry Co.. It st 112 4 0 THB H. C A LB KB CO , chlaerr aawmllla. t. 249 Grand aaa. MONUMENTS. ft KINGS LEY. 88 First at Portl.n.l s 8M graalt works. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Monev la av to aat If too to cat It Wa bare rdr money at all tlmaa. and you can get It oa rear aalarr: (ID to 1100. oa bant tarau aad at loweet rata. J Wa loan oa the ae payment plan th plan that halpa yon aad fata yon oat of debt. Yob fat th caah. all yoa aak for. aad repay la amount yea can cooyaalantly apara aebpayday. Wa do not at paper, require a tn drar. a reference to friend or employer. Open Toe, aad Sat. evening anttt I o'clock. Huttoo Credit Co. SIS (5th door) Dekum bM(. 6 Per Cent and f Per Cent Why deposit money la haaka at 3 ro 4 par rent' Wa east (all yon (ill -edged farm toort e. any afaa, from S10O to $5,000 ami ap, bearing n and T per cent; tb beet of security. Schuyleman and Co. S3TH Washington, roama M-S5 Schuyleman A Co. .- '.OaT 9 I MONET TO LOAN ' Oa Improved dry property r far bedldtn purpose, for from 8 ta 10 year' tlBM. with privilege to repay all ar part af loaa after two yeara. Loan approaed from plan aad money advanced a building taken no aad ranlaL FRED K. 8TRON0. FlnaacUl Afawt. 941 Stark at. Loans Any sts from $100 up on ftnt-eteu rl Mtate aVoiirlt. T ir rrnt Schuyleman & Co. TH W:iihlnrtou at. Boaan S4-SS. THE STAB LOAN CO Any aal.rled employ, w.ire-e.rner. caa at an hi. note, without mortaaae Month, u Month. Repay la a fiavaa or SI5.0O--Reiy to c f fl.05 or SIS 00 Repay to a. 4.00 or 210 McKay bid;. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa ealarle. Inraranca pnllclea, piano, fornltura, warehoaa re ceipt, etc.; .ay deserving peraoi may aaor . liberal advaac. repaying by eaay weekly or monthly lnatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN ft TBUST COMPANY. SOS Abtagtoa bid. t MO N RY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just oa yoor own name - no other eecarlty; don't borrow until yon aee me: my ey.tem la the beat for railroad men. clerk, bookkeepers, streetcar man and all other employee; bual neea strictly coofldaatlaL F. A. Newton. 424 AMngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad others npon their ow a nam without arcnrlty: cheapaat rataa. easlsst payment.; prflcr la 00 principal cltle. save ysoraelf monev hv aetrlna oar term drat TOLMAX w, zxx AMngton aiog-. iuH xaira a HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY- LOANS Money caa be borrowed oa easy payment plea, lowest rat: strictly confldratlaL CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third and Loans Any 9lm from 9100 up on flrnt c1m real Mtsto atvnrttj. 7 per emit Schuyleman & Co. 227 Waabragtoa at. Room 84 85. WANTED Note, mortgages or cun track, or any kfad of real estate la Oregon aad Waning taa: aaroad mortgage parrhaaed If wall se cured II.. E. Noble. 312 Commercial hlk. MONEY TO LOAN Oa city Improved real e.t.te at 8 and 7 per cent. 8 or 5 year. Moaltoa di Scobey. 001 Columbia bldg. MONEY LOANED, ta .urn ta salt, oa furni ture. n1 other aecnrlti. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phno f aciric itM SS.nno TO leaaaea city real aatate In ntt; mortetesw. nought sad sold. Jobaaan. SI 3 Commercial hlk. Sfloo TO 85.000 to loaa by privave party oa per cant. real etate MCwrlty 409 Commercial bldg at a and 7 rnw r,t, fumltor. etc: confldenttal. 228 rr6nr bldg.. loth aad Waaklagtoa. Pact- aoo. MON BY Wllllai Hellte"rooaT Washington TO LOAN -Sam to .oil on chattel aeenrtty. at. a- rrsme. ai tne MUSICAL, ONE of th largest stock of sheet and books. Reduced discount, ta teacher. Levy' Mnelc House. 171 fourth street. PIANO, violin, banjo, trombone, clarinet. Pro. feasor B. A. Smith, 254 IJtb. Mala 4708. THE WBBBBB STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gui tar Instruction. Qlheon mandolin. 875 Alder. EMIL TBIELHORN, pupil of SEVCIK. vlolla teacher. Studio ISO sixth. Tel. Main LESSONS SO cents on all lnetrumrnte; vocal 76 cants: Instrument for sale. Mrs. Mar tin. 14 1H First at. EXPERT Piano tuning, repairing, etc. J. W. Logaa. 174 Oregon at. Phone East 888. OPTICIANS. D. OBAMBBBB OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Eye. Fitted. Vision SdeatiaVally Corrected. 12S Beventh Street. DR. B. I. MILLS Optometrist and Eyesight Booms 28 :7. 823 Waahli Specialist. aax ton Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSA1. graduate af the -Oeteopathlc collage of K li kavTU. Mlaeoorl. who M epacl.ttat on rheumatlata, stomach and all female dlsrae. Offtc 410 Falling bldg.. corner of Third and W.ahlngtoa eta. DBS. ADIT ft NORTHRCP. 4 15-Id-17 Dehorn bldg.. Third and Waahlnxtee eta. PBMa Main 848. Examlcatloa free. PRINTING. THE MODERN PIEINTERT Art ta tie printing. zo Rnsael bldg., Fourth and MorrHom. PariSe 1526. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO.. Real estate. Insurance, rental aad agenta. 250 Alder at. loaa RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder at., phone Mala 710; rubber sta rap, sail, ate act la; baggage, trad" check.; bras etgns and plate. PLUMBERS. rox A CO.. aaaltary plumber.. 181 Second bet. Main and Sainton. Oregon Phone Main 1001. DONNERBBBO k RAHEMACHB8. removed to Be. 303 Bnrnalde at PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH ft CO. Th Pioneer Palat Co.; vtodow-elaaa aad g!lng. ISA Ftrat t. rre'ne las. ROOFINO. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repairing and general Jobbing J. Loall. 213 ieftenoa at. Pc. 1424. SAFES. Pint ri. AND 8APP. CO.. le Mtent for Hrrln. Hall Marvin aafea aad Manganese Steel Safe Co. 'a batik .fe. The largeat ortmnt of high gr.d fire and burglar proof .af ta tb Bortbweet. 02 Seventh at. DIRROT.D Mnngaaea and fireproof eafevj nc ces. ful progrr agatnat burglar aad Sr. ; lock out. opened Hr. Super, mechanical expert with I. K. Dvla. OS Third. Pbo'n 1408. EIGHT second-hand fireproof safe, and two sec. n1 hand hank antes for aal cheap, at 70 8iti, t.. I'oitUnd. Or. SIGN PAirTERS. FOSTER ft KI.EIHEB -SION8. We have built np the largeat algn business In the rtfy by flrt-cl" work and keeping our uri.nifaaa. Oar price are right. Fifth and Kverett eta. PI ion Ex. 54 , 1 V BEROEB S SON . Z4 Yamhill .1 ef all blade- Pboa I'aclBc 2282. Stfa SICN8 T1PAT ATTRACT" -A H. an Stark at- Pbeae PSclfl. ISBS. Boal 0e ! SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af rrery dcrlptloa; hank, hv aad atore Ox tun mad ta order. Tb Latk Manufacturing Co., Portland. jSsbi-r1 MM.,.wisx STREET PA VINO. WARREN Coaatraetloa Co.. trt aaataf, aMhv waaaa aaa croanna. ai libh anatianra. THB Barber Paataf Oa. of PwtUad OffATtM Worcater hlk TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TBANSFER CO., R. Blitk aad Oak at.; bamjan choked m hotel or reldac direct to destination: pa.aanfrr. therefor aeold ru.b aad annoy anc at depot.. Private Ezcbanc a. SAFES, ready Dfaaoa Bad far nl tore bod. packc ed for ablpplaf and .hlppad; all work auaran trad : lane. S-.tory ware'.oua for atnrafe. OfSe C. M. Olaea. Pboa Mala 547. SOS Oak at. X O. PICK, of Be SS Pint at.. htwea St.rk aad Oak .ta.. phone tS: piano aad furniture moved aad parked for ablpplaf; coatmodtoaa Dtaea wareaou wita .eu.r.i uw Front aad Clay .ta CUT rataa on 'hooaebold food to all point eaat: we uak up carloada; peclal room for trunk wall waiting. Oregon Auto-Dpatcb. IS Ftrat at. Phon Mala T1S. OBEOON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North BKlh. Pboa Main 00. Bary hauling and atorag. PIANOS aad farnltor moved. Call an Bro.. at SOB Pint at Main 2211 INDEPKNDBfCr BAGGAOB Jj TBAM4TEB CO. Storage. S24 Stark at. Mala 40T. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. XOOM Waah Ington it. Phone Main 002. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriter, all makes, rented, sold aad vwpwirvo. v i' mi ro-j, mti . iwi. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY . SI aaa month. Portland Lai Sopply Co.. Ninth aad Conch'. TELEPHONES. THB only exclusive telephone-bone. B.-R. El .trie A Telephone Manufacturing- com pany. 81 Fifth at. WINDOW SHADES. OA LB WINDOW SHADE CO.. SST Salmon St.. plain aad fancy .bade, mad to order at lowest price. Phone Mala 50TS. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., obbr of eaddlerv, hardware, bora good., leather, find ings aad abo store .opplla. Plfth aad Oak. M. A. OUN8T dt CO DISTRIBUTORS OP FINE CI0A1 PORTLAND, OREGON. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company jnannraerarera oa inrnnur ror Portland. Oregon. FURNITURE manuractnrlng and pedal ordera. L. Rnvensky a furniture raeaarr, gro rraat at. WADHAMB CO. factarers and eon aad Oak ate. wliolwMila t foce re ) dtj mission marchaata. Fourth BVBBDINO ft FABRELL. produce and com ml toa merrbaat. 140 Front at. Portland. Or. Pboa Mala ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, eoamtaaloa and produce mer chant.. Front aad Deri sts., Portland, Or. STEIN ft WAYNE Jobber aad wholesale WBOLESALR erockerv end alaaaware. Hegel ft Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, ear. Stark at. WINES AND LIQUORS. ' COM MRUS. California wine depot: all klnda of wine, 5c a glaaa. Cook' aad Cook' Help er Headquarter.. 148 Fourth at. Phon Pa cific 2188. P. Loratl. THAW FORCED TO ADMIT INSANITY Prisoner Forced to Accept De cision of Alienists to Es cape the Callows. (Jonraal BfaaUl Baivtea.l New Yotk, Oct. 8 ItTi i ttow fully understood that Harry K. Thaw will ba forced to accept the decialon of a cora mlialon In lunacy. Althotich ho dta- mlsoed the firm of Black, Olcott, O ruber ft Bonynge because they would not con sent to handle hla caae along any other lines, Clifford W. Hart ridge, who waa aelected aolely with the purpose of framing up a .ruetlflable homicide de fense on the unwritten law' theory, has bean forced to conoede that. In view of Thaw's known mental condition for yeara, no other course than a plea of Insanity can be contemplated. Allen! sta who have examined Thaw and who have examined reports of his career for yeara past, have decided that he la mentally unbalanced. EXPLOSION IN BLAST FURNACE KILLS FOUR Baltimore, Oct. 1. The displacement of a blast cover on a furnace caused an explosion at the Maryland' Steel com pany plant at Sparrow's Polnt.near here, this morning. The' explosion killed four workmen and hurt eight others, of whom four may dla. BATTLESHIP WISCONSIN REACHES HONOLULU Honolulu, Oct 1. The battleship Wisconsin arrived today. She haa been 14 days coming from Yokohama. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS. New York, Oct. 8. Government bonds Date. Bid. Ask. I'll v, 104 103 (J 104 ioj" 108 181 181 Two, registered Opt. 108' do eoonon Opt. 10a1 Three, regtatered Opt. 102' lo cotintm Opt. 108' Small bond 103' Four, registered IMS 102' do coupon 1807 1021 Four, regtatered 182.1 1S1 do eoupou 1928 181 Dtatrlet of Columbia... 1814 115 Philippine Island 10S BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Bo ton. Oct. 8 Official close, bid ptic: Adventure, an. no: Aiiones. j&rcat 85.25: Atlantic. 881.25; Calnatet. 8800.00; tennlal. $28.00: Cop. Bang. 87 .874; West. $1050: Franklin. $34.50; Ureeae f Adventure, Aiioaex, sonmi: Arcaatan. fen Daly I '..a. .T 7.V lirambr. 813.82'; Mohawk. SM.25; Navad Con.. llSOO; North Butt. 8108.25; Old I Ml lo Kill , r.r 127.25; Qtllnc; :t2S: Tan plied Cap., Dominion. 851 75: oecei.u,; parrot. Incy. eaa.taj ; Koyii. sui.iai; nnannon. marck, sisn.uu; trinity, sti.zn; Ceo , 805,871, : Dtali. 83 00 . Victoria. 87 25: Winona. 88 00; Wolverine. 1148.00: Ely. I1.87H; Baat Rntte. I2.12H; Butte Coala. 834.00; Black ML, Salt: CL ft Aiiaon. 8128.00; Ku per lor ft Pitt.. $28 50. Hew York Cotton Market. New York, Oct. tiotton fntnrea eloeed 45 to 40 tilnt lower. Official ipioUtlon by Ouobe compear: Over beck, Starr ft ruga. 1048 1040 l'T liaCi 1004 lOffl mas 1085 Low. 1011 1U2A 1028 1084 03 11") H0) loos Oct. 8. Oct. 1. 1012 1057 January , r . i.rn a r . . JuiM . . , ewty. ... atirtnbar I Bwaemher 1021 1088 ..lose ,.m .100 . .1088 I "25 .1085 . .11188 1028 1084 1088 1088 1000 nasi 1008 urn MS! ' MS 1"M ltrw i,,iik toon 11145 Liverpool Oct taa Mrkt. Liverpool, Oct H -Cetioa fatura cleaed te t point -was. lodry.nd Tow.l !: Pboa 410. TODAY'S MARKETS BUTTER IS AT ITS HIGH POINT Quotations Asked by One City Creamery Already at the Extreme High Limit. GENERAL TRADE CLAIMS VALUES ARE TOO STEEP Poultry Breaks With Little Selling Fourteen Cents Is Top for Hens and Springs and Some Retailers Will Not Pay This Sum. Principal market feature today: High price brings out storage butter. Practically no orders for hop. Egg are firm; local storage selling. Break la poultry market valnee. shortage In aweet potatoes Mixed op In tone regarding potatoes. Cabbage market la aelllng down. Wheat and floor hold ateady. High Price Bring Storage Batter. Although hot one city creamery has thai far advanced lta quotattona on butter to .Tjuc a pound, a conalderable amount of. .local tnrege product 1 now being brought out. The city creamery which advanced lta quotattona the other day say that It baa bean able to main tain Its advance up to this time, but there la some talk of bringing the price bark to former flsTures where the other creameries are Belling their product. Supplies of butter are now very heavy, especially oa Front street, where the beet product cannot be moved over 27c a pound. A leading butter handling house of front street ha been o heavily supplied of late that it haa sent out th following circular brravl cast to the trade In, lta endeavor to unload: "Ar roe aware or the fact that we are sell tng creamery butter at 55c per two-pound square and that we hare been for many weeka have never naked the trade more tor Itl We have all the popular outside brands and will aell you any of-them at 65c per square aad win guarantee ttOHSnallty to be aecond to none. If the butter due not anlt you nd It back." utter Vow at Its Highest, J. feature of the present butter situation t t tb price haa already reached the record value for lecent year. To ask ape a toll Mr butter thu early In the Mason la geld by th trade to mean that the market win aeea break. a with very high price the cold atorag product will be forced npon the market and the general trade will be content to take tht at, the lower figure. Thia woe Id mean, according to the trade, that the heavy auppllea now being re celved cannot be moved and that vahjee will have te go back to 80c or less If the price I raised over tuat figure by the general trade. T. B Tow nee nd of th Townaend creamery. saya: "The butter market haa never gone. over Slttc In recent yeara and to put the price np to thta figure now would mean auicide. If Imply mean that we win force the cold etor age product oat of lta hiding place and glat the market when auppllea are now very heavy. It would mean that we would be forced to pat price down again even lower than at present i for when price begin to break It takaa om time to strengthen them again." Mr. Morteeen of the Haaelwood company aaya: "I don't thluk It advisable at tbla time to ad vance the price at batter beyond 80r. for that would bring out a large amount of cold atorag product. At tb lower price tb trade would take that and we could not move taa heavy supplies of fresh batter new being churned. At 80c the market la an a legitimate baela, but beyond it w cannot move at tht time." Egg Are Tine; Leo Storage Selling. The egg market la very firm at 80c today for strictly fresh ranch stock with small arrival. A conaldrbl amount of local atorag stock 1 being withdrawn by the trade aad put on tha market. Tbla hi aelllng at 27 He whll the best eaetera stock la ranging from 17 to 27Hc. Break In Poultry Value. Very little business 1 reported la the poultry market. Becelpta are heavy aad aa The journal predicted when the market went to 18c for hens, price have brokep and all the dealer, will now pay tha wholesale trad hi 14c. Bob w4U not pay over ISHc a pound for ben. or aprlnga. There la at present no outside sal for poultry on account of the higher price here. The mar ket win likely dreg during the present week. Br f Kate ef the Street - While one or two dealer eay they have or der for bop, th general trade saya there la nothing doing. Wheat and flour are holding ateady. Price a me. Oat and barley earn.. Sweet potatoes ire somewhat ecaree this morning, but several ear are due during the day. Price at 2Wc. Potato market In very good ahape epc!lTy for fancy. Ae high aa 80c reported paid. Cabbage a) lower with a conalderabl tnrreaae In auppllea. Slae rather email. The trade pays the following price to Front treat. Price paid shipper ar Veaa regular commUelone: Oral. Flaw aad lead. GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, 8Ve bey g price; aelllne. SSflge. WHEAT New dob. 85c; red Rnasrlan. 83c; blneetem, SSc: valley, 7Q58c. BARLEY1 New Feed, $21.00; railed. $22.80; brewing. $ :.uu CORN Wbi (-bole. $27.00: cracked. $28.00 par RYB $1.56 par cwt. OATS New Producers price No. 1 whit. $28.00; era J $22 00. FI.OUR Baa-tern Oregon patents. $8.80: .tr.ighU.' $8.85: export $8.05: v.IWt $8.; graham. J. $$ 60; whole wheat. $8.75; rfe, 10. $800; bale. $2.75. MILLS TOFFS Bran. $15.60 per ton; mid dling. $24.08; borte. coontrj, $17 JO; dty. $1V80; chop. $ie,ooe.oo. HA T Producer' price Tlmotfev Willamette valler fancy. $11.00J12-00: ordinary, $8000 10.00: eaetera Oregon. $15.0OClS.0o; mixed, $10.00010.80; clover, $7.00; grain, $7.50888.50; chat. $7.0008-00. Butter, Bars' and Poultrr. BTTTTBR FAT F. a. b. Portland Jawt cream. 28 6 80c: aonr, 2flH02c. Bl'TTKtV-CltT cremerr. S0O32V,e; eatatde vcanf. 28030c; ordinary. 27Hc; atare, 14H IB i:i;i,s No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled, 20080c; nneandled. 2c; eaatern. 2027c. CliKBSB New Full cream, flats, 14c; Vcone Arc erica. 154l6Uje. pntit.TRT Mixed chicken. 18U4814C oer lb: fancj bene. 13H014C per lb; rooatera. old, 10c per lb; tg, lOHc per lb: fryer, 18M14c; hroUer, II, sort 1811 14c oer lb: old dncka. 1: nrtn duck. l2V4f18Me lb; get IK tnrkev.. 18c P-r lb SOc per lb: aquabs. $1.5008.00 per 82.00 pa. Waal aad Hlda- HOPS tnoo crop, choice, lee; prime to choice. HMttlsr: Pr't"-, ,14JC. WOOIltM clip Vallej. 20 23c; Oregon. 20c. MOHA1B New. nominal. IHBErnH I m n nncariog 164Mne each aaeoc: medlntr- wou. 00075c each; i. wool. 75ee$l.00 eactu TAtlUJW I'rlme ITimi, par us saiawi na a SOU BAnK 4oac. grea a. . 71 rstav niiTTiM HIDIS Drr. Mo- U IS the end np. 18HO I7V4C per lb: drr kip. Wc. I, 5 to IB lbs. 14c: try calf, No. 1. under 8 lb. 18c: a.i'.d hide, aoand. 88 lba aad sear. I04S lie: cow. auOSMc; atag. and bona, eour.d. SOc kip. 18 to 80 lbv-vc: clf. ou:td. audr 13 Ibe.nic; green. uoaltcd. le lea: eulla, aee lb lea: horeahldea. Ited. ecb. $1 25iI.T8; drr. ec'i. $1.0001-80: colt hide. MOBOe: goat kta romiou i. each. I0U 15c ;' Angora, esch. 2jcC 1.00. Fruit and t bla POTATOES Buying price. 7aH0; Jobbing. $1 25 per cwt: aweet. 2 He. - HOP MARKET OPENS AT FIFTEEN CENTS (Special inspairn to ine journajj HUlahoro. Or., Oct. $. The first hops taken from Hlllshoro this Sanson were ahlppeitl from hare yaatwrday by Hana C. Whel berg of Portland. The lot con- elated of 28 bnlee and the price I paid waa paid was 16 centa per pound. WHAT DEALERS SAY - OF LOCAL MARKETS (By Sherk, Oaae ft Graham. ) Very heavy arrivals of poultry during the paat row daya haa caused a falling off In the price and the top figure today for fancy springs la 14 cents, ljeue have not been In such large sup ply and the market haa held somewhat firmer than on eprluge. other lines of poultry are about holding their own? Dressed hogs are also In much larger supply and eight cents la now the top price ' for fancy block, this being a falling off of one half cent from the price that haa prevailed for aome time. Fancy veal is still In good de mand and as yet the price holds firm, although arrivals are much heavier than some time ago. ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon, $1(1 $15: buying price. S0Q8Sc; garlic. St9c per th FRESH FRUITS Applee, 75cO$1.25; oralis: re. Valencia, $800; bananas, btiSvtc per lb: tnmou. choice, $5.00(18.00 per box; fancy, $U.0O(l7.DU per box: lime. Mexican. $1.25 per lot): plum; 404foOc per erate;cutloun, $1.23; grape. $1.1011.00; loncnrda. 27Wft30c: water melons. SOasOc; crated, $1.10; pearbee. BOciit $1: peer. 75c$l ; prune, bulk. 2c per lb; packed. 40ij50c per box; huckleberries, lor; ground cherries, Ooj73c box. i :i -K i a Hi, KM Turnlna. new. $1.00 per each: carrots. $1 aack: beete. $1.50 seek; Oregon rdlabe, 20c par dee; cabbage, Oregon. $1.50; bell pepper, be per lb: tomatoe. aOtJjSc per box; pa rani p. Il6tc0$l.oo: s i lag bean. Oregon, r ;7c par th: mail riower, $14125 per doa; pea. 4tt5c; horae .a.ll.h. saiOc per lb: artichoke 75c per doa: quaab, 75ctjt$1.0o per box: eggplant. $1.50 per doa hunch; cucumber. 85c per box: celerr. 75A80C doa: green corn. 81.50 aT: aummer aquaab. 75$1.00 per box: . eggplant. $1.75 par crate; pumpkin, lr; cranberries, locl. $8,504) Cap Cod. $W 50 per bbl. DRIED rBUITS A poke. evaporated 4c per lb; apricot., 181.018 per lb; re 2013Vc per lb. eacka. He per lb lea; i I-IO 'nrnaea. ou io w, wc; y,9 arou on eacn i-io i Is: flga. Callfor a Mack iatUf a each 1-18 amaller CallfaraT white, SOSWe per lb; data, gold. 7 He per lb; tarda. $1 40$l 50 per 1Mb baa. SL'OAR 111 refineries Cub. $5.70: oow dercd, $3.55: fruit, granulated. $5 83; dry granulated. $5.45: con?. A, $3.48; extra C. 84. 5; golden C. 84.86: D. yellow. $4.1)3: hblr 10c:Vk bbhi. 25c; boxes. SOc advatiee oa aa.'k oasis, less goc per ewt for cash, 13 daya; ma pre, w 15c per lb. (Above price apply to eel af lea tta ear lota. Car lota at speeta 1 price eanject I 8uctuatlons ) HONBY $3.80 pee crate. rOFFEB Package brand. tlV SOl-TB. SALT Coara Half ground 10m. SS.00 ear ton; 50a. $8.50; table, dairy. 60a. $18.00; 105, $12.73; bale. $1.86; Imported Liverpool. 60a, $17.00: 100. $18.50; 224. $18.00; extra fine. Mil. 2a. 5. 10a, $4 5006.50; Uvorpool tamp roV-k. $18.50 per toa: 50-lb nek. $8.00; 100a, $8.00. BICB-Hai penal Japan, No. 1, Oa; No. X OSUc. New Orleans bead. 7e; -fas, te; Creel. Se. BRANS Small whit. $4 26: Urge white. $3.50; pink. $1.75; bayou. $4.76; Uaaaa. $515: Mexlcaa reda, 4H. nuts lb: nine mi ra MaBllTAe nsr lb: hlekorv aat. 10c far lb; eheata ata. eearlerc, 1318 par th; Bra f nnt. lac aer tb: filberts 14kl5c ear lb; fancy pecan. 16e; almond. 18H)U e. Meats. Bk aad ftivuwias, PRBSH MKATS Prant Street Hoa. finer SASHc per lb; belle. SOSV.c per lb; veal, extra, 8A8Ve per lb; ordinary, TVAe aer lb; Boar, 6c par lb; mutton, fancy. 88ftc - par in; la inns, navvc S, VACUN, ETt'. Portland psck (tocall 10 ta 14 lba. 16HC per Rt: 14 t IS tha, 15c par lb; breakfast bacon. I5UQ21c ,r in; picnica, juc per in; cottage, iuc per in; regular abort ekrar, unamoked. HUc par Ike amoked 11c per lb; dear backa, 'n.mokedT lie per lb; amoked 18c per lb; Union butts 10 ta 18 lba; unsmoked. Be par U; smoked. Se lb; clear bellies, tin.moaed. 14 per lb; amoked. 15c per lb; ahoah bosm era, iJMe per lb pickled toaguae, SS.00 quarter bbL LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 11H per lb; 6a. 12Hc oar lb; 50-lb. tin, It par lb; team rendered. 10. 11 He per lb Ue oar ih: eomnound. 10. 814e. CANNED SALMON Colombia river. t-b tall.. 11.80; 8-lb telle 81.75; faacy. 1 lb Bata. 81 SO: Vk-lb fancy Sals. $1.15: faacy I -lb ovale. 82.75, Alaska tall, pink. StJOOc; red. $1.50; numln ai 2. lII, 8S.0S. riSH Bock end, Te per lb; Sounder. 8c aer lb; halibut. 8c per lb; crabs, $1.0001.60 dee; strtMd baaa. 12V..- tier Ih: rat ih. Se ear lb: I o- Columbia river Chinook. Tc: aflvarslda. 6c; steel head, Tc lb; herring. Se par lb; sole. 8c per lb; ahrlmp. 10c per Ih; perch. Be per lb: black rod. Tc per lb, tomcod. Tc per lb; sliver .melt, ae per tb: lobster, 18c per ibt fresh mackerel. Be per lb; or wash. 80a per doa: abed. 8c per lb; etsrgaaa. 10c per lb; black haa. SOc. 0T8TRRA1 Shoal water hay. aa gL 81.28: per 1101b aack, $4.00: Olympla. par gallon. $1.25; per 115-lb aack, $8 00. CLAHS Bvdahea per bog. $2.00; rasor rl a. $2.00 per box Falnto. Oaal 00. Eh. ROPE Pur Manila. 140; atandard. 18r. la. I. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caae 1SA per gal; water white. Iron barrel 1 4c per gal. wnonaa itc per gai; oenoiigoi. no-oag, rwa fHic per gal. UA84LIN1 E SS-des. ceeec 14 He ar aL troa bbla 18c per gL BBKEIWE 88 de$. Ma pa get, tree bbl 18Hc per gal TURPENTINE la cue. BBe oer raL waede WHlTatLafAD Ta lota. T4 per lb: bOS-lk lets. Be per lb, aaa lota. it per tb. WIRE NAILS Present baela at 82 SO. LINSEED OIL Par raw. la 5-101 lota. 68c-. I -bbl lot. SSc; case. 5Se per gal: genuine kettla boiled, eases, 80c per gal; 5-bbl lota. 54c; 1-bb f '.$. - - lit ten m BUSj aarrr $81, IWVin V 4B . WHS aut . asws.. - ear toa: laaa than car art. $80.00 per tee. NICOLA COAL SELLS AT THREE AND A HALF Sale nn th Portland atock market today were 5,008 a ha re Nicola Coal at 8H.C. Official price: -BANK STOCKS. Bid. Bank of California Merchant' National Bank.. 125 Oregon Treat Saving rortland Trust company Hanker" 4 lumbermen' United State National 901 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbeira Una Burner Union OH Aasocleted Oil Alaska Packer' Plfle State Telephone Home Telephone I'uget Hound Telephone Oregon Life laaaranee l enient Products I c. Lee Company O. B. B N. By. 4a MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal International Coal British Columbia Amalgamated Pacific Metal Extraction Alaska Petroleum Alaaka Pioneer Standard Consolidated Oregon Securltlea Snowstorm Knnwahoe Lee Greek OoM Tecom Steel Oallca. Consolidated Unl later liol'len Rule Consolidated Bullfrog Terrible Oalcnnda North Palrvlew I Roy ; Hiawatha 202 m t. 10 Caeradla Larky Bey Hoc la Rambler Cariboo Dixie Meadows (Ireat Northern Mountain View Blue River Hold Oarvla Cyaalde Sl iJAR STOCKS. Hawaiian Commercial Ilonoben Ilnlchlnaoe MakaweH Onornec Paanhau t Union B.w Tcrk.-Loadnn BUver, . Hew York, Oct. 8. Bar allver, Stc; London. 81H4- , ERRATIC CLOSING IN NEW YORK Market Is Weak and Stitong by Turns Today and Ptjoes Are Rather Mixed at End. CALL LOAN RATES ARE NOT QUITE SO HIGH Atchison Loses Because Directors Do Not Declare as Large a Divi dend as ExpectedUnion Pacific Is Slow Steel Up and Down. NET LORSK8. Anaconda . a, 'Uric Amalgadisted . . Atchison Sugar . . Smelter t ar a Foundry Brooklyn Baltimore Uiulavllb) 1 Mexican Cent 1 iKat '....., 3 Ont. Weatera... Penneylvanla Preed Steel Cr ... Hltteadlng . .. H I Southern. Ky ... filTcxa a Pae . ..n-.ll'. S. Robber . .1 H. 8. Steel NET GAINS. ... WIN. Y. Central .... . .. 4i! Pacific Mail . ..IV Hook Island ...211 Rock laland. pfd.. ,.ltt8. f. 2d pfd ... '.Southern Par. ... Kill. 8. Klr-l.pfd . . ... ViUVabaah, pfd ... wl(- Central St. Paul fHatlller National Lead.. Northern Pa... Colo. Fuel t'heeapeako l anaillan Pac . t'ohi. A Southern do Id nfd Ixicomotlv Denver Denver, pfd.... Ureal Western -tuourl Pac... . .1 v - .1 .1 j Tha New York atock market waa again very aert Thn .1 1 A itk.. ,ImI . dlvdend of 2, per cent, but tbla waa dlaap- pointing and the atock aold off. Mency rates were a trifle eaaler, ruling down to 5 per cent. Rock Llnnd Wa again active and gained for both Isaacs. Colorado ifc Southern was aim. bullish for ttc eoniuHiu and accoail preferred, the former rklng 21, and th latter IV points, higher. Southern Pacific gained a point buff Union Pacific wai unchanged. U. B. Steel, pre ferred, gained a fraction aud the aame amount waa leal by the common. official quota i by Ovrrbeck, Starr 4 Cooke con ipany: f DESCRIPTION. Arnal. Cop per Co Am. Car A round., com Am. Cotton Oil, com. Ana. Locomotive, con. Am. agar, com Am. Smelt., com da preferred Anaconda Mining Co. . . Am, Woolen, com. Atchison, com do preferred Baltimore a 'Ohio, com 113V K1Z ISO 155 118 -ttUISS 87 87 108 108 mi A 101 us H IBM 1o ih in 01 Br oofchrn Rapid Transit Camtdlaii Paciflc, . cam. Central Leather, com . . do oref erred Chi. ft 9t West., com Chi., MIL ft St. Paul.. Cheapeke ft Ohio.... Colo. Kurt ft Iron, com Colo. Houth.. aim do Id preferred do 1st praferrod Corn Products, com.... db preferred Data war. ft Hudaoa... D. AH. 0., com do preferred Erie, com do id prafaaied do lat preferred Illinois Central LouUvtll ft Naahvlll. Manhattan By Mexican Central By. . . E. K. ft T.. com , do preferred Distillers Federal 8m altera Mteaoorl Pacific National Lead New York Central N. Y.. Ont. ft Waat... Norfolk ft Weat., com. de preferred North America Northern Pacific, com . Pacific Mall Steam. Co, Penuaylvanta Railway. P. C. L ft Coke Co... Pruned Steel Car, com. Beading, common do 3d preferred do. lat preferred.... Berubllc I. ft g., com. do preferred Rock Island, common . . do preferred St. L. ft S. F 2d nfd. do, lat preferred. . , . St. L. ft 8. wy.t eom... da preferred ....... Southern Pacific, com. do preferred Southern Railway, com. do preferred Tenn. Coal ft Iron Texas ft Pacific Tel., St. i ft w., cam do preferred Unkm Pacific, com .... D. S. Rubber, eata da preferred V. 8. Steel Co., com... da preferred Wabash, common do preferred West. Union Telegraph Wla. Central, com 77 isuftiisa ;t m leSVi R8Tki 37 Tl I Tl 02i, tl?!SHl,f M 141 141'. I ir SSI j?? 118 U8 an 8B 88 B8Vi 8 tin 17 1A I07V4 mm 44 X. 27 do preferred 8T I B8VJI 58 Total sale for day, Call money cloaad 5 j 1.228.000 aharea. r cent. San Franclaoo Mining Exchange. San Francisco. Oct. 8. Of Octal closing Bid. I sm Belmont Caah Boy . . . flnlden Anrhor Home Jim Butler . . MacNama . . . Midway ..... Montana North Star . Ohio TVinopah Ex. Nevada ..... West End ... $8.00 Con. Cal. Va $ .an .14 I Opblr l. .01 I Mexican Tl I Mexican I Caledonia .8T 50 1.0$ .15 .00 21 04 1.00 .48 1.831 Exchequer .88 I Nor cross , 110 Hold Crown 2 00 Great Bend ... , .48 Rescue ......... .24 I Black Butte Ex. 5.12HTramp 18.46 Mlnld. Belmont.. 2. 75 I Montgomery Mt. . .OS (Sunset .38 I Scepter .18 i Manhattan . .58 I Snylor-Uumprey. . W I Dexter . .18 lUraany .88 inolrl Wedge. .. .08 I Lose Star . .81 lOrcat Rend Eg. 1.45 I l!reat Bend An. . .53 I Crescent , ,6T I Cowboy , id I Denver An .61 .13 .47 .11 .18 .80 .30 .15 .12 .18 ! .11 .12 .23 .08 .04 .38 .89 .04 .82 .58 .08 .17 .48 .18 .48 Adam. Atlanta Bluebell Booth Columbia Kt. . . Con. Quarry . . IHamoudfleld . Dixie tloldflcld Jumbci Jumbo Ex Kendall ...... Ijtguna May Queen Mohawk Bed Too Sandstorm Bllver Pick .. Bt. Ivsa National Bank, Denver Kcllpar Oold Bar ti Mull Frog .. Sletnway .18 mull ft Bean.. 4 00 IBlaek Rock ... IN. Y. Con i Manhattan Con. IT.IItle Joe I Mayflower .... 1.60 .88 4 2 .54 IJumpIng Jack . 1.55 Bed Top Ex... 00 IMuetag I. in I Bull Frog Mtn.. .tl ITi-tanga M I Starlight SAN FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS Hnn Fi;i Oct. 8, Local tocke: . BIO. Art. w 80 V SS" 15U 88', I on Ira Cnata Water Spring Valley Water Olaol Powder... i.... Hawaiian Commercial 8B H iiioka - SnT'-r Ilittrhhrwia Sugar 22 ISVa Maknwell sugar.. Onomea Sugar... Paanhan Sngar Alaaka Packer. PacISc State Telephone 51 88 104 .103 PORTLAND BANK STATEMENT. t learluga today Clearing year ago. $1,148 172.47 011.588 111 '.sin $ tfJNctl Nw York Caah Caff. New York. Oct, 3. C h cuff: K. T Bio, 8Ac; Pro. 4 Saatoe, (JJm) Efforts to Advance Price of Butter Beyond Thirty Cents Would Cause Withdrawals of Storage and Accumulation of Fresh Stocks. CHICAGO WHEAT A BIT HIGHER I ' 1 r Outside Markets Showing Bull ish Tpne Prices a Quarter to Three Eighthe Up. LIVERPOOL COMES OFF AT OPEN AND CLOSE American Market Shows Dullness but Shorts Do Not Try to. Force Prices Down Gain Todav la a Quarter to Three lUghtht, RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. Oct, S. Lew. 1808, October .. "I'll 'm December May .... Wheat trade In ontalde eti .ui - elderable Improvement In .taw e today. Foreign cable were berh but 'had no effect upon prlce-maklag In i blo.go. fa th latter market trane waa uulet but had a haant.h nn.. t . cloaa waa lie to Jtc h heir Llverno. ,1 eloa1 He to .c kmr th.n ThHdy. """ '' uoo ra lions ay uvartiev X. Starr A Cooke couiiaiiy: WHEAT. Opea. High. Low. Cloe. TSB Tags October . December Hay .... :: SB tt55 CORN. 4814 tt. . . 482 48 4:t , 43 OAJS. ..181 M7 MESS PORK. ..1SS5 1842 LABD. 884 . 863 SST .. 78T TSO SHORT BIBS. .817 SST .. 813 811 S3 Decemlier May 48aft I December I May I July I January . ins i84i i October . Dreember January . 5 883 808 TSO 826A 813 October January PRIMARY GRAIN MOTEMX MT. Chicago, Oct. 8. Primary receipts: Todaf . Year Ago. Bushel Buehrla .1,157.000 1.487.000 .. 583,000 888.000 Wheat , Cora Shipments: Wheat Cora Total clear nre : 814.000 800.000 1.000 848.000 t. 571.0011 buahela; I. 300,000 buabel; Sour. 58.000 barrels; core. oats, none. LIVERPOOL GRAIN MA-KITS. LIverpooL Oct.- 8. -Official price: WHEAT. Open. Cloaa. Oct. 2. Los. December March . . . 8s tug a ud da SfAd i Sa $33 aa avid da $Hd it CORN. 4a 8d 4a BUd 4a aAd U4 esaary 4a d da lyjd 4a 144 Ud Chicago Caah Whsat. Chicago. Oct. 3. Caah wheat: No 3 red. JSVic Wd : No. 3 red, T2TSc: No. 3 hard. T8iTTc- No. 8 hard. TSOTTc; NeJ north- em, no. 3- Northern, T7M3fc: No. 8 spring. I3c. GREAT STRENGTH SHOWN BY SHEEP MARKET Advance of Twenty Five Cents In Lambs Yesterday Is Followed by Much Firmer Tone. Portland Union Stockyards, Oct. 8 -Livestock receipt: Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Today 80 85 BOO Week ago 231 Moath ago 88 313 Year ago 48 ... 88T ' There la great atrength shown In the aheap market. Th advance of 25c In lamb quoted exclnalvely by The Journal yesterday wa fol lowed by a much Brmer tone throughout the aheep market and there la every prospect of aa lOVItlonal rise In that market. Hog are asy to strong and cattle urn. official llveatock price e: Hog Beat eaatern Oregon. $6.80: blockers sod China ta te. $8.0001735. Cattle Beat eastern Oregon ateer. $3,400 8.88; beet cow and heifers. $4.8003.80: stock ere and feeder , $2.T5iS.O0; hulls. $1.50. nneep Mixed. 4g4Hc; lamha. Be. EASTERN MARKETS GOOD Mogs 8 Oente Higher- In Chicago Others Are BJSSady. Chisago, Oct. 8. Livestock receipts: Hog. Cattle. Chicago 22taw 31.000 Kane. City 0,000 8.000 Sheep. 15.8fn 8.000 2.000 "Hi.". ,wv a.iaej i.whi Hi ga ar 6 cent higher with 4.300 left ever from yesterday. Receipt, a year ago wet 18.000. Prices: Mixed And butcher'. $8,350 6.85; good and heavy, $8.4508.83: rough and heavy. 88.8800 SO; light. $8 &50 SO. Cattle Steady to strong. Hheep Steady. i JOSEPHINE APPLES ' ARE BEING PICKED (Special Dispatch te Tb Journal.) Orants Pa., Or., Oct. 8. Apple picking and packing la bow under way In Joaepb a county and extensive ah lament are being made. Eta man Brother own th largest and moat produc tive orchard In the county They will ahlp ever 12,000 box tht season and expect to reallx anna t $14,000 from their crop. This orchard waa at one time abandoned aa worth), but haa lieen sprayed, pruned and trimmed, and by care ful attention mad one of the heat orchard :n the at ate. Several thou wind boxee will also be ahlpped from the Miller orchard, oa Applegate river. Bear Oranta Pasa. Tbla orchard I owned by Conaul H. B. Miller, who la located toy china, bat Whose- principal property Internet are la Urtnti Pae and atoeepbln county. Tie greater portion of the apple from the Millar orchard era ahlpped to the Orient. Mr. Miller hiving found a ready market and goad price for them In that country. HEAVY MAY SALES. Arlington, Oct. 8. Several large aal ef al falfa hay have luat been reported from the Rock Creek district, the total amount aggre gating about 1,000 ton. William Head has sold 100 toes to A. Smyth A Sen of Arlington and 100 ton tn William Smith of cdar Sprtaga, both well known aheep men of tbla county. Thle hay will be fed from the tck on the farm It waa grown upon Mr. Head haa a ten aold sev eral carload of haled alfalfa: some of It will be hipped tn The Dalle and aome to Condon. W. K. Prance, who la located Juat below tha Head place, haa sold hla entire crap of ,100 tons to A. Smytlie ft Sen. A. A. Carothers, who own th l.oruet Ornve farm, ha aold about 400 ton of bt crop to Lacej Tiro then of Port land, who will feed the hay on Mr. Cat-others' ranch. Several more entailer sale have been made, and all the alfalfa which waa far sale In that vicinity ta wild and n grenf deal of itm-k will be wtnte-ed there. Price paid for all thl hay w$t! per ton In th alack and $8.80 f. o. b. for baled. Monetary Est. New York. Oct. :i Sterling demand. 483.12V'. 80 day. 480.25; Prance 621'. 5)DA: Stockholm. 488rl: Hamburg, 04 less 1-32; Paris, C3u tost 1-18.