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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
jpmpbbsbbb . mm mrmmm FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Good Homes $3,600 Mxioo ww, roods B-room cot tar. Bait Qlto. $3,600 60x100 comer, Mesltoat 8 -room hous. SOU and Esst Opri. MToO -100x8 corner, good 7 room koaaa. Mth and Beat Antony. - . $",500-00x100 corner, trietly modnrs .noa boose, lath and Eaat HslmlB Will maka ry llbaral tarau aa ay at the. J. H. Hellbronner & Co. 61 19 Lumber Bichsos". ascana ana Btark. A NEW 7-room boom, jut flnlabad. and Mfoot lot, on Waet . Mar Hawtboraa ,. Bjfl Ran wattr, baantlfal flaw: prte ; tarau. A. Jackson, room 8, Ham 11 tod hid-. Phna Mala 102. Send One Dollar And wa will llat your property with 1.000 rtal etate dealers wka ara aa anxious to earn a ooaimlaatoa aa you are to 811; our plan aaldom faila; Bond dsscriptlos; w sr. hasping man otbsra, why not yottl Address The In vestor Qulda. SU Marquaa bldg , Porttoad. Ortgon. 500 Homes For Sale ram aad City -Proosrty. THE INVESTOR GUIDE CO.. Ill llsruusm Plot., rornsuu. Sellwood Morokoaaa French. 1070 I. 13 th. Pboaa 8 11 wood T4. City Vlaw Park lota. 8370 and op: Baa Addition lota. 100 aad ap; $5 down aad $0 month. Homaa from $500 to $5,000. Lota $300 and op. la all parts of Ssllwood. Llat jour proparty with aa; wa will aaU It. FOR SALE S loot oa oaraar ot Ksrby and Prescott ata., cheap for cash. Mr. E. Scott, Mo AIM 6 v. kl.BOO rOK a nlc little borne ot 4 rooms, near Steal brldae: tarma. HAOBMANN as BLANCH ARD. M Fifth at. FOR BALE 1, 2, t. and S-acre tracts; also houses and lota, on Mount Scott carllne. Oc fare. Mount Scott Baal Estate Co.. Lents. Pboaa Scott 2284. 5 and 10 ACRE TRACTS PRIME LAND Aad location for a home. Investment Co. 244 Stark. $1,800 BUYS a ft room eottsgs. bath, ate., OB fine large 1st, Williams aa.: easy terms. HAGF.MANN A BLANCHARD. Si Fifth t. BARGAINS FOB SOMEONE. My modern B room home, full brick base ment, big lot 08x141. all kinds large and smsll fruit, two blacks to beat carllne In city, a mall barn. 1.700. half cssh. No. 122B 41st and Eaat Taylor. Owner; pboaa East SMB. 5 and 10 ACRB TRACTS PRIME LAND And location far a Investment Co. 244 Stark. 6 ACRE tract for sale, partly cleared. er ear line; ao agents. R SO. tare JonraaX For Sale 7 room bouse; all hard finished and lot 60 100: air fruit trees, aad svsry thing In Brat class order; t blocks from Uotoa-avs. car Una, la Upper Albloa ; price $3,000. half CAlso a 6 room hard-Balakad koaaa with 4 nice lota, all Improved with aloe bearing fruit trese; price $1,800. $200 cash and oaf a no to be paid at $30 a month; la Boutheaat Bee J.' R. Truman, room 40 Labb bldg., ' 4rAa MsM; 'hUWB stt. BDxlT7 CORNRB, WUhimett Heights. $3,800. inuaraon m ways, ooi wwm RAM. SNAP -Grocery, corner location. 8 Being room, rent $30. Pioneer Investment Co., BIS " ronimonweslth bldg , Sixth and Ankeny. THE PRETT1E8T BUILDING BITE ON BAIT 1BTH ST. s Near new klgb school; lot Mi 100; walking distance: $3,000 takes It. C. L. FARRISH CO.. v 431 Lumber Exchange. Phone Mala 8815. $400 80x100 oa Eaat Mala at.; south frontage. C. R. Dabargh. 218 Ablngtua bldg. Great Sale in Acreage ist ptoltod i nhnmlinM of rnnnlne water on each lot. ad joining a 8-story ninth grade school, close to town sad car Una; land nearly all level and la high atat of cultivation; aa batter soil In tba atata; $100 to $176 par acre; terms. Parties leave our office at 9 s. in every day; go wltk aa; yoa will Sad laud better than represented; great eat snap la acreage a wt side. Sciioyleman & Co. 227 V Washington at. Booms 84 .to. 60x100 CORNER oa Broadway, new and mod ern. T rooms, daa. bath and pantry; 4 closets, fall basement, furnace, gas aad electric lights: $8,750; see this place; term. THOMPSON ft GAGE. 67 Sherlock bldg. $1.500 A BABOA1N. 7 room boa, modern, fronting First st. carllne. V cask. Baa own er at 158 Nehrsaks st. MO FARMS, small tract aad lots; bargains aa 0. W. P. electric Use. O. R. Additoo, Last. Oregon. Take Mount Scott ear. Be. $1,0009 ROOM new bouse aad 2 lots on Moant Scott carllne; nous I not finished upstairs; bargain. REGISTER ft CO.. 107 V4 Third at NEAT HOME Fall lot: fruit; 8-room boas, modern; on carllna; $1,400. Call $M But 7tk t. $300 CASH, balaso $28 monthly, buy new o rnom modem boas and lot la North Portland: aa these. Pioneer Ivtant Co., BIB Uommnnwealtb bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeny. I n il. LA DAY ADDITION. $3.300 8-room boa oa Ban Bsreath it. north, near Weldler; this low price to close oat property la hands of a guardian. $3,700 V block on ltb t. North. ALBEB-BENIIAM CO.. Phone Msln MS. 34-38 Concord bldg. FOR RENT id acres good mil near Kenl) worth, all la cult Ira tlon: 8 room bouse. Is res barn; $38 month; machinery aad stock for sale. E. J. OF IS BR. 331 H Morrison t. BARGAIN New 4 room plsstered cot tag, bath, hot aad cold water; lot BOxlOO la Lincoln park; pries $1,350; only 3100 cssh. B. J. GKISER. 221V Morrison st. NOW Is the time to bay bula 1st aa Oraad an. I bar few for sak) on the quiet. J. J. ORDER. 1 N. Grand st. 81.000 4-ROOM boos and 3 ales lot In Ver noa : this to a BE little koas wltk plsnty of room nd oa a comer. REGISTER ft CO.. 107V Third st. FOB SALE - Improved snd anlmprored farms, wheat and stork ranches, timber lands and sswmllls. city snd suburban property; change, a pcllty. Tar 1st ft Walker. 4. IS WSSBBBgMW St. i LOT soar Uatoa see. mrlto. which, ar s nice as ess h found to that asctlosT of th city, fog oalj $1.800 for all V REGISTER ft CO.. 107V4 Third t. FOB BALE 4 V seres laad. 3 cleared suy oleerrn . email nuuee. i move, spnsg wagon snd buggy; U go far $860 cash. 0 mils east. IT taken right away; party a red; in nouse. i wsnts to go away. Addree a la. Marau. CASH (ad 320 monthly tsks nsw S-room i, Lm,m hM and kla snap Ploaeer Investment Co.. 013 Ceaawi weslth bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeny. WE HAVB last consisted two new Idence st Archer PUos; on Mem-room boos ($2, 150) , and the otksr s six room heaes I $1,960). One-third cssh and be la see sa ar monthly pay meat, both bargains. B. f. CABMON ft CO.. Ot McKay bldg. Third and Stsrk ata. $1 800-4 ACBBS, asar esrlle. good aoll; foar room boose, chicken bow, ban, waonoos ad othar Improrsmsnts; 4 scree rlssrsd. 7M"VMITBB Third 81. THE FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. of fruit, oa KllUaars worth a.; hU cash, be la see last tlm. par eaat $1.800 S-room 1ou. full cornea lot. on Sharer at; 8300 cub, balance $10 par- month. $2.80O -Resstlfnl room ho, modsra la Tory respect, corner lot era 113. s bands nee of rose aad Bower, build ing restrictions In neighborhood, 1 block from car; $1,000 down, ha lance on long Urn; let a show yoa Ula. 84,000- 3 houM of 8 snd T loams, H bsoeh. room for another house; ball If caah down. $5, 00O Elegant S-room boo, strictly new carpets In parlor, rang snd gss . I I.I. - L I W - It -a MA.. . -.,i , n i u .iiru.B, imii m " 'pet, fall lot. pleaty of hmbberf. near East Taylor and 14th; must b sa. to be sp precis ted; sssy pay wrXs. $3,000 Choicest U block Portland Height, on carllne; Burst tUw; terms can be mads. Washinfton Tand Oregon Realty Co. ROOMS 11 AND 13. 25814 WASHINGTON 8T. RBAL ESTATE BARGAINS- CLOSE ENOUGH TO PLAT INTO ACREAGE. 120 acre flrat-clas lsnd. clow In. 8H mile from city; close to carllne snd railroad .and on a doe road to th city; 70 acres la caltlrs tlon: a good 10-room house, good well st bouse, ester stands tt 18 feet th dryest ess son: 2 barn. large granary; there goes 1 binder, mower, hsyrake. plows, hsrrow, 21 ton hay aad all farming Implement. 50 chicken. 8 cows. 3 horses, wagon aad spring wagon: creek oa pises; price $80 per acre I terms, 8 room modern hoaaa with pantry aad clos et; lot SBxlM on Vanosarsr t. cloee In. Pries $3,050. Trm. Sectary modem 8 room house, bath and nan try; fall concrete basement, cement floor; electric sad gaslight, fin fireplace, beautiful lawn; lot 00x100. Including carpets, rags snd eurtslns now to ths boo; within 8 block of two car lines, to Irrlngton. Price $5,000. Terms If desired. W. W. Espey ' 813 Commercial bldg.. Corner Second and Washington ata. For Sale BY The Bnnn-Lawrence Co. B lot, besutifnlly el tasted, within 3 blocks of station aad baalne center, UatTcratty Park; $1,000; thrombi terml. Lot 110x209 feet, klgb nd lightly altua- tlon, on Francis ar., 1 block Woodstock oar; $800 to to gaoo each. Beautiful lots on Brooklyn Heights. Bast Ninth or Eaat Tenth st.; $000 to $000 ecbt y terms, dou t fail to ineeatlgaic; It'a ths chance ot your lifetime to get a bargain. 149 1-2 First St S and 10 ACRE TRACTS PRIME LAND And Iocs tlon for bom. Investment Co. 344 Stark. Speer and Balnter 1000 Vs Belmont at., oar Sunnyside Property At Inter s ting pries; this wk. seeeral bouses, last completed, modern, from $1,460 ap. Call or shoos Tabor SM. IBVINOTON $1,000 Lot n Hancock St. $1 .251 Another. 83.300 Qaartr Mock. I3.7BO rm little horns, 461 Bast 18th, It. $4.800 B room boas. East 30th near Tilla mook. 8000 S-room hoass. Ml Broadway. .000 -6 -room bouse; slegant, 878 Han cock . $7.800 S-room ho, extra eat, Hancock. Bear 20th. 87.700 8 -room bouse, beautiful ground, lOOilOO, 083 Tillamook. $10. BOO S-room konee; on of th most legnt bouses la ths dty; see It and you will acknowledge It; 400 Slat st . north, or nor Hancock. ALBEE-BENHAM COMPANY. Phono Mala MB. 34-26 Concord bldg. BELLWOOD HOMES $1,100 -4 room bona. T Iota. $220 Small hoos. full lot, oa Impeored street. $900 8 room boas. 3 block from ear. $8,000 7 room modem ha I. - $1 .800 6 room modem house, beautiful town and dower. $1.900 S-room modem boose, block from carllo. $230 nna leesi sot, mock rrom scnooi a. $130 We hare s number of good lots left for $120 to Sin. BELLWOOD TOWNBTTB CO., H. P. PALMBR. Manager 108 Sherlock bldg.. or get off Sell wood car st Teal no axe. Phone Bell wood 181. HOUSES built a Installment. 813 Commercial bldg.. Mala If $3,660 BUYS a muOaiB 7-room nous elna la SB Baa Bafaal at. ; term. HAOBMANN ft BLANCHARD. 91 Fifth it. 7-ROOM modern houa. fall lot. fmlt. party going away; cheap. Call 441 Bast Csmhrldgs St. ; owner. Phone Wood lawn 308. CLOSE-IN BAST S1DB BOMB. Modern 6 room bom on cornsr lot oa East Wsshlngtoo. ay walking dlstsnc; $8,000 will buy It an easy term. HAOBMANN ft BLANCHARD. 81 Fifth It. 60x100 ON Wasco St.. 87M: this to a besutlfnl lot la etogant ree idence district THOMPSON ft OAGB, 007 Sherlock bldg. $1.800 8-ROOM bungalow and 1 sere toad. 8 block of Mount Scott carllne; inreatlgate this. REGISTER ft CO.. 1071, Third t. I JUST want to mention two bargain: SO cm good land near Ws'boagal. gcaO; ISO timber lsnd near Rcsppooss. 11.000. t. 1. OEDEB. 1 N. Oraad ar. LOT oa B. 10th aad Dleiaioa at a bargain; Inquire 479 10th, oa premises HAVE seeeral house ranging In Dries from $1,400 to $4,200; will Mil small payment down, be lane ssms rent. Owner. Phous Esst 076. WAREHOUSE property for sale, let 100100, facing adjoining railroad tracks. Address P M, cere Journal. mi a i , x--o tnntTtAX u kluw a dwellings, cement oaaemenrs, jawa. rrnlt. Sowars, cement aldewalk; cheap for caah. 878 Bait Third at., aorth. WHOLE block ot fine lot. 53x100, on car, worth $2,000; only $1,400 this week. H 8, Journal. SIGHTLY comer lot. lOOilOO, with wide streets, 3 short blocks from W. W. car; ao finer building sits offered: will scon double la ealoe; some lumber Included; sll far S800. pert down. See ths Haas Laad Co.. 140 Portland Heights H block, fia Ttsw, near la; price win sarlt yoa; took thto up today. Othsr heights property t arteag most 4. slrsble: hay now before another rise. B. WOLVERTON. SM Commercial bldg. . Phoa Msla 843. H BLOCK oa North 17th t, with sod tm proremtnt. Pr1ag good reel; aak sboot 8 room hoaaa la hast residence sectloa. close to: this place is snosuslly wall etvu- Iraeted. exceltoat Bnlsh and cnneenlentlf arranged; M.BOO; sy term. 7 room boa. Bob Hill dbrtrlet; south front sad a good hoy at 80,000; eaay terme. A Saw east front Ist la Iretagton. near er; 3 $1,000; tana, block ia ra.rer a addltkaa, $1,000; $380 i. bslsne eaay term. SPHINX AOBNCY. SOSVi Stark St. loo ACRES Hi Tills county: we gaarant 9,OIH),000 feet 8r and cedar; farorahly alio tad. must sell at once, $8,00 . SOS Lim OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOB SAJLB BX Louis Salomon 388 STARK ST., NEAR SECOND. so, iw jorar apa, was aw s-room norm aa at. a 88,380100x100, good 10-room koas; Msln st. lJW I 81 1-8x100; good 6-room Qulmhy t. $8.000 20100; Broom kouss to Al Uon: Fifth at. $3,00035x100; Bw S-room house; Sartor street. $1,000100100. 8 room house; FartlaaB Height, near otweTTatorr. kabt a l UK. $4 260 Corner lot, $ new houses; n par month: ckss la. M.300 Corner lot. 7-room boa; re. huala proparty. 83,000-Cornaw. Upper Albtaa. kVstory bulld- n, star snd $ llrtog ni l.SOO Bunnyalde, i-orusr. with ra S too a cottage. $1,800-011 lot, 5-room cottage; Michigan a. J 1.700 Lot with 8-room cottage. Osnten- e. . $1,000 Holladsy' addition. S-room cot Age. 19th at $1.600 Modem S-room cottage, earner lot, Fremont st. Desirable building lot to U parts of th dty. Bee oar list. West Side Acreage Sale aow oa. Seeeral hundred aero Just platted In tracto of 1, 8, 0 and 10 acre: bnnduo of running water on each lot, d Jolnlng a torn ninth grde acbool. cloee to town and cantos; toad nearly all leeei and In high ststc of cultltlo; Bo better soil In the ststs; $110 to $170 per acre: terms. This Is ths greatest SNAP oa the msrkst. Lots selling fat. Pssdtlesly ass as st one. Xoa will find the land better than repreeenled" Parti leering our of ties srsry morning st S a. m. x Schuyleman and Co. 227V Washington al. Boors 84-88. WANTING A H0MB7 83,800 Dandy new 0-room cottage ; gss, both, turn os, weathered oak fintok, full lot. East 84th St., near Hawthorn, srs. 88.000 Coay 0-room cot tag la South Port land, right ap to date. $4.300 Bran-nsw 2-story S-room bom, South Sunnydde, near Hsu thorns t.; srefy- thing modern snd conrsalant Bee as tint Gst tbs hsblt. C. L. Parrish and Co. 438 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 8810. $800 WILL buy a splendid residence lot. Bast Mth and Pins, streets lmprvred, sewer to, 'S0xiW tot at Or toe: well lmprored. 3 block from car; price $000; $20 csa aad $10 per month. 100x100 oa Eaat Sixth at.: splendid neigh borhood. unsurpassed slew; must be sold thla week; make me aa offer. W. H. Bnoy 801 2Lomber Eschang. bldg. Mala 4877. BEAUTIFUL V, block room boo and full basement, strictly modru. nlc laws aad ahrabbery, aa Sharer st.. $8,800. THOMPSON ft GAOB, 887 Sherlock bldg. M.BOO DOUBLE Sato oa Park St. 88.500 Splendid corner on Fourth st. 1 1. Modern Broom eotUge, except ga; fireplace; aptondld hem; $000 cub, balance long time. - $5.300 0-room mod ara house. V4 block; good terms. Otto and Crockett 343V Washington st. West Side Acreage Here 40 acrta, all torsi, excellent aoll, aom easily cleared, on county road, close to carllne; will sell to small tracts for $50 to 860 aar asm: terms. Splendid opportunity for a good nyleman and Co. S37V W Rooms 34 35 A Few Bargains In Acreage 1 arm snd house. Mount Scott carllne, S block Stswsrt station. $1,800, 3 torel acre on Millard set., d block tattoo, 81.800; No. 1 platting prooosltloa; or 1 aero, MOO. 1 scr. near Woodstock, water piped to place. $000. A One home, right oa carllne: new boas and othsr Improeements, with S acree garden toad: ssms youn fruit trees: 4 asm cultl- f rated; only $1,700. half cub, batons to aulL W. J. Day and Co. 186V Fourth ., room SB. COZY little home. Al condition, near carl high, aom fruit; bargain; see It today. THB CONTINENTAL OO, 343 Start St. BRAND NEW boss, select neighborhood, near ear; price admaetog dll around; terms; pay rant to yours If ; thto. THB CONTINENTAL CO.. 343 Stark st. CORNER 60x100 Ktrby t., high snd sightly, $800. THOMPSON ft OAGB, 087 Sherlock bldg. FOR SLE FARlte A FINE farm la Willamette rslley of over 860 seres good toad, on th WllUmette rlrsr; It I wll atocked, ha all th most modern Improvements, good buildings and 40 cere ot hops; It to near food school, has dally mall dslleery snd a telephone on the place; It has paid from 15 to 17 per east nst profit for year : ws gusrant that th ststs ments made la regard to thto piece are sb solutely true; eaay term or will trad for city property; thto Is s good Investment with a minimum risk. ' A large atock ranch In eastern Oragon thst baa ahaadaac of water and good buildings, plenty of water, good toad nT controls 6.000 acre of grsstng laad: on day- drlr from mountain rang; It will carry 4,000 heed of beep; thla muat be aold to close an estate. IV e a Lao bare severs! good bar la Hosier fruit tooda that rlrsl the Hood Hirer dls trlct for fin fruits; can mil yoa acreage n 0 acree up at bargain prices. SPHINX AGENCY, 800 Vt Stark st. $5500 A kO-scra ranch, farm sad dairy, 37 scree In high ststs of cnltlTStlon and torel. A fine trout stream through ths piece, on s good county rood, 3 miles from railroad tatl..n ad riser, 30 ml toe from Portland. Balance of land In paatnrs and aom timber. 3 mile from good creamery. V mil to school. R. F. D. msIL new 1 0-room boas with hot and cold water and bath. torg barn and other build lugs; about 38 or M tons of hay. potato and other eegtbls. Fine out Id range, orchard of hearing tree aad new orchard of 100 young appi tree: theae go with th place, $ cows, 4 halters, IS bogs snd 3 harass sad 3 wagons, 1 baggy snd new separator aad othar farm Implements too numerous to men t km ; 13 toad of beee. geese and chickens. Apply FRANKLIN ft CO., 134 Front at. BARGAINS IN FARMS $1.600 20 cre with eery good build ings first else aoll, tmple meats sad stock; It yoa It yoa buy It; 12 miles from Port land. 82.100-Beat kind of garden land, 42 scree; on Willamette aad boatlsudlng. Pat In vegetable will clear $8,000 yearly. $800 cub. balance 8 year at S per cast. $4.800 50 acres 10 mile from Portland: 40 acre In cultivation. 800 full bearing fruit tree; everything on th place goes with; $3,000 at 6 per cent can remain. $8,00080 cre of th very best lsnd; well Improved, with bumper crop of M seres thrown la; 13 mil from Portland; y terms. For good firm of any si see t. FUCllS, 331 V Morrison It. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FARMS We have several good farma for Ml In Claekama county sad w tavlte ths at ten tlon of prospective purchssers. Ws kSTS s large rerm mcatro i aniw irom City, W1CB we WIH aeu IB jo. mi an and 4n acre tracts: fine soil sad Voostsd aft good county road. DIM1CK ft DIMICB, Oragon Oty. Oragon. ain lean FOR SALE: fenced. 100 eulttvsted. M acre posture; hones, large barn aad outbuildings; arnoolhoa la niece; good orchards, well watered, free deliver Zt hI1 telenhone: 4 miles Wsshlngtoo; worth gin.OOO and more: price SB.OOO; term. SO.""" case nuani is , took tad machinery es be parchssed. W. W. MeCrodto. aeover, Wsshlngtoo. SB AOBBB close to rallroed Itsltoa aad pros ssnaa town and only 1A hoars' ma frecn Portland: aptondld land, shout 70 acree oml-r cslilvstloa aad about M mors will vary oa b ready tor ths plow: two milim hsasia. S room sad 8 room; good orchard snd hero aad running wstsr la hamysrd, well fenced far (took; Bar prompt sal. $30 per errs: lata la a bssatlful country bom with very thing la good condition Address J M. car Jsarawl. or tearrSinoe Main 800 840 ACBBB at choice toad In Crook coaaty, Orasoa. caa he Irrlgsted. for sis) cheap. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER t, FOR SALE FARMS. Choice Bays M.BOO 180 seres miles from Columbia ar to Clark count. Wsshtoaton: M aar SB to eultlvataua. 40 scree green timber, balance brush aad itauip: 3 good springs; sll fenced with post nd wire, 3 story 8-rpom hoass, frame nam 64x100 feet. 3 acre of hearing fruit. V mile to school, ms solitary shed 4Oxn0 feet, chicken boom 14iS3 feet, dairy tenia I6xM tost, man lug wstsr through milk boas; ens (pan of young aura worth 8360. 37 milch cows. 3 heifers. T bull. 0 bogs, 80 chickens. 1 McConnlck binder, mower aad rake, sll nsw: dtoh hsrrow, cultivator, plows. 2 wagons, 1 top boggy, ere ss sepsis tof, feed grinder; s tot of mail toot. Term. 88500 cash, bal snce $ years at 8 per cant. Thto to ths best bay oa the market; heat of aoll. $3,000100 acre 4 mile from Toledo. Cow lit county, Washington; 40 acree clear, moetly bottom land: 5-room house, well at door; bam. woodshed; barn bold 26 need rat tie. 4 burses, 40 too hay; family orchard, team, wsgon and harness, boggy; 37 head cattle, 14 hep, M chicken, farm Imple ments, 4 stands of bass. 40 ton hay; ar school oa mala county road; boat of aoll; give tons. $4,700108 scrss, 13 mils from Vancouver; 40 acre in cultivation. 7 acree greeo timber, balance sully cleared; 7B acre fenced. 1V4 era variety orchard; good 6-room house, good bar 80x100, othsr outbuild tag: IV mile to railroad station and good country towu; land U level; 70 acre ash and, vtns maple swale; good tsam horses, hesvy wagon, spring wagon, buggy. 3 ssts ham: S bead cattle. 13 nogs, 8 sosep, aOO chlekess ; M ton hay. 0 scrss pots toss: term 81.300 130 crc In Washington county, S mils from railroad ststlou; 20 scrss cleared S cre bearing orcSard. 1,000.000 feet good aw timber, 3 mile from sawmill, on main county road; telephone tin pt hoass. 6-room house, 2 bsrus, frultdryer. othsr out buildings; best of soli, no rock or gravel; mile to school; thto to th beat bay on th shtorket; guaranteed ss sdvsrttosd; Invest I afftt this before buying. $1,300100 seres to Washington county, 8 miles from railroad station; 8 scrss clesred. 40 sore good timber, bslsnce easily cleared: small house end barn, good spring assr house, on msln county read; best of soil; glv terms; a nap. $1,000120 acre SH mile north of HIIls boro, Waahlngton county; 13 acres clesred. 2.000.000 feet good saw timber, near sawmill: 2 good springs. 1 nssr house: level lsnd. mall bouse, R. P. D. snd telephone, fine level road to Hlltoboro; beat of soil: terms, 8600 cash, baton 0 year st 8 per cent; good location. The Washington & Oregon Realty Co. SUM Wublngton St.. Room 11 and 13. Port land. Oregon; and 800 Msln t., Vancouver, Washington. FARM BARGAINS 10 acree, of which 8V4 scree or more braver dnm land; 10 mile from city; perpetual wtar on th Sams; raw toad prlc $800 for quick sic. 10 sere of Improved land, except 1 ten In tump, ob a good macadam road, 3 miles from carllne and Mllaaukle; good bsru aad ether building; no boons ; $3,000. 240 ccras, farm ind nag toad; M scrss clssr, to cultivstloa. high lsnd, good orchard sssorted fruit; finest of fmlt lsnd or vegs tsbles; tin streams through It; two good ; two good bam; root boose: fmlt dryer; water mna -to both hoaaa; clean land and about 80 cre more fenced tor pasture: 1 good team, bams sod wagon: 1-year old colt, some pig. 8 cow, 2 yearling heifers, 0 calves, atand bees. $100 worth supplies, cream separator cost $100, Incubators and brooder. 1 new Champion mower and rake, plow, cultivator, barrow, smsll tool, sll household goods; barn fall first class hay; flnt of rang SV miles from railroad; Vj mil to school; R. 9. D. mall, on cresm route; 3 hoar from city by tsam. Will take most pay In city property. Pries $4,000; term If wished. Over $1,000 worth personal props -tv- 40 seres 30 under cultivation, 10 seres In fine timber, bslsnce In brush: small hous snd lrg barn, good well of water, email orchard; f'l team of horses snd harness, 3 good cows, bslfer. 1 celf. good new wsgon. nsw plow, aew cultivator, nsw hsrrow, mowing roach rn aad rah, other email tool. 10 ton hay; school V mil on a good county road. Sty mile from railroad and town 80 mile 'torn Portland. B. F. D. mall. Prlc $2,000, part can stead. 143 seres. 80 scree under plow: boose and other outbuilding; 70 acres beat bottom lend, running water in paatare; ty mil to school, 2 telephone Usee, milk route end mall rout by th door: 2ty miles to railroad and town; oa a level road In Washington county. Prlc 800 per acre; term. 2M seres, 146 in cultivation, 3 crop now being harvested; wheat, nsts. vetch: Urge orchard; pood team, wagon and harness; s good buggy snd boraa snd harness ; cow, chickens snd turkeys; a modem S room house; piece lies level, ever-rnnnlng wster on tt. oa e country road: R. F. D. mall, phone In ths a; S miles from Jeffsraa aa Boathern Pa rifle railroad: would taks two-thirds In good city property at ralr pries; farm ths Pries, $50 per a era. W. Espey 818 Commercial .bid . Corner Second and Washington. ror llat ot rami ror axis. FARMS H sere, all choice land, near Rtdgsftsld, Washington, convenient to railroad and rlvsr 'rsnpr4at4n. -hoae, bsr. woodehed. sreh srd. nlc spring wster. lend sll - fenced. 10 - acres cultivated; might trad for Portland property. $1,700. 44 sere, all first clas level lsnd: 13 acre ealttvated, front on main county road. 11 miles weat of Portland, near Beedvllle. $2,850. 80 scree, U ale land to cultivate, nearly level: bona, 8 barns, chicken parks, fin orcbsrd and email fruit: choolhoua on adjoining land; a beautiful trout stream flows through land, also frBnta on sslmon stresm; 8 cow, 1 bull, 1 moto. 1 sow, 30 chickens: 3 plows, 1 ealttvator, 3 hsrrow. snd other tools; convenient to river and rail transportation. Ail goes now for $1 700. . 12V sens, 11 choice toad, all eultlvsted; good bona, bam. orcbsrd. fronts oa good rosd. 7U miles out: 82.600. 18 seres choice land: 10 acres cultivated. $ scrss nlc orchard: house, barn. etc.. ty mile out; $2,000 40 acres, all lies nice to culllvste; S3 sere cultivated. Sty seres la orchard, new hous 6 room plastered, nice new bsrn. outbuild ings, furniture, nice plsno, 1 horse, 1 Jersey SOW, 100 chlckena, 1 buggy and Implements, assr Oregon City, dries to Portland; mlzht tske soma good Portland properly la trade. $3,000. Henkle & Harrison 311 ABINOTON BLDG. DAIRY FARM . 1M sens, nearly sll fenced. 40 acre culti vated, most of balance psstura; 6 acre In rood orchard: nlcs trout stresm flows through farm; bona newly painted and papered; 3 herns, outbuildings, n cows, o heirera, 1 steer, 3 mare. 1 colt, 2 brood sows. 5 dosen chick ens: 2 wagona, 1 buggy. 1 mower. 1 hayfork. 1 rake. 2 harrow. 1 cream separator, all small tool; aold last ysr 8840 worth of apple.; convenient to rlvsr and rail trarisnortstlon: good community; might trade for property la Portland or small farm nar by. Prlc for 11 now gb.uw. Henkle & Harrison 317 ABINOTON BLDG. FINE farm. 1M acre, 100 la cultivation. M young orchard Just to fin bssrlng; sll kind of fmlt. running wstsr. rin house snd born, oa good road. 2 mile from boat landing and Beer railroad; $80 per aero: good terms. Pins 40 sere tract all to culllvstlon near Greehsm crlin. will mka two fin home; no gravel. 4 crop will py for place; $150 per acre: $1,000 cask, balance $000 per year, S per cen i 8 fins lots, Esst Mth, small house, lot of fruit, very elghtly: win make a fins home: a rail nun. M.000: 8BM cash. . Pine lot. East 37th, oa csrllns: $400: $00 cash. $10 per month. Fine 10-acr tract ar Bockwond. psrtly cleared: only $1,200; $200 caah, be Is ties 8360 0HARLB8ON ft CO., SIS AUaky bldg Phors Paetfto 1188. 180 ACBE8 80 acre under cultivation snd 100 acre can be tilled, re need has tight: 14 room house, used for hotel, is located In s mounts In pa; large bora bam, ahm stock barn; 2 tern under chicken fence, orchard of 800 trees; lsnd all aub Irrigated by sprints, wstsr rlpsd to boose: custom ass to $100 to 180 par month: all hay raised sell, at place) foe 1c to lVsc oer pound: this ts enorf stock ranch, plenty outside nag and t popular topping place ror travelers; iartlgt this: It ha a ao squsl. prlc J4.M0jvry easy trma to ngnt party. 4. t. nsin. SSB rcoreald at S ACRES, lty mile esst of OMckSjaas ststlon: SB sstsa under cultivation, aom good timber, fair bona sod barn, good orchard, good water. mil to school and church; $3,750; hslt cash. 40 aar, 1 mil from llttl town la Clark county. WMhlngtoa: 33 acres) natter caltlvs tlon. good 8 room honss, good ham, spple hsaai: splendid orcbsrd. running water; price $3800: would exebsnge for atock ssf sroeerlss -All cre. Sty mite North YaalhlU; 31 cra natter cultivation, some bavy taw tim ber, about $l,00o worth, email orchard, hoass snd brn; pries $1 500, half cash, bslsnce ' Otto and Crockett S46ty Waahlngton tt. FOR SALE FARMS. Coos Bay 1M acres of laad. lty mils from Coo bar aad sboot 4 miles from Msrshftold: Mil rbssp or trad. HBNKLE HARRISON, 217 Ablation bldg. A BARGAIN M per sere, one of ths nest fsrm snd stack reaches to Oregon. 740 scree. S mile from Bugs as- well Improved; tele phone: 400 aero fenced wltb woven wire: 400 era has haaa farmed; every sere producing grass or crop; term easy. John Ingham. Ea ger, Oregon. 10 ACBBS choice farm land, good new 8 room hous. ham. 3 cisterns, fmlt. berries: vera desirable for boms; half mils north Gray crossing. Mt. Scott carllne. George Clark. ISO ACRES S mils from Oragon City; SB seres Is cnltivatton, 6 room house, barn, and other Improvements snd 2ty acre In orchard; prlc $60 per acr. REGISTER ft CO., 107 Vs Third St. FOR HALE At bargain. 800 acres well Im proved farm near Eugene. M ten orchard mostly 7-year-old 8pltanhurg apples: pries $18,000; smsll psymeot down, eesy terms bsl snce. B. U. Ingham, Eugene, Oregon. $2 .70011 Vt ACRES, sll In culllvstlon, cloee In. In Evergtod. ' HBUlaTgg st CO., lOTty Third st. HORSES.' VEHICLES, HARNESS WANTED A torg 1,300 pound bay driving borer; moat be fait. Also double aea ted surrey or buggy, for caah. ' 227 ty Washing ton street, room 84. FOR SALE Team of well matched black.. walgb 1.300. Apply ts Blkterbsek ft Crane . Co.. 231 Osk st. FOR SALE OB RENT Horsss snd carriage by th dy, week or mouth. Portland Biding Club, 15th and Alder. HORSES and buggle for rant by day. week and month; special rates to bnslne-boaa. Sixth and Hawthorn. East 73. FINE ssddle boras tor uto. 703 Vshcouver v., ner Beech. HOUSE FOR SALE Weight 1.400 lb., Will weigh 1,800. when In good shsps. Apply st bsrn gf Eront and Hall sts BA R AND EXCHANGE. 1 a---,. .s EXCHANGE. M acres, all choice land, 60 acre cultivat ed; house, ham. orchard: near Reedvllto, 12 miles west of Portland; will tabs farm to valus of $4,000 la exebsnge; price 86.000. HENKLE ft HARRISON. 217 A bin ton bldg. 100 ACRES) 104 acres to culllvstlon. balsnce yoang Sr timber, fair buildings, orchard, netc. $1,000 worth of personal property goes with the place t $40 per acre; wa will ex change thto farm for mova euet side residence property. Tamer ft Wlker. 808ty Washing ton it., room 4. WANT to exchange nice S-room cottage and lot oe Esst Seventh aires t aorth for im proved rancb of SO scrss. C. Tspfer Co., 280ty Washlugton. TO EXCHANGE Equity la lot or lot nesr 1 la wt borne ve. (easy payntont upon bslsnce for concrete, plastering, plumbing, nalnflng. or carpenter work. My era. 3BS Second St. BO-ACRE Linn county farm, 1 mil of rail road ration; Broom bona, bsrn. spring, creek; will trade for city or suburban borne snd psv cssh difference, or sell for the low price of $700. Horn Land Co., 140ty First st. FOR SALE o exebsnge. grocery More, la good valley town: good trcalnsss. but tiara business Interests elsewhere. Box 348. Hlltoboro. Or. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J. O. I. EE COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. We sre slwsys to the market either to bay or sell cny artlr mining or Industrial atock. It will pay you to get our price. H. W. DONAHUE. Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 18-20 Lafytt Bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR 8ALE At Pdclfle stsble. 200 Salmon at.. Thursday. October 4, alx good horse. Bam Strebln. 2 FIRST-CLASS Jersey cow. 1 fresh oas la few days. Bar sale. Phone Bast 4133. ONE Brat-etas fresh Jersey cow. East 4122. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO FOR RALE An elegant Srhaeffer up right piano, btugbt 1 year ago at $400. will ell at $300 caah. Call 404 East 13th St., North, or phone Esst 8078 st once. FOR SALE Seeondb.nd upright ptono. $125; e. Addrers R 88. ere Journ.l caah or time. TIMBER. 2M ACRES N P. scrip. $6 00 per sera. . Homestead rsllnqntohment to yellow pine halt, also some timber claims: will cruise from lty to 2ty million, don't miss these. t0V acres timber rn Tillamook county; will cruise 8.000,000 fast; pries $4,000. J. J. Reld. 821) Htirustd. WANTED Timber lands In Crook. Lsks. Klsmsth and Donglss counties; Isrgs tract or .Ingle claim; if you have anything, come and ata as, ar write n stating exact loco tloa snd prlc. Lsfsjett Realty Co., SISty Washington st. CERTIFIED rertn, any la pieces; lowest price. W. G. Howell. 688 Chamber of Cam marc. ADOPT 80.000 ooo feet aear lower Columbia river; also several good tract to Douglas and Carry counties. Addrea Box 043, Astoria, Oregon. WANTED TIMBER I We cb bsndle auarter reetlon or mar to Crook. Klsmsih and Lake counties; for quick returns send us tne run aesrnpuons. Including the sstimste of your etolma snd your lowest net caah price. GREOO BROS. 84 6th St. 817-318 Fenton bldg.. Porttond. Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB way, 11 rr trad sny old thing. Taa Pas- ei's Furniture Hones. 213 Vs Front St.. Conor hnoa. TeL Msln 43M. BOOKS bought, aold sod exrhsnged st Old Book Store. SM Ysmblll st. BILLIARD AND POOL tables far rent or tor sale on ear norm y psyments. 8 WICK BALES COLLI M Third st.. Portlsnd. THE BRUNSWICK BALER COLLENDEB CO. SEWING-MACHINES bought Mid. eichsoged. M sod bp; akso rented. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 837 Wsshlngton St. BE nvtet ronr nam on AO eslltns eerdS- nrot SBd style, sac; M0 bnstaam raroa, at. A. W. Schmsto Co.. rirst. Porttoad. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order: second-hand good for ssle. Csrtsoa ft Ksll strom. 388 Couch st. Phon Ctoy STL SHOWCASES. Bxtarea bought. richsnged. Western ssivsgs uo.. asi wa lngton St. PsriSs TBS. WB need fnrnlrnre and will jam tall vslaj. PhOB P. rise 70S. Weetern Ssivsgs Co., 837 Waahlngtoa st. UOLDEN'B BHBUMATIO CURE Sura ear tor rheumatism. Said by sll druggists. S BAB FIXTL'BES, pooltsble. ssf.. Ubtoa. chair. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 Wsshlngton st. S SLIGHTLY dsmsged rewlng machines at very low prlcee; Singer, Wheeler ft Wilson. Domestic, Whit. Hoosehold. Dsvls snd ther; to mske room for new stock Wheeler ft Wltoon and Singers. 8. 8. BlgeL 883 Mor rison t.. Ms rues m bldg. BOB BALK At 80 cent on lb dollar, all to good order, folding bed. cook rang, bedsprlng and maltreas, 2 gasoline Isiupe. table sod heeling store. 184 Shermsn. muth Porttond. ARTISTS' msterlsto. pictures snd framing. B. H. Moorhouss ft Co., $13 Aldsr sL FOR SALE CHEAP- 1 good milk cow. Ad dree Ches Garfield. 703 North Edison tt.. St. Johns. PIANO, desk. rag. dresser, lamp, stsnd; other furniture. 580 Esst 87th t. ESSt 87th ST. $fyiO NEW oprltht plsno. $168: soother hprlgkt. $20; organ. . is 241 Vt Pint. opsUlra. I BUIUHNO a Be the $1 40 sew door. S 241 Front BX MR Yon ren t tell Bret el door far $1.40 Jrsst try me Ml Front. WHITE Spit piins. chp. ncm bttr. 0k Grovs, Oregon City sarlto. B 81. Journal. lt0t. FINANCIAL JWST BATIOMAL BABE M PORTLAXD, A L. Assistant Cashier. mictsi t . C ALVORD Letters sf Credit Avallshl. la Bljfc.... an.l ..SL. W. l. Oa..h. a ST,. I ..a .k . .i - ,. ao urn. Dili or a wo in .urns to salt ss mmmmmf. sstnaagka. cpsaBBn. CBrlsttssI. 1DD ft TlX TOE. BAKE ESS tEstabllshsd Is IBM. I Traasssis a n.n.r.i boissm i iiimii ,.a. h all sshat sbl term. Letter of credit iseaed svsllsble la Bam aad sll polar la th Cslte fTss. Sight Exchange and Telegraph! Transfer 84- Louis. Denver, Omshs. Ssn Francisco sad Mont IrMdosB. Purls.' fUrUs. ' rraokfort. Bstviswif. TBssasasaaass BBSS. BfS. -A At M MEBCHAstTS' RATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. OREOOW J. FRANK WATSON President I B. W. BOYT ?. CesblseJ Beak hag Businras. Draft All Psrts f the World. UNITED STATES RATIONAL BANK 07 POBTLAND. 0BZO0B. Wonhwsst Comer Third sod Osk Street. . Transacts Oensral Baahtow Bwttosta. DB 4.FTS ISSUED Avallabls to AB Ttte the TTnlted St s tee sua Europe Hongkong snd Manila. Col tortious Mad en Favorehl Tata President j. c. aINSWOBTR I Cashier B. W. BCHMFRB V Ice President R. LEA BARNES I Asslstsnt Cashtor : W. V, WW. Aaslstssl Cashier. a. M. WRKOT BftaTXEBa ft LTjrBTBEB MK3TB BABE Portland. Orga. Oerasr Second end Itark street. Commsrelal d aavlng department Inteeest paid o airing account. Draft letters of credit Issued svsllsble In all psrts of th world. Opes as tar day evealngs from 7 to p f,,r th accommodation of evatomsrs. DC PBXTOB , Prrsldeat I E. C. MBAR8 CsShler f RED H ROTH CHILD. . .First Vice President H D STOREY Assistant Cashier 3QHNA. EBATT....aVnd Ylee-Prssldsnt I PL ATT ft PI.ATT sresersl Ossssel TEE BABE or OAXIFOERIsV EsUkl tshsd 18B4. Bead Offe. Baa Irssstoe. Otltferato. Cspltsl psld ap 84.000 000 i Snrplns snd undivided penflt M 8B J?0, 2? . A O.oeml Banking snd Exchange Peal eras Traassrtsd. SAVINGS DEPABTMBBT. lawreat sa time deposit. Account opened for mm of $10 snd upwsrd. . Portland Branch Chamber sf Commerce Bonding. WM. A. MACRAB Massger I J. T. BI7RTCHABLL Amhrtsat MBsee Massgsr I I. TRUST COMPANIES. Bai0RTLAND TTttTRT rnarVAnrr OF OmESOsT T RESOURCES OVER II 750.000. General bsnklnr. 3 per cent Interest oa check ecounts i toven hundreds) on dally balances of $500 or over. Letters of credit and eichsnrs oa sll psrts of the world. Savlnris seeoonts. Time certlflcitee. 8 to 4 per cent: short raH special certificates. $500 or ovsr. 2U to 4 per cent, fall for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. Pauthesst Comer Third snd Osk Streets. Phone. Privets Exehsnge 72. RENJ. I COHEN .President I H. L. PITTOCK Vice Preeldeet B l.EB PAGET Secretory J O GQI.TRA Assistant Ssaretory se ECTTBTTT EAVTYAB a, thiiiv mmirr I" Transact, a Oensral Bsnklng Bsmlasst. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Istereet Allowed sa Time aad Bavins Account. Acta a Trustee for Estates Draft snd Lettsrs of Credit Available Is All Parte of the World. C $. ADAMS ..President I A. L. MILLS Second vice President I B. O. JUBITB OBO. P. BrSSMftM Awtotsat Secretory THB MORTOAOE OUARANTLE ft TBVST COMPANY BANE. Trsnssct General Banking Rnslness. Interest Psld on Tim Ds posits. Deportment; 4 per cent Interest slkswed, compounded quarterly. CAPITAL O. W. WATERBURT President I E LOO AN HAYS slstsnt Seeretsry Elks' Tempts, Seventh snd Stork Streets. Phoa Msln 104. Open Saturday Brraatog I to 8 NORTHWESTER OUARAETEE ft TRUST COMPAKT Portland, Oregon. Lumber Ex changs S. E. Corerr Second and Stark Streets (second 8r). FISCAL AOENT FOR CORPORATIONS. . . . State. County. Municipal and Corporation Both Is Bouxht snd Bold New enlai pttoas sswssmsa - aad flasnced. Stocks and bond osrateed. T7TLB OTABAJPTEB ft TBTST COMPANY SM WABHLNOTON STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Porttoad Reel Estt. it Lowest Rste. Titles Insured. Abstract Furnished. J. THORBPRN ROBS Prerideat I NO. K. AITCHISON Saeretary OEOBOB B. HILL Tlca-rvtalBwht BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Com m sre. Bldg. Municipal, railroad snd public service eprporstlon bosds. DOWNTNO HOPKINS COMPANY rlstabllshsd STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wlraa. BOOM 4 CHAMBBB J. C. LEE COMPANY 18 M Lsfsystts Brokerags Department See Oa Before Buying or Belling Stock WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Me in I. i Portland Stock Ekchange. Corner Sixth snd Wsshlngten Streets. Portlsnd, OrsosL Overbeck, Starr &Cooke Co. loa t'Tnt l ORAIN PlOTISIOBS, OOTTOB. STOCKS AMD BO BPS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUBINESS. Continuous Markets by Priests Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Lsdd , era. sod United Stslss Nstlonsl Bsak of Porttoad. FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Flo pedigree hull terrier pupplee. 408 Proa St., near Grand see.. Porttond. Or. PERSONAL. FREE! FREE! If yoa sre sick snd bsva tried everything etoe and did not receive help, try CHIROPRACTIC and get well. Present this sd sad receive a wseh's treat- aseat 'rJ;u, OW8H s, HOGAN. Kleldner bldg. loth and Washington Its. Rooms 233 and 234. DETECTIVE AGENCY Conedentlsl Invest by tlon; reports furnlahed on individuals, their character, responsibility, etc.; bad debt col lected; missing relatives located; chsrg-s r.. son. bat. eorrespondrnce solicited, (toegon Detective Service, o faces MS Mt FUednev bids.. 10th SBd Waahlngtoa Ma. Phoos Mala Bdta. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Glob ties. Ons month's treatmaat. M; 8 months. M: sent securely rested by msll. Agents. Woodsrd. Oarh ft Co.. Partlaad. Or. RBXINB PILLS care all forma at ai raaa at si a scalar weskne... For men er women. Prise $1 box. boxes $6. '1th full gnsrss tee. Address or mil J. O. Clemen eon. drag gist, aweoad snd Yamhill Sto. Portlsnd. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL F1RRIER. Expert filter, fore remodeled, repaired snd redved: 30 veers' experience Insures entire sllafctlou. Plion rClfte 287. Lewi bktg. BALM OP FI08 for sll female dlsessee. BM Esst Belmest. Phsn Bast SBSsj. DR. O. V. KETCH CM cares promptly priests dtseeee. kidney, nervous, skin snd epeotl femato tronhls. Call or writ. 0fSre'17ty Third st.. tor. Ysmblll. Phsn PsclSc 1338, ANY msr or womaa caa be strong snd hsppy by using Sexlae Pills, the great tonic: price SI bag. 8 bogs 85. with full guarantee. Address or call J, A. Clemeuaoo. druggist, est. Second and Yamhill ta. Portlsnd. Or. TES. Pa Iron Ts biers mske yoe sleep perfectly, they cure nervousness and make you strong: price 50c a boa. 6 boxes S3 M; gttraatsed. All druggist, or sddrem Brooks Drug Co.. 87 North Third St.. Porttond. Oregon. HOLPEN'B RHEPMATIC CURE Sur ear for rh.umstlam. Sold by sll druggist. HOLD ON Thar to ons thing thst will cur rheumattom. Ask yonr druggist far hark toale or address or rsll J. O. Climiaaia, drug gist, Porttond. Oregon. Tl'RKISH BATHS, 800 Oreeontoa bldg.: Isdls days, gentlemen night. Mala IBM. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dremlng. Ml Tsmhtl st "THE ADVENTXREBS." "Sweat Dsnger." "A Msrriage In High Ufa," "Tweaty Ter Hus'llng." "Prisoner sf Bends,'' "A Social Lkm," M cento ssch. A. W. Schmsls Co.. 829 First st. DR. BINO CHOONO, Import medlclnee; sell ITllne trs. r Chines root certain aw tor II dtaeasea. 181 3d., bet. Yamhill and Tsytor. SPITS preeeed white yoa wslt. fsOe. Lsdles' skirts pressed. Sue. Gilbert. I06ty Sixth st.. aext lo Quelle. Phone PselS 3088. E1HEKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE Taa usual branch: beat shortbsnd system. 241 Ash. DISEASES OP- WOMEN Private maternity bospttsl; qnlet Ineatloa and speetsl care. Dr. At wood. SOOty Morrison St.. room 8. Phon Pacific 1758. J 38 CENTS ALlTToR .15 CENTS Phone. TOR A SUMMER PLUNGE M, 3744. Aad swim, strlk tb big tsnk st tbs Port land NaMtortnm Baths: steam and Turkish hath a apeetnlty See the big sign. "Beth.'' Open . m. to 12 p. m. Corner Washington aad Second t. Kspert ehiroiodtot on hsnd. enlture. sll branches and torlivldul and class Instruction; prlcste home treatment If desired. Tne itingaar $( Alder t. Phone Msln 1851. TOUR shoe, sh Inert free of chsrge st th Model Barbershop: sbsvlng 18. mil i O. , Lewi bldg.. 8BOV4 Morrison; hssrth slks to women Thurtly. 3:M p. m. THE October Mstrlmonlsl Register is lust sat. lw. I'oioi "no eo ilsrged. with phot.w: most llshed. 34 Bussel bldg. eoaptota ever publ MA PA A PA MB ANNA WOK BY to prepared to r. cel. old aad new tnstamssa tnsT pattoMp at XMS Stsrk Main BUI BEST m.g.slss EM i WRBFOOT 1 aoluMly etnas svse etrereo : ssss ror i igeni waars. anas rtsaa more ci in iirs i-weec i st Putthawd. Or I nlosss Tsltortoj BANKS. OBEBOB. t.aaan. . . j. w. ssh I SSeoad Asaststsat CsshScr B. V. Europe aad th- Esstera Ststoa uiJ St. V ... . m. r.n rllll.eS flt. BS8BSV i . .IT. -- Losson. rn. Bern. BVIBaBllan. rsB.f.r. sold on Nsw York. W . sl efvos. vow-aft d on N.w York, If ... a, . .. ct Vaan Y.kobna MsvalU i(3 Bowlitf. B. L. DDBRJAM V Prst Se OEOBOB W. HOTT Atotst tteshtor snd Lettere er Credit tosasd Araltohto w CoUeetlsas Bpeetslty The Oldest Trust Company to aa Vnrvtaoe Street. Port lead. L. A. LEWIS... PIT Vtee-frsetdest BlOO.OnO.OO C W. MILLER JJT JJfJSSijjj'-y INVESTMENTS. 1688 BROKERS. ) sad Sold for Cash snd oa Msrgln. of COMMBBCB. Phaa Mala Bldg.. Porttond H. W. Donahue. Manager. sr Beads. Caa Alwsrs 8v Taa May. PERSONAL. MARRY largest exclaslv marriage paper pole right il' Hr sent set led: many worth $100 Is $100,000. L. L. Lavs, Box 1800. Denver. Colo. DR T. J. PICRCK cure all nerves, ch reals and private dlee; both sexes; office treat ment. 00c to tl. Call or writs 181 First at., corner Yamhill. Portland. Or. st hair atorer made: slmole. ciesn. lsBm: 00c aad $1 bottles. 018 Lumber Bxchsngs. Ssrisat snd Stark. LADIES Dr. SsBderasa Savin snd Cottna Bast pill ara the only sura rsmsdy for aetoysd periods: by mall $3 par boa. Address Dr. Plercs, 1 hi. First st.. Portland. MADAME VASHTT. DERMATOLOGIST Cures sll dlsesses of th scslp and fa; ft gestlve therapeutic; old and nsw pnttoab received at avivk turn tt.. cor. ltyior. THE business man'i rest: positive curs for aar snd sict ueucn. Alder st. 2 Y01 NO ladle give far end scslp 110 Fourth, corner Wanhlngtnn. ASSAYERS. OAHVIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO, Montana Assay urriee. las as AUTOMOBILES. COVEY COOK Motor Car Co.. Ftftssath and Wsshlngton Agent lor Cadlltoc. Ptorea, Greet Arrow snd St I van Dwrrss meter ssr; ms chines ranted, repslred snd starssL Btoto ARCHITECTS. R B. MBNGBBI, Architect. 118 ART. FREE Lessons la embroidery every day: aew stamped shirtwaists, sunsl . ho lers lecketa, hats, eaahrslis. sa. Ths Needleeraft Shop. 883 Wsshlagton t. ks tween West Park and Tenth sts. PROFE4SOR R. MAX METBB. 4S Portrait , and landsesp arttot mad ATTORNEYS. J. S. WINCHESTER. ttorny-t Isw. notsry public. M sad uw wublngton bms. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 108-111 Bl 111$ Blank hook manofsetarsrs: areata foe 3a Improved Loose Lest ledgers: sse th sew Kttrees iar. in sss sa no BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BITCH ERB' SUPPLIES AtterpB A. Deksrs. 181-183 First St.. carries a rati Bne aad sta ph t artmat at S. BIBKBNWALD CO.. M 80 Everett st. L.rreet botchers' supply haaa the reset. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J A. MELTON, the carpeater. 304 Fourth Store and ofSce work. Msln 1787. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOTJ MONEY! WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OB KO CBABilB. CITIEBNS' LAW ft (ViuJCTtON CO., CtTI. BENS' BANK BMLPIMI ROOM 18, 128V GRAND A VB. PBONB EAST CARPET CL&d4NlNa STANDARD Carpet Oeeolag C , ktlgsst ptoal en th cosst Lortng sssf Stordtoa ata. tato--- - East tan Cr m atotail. sjsSbbbbS sewrd and laid; both atesm sod lstsst com pressed sto pre and feather a CLEANING AND DYEIN0. Sultorlum Taltoriag Co. I ladle woe Heel halt la ' -jS. ber axekang. Vs