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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1906. 10 Br , K B Br"" I Hi I TODAY. Do You Want a Home? nu loox o Green's Addition This is beautiful addition, Just opened, on high and sightly (round overlooking the beautiful Willamette River and the city, situated on the Fulton Car Line It minutes' rlda from Third and Waah lngton streets. Pin 6ar Servlc Oood Fir Protection HplennUld School With the two new oar lines now build ing through and along this tract will make GREEN'S ADDITION the most desirable home sits In the city, and these lots cost you ONLY $550 Terms: 1 per cent cash; balance 110 per month. Who cannot afford to own his homeT 7 More Days Left before the pries advances 10- per cent, whloh is October loth. i0. Money advanced to parties wishing to build homos. Come to our office let us take yon out to the property. Ms IL LEE- , TWO () OOOD INVESTORS! "X.OOATXOWS" Here's a $5,000 buy for 14,600; close in. north of steel bridge, east side. MT Osesby at, new modern 6-roora house, with large closet to each room; bath and gaa. Somebody elss will bo want ing this propsrty very soon for obvious Masons. The Portland of the Coast Lots in Schaef er's Addition CE1NTR AL," $100 and Up BYs Geo. J. Schaefer Oi 1T Idtl POBTLAND SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY. Ptssessli for the Purcb of BaUdlags. The sndersiroed will neetv sealed bid t hi office, 101 Sherlock block, until IS o'clock - " - lunrt r th HinHiiM of all or say 'ssssrsts parcel of the tallowing bulMmg belonging e the Pertlaad a Seattle aauwsr Company, la the City of Portland. Oregon: PARCEL A.Dwelllng tad barn, 144 Worth Teeth street: dwellings 42420 430 434-444-444 Irvlag street ; rial. 14I-140H North Eleventh streets; dwelling 181 IBS North Eleventh street. fAaCVL B. Dwellings 448 Irving street asd 144-144-188-170-174 North Twelfth street: shed and bulldlnn 420-4 Johnson street: dwelling 448-430 gshsaxaa street; bending iw North Tests street, sad 148 North Blerestk street. PABCBX C. Dwellings 451 Johnson street and 181 188-187 North Eleventh street. PARCEL D. Dwelling 435-438 42.1 Johnson street; bnlldlag 427 Johnson street; swelling 181 188 188-187. 108-104 North Tenth street; barn 101 North Teeth street; dwell ing 424-428 Kesraey street; 4 w 1 1 1 sg 144-12-194-184-184 North Eleventh street. PARCEL E. Building 200 202 North Twelfth treet , dwelilag 204-xoe-soB-xiw-114 North Twelfth etreet; dwell Ins 441-448-447 Keener street ; d w 1 1 1 sg 208 208-207 200 213 North Eleventh treet. Dwelling 444 Lovejoy utreet nd 222-224-224 North Twelfth (treet. PASCBL r. PABCSL O. Building 435 Marshall street; dwelling, and barn 431-448 Mar shall afreet: abed 447 Merahall treet; building 241 246 247 249 North Eleventh itrert. sad 444 444H-444 Northrup trt; bond ing nd abed 450 450 u Northrop treet. dwelling 244-244 North Twelfth atrest. Wtrebous 200-214 Northrop I'ARCBL . street. Term essb. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of hid sst secompanj eah aeopol. Plana of the property can a seen .it he office of the nnderalrned The right la reserved to reject eny and all btda. J. p. .WILCOX. Agent. GREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) Tho moat beautiful locations In this addition remH In unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric lights, gas 4nd graded streets. Superb view nf Mt. Hood. East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lots 150 each. Terms. Wanra a sf LBBTHAW. Oregonlan Building. Second Hand Furniture Wanted Will buy 110,000 worth st once, i T WILSON, Auctioneer. 201 First street. Phone Main 1424. Men and Women Fight Their way through life, but when they buy real estate from The Dunn-Lawrence Co. They got a am He that won't come off. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hot of Oregon and Washing ton forma fruit, grain, hop, potato and took giowora, number In family, agea, etc. Call or write us for prlcoa Rursl Directory Co., II fourth street SBS sWeigVvggpvsaaBBBI - NEW TODAY. WE PAY 3 PER GENT ON CHECK ACCOUNTS AND 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -the- SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE FttftT COMPANY OFFICERS: J. Thorburn Ross, President. George H. Hill, Vice-President. T. T. Burkhart, Treasurer. Jno. E. Aitchison, Secretary. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 i. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. I nUT 505155 PPOPtUn 75x100, on the southwest cor. East Sixth and Bast Hurnslde sts., having a frontage 100 feet on Gut Burnslde St., and 76 feet on East Sixth at For price and terms nee us. MALL & YON BORSTEL 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange rornatae sn. ol SAFETY There are two features which make this Institution an exceptionally safe one. First It does not loan money on en dorsed or commercial paper, its funds being loaned on tho best real estate se curities, having a market value largely in excess of the loan. Second Its auditing department con sists of an auditor and several assist ants, who carefully examine every loan made, and who ohecjc up every officer and employe of the Institution, thus making a defalcation impossible. Come direct to the company's offices for information. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Bxohangs Bldg. (Second Floor) S. B. Cor. Second and Stark SJa. Oakhurst Lots going rapidly. Water pipes ars be ing laid. Cheapest and best on tho market. For full particulars, call on or ring up our agent, M. I WALLING 18th street Worth. Mast MIS. R. L. GATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. Pays 13 Per Cent 50x100 and two houses, on the south west corner of Seventh and East Pine sts.; rents for $71 par month. Pries ,,uou we can man terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., lumber Bzohange Bldg. And SOS Baat Bnrnslds St. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS 1 1 44 St at Baa a a s Fhons Main 008, 84-08 Concord Bldg. MARRIAOE LICENSES. . narry M. Chltwood. B. F. D. No. 1. Cbick smss. Oregon. 24; Msrle H. flwsaaon, 28. Keener 1. Smith, 840 Alder itreet, 24: Mary Hampton. 22. Kdward Long. SOS Main street, SS; Ella Lane Morrison. SI. John I. Paulson. 104 North Seventh itreet, 88; Qtn Rratbwin. 38. leas Hnl-k. 48; Emilia Rrnnk. 84. O. W. Ba brock. 74S street, 48: Mr. A. L. Matcher, 40. Jsmes Harrey Johnuo. 21; Ksthryn Line hsn. IS. Walter Sundt. 734 East Salmon street. 94; k'mms Cabers, 21. W adding Oard. W. O. Smith A Do.. Wash ington bldg.. cor. Fearth ssd Washington sts Wedding snd cslllng card engrsng at printed. B. T. Rash ton. S22H Waafclngtoa t Ml Berth Martha, room SIB Altoky bldg. Stamplsg asd One seedlework: lesson aires. lull dree eult fee rent, ell h CnHo Tsllnrlng Co . 304 Rtrk at. DEATHS. WATTE October 1, Ethel B. Walt. 1 yr. 14S4 Beat Ollaan. rerebrsl hemorrhage NAKAJIMA October I. K Nakijlm. 22 jeers, Oeod gemsrltan hospital, typnold fever. WEATHER REPORT. The Tr stars yesterday off Cap Flat tery moved rapidly eastward and It I central tbii a orulug or westers North Dakota. This torsi caused general rain In the north. Pseige tat and the following mail mam wind velocities: North Uead. Waehiiigtos. Tl mile, outhssst; Tatooah laland. Washington, 48 mile. oath; Seattle, Washington. 84 mile, outs; LewUton. Idaho. 40 mile, wast; Walls Walla, Wsshlsgtea, 24 sails, south; Bats. Idaho, Sg mile, northwnt, nd Wlaaaosurca, Nevada, 80 mil, northwest. The barometer la aew rial at rapidly over the north Pseige lata and a high preaaure ares Is ass-lag In land from off the Oregon coast, which will cauee claartng weather In thla district today. It will be cooler tonight, with light frosts In the low vtllry and heavy frost in th leted section of tb district. Pair weather 1 Indicated for Tharsdsy, with rising temperature A email, (hallow disturbance Is central over westers Tenaesse. which has ceased light to moderately heavy rains tn the middle Mlaataslppl and Ohio ralleya. th et gulf ttn.i and In the Atlantic state from the Virginia south to Georgia. ooaerrstiuna taksa st ft s. m., PadBe tin Temp.- Stations Win. Baker City. Oresoa 78 Mai. Preclp. 40 .02 Boatos, Maaaachuaatts Sg Chicago, Iiltuul 44 Deurrr, Colorado 80 .0 JO .o ,o .0 ,o ,o .SS .04 T .0 .0 .10 .so .44 .01 Kansas City. Missouri 74 Loa Ansel. Calif ornls ... . OS New Orleans, Louisiana. .. . 74 New York. New York 84 88 81 Portland. Oregon 47 Rosrburg. Oregon . '. 72 8t. Lool. Missouri TO Bait Lake, Utah 84 Ban Francisco. California.. 70 Spokane. Washington 44 Taooma. Washington 82 WU Wall. WashlagtOB.. 72 Washington. D. 0. ... .... SS 04 42 48 88 BIRTHS. WINTON -September 20. to Mr. sad; Mr. Eugene E. Wtnton, 148 Artbur. s girl. ' KL1N0BE1L September IS, to Mr. and Mra. Gottfried Kllnghell. 744 Halght avenue, s girl. KOE KN I (.SHE HQ September 24. ts Mr. and Mr. Nathan Koernlgaberg. 345 Kast Ninth, a bor STROWGER September 12. to Mr. sag Mra. Alien W. Struwger. 47 Eaat Twenty slghtb north, a bor. VAN DEKSCHC ERE September 28, to Mr. sad Mrs Julius Vanderachnere. SOS North Six teenth, a- girl. SHEARMAN October" 1. to Mr. sad Mrs. Raymond H. Shearman, fill Base Use road, s bor. 8BNN September 24. to Mr. sad Mra. Ed stood Sens, Tsborslde, a girl. FEN LEY October 1, to Mr. sad Mrs. B. C. Fenley. 2S1 Water, boy. BLACK September 18. to Mr. sad Mra. William A. Black, S4T First, s girl. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McEntee a Gllbaugh. assist Iss si ad embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 4O0. Lady sas latest. A. B. Bmstock. sndertaker and emhalmer. Bast Thirteenth and L'matllla ST. Phone SU- wood 71. Erlrkson Undrrtsklng Co.. and smba Inline. 400 Aider st Phone Main 41SS. Lady assfstsnt. J. P. F1nly A Boa. Third sod Madison st. OfSc of county coroner. Phone Mali a I CLABKB BROS., Florist--Fine flowers snd florsl Uealgn. 280 Morrison st Bdward Hohnaa, nnderUkar, SSO Third at. aUVERVIXW CEMETXBT. Single graves 410. Family lot STS to (l.OOO. JhS only cemetery Is Portland which per petuslly mslstsla sad cares for lota. For fall informstlon spply to W. R. Msekessle. Woe tr block, city. W M. Ladd. prgstdest. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Andrew Johnson to Bandy River Elec tric company, north H of northwest H snd west U of oor thssst u sec Jjon 10, townahlp 1 ooth, range 4 Clinton C. " 1'simer ' to ' a. ' wV arid' H " Or Bldlii. lot 12 to 24, Inrluslve! JJSX. ! v'1, ' bloc WllUrd addltluo No. 1 W . T. Lsoken to Lids d "is Mer, lots le kSL?'. llmitTe.' bkck " all of block S, Wlllsrd addition No. 1... " U Mer to H. A. and A. W. Balding, Ms 12 to 24. Inclusive, block . snd sfl of block 8. Wlllard addi tion No. 1 Boo Investment company to W i! Davy, lots 21 and 22, block 8, Vernon. Martha 1. and O. P. g. Hummer to Ines DeLaabrautt. west Vk of southesst U of northwest 4 stcjloa 17. township 1 south, rsngs 1 east, contllnlnr 20 1 2S5 scree A. B. and Fanny King to Msry' 'Burn eld, beginning st Intersection of wet boundary of Twenty-second (formerly Aorth Twenty -first) with north boundary of Kearney. In King Second addition; thenc north 100 feet then.- west 100 feet, thence sontb 100 feet, thence eaat 100 feet te place of beginning, being lot S ssd 4, block 20, King's Second addition Portland Treat Company of Oregon to Fred Sldeiiua. lot 7. block 218, Holla day'a addition to Eaat Portland J. J. Burns to Mand M. Burn. 70x80 feet of lot 11, block 22. Alblne... , Margaret Bernl to Chalmera H. Me- 2.000 8,460 1 'oir, ii ana iz. blocs u, mw thorue's First addition to Eaat Port land Henry C. Bodges sad wife to Chris Win sent ssd wife, lot 4, block IS, Cen tral Alblaa Hannah E. BcofSo to Annie Coleman lot 8, block 47, Alblaa .777. Security Savings a Trent company to B. Henry Wemme, lots 1, 4, 8, 8, block 51 Coach addition Minnie Schmale and husband te. Addle 473 800 10 800 Morgan and nusoena. lot SS gad block 8. Hlshland Park . . . 24. Martha Sorenaen to Frances J. Dunbar lot 6. block 13, Alblaa Simuel Griffith snd wlfs to Frances J. Dunbsr, lot 8, block 18, orlglnsl towselt of Albtn .7777. Rlvervlew Cemetery sssodstlon to Wll llnm Psigahnrn. lot 7a block 100, RlTerriew cemetery Willi sm M. sad Msry A. Ladd to R. W. Clarke, lot 1. 2, block 100, Portland Fred M. Phil Up and wife te W. L. Churchill. wet 100 feet of block Q. St. John Heights . George D. Elliot and wire to Emma 0. Graabech, lot 8. block 21, Woodlawa... Obsrle M Cuthblrth and wife to Hsr Isn J. Miller, lot 12. block 10. "Fre mont Park , . . Charle M. Csthblrth sad wlfs to Bsrlsa J. Miller, lot IS, block IS, Trtmont Prk Sidney Raxworthy to Lonl E. Swet lsnd. lot 18. block 12. Klng a Second addition Portland Realty A Investment company ISO ISO Tl 16.000 600 800 BS 10 10,780 ITS 10 1.400 1 in 228 860 3TB 40 2.000 a 100 400 1 600 8.000 1 1 to wiiiiam ivnapp, m n, blocs i, Stewart Park B. W. Bchmeer to Renjamtn Amster dam, block A, Tlbbetts' addition te East Portland Lnlo D. Msgon to Emm J. Oreott, lot 6. block 71. Sellwood W. M. Smith and wife to John M. Plt tcnger, lot 7. block 17, Multnomah George W. Brown to Lain M. Wil liamson, let 0, block S, Laurelwood Psrk Phoenix Land company to Benjamin Amsterdam, lots 8 and 7, block S, Oar's addition to Alblss t. D. and N J. Bonn to H. E. Noble, lot 18. block 10, Lincoln Park Annex. The Laud Company Of Oregon to Georgia Msy Roeensteln. lot 12, I, lock 12. City View Psrk Lone Fir Cemetery company to Miss M. Hendrlcksen. lot 8, block S, Lon fir cemetery M. A. Less snd wife to lActas A. Brown, lot 11. block 10, Maegly High land S. L Thompson and wife to W. C. Beck ton and wife, lot 9, block 21. King' Second addition C. TJ. Gantrnbeln and wire to Leu Mor rle. lot 18 and 14 la esst u, of tract L. M. fstton trsct U W. Wilkinson to Mr. Jennl Clirk. lot 24, block 14. Arleta Psrk No. 1. . William J. and Emory Hill to Georg View, lot 4, htock 2. oak Knoll An sel i William A. Ashtnn and wife to Platra M. Bbaddnrk. lots 0 and 10, except, leg the west 28 feet of ld lots, block 1. W. J, Pattoa' anbdlTlslon of trsct I. M. Pattos trsct C. H. Prreentt tn Kills G. Hughes, sen dry lot k and block In Irrlngtoa snd John Irrlsg' First addition to Esst Portland , Edward T. William sod wife to Ellis G. II. lilies, lots I ssd 2, block 84, Irelngton Fsnnle Brssee Insley et si. to Ellis G. Hngbe. anndry bloeks In Irvlngton end snndry lota nd block In John Irvine's sddltlos to Et PnrtUnd Msry V. Shelby to Ellis O. Hughe, block in Wsverly klary F. Swlgert. trustee, to Charle A. Rrnaell, lot S, block 2. North Villa . . Mary M. Kyle to the Pence company, West U of eontbeist 14 of eonthwret 14 eetles SI, township 2 north, rang 1 Wst Ir Gllllbsn snd wlfs to Charles R. J Besrdslev and wife, lot 4. block 1 Obitrst addition Charle L. Brnbker ssd wife to Charles S. Beardaler and wife, let 17, block 10. Laurelwood 2.000 STS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 0. O. Reynold toCasrle R. Besrdslsy. let S la Gray tract L B Gill lean and wlfs to Chsrles tL Berdley. let 6. block 2, Oberst Mia Ory snd wit to Chsrlss Beards ley and wife, lots a 7, 8, 0 of th Gray trsct J. W. Drlrer to Carrl Drlrer, tot IK block S. Oentrsl AIMss William Bheehy snd wit to Vsro Matin, west hi of lot a block 4, Elisabeth I rv lag's sddltlon ts Esst Pertlaad.. W. B. snd B M. Coon to Charles A. Ward, lot 7, block 0, Moust Tabor Villa O. P. Cook end wife to Msml Barnes, lot 1. t, Zloutown, section a town thin 1 touts, range 1 east Id J. Davis snd husband to George P. Edward, trestee. lot 10, block 47, Sellwood James J. Welch to Jam T. Wlch et si., lota 7. 11. block a Lincoln Psrk. S. D. and a Mllle to P. F. Hara don. north 15 feet of lot 1, block 204. Hawthorne Psrk sddltlon to Esst Port land; also a atrip beginning st north west corner of lot 1, block 204, Haw thorne Park Mm. J. W. Currn end husband to Gny Posaoo, lot 18. block 20, Willamette.. Aagaat Each Is to There EachU, lot 8. block 1, Vitetasg's ddltlon August Esc hi to There Esehl. ub dlvlslon D la tot 4. block S. Portland Homestead George E. Wagoner and wlf to John D. Hewitt, lot A Mock 8, Bungalow Glad 700 620 . 1 1,040 1.800 1 1 I 1,550 SCO 800 For abstract title, tararsnee or mortgage loan, nil on Pacific Title A Treat company, formerly PsrISc Coast Abstract Guaranty A Trust company. 204-6 8-7 Falling bnlldlag. Set yoor snd abstracts to reel estate from th Tltl Gearantee A Tract company. 240 Wsshlngtoo strett. corner Second. NOTICE. REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF THE OREGON CONSISTORY NO. 1. OF PORTLAND, OB., DATED APRIL l. 1002. Th following numbered bond of th shoes bum have bees drawn la conformity with rtlcht X of the mortgage executed to the undersigned, dated April 1. 1003. securing ssld bond, snd will be pld by th Security Savings a Trot Co. of PnrtUnd, Oregon, on October 1, 1008, upon urrendr of th bond. Interest will cesae to accrue oa and after that date; No. IS 18 SS 32 SB 65 67 68 41 82 78 87 80 01 t BOS 868 04 234 SOS 08 285 800 07 280 804 08 240 414 i s. 116 208 441 117 804 405 US 811 523 144 838 524 154 840 520 144 868 687 175 S57 SECURITY SAVINGS A TBCST CO., Trust. IN THE district court of th United State for the district of Oregon In the mstter of J. A. Wright, bankrupt Notice I hereby given that on th 29th day of September. A. D. 1004, J. A. Wright of Portland, Oregon, Wa duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the tint meeting of hi creditor will be held t room 204-5. Fenton building, Portland, Oregon, on the 13th dsy of October, 1006, at 10 s. m.. st which time the ssld creditor msy sttend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact aucb other business ss msy properly com baton uch meeting. Dstsd October 2, 1004. CHB8TER O. MURPHY. Refer la Bankruptcy. IN THE district court of the United Stste for the district of Oregon In the matter of Goata Bengtaon. bankrupt. Notte I hereby given thst on th 24th dsy of September, A. O. 1004. Goats Bengtaon of PortUnd. Oregon, w duly adjudicated bankrupt, end that th flrat meeting of hi creditors will be held at room 204-3 Fenton building. PortUnd. Oregon, on th 12th day of October. 1006. et 10 s. m.. st which tlms the said creditor may attend. frees their claims, appoint s trustee, exmln he bankrupt snd transact such other business ss msy properly come before such meeting. Dated October 1. 1008. CHESTER G. MUBPHT. Referee hi Bankruptcy. NOTICE I hereby given thst th Honorabl A. T. Seen Jr., judge of the circuit court for Multnomah county. Oregon, ha fixed Monday. October the 8th. st the boar nf two (21 p. m.. th time ror tne hearing ot in pe tit ion or S. B. Cobb, receiver of' the co-prtnerhlp es tate of the Hsselwlld Lumber company. In th nit of W. B. Edwird t. J. T. Bnrthwlck pending In the ald court, at which time the court will heir objection. If say. to the sale of th personal property Demoting to tn aid sstat. Dstsd September 29, 1408. S. B. COBB. Beclrr. Williams A Bennett. . Attorney for Receiver. EXPERTS WANTED Sealed bid will be re ceived by th county court of Crook county. Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m. . November 7, 1O06, for th expert Ing ot the book of the clerk, sheriff snd treaaurer of Crook coun ty from July 4. 1904. to July t, 1908. Bids te state whether charge ts per day or ram total for the work. Bid to be seeled snd marked "Expert'' snd sddrsaaed to th coun ty clerk, Prlnevllle, Oregon. The court r servs the right tn reject say and all bid. By order of the court. WABBEN BROWN. Clerk of Crook County, Oregon. - MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something: Dolus: BETTfeR COME WASHINGTON Lodgs. No. 44. A. F. A A. M. Stated communication that (Wednesday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Burkhard bldg. Work F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. ML J. H. RICHMOND, See ntary. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for all ocesskms, very reasonable. Mats 4001, or 44 Lucre t la at. M. W. a, BTBROBBBN CAMP, 4404 SMeta Wednesday evening, Allaky hlsg.. Third ssd C1BCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letters; addressing, mitlhtg. 291 i Stark. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Cmp. No. 4.078, Moo dily. 17th snd Marshall; tmltots wlot. LO8T AND FOUND. STRAYED from Bo4k Island, about September SO, 1 small gray nor, about 1,000 pound; 1 dapple gray bone, about 1,300 pounds. The hones wen seen tied up at Union are. and Lincoln St. Return to Oregon Transfer Co. and be paid for trouble. Sixth and Hoyt. FOUND A light bay bone with whit spot oa foreheed. Inquire at J.. H. Mlsenhlmer, with Flak A Co., 614 Mississippi srs. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Fn employment to ear patron. Weekly rates: Room, (1.26 ap; roe hoard, 44.50 up. Anderson, proprietor. RAILROAD WORK. e STATION MSN. Fine wheelrnrmw work, also good rip rap work st extra good price on th O. R. A N.. east of the mountains; free transportation. Macbm, Oregon, or roofs 10. I. O. O. F. bldg.. PnrtUnd. Oregon. B T. Johnson A Co., contractors WANTED Salesman; many mak 1100 to 130 per month, some even mora; tocs elesn grown on reservation, far from old orcherds cb advanced weekly; choice of territory Address Washington Noisery company. Top- pentan. vvaauington. WANTED For out-of-town manufacturing en terprise, young msn stenographer and for genenl office work; must he good at figure ssd hsrs good handwriting. Address P 77. can Journal. MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trade In eight week; graduate ear from IIS to S24 weekly; expert Instrnrtere; est logos free. Motor Sy.trm of College, SS North Fourth St.. Portland. 1 1 WANTED An experienced bench hand and framemsker. Apply Portland Saab a Door Co., Eaat Taylor snd Union srs. WASTED Yossgvaies to leers telegraphy snd railroad accounting; salaries S74O0 to Rr free cats log address More C allege of legraphy. 804 12th t.. OaklasA Cat WANTED Boy; stesdy work 44 M. great, corner Da via WANTED-Mtlrastsstsi stesdy wsrh. 54 Front, corner Darls. IrTLAHl f CAMP efl t'h..saS HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 2b svsmpST st geed wag; 24 mil tress Pertlaad and ass) sail from rail road. Apply Wasters eng. Oa. SOS SUuas bldg.. Portland. 'n VNTED-Two or three first class, all-efeasd taeniae sseai permasaet piuisi, goes Oregea Fnraltan Mfg. Co.. M see diss 1 WB get awk tar ear mesa ban; sgislsl assss brs. Sg T M. a A.. mrth ssd TamhltL FIBST CLASS pests-maksrs. NleelL The Tailor. 108 Third St. AGENTS TO INTBODUCB THB OREATBBT horticultural woodsr -Burbsnk's new toaele pium; mirscw; big psy; permaneni positiou Chlco Nursery Co. nursery to, naatm , On. YOUNG man attending bus! place to work for beard care Journal. college went r so. WANTED Boy shoot 14 for office work. Ap Pty "Mrcu." Journal Bnalaess Office. CLEANER sad prewar wanted and boy to de deer. 4S1 Washington at. 1 WANTED Four flrat class solicitors to intro duce Dost Clen. Apply st 834 Alder (treat, between 11:80 and 12:80. BOY wanted, mast he ever IS yean, at Salmon St.. la th morning. WANTED A young msn to lesrn slgnmak mg ana signnauging. Apply Faster a ai Fifth snd Everett. WANTED 50 rarpenten st once, far out-of-town work; none but good men need spply. Bavins. Hendricks a fobey, 07 Lebhe bldg. MAN of business ability and good address: thla 1 your opportunity, don't miss it. Call 328 Lumber Exchange bldg. AGENTS wanted to eell superior, high grade nursery stock; complet outfit furnished frSej rash weekly; writ today for cholc ot ter ritory. Capital City Nursery company, Salem. Or. LOGGERS ana aawmlll men wanted, 808 Com mercial block. WANTED Boy to learn the hardware bual- nent also general repairing snd keySttlng; small Wagea to begin with. A. B. Burger, 44 Third St., near Ash. WANTED Must bar 25 mors young men to prepare themselves tor railway telegraph service; big demand for graduate. ClT day or evening. Expert College of Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankrny sts A COMPETENT and Industrious grocery clerk can obtain tady employment in a email town: Stat e 1 per lent e and reference. K 82, Journal. GOOD plumber waated, steady work for th right msa. Address Z 10 Journal. A BOY desiring to leern fine trad; wgea to start wltb. 211 Mselssy bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young people to prepare themselves ss bookkeeper and stenographer; have had 64S calls September 1 ; placed 23a In position. We will place you when com petent., Dey or sight. Catalogs. Behske Wlkr Business college. WANTED Kind, motherly woman wits com fortabl home who ha no small children to board little girl 2 yean old; weat aid pre- , ferred. Address R 02, car Journal. BOMB LADIES AGENCY. 168H Fourth t., cor. Morrison, spate ire. Phone Msls 68Sa Alongside the T. M. C. A. bldg. S1BLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts snd overalls. Li Banna given to Inexperienced. Apply st Standard factory No. a Grand eve. snd Bast Taylor st. WANTED Girls to mak alls st 76 First st. 'Boss of AU" onr- HANSBN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84814 Washing ton t.. cor. Seventh, upststrs. Phone Main 2492 Fsmsls help wanted. GIRLS wanted for general housework ; cook and waitress. City Employment OfScs, suite 1, SSBH Washlsgton at. Mala 2410. WANTED Girl, stesdy work, st 84 N. Front, corner Davis. s FEW Is dies wsnted to seat at making easy fancy work spar time at horn: good stesdr pay; no experience required. 824 Flldner niog . 407 Wsshlngtoo st. QIBLA, when you want work call on th Scan dinavian Ladle' Agency. 107V Sixth at. Main 5000. John Anderson, manager. GIRLS Chocolate dipper sad packers. Oldon Candy Co.. 10th sod Qllsaa. WANTED Experienced body lroner; tedy em ployment. Oregon Laundry Co. Phone Shut GIRL to press skirt 289 Alder t. WANTED 4 housekeepers, 4 cooks for faml U. $86; 6 at $80; cook, hot! and boarding bouses. Horn Ladle' Agency. Mala 6824. MIDDLE-AGED woman to do housework for mu tsmuy. ran sou Montgomery t. or call Pclflc 2706. WANTED Nest girl for general housework; S la family. . Pboo Mala 4S4B between 0 nd 12 . m. EXPERIENCED dreeamsker wants engage ments; One Vsd work s spsclslty. Phoas Main SO80. WANTED Girl for general housework snd help can for 2 small children. 423 13th et. WANTED Competent girl for general work; good wags Phone Mala 3004. WOMAN to csra for llttls boy while she Is gun uurinx nay; very assy place; Boon ss pos sible. T 51. car Journal. W.AtJ,Tf i?"? f1 tor ganeral housework. Cell 800 Psrk t SHORTHAND scholarship Is lesdlag business colleg. good for 8 month, for sals at die count. Phone Main 8001. AN EXPERIENCED wsltrses for hotel. T 45 Journal. WANTED A girl In tailor-shop. 11 Vh North Fourth, near Burnable. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wsnted snd supplied, msls or tomato. B O Drake. 20BH Washington St. Pacific 1870. WANTED In country horn, two children to csra fur good school. Address B. M. W . postofflc box 88, Scspponse, Or. WANTED rtrst cists lady sad gentlemen cn vseaera; salary and commission. Csll at Agency Barren, 82 Fourth t., Portland. Or. SITUATIONS WANT1ED MALE. BRIGHT, sober, setlrs, espsbls msa, bavins large experience la Installation and mtlf wrlgbt work Is th trn stste. would Ilka steady position; capsbl to superintend; best reference from large eastern hones. Ad dress J. M. E.. csra R. S. Wyll. No. 1 East Ninth at. A YOUNG msa 17 years old want position to wore aiier scooua anu naiuruaya. AQUrass n 00, journal. B. B. RICHARDS Book posted, collections, genenl clerical work: reference. 882 4th it. EM1I.NRER. marine or stationary, chief con densing pspers; No. 1 references. J 17, care Journal. WANTED -A Ituatlon bartender by s mar rled msn. Phon Et S0O0. T 48. Journal. YOUNG man wants work; good st driving. Arthur Wsrd, Qulmby House. WANTED AOENTS. AGENTS wsnted In Try town In Oregon to represent th National Life Insurance Co. of U. 8. A. R. O Beiisnd. stst msnsgw, 306 Flledner bldg., Portlesd. Or. WANTED Sslesmen to hssdl our Ho of merchants sseclsltle. on commission. Address- the Tablet A Ticket Co., 87-80 Frank lin st , Chicago. AGENTS, peddlers, canvasser snd atrest work en, get your rapplle from R. M. Plummrr, 240 Third t. : new good, bottom price. AOENTS -wsnted Is every town In Oregon tn Introduce Dut Clesa, th (weeping 1 pound Addre. Dost Cls. 834 Alder st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS FOB MEN. SS North Second st Phone Mala ISteV PORTLAND BMPLOTMBKT CO.. Morrison St. Pboo Pacific 280. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist Ws mak SPECIALTY of COLLECTING SSNTB ol LARGE BUILDINGS, pUelag F1SB IN8URAN0E. say men t of TAXES sad G8NBRAL CARS OF PROPERTY. W h.vt th beet ot fsettltie fee carrying out yor whrhrs aa so agent. Ws solicit your C treason. Oar rVaTsi)s; Ladd A Tllton, sksn, sad Merchants' National bask. B H. BLOSSOM. 814 CHAMBSS OF COMMEBCB. 0. L. PABBISH A CO. bar epeasd s geaersl real estate office st 488 I imkir Bschang bldg., corner Second gad Stark ate., sad will boy and sell realty, collect rents sad aegotl anas: ftnt-cl references: boaeet fieallag with our client. Phone Mala 0814. WB want acreag sad smsll farms near the 4s. s aklabo at eoml mta-uelr pa ta-aVa anil n . Improved land, good residence property sad vacant lot. If yon want to ell. glv as s trial. Turner A Wslksr, 803V Washington treet. room 4. PROPERTY WANTED Ws wsnt 6 or 6-room homes reasonably clow tn on esst aid. la the pest two weeks ws bars sffsctcd the sal of a number, bet are cannot begin to aunply th demand. Ust with ua If wlah to ell at one. BAGEMANN A BLsNCHARD. 91 Fifth St. WANTED To buy bouse nd lot, or vacant lot, In Steven addition; have buyers on hand. B 1. Gelaer. 2214 Morrison St. IF you Ust your reel estat with th Dona Lawrence Co., 140Vk Pint t., you'll gst money quick. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Ho, settegea, (tat, store, office, rooming house, etc. Land lord will do well to csll oa ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OSBOOH. t. 72- a B Cor. sa sea os. WANTED FINANCIAL. AT ONCB. loan of 813.000 for 6 yean on wrll ImproTed farm of 2.000 ma; conerTtlTe value of thla property I over three time the loea desired. Answer Immediately. J SO, ears Journal. MAKE me an offer for 200 share of th Port land final a nsvslsnsie&t Co. : 1 must have W money. Address H 22, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted $5O,0O la sum of 43.000 and on. WtU positively GUARANTEE 10 PER CENT per annum. Gilt-edged real etat Invest tent. Yen hold th secnrltlas. "Impoeelble!" yea sy. Well roar WEALTHY FRIENDS did not make TaBEIR FORTUNB at the rat ot 4 per cent. Schuyleman and Co. 227 H Washington st. Rooms 3. 34-85. Ml 401 Msls 5464 rUBNITURR WANTED FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS til First st. Main 5434 HIGHEST price paid for men's rsst-off clo.h lag. Phone Pacific 44. Uncle Joe. 52 Third. WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 427 42 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TOA WB WILL BUY your furniture any old time. Westsrn Salvage Co.. 427 Washington st. HIOHBST rash price paid for second-hand goods. Pboo East 0077. 12 Union ave. WANTED We pay biggest price for second hnd clothing. Pbon Pacific 2247. $1.40 FOB first -els as new doors ; fsocy In terior finish a specialty. 241 Front at. BT young man. room and two meal, private family, vicinity Marguerite hell; furntah own room If desired. T 48, ore Journal. WANTED. -Good horse sad light wsgon 280 ast seventn i. norm. WANTED Good saddle and drlvlng-non. Phone Bast 4140. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT A MODERN 5 -room fist on the west aide, well furnished ssd In good locate. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., 810-12 Dekum bldg NICELY furnished room In private family; fur nace best, gas, bath and phon: reaeoaabl. Pboo Pacific 1198, 580 Ma retail at. TBS GRAND 46M North Third at -Room, for gentlemen 81.28 per week and ap. THE RICHELIEU. SStt North Sixth t. Bte Ksnny lumianeo : arearr near see natu. "THE HUB," 84 Eleventh at.. Stark; room with steam heat and bath FOB RENT 8 sloe light sunny room with gss. bth and phone: 1 front room eultebt for three; gentlemen preferred SOS Fifth st LINDA VISTA, 247H Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay window, snd sleeping rooms. NEATLY furnished housekeeping room: bath, gas, etc., Bear csrUne. walking dlstsnoe; adults only. 419 Sellwood St., off Union v., Woodlawn eatr. 2 NICE aleeplng room st 02 North 17th St. Phone Main 4638. LARGE, elegantly furnished front rooms. 213 inn st. ELEGANTLY furnished room, furnace heated and bath. 474 Salmon at. PLEASANT front room, newly furnish, la private family, close la. reaeonahle; hst snd bsth. Apply 391 Esst Dsrl t. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THS MTTCBEXW Flasaton sad Stnath Booms, hoosekeeplng sad transient; sea veslent; price reasonable. $1 28 WEEK UP. etosn. furnished housekeep ing room; parlor, bsth, laundry, furnace beet, yard. 203 v, Stanton. U car. 11.50 WEEK up. large, clean. furnlhd boo., keeping room, laundry and bath. 184 Sher man south. Portland. FOB RENT 8 furnished bouekMplng-room In print family. eeond floor; gss. phone nd bsth. 427 Second et., nsar 1111. 88 2 ROOMS completely furnished for hone keeping. Phone Main 4329. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. S UNFURNISHED rooms, 1 floor, gss or elec tric light. stem best: clee In! no children or dogs- Q 80, Journal. The Continental Co. 8 PLEASANT unfurnished room at 860 Mont gomsry St. Csll 91 Fifth St. FOR RENT HOUSES. 8 -ROOM modern boo, cholc location; 748 East Mala. 4 room boss, earner East Ah nd 16th. 10-room modern, 28th and Esst Couch. a room modern house, 14th sad East An keny, by November 1. HBNKLS A HARBISON. 217 Ablngtoa bldg. K ADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. prompt sad re liable piano and farnltsre-moeen; also stor age Phoas Main I486. Of 6c 110 N. Tblrfi FOB BENT 8 hsndsom modern 7-room hosts, afconvenlenUy located on Third et. oerllne: 010. 12 end 414 Oorbett St.: rent resssnsbl to deslrsl.le trnssts. Bsvid S. Stesrn S44 Washington st. , 4 ROOM cottog. nicely finish, 89; room fist, modern, with gss. All looted at Fourth ad Porter. Key at 70 Fourth rt. aiakfODERN 6-room cottas. 484 Roe t nesr sieel brldg. Inquire 309 Stark t. Mala 514. FOR SALE, or rent, 3 7 room honee. Jsekeee et., Oregon City. inquire m urant at.. Portland, or Lswrenc Horaechah. Oregea city. HOUSE 9 room. reeonbl to permsnent. re sponsible tensnt. Apply 844 Hall at. r ROOM modern home, newly flnhthsd. Sixth nd Carnthera. ITaon Mm nw. FOR RENT Modern honee; gas. electricity, newly finished. 384 Csruther. near Sixth. Phon Main 4629. FOR RENT -Modern 4 room houe. furnished. est side; choice location Call after 6 0 clock evening, phone nst 44s, FOR 8EMT-4 room cottsge on Gsrftsld ve.. 1 block from Union. Call 814 Sixth St. Phone Usls 4C15. FOR RENT HOU8E8. BAST BIDS bargains. walking Boom 14. ltfH o1rann,1" FOB RENT H tm SUCST House No. SSS Barraatesto t. Isonln st T2 Third St. H. Wablmr. t 72 4 FOR RENT FLATS 414-00 MODEBN lower 4 room flat, yard asd Bsthasy sve.. corner niiamooa. 4 FUBJtrSHED flats.. 8 rooms .ch,, SO and 410 444 Sevean at. MODEBN 6-room 883 50 fist. Sim fifth St.. nrar Columbia; no animals or children. Call SOS Mohawk bldg. MODEBN 6-room fist, steel and gas rang, win dewa shade. Urge cement bessmsat. SO Ik narsey. aiesr ti onag. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. DESIRABLE office Including electric Ueht. hot sad cold wtor. Janitor and slsvstor strvtee, la the new, slry Commonwaalth bldg-. old Bustuffice lt, Sixth and Burnslde ts Agspl room 411. PlBT of shop to rent, aitibto for painter or plumber. 20 Fourth st. 0FFICB-BO0MS. uafuraUhed room tad sample rooma for rent. Goodnough bldg. Apply la vs tor. FOB RENT Small a tore with living room; suitable fur dressmaker. Inquire st Wke fhtld A Frlc, 229 Stark at. 8T0RS. 28x60 feet, fall basemeat, st 17th snd Washington sts. ; modern front and plumb lag the beet. QeynrU A Sons, 173 First t. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR 8ALE. A 8 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sal 4250. Phon Pclfic 2200. M0LK8, wrinkle, superfluous hair rrropved. No chsrge to talk It over. Mr. M. D. Hill, Room SSO Flledner Bldg. Phone Pacific 186. 8 ROOM boos for rent, furniture for lr; trtotly central snd tnodara. Phon Psclfic 017. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOLTS. 1-8 BLOCKS on Frankfurt at., bet. Fifteenth and Eighteenth at., for gardening purpose or manufacturing: Urge creek aud mineral aprlng oa the grounds; Brooklyn and Mil waukee streetcar line within 2 block. 3 block front 8. P. eorabop. liiuulr at 715 Marquam bldg. Pbon Pacific 1724. E. 0. Spltansr. HALL and ballroom, acparat or togstber: new nd Wjjth l) coavealencee. Phone Msln 84. BUSINESS CHANCES. $4,000 BPLKN DID corner grocery: low rent. $1,450 NU-o grocery stock: tow rent. $1,400 Meat market aud grocety; splendid corner. $tvuu Nice little grocery on Union ave. $000 Wll loestcd grocery on Third St. $350 Little grocery on west side. Living -room with ail of them. $475 8 room flat, close la; nothing bet ter oa the sserket. $000 0 room furnished house, close In. 81,060- -14-room furnished house, clcee, In. $R30 11-room hoarding and roomlng-houe. $500 Large sosrdlng-ncuae. dose in. 10-room private boarding-house; sacrifice. Otto and Crockett 245t Washington si 49 ROOMS - Clearing over $100. $1,000. 42-room new brick, modern. $1,500. 10 room. -all rented, rent $70. $1,700. SO noses, aew. modern, central, $2,000. 86 roosas, aew brick, well furnished. $2,730. 10 rooms, reat $46. good location. $060. 10 rooms, modern; well furnished. $700. 11 room. 1 block from PortUnd) hotel. $1,300. 6-room flat, modern, $323. rooms, rent only $441, $800 OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. 810-12 Dekum bldg. $260 BUYS a complete most market located when then hi kashas from $13 to $40 pet dsy; low reat. $250 buys s combination cigar stsnd snd poolroom, well loested on Sixth at. 11 room house well ramlhgal and equipped fer boarders on Seventh St.. tor $330 HAUEMANN a BLANCIIARD. 91 Fifth at- BUSINESS CHANCE. $a00O Hardware bnalne; nice eaten stock In thriving valley town; annual sale will run about $25,000; would trade for 4 good fsrm or Portland pixtperty. What can yon offer? Principals only. Tell BBS what you have sad price In yoor nwer. Address K 42, can Journal $1.750 WE HAVE s business listed with us clestlng big money, but ntiat be sold before October 13 to close partnership: Investigate. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., SfO-12'Dekam bldg. $10,000. WOULD YOU INVEST In business that will beer the cleseet Investlgetloo. no risk? Re turns will satisfy you: personal Interview; no t vH Tt , I " VSV A SNAP la 10-room nous, nsstly furntibcd Hi good location. $700: must u sold; rent only $28. Tap tor. 2S6H Washington. Main 2410. WANTED Partner In manufacture of cement roofing tile, my own patent nd most profit -nl basin, A. Votgt, 786 Michigan a ve nue FOR MALE New I tors building 20 by 40 feet, .la am!! country ttlon; excellent opening for fenera! merchandise. Address O. J. A., csra euraa 1. $2.100 MODERN 7-room horn on Ssa Rafael St., close nt: terms. HAGEMANN A BLANCH A RD, 01 Fifth et. PHENOMENAL Use In price of Hurst Switch expected ny dsy; this msy be roar last opportunity to any oerore suoecnption book are caneea. t . r. Hurat A 0a. 204 Mc- Bay bldg. FOR SALE Apartment house of 16 room; all newly furnished; easy terms If necessary; In come $100: rent $50; located on Morrison at. Apply Oohs Bros' Furniture Co.. 140 First. $300 CASH and services for ground floor bu si ne, clem work, no experience required. Call 618 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankentv AN exceptionally cholc opening to engage as manager and secure eqnsl Interest In prominent, snre money making office linsi os 1 offered n sctlre. nest sppesrlng. temperate man with eaWentenshlp abllty: former experience not a .necessity: $350 re quired. For latervlew writ T 44. Journal. $1,400 BUYS a grocery etora. Including 8 living-room; rent reemnabl; clearing over $l.".(l EST month. Oregon-Pacific Invntment Co., 10 and SIS Dekum bldg. y $800 FOR s grocery (ton and home bakerv wltb 4 living-room which per th rent of tors: la good bnalne dlatrlrt. Oregon -Paclfle Invntment Co., 810 and 312 Dekum bldg. A IT-ROOM lodging house at $000: good loo,. Hon; look this ap. C. F. Nelson, BBS 1 Id st. ESTABLISHED paying real estste business, front office, or will tk pertner; glv pbon. Address J 32. Journal. FOR SALE Good Stock Of general merchan dise on rout of new 8. P. railroad; will In voice (boat $6,600; roll or rent new store building. Writ or call J. O. Lyon. Elkton, Oregon. FOR SALE Grocery store, good location, west aid, cloee In, doing fair bu tineas, will In voice $450 or $700. Phon Pacific 541. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITY If yon want s sxiod paying hualuea from $l.onn to $IS.0OO. addres Immediately J. F. Croft A Co.. K1mth Fslkt. Or. . SMALL restaurant and lunch counter In good location with lean for sl. Y 04. Jenraal. $400 BOOMING HOUSE of 14 rooms on esTt aid, close In, long less; cheap rent. 1 .BE018TBR A CO.. 107H Third t. $1,800 BUYS Third at., busiest S3 room brick modern rooming houe. . Pioneer Invntment Co,. $18 Commonwlth bldg., sixth and Ankeny. $1,000 FORFBITBD $2,700 buys s rntsnrsnt clearing over $4,000 year; $1,000 psld tn yon If after care ful Investigation you do sot find It a rep resented. F. FUCHfi. 221 V Morrison St, FOB SALS for few dsys only, rooming sous of 10 room t block from Hty hall; if rooms furnished; $130. Phon East 1640. MEAT MARKET st Invoice; well ntablltac.l . apienciKi location, leiepiiooe Msln t I OTHBS clsln- nd preeslng shoo 1 cfetu. Call SU MsJlsou au