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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THX OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1908. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WlUumbia On ib oar Una betwsea Porttmoatb and Northern HllL Elsgant kti 50x100 (aat. Wall located, MxlSi foot'lon fa Oarden park, 6 aaak nam Bearer Realty Co. 4M Lumbar Etching.. CHOICE LOTS- MOO H-block. Alnswortb am woo: lOOslOO, Mar L'alon ave. 7BI1O0. Highland Park. 100x100. Woodlawn. 1.000 lOOxMO. aa It. Jokas earllaa. 8760 SunyelUe, aaar Hawthorn ava. fl UHI lAA.fM I W1 ti .... k 1 . overlooking tba river aad city, splendid build xRspl.adld lot at Oekley Oraaa, good Otto & Crockett 145 tt Washington. 5 and 10 AGES TRACTS PRIME LAMP Art toeattoa for a bona. Investment Co. S44 Stark. SOMB oi Portlaad'a baat paopla ara fatting ready ta anct alea bomca on their IU acre block, at r tea tub, tba choice location tor auborb bomea: Mmtaate ear rid.; price $450 DBA NL AND A INVESTMENT 00.. SM Sherlock bids. Phone Mala 1410. WILL SELL 10 bl tote to St. John, tat 1240 each; 10 par cant down, 110 par mooih. Owner, room 7, Ralslgh bids., U8 Waaatagvpn. 6 BOOM cottage, tot TSxVO. 11,400. rraoaa cottage, lot 60x100, ssoo roam cottage, eorner Jot, KrxSI 2 too. lo' Moatsvllla for aata 1M Oaeon at. BOLLADAT'S ADDITTQN H block, S modern dwellings, cement beaem.nta. lawn, trutt. FOB SALB Improved and unimproved farm., wheat aad ivoek raaebee. timber Uode and sawmill, dry and enbnrben nrooartr ... BY OWNBB New modern T-room boaae, Mth TOO S LOTS together, la bearing fruit, Mount Bute investmsnt Co., 118 Ah- lngtoa bldg. tea bldg. m- 7 ROOM moiara baoaa. fan tot trait, party going away i ohaap. CaU 441 Beat Cambridge St.! owner. Phone Woodlawn SOS. MUST tall, aad If taken at one. ST50 will bar a saw S room eottags. 3tt block, from carllue; thla m a anap. Baa awaer, Joe Nash, Naahvitto. on Mount Scott carUaa. AT A BARGAIN By owner leaving city. Btelaia 8-room raj. aaar karate If dee toad; aa Ideal borne. Height ave. BOUSES belli aS Inetellmente. tota It DO Y0C WANT A BOMB? We have It tar you. B room modern boaae: hot end cold water, tail base meat, tot 88x 141. between 2 of the beet earlteea on the east side, all klnda of fruit; a twaM hoaa. aaiy 10 minntee rrom tn. center or city. Town., 420 Commercial bldg. PaclSe 2614. A BA 8,160 BOBsa. fine condition eleculclty and fixture., fall beeement. lawn. rrutt. nowere: z Bwcaa to raw earuaca. Bee thte place. BBS Beat lath at. W A REHOUSE meaaHj tar Bate, tot 100x100, feeing adjoining railroad tracks. Addresa P 88. care Journal. WB aupply you with a balldli tot from 8100 up; some of the Sneet reeldence lore a L. Perrleb m Co.. 428 Pbobb M.ln SS18. POR SALE (Quarter block oa 1Mb aad East Stark. 82.800. aad 1 aerea oa Base Line road aad O. W. P. earllaa. 82,000. Owner. phoae Baat 248B. 82.800 BUYS 840 acree oa fin. stream and public road ta eoutheestern Oregon oa line of nrnanaii rail; bbBU' Stowelirr 8toweim?10Secoad St. PAY RBNT TO YOUBSBLP. 81. 100-Pull tot with 4 room cottage, close toTllaO cask balance monthly. Snad.i office boara, 8 to 11 a. m. F. Fuehe. 231 l Morriauai. 880 FARMS. MS. amaU traett and Mb: bargain, ea P. etoctrte Uaa. O. R. Addttoa, Lenta. Take Monat Boott ear. Sa?'!-- : O. W, IP YOU are looking tar a baalaiaa real aetata nap on vriuiama ave., coma to A O A Co., BIS W II llama ave. SIGHTLY ntupstti on Willamette boulevard: 8-room hooae. oa 3 Iota, open on two streets. Inquire owner, phoaa Baat 8888. ELEGANT new 8 aad 8-room houses, fall lot, east front; emell payment down, balance monthly. Owner. Phone Bast 078. FOB 8 A LB A aaw 8-reom cottage, modern, corner tot near car. Firtaed. 81,800 : 81,100 eaah, balance 310 par month. Boom 008. Fen tia bldg. FOB SALE BT OWNER 8-room heoee. fine let furniture: easy tarma. Inquire 871 Baat Tay lor at. Phone Baat MM. ST. JOHNS la a fine place for bomea or ta rest meat: win Ball bur lota for 8140: 10 nar cent down. 810 per month. Owner. Boom 7 Raleigh bldg., corner Sixth and Waahlngton. LOT aa B. 10th aad Dtrtetea at a bargain; Inquire 478 10th, ea promisee. LOT 8. block 4, Henry s addittoa, 2M and Ivon. fall 876 Baat M at, north. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FARMS PA RMS. Lota of Them. a Bee My Advertisement Under "far Sale Farms'' ta tba riaaetf leda of the San day Journal. W. W. Espey 111 Commercial bldg.. Second and Waahlngton. Sead tor list of farms fat sSto. 350 ACRES close to railroad elation sad nme- P l roue town and only 1 hours' ran from or Hand; .plendld land, about 70 acree under cultlvattoa aad about 60 more wBI very soon be ready for the plow: two modern boueee. S roams aad room.; a good orchard aad barn and running water ta barnyard: well fenced ror it oca: rar prompt sale, 635 par a lull le a beautiful roontry home with av. thing ta good condition Addresa J 28, care Journal, or telephone Mala MO. Two 20-Acre Tracts. Nearly ill cleared, excellent coll. plenty of water, good county road, l.8O0 each: term. Schnyleman & Co. 227H Washington It 310 ACBBB FOR SALBr fenced. 100 IM .or. eultlvtted. M acree paitnrs, house, large barn and oatballdlaga; arboolbouee la place; good orchards, well watered, free delivery of avail, telephone; 4 mllee from RldgeSeM, Washington: worth 8I0.00U sad mors; pries 88.000; term. 38.000 cash, balance to salt; stock and machinery can be purchased. W. W. MrCredle, Vancouver, Waahlngtoa. DAIRY FABM IM aerea. Marly aU fenced, 40 senaa ealtl rated, most of belsnoe paatara; 6 teres In good orchard: nice trout it ream flowa through farm: house Bswty Belated aad papered: 3 bares, outbuildings. I cows. 6 hslferi. 1 steer. ( maree. 1 colt, 1 brood soars, e doaaa chick tag; 1 wagoaa. 1 baggy, 1 mower 1 hayfork, 1 raks, 1 harrow. 1 cream eepe refer, all small tenia; eold teat year 8840 worth sf a pa lei; iiMinalaal to rtrar and rail transportation: cood commanlty: might trad tar property in Portland or a emell farm near by. Prto far all sear 88,000 Henkle Sc Harrison 117 ABINGTON BLDG. M.8M CASH A 11 acre place, 3U mile from aaai Ihjaw. t mile to Scent earlin. H alto room nous, corner MB. T5ast iinl.nml S HAI A bore property at vary aaar tarma. Call FQR SALEFARMS. Choice Buys 15,600-110 acre. mltoa from Ce Iambi, rlrer In Clarke cooaly. Waahlngtoa; 80 aarea la cultivation, 40 aerea graeu timber, balance bruab and .ram pa; 8 good springs: all feaaeJ with poet and wire; 2-story iroooi bonae, frame bar 54x100 feat. S acree ef bearing rrafl, Vi mile ta echoot, machinery ebed 40sSS feat, chlckeu hoaee 14x811 feet, dairy hooae 10x28 feet, running water through milk koaee; aaa apan of yew Of maraa worm 8850. 27 niilch cow., 1 heifers. T bull. S boga. 80 chlckena. 1 MeCortulck binder, mover and rake, all now; dlak harrow, cuitlvstor. plowa, 3 wagana, 1 top buggy, cream eenerator. feed grinder: a tot of email too la. ferine, 13.000 eaah, eel aaoa 5 yeare at S per cent. Tbie la the kail bur on tba market; beet of aoll. 13,00080 acre. 8 mlleo eeat of Vancouver, 8 ml lee from boat iaudlac on Columbia rlrer: 11 acree cleared. S aerea i be. ring rroit, moatly winter apples; new 2 etor aara oexou; an xaamaab toad. In county gravel road: R. F. D. and vii , runi ir.ui. w.xw, eel. wnp, hack, 1 oowa. 8 ealree. 1 ntow. 1 cultivator. 1 en; harrow, .prayer and pump, 8 piga, aoma chlck ena. 8 tone bay, 8 acree apada; will fir tarma. 82,500100 aerea 4 mltoa from Toledo, Oow lite county, Wtthlngton; 40 acree cleared, moatly bottom land: 3 room hottae, well at door; barn, woodshed; barn bold. 35 bead cat tle. 4, 40 tana hay; family orchard; team, wagon aad haraeaa. buggy; 87 bead eattto. 14 .beep, SO chlckena. farm Imple ment., 4 etende of bee., 40 tana hay; near ecbool oa main county road; beat of aoll; giro tarma, 84,700106 acree. 11 ail tee from Vancouver: 45 aerea la cult Ira tlon, 7 aerea green timber. balance eaally cleared; 76 aerea fenced, ltt ecrea variety orchard; good 6-room hoaee, good barn 50x100. other outbnlldlnga; ltt mile. to railroad ate tlon and good coon try town; teas all level ; 75 aerea aab and rtna maple wale, good team horeee. heary wagou. aprlng wagon, buggy. 1 acta haraeaa; S bead cattle 13 boga, 8 sheep, 000 chlckena; 80 tone bar, 8 aerea petatuea; term.. 12,800 80 acree, 10 mile, from Portland; S3 acree cleared. 16 acre. .Lined, burned and needed, balance floe aab .wale; 40 acre, fenced with 4 barb wire fence; email creek; new 7 -room boaae, email barn; 8 bead of cattle, 1 bona; plenty of bay to winter all atock; level land: county road on two aide, of place; mile ta achool and church. B. P. 0., telephone In boaae. Tarma, half caali. balance good term., or will take part la Port land city property. 81,280 120 acree la Waahlngton county, 8 ml lea from railroad eta tlon; 20 aerea cleared. 8 acree bearing orchard, 1,000,000 feet good aow timber, 2 mllea from eawmlli, oa mala county road; telephone line paat houee. 6 room bouse, 1 barna, fruHdryer, other out building.; beet of aoll, no rock or gravel; 4 mile to achool; thla le the baat bar oa the market; guaranteed aa adeerttead; loveetl. atau thla before buying. 1,200 100 acree In waahlngton county. 8 mllea from railroad .teflon; 8 aerea cleared. 40 erree good timber, balance eaally cleared: email boaae aad barn, good eprlag near boaae, oa main county road; baat of aoll; give terma; a anap. 1,800120 aerea 8tt mllea north of Hlllt baro, Waahlngton county; 12 acree cleared. z.itw.wu reel good aaw timber. Bear eawmlli 2 good Drier.. I near boaae: level land. email boaae, R. Y. D. and telephone, fine level road to Bfllsbore; baat of aoll; tarma. 8000 caab. balance 6 years at S par cent; good location. 88.500 48 acree. 4 mllea from Vancouver, Clarke county; 86 aerea cleared. 8 acres orchard, on mam county road, H mOa to school; 5-room house, fair barn, level land; will exchange for city property; Investigate thla. The Washington & Oregon Realty Co. SSSU Wi aeblngton at., Room. 11 and 18, Pe una, Oregon; and 800 Main at., Vancouver, Waahlngton. 0 ACRES, 1 mllee from 0. W. P. carUns. 20 aerea la cultivating. ' 2 living springs. 6-ronm house, bars aad other outbuildings, good orchard; everything up to data. 88,300. 40 acres 1 mile from little town In Clarke county, Washington; 22 acree under cultiva tion, good 8-ropm house, good hern, epple boaae. splendid orchard, running water; price. 82.600. Good bargain. 140-acre farm, ft aerea under cultivation, balance peatare. all cropa go with piece; good 8-room hoaae. barn SOxso. all fenced ; Bates trait, 8 miles from Woodland, Waah lngtoa. oa Lewie river; enleudtd farm, and well located; 16.900; 82.600 cash, balance and aeveral other good farms. Otto & Crockett 846 Vt Waahlngton. FARM BARGAIN. . ISO acree. all choice land, nearly level. 70 aerea cultivated, so acree i leaned, 70 arras la a fine body of timber, land nearly all fenced running stream of water with good water power; county road on three tide, of farm; family orchard: good a-room a neat, wan Mint alnt ea ana newly pspersd: x good barns snd out buildings; schooiboase aad church house at corner of toad; produced thla year 80 buahsls of aata per sere: 2H miles from 0. W. P. carllne; might take eome Portland property or emeu improved ecreags near ae part pay race only 33.000. Henkle & Harrison 217 ABINGTON BLDG. FARMS WORTH INVESTIGATING 61.750 For 40 scree near ftniebsro; house and barn. 4 aerea or orchard. 83.000- Boii a 120 acre farm In Washing tea county right on railroad; large house and barn and orchard. 31.200 Will buy ISO acre., at present 20 mltoa from railroad point, bat a new road la aasared: buildings would coat much mora then tba price asked far whole piece. HAGEMANN A BLANCHARp, 01 5th at. Great Bargain 2,100, on very esgr term., for 42 acree of tba richest land la Oregon. oa Wlllsm- ette river aad boat landing. Sunday, office hours to 11 a. m. F, PtTCHS, 221 Vi Mor rison. FOB SALB At a bargain. 800 acres wen lm proved fsrm aaar Eugene. 60 scree orchard mostly 7-yesr-old Spltaenburg apples: price 18,000; emeu payment down, eeey terme hal. ac. B. H. Ingham, Eugene, Oregon. A BARGAIN 8x0 par acre: eaa of tba baat farm and atock ranches la Oregon, 740 scree. 8 mltoa from Bacons: well Imnrovsd: tele phone; 400 aerea fenced with woven wire; 400 aerea naa neon rsrmea; every acre grass or crop; terma easy. John Ing prodactag gene, uregon. 177 ACRES overlooking the Colnmbls. nsar Cape Horn; baa 6 room bonae and barn. 400 One fruit treee, 16 cows, 1 horeee, wagon, mower. cart and rake, all farm tools; 20 acree ta cultivation, rest good grating land . , ror atocx rerm; plenty or onttldo range: good launch It wanted; 84,000. Alvord A Alvord, 1M Morrison tt. 10 ACBBB choice farm Isnd. good now ooaae, hern, g eutarna. fruit, berrlee; vary desirable for boms; half mils north Gray a crossing. Mt. Scott rsrllns. George Clark. CLOSE IN FARM. 160 aerea, 14 miles weat.of city; 80 acree under plow, balance fine timber: good aaw buildings, good bearing orchard; fine aoll; IANN A BLANCH A RD, SI 8th at. 10,000 M ACRES, M In bleb state cultivation. L mite electric car: I mile o. B. N. elation; fine buildings. I. B. Chalker, Greahem. 60027 ACRES good timber: spring: 1 sera enitivated; miia u. w. p si. Hon: nel soil cblckana or berrlee. Grsshsm. J. V. ChaUwr. 3,700 M ACBBB. M cultivated; baat eon; 10 acres timber, balance pastor: aprlng ; fair boiramga; iVa m"ea o. w. P. station. I. H Chalker, Greaham. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNE8S 60 Horses 60 I will sail tt th Uatno ateckyarda oa Tues day. October 3. 1 o'clock sharp, s cartoada eaetem Oregon horses; In this lot are ho rase to salt everybody, noma good matched pair, will make good driven and aaddlera: eome fine young mare and 1-year-old colts: farmers can buy cheap and grow Into money; eome broke nor sea el n thla tot. JOHN TWADDLE, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Tesm sf well matched black-, welgk 1.100. Apply to Blidarback ft Crane Co , art Oak at. FOB SALB OR RENT Horeee aad carriage by the day. weak or month CTnb, 18th and Aider Portland Riding IlODiri ne Kn..nn .n. .... K. ... and month; special rate to buelneaa-bouaea Sixth aad Hawthorne. Eaat 71. FOR SALB Babsock rubber tired Surrey, el aaw. Can ba ht Foater ft Ktoteer. Fifth aad rTMB saddle bora far aato. TBI Vancouver av.. sea ONE team tad gnnet neck farnllor wagon for 1. Call at M6 Bait 13th aad Sterk BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WHAT have yoo to exchange far teodera t-room house sad let I r M, care JporaaL BARTER AND EXCHANGE. WANTED Houee had tot for a good beateeae In Vancouver, Wethlngton: d year.' leaee: cheap rent; ratea 1.200, or what kavo yonT Oeorge. 454 Beat Aakeey at. rOB SALS or exchange, grocery .tore, to try .tore, ta good hal h,M . - HllltoaararOrT Interval, aloe when MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J, Q. LBB COMPANY HIGH-CLAM STOCKS AND BONDS. We an alwaya to tba market either to bay Reel any active mining or Indae trial stock, will par yea to gat ear price. B. W. DON AI1I' B. Mgr. brokerage Dept. ieaa Larayeue a log. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. fOB SALS One Urge-alacd "Colea" hot-blast neeter; a met eava 484 Lexington are., beater; a fuel-aarar, good ea new; cheap. ivie phone Union 692. WB bare, pall cr trade any old thing. The Peo ' ple'a rarnUore Hooae. 218 Vi rroat at., corner Salmon. TaL Mala 4200. BOOKS booght. sold aad 014 Book Store. 228 Ya eiehanared at aha amhtll at. BILLIARD AND POOL table, tar rent at fa tb r?RUNs'wicTnB ALKE COLLBNDBB CO. 40 Third at.. Portland. SEW1NO-MACH1NES bought, sold, exchaagad. SB and an: auo reared. WESTERN SALVAGE 00. 63T W..blngton at. fB print roar name on 00 caning card., proper atee aad atyie, 86c; SW bnataaaa cards. 1. A W. Sen mate Co.. rtrat. PortUnd. Or. SHOWCASES AND riXTURBS mad. to eeeond-hand rood, far Bale. Carlaoo t ASft! etrom. 288 Coach et. Phone Clay 871. SHOWCASES, counters, Bxtaree booght. sold or excn.ngea. weerern asivsge vo. , w waaa lngtoa at. P. cine 784. WB seed furniture and will pay fall velar. Phone PsdSc 793. Wee tore Salvage Co.. S27 Waahlngton at. BOLDEN'S RBEUMATIO CURB Snre core for rkeajnstUm. Sold by all druggists. 2 BAR FIXTURE! pool!. hie, U, tables, cbalra. WESTERN SALVAGB CO., S27 Washington at. MANURE delivered sny part of tbo city, plowing dons. Phone Bast 8067. M SLIGHTLY damaged .swing machlnea et very low Dricec: Slncer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic. Whits, Household, Davis and others; to make room far aaar atock Wheeler A Wilson and Slngera. I. fl. Slgel. 886 Mor rlaoa st, Marqnam bldg. FOR SALE At 8ft cents oa tbo dollar, all ta good order, folding bed. cook renge, bedsprtag and mattress. 2 Caroline lamps, tables and besting .store, ltd Sherman, south Portland. ARTISTS' auterti Btotsaca sad fraarJag. H. Moorbouse A Co., , su Atosr st. FOB SALE Four fresh milk cow.. 18th, Bellwood. near Umatilla. FOR S ALB At a bargain. 8x10s Anthony studio earners, stand and Una; most ga quick. Moore, 578 Madlsoa at. FURNITURE of 7 J.ffsraos; price 8250 FOB SALE Rowboat, aaw, id feet, cedar, Brooke ayetem. B. J. Henry, Vancouver. Wsshtegtoa. FOR SALB CHEAP 1 good milk cow. Ad dress Chea. Garfield, 702 Nortb Edison at., St. John.. FOB SALE flaatokla Jacket, fine condition: sua M or 88. Address SM Williams are. PIANO, desk, rug. dreeeer, lamp, etand; other furniture. 688 East 87th at. TIMBER. WANTED Timber Is ads ta Crook, Lax... Klamath and Dongtae coaatlaa; large traett or tingle claim.; If yon bars anything, aome and eee ae. or write oa ate ting exact loca tion sad price. Lafayette Realty Co., 818H Waahlngtoa at. FOR SALB OR TRADE 100 acres ta Yamhill county; good Isnd. van easily else red; no Btumpa; only e f'w maple vines; will sell for 6 per acre or adc; will pay difference la valaa. Call oa S. L. Browa, union ara. and Baat Pine. CERTIFIED scrip, any els. pieces! la a eat tel tit. W. G. Howell. 6M Chi labor of Com ABOUT 80.000.000 fast aaar tower Ootambts rlrer; slao seversl good tracts la Douglaa sad Carry coaatlaa. Address Box 642, AstorlA. Oregon WANTED TIMBER ! Wa aaa beadle a "Barter aaerlea or mora ta Crook. Klamath aad Bake coaatlaa; for quick returns send ne the full daacrlptlons. Including the eetlteate of year clalme and your lowest art caab price. GREGG BROS. 84 6th tt.. 8fT-818 Fenton bldg.. Portland, Or. PERSONAL. DBtScTIT BAOBlirjTCoaSdeBtl hil to vestige - tlons; reports furnished oa Individuate, their character, responsibility, etc.; bad debts col lected; missing relatives located; Bbaigea reaaonable, correspondence solicited. Oragoa Detective Service, offlcet SM-S04 Flledner MaYa r iota aad Waahlngton ate. a Ml 8. MARLY vigor restored by Dr Glob ilea. Ons months tl months, 88; sent securely Ag.ata. Woodsrd. Clarke A I sn aa By man. Portland. Or. BBXINB PILLS curs sll forms st nervosa or r Pries 81 a 1 gCt. Second box. 6 boxes 86. vrlth fall or roll J. O. Clemenson. end Yamhill Ste.. Portland A GENTLEMAN of M yeare. with email meant, wants like acquaintance with true lady of correspond I nc scs and asms meana: cood ref- reomireei end can give plenty or rerer Addreee K M, Jnumsl. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURBIBR. Expert fitter, furs rs modeled, repaired and reared : 80 years' experience Inearee entire as tis faction. Phone Pacific 3487. Iwls bldg. BALM OF FIGS for ell frmrle dlsei age Belmont. Phone Baat SOS. DB O. V. KBTCHUM care promptly private diaesses, kidney, nervona, skin and special female troubles. CaU or write. Office 1T014 Third et.. cor. Yamhill. Phoaa Pselfte 2229. ANY man or woman eaa be etroag and happy by natag Serin. Mils, the great tonic; price I a box, 8 box SS. with full guarantee. Addreee or call J. A. Clsmenaon. dragglit, rar. Second and Yamhill ate.. Portlsnd. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, ssawrftaons heir Jest me tell yea bow. Ha chars. Mrs. M. D. Bill. Salts C Balling Hlrsch hldg. Pselfls ISA YBB, Pal: Tablets make eon aleen oerfeetlv they car nerveoaneee and make von etrone: price 80c a box. 8 box. 8260: ctaraataed. box. S boxes 8AM; gtaraateed. I All drncctata, or sddraaa Brooke Drug Oa.. 87 ""Tin mi lrd at., Portland, Oregoa. HOI.PEN'B RHEUMATIC CURB Bat, rhenmatlam. Sold by all drnggtate. HOLD ON Thar la aae thing that will care rheumatism. Aak yoar dragglit for bark toalc or sddraaa or call J. O. Clemeneoa. drag glit. Part land. Oregoa. TURKISH BATHS. MO Oregonleb bldg.; day., gentlemen nights. Mela ISM. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad dreeslag. Mt Yaaabn et "THE ADVENTURESS." "Sweat Dee get." "A Marriage la High Life," Tweaty Yeera Hui'Ung." "Prlaooer or Benda," "A Social I.lon." 60 cents each. A. W. Sehmale Co.. EM First t. DR. RING cnoONO. Importer "Chinese root medlclnee: eella Chinese te. certain rare far sll dlaeaeee. 181 2d., bet. YamhlU aad Taylor. SUITS nreseed while yoa wait, 80s. Ladle Slrte preeeed. xt te Quelle. DOC. Gilbert. IMU BlXtk St.. Phone PactS SOBS. EUREKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The BsMI branch: Mot abortbaad tystem. 143 Aib. DISEASES OT WOMBN Private maternity no.pii.i, qui. i mcexaoa ano speciaj care, nr. aiwooo. aovte Parts ITU. Morrtoah at., room A Phoaa IB CENTS ALL FOB- 36 CENTS Phone FOB A SUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And twlm. etrtke the big tanb at the Port lend N'atetorlom Bath: eteem aad Turkish hstha a aneclalty. Sea the big alga, "Bathe." Open 8 a. m to 11 p m. Corner Weeblngtnn aad St tea I te. Expert ehiropadtot aa ha ad. PHYSICAL ealture. all branches, aad maasage; Individual and claee Instruction; priests bo ma treatment tt de aired. The Ring lor Scant, 8M Abler at. Phoaa Main 1SU. T BafblfBBafgtt Tto7 jja."" 11 Ma1 PERSONAL. MAKRY Patronlae tecornor.tad a annate I lea 1.000 marriage, ooneammated, aome lavolvlag ' M0.000. paper 10c. keeled. L. L. Luvo. ' Baa 1000, Denver. Colorado. VIAVI CO., Lawn hldg.. 8S0U Morrlaoa; health talka to women Thuradaya. 2:30 p. in. WANTBD Plain aewteg of all klnda; lag for chlldrea. Phaae Baat 720 THE October Matrimonial Register la Mat oat. iw revjaea ana eniargi-a, witn pnoeo.; moal co.aplete over poblt.brd. se neaaaa i bldg. MADAME A NX A 1.1 t KEY la prepared lo re calf old end new cuetomere and patlenu at X51Vi Stark. Main 2011. BBST Batgaslne claba ever ef farad: aead for wanted. Jaum' Rnok Kto price. .gent, wanted. J one. 281 Alder et. Portland. Or. ATTORNEYS. J. a WINCHESTER, attoroey-et-lew. notary panne, aa waaaugioa Bang. ASSAYERS. OAKVIN CYAMDB EXTRACTION CO., Montana Assay Office. 188 Morrlaoa et. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Cer Co.. rifteeath aad Waahlngton Agent, for Cadillac, Piece Great Arrow aad Steveae-Duryee motar-car: rented, repaired aad etored. Mate ARCHITECTS. U. B. Architect MBTtOBS. ii.i ART. FREE LESSONS ta embroidery ovary day; aaw stamped sblrtwsl.u. corset-covers, bo lero Jacket., hats, umbrellss. etc. The Nesdleeraft Shop. SM Waahlngton at.. tween We eet fen aad Tenth ete. PROFESSOR B MAX MEYER. 848 Alter. Portrait and landscape artist aad teeeher. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS.' HOWE. DAVIS ft KM. HAM 10U 111 Second et. man a aaea manarsctarers: .genu ror Jo imprnveo uooee-Ler leogere: are the Eureka leaf, tba beat ex. the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES- BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekum. 181 -1M First at., carries s fall Uaa and com plete sssortmeat at lowest market prleee. 8. BIBKBNWALD CO.. S04-3M Are rati st. Largaat batcher.' eapply hoaee oa tba coeat. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST lead! lead! Read! THIS IS FOB YOU I BRAD CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Barth It permanently located la her owa home. STARK BT. This wonderful women 4 knowtodgsd by the world to be the greatest clairvoyant sllve, without yon writing s ques tion or uttering one word, the tells you lint whst you came tor, how many in your fam ily sod all about them. Telle names, dates aad facte. Tells yon of lore, marriage., destba, bus In eaa .peculation. Investments, etc.: locate, oil, gas aad minerals of all kinds, removes evil Influences aad tsaebea yoo now to control the one yon love, unites tba ae pa rated and eanaee epaedy and con genial marriages. No matter what your con dition amy be, MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 428 STARK, coll.. 12TB. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL P. M. BNOLI8H AND GERMAN SPOKEN. sc FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. A SPECIAL 86 READING FOR 31. ALWATB CONSULT THB BBST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Oraataet living aatral dead trance elsrr voysat sf the age; ADVISER ON BUSINBBS AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whom yoo will marry, bear to control the one yon tore, even t hooch miles away; reaaltsa the sep arated; gtvae secret powers to control. I wIH do aU other, advertise to do. aad a great deal mora. THB ENTIRE WORLD BAB BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OP THB UNSEEN FORCES HAVE AT MY COMMAND, sad I prove It to you with eat price by giving you a FREE TEST FREE hyhaving your NAME TOLD (IB FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOB. aad give roo aonce ensoiotety rats nerore yoo aectae to bare re. dine WHO CAN OB W ILL I C T DO MORE TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC? .H,'nS JSIM-J2-,0lnP2n7-. JT? WILL NOT BE OFTERRD TO TOU AGAIN PROF. E. KHIMO, Permanently Located In Hit Owa Heme. HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY No. BBS Fifth St.. corner MedJeea at CONSULT THB REST! Prof. Wallace, the noted clairvoyant. PaUalat aad dead trance medlnm The oldeet In practice, gives tatlefarttoj Hs tails yoar past, present and futurt Tells your friends, enemies snd rivals; Who snd when yoa will marry. Bstlsfsrtlon. or he charges yoa nothing. Consult him on baalneaa. Consult him In love effelra. He charge, yoa only 80 cante. 841 H Morrison St., corner 7th. as leinivnt mi. For the first time during hie profeeetooal career. Prof. St. George, the world e famona dead trance rletrvoyent. will give hie 83 read tnga for M cants; this week .nly. 3804 W ash rag ton at CAFES. THE OFFICE 3M Waahlngtoa at.. 771. Bemael Vlgneux. Mala CHIROPODISTS. CHIBOPODY AND PEDICURING. Mrs M. D. Hill. Suite 1. Selling Hirer" Bldg. P.ciSe 1SB. CARPET CLEANING. ? .UL. I largest plant nc etc.. tela- arwna an c, sa tns coast. Lonsg snd Harding i Baat 380 Carets cleaned, redtted. , aawed and laid; both ateam and la teat com pressed sir prociea; raaoratlag matrrssase aad feathers a aneclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, taction end com peseeed air combined: csrpeta cleaned aa door without removal. Main 6664. Msla ISM. COAL AND OOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO.. iilicrfStori to C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO.. Bast 28. BFf B Werrwoa L ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dealers In cordwood. coal and green end dry ale hw nod. B B. and Alblns av... z blocka ssat or terry. Cat 674, STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Desler ta coal, cordwood and dry ilibwood. Phone Baat 484. OREGON FUEL CO. An kind of coal wood. 884 Alder it. Phoae Msla at, BOX fad planer wood. Steedard Wood Immediate delivery Phen. Beet 3318. WESTERN FEED hlarkamlth coals. ft FUEL CO. Hoaa ad Phoae Main 1016. CLEANING AND DYEING. Bnltorlnm Tailoring t o Preeelng and cleaning; ladle work a apeclalty 127 Lownedele et. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works: prac ttoal hatter In connection 211 4th. PiclBc 807. , CLOTHES Bhned end! 81 per Unlqui Tiflortag Co., MO Stark at. H W. TURNER, prof osele sal dyer aad eteeaer 60S Jefferson et. Phone Main MIS. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY! WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. C1TIEENH LAW ft COLLECTION CO.. CIT1- DANCING. PORTLAND Denclnc Academr. leadlac ballroom etiquette, terietl metel aad etaaal dasclag; both ssass: ysoag folk, adalte: In atraelfen dally. SM Alftor. Tl. M. 1831 Prof lltngler. dancing maater. FOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claee, Men.. Thars. snd Sat. eve.: children', elaaa Sat. afttnoen. Social, ftary aad step darning taugVl Fencing taught. Western Academy hallT cor. tad aad Morrison, exoifte 1M0. DENTISTS. TUB CHICAGO DENTISTS. 888 Waahlngtoa at.. er. Sixth. Oaaraotee all work ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PAciria EXBCTRic co.- tore. repairer., electric wiring, euppllea. rirat. ear. Sterk. Mala 80S. B. B. Tate, a WESTERN BLBCTBIC WOKaS SI Sixth at -Contractor., electric eappUea. aaotors tad drnamoe: we Inatoll ngkt aad aawar plant.. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAVIS MAOINNIS, teeeher of coaven- tloasl snA . I.e. talle el, In. ..,- .-.lnr beade a eperlalty. Studio 321 E alb et.. N. PROF WBSCO rrlv.te lo. tract ton la penmen .fvaa. .jar 33. Bum., bid.. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-sir furn.eea save furl. t. a Beyer r urn. re Co.. 2M Seeoad. Mala 4S1. DRYIIOUSP HE ATI NO PIPRS. made ta order by J, LoaH. 212 Jsfferaoa: Phoae Pacific 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND, WIRE ft IRON WORKS 183 FIsndere et.. cor. Third. Phons Msla 3000. EAST PORTLAND FENCE ft WIRB WORKS ISO Esat Water at. Phone Rant SU, HAY AND GRAIN. L COOPER ft CO. Potstoee. feed sad our 118 Union ava Phone East IS IT. HAT FACTORIES. BATS cleaned, blocked, tends Uks new for 80c; expert Panama bleacher. 84 Third, near Piss. B-anch. 821 First. Paclfk 18. .I. ..uia.n. in. nanan, 10 iv. aixtu t. , clean, and blocka soft and stiff beta. Paaa- maa a rpeclalty. HOTELS. THB BRLI.BVUB. Tourtk .ad Salmon sen . Rooms 60c aa: ratee nv weak or month: out-of town trade solicited. Pacidc 3106. UOLDkN WKST HOTEL European plan: rooma from M cents up; I meal. 20 cents. teventb and Everett its HOOD HOTEL Room. 50e ap: ratea by week or month: ont-of-town trade anllclted. 83V. Sixth st.. 6 blocks from depot. HOTEL PortUnd. America, pl.a; 83. M per day. , 1 , , BELVEDERE: Enropeen plsn:4tb and Alder ate. , ., MONEY TO LOAN. AN RASY-MONBY PROPOSITION Moner Is e&tv to ret If roo know ta get It. Wa bare ready money et ell tlmee. aad yoo can get It oa your aarary: to to (100, oa best terms aad at lowest retea. Wa toaa on the easy payment plan the plan that helps you sad gets yon eat of debt. Too get the cash, all yoa aab far. and repay ta amounte yoa eaa conveniently epare ssch payday. We do not flle paper., require no In doreere. no reference to friends or employee. Open Taes. and Set. evenings until 8 o'clock. Mutton Credit Co. 612 (5th Boor) Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved ettv property or for building purposes, for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay an ar part of loan after two yeare. Loans approved from olaaa and money advanced ee betiding progressee; mortgaree taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 243 Stark at. . THB STAB LOAN CO. Any aa la rise employe, wage -earner, eaa get en bte note, without mortgage Month. U k safh. Wash. 630.00 Repey lo as 618.88 or SB. DO ar B8-so 825 00 Renar to cs 8 S.M or 38 or 61.66 00 or 31.00 315.00 Repay to us 8 4 00 or SIO McKay hldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on lalartee. Insurance policies, planoe. furniture, a at JMBI re ceipts, etc.; say deserving uersoi amy secure a liberal advance, repaying bp eeey weekly or monthly In.tallmente HEW BRA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY SM Ablngton bldg. money Loaned to salaried people Jatt on yoar own name no other oe rarity; don't borrow until von eee me; my eyetem It the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, ttreetcer men and all other employee; buel neaa etrlctlv confidential. F. A. Newton. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE . . nk.H .Ma frhnle wn n . nrlfhAfllt eecurlty; chetpeet rates, eaateat paymente: ofScea In 80 nrlnclnsl cities: aave yourself money By getting our terma urti. TOLM A N. 3X3 Ablngton bldg.. 1MH Third et. Loans Anr alas from 3100 up on flrat-rlai as real eatata aemrlty. 7 per cent. Schnyleman & Co. 227 In Waahlngton it., rooma 34-88, BBADQUARTERB FOR SALARY LOANS Money cea be borrowed oa eeey payment plan, lowest ratee; etrictly conSdsattaL CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg.. cor. Third aad Morrtooa. YOU caa borrow money at tow ratea In soma of 3-100 and up on approved mortgage eecurltle.. Don't fan to see THE DUNN -LAWRENCE COMPANY. 148H First et. WANTED Notes, mortgage, or eontracta ea sag kind of real estate ta Oragoa and Wnahlng- ton; second mortgagee purchased If well aa- cured 11 K .Noble. 312 Commercial blk. PRIVATE money to loin, city or farm. Mult nomth or near counties. Intereat S to S par cent. Sol Bloom, 636 Chamber of Commerce. M.ono TO loan on city real eetete ta earns to anit: mortgagee bought aad sold. 0. A.; Johnson. 813 Commercial blk. LOW rate on furniture, etc. : cnnSdentlsl. 228 Flledner bldg.. 10th snd Washington. Pact- ! 6c 2650. HONEY to loan oa all kind, of security, William Hnll. room 8 Wa.hlngtoa bldg. Zzl rn LOAN Sums to eolt on chattel eeeorltr. R. A. Frame. 814 the Mirquam. HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices. 74 sixth at. Partflc 488. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. Un lock hldg. Inau ranee. JAR. Mel. WOOD, emplovers' Babtnty aad In rrldnal .eel dent enrety bona of all kinds. Pboas 47. 80S McKay bldg. MACHINERY. B TBENKMAN ft CO Mining, sawmill, log ging mnchlnery; hydraulic plpee. retting: ell klndi repaired. 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engines, all elxea end itylee. at lowest prices. Relraon Msehlnery Ca. 182-4-0 Morrison it. THE H. C ALBEB CO. Second hsnd ssa- ehlBSry. sawmill, etc. 148 Grand ava. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, fee nor B. A. henjo, trombone, clarinet. pro Smith, 264 12th. Mala 4708. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, tar Inetructton. Gibson mandoline. Banjo, fl 8761der. EMIL THIELHOBN. pupil of SEVCIK violin tsecher. Studio 186 Slata rn. Tel. Mala J. W. I oc AN, teacher of violin, mandolin, tc; orrneitree rurnisned rnonc Ke.t sua PROFESSOR LEWIS. I'ROFESSo take fee ptsntet. compoeer. Phone PsrIBc S." will beginners. MONUMENTS. NEU ft KINOSLEY. leedtag marble aad SM First at.. Portlaad'a graalte works. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DB B ARNOLD LINDSA1, gr adnata of th Osteopathic college of Kli kivllto7 MUeourt. whs Is a spertsBal oa rbrumatlem. tfomaeb aad all fern. I dtscatet. Ofltoa 410 Palling bldg.. earner et xaira aaa w seaiigxao as. DBS A0IB ft NORTHRI P. 415. 16 17 Dskam Third snd Wsiblngtoa ete. BxaaUuttea fr. FINANCIAL BANKS. T BAVS 0V OALiroBBIA L-apttal Beat aa time 4kmeatte. Aeeoaata eeeaad rertiaad Btaaaa Caaaaer "J- A. MACRAB S-IBST KATIOMAL BARB 4T PORTLARD. - "ksMgaated tjoartory aad Slaaaetel Agent of the tTaltad IR.tea. ,- Leetere of fMatii av.ii.KX. t. w,. . .... ... aia. t aad Telegraphic Traaefere saM aa Mew York. Boatoo. tMaegak St. Uaaa. ; 8n rr.ncteoe ..d the prtartpal neaata to the tSSiUTT J St, Pa..i Stent Hoagkoag a Avjrj m TtrraBT vaAsrsrwwa - - I TILTtJB. BARKERS (BltebllShM - ... .."r,J BV" Baslnass. rollectlone mads at alt sotets Javwr ,mr2?Lt Letteea ot credit homed available la Barop. aad tl aolate la tkw TJvarted , t.i. ri i Tslegrapale Tv.n.fers sold ea ifew Tort, WssbIsaob. Okkwae. Jjg ZxtoH. BHtteb CTSS JU MBBOBABTtr MATI0RAL BANK. POBTLAND. OREOOB, 1 'i" JiATBXIIV Presideat I It W. BOTT. Cashier I Traaaaete a hMftl AU Parts sf h. World. T SITED STATES RATIONAL BARB OF j J - Nortkwe Corner Third ! Osnersl Banking Bnslasas. rZZT. . TT XrtV mi ensxaa saw . vic. Pra.ld.nt r. LEA BABNBB 1 asstetsnt Cask tor t ANKERS' ft LTJMRERktZBT-a inv-,i. ! - utt?!5'!,tlA'!?1 5B" Jrwtment. 7 to mMt to?S "le ta all 7 to B for the seeomaaodettna e nM . JorfS ? ""THLb'.'.'.pirsVvVc 20HW A. K BATING. . . Seeoad View-President TRUST COMPANIES. P,'"? ?T COMPART 0T OREGON Th. Oldeet trust Company ta Orsawa. RBSOLROBB OVER 31 760.0M. Genera! banklnc. 3 nee cent Interest on check all sal l '" ?Mdredel on dally hslaness of MM or over. Utters of credit and exchange oa all J,,, 'BwTrM- Savtncs aceoante. Time certlflcetee. S to 4 ner eaat: ehort-ceTl apactel crrtiricatee RO0 or over. to 4 per cent. Call for Book of ' ILLI'ST RATIONS." 1 raotrVeast Corner TklrtP end flak street.. Phnn. PH..t. IiSam 71. i. u v,v i. B- LEB PAGET. President I .itecretary j y- "".u. naviaoB ft TRUST COMPART - iCI . oeaeval Beakteg sa Tim. and Savlnga Acconnta. Acta ae wreait Available 1a ! 1?MS. I mil. Second Vice President I OBO. P. BI7BBB LL MORTGAGE OtTARAwTTE s, 'lanaw Trsnerts s General Banklnc Buefaeaa. uepenmeai; 4 par cent Interest allowed, eomnrmnd.d sa.eee.ti. CAPITAL. w' VATRRBURT. . . .. .... . .Prestdewt . 8. LOGAN HATS " Bseaafb aad Stark Streets. Phone M'ln 164. Oped Sstardsr ateaadBaT ta ! N1?-heYlA?T? iJ!L?IaAFt-mt- j I Lnaxosr Exchange .8 E. Corner Second sad Stark Streets (second aaar). I n,. ttM. rVK:-t' A9.B"T r0. CORPORATIONS. 9t"' 5ntF. Municipal end Corporation Bonte Bonrht and Bold. S'sw eatsrprteee mg.ateed J!BlJ!!?.ri?riL'?c T OVAMAWITX m TRUST COMPANY M0 WASHINGTON STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Real Batata at Lowest Retea. Title. lBSared. J. THORBURN ROSS. GEORGE H. HILL... Preeldent Vice President BONDS AND SUB ORRIS BBOTHEBS. Chamber ef Comm. Municipal rath-pad and swb lie naretce eorporatloa beads, D0WBTBO-BOPBIBB OOaO? ART XataMtobsd IMS BROXZRB. STOCKS. BONDS. GBAIN Bought sad Bold for Caab and ea Margia. private nrwaa. BOOM 4 CHAMBER TP BE J. 0. LBB COMPART 18-80 Lafayette See weiars wayrag or aoMiag axoeae O verbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. - " ' w WE DO A STRICTLY Con tin Markets hp Privets Wire. Quick ara, sad Ualtsd Stetss LOUIS J. WILDE SCHOOL AND 1 TrftrlTlTYrf BONDS COBPOBATIOR Mr 1NU MUNICIPAL j UM A 1 1W J Htgbael Rilaaaa to la i eaten PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN HUMS OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. Artificial Eyse Fitted. Via Ion SclentlBeelly Corrected. 130 Seventk Street. DR. B. J. MILLS Opto nutria' and Eyesight Special let. Rooms 26-27. 833 Washington Street. DB. GEO. RUBENSTBlSt. reliable opttotaa; gtoeaea idtested by the latest edsstlfle ap- pUences. IM 4tb at., bat. Tambiii aaa Taymr. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO.. ptambet Or age a Main aad Salmon. Phons Msla SML DO.NNERBERO ft RADEMACHBB. Ma. 303 Burnslds et. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B BEACH ft CO. Tba Pslst Co.; wladew-alaae aad glssiog. IM Skrat at- 1S3S. PRINTING. 8kx,ssaJB.sMs,i,v-saassss -a-.eWe.ssn,aM.awawS, THE MODERN PRINTER Y Arttetle printing. 20 Ruesel bldg.. Fourth end Morrlaoa. Phone Paeiflr 1526. REAL ESTATE. PARR1SH. W ATKINS ft CO.. Baal aatate. Insurance, rental aad toaa agante. 180 AMsr at. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder et.. phone Mela T10: rubber ttampe. eeaie. etencim; oaggsg. trsde checks; brass tlgns snd pitta. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aad general tubbing J. Losll, 211 Jsfferaoa St. Par. 184. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sola agnate far Herrtag Hell Marvin aafee aad Mangsoeee Steel Set Co. bank taf. The largaat eeeortment of high grade fir snd burglar proof ..fee la the northwest, bx seventn at. DIKBOLD Hngnee and orenroaf safe; eoc ceeaful progreee sgslaat burglar and Sre: tosk- eats opened Mr. anper, mecnauicai expert with J. B DivU. I air bird. Phoaa ISM. EIGHT aeeoud hind fireproof tafee and two eecond hand bank tafea for sale cheap, at 78 Sixth et.. Portl.nd. Or. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLE18ER SIGNS We have built up tbo largest sign In the city , by first clss. work sod keeping our promleee. and Everett eta our pncee sre rignt. Fitth Phons Ex. 65. V. P. BERGER ft SON. 2S4 YsmbUI St. of sll klnda. raone re cue "SIGNS THAT 1ST Slsrk at. ATTB. Phoaa Boal Co. Pacific ISM. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES at (very deecrtpttoa; beak, bar aad ttr Sxtara Bad to tram. Th Lathe Maaafartnrlag Co.. Portlsnd. R II BIRD8ALL deelgwer: agent M. Wlater Laatbar Co.. 7 Hi mil tea blag. Mala MM. STREET PAVING. WARREN CoBstraettoa Oa., street psviag, tada- WSISI ano vreeeings. aaa THE Birber Aipbalt Parlag Co. Ofdce 8M Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. NEW trfrwwrttwrs, sit ips) lr(1 SUPPLY. OJU VI bkdaA. ra-Ito 18SA aTljAJtJSaaVSlat. aaHaTJsalaBaBBBa SBjBsvaxaysaayaxaxj vaa arsaaaa far ease of 818 end as of Camaieree BteOdaai I J. T. BURTCBABLL. la 18M.1 B L. DO GEORGE mnA r . frmMt Available W Collection, s Spsctelty PORTLAND snd Oak Street DB4.FTS IBST USD Av.ll.ble ta SB Ctttjsa sf "' 1 "JUiTi leetotsat Ce'ei'lr .' '. '. '. '. .' .' ." . "JT. A. Ml A. M. WBIGBT n Coraar Basaad sad 3tarB I ntsreat paid aa tavinge seconnte. Drafts asst parts of the world. Opaa Sstarday even nags from ' B. 0. MBABB H. D. STOREY. .. . PL ATT A PLAT. H. L. PITTOCK. rtc President J. o. goltra. Bsc I etarr 3M Morrison Street. SAVINGS DEPA BTMBTtT. Trnetee fee Skrtetee. Drsfts sad Letteea at All Parte of the World. r. a t ararta B. fj. JUBITB,'.'.". . . Aaetatant Secret. rv nnvsisv w.wsr Interest P.ld ea Tt. gI0O.aBB.B0 0. W. MILLER etatant Seeretsrv sad bonds cnsristeed. Abstracts Furnished. JNO. B AITCHISON.. T. T. BtTBBHABT. . . . etarr INVESTMENTS. res Bldg. of COMMERCB Bldg Portlsnd. Ortgsn. IT w w- lahne. Manager. Cea Alwaya leva Tea or Bonos (Member. Chicago Board of Trade.) I0B Third St.. McKay Bldg.. Portlsnd. i jm . niuvae asu ouaia. 00MMIMI0B BUSINESS. Service. REFERENCES Ladd A TUtea. Baak- Na tloasl Bank ef Portias. Booms 8. 4 sod 5 Ls Fayette bldg.. ear. Sixth aad Waaa. St... Portland, Oregon. DIVIDEND STOCKS BANK AND CORPORATION Ca aateliul With Absolute Safety TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH 8BCUBIT IBB TRAN8PER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., ear. Sixth aad Oak ate.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to deatiaatloa: ptte tagitt therefore avoid rush sad aaaoy- ana, at depota. Private KxCbaame 88. SAFES, planoe aad furniture moved, packed resdy for shipping and ehtpped; sB work guaranteed ; large, S-ttory Brick, Sre Brael ware'.cuae for alorage. OfSce SM Oak at. C. M. Otoaa. Phone Mala 847. C. 0. PICK, .face M Ftret at., betweea Mark and Oak els., phone 8M; planoe aad fnrnltnrs moved and packed for ablpplng; commodious Dries ware nouae witn separate anal Front snd Clay ate. CUT ratea aa baawbtll goods la an yeasts aaat: we make up carloads; epertal room far trnnka while walling. Oregon lulu fltagtliih 18 First t. Phoaa Main 718. OREGON TBAN8FBB CO.. IM North Math. Phoaa Mala aa. Besvy kaaliag sad PIANOS snd furniture moved. CaU aa Bros., st 80S First st. Mala 3218. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TBANBPBB CO. Storage. 824 Stark at. Mala 40T. POST SPECIAL DBLIVBBY. No. 300 Vi Ington et. Phoae Main 8SS. TELEPHONES. THE only exclusive tele Electric ft aatk tlai lag pa nr. 82 Fifth et. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. van, , acme, m addle ry. hardware, horse goods, leather, ftaeV tega and ahos store eappliee. Fifth and Oak. A. 0UNBT D1STRIBU ft CO. TOES OP FINB CIOABB PORTLAND. OREGON. OREGON Furniture Msnaficturlng Maaataetarers at fan! tar. far Portland. Oregon. FURNITURE msaef icturlng aad) epeetel mdera, L. Boventky's furniture fsctorr. 870 Freed 88. WADHAMS A CO.. facta rera end com: aad Oak ate. wholesale art at a. maaa totoa meieaaate. Fsmkk EVEBDINO A FARRELL. tlon merchants 140 Front at.. Phone Mete ITS. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission chants. Front snd Davis eb I erode ee mee Itlaei Or. STEIN C giuc era. WAYNE Job bar sad WHOLESALE crockery nd clssewar. PrL negeio r. saa tt te IM FiiB. aat, WINDOW SHADES. LB WINDOW SHADE CO.. 1ST Salmon St.. twc-:KPbot;T.te.u - WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California wroe depot: an k of wine. 6c a glass. Cook aad Cooks ere Headquarter. 146 F earth st. clflc 2183. P. Loratl. MISCELLANEOUS. Multlgrapb Letter Ca. Facsimile ef tysswtlttes tottera. Public SteBograaby SM FslOag bldg. REFUSES TO PAY FOR EXPERTING RAILROADS Uournal Sgnvat Here Ice 1 Olympla. Wash-, Bapt. It Ta fash of ascartalnlng th coat of torn mbp atrurtlon anal sajulpaaat of of W6uahlnton. under tha railroad thraatans Mor Clau th aat sxpart Thar