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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY ii ,ii EVEN SEPTEMBER 89. 1806. MBW TODAY. HHUXD SsUTTlJB RAILWAY Mt the Purcnass ef A, ,.daiCllBC Will IKfl MKJ bide It BjkTavtise, 101 SAvwtoek Work. earn " eetoek ana October 8, 180. 'or tlM paxehAss c? all or raBa Awllta sad ham. "S? - 5wv Ve-l40Vi Nrtk Earvssth treat.; dnfig. Ull No"h flBQRi B. t" 44S Inlu lin88l ! TO 174 North IWflh hiilldlses 420-4 )tem street; nnui wg jahnsos street; holfilug 1J8 North TeBth street, end 108 North Blown e treat. Dwvdllnge Ail Johnson Atroot and 181 183-187 North Blleventh PABCBL a PARCEL D. r.1llnra - HnlMlee AtT tract; dwellings ini ir ibo i-i 1H1M North Tooth street; bora 11 North Troth street; dwell lnr 4SB 8B Kearney otroot: a w 1 1 1 ass tM-MS-tfO-tflS-lM Vnrth EbfMth Street PARCEL E. BoUdW 288-882 North Twedfth street; dwellings xoe-xoe Wl Zll- 114 North Tw irifth troot; dwell- Inn 431 44&-44T KMfHr tit e 1 1 1 DO BsS6A20T-80B-21B North Eleventh rant. Dwellings 448 Loveloy street And 222-234-238 North Twelfth street. Building AM Msrsnsll atreet: dwelling ABO horn 451 448 M.r hall street: shed A47 Marshall troot; buildings 341 248-347 348 North Eleventh street, tad 444 444H 8 Northrop street: hoi Id iot mad (bod 460 430 H Northrop street; dwellings 34a-MA North Tw.lf ih itreet PARCEL P. PARCEL 0. PARCEL B. Warohooao 200-214 Northrop atroot. i. Certified chock for 10 par coot Bt of hid moat accompany oarh propoaal. Plana of the property ran ha aoeo at the efftoe of tba anderetgned. Tba ratal kt n gonad to reject any and U Mda. J. D. WILCOX. Agent. thu Fine Home For Sale A Snap for Some One. Owner ap boaerkeepiag. offere a bargain la this nee reaiawBce ana. corner hat 108x100. overlooking the entire city, la eae of th earn oat charmingly located l ullaael dlatrirta of PortUad. Hooaa Saaly Saaakad. splendid Sraplace. elegant porcelain sinks aad bath, large aad attractlte woodshed erery cob eanleace af a boaaa built tar comfort for a REAL HOME. Can be vacated la a Sap. AN ACRE SO acree choice firm land of 0. W. P., eu I table for aubdtrtaon. Some one ought to make Us money oat of thta. Oregon Water Power Townsite Co. opa. w. w. r. waraap Klamath Falls Irrigated Lands For Sale We are tba xrluw1ve ajrents In Port laao, Oregon, for tha ISOO-acre Mitchell tract of IrriRatert land, lying- within one half mile of tha town of Klamath Falla. . Oregon. This la the coming country of ' the northwest. Prices of ftrat-ctass land from ftt to $60 per acre. Other localities are asking for no better land $100 to $500 per acre. Call and have a talk with us. Moore & Frost Land Co. SOS to Washington 8t. We Will Build For You On one of the beet corner lota in HOLLADAY ADDITION Bp- your paying one fourth down and balance easy terms. Call early. E. S. JACKSON & CO. Fhona stain S4S. Bargains in Real Estate luarter Mock In business dis trict, with 8-story brick building; present rent pays s per cent on in vestment; revenue can be increased. B3.S00 -room house, with lots, con venient to car; easy payments. BB.BQO 8 -room bungalow, new, fine lo cation. See us regarding this. "A anaap.'' sl.lSO a" -room house and t lota. Point view addition, SL Johns; eaay terms. fSjiSOO 20 Vk acres, near Woodlawn. BS.SoO t choice business lots. Railroad Shops addition. 110 Second St. INSIDE PROPERTY Lais 80x100 feet, aldewalka. graded streets, city water (Bull Hun) piped to each lot. oa the carllae, with an nnobetrueted view of the river; every Vat r". eared la grass plot and canUias tba richest kind of soil, la Wllktag diets nee of renter of the ejty; title perfect, an ab.irsot furnlihed with every let, and the price mly $180 per lot A few of these lets win be sold for $180; Sou down, balance monthly lasts Uaaoata. The Brat come the Bret serred. M. S. CLOBBSST SOT McKay Building. UREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Hull Run wa ter, electric llghtr. gas and graded streets. Superb view of Mt. Hood, East PvjrrlArrd and Willamette river. Choic est lots $600 each. Terms. WaTTTS a nC'T.wmwaw Orogonlaa Building. CLASSIFIED NAMES correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit grain, hope, potato and stock growers, number In family, ages, etc Tall or write us for prices. Rural Dtrcrtr ry Co., 81 Fourth street. A SNAP 25 ACRES Suitable far platting, on trie Bane Line peed; IT acres cleared; l-room house and large barn. 888 a II orsBard. If you are looking for A country home, close m city, this 18 Just what you want. 84 ft ES6 NEW TODAY. WE PAY 3 PER CENT ON CHECK ACCOUNTS AND 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS THE SAYINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY OFFICERS: J. Thorburn Rom, President. George H. Hill, Vice-President. T. T. Burkhart, Treasurer. J no. E. Aitchison. Secretary. Banking house 9 s. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET. Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND, SEPT. 88. 18SS. Prevent Losses l.i mm are aaffared every day buiaw af eareVeaaaeea due to faulty methods of trana acnlna bnatfleaa. By keeping a bank account, all receipts and lUpalHII H Will ae caecaea ana loeeee pre vented. Yod will find It Invalnable far other reason! as wen. Deposit your money la the "Oldest Trust Company i Oregon" aad opea A "check accouat. It will ha doubly safe aad at pear dlapoaal when you need It. 29b INTEREST PAID ON Cheek Accounts (area hundreds) Oa Dally Balances of $500 Or Over. RESOURCES OVER $1,750. 900 00 Portland Trust Company ol Oregon S. B. Cor. Third and Oak eta. Phone Ra. 73 BNNJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Tloe-Preeldeot B. 1MB PAGET Secretary J. 0. GOLTRA. Asslstsnt Secretary tc'i. I A certificate of -v"r; I deoosit. bearlns 6 nee r,nl Intereet backed by security that cannot be ques tioned, offers a wonderfully attractive form of Investment for thoae desiring a profitable return for their money, without any speculative features. The certificates of deposit lasued by this company are absolutely secured by first mortgages on Improved real estate deposited in trust Fox Information oome direct to the company's offices. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Isumbsr Bzohange Blag. (Second moor) S. X. Cor. Second and Stark Sta. PIANO STtlMO LOUIS I. BOLL PARLORS S AND 10. 342 H WASHINGTON atreet. Is sow opea far receptloa af suplla. FOR RB1NT New stores and afllce rooms, with steam heat and electric lights. N. K. corner Third Brad Madison streets. Apply room 0. MARRIAGE LICENSES. D. Butler. Aberdeen. Washington. 41; Llfred Inc. 87: Catherine Becker. 40 William H. Storey, SB; Amy Lyle Bastmaa, August L. Schwadel. 12S1 North Twelfth street. 88; Both Stobaalger. 28. ae cards. W. u. smita a oo.. waah iagtoa bldg.. cor. Poarth and Waahiagtoa sta. Wedding aad calling cards engrs printed. E. T. Bnabtoa. SStH Wasblm Btkaj Bertha Martin, room SIS A larky bldg. Stamping and Sao needlework: lease ae glvea. Pull drees salts for rent, all sksas. Cakjaa tailoring Co., sop Stark at. FUNERAL NOTICES. PHIIAJPR- Is this city, September 27. 1808. at 104 Monroe at., the residence of her parents, James B. sad Mary McCllntoek, Elisabeth Danla Phillips, aged 81 years. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at t P s. Snodsr, September 80. Friends Invited, interment Lone Fir. UNDERTAKERS. Dannlag, McButee A Ollbsngb. undertakers snd ewbausera: modern In every detalL Seventh aad Pine. Main 480. Lady A. B Hsmstock, undertaker and embalmer. East Thirteenth and lima tills a Vs. Phono Sell wood 71. Erlckson Undertaking Co.. aad embalming. 408 Alder at. Phone Mala 8188. Lady aaaletant. J. P. Plaley A Sons, Third aad Madison sts. Of See of county coroner. Phone Msl i 8. CLARKE BROS, floral ilest ins Florists Fine 288 Morrlsoa at. flowers aad Edward Holman. nadertakar. Single graves 810. Psmtly lets 878 to 81.000. The only cessetery ia Portland which per netnilly maintain! and ceres for lots. Par full Information apply to W. R. Msefcetuee, War- eae tee block, city. W. M REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Title Gnsrsntee 8 Trust company to B. M. Bertroohe. rot 18 sad weat Vk of let IB, block 01, Buunyalde. Third addition . $ Ids V. Alcorn sad baa band to Mrs. L. A. Wood, lot 8, block 40, I Juntos Pacific Realty A Inveatmaat company ta J. fc. Peterson, lot 2. block a, Stewart Park Pacific Realty A Inveetmeul company to A. Brest, let 8. block 4. stewsrt Park. Abraham M sister snd wife to Freak C. Biker and Abraham Tiehaer, lot 4. block 24. city James January to B. L. Knoll, northeast H ef northwest , of southwest Ut sectloa 83. townaklp 1 north, range 2 ssst T. !r. ... Joseph Mellon and wife to Millie Best hsm. tats T. 8, block B. Pox chase soldi fiOB H U Plttoch and wife to Jobs Leeffler aad A. O. Plamadoa. tots 1, 2. S, Mock ISWUisntetts aws-? 8S4UBJ8Setto 882 100 188 10 fa, W 880 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Abraham Trout man to W. . Iota 6. 0. block ST. Varnoa.. H.-lllT 1 0(10 Louie P. Bono to Walter A Hard Sogers, 100x60 foot beginning oa south aide of e Tikaai street, 20 feet woat fw sswrlksreet corner of Jshssoa and 34th 8.180 I Andrew Williams to P. A. Hoffman lota to. 18. Manartrld Arleta I .and compear to Edward T. Lyons, lota SI. S3, block 6. Arleta Park No. 4 Mar B. Hwlgert to Da rid Pupae, lota 17, If. bhwk 1, aubdlrlalon of tract "K, at. Pat too tract John Sobjeuk. and wife to Robert F. Hall, parcel land beginning at point oa weal aUo af Blla atrret 10f feet aoutb of center line of Davie atreet If extended 0. W. Roaa and wife to Usabeth 0. Harrington, lot IS. IS. 14. block 11, Orchard borne , O. W. Tar lor and wife to fl w. Booat. 808 000 10 II lota 3. 8. block IV tVwjob arldltlon ... 38.000 John H. Hall and wife to Ida E. Hard tag, trustee, lot 14. block 0. Deltoo's addition to Raat Purtland Bdartn P. Northiup to 8. O. Priestly, lot 8, block II, Poachaar addition Mary Hawkins to Denial B. Hawklua at aL, all . lalui to too estate of L. I. Hawktaa. deosssed The Hawthorne Relate to Catherine Went, lot 1. block 13. Hewtnornes First addition to Kail Portland 2.'J50 SO 6110 Restore Investment cooipanT. limited to Mrllnda B. Morgan, i-uMlvlelnne "O" and U ' In lot . block 7. IMrtlanrt bomeetead , W. A. Ktorey (abarlffl to P. H. Marlajr. lot S. black 7, Portland homeatead J. Frank Marbarh and Nettle Marbacb to Portland 4V Seattle Rallwar company, parcel of land brxlnnlng at point In aaat tine of William t spies doaatloa land claim at aontnoaat turner of a tract conveyed by P. T. Mmltb to laaac Fellow, Peninsular Ltajaber company to Portland A Seattle Railway company. 7 acres beginning at a atoaa monument at northwest corner of the rran tor's land. William lkrys and wife to WlllUin Ballls. kit 11. block 30. Llug'a Second Addition Security Rarlnca bank of Ran Franclaco to 'liar lei II. Dtd. Iota 13. IS, 14. l 9,000 Central block and other property in 33.000 George 8. Smith ami wife to Charles H Dodd. same property aa above 1 I'. V. Pangerflelfl and wife to A. 8. Elite, lota 8, 10. block 1, Maegly High isno , l.uuw Kaetrhea Gayer tv Jamea Denbolm, lets . T, block B, Wataon'a addition 1 Portland Trust company of Oregon to George Meyers, lot 23. block 2$. Tre- rooot place 80 Tlllle Twlgg Nedvldek and husband to A. G. Woodbury, lots IS. 14. block 44. Penlnaular addition No. 4 to Bast Portland 200 John 1'roudftt to George fl. Jsckaon. eaat 7 feet of lot 2. Week 1. Beat Holladay addition The Joseph A. Strowhrldge Eat ate com pany to Sarah B. Cahfll lot 3. block 8. Strowbridge addition 400 L. B. Chlpaan and wife lo Fred Korsel. lot 18. block 1. Cblnman'a addition to Bt. Johns BOO Gust and Anna Peterson to N B. I. Inn. lot 11. block 1. Riverside addition to Albtaa S7B Moore Investment company to J. A. Co bean, lot 14. block 24. Vernon I Sam and Lena Frederick to Fred Krosel, lot 14, block 1. Chlpmsn addition to St. Johns I B. 8. TTTlrev to James D. Or den. lot "A." block 8. Darla Highland It P. H. Tynan and wife to W. 8. Conner. 10 seres commencing st s point 110 rods north of southeast corner of south eaat U of section 34. township 1 north, range S esst 1,800 O. A. and Blanche N. Van Scot to C. B. PleWa. lot 8 and adjoining Vi of lot 8. block 18, Portsmouth SO Our Willis and wife et al. to C. A. Van Beoy, lot 8 and west H of lot 8. block 18, Portsmouth ,. I P. at. Youngs sad wife to B. E. Aldrtch. lot 4, block 118. West I rr Ingtoa 8,880 Title Guarantee A Trust company to D. H. KlacaM et aL, waat Vfc of lots 1, 2. block 82. Salllvsa'l addition to Bast PortUod , 4S0 Lou Us P. Eapenhaln to J. D. Hlbha. lot 10. block 2. Roche lie TOO Lucy and John P. Meyer to G. W. Priest, 'lot 7. block 10. Central Album BOO John F. Meyer and wife to Cells A. Priest, lot h. block 10, Central Albtna . 880 Henry C. and Annie A. Hodges to O. W. Prleat. lot 13. block 13. Centra Alblna 800 W A. ClslaBd to Jobs Dun woody, lot 11, block 20, auanystde 1.108 George W. Collins aad wife to William Reidt. lets IB. 17. 18. 21, 22, 28, 24. block 13, Highland park 1,000 Merchants' Investment A Trust company to Honda Thornton, Iota 11, 12. block 0, Woodlawn 200 Par abstracts title, taearanee or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title A Trust company, formerly PadBc Coaat Abstract Guaraoty A Trust company. 304 3-8-7 Palling building. teat year and abstracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Tract company. 840 Washington street, corner Siriad. NOTICE. CROOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Notice la hereby given that the county court of Crook county. Oregon, will receive seeled bids fur the building of s new court be an up to November 7, 1808. at 10 o'clock a. at., at the courthouse at PriaevlUe, Oregon, es follows: First A bid for the construction and build Ine of the foundation out of atone as origin ally planned by W. D. Pueb. architect, Salem. Oregon. Bimias a bag for She uuasu notion and building of the foundation oat of brass, according to amended plan by asms architect. Third A bid for the construction and com pletion of the aerperatructura as originally planned, omitting the dome. Poarth A bid far the construction and completion of the building complete as originally planned. Fifth A bid for the construction and completion of the building complete according to the amended plana. That all bids most be submitted upon the plana and spec! fleet Ions of W. D. Push, ar chitect, Salem. Oregon, sad sealed and marked "Bids for Courthouse." aidrissii to the connty clerk. Priaevttle, Oregon. ine county win pay casn upon any contract entered into for the building aad construction af say part or whole of said building. Cer tified check ss mentioned in the speclflestioea moat accompany each bid. The plana and spec! flea tloos can be examined st the office of W. D. Pugh. Salem. Oregon. The Oregon Dally Journal office. Portland. Oregon, end st the office of the county clerk. PrtaevUls, Oregon. The court reserves the right to reject any and all blda. By order of the court. (Seal.) WARRT4N BROWN, Clerk of Crook County, Oregon. CRATTaTlVMORTGAGB 8ALB. By vtrtns of that certain chattel mortgage made on the twenty-eighth day of October. 1806, by Fred Pergonls to I. Qevurts A Sobs, a eerporstlnn. to. secure the payment of tbat certain Cattseory note dsted October 28, 1800, for earn of Six Hundred Fifty (8880.00) Dollars, wltb Interest st the rate of 8 per cent per annum from ssld data until paid, default having been made In the payment of principal snd Interest of ssld nots snd the conditions of ssld mortgage broken. I have taken possession of and now bold ss sgent for ssld mortgagee and will at the re quest of said mortgagee sell at public auc tion to the hlgheat bidder for United Statea KM OSes, cash In hand, oa Wedneaday, the Ird day of October, 1808, st the premises, namely, 827 Yamhill St., st Portland. Ore- fon. all of the property covered and described a ssld chattel mortgage, being certain furni ture, carpeti. -curtains, bed lines and miscel laneous effecta. to aatlafy and pay tba amount due on ssld promissory note, being Four Hundred Fifty 8ve 8488.00) Dollars principal and the further sum of Forty Delists Interest, together with costs sad egpsasss sad counsel fees. LOU WAGNER. Agent for Mortgagee snd Const sbie of Port land Precinct. Oregon. Dated Portland. Oregon. September 26, 1800. NOTICE Is hereby gives tbat ths Honorable A. P. Bests Jr.. judge of the circuit court for Multnomah county. Oregon, baa flxad Monday, October See Btb. st tbe hour of two (2) p. m., aa tbe time for" the bearing of tbe petition of 8. B Cobb, receiver of the eo pertnereblp es tate of the Ilsaelwlld Lumber eompsny. In the celt of W. B. Edwsrds vs. J. T. Berthwlik pending In the said court, st which time the court will hear objectlnaa. If any, to tbe sale of the personal property belonging to tbe aald aetata. Dated September 28, 1006. 8. B. COBB, Bees tv sr. Williams A Bennett. Attorneys for Receiver EXPERTS WANTED Sealed bids will he re ceived by tbe county court of Crook county. Oregon, sp ts 10 o'clock s. m.. November T, Teoa. fur the exporting of the hooka of the clerk, aherlff and treasurer of Crook coun ty from jsiy 4, tiers, to juiy s, sswo. to state whether charge is per day or "a. tots) for the were. Mine marked "Exnert" end add a to be i dressed to ton. The t. elerk PriaevlUe. Oregon serves tbe right to reject any aad sll blda By order Sff TBS conn. WARREN BROWS. Clerk of Crook County. Oregon REWARD . The Oregon Iron A Steel com pah y will nay a reward of Five Hundred Dollars for ths arrest snd conviction of ths person who. oa or about destroyed t portion of aseat the sixteenth nay or angnsx, isoo. by dynamite or other explosive a f ths dam of aald Of BBSS Iras A Steel corapasy across the Tualatin rives, la t lai ksmaa county, state of Oregon. Dated at Portland, Oregon Aognst 88, 1808. NOTICE. TO TBI taxpayers of Multnomah Coaatf. Ore son: Notice la hereby glroa that on Monday, On Lobar I. I WOO. tba board of eqael teat low ef Hiillsaaaa county will attend at tha office or lae coast r rtera as ease ooaniy ana puo- Ih-ly roar IDOu. ami corn-ct all errora la I uil ,'om ct all errors In raluatton. aeecHptaaa or eaaMthaa of land, lota or otkwr pcoparty, ana it n ine uuty or iu sbwi tntereeted to sppesr at tha time and place appelated, aad If it than appear Board af equalisation that there to are any lamia, lota or other property sllliaid twice or la tha name of a paraoa or inai not tha owner of same, or usees sd oader or he pond Ira ralne. or any landa. lota or ether prep arty not aaaeaaed. aald hoard of aqaaUaa tlon . MEETING NOTICES. i ?n Albtaa Ix.dge. No. 101, A. T. At M onei'ta l communicanon rn's (Saturday I erenlng 8 o'clock. Wa sill hare a Masonic lore reaat (aa were) m remembrance of tba many happy meet Iras enjoyed by oa our old lodae room. All Master Masons and preeenl and past trend off Ice ra conllsllr Inrtted. By Ol der W. M. A.t. HANDLAN. flecretary. I !l'OKTLANl ORCHBSTRA Good maalr far all r' occaatone. sere reaaonehla. Main AAOA. ar LuiTetla at. M. W. A. BVBRGRERN CAMP. 8408. Wednesday evening. Aliakr bldg.. Third aad MorrtaMM OtaV. t IRCI LAB LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letters; sddrasslBg. mailing. 281 Stark. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp. No. 0,8TB, Mon days. 17th and MarsbslI: visitors wekeoeae. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED An English setter hitch: color, white, with lemon spots; answer to the name of Bell: liberal reward; return to Portland Gun and Bicycle Co., Second aad Yamhill. FOUND A light bay boras with white spat aa forehead. In.pilie of J. H. Mtaenhlmer. with Pink A Co.. 814 Mississippi ave. LOST Pocketbuok containing 80.20 and gold ring; reward If returned to Journal ofSce. LOST in city. In addressed envelop, pension check. Return to Dslly Jonrnal office aad receive reward. ' HELP WANTED MALE. WE have sn Agency proposition that will In tar rat any factory foreman, or any honest man who wanta to make a little on the side without much effort, snd who mixes with men thst use tools. Write quick for details snd secure exclusive territory. Orr A Lockett Hardware Co., Dept. "AX," Chicago. IU. WANTED Young people tu prepare themselves ss bookkeepers snd stenographers; have had 643 calls sloes September 1; placed 2M la positions. We will piece you when - patent. Day or nigot. catalogue. Walker Business college Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to oar patrons. Weekly rates: Room, $1.86 up; root board. 84.00 sp. SOUND young men. age 18 to 80, for Sraassa and brakemen on new roads ssd for fsll rush; experience unnecessary: Bremen $100 per month, brakemen 876: positions now open. National Railway Training aaaoelatlon. 780 Pi x too blk., Omaha. Nebraska; or 881 Ridge bldg.. Kansas' City. Missouri. WANTED, AT ONCE 10 carpenters and 10 carpenters' helpers; wages for carpenters. 83.00 per day; for carpenters' helpers. $2.50 per dsy. Csll st engineering department the Oregon Water Power A Rsuwsy company. Flrat and Alder sta., for particulars. ACTIVE men wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch of. large mall order house; aalary 818 per week, expensee paid; permanent position wltk advancement; honesty more eceentlal than experience. National Co.. 780 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. MAN capable of firing and earing for boilers. Ir with carpenter aad plumber's toon; ly position for right party; references re- bandy . steady position quired. Address "J," P. O. Box 027. city. POUR saddle-mlkers for Montana, eaa make $28 to 880 week. Cbas. L- kUatlck A Co., wholesale leather. Front and Osk sts., Port land. Or. WANTED Boy to learn engraving. Apply renal B. 27P Morrison St. AGENTS wanted; eaay seller. Call 8:80 to 8:30 P. m. st 184 North 14tb at. MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trade In right weeka; graduates earn tram $16 to 888 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue tree. Moler Syetcm of Colleges, 86 North Fourth at.. Portland WANTED Special salesmen to Introduce oar full line of specialties. Including Burbsnk's new steneleaa plum-miracle. Reply with reference, to the Oregon Nursery Co.. Balsas, Oregon WANTED An experienced beach band snd frsmeeaaker Apply Portland Sash A Door Co.. Bast Taylor sod Union see. WANTED Office bey. Apply at editorial nartsasat of The Journal between 8 i 8 a. ss. WANTED Young men to learn a telegraphy aad $76.00 to 880.00. railroad accounting; salaries Par free catalogue address Morse College af Tslepaphy. 808 llth st-. OsklanO. L Cat WANTED 20 swampers at good wagea; 28 miles from Portland snd one mile from rsll road. Apply Western Cpg. Co.. 808 Steams bldg.. Port lead. . t'lNTED Two or three flrst-etsss, all-around machine men ; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WE get work for our m hers. $2 T M. C. A.. Fourth aad Yamhill. FIRST CLASS pasta-makers. Nteoli. The TsUor, 108 Third ct. WANTED Bey ataady work. SB N. Front, corner Davis. WANTED 10 young man to prrpsre far rsll rosd telegraph operstors; positions when competent; part tuition payable after at work. Bxpsrt College of Telegraphy, Con. tnonwsslth bldg.. Sixth and Anheny. WANTED Ma ttreasmak era; atesdy work. 88 Front, corner Devts. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE OBBATF.ST horticultural wonder Burbsnk's new stone less plum: mtreoie; big pey; permaaeet posltloa. Chleo Nursery Co., Salem, Ore. PAINTER Experienced In superintending men snd estimating. Address with references, Leonard A Ada ma, ears P. B. Beach A Co., 188 First st. BOYS WANTED -To work ta candy factory: good wsgss. stesdy employment. Apply Ps clfle Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. WANTKD-ISsleamsn to ssll s good sta pis ar tless to the trsds. A good aide line. K 86. care of Jonrnal, YOUNO man attending bast college wants Discs to work for boa rd snd room, r so. care Journal. WANTED Boyl over 18 years of age to wras soap. Lncksl. King A Cake Soap Co.. 848 Hood st. WANTED Blockmakera or paving entl ply E. 0. Leery, Montavilla. Oregon. Iters. Ap MAN WANTED To grub Ivy contrast 1 acre 2 blocks north crematorium. Rellwood ear. WANTED Boy sboot 16 for offlcs work. Ap ply "Marcos, Journal Office. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If yon work why not earn more than a living ' Bs Independent; do good. Tbe Vlavt Co. already employe 12,000 women: the work covers 28 countries of tba world: wa will entertain appllcatlrma from capable women; not canvassing, but helpful, dignified work Address by msll only. Ths Vlavl Co., Lewli bldg.. Portland. Or. GIRL- General housework; small family; good sages, ens Bast Msoicon, earner gsyta. Tele phone Cast 4TS; no wssblng. HOME LADIES' AOSN0T. ISSVi Fosrth St.. cur. Morrison, apststrs. Phoas Main B828. Alongside lbs T. M. C. A. bldg. OIRLS WANTBD Operators to work on shirts ssd ovsraUs. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at ftsndsrd fsetory No. 8, Oread svs. sod Beat Taylor st. f ANTED Otrla to make alls st 78 First et, of An" over- HANSEN'S LADIES' AOKNCY. MIU Wssblng ton St., ear. Sevaath, upsl.lrs. Pbons Mala 2883. Female kelp wasted. HELP WANTED FEMALE. -eMlVLS waated for general housework ; eaeka WANTBn Mrl. ataady work, at AS hi. fraat, tail Darla. , WANTKtv ladies to teara rarmeat-oattiU from eipert ladles' tailor; BOthod simple and perfect fltllag: alao course hi lad lee' tailor ing; opaa a rentage, lraj nth at., near waaa Ingtoa. PBW ladlee waated to aastat maktag eaay rancy wore spars time at aoaw: gooo imu n7i.: no aiperience raqairea. saw , eiuiw, 40T Wcahlngtoa at. TB AC'S ERA for Chlneee Mlaaloa. Apply 300 at. or it Hurnsiae at. LADY stenoa-rapber waatad for real aetata of flee. 3374 Waahiagtoa at. rooms 34-30; per OIRLS, when yoo want work call oa tha Scan dluariAB Ladlee' Agency. 107', - Sixth at. Main 3809. John Anderaea. manager. WANTBt) Country girl for gVueral housework; no cooking: good home: to aaalat with chil dren: good home for right party. 547 Fifth st. GIRLS -Chocolate dippers snd packers. OMea Candy Co., 10th aad G I lean. WANTED Experienced hody lroner; steady em May taint. Oregon Laundry Co. Phone Ssst WANTED -First class waitress st the Brown hotel, corner Bswtliorne and Grand. GIRL to press skirts. 288 Alder st. GIRLS $V A NTBD To work la candy fsetory; good wagea, ataady employment. Apply Pa cific Coaat Biscuit Co.. 12th and Darla sts. gene hut. hones work part of day: sleep at borne; wages (13 per month; Sunder free. Apply 8M Kearney at. WANTED Girl for second work snd take ears of sblld. Inquire 111 North 23d at ; good wages. WANTED Lady to take cars of Infant sad board same. Address J 18, Jonrnal. WAITRBSS- coed wsgss with room aad bos-d. Enterprise hotel. WANTSD Mil liner r trimmers snd apprentices. The Crown Hat Oo., Set Morrlsoa st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. YOUNO men and women to learn Gregg short hand; woa the klghsst award at St. Louis exposition; learned In belt tba time at half the tacpeass of any other system; taught everywhere la the east. Holmes Uu slaves Oollege, Washington and 10th sts. MAKE MONBT la the advertising business: ae soliciting: spiesatld salary when yoo begin cud every chance for advancement. Call of write sad leers all about It. Page-Davis Co.. Dept. 21, 418 Commercial bldg.. Portland. HELP wasted and aopplted. male ur female. A O. Drake. 2Q3U, Washington at. Paeiae I2T. YOUNG men and ladles ahould enroll In tha private classes for shorlhsia. bookkeeping end typewriting conducted by the K. B. I'.. 436 Worcester bldg. ; dsy snd night classes : rstes very law; positions secured; enroll WANTED In emtntry home, two children to ears fur good school. Address E. M. W . poatofflce hex 08, Hcappooar, Or. WANTED First-class lady snd gentlemen can vassers: sslsry snd commission. Call st Agency Bureau, 83 Fourth St., Portland. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN Would like a position aa baker In some local bakery. Address T 88, Jonrnal. H. H. RICHARDS Books posted, collect teas, general clerical work: references. 882 4th st. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A IB YEAR-OLD GIRL that goes to school wsnta s place st ones to work for room and board. Address Amanda Smith, Aurora, Oregon, route No. 8, box 01. SITUATION WANTED By a neat woman by ths dsy. Phone Meln 4378 or 1ST Montgom ery st. WORK by day; washing and Ironing pi a f erred. Mrs. M. J. Gibson. 207 Columbia. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, canvassers snd street work ers, get your supplies from R. M. PlaBBBpsr; j 200 Third st.; new goods, bottom prices. AGENTS wanted lo every town la Oregoa to represent tbe Nsttansl Life Insurance Oo. of U. 8. A. R. O. Bellaud. state. .leaner uiug rvriiiBU, ,r. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFP1CS FOR MEN. 88 North Second st. Phone Main IBM. THS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. tuSVa Morrison St. Phone Pacific Saw. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WK WANT 1 to 8 artee with bouse. Near Portland. 8-room bonse ' ea easy payments. 1 room bouse for cash. Phone Msla 8061. Beaver Realty Co. 424 Lumber Exchange - C. I. PARRISH A CO. have opened s general real estate office st 423 Lumbar Rxcbangs bldg., corner Second snd Stark sts., snd will buy end ssll reslty, collect rents ssd aecstlate loans; ftrst-clsss references: honest dealing with our ellente. Phoas Msla 8318. OWNBBSI We will advertise your property; ao expense to yoo unleec tula kt madej give as a trial. C. L. Parrlsh & Co. 488 Lumber Exchange. Phoas Msla 8816. GOOD Income snd residence propel t y. lots, terming and timber lands. Phone Mala 1171. H. W. Ltodhard. McKay bldg. To The Portland Capitalist Ws mske s "SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LABOR BUILDINGS, niacins PIRS IN8URANCB, payment of TAXES sad i JKN'F.RAI. CABS OF PROPERTY. Wo ksve tbe best of facilities for carrying out ysur wishes as aa scant. We anllclt your patronage Our references: Ladd A TUton, beakers, snd Merchants' National beak. It H BLOSSOM. 818 CHAMBER OP OOMMERCB. WANTED We are having a splendid demand for Snnyslde houses; will be pleased to heat from owners with desirable places for aals. B. 8. COOK A CO.. 2B1 Alder st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Roanea, cottages, flats stores offices, roaeslng-biein. est. Lead lords will do well to csll on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON Phone Bz. TS. S. B. Cor. Sd snd Osk. HOUSES, fists, roomies' houses, stores, offices, etc.; prompt attention aaaured. Phone Mala 1171. B. W Llndbard. MoKay bldg. WANTED FINANCIAL. MAKE me an offer for 200 shares of tbe Port land Coal A Development Co.: I must have t -a. journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Male 8888 " Mala 6888 PtTRNITURB WANTED FOR BPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS Sll First at Msln 8808 WANTED Double sested buggy; also , nuts to tall 1,260 bsy driving horse; must bs well broke snd fsst traveler; raah. 227 Wash ington St., rein 84-86, Telephone Main 4222 HIGHEST price paid far mens esst -off cloth ing. Phone Psclfle 48. Uncle Joe. 88 Third. WB WILL BUT. SELL OS TRADE ANT OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 888 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 788. PAINTING, spray lag aad whltewsshlBg treee. basements, bars 'ss. cocas, eic: largeet gteoiine etc: largest xssoltni tag on tat t aa the coast. IT O. Morgsi Oo.. 888 Uatoi SIT. WR WILL BUT year furniture Bay oM tie Western Salvaga Co.. 827 Waablagton at. HIGHEST esst e said fat goods, Phoas Eat; 807?. 188 Uaioa a vs. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. W A NTBD Strictly fresh egge; will pay Jssey pries. Roger Levy, 1T1 Fourta a$. WILL build pee a cottage 8780. or you like. Contractor. P 88. care Ji ouruel. nd hand kdcyrle: west be Is Cancan nun Msraet. 2tst snd WANTED- We pay blggsst pries ft has 4 clothing. Phone Psclfle 2387. WHO IS M. . MORGAN A CO. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FRONT room wltb bedroom connected; easy wslhkW dtetanee west aide, price $10. Phoas Pacific ST after 8 p. Ss. TUB GRAND, eSU North Third ct. I gentlemen 81.88 per week sad op. THE RICHELIEU, 18 Vs North Sixth St. gsntly furnished; at asm heat sad baths. KLONDYKB Furnished bsusskasnhac rooe single or ea suits. 80S Alder, ear. Lowosdsra. THE HUB," 88 Elsventb .at . corner Stark; roowa with ateem heat and hath. LINDA VISTA. S4TV, , fifth -Housekeeping-rooms wltb hay window ssd furnished sleep- I.ARGE. elegsally furnished front rooms; all aio llth St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TPIB MITCHBT.L. Flanders and Sevsath Sasaki, housekeeping ssd transient; eeel vesienc prices rsssoaanie. FURNISHED housekeeping resets, one 8-reom cults; prices 88 snd $12 s month. 344 H North 17th St. $1 S3 PatS WEXX-Larga. sad beta. 8AVB half hotel expanses; fl week up, cleas. fnrnlsbsd housekeentng roosna. snttabla tor two; parlor, lanndrf, hath, yard. SOSVk Stan ton, u ear. 8 MODERN unfurnished houeekeenlaa-i ground Soar: very convenient. Phase B. 8188. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED housekseping furnace k sated 4T4 Salmon St. ROOMS AND BOARD. Bt-ITB or z rooms, suitable for 4 gentle with flrst-elsss board: SB week each; all coo venleacea; close la. 881 Seventh at. TWO LADY BOARDERS wanted at 800 Bast Osk: board and room, 314 per month each. Private family. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. Drompt and ra ils bie plane sad furniture so vera; alee star- I age. Phone Mala 1888. OfBeo lit) N. Third. ! FOB RENT 3 haadsoma modem T conveniently located as Thlrdet. car line; 810. 812 snd 814 Oorbett St.: rent reeeoaable to desirable tsnanta. David 8. Steams. 848 Washington at. POK RENT 6-rooni flnlehed. Sixth sad Csruthers. FOR RBNT or for sale, br owner, new cottage, good location. Phoas Esst 2008. 4-ROOM cottage. Mala 0881. TS8 Missouri svs. 4-ROOM cottage nicely anlahed. SB; Sat, modern, with gss. All located at and Porter. Key at 730 Fourth et. 88 8-ROOM hnaai. hams Key O" Nell's grocery. Hood and Grant. 4 ROOM furnished cottage, new. Bouwood car line 2 slocks north Crematorium; fine view. sin MODERN Broom cottage. 488 Boas St. near steel bridge Inquire 808 Stark st Mali 614. FOR RENT -House, BBS Second, 8 resent bath. R. L. Gtlesa. 420 Chamber of NSW Modem 7 -roses bouse 1 Meek from ear. Inquire corner Eighth sad kUnaantta St., ' Woodlawn. He. 488. FOB RENT Fl as room newly papered tags. $10. Inquire 831 Poarth st, South. FOB RBNT 4 room cottage an Garfield ave., 1 block from Union. Call 814 Sixth at. FOR RENT FLATS. S-ROOM upper flat Fifth St.. nearly saw aad thoroughly modem, furnished complete. $40 month. Portland Trust Co. of Oregoa. Psoas Ex. 72 a room upper flat. 708 Overton, near 288. new snd modern with sew gas mage aad water neater, window shades, ate . $40. Inquire TIB Overton at. $12 4-ROOM flat neatly furnished; gas nlete. new steel range. Key 020 Seventh. Phon Main 4628. NBW 6 room modem fist, basesssnt, gss. assy walking diets nee. West Side; $16 mouth. 402 Com mer rial block. 4 ROOMS with gas. steel range. Phone Main 4328, Key 020 Keventb st tlx OA unnSSM awasaw A. fist. yard and Tillamook basement. 444 Rodney see Best 4808. NEW l room flat. 188 Market ct; HI. Msla 6884. . , flat. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OmCB In popular saw building .suitable 423 imbsr Exchange, or shoos Msla 8816. PAST sf shop to mat salts bis far painter ar gos roar ia at. OFFICE-ROOMS, untarnished masts iad sample rooms for rest Ooodnough Bldg. Apply sta. eater. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. OOTTAOB Oloee la, for rent, furniture for sale: 8 rooms, edjeoent to a cariines; rent Oil. Apply ess Eaat Burns Ids. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sals, boose to rant walking distance; rent ressonsble 208 Grand ave. North, near Holladay. 8-ROOK house for rent, furniture for ssle: strictly ceatml ssd eBodern, Phone Psclfle SIT. FOR RENT FARMS. 100 ACRES 00 seres under cultivation, rest In pasture, 8 room bouse, barn, 6 mllea from Leb anon. Oregon; terma $128 annually. Write for particulars or csll after 0 o'clock p. m. Charlea F. Rendu, 463 Bast Sixth at.. Port land. Oregon. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL And ballroom, separate or together! nee ssd with all cosvishiBSes. Psoas Mais 888. BUSINESS CHANCES. Best Restaurant In Portend $2,700 boys It I offer $1,000 cash to prove that by the most thorough ISVsstigs tloo you will find the business clears over 40.000 per yesr. If not an. thai $1,000 Is yours. Sunday, open from 0 to II a. m. F. PUCHS. 221 Morrison. MACHINERY, vehicle end Imnlssssst hualneas for sale. A profltabl! and old-eatsbllahed buatneea for sale at once st landed cost for the goods, ss I am leering Salem. Address. If Intsreated. P. A. Wiggins, Baiam, Or. FOR BALE Nsw store heildtng 20 by 40 feet In small country atatioti: excellent opening rnr general mercnanaiss. a Harass v. a. a ., eara Journal. PHENOMENAL rise ta pries sf Burst Switch expected any dsy; this stag he roar last opportuslty lo buy bsfors auWlptlon hooka are rtoied J. F. Hurat A Co.. 808 Mc- F0B SALE Aparttssnf -house of IB lutiatt; all newly furnished; easy terma If saceaiary ; Is come $100; rent 680: located oa Mm laws st Apply Coon Bros' Fornlturs Co., ISO First MERCHANDISE business. 88 lies from Port land; s money-maker: will ssll st is votes or trade fee let sen property, kt 0. Davis. 36$ Alder St. STOCK companies Incorporated; If pee have storks or bonds foe ssle, let me try to trail them for yen. George M. Kellogg, seeker, 800 Ellicott Beutrs, Buffalo, BUSINESS CHANCES. eS..., !.fcw m 0 n -I - - - . FOB SALS goad seek of general - jf diss on route of niw B, P. railroad: wtat is. I baJldtaJ "'i or rent asw stare i nis or can A O. Lyons, Elk ton. FOR SALE- Grocery store, side, In. donur fal m locaoon. w busluess; will roles 8880 or SToo. Phone PaerSe 881. OROCBBY. 10 ml lea of Portland; s wills $11 heals us wltb but Id Ine and rr I. ... Jw 7&JSUT- .,hwl Srwd oow; an age. for 82,500, or will exchange far city prop erty Alvord A AlvoraT TM Morrhtos cV CIGAR sad roufeet hutery store far sale: asll st once. l. L. Bailey, St. Johns. FOR B8NT Kitchen and dining room af as rat -rjasa rooming-house. oaotrilTy loestod, to fmb .rorTsouTYSSc WB WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.? FOR BALE Boat BMwae snA tw,.,. .. "j. r your own price; msae ssno this ssm msr. Karl Uita, Oregoa City. Phoas 1888. FOB BALE Stock of dry goods am 2 ,m "est business Bart of tows i!.,??00 ,Pu,!tlon tostata of WaeaUBgtoa; will invoice shout 88.000- stack cleasssd up- vymmm. nwiin, a VI, lUSnUU. Bt'SlNESS OPPORTUNITY If yon went a good paying business from $1,000 to 810,000. immeuiaieiy J. r. (.Tor l n Co., h, lame to Falls. Or. old ostabllsbed islooa for sals paying wall; iBveatlgale. Phone Woodlawn A . J"TP.MT. goad kwstios,. daesg good for ma a sad wife. Address S 14. Jonrnal. SwS"''8 " for i I cash. P n. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $8,000 -11 ROOM ' bouse, modern. 4 lots, plasty oi irun, on avuuagswortn svs.; sail cash, balance long time, 8 par eeet. 31.800 groom bouse fall ooraev let, on Shaver at: $300 cash, balance $18 per month. $2860 Beautiful 8-room bouse, arodsra In very respect, corner lot BTzltl abundance of roses sad Sowers, build lag restrictions la neighborhood, 1 stock from car: $1,000 down, ha lane on long tune; Vat us shew yse this. $4,0002 boa sea of 8 snd T rooms, U block room tor another bones; bolt sash down. 88.000 Rlegaat 8-room bouse, strictly modern. sew carpeti la psrler, range cad gss stars la kitchen. hsU aad stair ear Pets, fall lot, plenty ..f shrubbery near Eaat Taylor and 14th; most be AA.0O0 Choicest t, en carnae; be mads. block PortUad Heights. 8 nest view; terms ess enbnrhan Wa en eartins; balldtng 88 per month; you Washington and Oregon Realty Co. ROOMS 11 AND 12, 233 Vj WASHINGTON ST. Great Sale In Acreage Now oa. Several hundred acres just platted; abundance sf r analog water on each tot. s4 yoinng s 3-story stsril grads aehool. dose to town and carllae; toad nearly all level aad ta high state of cultivation; no better soil la ths state; 8100 to $178 per acre. Also have 40 acres; will sell la tracts to salt: 8B0 to 886 nor acre; sasy terms This 4a the greatest snap en the market. Bee. us st once. Large party to leave our ofScs Monday by 8 a. at.; go with us. Schuylcman & Co, BSTtt Washington at. 34-38 NB pip darn beano ea weat slope Mount Tabor. 100x100 grounds: 0 nice renew, newly tinted snd vsmtaksd: basement: will ssll very cheap on liberal terms. 8-room aew sad atedara beaut ea sect aids near 888; very Bee place; win give yea e Broom bonse, well constructed, basement, eaa crate walks, barn. 4 lots, beautifully kv rated; a aaat at $8,800. Splendid home of T rooms. $ Breplaeea. flne green da, lOOalOO; cost owner $8,000: will all Just sow 88,800. HenUe & Harrison BT ABINGTON SUM. 5 and 10 AI RE TRACTS I'RIMB LAND And location for a borne. Investment Co. 244 Stark. A NBW T room boose, tost flnlehed. apd 60-foot lot en West svs., sear Hawthorne svs.. Bull Bun wster, beautiful view; arret $2080; terma. A. E. Jackson, room 8. Hamilton Send One Dollar Aad we win list year property with 1.000 reel sststs dealers who are as anxious to earn s commission ss yoo are to sell: ear plan ealdom falls; send description; we are helping many others, why not you? Address Ths In vestor's Guide, 311 Msrqusm bldg.. Portland. 500 Homes For Sale r Farms snd City Property. IB INVESTORS GUIDE 00.. Harquim bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Seliwood Morebouss A French. 1870 B. 13th. Phoas Seliwood T4. City View Park lots, $373 snd ap; Addition late. 8100 sad an: 86 dawn aad lot month, liomss from 8800 to 8S.000. Lots $208 aad up, m all nsrta of Seliwood. List your property with ear ws win sen it.. WS have buyere for year property or your bualness. Sphinx Agency, SOBVi Stark st , WB HAVE lust completed two saw modem res idences st Archer Piece: one s seven-roea bonse (82.180), and ths other s six mom house ($1,800). One-third caah eon-balance oa esiy monthly payments, both bargains. p. cannon a co.. 808 McKsy bldg. Third snd stark sts. 6 Per Cent and T Per Cent Why deposit money In banks at 8 to 4 per eaatt Ws can ssll yon gilt-edged farm mort gages, any ales, from $100 to $0,000 and up, bearing 0 and 7 per cent; ths beat of security. Schuyleman & Co. 227 Vi Waahiagtoa St.. rooms 84 86. WHAT DO YOU WANT? A roasting -he una? If so, corns la and 1st me show yoo tbe bast bargain In tha city; 21 rooms, rent $70 per month, ea a main business street; a sasp; ws have several others from $880 to $10,000: can glvs terras. Towns. 420 Com mercial bldg. Pacific 2614 . FOR SALE-Idaho melon ' sad fruit lands, as bar bsn lots snd screege. I kavs buyers for sll kinds of city prop erty. List your property wltk ate. it pays to os Bonsst J. R. rORBMAN, 80S Bait Morrlsoa st S and 10 ACSE TRACTS PSJMB LAND And location for s boms. Investment Co. 844 Stark. IF YOU want s snap See that modern 8-1 house, cement boaement. walks, eta,; 888 month. Bt, 0. DstlS, 238 Ablet st