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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 89. 1906. COACH TAKES HOLD OF IJ1 MEN Norcrost Arrives at Corvallis and Begins Hit Football Work at One. OUTLOOK FOR SEASON PARTICULARLY BRIGHT New That the "Ringers" Have Been Weeded Out of the Squad, the Ag ricultural Bojra Turn Out in Big Numbers for Practice. (atrial Dispatch to The Journal ) Corvallla. Or.. Spt. It. Coach N. 8. Norcross. Jr.. arrived yesterday from Helena, Montana, and waa out In the afternoon on tha O. A. C. football field for the flrat practice. Ha haa been out with a surveying party SO ml lea from Helena, and tha delay In hla arrival here waa due to the fact that communlca ttona failed to reach him promptly. "Manager" Weatherford. who haa ben "subbing" In the position, haa had about (0 men out every evening for firactlce, and Mark McCalllster, the new y-elected graduate manager of athletlca who la Just taking up the work, la well pleased with what has already been done and with tha fine spirit that is manifested. It la talked in athletic cir cles that the proapect haa. never been brighter at O. A. C. at ao early a date, from the fact that aoma of the former "rlngera" are now out of athletics here and It laavea an opening for new men to show whst they can do. Heretofore the new man ware held back, as thoae who were on the team eeemed to have a Ufa lease on the position, but that la now changed. As sn athletic enthusl aat remarked: "The men this year will play purely from college spirit and en thualaam, and for that reason we are certain to have good results from our work." too Marty to TnS8st, It is too early aa yet to aay what po sitions will be taken by tha various men Pendergraaa, Darby, Cherry, Finn and Harding are here of tha old team, and each will make good this year. Darby and Pendergraaa laat year were satis factory at halfback. Cherry, with hla 120 pounds, will hold down center with aaae, Finn is talked of aa being in Una for tackle, and Harding haa had two years on tha second team aa end. Smith is a new man who is rapidly fatting next to tha game. He weighs zzu and nana rrom Burns, eaatern ore- gon. Teeter, an experienced eastern man. is anotner promising specimen, ana Braktne. weighing 15. and coming from Brownsville, promisee to make good Shannon, who his played before with O. A. C, ia here to play his best at 18 pounds, and Dobba, anotner new man, haa quite a reputation. Looney. from Columbia university, Is doing good work at back field, and Oognon, from the Hosebui g high school, will make a bird ran for quarterback. RACE TRACK RESULTS ON EASTERN TRACKS (Joe real Burial garrtaa.) New Tork, Sept St. Qravesenfl race results : About six furlongs Frank Lord won, Klllalos aecond, Halifax third; time. Ml. About six furlongs Blondy won. El dorado second. Royal Breess third; time. 1:11V Mile and a half Red Friar won, La caatrlan aecond. Angler third; time, 8:8 4-5. Sea Breese atakea, mile and a six teenth Tipping won, Wesa aecond. Rye third; time, 1:48 J-6. Five and a half furlongs Sea Salt won, Surveillance second. Lady Vincent third; time, 1:0 3-6. Mils and a sixteenth Ed Ball won, Annetta Lady second, John Lyle third; time, l:4t 1-f. M i Journal Special rati ilea 1 Cincinnati. Sept. St. Orand Circuit race results: . Trot. 2:11. purse 11,000, unfinished from yesterday Oale won the first and econd heats and the race In 1:11H, S.-1014; Betty Brook won the third heat in 2.10V Trot, 210. purse 11.000. three heats Oro won the first and aecond heats and the race in 2:0iV W. J. Lewis won the third host In 2:07V Free-for-all pace, puree 11,500. three heats Bolivar won the first and sec ond heats and the race In 2:05 V 2:04 V Angus Pointer won the third hsat In S:06. Trot, 2:18, puree. 11.000, three heata Emboy won first heat In S:10V Charlie T. won the aecond heat In S:11V Orattan Bells won the third beat In 2:11 V ' Pace, 2:08. puree ft.000. three heata Lady May won the seagpnd and third heats In 2:09V 2:11 V Bill Cols won tha first host la 2:08. DEEDS, NOT WORDS Portland People Have Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home It's not word'. Lut deeds that prove true merit, Ths deeds ef Doan's Kidney Pills, For Portland kidney sufferers, Hsvs made their local reputation. 'Proof lies la th testimony of Port land people who have been cured to stay cured. David t'ampbOl baker, of 331 North Seventeenth at reel, and living at 170 Nrth Eighteen!) street. Portland. Oregon, says: Xvery word of the ststement I made In February, 1801. concerning Doan's Kidney Pllla, la not Only true, but having since been free from kidney trouble. I am glad to State that my faith In !an a Kidney Pill la stronger than ev-r It Is now five or six year since I began to suffer with a lam and achlas back. It waa so hod that I could not stand the pain when bending forwsrd or straightening. I tried various rem. dies and began doc tors' treatment, but whatever relief I found waa only temporary and often I could not get any relief st all Hav ing read In tsy h.-me paper rrom Ens land that Deans Kidney Pills were strongly recommended for such trou bles I jot s supply st a local drug store The first box hslped roe so that I kept on With th treatment and when I had taken about four boxes net a trace of the trouble remained, and 1 have had n recurrence sine. I hsve tsld these facts tn a testimonial pub- 1 1 bed I Met. and ass vary glad of tb opportunity now to corroborate It For aal by gl ilea lore. Price it cents Feeter-Mllburn Co., Buffs lo. New York, sole agents for 'he Cnlted States. JUmember ths nam DOAN'S and wSate se otlsi, MANY GAMES SCHEDULED fltl THE GRIBWDN Princeton, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Brown and West Point Begin Their Season Today. The following football gamea are acheduled for this afternoon on many gridlrona: Princeton vs. Villa Nova, at Princeton, New Jersey. West Point vs. Tufts, at West Point. New fork, . Indiana university vs. Alumni, at Bloomlngton, Illinois. Marietta college vs. Ohio Medical, at Columbus, Ohio. Nebraska va. Orand Island college, at Lincoln, Nebraska. ("Diversity of Kanaas va. State Nor mal, at Lawrence, Kansas. Washburn college vs. Topeka high School, st Topeka, Kanaas. Cornell vs. Colgate, at Ithaca, New York. University of Missouri vs. Klrksvllls, at Columbia, Missouri. Ames va Cornell college, at Mount Vernon, Iowa. Ohio Wesleyan va. Columbia high school, at Delaware, Ohio. Dickinson va Lebanon, at Carlisle Pennsylvania. Carllale Indians vs. Susquehanna, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Brown va. N. H. State, at Providence. Rhode Island. Pennsylvania vs. Lehigh, st Philadel phia. Holy Crosa va. Maaaachuaetta Agricul tural, at Worcester, Maaaachusetts. Syracuse va. Rochester, at Syracuse, New York. Bates va. Bxeter, at Exeter. New Hampshire. North Carolina va. Davidaon, at Char lotte, North Carolina. . EDDIE HANLON DEFEATED DY DICK HYLAND " Popular Little Fighter Given a Terrific Beating in the Open ing Bout in San Francisco. (Joaroal Special Serrtrst San Francisco, Sept. 1. Eddie Han Ion waa defeated laat night at the and of tha thirteenth round by Dick Hyland. Hanlon pat up a game battle, but waa outclassed by hla burly opponent. For II rounds both men put up a star battle. but in the twelfth round a punch In the Jaw aent Eddie reeling, and thia waa the Qf n collapse. Hyland went after , hlm hammer and tongs, but could not i ,,nd . knockout. Hanlon waa so wsak ,A heinisu th .nd of the thirteenth round that Referee Jack Welch gave the fight to Hyland. As thia waa tha flrat contest since the earthquake an Immense crowd attended. YESTERDAY'S RACING IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST trh Spokane, Wash., day's race results: Sept. St. Yester- Northwest stakes, 2:1 class trotters, purse tl.000 Athlsham won In straight heata. Lady Jones second, Qebble third: best Urns. 2:17V 1:17 pace Lord Lovelace won three straight beats. Bonnie M. second, Rob ert H. third; bast Urns. 1:14V Five and a half furlongs, selling Effervescence, T to S, won easily by two lengths; Swift Queen, to I, aecond; Plef Aloha. IS to 1. third; time, 1:10 V Seven furlongs, selling Sunmark, 8 to 1, matt: Anvil, S to 1. second; Peter J.. 4mA, third; time 1:2V (Breaks traelFrecord of 1:21. ) Won loafing by three lengths. One and one eighth miles, selling Oolden Light, 3 to 8, won; Legal Form, t to t, aecond; Tuckback. ( to 1, third; time, 1:17 V (Breaks track record of 1 :tt. ) Won driving by half a length Five furlongs Golden Buck, 8 to 1, won; Billy Mahan, S to 1, second; MIs tys Pride S to 1. third; time, 1 02 (Breaka track record of 1:08.) Won handily -by a length. At Aaaenafls. ( Journal Special Bar r let.) Anaconda, Mont., Sept. St. Results of races: 2:18 trot and 2:18 pecs, two In three, purse 8200 Ovets won second and third heats In 2:194 and 2:19. Robbie won first hsat In 2:26. 2:19 trot, two In three, purse 3200 A. Valentine won two straight heat In 3:37 and 3:38. Three furlongs, purse 8125 Salvyou ' won, Scott Peck aecond. Homellght third; Urns. 0:17V Three quarters of a 'mile, purse 31B0 Gladys Bell won, Tlnloch aecond. King Harold third; time. 1:18 V Merchants' stakes, en mile, purse 8800 Burnolette won, Hondoo sscond, Light of Day third; tlms. 1:44 V Five furlongs, purs 1150 Montauk Point won.vBuckster Hodl second, Lstty third; time 1:04. Three and a half furlonga. handicap, purse 8190 Lone Prince won, Jlllette second, Sweet Caporal third; time, 0:49 HOW THE PONIES RAN AT LOUISVILLE COURSE Louisville, Ky.. Sept. St. Douglas Park summary: About alx furlonga Redwood won, Fargo second. Plnta third ; time, 1:14 4-fi Five and s half, furlonga Mont Al ba n won. Llvlua aecond. Fleeting Star third; time. 1:11 3-5. About six furlongs Oasis won. Posing I second. Malleable third; time, 1:14 S-t. Mile and 20 yards J. P. Msy berry won. High bear second. Veto third; time, I 1:50. Six furlongs Western won, Grace Larson second. Llghtwood third; tlms, 1:1. Mile and a quarter Marahall Nsy ' won. .'The Only Woy second, Peter Na- thanlel third; time. 3:14 t-l. MAROONS WILL TACKLE THE TRUNKMAKERS Since tha Schllier-Truakmaker game early In August many of Portland's fans have expressed the desire to see t he Trunkmakera In action again, owing to, the game fight put up on that ooca- , slon Ths Trunkmakera wet beaten by the Schlllers la a 10-lnning game, bet many of the spectators went away with the Impression that the Trunka should hsvs had the game. Ths Bralnard Ma- ! : onus are going to defend the title of : umateur champions o.f Oregon against the Trunkmakera. on the league grounds to morrow. The two teama are evenly j mntched, and there will be something when they get together. A Unable to Locate Port land's Twirler Whan Hits Are Necessary. GIANTS MAKE FOUR RUNS TO OPPONENTS ONE Portland Secures One in the Fourth, Two in the Sixth and One in the Ninth, While San Francisco Vainly Tries to Keep in the Running. (Joe real special Service.) Oakland. Sept. 19. In the fastest game of tha present series, tha Giants defeated tha Seals yesterday, by the score of 4 to 1. Tha contest started out ilka a pitchers' battle, and remained that way until the sixth Inning, whan the northerners forged ahead and main tained tha lead without difficulty to the end. Brown s error, McHale'a sacri fice, and McCredle'a bit acored Sweeney In the fourth. Csllffs wtldness forced San Franclsco'a only run acroaa in the aame Inning. The acore remained tied until the sixth, when Portland rushed two men home. To make the attuatlon aecure Portland added one mora tally in the ninth. Califf pitched a remarkable game. Tha Seals got but three hits off his de livery, two In the fourth and one in the ninth. His support wss all that could be desired, McCredle'a muff being the only mlscue. Brown, too, twirled a good game, allowing bnt four hits, but they came opportunely and did tha work. Tha acore: . . PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Sweeney, aa. . . , McHale, If Mitchell, If McCrsdle, rf . . . J. Smith, lb.., Donahue, c... Lister, lb Schlmpf, tb Califf,. p Totals S 4 8AN FRANCISCO 4 n is l AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Spencer, cf 4 1119 wne heeler Mohler, Sb. . Irwin, Sb... Williams, if Walt hour, rf Rogers, lb. . Spies, c Br Jrown, P.. Totals Portland Hits Ssn Francisco . Hlta SO 1 S ST S .0 0010200 14 .00010200 1 4 0 0010000S 1 .0 0030000 1 I SUMMARY. Three-base hits McCredle and Mitch all. Sacrifice hits McHale and Swee ney. First base on halts Off Califf, 2; off Brown, 1. Struck out By Califf, 6: by Brown, 8. Double play Sweeney to Lister. Wild pltcn Brown. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Um pire Mahaffey. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE- Won. . t4 . 7S . 78 . 71 . 89 . il Lost. 47 88 71 77 PC. .887 642 .628 .607 .488 .864 Portland San Franciaco. Bsattla Los Angeles... Oakland Fresno v (Journal Special Service. Los Angeles, Sept. 29. The Commut ers unchad hlta in the fifth yeaterday and easily won. Score: It H. E. LOS Angeles. ..00000010 0 1 8 1 Oakland 0 0O0S0O00 8 8 0 Batteries Randolph and Buckley; Catea andeHackett. Umpire Perrlne. Hoag Batted hard. (Journal Special Berries.) Fresno, Sept. 29. Hoag waa given a fine trimming by the Stwaahea yester day. Score: R. H E Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 7 216 19 2 Fresno 0 00 00 1 100 S 7 4 Batteries Garvin and Blankenshlp. Hoag and Dashwood. , NATIONAL LEAGUE. CALIFF PITCHES GREAT GAME Won. Loat. P.C. Chicago Ill 35 .711 New York 92 It .885 Pittsburg It 58 .114 Philadelphia 71 77 .417 1 Cincinnati It 84 .4 28 Brooklyn 10 t4 .417 St. Louis II D4 .S62 Boston 41 100 .815 ?'! , " ' ' At Slew Tork. R. H. E. Sit 8 8 8 St. Louis. . . . New York Batteries Beebe and Noonan: C. Mathewson, H. Mathewson and Bresna- nan. umpire Kigler. At R. H. E. . 7 14 3 Chicago Philadelphia t 7 I Batteries Keuioscn and ruing; Lush And Dooln. Umpire O'Dsy. R.H. K 2 6 1 1 10 2 Dorner Clnctnnatl Boston . . . Battertes and Brown. Pis. Umplrea Conway and Sup- At Brooklyn. Flrat game Pittsburg Brooklyn Batteries Brady, Leaver Scanlon and Bergen. R. H E. ...4 8 ... I 16 2 and Pelts; Second game R. H. E. Pittsburg 1 8 o Brooklyn t t 1 Batteries Camnlts and Pelts; Mcln tyre and Hitter Umpires Emslle and Johnstone. Ths Wichita team made a great climb from laat to third plaoe In the Western aasociatlan. American Restaurant OVBaT OAT A WD The Ami-lean Bsetsaraat prides its. if la serving the very beet than) the mar ket affords. We de S very targe best neaa and sell meals en a very slim mar gin. The f oUowlng era sons of on spe cial dishes, served Wight aad Day: Fried Baaer Clams 15r FHed Oatnab IB) 1.1 tu wsok cnaeas 20 Bouillon aad Toast 16 Corn Beef Xah and Poached In 15C Calves' Brains with Scrambled nrs as coon an alalia win uream nance lBjr Spaghetti wtta Cheese. ISallenne nr one, area ast aFBTaag HH tre FINE BOWLING BY- THE LOCAL TEHPIHHERS Practice Games Come to an End and Regular Contests Begin on Monday. The howling world waa afire last r.lght with four league teams playing a series of three practice gomes on the Oregon bowling alleys. Two classes were represented. The A teams were Schlllers va. Mnntavlllas. the B Com mercial No. I va. Commercial No. t. Thia enda tha practice, as the league games start Monday. October 1, with six teams In each class. In laat even ing's gamea the Schlllers took all three. The main feature of the match waa the fine rolling of Newberger, who got an average of 114, also the highest Indi vidual acore, 211. Following are scores: 8CHILLERS. the 1 I Av. Swarts Christian ... Newberger , W. Crook .. Schonenbach ....US 141 148 til 180 141 154 170 145 18T Totals US tot MONT A VILLAS. 876 S 149 15S 148 ISt let 1 .141 .148 .148 .148 .187 S 157 128 lfll 185 180 Av. its 14S 152 14S 154 Sloan , . Free borough Parent McMillan . . . MoCaslin . . . Totsls 753 T41 T44 In ths B claas games the Commercial No. 1 took two of tha three gamea. The Commercial No. 2 was handicapped, aa only three of their members were pres ent, two substitutes having to play. The members of these teams have made remarkable progress, as they have only been In the tanpln game since ths fire that destroyed their quarters In the Chamber of Commerce building. The fine showing of La Roche, who had ths high average of Its, also cap turing ths highest Individual acore. 324, shows there Is some fins material in class B. Ths scores are aa follows: COMMERCIAL NO. V 1 I I Ay. Graham 147 140 187 111 Little lit ISO 141 lit La Roche Ill S00 384 Its Campbell Ill 111 111 141 Deaver '.147 117 lit ltt Totsls 110 741 141 COMMERCIAL NO. t. 1 I t Av. Roberta ti lit 81 100 Raymond 141 lit 114 114 Madden 142 141 Aid rich lit lit ltt Heath 174 lit ... 144 Smith 147 147 Klllingaworth .114 141 ltt 141 Totals ttl 147 711 All members of teams are requested to report to thslr captains before Octo ber 1. or come to the alleys. BIG BALLOON RACE WILL START TOMORROW I Paris, Sept. St. Great preparation have been completed for th long dis- tance balloon race for an international cup, which will start from the Tuilerles tomorrow. Today the contestants sub mitted their balloons and appliance to the examination of experts, who saw that everything wae in accordance with the regulation governing the race. Many of ths balloons have bean especial ly constructed for tha race. America will be represented In tha contest by Frank S. Lahm and M. Santos-Dumont The other entries are aa follow: Relslum M. Van Den Drieacha. - 'JT iUZrJi:' Caatlllon de Saint-Victor and Comte Henri da La Vaulx. Germany Baron von Hewald, Herr Hugo and Herr Scherle. Great Britain Frank H. Butler, Hon. Charles Rolla and Professor Huntington. Italy Signer Alfredo Vonwtller. Spain Benor Duro. Captain Kindelan y Duany and Senor E. O. de Salamanca. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. II II II 75 Lost. 54 It 80 67 61 7t It ti PC. .818 ltt lit .628 .514 .48 .873 .833 Chicago New York.. Cleveland . . Philadelphia St Louis... Detroit 89 Wsshlngton Hiulnn 63 Boston . . 46 At Clev game R. H. E Cleveland 0 t 1 New York 3 7 0 Batteries Hess snd Bemls; Clark son and Thomas s Second game R. H. B. Cleveland t 10 0 New York.... 14 1 Batteries Joss and Clark; Hogg and Thomas. Detroit Philadelphia Batteries Donahue and Coombs, Dygert and Berry. . 4 I J . T 14 S Schmidt; SPORTING COS8IP. And Portland will losegBenny Hen derson, th beat pitcher and without, doubt the moat valuable man on ths local baseball team. It la stated that Henderson haa been sold to Connie Mack's Philadelphia American league tssm. Henderson haa dona much for ths Giants. Besides being a flrat claaa pitcher he 'la a good all around fielder and can hit a ball with some force snd accuracy. Ha will bs greatly missed from the local ranks next season, e e This afternoon ths first "aoccer" game of the season will be played at Rec reation park between th Portland as sociation football taam and a team composed of sailors from th British hlpa Elaine. Vtalgoth and Oalgate, now In the harbor. There will be ao ad mission charged. e Laat night waa tha busiest time svsr experienced at the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. All waa activity. Sixty- five night Juniors were busy taking thslr Isssons and as many more seniors were engaged. Thirty young men were boxing and - II were struggling on the mat.' They handball courts were occu pied and so were the bowling si leys. Verily It was a great night for Mult nomah. If tha popularity of the club sMSITlsag to Death. Because her stomach wss so Weakened by useless drugging tbst she oould not eat. Mrs. Msry H rs. Msry rt. waiters Of st. Clair street, Columbus, O , wss literally starv ing to death. She writes: "My stom ach wss so week from usslsss drugs thst I could not i at, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I In duced to try Electric Bitters, with the wonderful result thst Improvement be gan si once, ana e complete cure roi lowed." Best health Tonlo on earth. soc. Guaranteed bv Med rCnaa ivwbu. rjssi nttmsin i uruu on Phar- keeps Inns slag the present accommo dations will be too-email for ths many who wlah to Join. e e Tomorrow morning at JO o'clock there will be a general practise of ths Mult nomah aquad on tha club gridiron. Ths second Multnomah aquad will also turn out for work and a reorganisation. Tb calling of all the football candidates Is necessary at thia tlms In order that sufficient men will bs on hand so that two eleven may be formed in order to properly demonstrate the varloua changes aad plays that will come up under the new rule. Ths aignala that Multnomah will use thia season have been arranged and will be given out In tb morning. e Portland continues to win In Califor nia. It's more than a aafe Hat now that th Giants wilt walk away with the pennant, and deservedly so. Noth lng but the most unexpected reverse In playing could Jeopardise Portland's ohancea for the pennant e e v. Th Austin olub won th champion ship of Texas by defeating Houatoa in las post-season series. ' e e Manacer McCloskev changea hla line up ao often that the St. Louis fane have given up trying to learn who the players are, e e Jack Warner ha played with six club in alx years, tha Boston. Detroit nd Washington teams In ths American league and th New York. Boston and St. Louis in ths National league. e If a baseball league was organised in Ireland and tha Sons of Erin played the gsms aa they do In America th Emer ald Iale would alt up nights reading the scores. And what would they do to tha league of England! e e William Conner, manager of the Bloomlngton Three-league team for tha past six years, haa resigned. e e '.; As the prise kid In- ths wit class ths fight fan travels neck and neck with the baaeball bleacherite. When Jo Waloott waa introduced at Chelsea, ths night of ths Goodwin-Herrera fight, some bug yelled, "Who ordered that ton of coal?" e Both east snd west thsrs will ha a general line-up of the football players today, though the games will be chiefly in the nature of practice contests for ths Important games to be played later in the season. Pennsylvania, Harvard and aoma of the other big ones will make their flrat appearance on the grid iron, which will give ths critics of th game an opportunity to Judge of their condition and prospects for th season, e e Huge Joaeph Nealon may vanish from th National league after thia season Jack Gle&son. the San Franciaco man ager, IS doing his best to make Jo yearn for homo If Glee son haa hi way, Nealon will guard flrat aack at San Francisco next season, and Pittsburg will lose a young man who cost a bar rel of money, according to advices re ceived from Chicago recently. It will be Impossible for San Fran ciaco to get Nealon, unleas he le re leased or purchssed from Pittsburg. San Franciaco fana would extend Big Joe a royal welcome, for the Seal could use hlm. Nealon may not want to re turn east thia year, and In that caae arrangementa might be mada with Pitta burg whereby he could play here. Nea lon piaya ball more for the snort of it. snd therefore is In a position to do some pitching. e I TV '"meni o me new ei I ruJ tor SlhlstSS at Harvard. An 'amendment to the new eligibility to ths effect that a student who la registered in any graduate department ahall not take part In athletlca aa membsra of varsity teams, haa brought tha sport down to hard and fast line. Tha rule is looked upod aa a distinct hardship on th man to whom It applies It mean they cannot participate In sports with th men they have been In college with for three years. Next year the track team will be the biggest loser by th new rule. Mason intone, me iwo-mner. and Hrlnamarie Stone, tha two-mller. and Brlnamad both comp.eted their work ror tha A. B. degree, and will enter the law school this fall, and go be Ineligible. The loss of these two msn will mean from. 10 to II points in th dual games with Yale next spring. CHINA PHEASANTS WILL BE SHIPPED CAST Corvallis Fancier Will Send Two Hundred of Came Birds to Kansas. Corvallla. Sept. St. Next Monday morning Gene M. Simpson, the Corvallla China pheasant fancier, will ahlp from his yards In this city 200 of the birds. They go to Ksnsss and will bs turned loose there to stock the state. Tha ex press charges on th shipment will be from tilt to 8200 and while the price la not mad public it la believed to be 17.10 par pair, aa the Kansas authorities recently authorised ths purchase of enough birds to stock ths state, even if tb price should go to tt per bird, snd it is known that In Unn county ths pries recently stood at I7.B0 per pair, with hot enough birds to fill tha order. Mr. Simpson raised 400 pheasants this year, snd would have hsd twlcs aa many had It not been for the hard raina which killed the young birds. AT THE THEATRES. "Royal Chef" Tomorrow Night. Beginning tomorrow eight at tha Hslllg the atre. Fourteenth ssd Washington streets, ths first mnsiral-cooMdr of the season, "The Royal chef." win begin si angageaasat ef fear nights. In "The Royal Chef' there ere 84 different sets of costume which are used by th chorus. Thee are all made of real alike aad relreta. Th eoeletj dresses which the show girls wser being Imported from Paris, while the drissia ef the principals are all models of the latest gowns by Paquia. The court costumes la th srodactMas are assess of rasas, worn by reyaJtr j Digby Bell Coming. Dlghy Bell's company, which win ha as the Belli theatre Thursday. Friday sad nrdsy nights, October 4-5-S. la Augustus Thorn as' big comedy saccess, "The Basest Ion of Mr. Plpp." Include the following well known act ore W. B. St. Clstr, Ram B. Hardy, Beglasld Mason, geth Campbell Hsawy. Frank Powell. Harry Lang, Albert Roecartl. Sella Oaffaey. Dora Gold thwarts. Phyllis Yosag. Ells Scott, Msy loshM Algen. Helen Vsaaar, Maria de Becker and stasis. Sevaac sakt Tuesday. "A Texas Steer' at the Baker. Beglsala i at the Baser with sMserruw matinee tb bill wlU be Hoyt's famous satirical arms. "A Texas Steer." Special attention has beea glees to Ore production of this play. Ml France Swsaoa, the lireiy little isgenne who has made a raverahl Impression else fnfnls the Bskerltes. will play Bosses, sad the other rhsrscfam Is It cast will bs dla trlhated according to Ike abilities of tb plsysrs. Last Time The Wilderness." Tonight la tb lest chance to see the Baker a tech esstssaf is aaaiy v, Bsasoad Hon. Jake Moore Suffered Twenty Years With Indigestion Cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure OFFICE OF The Prison Cdmmission of Georgia OA TURNER, . Chairman. TOM BASON. Commissioner. OOODLOB TAHCY, Secretary. . C. DeWltt Co.. Chicago, Dstvr Sirs :-I have suffered more than twenty years from Indi gestion. About gh teen months ago I had grown so much worse that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. My heart would beat ao fast I could not sleep, at times I would almost draw double with pain in the pit of my stomach. I lost twenty-five pounds; in fact, I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recom mended Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I consented to try it to please him and I was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefited." Yours very truly, JAKE C. MOORS. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains. In sssimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. All other digestants and dyspepsia rem edies digest certain classes of food only, and are lacking in recon structive properties. Kodol DvsMDeia Cure la oranared at the lihnritnrv f R r De Witt t Co., Chicago, and is sold Kodol Dyspepsia Cure DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Sold by Woodard, Clarke 4 Co. mad Skidmore Drug Co. LOOKING AHEAD MAKE your future certain by securing a money-eaitung education Let us JB triiin you for success, and place yuu ui & puMiiuii wacn cumpcicui We have the finest equipment superior teachers, the most modem and progres sive methods DAY A1ND EVBINIINQ au toe gear. BEHNKE WALKER III UalMC play ef BagUsb soetoty life. "The Wilderness.'' It haa seen moat suceaani dorlag the week. Thia la the first tiaw it has beea pceSaeee la Portland, and was brought eat by Manager Baaer by tpr1 srraagesssat with Charles Laat time tonight. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "The Cuban Spy." Without 4sM. the Lyric haa lanmiliJ Is glTtng the theatre going people of Portland as attraction daring the present week, which has sever bets excelled ea the local stage. Tail erasing aad tomorrow afternoon and evening will close th engagement of "Th Cshaa Spy.' Thoae who bars net een this hlfhlr-excitlng and most interesting plsr a boa Id avail them selves of this Isst opportunity. "East Lynne." "Bast Lyaa." glees by the Allen stock company at tb Star theatre, will be repeated Iseauii uw fee the last time. It ia being of fered in aa exceptionally talented manner, and the chief character. Lady laabelle. I well played by that noted swtioaal srtress, Miss Msrgsret Oswald, formerly leading woman for Charles B. lynford "Monte Cristo." Alexander Dames' most famous storr. Monte Crista." will be th attraction at ths star sxt week, stsrttng with tbe Monday night performance. Henry Mr R bee has been es pecially engaged for the role ef the million sire coast. Special scenery baa been hulH. and th production win be complete Is all detail. At the Grand. pleasant entertainment tonight or to why not drop In at tbe Orand snd For see tbe all feature Tasdtylue show? It Is the best bill tbe msnagement hss ever (teen aad tha acta range from real grand opera Stars to th funniest man la th minstrel world. Ths present bill will close night. Shorthand $4 Easy to Learn at Your Own Home VAT AS TOT This Is an Opportunity Write for flee It-Page Booklet 't CCVi'. 1 -A ? J TN 7 T u ADDRESS Practical Shorthand Co. BOBTLABD. OBXOOV. CLEMENT A EVANS. CojnmlsalenewA 7. C. MOORE. Stat Warden. Atlanta, August 10, 1104 111. by leading druggists everywhere. ear any time. Oasalogme free. BUSINESS COLLEGE HLL MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding and Day School for Bora Manual Training. ining, mi lilts rv Dtsctolln. Collet Preparation. soys oz any age Writ for Blue- admitted at any time trated Cstalogu. Dr. J. W. HILL Prop, and Principal Fall term will open Sept. It. IMC Begin saving your money by opening a Savings Account with us and have the use of one of our New Home Savings Banks. They are neat, attractive and convenient. Call and get one. We pay 4 per cent on time certificates, current rates on Savings Accounts, receive de posits subject to check, care for estates and. do a general bank ing and trust business. Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 WASHINGTON STREET POaVTXAIfD. OS Capital SI50.000.00 J. Frank Watson President K. L. ljurhsm.. .Vice-President" W. H. Fesr Secretary S. C. Catching. .Asst. Secretary Itonie Savines Dank I