The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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I town topics
tobioht s ajtusembbts.
"The WIHmim"
..."A Msd Lost"
."A Cnwaa Spy"
"gnat JIM"
On hundred and eighty-nine niar
rlS licenses hav bean leaned by
County Clark Fields in thla month, an
Increase of JC over August. Three di
vorced eouplea secured lloeneea to re
marry during the month, and the book
ahowa that eight widows took second
husband The oldest man marries In
September was Thomas K. Lewis, 71
years old, -who married Catherine
Bchlefersteln, aged 51 years. The old
est woman to secure a marriage license
was Sarah M. Jewell, aged 07 years.
Ths youngest man and the youngest
woman married each other. Senery
Campbell, aged 20 years, married Flor
ence Lough, aged li. Campbell's moth
er telegraphed Tier consent and blessing
from Baker City. Ths license was lssusd
Suit to recover 11,400 from C. B. Loss
and EL St John Dix. aUsged to be dus
for servloes as attornsy, has been filed
In the circuit court by J. N. Pearcy. It
Is charged that Pearcy was retained by
X Whyte Evaas, Wllmot Qrlfflse, E. J.
Howard. M. H. French, W. D. Larrabee,
J. W. B. Taylor. W. L. Oould, H. W.
Lemcke. a E. Loss and H. St. John Dlx,
promoters of the United Railways oom-
pany, and that a settlement was msde
by which It was agreed that 11,004 was
due Pearcy. On July 1. of thla year,
says Pearcy. Loss and Dlx purchased
the Interests of ths remaining defend
ants with ths understanding that they
were to assume Pearcy's claim, but
have not paid it.
The Portland Business collsge, by Its
president a. P. Armstrong, has brought
suit In the oircult court to restrain T.
Scott Brooke and Ellers Piano house
from evicting the college from Its quar
tan at Park and Washington streets.
Armstrong allsgss that ths college has
occupied the second story of the build
ing for the past six and ons half years
and has paid the rent of $2B0 a month
regularly. In disregard of the rights
of the business college. It la alleged,
Brooke, the agent, has leased the prem
ises to Ellers Piano house to be occu
pied by them on October 1, and has
threatened to use forca to gst the col
lege out. sSrl
At Grace at E. church on Twelfth
street. Dr. Wilson baa arranged for a
great day Sunday. Dr. C P.. . Willis of
Ban Francisco, one af the ablest minis
ters of the coast, will preach In the
morning at 10:10, and at 7:10 the quartet
will give a special musical service with
a popular lecture on "The Wonders of
the Klamath Country," by Rev. Dr.
Dunlap, presiding elder of the new dis
trict. The police committee yesterday aft
ernoon recommended the dismissal of
Patrolman F. Thompson from ths po
lios department and the executive
board made its action final Thompson
was accused of rudely treating women
on several occasions, though ths evi
dence was not strong against htm. He
admitted, however, that he had spent
several hours in a saloon.
In ths circuit court this morning Wil
liam McCallig, whose automobile struck
ad killed 12-year-old Ellis Korklln on
Fifth street July 4, pleaded not guilty
to the charge of manslaughter that had
been made against him by the district
sxtoraey. McCallig will be defended
by Attorney Alex Sweek. The date of
the trial was not set.
An Information has been allied in the
circuit court by Deputy Diatrlct Attor
ney Bert Haney charging Merrlt Hum
phrey aad his wife, Llaale. with con
tributing to the delinquency . of their
three children by encouraging them to
remain away from school. The children
are Roland,, aged It, Cheater, It, and
Pearl. 7.
Water through hoee for sprinkling
yarda or sidewalk, or washing porches
or windows, must be paid for In advance
and used only between the hours of 4
and 9 a. in. and t and 4 p. m. It muat
not be used for sprinkling atreeta If
ueed contrary to these rules, or wssts
fully, It will be shut off.
Articles of Incorporation of the De
partment Mining Milling company
have been filed In the office of the
county clerk by O. L Stewart, Frank S.
Thorn and Oliver S. Husaey. They will
t-ngage in mining and dredging for mln
erale. Capital atock. $140,000.
Rev. John Ovall. former presiding
elder of the Swedish Methodist ohurch
in the northwest, was appointed by
Bishop Warren yesterday agent for the
Anti-Saloon league. His work will . be
In Oregon and Waahington. He will
begin preaching In Oregon.
Trolley tripe tomorrow on O. W. P.
to Oregon City and Canemah park, 25
cents round trip. Cars leave First and
Alder streets on the odd hour and every
10 minutes. Tickets must be purehased,
on sale In waiting room.
Notice has been received in Portland
Hint the poetofflces at Ellsworth and
FlKher. in Clarke county, Washington,
will be discontinued October It. Mall
Will be furnished residents of these
places by rural free delivery out of
Vancouver. Washington.
A meeting of the Multnomah County
Bar association will be held tn the
courtroom of department No. 1 at the
county courthouse tonight. This will
One thousand children under twelve are to have
bank accounts of their own! We start
these accounts with s deposit of SO cents you add
$4.50. and then the $5.00 will begin to earn interest-,
If it rfnMtn't nuit vou
in $1.00, snd keep on making small deposits as
convenient. When you have deposited $4.50, we
will sdd our 50 cents, and the money will then begin
to earn interest. Now is the time to get the young
people started to saving their money. A dollar a
week, with interest, makes over $700 in ten years.
Thie ad good far SO Is. Srlng It la with first dapeelt.
We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings Accounts
Fire Will
Not Destroy
Your valuables if kept
in our Safe Deposit
Vault. This was dem
onstrated in the great
San . Francisco fire,
where safe deposit
vaiife were used. Our
vaojp are absolutely
fire and burglar proof,
and as an extra precau
tion a watchman pa
trols the bank night
and day. It will give
us pleasure to show the
vault and boxes. Rates
$4and up per year.
Gygon Trust
& Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sis.
be the first meeting of the bar asso
ciation sines July 1, and many Im
portant matters will be considered.
Among them are recommendations for
the revision of the Oregon code and a
proposed schedule of minimum fees.
The fee schedule haa been under con
sideration for some months And will
come up for final adjustment and adop
tion this evening.
The Hundred Tear club classes of the
in rat Congregational church and the
White Temple will combine next week
and meet at the White Temple only.
Miss Elisabeth Campbell will conduct
the classes for ladles and Ors. House
and Brougher will lead the classes for
men. The hours tot-meeting are as fol
lows: Monday, ! p. m., the afternoon
class forVromen will meet-, at p. m.
the same day the class for men will
meet; Tuesday st 8 p. m. the night
claaa for ladles will be held. Members
are urged to be on" time, as the class
will begin promptly and last Just one
Delivery Service to Be Discontinued
The Oregon Water Power Railway
company will discontinue their pickup
and delivery wag-ma within" the Portland
business district, effective this date.
Hereafter all freight will be received
and delivered from the company's
freight depot at East Watsr street and
Hawthorne avenue.
The yongeat boarder since creation.
Every lady that haa a room for rant
should read "Help Wanted." female col-
umn, in The Journal claaaifleda. Today I
there Is an advertisement there that
will Interest you.
Trolley Outings on O. W. P. Tomor
row To Or Sham, tf cents; Estacada
and upper Clackamas river points, 50
rents' round trip. Dinner at Hotel Esta
cada, 78 cents. Cars leave from First
and Alder strsets, 7:14, :S0, 1:80, t:4t,
6:44, 7:15. Tickets must be purchased,
on sale In whiting room.
Strayed An English Setter Bitch;
cohor, white, with lemon spots; answers
to ths name of "Bell"; liberal reward;
return to Portland Oun V Bicycle com
pany. Second and Yamhill.
An excellent dinner will be aerved to
morrow at the New Scott restaurant
for 60 cents. It to 8. Catering to par
ties a specialty. Seventh and Ankeny
Phone Main 2927.
There will be no morning service or
Sunday s-hool at Taylor Street Metho
dist church tomorrow. Rev. J. W. Mc
Dougall of Albany will preach at 7:84
p. m.
Watches, diamonds aad Jewelry on
eaay payments; 81 down, 50c a week.
Don't go without a good timepiece
Metager 4k Co., Ill Sixth street
Swimming pool-tub baths. Shave,
hath, ail for tf cents. Separate apart
ments for ladies'. 20" Third, between
Taylor and Salmon.
Load 'up for Sunday reading tonight I
Your favorite periodical and dally paper
at Carl Jones, 275 Washington, Cor. 4th.
Milton A. Nathans, atty.. t604 Stelner
st., San Fronciaoo. Commissions prompt
ly executed. Insurance adjusted.
Ladles' gymnasium class, Rtngler
school, begins next Monday night; 81
per month.
Woman's Exchange. 188 Tenth street.
lunch 11:30 to 8; business men'e lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety ooal
oil and line gasoline. Phone Bast 784.
wanted. 528 Lumber Ex-
Dr. Amelia Zlegler has returned.
Milwsukie Country Club.
Esstern and California races. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First
and Alder.
to add the 14.50 hist now. briM
- - -
Congressman-Elect Hawley Will
Introduce Bill lr Congress
Asking Appropriation.
ru., Willi. r u.l...
.. ii.mii, , ,HW '
of Salem stated today that he would In-
trojauoo Kin i ,i-mi. ... .wi
trodue s bill In congress asking for an
.r)iii.iiui i 1 1 1 in. purpuaa ur Duua-
In. larks at flro.nn ruts- Sfr Ms.lov
- 1 Z
came to roruand ror ine purpose or be-
Ing admitted to practice before
! 1'nlted States circuit and district courts.
He was admitted la company with A.
i af. Dibble of Portland.
Mr. Hawley la enthusiastic concerning
the work of the rivers and harbors of
! Oregon snd will probably devote most
of his time in congress to securing sp- I
proprlatlons and . proper legislation for
has outlined for himself in congress, be
trial wun, in speanins Ul ine plans no
"This work concerns the entire state
and anything we can do for any harbor
or any part of the river will have a
direct bearing upon all ths people. I
want to secure all I can for the Colum
bia because I realise that anything ac
complished there will affect the Wil
lamette. So far as the oltiea up the
Willamette are concerned, the Columbia
is but a continuation of the Willamette.
Any Improvement upon the Columbia
will necessarily benefit the Willamette.
"The locka at Oregon City are a
prime necessity. Engineers have exam
ined the conditions up there and have
furnlahed the government with reports
aa to the best methods of constructing
the locka No bill haa. aver been In
troduced asking for aa appropriation
for the work and I think that the time
has long passed when thla should be
done. Locks parallel to those already
constructed would prove the solution to
navigation in the upper stream."
Congreaaman-elect Hawley la in Port
land for the day only and will return to
Salem tonight. Ha haa been at Mo
lllanvtlle attending the fair, which, hs
says, was one of the moat successful he
haa ever visited.
vp lino m (Htm
At the HeOlg.
Waldemar Llnd, violinist, made his
first concert bow before a Portland au
dience st .the Helllg laat night
the first few bars of a difficult con
certo by Vleuxtemps.' not only the mu
sicians by the mere "musically de
lighted" sat up to listen, for ail knew
that It waa no mere amateur handling
that bow. His first number commanded
five recalls and then he waa obliged to
give an encore number, responding with
Schubert's Serenade, whloh he raised
by his own pretty arrangement, out of
the class to which its
t popularity
has cheapened it.
That Mr. Llnd haa decided to aettle In
Portland waa spoken of laat night as
a matter for congratulation. He la an
artist able to Interpret with breadth
and dignity the classics of the masters
and with poetry the compositions of the
romantic aehool. His warm tonee com
btned with maaterly bowing and finish
en finger technic gave a variety of
color and quality that Is wholly satis
factory. The Aria (TegnallaK was
played with richness; the La Campan
ula (PeganlnO with nearly the bril
liancy of Kubellk at his last concert
here. His final number, the Binding
Concerto, waa magnificently done, but
after so long a program the audience
had become rest leas
Mr. Llnd was supported by a corps
of abls assistants who tendered him
their services In recognition of his at
tainments. Arthur Alexander made his
usual hit and grudgingly gave a second
encore on compulsion since the audi
ence would not grant consideration for
hta throat after two Immense num
bers. Mrs. Walter Reed sang excep
tionally well, especially In her "I,e
Chevalier Belle-Etolle," to which her
big tones are well adapted. Dom J.
Zan'a baritone waa In good form, and
the La km a quarter sang several num
bers with daintiness and grate and
splendidly blended voices. But after
all, Mr. Llnd remained the star of his
own concert.
Residents Declare It Was First
Located on Brownie Claims
in Wallowa County.
Eastern Oregon objects to southern
Oregon being given the credit of finding
molldlnlte within the boundaries of the
state. The objection la voiced by Dr.
B. R. Seely of Loetlne, Wallowa coun-J
ty, who waa in Portland yesterday on a
business trip.
"We are the original discoverers of
molldlnlte In this state,' he said. "The
Brownie claims In Wallowa county
were located a year ago. They are rich
In molldlnlte, and also contain large
quantities of peacock copper ore. Ex
perts have msde favorable reports, and
already a Portland syndicate haa of
foreri to work the claims, naylna sll
the expenses and giving the owners 88
per cent of the proms. .
"The Brownie claims are the Joint
proDerty of 10 men, of whom I am one. !
end we msv decide to denend entlrelv
on Wallowa capital. All of the owners
- " w - r -
except one are residents of Lroetlne.
The outlook for the vmrloua Induatrlea
of Wallowa county Is exceedingly
bright. The railway from Elgin to Jo
seph la being built. , Sixteen miles of
track have been laid, and when the road
la completed our county will take a big
Jump forward."
Molldlnlte Is used In the hardening of
Steel, and because of its scarcity com
mands a high price. The Brownie claims
are five In number. Bealdea Dr. Seely
the Hat of owners includes S. IV Me
at!! Ft. C. Mavs. Ft. B. Bowman. Dr. A.
r. Poley, O r. Mays, James MoOlll,
c . w
Martin, all
of Lostlns.
An Illustration of prosperity
In Portland is shown by ths fact
that of 18 Instruments recorded
In County Clerk Fields' office In
the two hours between 8 and 19
o'clock this morning, 18 were
deeds representing transfers of
property for cash, while but one
waa a mortgage, and that for a
small amount. 8600. Dnrlng the
two hours two mortgages were
paid and released on the clerk's
rtrst- -Th White Temple Twelfth sad Tsr
lor streets; Be. J. Wkltroasb Brsegbse. O. D.
At 4 a. at.. BiMs at Karter .treet branch:
o a. si., one-acaord araser swensc: li a.
i era pi otoi'
' "o". is.iu P. ra . I aanpaa want a-uwi.
' m., B. T. P. i. arreting: 7:45 p. in-, popular
etrvlo. preaching. "Wild Oats, or Whea Km-
' I'oines to Tears:" sole by Mrs. Walter Re I
, , tpcll mamU.
I nvi-uuu--neveniu anil .sr.aai .mini lunwif. ra , apsciai
i S"atB 0. 1-spbaaj. Itertleee at 10:84 Rodner Area
I a, at., wiiu a rasas. lae
Worship of )od:"
asraaea st 7:40 p. m.. by Bet. ('. H. Porter
, i least: mble srssai st
Grse Mnntstlllt: Bet. (illmaa Parker.
Pres.ii I s st 11 oVIork. 'As Kit ended VUh."
8 p. at.. "Ths Bait of Msmrr," tpeelal wiialr.
Imniannel Sonsirl sad Mesd streets; Bet.
O. W. Urirrta. Nu mist seawil. K) t. m.: B. V.
P. I . S:4A p. in : prearhins. U s. in . by Ret.
W. S Pope, sad 7 4ft p. in on 'The Os Tblnx
I nlrerali.v Park -Bet. John Bentaeln. Bsa-
( (iri , nmttr sad 7:44 p! a:' by A.
, i.. jouustos.
! Ueatrel Bast Twelfth and Ankeny smelt:
J. H. Hkidnior; Sunday aehool. 11 as.
" .wiiu. rrvmcuins. i" .w a. m.. uj ow
st 7:30 a
All Things for Cood.
A r iris Bet
John Bsatstls.
HunJsr school,
10 a. n.; pretchlas. 11 a. m. by A. U. Johaatoo:
7:48 p. on
..!.,. .h. vhiFMui"
Blount OUre geveoth
th ud K.erett atreeta.
rrearBiag at 11 a. m. and B d. ta.
8t John's Bev. B. A. Leonard,
sebool, 10 a. ra,; prsaeklag, 11 a.
Sunday I
.1 T:40
p. in., prsacniag. .
Third Vsaeoovar Arena and Knott street:
Ber. B. If. Bliss. At 10 s. at.. Sunday school;
11 s. St., praehlng: sermon, 7:80 p. no.
Swedish Hort and riftassth strsets: Bav.
sne scaerstreai
Prrai hln. 10:48 s. as. aad
7:80 p. St.; Sundar school. 11 SA.
i V.t."4 Anr "d 8Uth ,trt-
School. S
v- e-"Y p, or niiwi
Meaat Cartaal Posrteent sad risndera
ttreets; Bev. A. J. Shepherd. Bandar aehool.
19 m. ; preseflag, 11 f. m. and I p. a.
Sellwood Eletenth sad Usutllla streetSI
Bv. (ieorg A. Lesrn. Snnday school, 14 a.
m. ; preaching 11 a. St. snd 7:4ft p. St.
tint German -Fourth and still streets; Bev.
J. Kratt. Preaching st 10 45 a. m. aad 7:90
p. s.; B. T. P. u., T:44 p. m.
Benosd German Bodaey aveaee snd Morris
street; Bee. P. Baeerman. Pleaching. 11 a. BV
aad 7:90 a. sal Sanday sebool, 1:48 a. ra.;
B. T. P. V., 6:44 p. m.
Osltary Bast Eighth sad Grant streets;
Ret. A. Lswreae Black. Bible aehool. 10 a.
at.; sermon, 11 a, fa.; S:30 p. St., ToBBg Peo
ple' meeting; 7:90 p. aa., aernaoa.
w p- .
Mis Dah Mart
SSd Powell streets; Bev. J
D. D. 10:80 a. m.. ran as
m R. McGlade. D.
services; 7:48 p. m., sermon : spaalsl moalc.
CslTsry Eleventh sad Clay streets: Bev.
Ben Eire SCO Ely Jr.. D. D. Berries. 10:80
s. m., sersaoa. "water
dernea:" eernion at 7:1
snd Trees-la the Wfl
:S0 p. m.. "Aa Umpire
Mseded. Massed sad Chosen
Third Esst Thirteenth and Pine atreeta;
Bev. Andrew J. MontgooMry. Praschlng st
100 a. m.. The Cslllag of Qod;" 7:48 p. at..
Fourth First snd Glhhs atrrrta- Rt Jnhn
B. Welch. Preachlne st 10:111 i. aa. Han.
d7 sebool. 13 m.; Y. P. B. C. ., 4:90 p. m.;
Hawthorne Park Twelfth snd Bast Tartar;
Bet. E. Nelson Allen. Preaching. 10:80 a. m .
"The True Mnltlmllllnaalre:" Sundar sebool.
19 fa.; aertnoe at 7:90 p. m.
Marshall-Street Beveetaeoth aad Marshall;
Bev. C. W. Bays. Sunday school. 10 a. ra.;
presetting. 11 a. m.. "God'a Regard for HI
Peoele:" sermon at 7:80 n. m "In swfnt Tat.
iinn: t. p. a. r. v. a-an n m
Ptsdmont rUnliml .MMu .iul t.m.
. , . u . . t ii i, n li
! u ,. 'm.; guna,T aehool. 12:16 p. m.; preach-
ins. 7:30 p. aa.
Westminster Eaet Tenth snd WeldMr ttreets;
Ret. Henry Mareotte. Homing sermon, 11
o'clock: evening sermon. 7:48 o'clock; Snaday
aehool. 18:90 p. aa.; T. P. 8. 0. E., 8:45
p. m.
Firtt Twelfth sad Alder streets
iJaer,tr,t! 10:S0
s. m. sddress by t
o. nira; i:a p. m..
prescning oy etev. J. M. Ferguson.
Sellwood Seventeenth .treet and Spokane
veaoe: Bev. D. A. Thompson. Snnday aehool.
10 4. m. : ertaoa, 11 a. at., "Forward;" Chris
ties Bndeatnr, T p. ra.; eernion. 8 p. m.. "Christ
la AU Tutors.'
Fultoa Bet. A. B. Bark holder Sermon at
7:44 p. aa.. "Tb Right and the Wrong In Lit."
Methodist Aercbe generally will not hold
preaching terete, the member attending the
conference station at Sunnrstd. .
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett strsets;
iv. Dr. A. A. Morrison. Holy communion,
n a. m.; morning rvle, 11 o'clock; evening
ernce. i:su o crocs; ounasr scnooi. v:ou s. m.
St. Peal' Woodxoer; C. L Parker, lay
reader. Mors lug aertlce at 11 o'clock; a
eti-nlng arrtlee.
BtTDavid' Bast Twslfth sad Belmont
street; Btt. J. B. Van Waters. Sundar
sebool. 9:48 a. .; morning prayer aad sermon
at 11 o'clock; evening prayer and ermoa at
7:80 o'clock: holy communion. 8 a. m.
St. Aadrew's nnlteralty Park; Ret W. B.
Powell. Service aad sermon. 11 a. m .; Bun
dar school. 10 m. 1. ;
St. John'a Memorial Sellwood; Ret W R
Powell. Sunday cebool. 11 a. m.: servlc and
wrmon. J : p. B. 1 . -t
Good Shepherd Sellwood street end Tan
;,'j. 7"v stnjsfim :vmm
r orsw uJ V a m
StT 'Mtmw--rir.t sad C.rth.r." itrrtt.;
Ret W. A. M. Breck Holy eommunioa 7:90
. m. ; Snaday scbofil. 9:44 a. m.; karteat bom
celebration at 11 a. nt. ; service and addr,
7:30 V
St. Mark a Nineteenth and Qnlmby treet;
Bet. J. B. Simpson. Holy communion. 4 a.
St.; Sanday school. 10 s. St.; morning prayer
snd litany. 11 o'clock; evensong sad seraBoa
St. Jam' English Wett Psrk snd Jeffer
son streets; Ret. J. A. Ia. Services It 11 s.
Si. wtth sermon, "Does-It Psy to Re s Chris
tian?" Snnday school, 10 a. m.; sermon at 8 p.
St.. "The Yoeng People' Attitude Toward Pre
railing Social Condltlona."
Be funis Danish TJaloo avenue snd Morris
street: Bet. C.ndmund Grill. Snnday services,
II s. tn. sad 8 p. st.
Norwegian Synod Bast Tenth and Grant
street I Ret. O. II goes. Saaday school. 4:90
a. si.: servle. 11 s. m and Bp. hi
St. Paul' Oerman Beat Twelfth and Clinton
atreeta: Bev. A. Kraoa Mo aertlce; congre
gation attend Cornelius ml a Ion feetltal.
Norwegian to north Fourteenth street: Ret
J. M. Nervlg. Service at 11 s. m. and 7:81
p. as.
Swedish Immsnuel Nineteenth and Irtlag
atreeta; Bev. C. J. Beabard. He rt lest at II a.
tn snd B a. no. : Sundar school. U 4fi s. ss.
Gormen l,uthra- Peninsular arenu and Ktl
p trick street
No aertlcet; congregation at-
tend Cornelius akarkas festival
Swedish Rodney tvenae and Stanton street.
Sunday acbool. 9:94 a. St.; service. 10:40 a.
as.; (ervlce, 7:46 p. m
Cnlterslty I'ark -Artkwa' temple; Rev.
. Stay. 11 a. m.. rally day services
"..V ; ..t g.,-. R.v,.
Be. R K. Ham. At 10:90 o'clock, tnomlng
yBOa?: ,s. ." senday school .; 4:44 p. ss...
rW, ' "I4: t:o o'clock. vDlng
sgrvipa wp 17 n triTkTtn nr kpv j
R. Knodsll
first Msdlson snd Psrk ttreets; Ret. B.
i tl.... n n SApmn.. .o-sn - k
Charles pf Richards: 7 45 p. m., aermon, "Good
Old Mother; Sundsy school. 13 m.: T. P. S. C.
B-. 4:46 p. as.
RnnnynMe Kt Taylor sad Esst Thirty
fourth streets: Rev. J. J. Stanb. Morning l 1
let. II o'clock, wtth sermon, "Tb Church a a
Manifestation of Christ power aad Olory;"
Saaday aehool, 10 a. m.; Staler Chrlatlan Bn
deavor, 7 p. m. : (ermoa st 7:90 p. m. by Bar.
O. H Richard. D. D., of New Vork
Mhanaalppl-AvMB Mtaaunrlppl aveaee aad
"Reuben Come to Town."
Second Sermon in Series by
Sundsy, 7:84 p. m. at the
White Temple
Twelfth and Taylor Sktseka.
11 A. M. Bible School Rally In
Main Auditorium.
Finest quartet and congrega
tional singing In the elty.
Solo, txrs. Walter steed: duet.
Miss aVawlar aad Mr. Bsisbbbt.
it strl: Bv William I. Ban.
day school. SO a. si. asd raDy settle: Oke-w-1
(Jab Kadeiter. f e si.; man, 7:94 p at.; to
Nw oa -Tits Were f th iW" i
ItlssUad--Best Math sad Prsecelt afreets
ds ah sat 14 s. at.: serial servles by SB-'
dree, 10:4 s. si.: Christian Badestor ei.
: boost sarasaa 7:Afl s m
P m.
Lfltirriwooe- antra
hall: Bar.
I. B.
S C.
14 s. bb.: T. P
p. si.; aernwa. 7:40 p. m.
rirat Park sad rUtkawhlt streets: Bev. B.
MuekVry At 11 a. as., rfcttdren rally day:
1:90 p. .. -The Eiprraatou of Lite;" hrlttltn
SSSSStai. 4:44 B. m.: Blhl arfcool 11:1ft n. sa.
enirsi ajssi Twelfth SBS Seat Senses
etrt: Bev. . H. Illtormler 1). D. At
lots, a. as., Tlie Pros of Chrtat th Storm
Center of the Age;" Sunday likirl 11 IS a
m. Stwm. 4:-lTsi retrmoa , at 7:1s
er Artnu t
Re. f. Klin
At 4:48 a
st, Bible school. 11 a
8:S0 p. .. V P. g. v. B.; 7:94 p. as., sat
Woodlsws Sjiaasr aehool. 10 s. at.: pr
lag. li s. oi ; ChrtstUs lades tor. 7 p.
aerrlces 4 p. St.. with speeisl saosle.
I- p . I Wmmt 1-.h - A ! t.
A. A. Winter. At 10 a. si.. Hundaj sebool; 1
prearhins. II a. SI. I So. at., serssnu.
Nerooif Psrgo and Kerby streets: Bev. J.
Bowtrsox. At 11 a. si., prearhins. "The Trl .
umpnsat wslk By ths Spirit:" 7:90 p
"undsy erbeol. 14 a. si.; K. L. C. B.. T
St, John'a iTapbo and John streets; Bev.
I B. B. MeVlcker. aaadty school. 10 a. as.
prearaias, 11 s. St.; J. K. U C. B. . S:90 p. m ;
V.- nom. vvlese. s p. sa
urates ureen sasassv asasssL 10 a
11 t.
i P prearhins by Bev. C. P. Weigh
ervsjPSV UsWJU t-AUJJ, I p.
prearhins. 4 p. Si.
Pint English Beat Bratb snd Market streets;
ft V 2 preacJ
es. 4:44 p. ra.
iter. a. a. Htswert
Baadar school. 10 a. m.; at
las: toung Pcopl a Alllan
OnM TjaetSf 1., ft A I1nrirn PVaS
I In. II. n m .J a . . V.n.. I . I I
llsnee. 7 a. as. I Bnndar a'rhool 10 saa 1
PI rat Oerman Tenth sad Clsy street; Bar
ineo. nrnaner. sonaay acnool. s m
I sermon. iu:so s
preach lag, 7:44 p.
T. P. A.. T p.
Memorial Bev. r. o. Hooter
14 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m. aad 4 p. si
P. A. demtlonal sertlcee, T p. is.
Pint Church nf Christ, Sekaatlat Scottish
Rite eathedral. Morrison sad LownsdaTs
streets. Bents st 11 s. a., abject. "Obrle
tUn Scleaeet" Snaday school st eloae of morn
ing aervtee: service st 8 p.
ucciina inn
isrefe or Christ. Sciantlat
pl. Stark sad He tenth atreeta. Saaday serrwe.
ii s. ss. snu a n. m . aunjeet. "Uhrtstlan Sel
eses;" Sunday school, 11 a. BV
Beacon IJght Mission 11 Fonrth
north. Preaching erery sight aad
at s p. n.
OUte Branch Mission 989 Pb-st atxset near
Colambia. Prsseblag every night at 7:90;
Sunday. 4 p. m. ; Snaday school, 1:44 p. aa.
St. John's Holiness M1ssIob-336 Stcand trt
ant Mala; Bv. Jobs P. Glssco. Sertlce
very night and Snaday st 8 sad 7:44 p. m.
Chines Bsptlst 248 Second street. Sertlce
at 7:40 p. bb.
Flrat--P,at Fifteenth aad Morrison strests;
Bev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible school at 10 a. m.;
sermon at 11 a. m : sermon st 7:90 p. tn ; T. P.
S. 0. r... I p
Second Slith aad Mechanic frrta; Bev.
C. P. Blanchard. Snnday school. 10 a. St.; ser-
11 aT m.; wrsoa at 7:90 p. m.
First Solrltnsl Soeketv 108 W Third street.
Sat, I It at 11 e. m. and 7:44 p. ss. lector by
Coulter oa "Isrte Divine. 1
I United Sol:
ritual Drew hall. 19
. . .. .
I iIpmI Ra W n Nn.M
: address. 7:44 p. to.
I uTt rr AxiAB.
Chares, of Oar Father Seventh and Tsmain
streets: Bet. W. O. Enot Jr.. minister: Bev.
T. L. Eliot, D. D.. mat later emeritus Isnlus
I Sl It m anhl.rl nt n 1 'Th. SttttwA
' f tb Unltarlaa Toward th ToajBg Men'e and
Young Women's t'hrlatlsn Ass
dsr aehool st 9:44
1 fjfgn D
daises at 11 a. m. and
Mea't Resort
and People's Isatltut Fonrth
rt. At 9 p. a., boys' snd
st aong snd ssafy boor: 4 p. sa..
and BersrsM ati
girl' atertontlcon
men a stsngtllstlc sating, a
B. B. B. Ely. D. D. ; S p. m
rot pei acme, illustrated
Flrat 1711 Second ittttt, Forrtrs' ball;
school: 11 a. a., preaching, by Bishop Jam
Atklas: 4:90 p. m.. Epworth League; 7:S0 p. m..
presetting kg Dr. W. R. Lsmbnth.
gsg v . bn . a. gBVws v m iv ss. m., nuiHigj
Church of tb Stringer Weaeo tret aad
wrsnd arena; . a. Kan tin Bolt
rice wtth aermon. 10:45 o'clock. Blind
aehool at 19 ra. ; rermon at 7:44 p. si., "A 1
Young Mn' vitlon; ' Christian Badeavor. 8:48
p. St.
0. AND .
Chrlatlan and Mlaalonary Alliance BUth aad
4 tits see Bit IB an
Sawttlks, frc.chlng.
Mala t treet t; net Ki. v. awwrtu
1OIS0 a. m ; sunaaj scnooi
Peonies meeting. S:;iu
I trrTlret. 7:40 p. St.
awum advent.
I ChrlStl.s A4vst-Secd .treet between Hsll
V",'?J, R" mCr j?,,.,"'ff sV. BJ.
rnno1- TC"L. a . "':
prl rvce. 7 p. a.., sermon, s p. m.
Christian Catholic Church la Eton Altsky
ball, aecoi.d Boor. Third and Morrison atreeta;
Iter Cbsrkts A. Hoy, cider ta charge. At s
p. m . Blhle study; 9 p. m., scrvtee.
Church of Jetut Christ of Latter Day
Hall 400. Aliakr building. Third nd
eon atreeta. Services at 11:90 a. as. aad T p.
m. ; Sunday cctiooi at iu -a. m.
Betenth-Dst Adventlsta Esst El Tenth aad
Everett atreet: Bev. Gaotrse A. Snyder. Bea
ds school. 10 a. .; dreechlas, 11 a. ra ; ter
atoa at 7:44 p. a.. "The Jestlee of Dltlne
Pint Rat Klghtb and Coach street.
. St., seraxia. Participation;" Sunday
14 a. si.
At 11
New Church Soektty Ble tenth
tad Alder
streets: Bt. Hlrm Vrooman At 11
"Stiffertn "
T. M. 0. A.
Association Audi tor lorn. 147 Fourth trt.
Seeder. ABO p. at., addreet; apeelal Bnaatr. AO
aaea welcome.
Millennial Dawa O. A. B. ball. Second and
Morrtaon (treats. Bertie t x:su n. m . ab
ject, "Tb Practice Work of the Millennium "
Pre Ninth tad Mill ttreets
Preaching. 11 a. St.: Sanday rbaol, 10 a. at.
Engineer O. W. Sheppard and Conduc
tor Oeorge Qourlay of tat Qrande were
Portland visitors yesterday.
Henry W. Thompaon, a well-known at
torney of Eugene, is at the Portland
A. J. Olllls, receiver of the land of
fice at Walla. Walla, Washington, ta at
ths Oregon hotel.
Allen C. Mason, a prominent capital
ist of Tacoma. la at the Oregon hotel
Eugene Tauatck. a prominent politi
cian of Walla Walla, Waahington. la at
the Perkins hotel.
Senator I. H. Bingham of Eugene la
at the Imperial hotel.
O. It. Mueser of Muscatine. Iowa, aad
C. A. Weyerhaeuser of Little rails. Mln
neaota, are at the Portland. Both are
connected with the Weyerhaeuser Lum
ber company.
Ths following party of railroad man
are at the Portland hotel: R T O'Con
nor, St. Paul: W. J. Hill. Or eat Palls.
Mlnneeote; N. D. Miller, St. Paul; Rob
ert B. Smith, Duluth.
Straysd A Bitch.
Strayed An Engl I ah Setter Bitch;
color, white, with lemon spots: anawers
to the name of "Ball"; liberal reward;
return to Portland Oun Bicycle com
pany, Second and Yamhill.
wynt iTwws B osk
Allen a. Lewla' Best Brand,
'A ConamnmUom Cuttodimm'
Pays 4 per cent interest on
savings accounts, compounded
semi-annually. Pays 4 per cent
interest on yearly and 3 per
cent on six months' time de
posits. Call and see us at our new
banking rooms ia the Labbe
building, corner of Second and
WashingtojMreets, for further
ANDREW C. SMITH. President
DAVID M. DUNNE. Vice-President
C. B. SEW ALL, Assistant Cashier.
i CUPilflUs Tft Tf IT
omuiinu iu uv 11
A horse attached to a bakery
wagon a tending at Fourth and
Morrison streets took a notion
to run away thla morning. Be
fore he had gone many feet, a
heavy-set man darted out from
the sidewalk and grabbed the
horse's bit. There wss a pipe In
the man's mouth and he didn't
take It out. Down went the
horse to the pavement, and the
man stood over him. atlll smok
ing. In another Instant the animal
had gathered his legs under htm
and started to run again. At
Third street he was stopped by
the steady weight on the bit.
Then the men went on his way
still smoking.
Seaside Sunday Excursions.
81.80 round trip 81.14. Until further
notice the Astoria at Columbia River
Railroad company will run an excursion
to Seaside snd return each Sunday at
the exceptionally low rate of 11.60 for
the round trip. Thla la the season of
the year when a visit to the ocean Is a
source of pleasure and a Joy never to
be forgotten. No smoke, dust or cin
ders, and plenty of room for all. giv
ing one a delightful trip along the
shores of the matchless Columbia river
Train leaves onion depot at 8 a. m., re
turning leaves Seaside at f p. m., giv
ing 44k hours at the beach. Tickets at
148 Alder street and at union depot
Phone Main 494.
Sleman Fereno, alias Joe Smith, who
was convicted by a jury la the circuit
court recently of stealing 56 from a
room at Fine's hotel at 617 River street,
waa aentenced to three years In the pen
itentiary this morning by Judge Can
Dm. M. J. rtTXiTOS. Mataropata.
you punish that poor stomach
with a lot of patent medicine poison.
rOsTY get It Into your thoughtless
head that you must drench that stom
ach with drugs or die. If you really
desire to die, die decently without
the nostrums only you will not die
so soon.
lOBTT lmsgins that "I muat take a
tonic to build mc up." If you MUST
drink, buy your liquor by the gallon
and "doctor" yourself. It will cost
you a heap leas money.
get It Into your head that sci
ence went to sleep when medical col
leges opened their doors, and that
"we're all dummies" If we have not
an M. D. appendix to our names,
And If you are tick and will coma to ma
before you are naif way In the grave, I
will cure you ao quickly that yon will
wonder how It happened. And I have
taken men and woman that seemed to
be half way Into the ground and have
eared them soundly without a drug at
Especially rheumatism, neuralgia.
ened Joints, wank stomschs, insomnia,
nervousness, women's diseases; eta.
Not "reliefs'' that last for a few da ye
Bad return to torment th sufferer.
Dr. N. J. Fulton
4jat, 4MW sfetggfa) f
orncmaa jn sxbsotobvbi
alfe. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH
il wsyi I
The dcHig lacatrc
TOMonsow Kiturr.
Mie4sj Tsisdaj, W tit Say WsjklSt
Pust Mstlcsl Oneway ef the Batata
"The Royal Cher
PricesLew floor, esses last three
81 90; last tare row. St. Baleeay. rtrst
row., t; ast f row. TBc. lest five
SO: Gallery. 94 aad BB.
Basts sew a tel st BMtBg theetr.
Male 1907. Oe. U Bskar, Mttgn
Twalakt aad All This Week Wwh
Mails Saturaay
Basry V.
fSB ii 1 s Magalticaat Pkty
By Author of "Whos W Wr Tw.ntj-Oa. '
Bvahu Prlcw 3Se, 36V ad SOe.
Matlne.- Prices 19c snd Sfc.
M,u- wpJSk aw Jjaj?.-
All TkJ Wk th Charming Bsatloaal
Aetna. Marsttt smart, la a Saw Var
alon ef "Lady Audtty'a Bttstt."
the Btesttfal Lot Plsr
PB1CBB Bv,nlng, 15c, 8Be. 9Se sad BBS
Matte. 10c, 14 aad 95c.
A Milluteatr
Week ef Sept. 88
Owta V.MHwta
Mr. Jteual WU.
Dstsro A Curt I,
HareU Moff.
Prices Ms Unset. 10c
box. Rrrnlngs. Baa
to til teats
lis. aVLa wr uaalMB
t ho:
i-trrortnance 9:90 7 S0.
Week ef 4pt. 94. Phm Ula
Pieatsts the Clcaale Httrt Drama
Mat Inset Tuesdsr. Thareday. Satardaj aad
Baadar: prices. 10 aad 80 cents. Bvery va
Ing st 8:10; prices. 10, 80 sad 90 cent. Se
cure wata by pans for both msttnes aad
ettnlog perform nc.
FRGEI Moving: Pictures
The rtrtttta't Dream Btalietd. Tb Broker
Athletic Typewriter. A Victim of Clrewaetaa
Otl Btldencr. Bridget McKeno Mtefartaas.
Evsryhodjr Works but rtthsr, laasuaatl Oolte
tar. Bridge of Sigh. Oerman Wsrthlp oa
Bough Seaa. Other Bskseeshtneoea nbjeete.
BTvery evraing. s o clock Bring the rblldraa.
Mil Kit
Change of Pragrsm Weekly.
N. Oitiaaal Adrtter.
The Portland
Everything to eat and drink, and
it costs no more in the
than elsewhere) In the elty. Every
weekday night from 9:94 to 18.
Hotel Imperial
951 Eddy St..
One Bleak frees Tea Seas Aetna.
E.S. DE WOLFE, Proprietor
Else trio Oars Direct frees retry.
The One-Priced Otaee,
Wl at mil rtrst.
cits materials, ds thai
work conaclsnttewaly
ana price n wirats
ties and tsttrnates
OH Vr 47 UiUag, BB9J4J
$100 FOR A NAME f
WAfOS 841 8TI dkt
BatiU ivolsBfclj 'iffl fr
t- Mf M
Beat Bubbtr
Plata BA