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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ft, 1106. STATE AND CITY WILL RAISE MONEY FOR COMPLETION OE JETTY 8uch la Result of Rousing Meet ing Hold In Chamber of Com merce Auditorium. ENTHUSIASTIC SPEECHES MADE BY BUSINESS MEN Spirit of Meeting Is That Jetty and CeHlo Canal Meat Rushed to Completion If State sad Individual Here to Supply Necessary Funds. Portland and tha state of. Oraaon will ralaa money to aid toward completion of tha Columbia river Jetty, and to ex tend tha Cell to portage road to connect with lower river boat lines at Tha Dalles. The openlna sun was fired at a rouelna meeting held yesterdey after noon in the Chamber of Commerce audi torium, and the campaign la now- on. The meeting declared for enlarge ment of the taxable district of the port of Portland, local aid for the Columbia river Jetty, state aid for extension of the Celllo portage road, and demanded that the federal government readjust Its division of the public funds and set aside annually the sum of $(0,006,000 for ' river and Jiarbor Improvements. Within 10 minutes after the meeting ad journed 11,000 waa subscribed to be sent to the executive committee of the national rivers and harbors congress to aid In carrying on a nation-wide cam paign for arousing public sentiment fa vorable to thle view. BuaUeao Men Book It. ' 'The Lord helps them who help them selves." This proverb haa been adopted aa the slogan. The movement la backed at Its Inception by 100 of the most force ful business men of Portland. Prom hi date the crusade will be pressed to the end that the Columbia river k, shall have a 40-foot channel at It ' mouth, snd a navigable channel to Its upper reaches. 11 ' s a representative body of men. animated by . a splendid spirit of pro gressiveness and patriotic commercial ism. The events pf the last two years have convinced .the observing men of Portland that there is no chance -to hasten river Improvement by govern ment aid If present generations are to see a deep channel at the bar the taxpayers of Portland and Oregon must contribute a part of the financial sin ews. The keynote was struck by J. N. Teal who. sfter Acting President New begin had called the meeting to order. Immediately took the floor and made . a powerruj aaarea m support or me loiiowing resolutions: essngwlss laiiitUiu of Week. "First That, while appreciating the great importance to the northwest and to this city of the epeedy completion of the work at the mouth of 'the Co lumbia river, we also recognise the Im portance of the speedy completion of the locks snd canal at Celllo. the freeing of i the upper Columbia river from obstruc ' tlone. (he acquiring by the United ' States of the locks and canal at Oregon City, the Improvement of Coos bay and mi otner naroors and waterways In this mouth of the Columbia river, and la each other directions ss may be deemed "Seventh That the navigation com mittee and transportation committee of thle chamber be Jointly charged with the carrying oat of the work outlined In these resolutions, and that the chair man of the committee of this body on rivers, harbors snd navigation be ex officio chairman of such Joint commit' tee in connection therewith, and that this chamber pledge Its byal and undi vided -support to the oause. state and She northwest. "Second That In our Judgment It would be neither wise nor proper for the people of this city, or any portion of the state, to attempt to adopt a policy having for Ite purpose the concentration of all appropriations made by the gen eral government for this section on the Improvement at the mouth of the river, L and ta permit all other projects to re T main In abeyance pending Ite comple v.tlon: that each project should stand on Its own merits and the Improvemente of the Columbia river go hand in hand, to the endrthat this great river and Its tributaries should be freed from all obstacles to navigation from It mouth to Its furthermost "navigable point. 'Third That, while the national gov ernment has assumed the Improvement and control of the rivers, harbors and waterways of the country, the exigen cies of the case demand affirmative ac tion on our part. Therefore, be it further resolved: "First That we recommend to the trustees of this chamber that this cham ber contribute the sum of 11.000, to be raised by subscription ss far aa possible ' toward the work of the national rivers ana naroors congress, and that this sum be forwarded through the proper chan nels to the secretary of said congress witnin 10 aajre. ' Fifty Million "Second That we -call upon our een a tors and representatives In congress to endeavor by every means In their power lo have annual appropriations of not less than for rivers snd harbors. Third That this body pledge Its un qualified support snd aid In such ef fort. "Fourth That, owing to the extra ordinary conditions existing at the mouth of the Columbia river and the. enormous additional cost necessarily re sulting from Intermittent work, that every effort be made to get this work placed upon a continuing contract basis. "Fifth That we heartily recommend to the leglalature of this state that It make an appropriation of a sufficient amount at the next sesslqn of the legis lature to extend the portage railway from Big Eddy to The Dalles, aad re quest the senators and representatives from thle county to support eucb meas ure. "Sixth Wo recommend that by taxa tion or by laeuanoe of bonds a fund be raised to assist in the deepening of the mouth of the Columbia river and com pleting the Improvements to the en trance to said river. In thle connection we would suggest the advisability of the extending of the limits of the tak ing district of the Port of Portland so that such district msy extend to the The Jetty muet and will be built. The Bads jetty waa built, the earns thing waa done at Galveston, and ether plaoee." aald Mr. Teal "The time Is here when Portland and the region dl recti y Interested must do something more than has been done in the past. The city of Portland should be placed commercially with New Orleans, Liver pool. Galveston. Glasgow, Boston and other great cities. This thing can be done, but It will cost money. When money baa had to be raised the call has come to the merchants, the manufactur ers, the banks, The property owners, the landlords, the people who are collecting the rente of this town, are the ones who are di rectly benefited by this movemsnt. It is tlms to call on them. I speak as a tax payer. We have let Oalveeton distance us. Our work for ths Columbia river Jetty waa started it years ago. A yesr later Galveston began the effort to dep en its harbor. The harbor of Galveston had If feat Inside and 14 feet outside the bar. That was 21 years ago. The other day the ship Missouri, laden with grain and drawing II feet, passed out of Galveston harbor for Liverpool. Always Bslslag Honey. 'What are the people of Texas, of ths Mississippi valley, the Ohio river valley, the Great Lakes, New Orleans and other places doing for themselves? They raise money and spsnd it for aiding In the Im provement work. Dallas maintains a representative at Washington continu ously to urge the work of improvement of the Trinity river for a elx-foot chan nel Its miles to the gulf. Galveston keeps a man. there. New Orleans does ths same, tha commercial Interests of the Ohio river, the lakee, aad other places do likewise. These men are not lobbyists In the ordinary sense. They represent their cities They are men of Influence at Washington, and their work before the committees Is effective The time is here for the taxpayers of Portland to recognise these things, and to act for themselvee. Wo are face to face with a condition. The fact la that no child in thle town will live long enough to see the Columbia river Jetty system com pleted at the present rate of progress It is a fact that the wastage every year by reason of lack of funds consumes nearly the entire appropriation. "Any man can figure It out for him self how much thle Jetty- Is going to coot, and how-long It-would require tf pushed with speed. The Jetty Is to be a certain length, aad depth, and width, and Is constructed of loose stone thrown Into the sea aleng a line of trestle run ning out from the mainland. It costs I w gig j- gSBBBBBaTmmBBBV fjaaMUaaamBmamjanam I g "Tel Dr. McCheaney'a New Four-Room Stops Building at $25,000. St. Johns. Cost, NEWSCHOOLHOUSE FOR JOHNS Citizens Decide Another Building Is Needed to Care for Grow ing School Population. on government work, will be greatly surprised upon his return home to find hie family living In a new and elegantly furnished home on Bast Fourteenth street. During Mr. Hurlburt's absence his wife has sold their former home on East Sixth street, bought a lot on Baat Fourteenth street, built the new home on it and will be living there next week when Mr. Huriburt returns. Ths fam ily address wiU hereafter be 110 Fourteenth. TWENTY THOUSAND WILL BE EXPENDED FOR ONE Effort Will Be Made to Have Struc ture Complete and Ready for Oc cupancy by September of Next Yesr Other East Side Notes. Contractor Al Lindaey on Eetaoada's apew four-room achoolhouse will finish Hhe Job In a abort time. He Is now at worx on ins two. upper rooms, ine, iowr floor having been finished. The total cost of the building will be about 14.100. The district was originally bonded for 16.000 to build the house. Ths bonds draw I per cent end wore sold for a premium of 151 As the plans of the building cost $100 and several ' other small expenditures were made, the en tire sum of principal and premium will be absorbed in the structure. Side A largely attended school meeting waa held at the St. Johns school houss Thursday evening. Juet in advance of the regular monthly meeting of the school board, to consider the proposi tion of building a new school house or otherwise providing for the crowded condition of ,the St. Johns school. It was decided by a unanimous vote iu build another school house. Airer sn hour's discussion. It was voted to rec ommend to the school board, tnai ma new building be located In the norm ena of the city, and that its cost snouia noi exceed $10,000. It waa the sense of the meeting that Immediate stepa should be taken looking to the completion of tha building In time for the, opening of school next fall. That element of St. Johns residents who were opposed to enlarging the pres ent school house last summer, but ad vocated. Instead, the building oi s new structure In the northern pan or ins city point to thle last action of the tax payers aa a vindication of their position. At the time me contract teu June, for the addition to the building there was no nine controv The Alumni association of the Ports mouth school will hold Its annual re union at the homo of Mrs. J. Brown. University Park, next Friday evening. At that meeting the annual election of officers will take place. There Are Hundreds of Furnaces of Different Makes There is ONE concern that installs them with a guaran tee that is worth something IT'S The W. G. McPhcrson Co. 47 first St. Heating and Ventilating Engineers SAYS FIRE CHIEF BURNED BUILDING Baker City Woman Asks Dam ages for Injury Done Struc ture by Fireworks Display. nnw In use ska Saataai aka shfinl VtAaml A a a. . a. .. . - 1 StrSlV (lYBf LI1B aVCVMll U. WSS3 SV11"M . - f". "rl.:in.l0 V,: Lit waa ..Id th.n that no adequate provi sion could be mede for the large in llverad.. and so. much la required to Till fro bent to bent. From time to time for lack of government appropriations, miles of these bents have been carried out by the sea, and the work loot. It Is a fact -that because of thsee dlsssters. and the toeing of the location of former rook deposits, ths Jstty line baa at some places oeen paralleled tnree times. What Wewk will Cost. "Only a year ago. In a resolution pasaed In Portland, the national govern ment was asked to appropriate the sum of to complete the Colombia river Jetty. It waa estimates" that ths work would coat that amount. Todav wa nave me ngures or Colonel Roeaeler, United States engineer, estimating that $2,500,000 will complete the Jetty, pro vided the. whole aum la made available at one time so that the Jetty can be rushed to completion' without wastage I eay to yon that It will cost 15.000.000 to complete thle Jetty. And this Is s paltry sum In comparison with the re sults that will follow for Portland." A stirring speech waa mads by Her man Wittenberg. He said he wanted to line up with Mr. Teal. He made an Im passioned appeal to the meeting to take up the campaign outlined In the resolu tions, snd carry It forward. When he suggested that the city of Portland alons could weU afford to build ths Jetty hie sentiment was applauded. Similar passagas In Mr. Teal's address had elicited applause, and It was signifi cant that all through the meeting there was shown a spirit of Independence of the national government, and a disposi tion to take matters Into their own hand a and furnish money for tha needs of the Jetty. Addresses followed by Ooerge H. Taylor, M. C. Moore, of Walla Walla, and J. W. Bennett, of Coos Bay. When the question was put to a vote tha meeting unanimously adopted the resolutions without changing a single word. Follow-up- work will be commenced Immediately. The Joint committees will meet and tha taak of framing measures nsr su omission to the legislature or ths people, or both, will bo tsken up WARSHIP CONNECTICUT PLACED IN COMMISSION Ueemtl Speetsl Ssrws. New York. Sept. It. At the Brooklyn navy yard the battleship Connecticut wss put In commission today with the crease In school population, except oy putting up a new building fully as large aa the old ona St. Johns Is aroused over the an nouncement that a copper smelter Is to be erected on the Wlllsmette river near that city. The Waahougal Gold and Copper company, now operating on the Waahougal river, Is said to have given the assurance that. It will build the smelter' there end have It in operation bv September 1, 1007. It le reported that the company's minee are in shape to shtp 800 tone of high grade copper ore daily. The ownere of the mine are eastern people. They sre enthusiastic over their property and announce that they are prepared to spend a urge sum of money. F. A. Msbee of St. Louis Is president of the company, and he. with a number of other capitalists Interested In the mine have been looking ths flsld over during the peat week. Enthusiastic residents of St. Johns have already figured out that 400 or 100 families will come there by reason of ths smelter s building, which will In crease by at leaet 2.000 the population of tha peninsula city. The charter commission of St. Johns met last night and dlecussed the flrst St sections of the present charter. The whole charter will be carefully gone over and all contradictory sections elim inated. Chairman Q. J. Perkins has di vided the commission Into three com mittees of two members each, as fol lows: S. H. Oreen and S. C. Norton; D. C. Rogers and F. W. Valentine: O. J. Perkins and R. W. McKeon. To esch of these committees will be assigned a cer tain number of sections par wegk for revision. At the weakly meetlnga. the commltteee will submit their reports to the whole commission for final revision. The whole work of the commission when completed will be submitted to the council for approval and adoption. The taak will be a long and tedious one. requiring several weeks for Its comple tion, e customary ceremonies. Including the muster of the crew on deck while the Btsrs and Stripes ware raised aloft and the bend played the national anthem More than ordinary Interest wss dis played In the event by naval men vjwlng to the faot that the Connecticut la the only battleship of tha modern navy to be bunt by the government itself, she le of le.ooe tons displacement snd is dealgned to have a spssd of It knots an bene. Oregon Life THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY Before signing an application for life insurance, give us an op portunity to show, you the merits of your home company Annual Dividends All investments in safe Oregon securities. " L Active, Reliable Men Wanted to Represent Oregon Life in All Parts of Oregon Home office Commonwealth Building, Portland. Oregon A. L MILLS, L. SAMUEL. CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, President. General Manager. Assistant Manager. The new high pressure water main from Mount Tabor to the Peninsula haa all been laid except a few hundred feet on Kllllngsworth avenue, which will be finished In a few daya The water gates to be Installed along the main have arrived from the eest and have been distributed along the line. Be cause of the complicated pattern re- I quired, theee gates could not be made in a western foundry. The new main, which la about 11 miles in length. Is 14 Inches In diameter at the Mount Tabor end. but waa reduced several tlmsa until It Is about 12 Inches where It connects with the Peninsula system. The stand pipe which was removed from near Hollsday park to Bast Twentieth street In the Vernon addition, haa been equipped with an automatic device which raises or lowers the water, thus controlling the pressure through the smaller plpse In the lower parts of the sast siae. By means or thle device the same pressure Is maintained oa tha high ground at Piedmont as In tha lower country near the river. The service in Central Bast Portland will be greatly Improved when the sec tion of main on East Seventh street la all laid, which It le expected will linlahed in a week or two. (RpecUl D1Dtrh to The Joe real.) Baker City. Sept. 29. Charting that Fire Chief Manny Fox thoughtleasly set Are to her building and that Baker City through ita fire department failed to exercise proper care In preventing a conflagration when the head of tha fire department set off fireworks from the roof of her building and a fire re sulted, Mrs. Susan Hsnderson has brought suit before Judge Curry Bak ing 1100 damages. The case grows out of Baker City's last Fourth of July celebration. In order to prevent fires the fireworks were set off by Chief Fox from the top of the Henderson building In which he haa hie store. They were carefully aet off but despite the carefulness a lit tle hole was burned In the roof, having ignited from a spark The total dam age was declared at the time to be very slight. Most of the damage waa done by the water which wss necessary to keep the flames from spreading. Mrs. Henderson thinks the building has been damaged to the extent of $ioo. , Low Rates to New Orleans. - Account national convention Knights of Pythias, to be held at New Orleans In October, the O. B. 4 N Co. will on October 7 and 8 eell round-trip tickets from Portland at rats of $80 20. For further Information in regard to limits, stopovsrs, etc., call on or address C. W. Stinger, city tloket agent, O. R. t N Co., Portland. MILITARY MANEUVERS END PIKE CELEBRATION (Jonrasl Special Sarvtee.) Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. Si. The most sanguine expectations of the pro- motors of tha Pike centennial celebra tion have been surpassed by the realis ation no festival, no great gathering ever held in this section has In any way been the peer of the celebration which con cluded today. On the celebration pro gram this was designated as Centennial day. Interesting military maneuvers were followed by tbe formal breaking of military, cowboy and Indian camps this afternoon. A meeting of tbe Colo rado Library association added to the attendance of visitors today. OLD MINER FINDS LOST TREASURE John Thompson Believes Ha Haa Located Deposit Known aa Mathias' Pocket. COLD, COPPER AND LEAD 8ECURED AT TROUT LAKE Richest Specimens That Have Ever Been Taken Oat in Washington Are Being Unearthed by Army of Ore-Seekers. Tbe Haaaalo Street Congregations! church haa extended a call to Bsv. J. R i aodell. Rev. Mr. Knodell came to thle church from Berkeley. California, and baa been supplying the church for the past three weeks The congregation feel hopeful that the coll will be accepted. At a business meeting of the church re cently held It wau voted to ralaa tbe bunding several feet and pat a base meal under it. New windows will bo put In tbe auditorium snd ths Interior will ho refitted aad redecorated. Fee this purpose a fund of ft.ete waa T. M iaat Huriburt. well known govern- was is now li Tbe Best Guaranty of Merit If Open Publicity Everr bottle of Dr. Pierce's worM- famed medicines leaving the great labo ratory at Buffalo, N. Y., baa printed upon it wrapper all the Ingredients entering Into Its composition. This fact alone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines in a etVise mil by Wiemeatues. They cannot be classed with patent or secret medicines because iney are neuner. This Is why so many unprejudiced physicians prescribe them and recommend them to their patients. They know what thev offa composed of. and that the ingredients are loose endorsed oy toe man eminent medical authorities. The further fact that neither T)r Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery, the IV. IHIHIKH HMUL, 11. VI III . IUI KII , heart regulator snd blood purifier, nor his - javorwe rrescnption - lor weak, over worked, broken-down, nervous women, eon taint any alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themselvea Many yean ago. Dr. Pierce discovered that chemically pore glycerine, of proper trength. a better solvent aad prtaei i tlve of the medicinal principles resid ing la oar indigenous, or nstjure, medi cinal plants than Is alcohol; arid, further more, that It possesses valuable medicinal properties of IU own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, aad a moat efficient antifarment. Neither of the above medicines con- ( Special Dispatch to Ths Journal.) Hood Blver, Sept II. John Thomp son, a prospector, who haa Just returned from the country back of Mount Ad ams, where he was induced to- go by the story In The journal that gold had been found there thla summer by two young men who were taking their summer va cations at Trout Lake, says that hs haa located some of tbe richest specimens ef gold, copper and lead ore that ever Vnm nut of tha stale OS Waahlnalon and that the country theee Is full of prospectors who are making similar finds. The specimens he says will be pieced on exhibition at Vancouver. Thompson thinks ha haa located the place where Nathan Matblaa of The Dallaa or Schwartz, aa ha was known In Portland, waa at work and, whare he got tho gold that made him rich and that it la about three days' Journey from Trout Lake. He says about 4 miles northeast of Mount Adams, In the neighborhood of a body of water, known as Salt lake. he found an excavation 14 feet deep and feet wide that had been made by mining tools snd that he discovered It by accident while prospecting for other parties. Bock taken from It he states sbowad unmistakable evidence of gold but as he was working on a salary he decided to let the location of his find remain unknown until he could return and work it for himself. -He will not give any Information that would lead to Ita discovery and says that he expects to return there In a few days and Investigate thoroughly. Thompson also says that the country In the vicinity of Salt lake Is over run with gold seekers and that thev are all finding specimens of valuable nln erals, some of which are so rich that they have paid the expenses of the finders for making the trip. A party of six left White Salmon today for the vicinity of the gold ex citement and other expeditions will leave for there during the coming The Kind Yon Have Always Boturht. and which haa in rise ror error so years, haa home the signature and has been made under his sonal supervision since ita Infancy. Allow no one to deceive von In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations aad JuBt-as-g-ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of inrantc and CJhlldr n Experience against What is CASTOR I A Cast oria Is a harmless snbstitu e for Cas tor OH, forte, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It anti tains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotto substance. Its ace Is Ita guarantee. It destroys Wprme and allays Fcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' olic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the) ettomacn aad Bowels, giving healthy and natural Tbe Children , Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 s7 . yITrt r aw mm air The Kind You Hare Always Bought In lite For Over 30 Years. TEDDY'S COUSIN REFUSES TO ANSWER NEGRO Tried for Contempt in Washing ton for Insulting Col- . ored Lawyer. contained nearly double the which Is contained In beers. No steps have as yet been taken In the matter, but as the matter Is becom ing public. It Is probable that the local establishments will stop the sale without further discussion. The elder referred to Is put up by a Salem "soft drink" fac alcohol, or anr harmful, hshlt- rorming drag, as will glance hot Vie oa seen from a at the formula printed oa each wrapper. They are safe to use and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, bob is r ret medicines largely, bat tha most Intelligent people employ them Psoste who would not think of aging the ordinary patent, or secret mini slam Every Ingredient entering Into tha com position of Dr. Pierce's medicines has the strongest kind of as anion ant from leading medical writers of the ssyaral schools of practice. No other menicine pat up ror like medicine put up for say sack proceskmoi Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pallets ears con st! pattern. Constipation Is the -ease of many diseases. Cure the cause and you ears tea disease, one " Pellet- Is a gen ths its, sue laiative.and twos mild cathartic Drag-1 clear at a sell them, and nothing w -just aa popular, Sesy to take as sandy, l dry" a (Journal Special Ssrrlcc.l Washington. Sept. 29 Miss Anna P. Thomas, who waa represented to be a cousin of President Roosevelt, wss witness In polios court here yesterdsy against a prisoner defended by a negro lawysr. "I refuse to answer questions asked by a darky." Miss Thomas said, turning to tha court. "He la not a darky." Judge Mullowny tatea. He is an American cltlsen and a member of tbe bar. He le defending thla man and he hss the right to ask you questions. "I refuse to answer a negro," she In stated. "Ton must anawer," hla honor re plied. "I wont anawer question, he asks even for you." the witness stated. "Madam, you had better ha quiet." hie honor cautioned. "Keep quiet yourself." witness re plied. "I shall be com pel lad to fine yea un less you are quiet." "Ton won't fine me," the wltneae de clared. "Madam. T flne you lie. tn default ef which I shall send yen to jail for two daya" Judge Mullowny eanoaneed. ' Miss Thomas was then socorted frosa the stand snd her ftas waa paid. PROHIBITION DRINK IS AN INTOXICANT ISeerlal Dwasteb to Taa JssrssL) Corral I la. Or.. Sept 9 Thar will ha more champagne rider for t'ovamVJml Use. such as haa been en sals st a local store. Ta drink haa baea and although rVrvallsf town aa can be feuae. tonally a drunken man was seen, and the police became suspicious of the popular champagne elder. A sample was taken to the Oregon Agricultural college chem lets snd an analysis made. The report of A. I.. Knlaely, head chemist. Is ss fol lows: "An examination of this sample shows that It . contains 7 S3 per cent of alcohol by volume. Ordinary beers vary considerably In the amount of alcohol which they contain. Soma makes can tain only 1 or a per cent, some running over 6 per cent. 1 should say that ths average for beers would rang between 4 and I par cent alcohol. Thle sampls amount Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY The dates of pale of summsr excur sion tickets to Newport and Taqulna bay have been srtsndetf ta October If. with a final return limit of October SI, which will enable thoee who have net slready been to this delightful rseort to take the outing at tha reduced rat of fered during the summer. Pull particu lars In regard to rates, etc., by calling at City Ticket office. Third aad Wash Ington streets, Portland. In the Name of Sense. that good common sense of which all of us have a share how can you continue to buy ordinary soda crackers, stale and dusty as they must be, when for 5f you can get Uneeda Biscuit fresh from the oven, protected from dirt' by a package the very beauty of which makes you hungry NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY