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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THE OREOON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER St, 1SSC II I PASSENGER SERVICE FAULTY Roads Entering Portland Give Inadequate Din ing Car Service, and Force Upon Public Overcrowded Trains Running Slow Over-crowded nessenger train. slow running time, inadequate dining car service and Infrequent train serv ice are complaints of long tend ing that ara growing louder and more bitter time passes and the population of Oregon Increesss. The protests against the Harrtanan Krulttschnlct policy are in a large measure Justified by actual conditions. Passenger travel in and out of Port land has, like freight tonnage. Increased rapidly In the last three years, and some time ago outstripped the capacity , of facilities afforded bv the Southern Pa cific, O. R. N. and Northern Pacific companies, as well as the water line operated by the Harrlraan Interests. The passenger trawl on all the rail roads has been conspicuous for Us enor mous Increase and the) good class of people who come and go. It Is declared by commercial men that not In two years has a passenger train on tbe Portland-San Francisco run furnished adequate dining-car facilities. I Hardly a day passes that it Is possible for Datrons of this line to got a meal at anything like reasonable season and It Is simply a rose of operating the dining car without cessation to enable the travelers to be served within a period of 18 hours. The average South ern Pacific dining oar Is filled from the first call for dinner, and the pas sage wsy leading to It Is occupied by people for the ensuing hours waiting lo ret a chance to eat In eastern rail road dining oars the meals are served at tbe regular hours adopted by hotels, and the service is adequate to accom modate everybody who wants to eat within the usual time allotted for hotel meals. Pinriasit Totaaas of Travel. One need but witness the crowds that pack the union station at train time to realise- the Increased volume of pas senger travel. In 106 Portland's union station handled 2,06,810 coach passen ger and 1(0,000 Pullman passengers. Since the close of ltot passenger travel Instead of diminishing in comparison with exposition business, has steadily increased. One day In the summer sea son of IMS passenger travel reached the helghtb of breaking all previous rec ords. The difficulty seems to be the failure of the Harrlman management to com prehend the significance of these facts snd provide In advance for taking cars of the Increasing .business. Once "bay ing fallen behind the procession the company, while making its usual orders every year for more equipment falls to catch up and get abreast of the advance movement, and thus furnishes a con tinual source of dissatisfaction and complaint from ths traveling public At the Portland hotel yesterday fore noon a group of eastern people who had just arrived on an O. R. 4 N. train tired and hungry, were discussing the railroads shortcomings with much acerbity. They complained that the dining car had been taken off ths train during tbe night at some point up the line, and they had been unable to get any breakfast, and that by the time they reached Portland the breakfasting season was past, so that they must either omit the meal or eat at that late hour and spoil the luncheon program A Portland manufacturer, discussing ths O R. A N. dining car service, re ferred to a condition that Is familiar to every patron of the road who travels first class between Portland and Pen dleton. He said: Complaining of "I wish you would call attention to a matter which I think should be at tended to by the business interests of Portland, and more especially for tbe traveling public I refer to ths miser able accommodations furnished between this city and Spokane on the train that leaves Portland dally at :li p. m. I boarded tbe train a few days ago and found it crowded as usual with pas sengers, and no faculties for furnish ing meals excepting a little stove in a buffet car that la supposed to do the work necessary to feed at least 100 passengers. "Many of the passengers had nothing to eat until 0 . p. m , and ths darkey who acted as waiter and cook combined was endeavoring to supply the hungry passengers to the best of his ability. How long will It be before we get re lief from ths Harrlman lines? I am sure that when the North Bank road Is completed and trains running over rails on thst side of the river between Port land and Spokane ths Harrlman line will vie with Its competitor to furnish the best service between here and ths Inland Empire, and until that time they are endeavoring to operate their lines in the most economical manner, regard less of ths. comfort of ths traveling public. I feel that the citisens of Port land, as well as ths Inland Empire, should Insist that the Harrlman lines give better accommodations now, with out waiting until tbey are compelled to do so by competition on the North Bank Una." YOU CAN GET THE GOLD IF YOU TRY At the Approach of "Who, When and What Contest" People Are on Tiptoe of Anticipation. BRIDGE PROGRESS SATISFACTORY Engineer Ralph Modjeski Well Pleased With Work on Struc ture Over Columbia Rivej. WILL BE LONGEST BRIDGE IN WORLD Structure Over Willamette River Will Have Longer Drawspgn Than Any Other Bridge in World Former Requires Thirty-Five Piers. m Every woman needs a Chatham Kitchen Cabinet Every woman wants one They are made of southern walnut, making a beautiful piece of furniture in your kitchen a combined pantry and table in itself. All food compartments are metal lined, making them insect and mouse pr mf . Every woman who is using a Chatham would not be without one for twice its value. Our large catalogue telling v. 'ii all about them will be mailed free to an yf ad dress. 0& 364 to 37 X Morrison St $1.M DOWN. $l.t0 WEEKLY Everybody connected with bustness in any capacity, or who has a friend or relative la any business la Portland, is Interested la tbs coming- "Who, where snd what contest." in which sketches of a number of leading busi ness firms of Portland will appear, though ao name is to be mentioned. From tbe nature of their business, a peculiarity la the firm's name, a spe cial Une of goods In which the firm deals, s well-known or popular phrase or sentence in Its motto or advertise ment, wlU be sufficient to guide you with a Uttle thinking, to name each firm and business house referred to. Only tbe most prominent business houses in Portland will ne written up In the "Who, where and what contest," and that tact will make It an easy task for persons familiar with ths business bouses la this City. There Is certainly sufficient Induce ment to set people to thinking snd try to send a. correct snswer. For to those who solve the problems, or come closest to a correct solution, there Is $16u in sold waiting. Ths first payment will be 175. the second 125. third tlO. fourth IS. fifth It, sixth It snd tbe That favorable and satisfactory progress is being made in construction of ths Portland Seattle Railway company's bridges over tbe Columbts snd Willamette rivers. Is tbs opinion of Ralph Modjeski of Chicago, consult ing brldgs engineer for ths H1U lines. He cams to Portland several days ago to make an inspection of ths work and will leave tomorrow for the east. The work on both bridges is proceed ing with reasonable dispatch and with very good luck thus far. Nobody has been killed, and we bop to get through without a fatality," be said. "For the Columbia rlvar bridge there are three piers shout done and four more well under way. Ths piers will be ready for tbs steel structure some time this win ter and the steel la already arriving on ths ground. For the Willamette river bride the yards and plant ars com pleted and the first caisson is ready for tbe foundation work Progress on this bride U not ao well advanced on account of the delay occasioned by tne port commission's decision regarding location." There wlU be distinctly features about both of these bridges. The Col umbia rivar bridge will be the longest double-track railroad bridge In the world, and ths Willamette river bridge will have tbs longest drawspaa in the world. Ths span In ths latter will be III feet In length. The steel in the two bridges WlU weigh 20.000 tons. The two bridges wlU be among the most modern and powerful in the country and will probably be the most expensive, with the exception of the suspension bridges at New York. Ths Columbia rivar bridge will re quire about St piers. Besides tbs piers to be built la tbs main river, there wlU be a Ions; procession of piers across Haydn Island and the sloughs. Ths structure whan completed wiU be a most imposing one and will be the first to spsn tbs mighty Columbia at a point of tidal flow. It will supersede ths monstsr ferry that for years has car ried Northern Pacific passenger and freight trains between Kalama and Ooble, and has been regarded by eastern visitors as one of ths most novel fea tures of a transcontinental trip. CARLOADS of HEATING STOVES ...I 'in ii. i i i i 1 ii 1 1 1 1, '11 In all our business career we never before had in stock such a boundless array of heating stoves. We carry a great number of different makes THE LEADERS OP AMERICA, and tbe volume of our sales most certainly indicates that people calling here find what they want. We never had so great a trade in this line before. It simply is immense. Come into the store at any time you please and you will find our salesmen disposing of heaters to tome pleased patron of the place. Our Line of Ranges Compasses All That is First-Class in That Commodity, Too. v Until we move this part of our business to our own building, 130 First Street, some time next month, WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS AND SELL EVERYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS AT 10 TO SB PER CENT REDUCTIONS, such as DISHES WASH MACHINES REFRIGERATORS CUTLERY HOBS GARDEN H08E GLASSWARE WA8HTUB8 GRANITEWARE AXES PITCHFORKS ROPE WASHBOARDS l TINWARE v MEAT-CHOPPERS GRINDSTONES SINKS WRINGERS WA8HBOILBR8 SHOVELS SCYTHES GASPIPE GA8 RANGES OIL RANGE8 SEWING-MACHINES BIRDCAGES SPADES LAWNMOWERS LAMPS AND ALL KNICK-KNACKS USED IN FURNISHING THE HOME Telephone Main 13 8 3 J. J. KADDERLY Odd Fellows' Temple, First end Alder fits. And ISO First St., Est. Washington and KIDNEY DISEASES MtfSM. When the Kidneys fall to perform their functions properly by not training out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passea through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ilia, all due to deranged Kidneys FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE corrects irregularities mad cures Kidney and Bladder dissasss in every form, tones) up the whole system, and the dlseaeee that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, INDEPENDENT LONG DISTANCE 'PHONE UNE BEING BOUT Construction Work Starts on System Planned by ths Northwestern Company. Construction work has been com menced on tbe Northwestern Long Dis tance Telephone company's lines. This Is a nsw independent company organ ised for tbe purpose of connecting by cured of Bftiatrrs disease. Mr. Robert O. Berks, X lasts. aarat Ce.. M. Y.. wrltee: I sat ianlry sf tellies what ssainceat resatts I have had free sstai COM after aHsg trie ether ssVartind ssdlis aad ssvsssl sty n I ha to set us from nUM times eecb slant to relieve sv bUddei with dressy an J my eyesight was so impairs that I ceuld scaroely see one of ray family seises the room la fecTl was ee Sadly seed up that lead give as hep of llvtag waee I was urcd by a friend to try FOLEY 8 KIDNEY CURB. On. ssHseat bottle wereed was- lalll a, and before I bad takan the third bsttl tha saperausas fleh had (on, as wall a i isr symptom er ajeaay ireuaio. my mane war surprises test i was suras, as thought 1 was gains to di. Bvory few day esmi sae mss Seas atls away at l i nam of tbe wendVful mediets the eased s aBrlgbV Disease, east set sae an i It has tailed ts be because the cause haa been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNBY CURB at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes 50 fonts and $1.00. SOLD AND REOOiHEIDED IY WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. AND SKIDMORE Est UP FIREBOAT OFFICER IS BADLY INJURED Lieutenant Johnson Rendered Unconscious and Two Fingers Amputated by Accident. nftt SO Si saaWhtl For those familiar with prominent the Hom Telsphons and other tads- t"iU ! ndhstsl hnillAa ff UiirMonJ it ahAuM i pendent companies In Oregon and not be difficult to name ths firms de- ' Washington. The general offices of ths scribed. Answers should be sent ss nw company will be In Portland. Claude early as possible, though a correct an- c- Cnl' formerly assistant general swer coming later will have a better Hner of Mis Home Telephone com- pmy in soumern v.aiiiurnia. is genrrm manager of ths nsw long-distance com pany. The company Is now bunding a Une south from Portland, from SeatUs to Tacoma. and work will be started be tween many other points soon. Gen eral Manager Craig aatd this morning: "Our company is going to put up ths best long-distance telephone lines ever strung. Ws expect to make long-dla- Throuah some defect In ths machln- long-dlstance wires all ths systems of ary of one of the wster towers during a drill on the nreDoat George rl. Wil liams yesterday Lieutenant Harry John eon sustained serious Injuries which win cause his confinement in ths Good show than one coming in early and be Ing wide of the mark. It requires Just some knowledge of ths lesdtng busi ness houses In this city and some care ful study. Ths payments will, be made In the most impartial manner. Everybody will be entitled to send an answer, or as many as he or she desires. Ths only persons barred from the contest are employes of The Journal and the members of their families. Procure a copy of The Journal when the contest Is published and "get busy" on the contest; watch Ths Journal for further particulars; read the nameless advertisements, bear In mind that they refer to well-known na leading busi ness bouses, then do a little thinking snd send your answer as early as pos sible. Business firms wishing repre sentation notify The Journsl at ones. COMMON USER CLAUSE PUT IN BOTH FRANCHISES Street Committee of Council Doss It Despite Efforts of Councilman Masters. In spite of Councilman Masters, s common-user clause was inserted In the ordinances granting franchises for two sidetracks by the street committee of the council yesterday afternoon. One was to the Northern Pacific Terminal company for a track on Tork street up to tbe- right of way of the Northern Pacific. The other waa to the Portland SeatUs for a track oa North Fifteenth street Ths executive board had declined to fix the valuation of the franchises as they stood, and a communication from the board called attention to a violation of the charter In granting a franchise of this character. "It seems to me that this is s very impertinent communication." observed Masters. "I do not consider It sny business of the executive board to tell as what the ordinances we pass shsll contain. It's their duty to flx ths valu ation and not to tell ua what kind of ordinance to draw up." But the committee agreed that the common-user clause should be Inserted In both ordinances aad ths ordinance be then recommended for passage. The committee also recommended the measure prohibiting shads trees in the district bounded by Morrison. Washing ton, Twelfth snd Front streets. Samaritan hospital for some time. He Is suffering from so ugly scalp wound and accidental amputation of two fingers of his lsft hand, besides a strained shouldsr snd back. It was found necessary to trepan the skull. Johnson was promoted to a lieutenancy only last week. The members of the flrebdat drilled several Ume weekly la ths use of the firs fighting apparatus. The drill consists in tbe raising and lower ing of the water towers with which tance conversation ovsr our lines as i the boat is squipped and handling tbe easy as conversation over local lines I hydraulic batteries. Ths towers are in the city. We expect to win business by superiority of service." Buffalo Convention. On account of the big convention of Christian churches at Buffalo October It to IT, the Canadian Pacific haa made a 'rate ef 114.14 for the round trip. Tickets on sale October ( and I. Long time limit. Make your sleeping ear reservations now. Double dally train service. For further particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. P. A., 141 Third street, Portland, Oregon. RAILROADS MAKING RATES TO THE EAST An opportunity will be afforded the public to make a trip east and return for little more than half faro .next month. The O. R AN company an nounces sals of excursion tickets Oc tober 12 snd It, good until November 10, at one fare plus 110 for the round trip, on account of the annual conven tion of the American Banker's asso ciation, to be held at St. Louis. On of the ieker at this gathering will be Benjamin I. Cohen, president of the Portland Trust Company of Oregon. The specie! rate granted by ths railroads Is open to the public. Ths round trip fare will be f7.i0 to St. Insula snd $71.10 to Chics go. operated by hydraulic pressure. While the firemen were engsgsd In raising the tower located amidships yesterday I Mirimmn aumeiimig wrui wrung wnu ths mechanism. Mors pressure was applied, when sud denly the pipe shot up to feet to Its ! full height and stopped with a crash. The Impact was so great that ths heavy brass nosxls was broken off aad fell to ths deck. Johnson, who was atand lng directly underneath, did not have time to run to a place of ssfsty. The falling machinery struck him on the head and hand and he fell bleeding and senseless to ths deck. Hs wss removed to ths Good Sa maritan hospital in an ambulancs snd his injuries dressed at that Institu tion. Ths fireman is resting easily todsy snd It ts thought that his in juries wllr not prove fatal. I I -NAMt on evasrv eiiof 1 I If lawKEfs Chrvcnlflte Bonbons;! i fjj Always ueiicMus ruro fjj WH ! Pigastibls - uam aox wm m f a as as. t ss iimrrjr jivw t I Every Sealed Packs fa guaranteed I Fresh snd Full Weight I avscr tar mW ffslsSJ as sissssfi s I SsseslS ntr fhVfT I THS WALTER M. LOWNEY CO. I Mjmn ef Cocoa aad Cbseelatss I S BOSTON, MASS- M ALMOST THE END OP THEM Autumn River Excursion to Astoria SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 SteamerTELEGRAPH )AT TOU ost a marram rLBaiuu JLT SQ Leaves Alder Street Dock. Port- 1 D).. J - II IVVUlaU Trip see. Arrive at Astoria at l p. Lear Astoria for horns at p. m. Arrlvs la Portland at p. m. $1.00 a la Tarn St Tea Charmingly Furnished Cabins Warm snd Cosy if It's Cold Bright snd Airy if It's Warm. AN HOOK FOR SIGHT SEEING IN THE CITY IY THE SEA A SesrUs BTtuaeh. Pram ths Pender (NO Chronicle Owing to a few kicks coming oar way ws wish to ssy that any one writing for publication had beter punctuate and spell properly ss we are going to fol low copy If it blows eat sf ths window If there is one member of the human system that will pay you back in full measure for all the in jury you do it, it is the teeth. Neglect is no worse than experi menting with worthless Denti frices. Both will hasten the day of bitter regret. Stand by SOZODONT and your teeth will stand by you. METHODISTS WILL ' BE BUSY TOMORROW Methodist churches generally will not hold services tomorrow, snd members of the denomination will gather st Sun nyslde to attend the Oregon conference there in session. Sunday will be a big day for the con ference. The morning services will begin at 7 o'clock, with a prayer by c. L. Hamilton and at o'clock the love feast will be held; J. T. Abbett will conduct this meeting. After the love feast there will be a sermon by Bishop Henry W. Warren. This will be the last ser mon that Bishop Warren will preach during the conference. In the afternoon at t o'clock the chil dren's rally will be celebrated and many children from all part of the city will attend. There will be special music In charge of A. D. Wagner and A. B. Clarke. Charles A. Oatska will preside and addreaaes will be made by W. R. P. Brown. E. W. Elaysr and T. L. Jones. At I p. di. ths Bp worth League will hold a grand rally under ths auspices of the Portland city union. Burgees P. Ford presiding. Ths musie for the evening will be in charge of Professor P. Drew and an in teresting address will be made by George H. Peeee. At I p. m. W. H. S. A. Read. Cisco, Tsz., writ, March 11, 101: "My wilst ws sprained s badly by a fall that It was useless snd sftsr using several remedies that failed to give relief, used Ballard's Snow Lini ment. 1 earnestly r com mend it to any Heppe will preach. Monday ths confer sncs will go te Salem for the dedication exercises. A speclsl trsln will Isavs the city at 10 a. m. and returning will arrive at about dinner time. Ths final session of ths conference Will be held Mondsy evening at Sunnyside. A busi ness meeting may be held Tuesday morning. WILL MAKE REDUCED RATES FROM EAST Ths Northern Pacific snnounosa spe cial summer excursion rates from east ern points to North Pacific ooast terri tory for neat year the same as wars la effect during this year. They will also have oa sals tickets from eastern ter minals to North Paclflo coast points and Spokane of one fsrs for ths round trip, scoount of ths meeting of ths ChrlsUso Endeavor, Baptist Toung People's union nd Good Templar. Ticket will be on sale June to to July 11, ltOT. with final return limit of September It. The an nouncing of these rates at this time should bring a very large number of people to the Pacific ooast during com ing year. For Instence, from St Paul, Minne apolis, ftuluth. Superior, Sioux City, Omaha. Counoil Bluffs, St. Joasph, Kan saa City and other Missouri river points to Portland and return ths rate will be H0 covering the round trip. Prom Chi cago ths rate Will be ITS. Prom 8L Ixuls to Portland and retain Id. Simi lar reductions will be msde In rates from other points throughout the east. Alls A Lewis' Bast Brand. Every Day but Sunday From PORTLAND to ASTORIA Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 7. A. M. And Every Night Bat Sunday Night From ASTORIA to PORTLAND Leaving Astoria at 7 P.M. THE THE PALATIAL Steamer Luriine The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line. . Passengers and Freight for All Landings on the River at Lowest Rates. NX UNE Bon , Ami The Best Scotwing Soap Mada A 9couring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner