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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER . 1906. VAN AUKER FREED BY COURT lEx-Cashier Accused of ment Given His Freedom by Justice William Symons of Rainier :By $ B Hlaff Correspondsnt.) r Rainier, Or Sspt. 2. After Justice Wllllsm flymcns had listened for- al- moit six hours yesterday to testimony 'against C. S. Van Anker, ex-cashier of 'the Sta(e bank of fUlnler. charted with larceny by etnbessleraent In connection ''with the Labor day robbery of the Rainier bank; he dismissed the ems and ordered the banker discharged from custody. Half a dosen or more witnesses were called to aid' the prosecution In com pleting" the chain of evidence Involving the gambler-banker with the mysteri ous robbery of the bank. but. according to the justice, the connecting ltnk was missing. No witnesses wsre Intro duced by the defense and Van Auksr refrained from taking he stand in his own ' behalf ' But further trouble 'is In store for the faro-lovlng banker. Immediately after the decision was rendered by Magistrate Hymons, Destrlct Attorney Harrison Allen announced that the In vestigation was by no means ended. So convinced Is he of the banker's guilt and that Van Auker was seeking to conceal by a cleverly-concocted holdup story a shortage In the bank's funds as a result of his gambling, that the cans will ba presented to the grand Jury which convenes October 9. Will Continue Investigation. Meanwhile both the district attorney and detectives 'will oontlnue their In vestigation of the banker's varied ex periences and It is expected that even more sensational developments will fol low. i As unruffled and unmoved as If he were listening to a Sunday sermon.' Van Auker heard himself branded by his accusers aa one of the cleverest rogues who over came Into the west, and he only smiled. Seated beside his attorney, ho listened to the testimony that may forever bar him from again holding a position of trust and heard himself accused of crimes ranging from hypocrisy to embesslement. and his features were as calm as a day In May and aa benignly pious aa those of a camp-meeting celebrity. ' When ho was Informed by his coun sel that he waa free again there was no more change of countenance than IX he were holding a pair of fives against three Jacks In a poker game. He waa aa unconcerned -vhen ha waa released aa he was on the day of his arrest. "I haven't much of a statement for t he public." ho aald mat night aa he boarded a train for Portland. "Of course I feel pretty wall as a result of the ending of my troubles, but as to the future there Isn't much that 1 am at liberty to say. ' "My trtenda have urged mo to come bark to Rainier and live, and It la likely that I will do so. In -fact. I have the offer of a position there, though at this time I am not at liberty to any Just what It is." HEARST IS GIVEN AN OVATION Monster Meeting at Madison Square Cardan Ratifies In dependent Nominations. PUBLISHER REPUDIATES DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM Announces Himself aa Running on . League Platform Favors Public Ownership and Direct Primaries- Government by People. (Jearaal Km? til Service 1 New Tork. Sent, ja W. R. Hearst ,;' was given an ovation laat alght. when , the state ticket of the Independence t.eaawe waa ratified at a monster meet ing st Madison Square Garden. 4 The principal adenosis were delivered or W. H Hearst and Lewis Stuyvesant C healer, respectively the candidates far governor snd lieutenant-governor oa both the Democratic and Independence League ticket a When Mr. Hearst entered the garden me audience greeted nim wn oeaiw tng cheer, while the bans played, and flags were waved. It was nearly halt an nour oeror air. xxeari cvuia mom himself heard. He said in part: Before I received the nomination from any party 1 spoke at Syracuse and stated the principles he which I be lieved and framed my political plat form. Therefore the nominations that have been given ase war given with a full understanding of exactly what I belter. X aha 11 make the campaign accord ing to my own honest opinion, end if elected shall conduct my administra tion aoesidlnp to my own ceavtotleom, I am a Jefferson Democrat, and that. as I aadiiwtsnd it. Is practically the eami aa a Lincoln Republican, for the Republican party was founded to re store the actio of the government to the principles of Washington and JSC I believe In the Impartial oafeetsmant f the lawn an they exist. I belter in public aw irshkj eg get He titllttkea Bet the first eusdi fleet Ion far peJeett ty ta omc and la esejond.rir t vet ing. I believe that the preventive prfaclp la veJaabts fc Itself. bjat has beast em- Stomach Iroubles I mTLk. I r " ti Ow I I SWOT - SB I ' at , . , . I I am P amy a Bteeaesr. emwaweTs BJ J I and St fceeaadm Sexht I le44-K DrsRmr return at your JJ gw' fcaSkaO Sua) I ftswrtr'jsWrve Larceny and Embezzle "Do you feel resentful toward any one as a result of your misfortunes?" ha was asked. "Has It ever occurred to you thst vou might have, been made the victim of a JobT" "Ob. no," he replied. 'I'm not a' bit sore. I figured all the time that the Surety company would try this sort of thing, that they would try to connect the Innocent victim of the robbery with the crime. But I haven't anything to say about anybody. I'm going to Portland tonight, stay there for a while and will probably return to Rainier to live." Maurice Tails Story. Among the witnesses who testified at the preliminary hearing, of the banker yesterday waa Charles Maurice, the Russian Jew, who cut the ropes which bound the cashier's arms whlls he wss In tbs directors' room of the bank on Labor day. He told of having been attracted to the window by the breaking of a pane of glass snd finding the cashier standing on a chair with his arms snd hands bound. He cut the rope In one place between the arms and the cashier's arms and hands worn, re leased Instantly. Then he told of the cashier's having given him the keys and tailing him to go to the front door to opsn it. In a ststement for the newspapers describing the hold-up which Van Auker prepared on the evening of the crime, be stated that ths two doors leading Into the di rectors' rooms were locked, that Mau rice came through the front door, opened the other two door and released him. Maurice told an entirely different story on the witness stand. Hf forts to confuse him wsre futile, and he told his story la a straightforward, convinc ing way. He said that when he had suc ceeded In entering the main banking room after Opening the front door, he found the banker there. He did not open either of the doors leading Into the directors' room, he said. Detective Deteotlve Lou Hartman of Portland was another witness. He told of the confessions of Van Auker with reference to having lost large sums st gambling a short time before the robbery of the bank and also of the gambling-bankers' proposition to raise the money and pay up the bank's shortage as a result of the robbery If the affair was kept from the public and prosecution dropped. The banker waa represented by W. M. Cake of Portland. The auto waa repre sented by Harrison Allen, district at torney, and W. B. Powell of St. Helena, deputy district attorney. Experts are still at work on ths books of the State Bank of Rainier and It Is said that the exact amount of the loss hss not been ascertained. However, the aum will bo In the neighborhood of tl.tM, it is aald. The National Surety company, which bonded the cashier, and also guaranteed ths bank from loss by burglary, will be the loser. The bank will lose noth ing aa a result of the robbery. reasonably extended and outrageously abused. I believe In protection for Infant in dustries. X believe In protection for American labor. I believe the tariff should be modified and public owner chip Inaugurated, but that both should be done cautiously and conservatively, with due regard to the stability of business Interests snd the perpetuation on which we all depend. I believe In the restraint and regula tion of trusts and monopolies by law. I believe in labor unions snd farmers' grange and organisations that promote me distribution of wealth, and I real ise that the proepevfty or legitimate business ma depends upon the purchas ing power af the masses. I believe la every measure that gives the people more direct control of the government. I believe In direct nominations and open primaries I believe In purity In politics. I will run In this campaign, not merely representing the Independence League, not merely the Democratic party, bat. I hope, the people of the state of New York. I appeal te them and make my pledge to them to re tain for them the rights they sttll have and to restore to these the liberties they here lost. THINKS PUBLIC OWNERSHIP mm Tl FEUDALISM Professor Frank H. Roberts Thinks It the Worst Thing Possible for a City. JaeartaaJ esstetfal 8sjc ) Chicago. Sept. IS. Mayor Dunne of Chicago was elected president of the League of American Municipalities yeev terday over Mayor K. C Ttmanur of Baltimore by a vote er 14, to 10. Mayor fhsam eras called upon to champion municipal ownership In a vigorous fash teev It waa. the closing session of the tenth annual convention, end ae a cli max of a discussion In which municipal ownership waa riddled with rapid-fir shot. Professor Frank H Roberta of Dearer declared that Investigations In England convinced him that municipal ownership waa ta first step ta re turn to feudalism and serfdom. Pro fessor Roberts said: Advocacy of municipal ownership Is Distinctly aau imintai to the bent in terest of a city. When the agitator of a city demand muntctpallaatton. pri vate owners do net make repairs er xtettasMm b scenes they wish to make aa little ah eoMfhle " The league refused te put Itself on a keener far or against munlct- owMTShtp of pubUe uttlltle EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF WASHINGTON UNVEILED il Service New Tee. Sep. ak-Thds sit an r timet of a stare f the Brooklyn Plana of ta a gift totb city front in i.saaa Jews B. How, basnet paid for from fee where a re assise while register of the ctty m the week of kt H. Sarsdy tt eh una General Washington the try rear days at esreuWy ernVsxr sHrewJP n feet ftreen the grimed The ear statue earn T.eM) pasads. er sea a A Friend in Need Al ways with You. WHEN you have Heartburn. Colic. Coated Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rlsing-ln throat. Cas belchlng, or an incipient Cold, taka a Caaoaret. Remember, all these are not merely Discomforts, but Indications of a serious Nip them In the bud eat a Candy Caa caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor pun ish the stomach like " Bile-drivtng" "Physics." They act like Exercise on ths Bowel Muscles that propel .food, sod that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body into Food. s Cascarots ward off, or cure, the fol lowing i Constipation Bad Breath Headache Diarrhoea Flatulence Taundice wSjesrwawa' s "Nausea Vertigo Biliousness Indigestion tsia Liver Worms Pimples Piles Blotches In such cases a little Caaoarst In Urns la worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later on, to say nothing of the suffering. discomfort and loss of Business Energy, sea Headaches, Heartburn. Gas-belching, Acld-rlslngs Id the throat, and Colloky feeling are sure signs of bowel trouble from food poisons, and should be dealt with promptly. One Caaoaret will stop the coming trouble, and move on the Bowel load. If taken at the first signs. Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket Box of Cascarets with you constantly. a - AO druggists sell them over tea mil lion boxes a year. Be vary careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC" REN LORD MAYOR ELECTED by city of mm Ancient Saxon Rites Carried Out by City's Guilds and Companies. tssaml London. Sept It. Ths various city guilds and companies of London met to day In accordance with their Ume-hon-ored custom to elect a new lord mayor of the otly of London. The guilds, or as they, were called under King Edward III. livery companies." date back to Saxon days. The oldest is the Knights' guilds, possessed of privileges granted I by King Edgar for service in war. The steel yard and ship yard merchants of London thsn formed a guild. Later came the Saddlers. Then came the Goldsmiths, whose charter cam from Edward I. Theae guilds or companies have their charters, and have accumu lated Immense funds, so thst they are a power in the lend. To them Is confided the voting power and election of lord mayor, while the aldermen are selected from among their number. An alder men, on election, must set, or pey a fins of (SO pounds sterling. The salary of the lord mayor Is the same aa that of the president of the United States. 150,000 a year, and he has, beside. residence at the Man sion house. Though sleeted on Michael mas day. he Is sworn into office on No vember t. and the next day. which hsp pena to be the king's birthday, ho pro ceeds In state to ths courts of law. te be formally presented to the barons of the exchequer. This Is si ways a greet pageant and a civic holiday. The new lord mayor. Sir William Pur die Treloar. Kt, was born In London In ltit. and Is a member of the well known firm of Treloar and Sons, Ludgate Hill. GOVERNOR TOOLE ASPIRES TO SEHATORSHIP i 1 Montana's Strongest Democrat Announces Candidacy for Toga of Clark. (Special Wepate ta The JoeraaL) Helena. Mont.. Sept. . As successor to United States Senator W. A. Clark, whose term expire March next, Gov ernor J. K. Toole, a P steal at today declared hbneeif candidate, basing this action en n resolution adopted by the stat labor convention at Butt, releas ing him from a pledge made" two year ago. to serve a full four-year tens aa executive If elected. In hie anonuncement. the Governor calls attention to the fact he was the territory's lest representative fat congress before statehood, end felt then entitled to the esnatorshlp. bat eeceeded to the nu,sl of older party leaders, until now far the first time h had asserted his avowed candidacy for the of fie. Toot has thrice been elected Governor of the state and to undoubtedly the- strongest man In the Democratic party tn the stat. $84.50 Buffalo and Return. Oa October S aad the Great North era railway will have ea sale tlehsts from Portland to Buffalo and return nt rat eat SS4.S0. tickets goad awing vks the Great Northern railway, retnmlag aaxee er any direct rowte. stop. has al lowed gorng aad leawrntasj. Per eddt ttoexU iMFereneHeei. tlcketa aad sleep ing ear raeervatlon call eat er H. Dichson, o. P. A T. A. laa Third street, Portland. Ore Ft no. aeee porttow or thai t eat by Are yeetevdny. est! ail tag lews of iTtvsee, ta the Dysp, Tortim Appendicitis Ma. sent aa The bwst- rwa waa wtewd mmtmS a f ecfteev two hotel and many reeeswexessi says Seas Bsaesill f PhmTpsawrg. Kaa -aN rwrer tt wkth sVsrklsn s Ar redtr stand aieaawrreami ta neuve won ao tfe ea. 1 1. ... ' reef. Osmtswat cwr rf Burns. Beika. WE IN FOR MEN OOSTaTXXiTATIOxT UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE No Pay Unlass Cured tS will not soot yarn anything So call at oar office and consult us, and by so doing It stay sav you much time, worry and money, and because If ws cannot core yea we will honestly tea yen ee, and you will not be under any financial obligation to us. Ton pay aa for oures not to experiment wo have proved the fsct that our methods are the beat, lstsst and ths most scientific in every respect. There are some cases that are Incurable snd we determine whether It Is curable or incursble by a thorough physical and microscopical examination. Some physicians try to Imitate our methods of advertising and treat ment, but In the past we have proven the fact to our patients thst our treat ment la superior In every way to our imitators. Oar treatment stsnds on Its own merits and our success snd reputation have been built upon this founda tion. Furthermore, we wish to ststs that we seeept only such oases as are eatable. To Men of All Ages If Decline m From Unnatural Cause There Is not a man in existence who Is suffering from tmpotency that we cannot rebuild and strengthen so ae to accomplish the greatest deslrs and sxperlenoe the keenest satisfaction, and after we have cured a case of this kind there will never again be a sign of weakness except brought on by imprudence. Our well-known and long-established Institution is squipped with every modern appliance for the treatment of men. Remember, our charges are reasonable and In reach of any worklngman. The best Is nons too good for any man who Is a sufferer from any of ths diseases below mentioned, to which wo have devoted exclusively the beet years of our life. We cure ell forms of Blood and veins, nervous Decline, Files, ristula, Kidney, Bladder and ail Maeeeee due to Weakasse. Inheritance and exhaustion and the result of spec if to sissases. sasiilmsa sated in seven days. We wait every nan la the country who Is afflicted la write as about Us aliment. WE CURE TOD AT HOME. HOURS I to S, T to Dally; Sundays, t to i. St Loots MEMO! AM SDIOU1 TAUILL Blood, Skin, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men TAIL of of make a specialty BTEBVO0S BXS- ranr disbasss. of of . only. Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely la absolutely no Inconvenience. l.u Ae v.. . v. t . ............. i V. "IIV. 11.1 .IOI11U v. mi'' 1 I 1 1 1 . , whlls the results are direct, speedy and permanent. We cure your dlaease to stay cured. Ws want to talk with every man who suffers from thoss afflictions, dus to any cause whatever. We want to explain our methods of curing dis ease and all ailments of the kidneys and bladder. Our office is squipped with everything science can devise and money can buy that will assist us In curing disease ws treat. We srs true specialists, and do not attempt to treet all diseases, but cure all we treat Our methods of curing are original, positive, absolute. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Should you desire you may deposit the few with any bank or business bouse In Portland, to be paid to us after you have been restored to health, or you may pay In monthly payments If you prefer. CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE Office houre 9 a. m. to $ p. m.; Sunday a and holidays, IS s. m. to IS. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. as TAB BOT m POLITICAL CAMPAIGN NOW ii roil mm News Forecast for Coming Week Shows Many Con ventions. Washington. D. C. Sept. :. The week luet closed new the last of the state conventions to name candidates for offices to be filled at the approach ing election in November. Prom now on the campaign win oe in run mam. with the general Interest of the country centered ta the contest la New York state and in a lesser degree la Penn sylvania, where the Democrats and Lin coln Republicans have combined to de feat the regular Republican organisa tion as dominated by Penrose snd his ooterte. William i. Bryan wilt continue hie tour In the sooth, and In other parts of the country Secretary SSiaw. Speaker Cannon. Senator Bevertdge and other prominent spell-binders will continue their political specb-makiag- n laldenl Roosevelt. Is due beck la Washington the first of the week, bat will hardly sad settled In the White Hon when he will make a short trip to Pennsylvania to attend thst .dedica tion of the new stele cepltol et Harrls burg next Thursday. Hie. address on that occasion. It Is announced, will not be f political nature. The end of the hot weather period ushers In the usual large number of tSMHietloea of religious, missionary, trad aad other organisations, and It m also the period of many state fairs and fan carnivals. Among tn notabta conventions of the nm leg week will be thoe of the Na tional Association of Retail Druggists St ktUntn. the I'nlted Irish League of America at Philadelphia, and the Na- tsewal Aeeoemtlew of Psstsss stars at St The Democrats of Masaachwaotta will their stats nominating eemventlon and the Republicans will meet the day fol lowing. Governor Gens will snsanlmously renominated by the rte- whlle the Democratic tens en will ba mad lively by the fight of the regular eegasdsattew against the i aadtde ' i f Destrlct Attorney for the stibmmtnrlal nomination. A stats primary wSsillls win I SB Oeorsta Wedheadhy for ef three jedg'e f the stew etate of appeals. The regular ilsuUsa ate howee ftVera take pes re et roc for the Tn- wtll b Mid over the Lowst Saturday. ay wal he the OW name time The Intevwatlonsl lessed '-owree sf the saaee 4 $12.50 ailment for $18.50. SB TBABB 1ST POBTLAS9 . acta Dan eats, Brain Baa;, Tariooee or Dispensary ... NEWINSPECTOR GENERALFOR UNCLE SAM'S ARMY Generals Burton and Mills Re tire Succeeded by Murray and Darlington. Uesrssl Special Servles.1 Washington, D. C. Sept. (. Import ant changes among the high officers of the army will be mad tomorrow when Brtgsdler Genera George H. Burton. In spector general, and Brigadier General Samuel If. Mil!., chief of artillery, will be placed on the retired list on their own applications General Hills will be succeeded ss chief of artillery by Lieu tenant Colonel Arthur Murray, now as sistant to the chief of artillery, whir Colonel K. A. Garllngton ' will succeed General Burton as inspector general of the army. Colonel Murray, the new chief of ar tillery, waa bom In Bawling Green. Mis souri. April XS. MSI. He wae eppotnted to the West Point academy In 117 and graduated second tn his ctaaa His first promotion came In 1 17 1. when he waa made first lieutenant In the First United States artillery. In If la. he waa honor graduate No. 1 In the artillery school at Fort Monroe. For sts years thereafter he wee an instructor In the department of natural and experimental philosophy at the West Point academy Prom 1X7 to iaai be waa acting Judge advocate general, department of Missouri, and for n brief period thereafter was acting ssssmsi eoratant gererat. oenartseent of Dakota. On the outbreak of the war with Spain he waa given a captaincy in the First artillery sad served three the Cuban campaign. Afterward K served with distinction In the Philip- see. C si east Murray wss admitted te the bar In the Catted State elrekdt court st St. Louis ta ISM. .with few exeewtlon. arm iadleattve of constipation or exekUtty. W. H Harrison, Cleveland. Mia writ. Aag. la liel: I was ta sV a were oa prate Hanaro a S Helm i at I stem nail, .kirk caused the coeds la le to ,-otl- tract aad mm ek sties to rise in my kaee. and she dorter told me that I woedd have a ettP lea. so on day j went to J. T. Lore drug star (whs is bww m issTO. vet. r. it reemnv 111 Seed ky Wdard. , C B " w XYjmJintY 1 rttLT d ofxasBBmBBBBK i 2t, mmmm!mZ mmSf&U f 'Vf'MsT ImttxixMTsSmwrnm1 a atwHkfrlrhweS y aailuSlnB eesw yw, rritTr -TST tkr weed Qea ' wlwdjj e dSse " TRANSPORTATION. $84.50 Buffalo, IN. Y. and return via the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. S and 6 ; final limit November 15. This J will be your last opportunity of j the year to go to the far east at so reasonable a figure. Males vour berth reservations ear1v tr i insure good accomodations. Sc any ticket agent or write to H. B. SMITH, T. P. A. Seattle, Wash. TELEGRAPH Faatest ea ta aUvss Ths only steamboat making a round trip Except Cunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA Asm waa- SHWxrrs Leave Portland ; 7 0 a m Arrive Astoria 1:SS p. m Leave Astoria J:0 p. m. Arrive Portland S:0 p. as. at.- .1,8 SERVED A LA CARTS aaadlag. OaUender Hoc. B. B. SCOTT. Agent Phono Main III Columbia Ri verSceoery Regulator Line Steamers Dally service between Portland end Ths Dalles except Sunday, leaving Port land at T a. m , arriving about I p. m.. carrying freight snd passengera Splen did accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street. Portland foot of Court street. The Dalle. Main Sit. Portland. SOUTHEASTER ALASKA ROUTE. 4ir7v From Seattle at p. for Krteklkaa. Jaseaa. 8kax way. trhlt Bora. aad ralreaas -S. S City of Seattle. Sep, VJicoer iv, ae. 8. a Baasetit. 1.1. 23. S. S. Cettsg City vt t Silk). September S. 22. 1 SOME ROUTE S. S. Sosstor, .boat Oct Z. FOR SAX FRAXCIBC'J DIXECT Froaj Seattle at S s. St. Um.ttlU. Sept. IT; aty of (aeble. Sept. zf : Qeses, Sept 27 SerOssd Offioe. 4 WuWartl. St. Pas. , ST. , Aat. 0. D DUN ANN. a r. Saa Fraaekwe. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Next salllsg from Portland Friday. Sept. St. Next saittsg frost Saa Fnschw. Thar., Oct. 4. P. U ORBENOUOH. sgsst. SsiiswHk Desk Me. rk Mala tSi. C. GEE WO i or eras f sr ktod esA resell Tieat.hl. fx Diwtut treat. sassfsny ta est ll tsiam tusklis. eatar f eWsimwJJ Blldt Vf WsseVwfkr1. rem alb TsotrsxMAsn all fbtvats Be tela, er aiUwadia- UteaedB t the afSietee. A eat aad U atlas ear. Is the ealek h thn asd at the la wast east sea If re eaaast ealL will tar 4 etr relet taehw 4 YUmJmtVrSim Every Wi wZaaeTsaeVuM atatrt, lUeairaud heoS "ii tt rsupswiexiM. " "IwBAak aLASJixU rxT1" Scoffs Santal-Pepsm Capsules Portland's Widely Known 1 and Successful Chinese j Medicinal. Root and Herb Doctor UM (.-. rvsMdle. the iseTedlent et 1 itmwifk. raax V9aB mwexrVswmwmsr she. r s smvS POSITIVE CURE TRANSPORTATION. whsn yfj tsuvsl carey tea West o Hotel k Bllwa, ft te Jssmv bhfc trealcai. sstsMT IS h ssOk er , OREGON SHOPJ JUNE Union Pacific 13 Trains to the Esst Daily 3 Tlleaal S PnllMMM ...ui.Mt mmA tai Oellr te Oaaea, trktasso. Spssasel toortel leeplaaeare llr te lessee Otr Tproaib recTtelss esalrvalri ( sea ta free) e tS Rat delly. tsiea Deset Us, arrive. .k 0U.TI "serial fat tbe Bait via Hnntlngum. dir. t:S0ast Spoeaa rljtr fnr Kaatar li 00 sai l.WttO -- A' i 1 1 waei Urj i Northers point, daily :ll r S: OS aa) Atleath- Kipreta for the East S"L ;ltes. dally .. 15 pm T:l ee) KPort tad-JBtxx. lor.l for .It kit betwees Btr asd rttasd. dally 1:1 a : oi.i MB1A RIVCS DIVISION. .."or Asterls aad way oolati. eaneeetiss with tenner for d Morn Steal " Aeh-et yek. leave. p. St. Salt. !2f. " : Sataraar to . sj. ArrreeS- 0 p. si., except Snno.r VAUHILI. RIVER ROUTE , For Daytos. Oregon City aad Taahltl rivet point, .teamen Roth .od. Moose. Aah-et. Seek. T a. n. dally, eirept Knnd. (w.ter per mlttmt). Arrive T:S0 p. at. dally, esesst Ewsssy S.VAKB RIVER ROUTE. m. . kewfctos, Idaho, and war point, free Wash., steamer Seek. a .ad Leww Sf leav 5:0 a. a... or upon arrival Tram K. 4, dairy except Sattirday. Arrive 4 p. w. dallr .xeent Friday. Tlekt office. Third .ad w.htof!oo st. TWn ifahi Til. C. W. f INOER. City Ttest A feet. MeMCKSAT. General Fsssr Ages. EASTvu SOUTH I'nles Depot Leave. Arrive. overiaad Express Trek 'er Sales. Sueotairs, Ash- lasd. SaerasMste, Oa. Res Franeise. Stecsto. Las Asgsaw. Si po. New Orleaa. aad the esst. 1:U pa t:lS SSS Moralse trala at Woodhura dally except Seadsy with trala (Sir Monnt Antel. Silvcrtos. itrowwvin. nprln.fl.ld. WmdUsc and Natron. 00 T:aiBB ..naene aame aeet. at Weeds with Mount Ansel and Strrerto local t for. in. . cm am :nssa . etsopei nMpm 11 no.m MlS'SS.ra . IsOOpm ! 12:00 em Sheridan paaeeaswr. romi limes rorvM or pimsgir... 'Dally. llDafly except JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. For Delia, aad Intermediate sent dally, T:SS s. Si. sad 4:1 p. m. Arrive Portlaad 10:10 a. ro. asd t:M p. a. For tlaw aadeaN f Oa assereaa liaaxS apply at City Tlck.t Office, or Matjoa. Ticket, to Raarera pornt. asd Euros; sit japan. nina. noneiom an AO.rr.lia. Clf TVhet Office mrser Third aS inxroa erret. rsea Main 712. C. W. STTKOER. Wm. McMURRAT. City Ticket A rent Oen. Fee Asset. TIME CARD TRAINS Portlandj Lear. Ante. rltowtss Far Base.. City St. Lost Special tar Cbehaua. Cestralla. Olynpla. bray's Harbor South Bead. TsOSBJS. Seattle. Spokaa. Lewis. Insge. Denver. Oaaa- i it.i m. loan t. salt t:30 mm 4:3d sm aorta uoaet l.lmlieo. ibiuh .'lasted, for TSesaaa. Seattle. Spakes. utt. Misseasetl. St. and the Bat. dalhv 2 OS pa T:0S SSS Pajg" t rViftsHl LfnalTCef. nt CW'tf CaWisallsl. OgrfdV tratltw Ti i aw xBkaxV mwmamwmsh -vrw rrsi . t sit isipjsi wBpo swajsifatar aal. dally 4:SSps S S pes nrs t;iry ax Batte. St. PaaL City. Oenks. St. Leaax. eat ehees ( car. Fsaat sttnws rar aa . 114 tea SSdSsss. -au mmm m 2 Ovcriimfl Trttsts 9tOy 2 VIA SBATTXa ASD SFOBABS. Peril. ad thn iikileli loallv DUy. Lea. Arrive. Te sd .frees seeSMS. St. PXpsl. Mlwsesselta. Da lath asd. aS Beast Bast vfct Buttle S:Sa T0S.W ii 43 pa sds pet To sad frem St. PaaL Mtsseaaeoe. asd 0 pa s is set SdSsm carryla rr.tant. a a se "V-jjJJJJ"1' Mir TOW 1 .j.r.iistm-me. oy isartls ahxni if t iw Japea "ar'tShet. rate, heet. Marvs- .. ta. m er seer e. p. t. a. ate nasi: Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. 17: Arm Per tm w iiihiui r.. hart Park. aWd AwMila sad Bseefcw exdiesi ii was Ttm.ei Me All tralas Sally. . S. c. majo. tf.r sd P. A,. OV C A. eTBWABT. iiseinhi Ages. St Alder afreet Phew Mai SSS wwwwwwwwMWOHwawwwwwwMwwwwewjejwjwwawejej Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer SasawrrrwMM Seattle far Jai i hi. a port asd maaS. rvggw B IBknl the city. kt aSewpovt Itew