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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER W. lfC. j -i- a i mmm - - - - TODAY'S MARKETS POOR IS NOW SHOWN Hop Samples Give Mute Evi dence of Leaves and Vines Being Thrown in Hopper. LOW PRICE CONTRACT, HOLDERS ARE SUFFERERS Growers Who Sell at Good Price Have Extra Fine Picking Eggs Advance to 30c for Local Ranch Poultry Market Holds Ita Own. PrlMlpm hwtxw Lars 1MB oowa ttc. Dm lira offrr 14c lor hop. Rampl? aow poor hop pk-XliiS. Bacon price arc c tow. Dried rorraala dranred aain. Mince meat to be a'r. lawk es t aoc torn. Oyster Baca bold bee, price. Poaltrr auppllca claaocd up. Grape are firmer and signer Car met potato; aurrset rary Suinlaa Show Foot Xerer In the history of tb bop Induatr, o( egor, baTc plcklnf opwatton. been ao poor a.rin. ihc aaauaaa now and id. WhUa tkoar U WTaiadB 1 aair m m i - h. nrntrartad their bops at very hlsti a.- -B J Ik. prtcM an dotbc their boat to tors eat Orel JuaUtr bop.. It Id tb. aallcr. of low-priced tritaTbo threaten to J?1" (he itiu'i rood wuo tor V-?! ben that grow anywhere In the world, mm . Sowori ld contract. early l J1,"? iround 10c poond. and Mplca .nhniltted br manr of thee ahuw that not .ton. wer the top picked and put In tb bale, hot akw the leJre. Tand food per caat of the eless. In loan, tottoncea the entlro cloater of bop. waa , throw. Into th hopper and In that ' tried and baled The aamplee aabrslttea clesrlr how thl. Dealer who bought complain eery Bitterly of thl. and sy that 'X wer not to to the only .offerer, bat tb. grower thea erm who allowed eh work. The picker who la allowed to pick Tl. fern, at all me eeaaon will anrly do so the next Tr. : m the assertloa of these people. Thl. will bar. I denaoralUlng effect upon tb. quality ud ruture price. Saston Off r U Oat. far Hop While practically no buslns la reported In tb hop aamrket a number of dealer. kT mad. offer, through the Aurora dl.trlct amund 14c a pound for prim to choice good.. Thl at below the figure expected by the grower., and they are not wiling. Many seers willing to let go round lor for thto grad. bat the liniaji aay that If Iftc wa. offered th. grow in would aak IOC and ao on. Sample, of hop. .re Bora earily obtained thl. ymr ac ruarrt of tb. low price and the lnaetlTlty of uylng operation, an marnei rrprn ... Urn Bama Down a Half 0at, w .l.l.,n market on th Pacific COt 1 beginslBg to feel tb. effect of a aerie of ferlloe In the price or ire. nog. m rn marketa. Today there waa another de line of tic a nottnd la th price of large .i..a h.m. .mail alae beloc unchanged at I5V-C. Bacon price, are down He to ersrae luetic. Lard aad other urorlalona an un ha need. . DreMed meata are Jirt holding Ibelr own with oniewb.t Improred upplle. Or tar Ilea Hold Back Price. Packer, of oyster .re .drntlag their trade that there will la all probability ha a eery 1 abort thl aeeaon of eo.tern Ttr. Packer are refusing to accept any order for Put nee dellrerr at a at.ted price.; th Infor- i.tu. hetmr alen that all order, will be niiieet to nrlcea Bade after the packing be rlaa. It 1. Hkewlae stated that thoao who In not order la are Tory likely to be a Itboot oy.ter. the coming aeaaoa. Dried currants are a (tranced another He a sound today, owing to improred condition. In ;reek currant Thl. make, .a d rance of lc . poond In that market In Int. trading. It la rery likely that price, on mince meat will be rather high thl. ram on account of the .dr.nce la rnrr.nt. and citron. The lat ter crop 1. gradually growing entailer with price advancing. Banoh Xgf t Thirty Onto. Another advance U noted today la th. egg market. Freeh ranch atock 1 now quoted rery atrong at SOc a doaen. with ea.tern of toot quality aa high aa SBr. While receipt, of poultry were rary liberal re feeder, the market la holding lta owa ha u-eount of the greet demand ocaaaioned by the lowlak holiday today. General trad, along Front Mreet waa rather light on thl. account today. Brief Vote of th. treat. A ear of awot poutoea waa the oaly sr- 41 to I from the roath today, atarket la good hap on arcoaat of good quality and 10c ad ssaee In the Booth. Or pea. eapeclally Concord, rery firm, with .mailer aupplle. Utter price hi up. Tomato, are firming ap with price again llghar Pot to, firm for fancy, bat ordinary atock la Mid. Moat of thai, .trad hi wall aupplled with the latter. The trad pay th following price to front .treat. Price, paid ahlppera ar lea. rag al.r commtaalon. Orara. Floor aad Vaas. . GBAIN BAGS Calcutta. SHc baying price; relllng. te. WHBAT Mow crab, ate; rd Baaalaa. ale; ton I IB toV: ralley, age. BABLBY New-food. 1310; rolled. I2j.n0. brewlac. SHOO. COBS Wbolo. trTM nT par ewt. OATH new r inuota. mm no. t whit. US 00. gray $22 00. TVMV H natenra. gs BO etrilghts. 18.88; export. 8$.IO: r.lley. $3.40 graham. Vi. waoi wneat. gs.70; rr. tOa. $BO0; bale. SS.78. MIt.UITl KrtV-Bran. $15.80 per ton; Bid tSMag. $24.00; aborts, country. $17J0; city. BsK ebon. SlB.00Oai.00. HAT Prodaeer- prlco TlBOthy Wlllnmett nr itnuii wiunmett gflS.00: ra-dlaaah. Soooa m. glS.ootJlfTdJS. mixed. $7.00; grain. $7 504J8.50; r.lley, fancy, gil.wgjis.wr toot); ea.tern Oregon Jlg.OOClO.BO: clorer the.t. r.0O.00. BtjTTBR FAT T. a. b. Portland Basel rre.m. S8'c; sear, SSHe. BUTTER City ereamery. SOe: outrido faacr, tgasor; urdlnary ITVc; .tore, 14tyf)loe. font Ha. 1 fresh Oregon, caniflod. 0aOr; ancmlled. 2c: eutera. SSgJZftr. CHEESE Ne rnU oreaB, flata. lc; tfonns America. ISOlBVtc PIM I I IIV Mixed chicken. I Be per lb; f.n. -r hen. ISe per lb; rooater. old, lOUr per It. '. llOllttc pes lb; fryer, 14c; bredhira. 14 per lb; old deck. lawOISe: lb; print dock. ISHQISVte lb; gaoss. O10c to; torkeys. 16 per ft; dreatSg. SO, jag E; aguab. SS.60OJ 00 mm doa: ptgeeoa. ggtgg WmI aad Ellaa. HOPS - 1B06 crop, chol.-e. IftdjlgHe; prt bolce, 14jSflOMc: prime ic WlKJU ISOtl clip Valley. QMS-Shearing SBg; median; ISO ch; tows woof TScfMVSO TA fatw rri, V iTl TTIH A R R POT ft. SVxOeat laltti HI DEB wry. "o. i. is .a. iHO IS toa. 14a: ITke per ft; dry kip. No. 1. S to tS Ska, itoi dry self. He, 1. oagOT iss. isc: aairog Bide lOgflle SB, SOTet kip. Her is lb. He: t pa ft tots: grooa. ffBsaitM. i. .: a: ft I ted. eaeh. SI I TS; dry. eaeh. Sdsaa. 10 Uk SI POTATOES Buying price. T8S0e; Jobblnf I so per ctVt; areta, lit. PBI ITS Ap $8 00, SOT lb: 1.00 nag box; fane. Meakaa. $1JS pat PICKING SE.H JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS Ofj MARKETS X Poultry nhlppern ahould bd O O vary careful in their ahlpmenta O 0 to market the coming week and O O ! market fluctuations and O O condition nhould be eagerly O scanned every day. Too heavy 4 O arrivals woold cause a very se- O O vera break in values. While the O O receipts were quite heavy yester- 0 4 day th demand on account of O d the Jewish holiday took all that O O c-ame and prices held unchanged. O O 100. plun... grapoa. !.. a. aOgJaOc per cratr;cantaloupe M lOgfl M; Concord.. Hl30eT feSHt: crated, tl 10; eaachaa. . $1 '-'o. rater TBct melon.. II. W; near.. 75ol prune., oolk. gc per lb: pacses, totgooce iter box; bucklbrrlea. 10c. Vmtrr'KI.KM TornlM. now. 11.00 oar sack carrots, fl rack: beets. 1.50 aack; Oregon radish.. 20c per doe; cabbage. Oregon, 9I.7SO IS. 00; bell pepper. He per lb; tomato, 4XKBB0e per bos; paraulpe, S0icfjl 00; rlag hn Oregon. oh)fe per To: caall Bow.r, SOcftll.OO per doa; pe... 4O0c: sorae radtah, M0e per lb: articboke. Tie per doa; quuh. 7icl 00 per box; eggplant, fl.80 per SJIe nee ho : celerr. 79 (Bath doa; greea corn, gl.SO Bark : eummer equate. 7BQ1 U0 per box; eggplant. gl.TS per crate: pampktna, lc: crantorri., local. $S0O B OO: Cap Cod, gg.SO per bbl. DRIED rBUITB Apple. ported. ISO Ids per lb: apricot. lSHOlto per lb: peach. lattUUe per B: sacka. Hr per to toes: m naaa. to 40. Be; ixc drug on .ach 1-1S amaller : Baa. Mark dtUc sw ah r.nrorala California watt. aOH per I IHc par lb; farda. ll.loOl.80 lb; datos. go Idea, u-is do a. Xata. Etc RI'OAB All reflnerle Cnha. gS.TO: pow dered, go.os; trait, graoalated. W-3S: dry grinulated. go 48: conf. A, tS.43: extra C. f4.Bg; golttos C B4.Bo: D, yellow. 84. 08; bbU, 10c; H bMa. SOc; boxen. 00c adraaee on sack baala. lea. she per cwt for caah, IS day; maple. 14418 per ft, (Aboro price .paly to of leaa tk ear lot. Car lota at asocial price snnject t 4nctu tion BOMBT per era to. r-orrKE Package brand. gir.ZS4I18.Tf, SALT Coaro Half rronnd Ifluw SO. 00 o tea: BO. SB. 50: table, dalrr. BOa. S1S.0O: 100. SS.T8; bale, fl.86; Imported Urcrpool. 50. 7.00; 100. sid.SO; 214 , 118.00; extra flne. la. 2a. is, 10a, $4.8008.50; Urerpool lump rock. tlB.M per tea; StV-lb rock, go.00; 100. RICE lmparlal lanes. No. 1, 6c, If, a 808lc; Nw Orleaa. head. T AJax. lei Creel. (He. BRANS 8roU white, $4 SB: torga white S3. SO; pink. S2.7B: kayos. $4.78; Usasf, $8 Mexican reds, 4IM. NI7TB h. out., Jumbo, gc per lb; routed, SSMUe , Jumbo, go per thi Vlrglrd. SgJSH per lb; roaatod. SJMVke per to; Japs nee. IMV; routed, TOTHe per Ik: eeess nota. SMIOOc per do; walnut. lSOlSHc per lb; plnvaats, 10O12HC per lb; hickory nun. 10c per lb; ckeetnuta. ea'.err. IsOlde per Bt; Braill oa U. 15c per th: rTJherts. 144J ISe per fancy pecin. Wc; all Keats, flab aad toe; aimonoa, iskv. FRESH SI BATS front Street Hos. faaey. $SVe POT to; bulla, SASH per lb; veal. xtra, Sfjgtt per lb: ordinary. TWe per 10 poor. Be per lb; mutton, fancy, id; lai mba, SOSe BAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pkek (laeal) hama, 10 to 14 lb. 15H per lb: 14 to IS lbs, 15c per lb; breakfast bacon, lBHCJIle par lb; picnic, 10 He per to; cottage, 10&C per to I regular abort clean, nnsmoked. 11 He per lb; rnoked, 18c per lb; clear back, anamokod, IBs per to; .moked ISe per to; Oaloe bntti 10 to 11 lba; c a rooked. Sc per lb; .moked. Be per to; etoar belli., un.nK.aed, 14 per to; moked. 15c par lb; shoulder. 12H Par to; pickled tongue, $6.00 quarter bbL LOCAL, TLARD Kettle lesf, 10. MM par lb; 8. 1UV per lb; 50-lb. tins. 12c p..- lb; tm rendered, loft, ll H per to; 8s. 11 He per lb: eoapossd. 10.. SHc CANNED SALMON Columbia rirer. l ib tall. si ne; x-in tana bs.ts: rasey, i-in gats, si so; H-lb fancy gate. $1.15; fancy I-tb oral. IS 78: Atosha tall, pink. SBBjSaf : red. S1.S0; aoralasl to. tall. 81 00. FISH Reck end, 7c par lb: Sounder. 8c dot lb; b.ltbat. e per ft; crabs. $1.0001.60 do: 'txrped bus. lXHc Pr lb: catssh. Be oer lb almon. Columbia rlrer chlnook, 7c: atlrersld. Sc: ateal head, 7e to; herring, Sa per lb; rules, Se per to; .brtmpa, 10c per lb; perch, Be per lb; black cod, 7c per lb. tcsnced. 7c per lb; silver smelt, gc per to; toasters. ISe per lb: freab mackerel. Be per lb; era w lea. SOc per dus; shad. Ss per to; pturgeoa, 10c per lb: black ban, SOc. OTSTKHB gborwater hay. per sal. gS-SS: per 110-lb rack. $4 00; Olympta. per gsltoa, $2.28; per lis lb sack. $B.O0. CI.AhUV BvwahelL per hos. $2.00; rsasr rUm. fX. 00 per box. faints. Ossl 00. Eto. ROPE Per Msslis. I4e; tndrd. IS He: l.l. 11c COAL orte-Pearl or Astral Cases 18 He per gal; water white. Iron barrels lee pec gal. wooaaa ire oer gai; neaougst. iio-oeg, ease 11 He par gsL OABOLPKI bbl. 18c per gal. Banging; si gag. bbla ISHcjrer gal TUsriBTiss ib eaaea see nor gi, wo.SM hots Sge per gL WHITE LEAD I LEAD Toe tots. 7. gar to: per to: tea lots, SHe per Vs. NAILS Present baala at S3 St BOO-lt WIBE LINSEED OIL far r.w, to o-uM lots, SSci 1-hbl lot, B3c. BSe per sal; genuine hsttto holled. esses, SOc per gI; 5-bhl lots, B4c; I -ha. 1st 88c per gal; ground csks. ear lots, $30.01.' gar toe: toss than ear tots. $80.00 per tea. SATURDAY DULLNESS LOCAL YARDS AT Business Is Very Slow in All Lines of Livestock Cattle and Sheep Continue Firm. PortUnd I'nloa Stockyards. Sept. 38. Lire- stock receipts: nog. T 1 1, nneep. Today 130 wees ago iss zzz Month ago 163 103 600 Year ago A good deal of atrength costtanes to he ahoarn to the cattle snd shsep market. The uu.l 8a t nrday'a quiet reigned today and nrlcea are rul ing the ssme s. yesterdsy. ting continue wesk. Tossy SI borer rrlred to. Offlrtal ItTeatork quotation: Hoc llet ea.tern Orewon. $6. SO: blocker. and Chin. fata. $e.00(g.2.V Cattle BesTt eaatem Oreson ateer. S.I tn-o 3.86; best cow. and heifer.. $2..VU2.00: .lock er, and feeder., $3.76g)3.00; bull. $ I. SO. Sheep-Mixed, 4r; lamb. 44J6c. BEW TORE C0TT0B MARKET. New York. Sept. 28. -Cotton future adrssced slmrply todsy owlag to t lie damage to the crop by th torm. Th rloa waa 37 to 38 point up. Official quotations Sept. Bent. High. Low. 38. Ss. BBS B34 BBS 838 8S3 846 B64 830 874 860 874 84f 876 878 878 84S 880 800 880 BBS BBS 876 888 Bftel 876 868 886 BBS 837 80S 836 002 841 831 838 410 863 838 8M 824 Open. WIS 84S 860 877 two 807 824 1)2 January ., renruary . March iff1 Jan Jsly October .. Rorembsr December . united nans OOVERBMENT BONDS New York. Sept. 38. Uorernment bonds: . Date. ' Bid. Ak Two, reslatered do gsspos krsss. rsgrtotered . . do coupon Small bond Poor, registered lasts 1807 1B2S 102S 1024 do coupon Poor, registered . . . do eou Don Dtotrlct of Coiumbls Philippine 4 Mew York Bo 4. New York. Sept - -Official price. Rid: 084, 100 M. 4s I00U ino? at Ask. a$H 101 101 101 88 H Burlington Joint 4 O. R. N Norfolk A We.tern I.. 4 N unlflwl A. C. L I. N. 4 P0BTLAND BANE STATEMENT Clear lnx today $611,621 TO uiesriBg. year ago i Opt. I0BH ... opt. Km, ... OBI. IKIlZ 104 n, LIS? W Vmh ins K'.t', 104 is,1 M lip ::; CHICAGO WHEAT IS ENCOURAGING Heavy Rains in Southwest Where Wheat Is Crowing and Rotting In Stacks Is Big Bull Factor. FURTHER REDUCTION IN CROP ESTIMATES Now Believed That Production in Dakota and Canada Will Not Be aa Heavy as Anticipated Market Cloaea Fraction Higher. RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. Best. SB. Sept. SB. Osto. 1806 September Ueieiuuer May .... $ .Tg $ .721 .7 $ .11 $ .00U I .8S4 Chicago, Sept. SB. The wheat market begin, to took more encouraging tor bolder or pro. pec tire purchaaer. of th cereal. Haary rain ar doing damage to the aouthweat where wheat la reporiM growing ana rotting in stscss. The morement In northwest Is .mall and exporter are beginning to look for farther redaction, in the rati itlraatos for North Dakota and Canadian wheat. Coupled with tbla la an Improred for elgn deman III' and good flour lr Corn price did not Show much cha did not show ranch change for th. offered day. stay at seekea to b rather freely around g$Ae In proThrtona It took, aa If th Dasher, will apport the October product as s baau for caah Bale. Official quota t ion by Cook company: WHBAT. Ones. B September December May September December afar September December May .... September January September October . January TSH 78 7BH TB' CORN. 4T nit OATS. 84 U sat A MUMS PORK. 1T00 1T10 iss ism LARD. 887 887 887 887 783 788 SHORT RIBS 880 870 80 840 71$ 710 Oct, 887 711 887 715 Januiry PRIMARY ORAIhT MOVEMENT Chicago. Sept. Prlmsry receipts: Today Tear ago bushels. Wheat .... Corn Shipment.: Wheat 1.700,000 1,700.000 esg,000 4BS.O0O 786.000 an. of 68S.O00 Corn S1B.0OO Total clearances: Wheat. 188.000 wo 147.000 basbel: flour. 18.000 barrel; eats. i ." imanei. UVIKPOOL ORA1N MARKET. Urfrpool, Sept. 28. Official prlcea Bent. 31 38 8sj tpt.l as S September 6s 8d uecemner 6 0d CORN. December 4 6d January 4s lHd sSHd 4 lHd LARGEST SALES ON .LOCAL STOCK MARKET Sale, on the Portland atock market were 86 000 ahire lee Creek Gold at lHe aad 20 bare Alaska Parker st $64.26. Official prices: BANK STOCK B Bank of California 86$ Merchants' National 1SB Oregon Trust tarings Portland Trust Co in nan. Beakers' A Lumbermen' Halted State. Nsttonal 301 MIBCELLANCOtTS STOCKS. Campbell'. Gm Burner Union Oil 304 Assoelstsd Oil 86 H flasks Packers Pacific States Telephone 103 Boms Telephone Paget Sound Telephone Oregon Life Inaarance Cement Product. J. C. Lee Company 0. R. A N. Ry. 4 88H Ml NY NO STOCKS. Nicola Coal 02 H International Coal S3 140 110 106 1,2 88 B8 so BO 1000 io 101 OS 64 ruiac m.isi axiracrwa Alaska Petroleum 16 17 $s 01 11 04 0.1 H 03 on a 80 17 sao Alaska Pioneer Stsadsrd Corjaolktotsd ... regon Mecurltle. Snowstorm Lees Creek Hold Tacoma Steel Uallce Consolidated asllsher Golden Rule Ooosolldsted. .. 67 .. 10 ::iSo :: ih Ilt-'is Bullfrog Terrible Golconda North ralrrtow ... Le Roy 01H Hlwth 01 Ossesdts 24 Lucky Boy Becls 31$ Rsmbler Cariboo 88 Dlsto Meadow. 02H Great Northern Mountain Vlsw Blue Rlrer Gold 860 Garvin Cyanide ... 8C0AR STOCKS. 40 OT 38 1000 100 Bsa.llan Com 86 H 37 13H 16 7H uonoaea l Hutt'hlnKm 1 MskswaU 36 Onomr 40 Paauhau 18 Colon 48 SAN FBANCISCO MINING. EXCHANGE. Orerbeck. Start a Lgh. Low. Close. SH 71X 71 K 78 H 78HA 44 4SUB 48fi 4$HA 43 4SH A 88H 84A itS Hit lege ltooA lSSS 1840 A 888 SBB SS3 883 783 785 Ban rranctsco, Sept. 38. Official closing: Bid. Bid. Belmont $8. 87 Con. Cel. Ta 80 Caah Boy 14 Opbir 380 Uoldeu Anchor .0$ Mexican 7 Home 28 Caledonia 8$ Jim Butler 1.80 Kxcbeqasr 40 MscNsmars SI Norcross 84 Midway 31$ (told Crown 18 Montana 3.83 Ureat Bend 80 North Star 47 Rescue IS Ohio 34. Black Butts Ex. .04 Tonopab Ex; . . . 8.87 Trssp SO Mersds 17.87 (Jo Id. Belmont . .48 Watt Esd 350 Montgomery Mt. .11 Adama 08 Sunset ig Atlanta 33 Scepter 48 Bluebell 18 I Manhattan 10 Booth 88 Bayler-Haanyrey. .18 Columbia Mt... .40 Dexter SB Cob. Oaarrv .. .11 Greasy 14 Dtomondfleld .. .85 Gold Dedg 15 Dixie .07 Lone Star It Goldftold 88 Crest Bend An. .12 Jumbo 1.80 Great eBad An. .13 Jumbo Cx ,43 Crescent 13 Kand.ll .81 Co whey ... u Lagans 48 Dearer Annex.. .33 Mar Qtiees 18A Balls A Bear ... .08 Mohawk 840 Black Rock ' 04 Red Top 1.63H. T. Cos 38 Bsnestnrra 70 Msshsttaa Cos. .$8 Sllrer Pick 88 Little Jo 04 St. Ire. 81 Msyftowsr 81 National B.nk .84 Jumping Jack .. .88 IlenTer 1MB Red Top 07 Sold Bar 1.13 Mn.taS t 0 BnU Prog .. .IS Ball frog Mln . 46 Slelnwy 88 Trtongto IS STEW TORE BABE ST. New Tori, Sept. 38. -Bank eta Reserr do 14 I .'tana .$ 1.334,438 i.sis.aas 7.280.300 3.780.000 lftsfriooo 488.808 Specie . . legal Depoelt I'lrculatlos Starliag Iaaae Sara. 488.83; 88 aya. 478.1$. Very Poor Picking Is Shown in Hops Which Had Boon Sold Early at Low Prices In Many Instances Bunches Have Boon Put In. STOCKSIRREGULAR IN NEW YORK Lower London Prices Followed by Decline in Loaders Hero Caused Downward Range. BANK STATEMENT 18 NOT AS EXPECTED ! Irregular and Dull Tone Result of Unusual Combination Reading Rally Causes Reaction in Most Is- sues Toward the Closing. NET GAINS. Amalsamated Katy Sugar DlsUUers BalUmor ... Brooklyn Ont. ft Heeding Republic Steel ... Bock island B. f . 3d are Souther Railway Tex m Psetflc D S. Rubber Wis. Central .... Central Lssther.. Orsst Western .. Colorado naghsia Dearer Bri. Ill Central MX. central NET Car Foundry .... Cotton OU Locomotive Smelter Atchison a Di LOSSES. Mlsourl Pae National Lead . . N. T. Central ... Northern Pae People' Oss Southern Pse .... Colon Pae V. 8. Steel U. a Steel, pre.. 0. N. W Chesspeak Onto, rue I . LonxtTlU .. ...rt Lower London quotation followed by a much lower opening. Amalgamated and Union Pa cific wer rather weak snd Irregularity sad dullneea prevailed daring most of the session. Preceding th. bank .t.tement. which made a rather neutral ah owing, trading was laacttv. However, a rally took place under the lead rhlp of Reading aad the close wss very hrregulsr with moderate sctlrlly. Offlctal quotation by Overheck, Starr m Cook company: f DB80RIPTION. AtaaL Cesar Co Am. Cotton Oil com... Am. Car a Found, coxa. Am. Locomotlre com... Am. Sugar, com Am. com. do preferred Anaconda Mining Co Am. Woolen, corn Atchison, com do preferred Baltimore & Ohio, cos. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Canadian Pacific, com.. Central Leather, com... de preferred CM. A ut. Wet., com. Chi.. Till. A St Paul. . ChL A North we!., com. Cheespeake A Ohio Colo. Foal A Iron. com. Cols. South., com do 3d preferred do lat preferred Delsware Hudson.... D. A B. G.. preferred Erie, com do, 3d prcfer-ed do, tot preferred I Hindi Central Ioularllle A Naahrille . Manhattan Ry Mexican Central By... M-, K. a T., coxa DtsUltora Federal Smelter. M.. K. a T . pre Mumourl Pacific National Lead New York Central v v , i . i.- 110 3 7tt 80H Norfolk A Western, pfd. rnrroia 4 west., pre.. North American Northern Pae. com Pacific M. 8. Co Prnnsy Irsnla Railway . . Psooto'e Oaa. LAC. Co. Prasssd steel Car, pfd. . ITtsio Btsel car, pre. . Reading, common Reading, second pfd . Reading first, pre Republic I. A S., pfd.. Republic I. A a, pfd. . . Rock Inland , com Rock Island, pfd St. L. a 8. P.. 3d pfd.. do tot preferred Bt. L. a SV W com. ... do preferred Southern Pacific, com . . Southern Railway, com. do preferred Tenn. Co I A Iron Tex A Pacific T., St. L. A.W.. com... do preferred Union Pacific, common. do preferred C. .8. Rubber, com do preferred U. S. Steel Oo . coxa do prefe." red Wabsah, common do D referred 148 161tAl4B 8'" . .1 87 1 ' tsi 44 34" 87 2T 05 a 87 S7' S4H 183 1, 87 H 110 434j I0S 30 ST 87 110 v 48J4 4B 106 U 108 19 18 48 as . 34 SS 48 H 80 West. Union Telegraph.. Wla. Central, com do preferred Total aale for day. 012.100 aoare. BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Boston. Bent. 28. Coo oer cine, hid nrlcea: Adventure. $8.83! Old Dominion, $81.75; Al looex. $88.50: Oseeols, $118.80; Parrot. $28.35: Atlantic, 111 ao; ntoenix. .80; Bingham, $84.28; Qulncy. $88; Calumet. $788; Centen nial. $37.35; Shannon, $18.13; Daly West. 81883; Tamarack. 887; trinity. 814.25; Prank 11a. $26.88: United Copper. $88.50; Greene Consolidated, $38.37; Utah, $86; Orsmhy. $13.12: Victoria. $878; Ma.... $14.50; Winona, 8S.75; Wolrerlne. $14SA; U. a Mining. $81.78; Nevsds Consolidated. $18.38: North Bote. 888: Ely, $10; Eat Butte. $10; Butte Coals. $82.60: California A Art sons, $118; Superior a Plttibarg, $18.75. Liverpool Cotton Mrk.t. Urerpool. Sept. 38. Cotton future closed unchanged to 3 point ap; middling 3 point ap; spots 1 point lower. Mew York Ossh Coffee. New York. Bept. 28. Casta coffee: No. 7 Rio. 8e; He. 4 Sao to. 8e. SALEM SENIOR MEDICS HQLD THEIR ELECTION (Special Dlspa'tcb to Th Journal 1 Salem, Sept. 2$. -The senior clasa of She medical college held an Interesting: meeting yaaterday and elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: William H. Pollard, president; Mrs. M Austin, vice-president. R. L. Wood, secretary; ,D. A. Forbes, treasurer. Committees were appointed to seleot a class motto, class colors and to make preparations for monthly meetings of a social character that wtw lead to a cloaer friendship among the students. The medical college Is becoming more and more Interested in university en deavors, and will take an active pert in student body enterprises. INVALID KILLS HIS WIFE AND HIMSELF (Jos real Special aervtee.) Fresno, Csl., Sept. Jt. Charles K. Brewer, a motorman Buffering from consumption and fearing to become a county charge, ahnt his wife while ahe waa asleep In bed twice through the head, then sent a bullet Into his own heart. He made no attempt to kill his -year-old son' who slept with the mother. Brewer wss formerly a motor man In San Francisco. BIG BUSINESS IN HOME PRODUCTS Lumber and Breadstuff to Value of Million Dollars Shipped in September. CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS SHOW HEAVY TRAFFIC Half Million Bushels of Wheat Ex ported to Europe During Month, While Orient Sent for Quarter of a Million Dollars' Worth of Flour. Lumber, breadstuff and general merchandise to the value of more) than SI. 000. 000 waa Bhlnnad hv water from Portland during the past month, accord ing to the records In the office of the collector of customa and of this the greater bulk waa drawn directly from the country Immediately adjacent to this city. The lumber ahlpmenta were particu larly heavy both for foreign nd, coast wise ports, aggregating a total of 31,134,411 feet. Of this quantity 11. 934,427 went to porta along the Cali fornia! coast anrjb 8,480,000 to ports in Australia, Siberia and China. Since the first of the year Portland haa shipped 176,379,611 feat of lumber. 91,017,948 feet of this having; gone to coastwise porta and the remainder or 84,161,681 feet foreign. Thla ia the blggeat rec ord ever attained In the hlstorf of tbla port and la within a few million feet of equalling the entire output of Last year, which wag the banner year of the port.. The fact that there are three months yet to run on goes to show conclusively at thla tirpe that the year 190$ will by far cloea with the blggeat lumber ahlpmenta ever made from local mills. The figures given heck do not Include shlpmentta made from mills on the lower gtvar, whence enormoua quantities of lumber and railroad ties have been set afloat In the past five or six months. The grain shipments for the month make a good showing, cloae to 600,000 bushels having been dispatched from Portland docks since the first of Sep tember. Large quantities were also sent to San Francisco on the Hartiman liners, ao that all told at least 600,000 bushels were shipped by water. The flour ahlpmenta were also heavy, the largest shipment for the month having been made gn tthe Portland-Asiatic liner Arable, which leaves down this afternoon, the flour stowed away be neath her hatches being valued at $21. 06$. There are several large tramp steam era true to arrive here any day to load wheat and lumber, ao that the month of October will without doubt make a much better showing nan any of the preceding montha of the year unleaa traffic receives a setoack by strikes along the waterfront. ORIENTAL LINERS MEET Aragoala Arrivea While the Arabia Pre pares to Depart. The oriental liner Arabia Is sched uled to sail thla afternoon for Hong kong via Yokohama and other Japan ese ports with a cargo valued at $218, 17$ and constating principally of flour. of which commodity there are 84.7S4 barrels stowed away beneath the hatches. The steamer also carries some lumber snd miscellaneous freight. The oriental tlner Aragonla arrived from the orient last night at 1$ o'clock and commenced discharging cargo at Montgomery dock No. 2 thla morning. Her officers report having had a stormy trip from Hongkong to Japan, the China aea having been badly agitated by typhoons which are frequent there at tbla time of the year. At one time the Aragonla waa forced to aeek shel ter In a cove a ahort distance north of Hongkong. The barometer went very low and Captain Ernst took a tip on what was approaching. A few hours later the sea was laahed Into foam by one of the aevereat blowa ever experi enced In that part of the world. Thla occurred a few daya before Hongkong was partly wrecked by a typhoon and the officers of the Aragonla believe it was the same blow that caused them to run for safety. The big liner rode her anchor for 10 hours before venturing out to ..aea, but even then she was tosaed about fearfully until hlmoat In eight of Japan. ' The Aragonla brought a rather light cargo, consisting of the usual lines of goods brought here from the orient. She will take out one of the biggest cargoes of flour ever shipped from here to Japan and .China. Her complement of officers is the same as before ex cept that Third Officer E Mebeslua haa taken the place of Third Officer P. Jess, who left at Hongkong to go aa second officer on the coasting ateemer Kowlong. BLOCK RIVER CHANNEL EtilUons Of Teet of Logs Are Stranded la Upper Willamette. , Colonel 8. W. Roeasler, United States engineer, and Assistant Engineer D. B. Ogden returned from a tour of Inspec tion on the Willamette river laat night, reporting the channel between Portland and Salem In good shape. They found a lot of logs stranded on the river banka, however, arid expect some trou ble may occur when these are being started for their destination. "There are about 7,000,080 feet of logs along the river between Salem and Newberg," aald Mr. Ogden, "and I wouldn't be surprised if the mlllmen have trouble In getting them down to Oregon City when the river rises suf ficiently to float them. The channel Is In good shape but there are ao many logs that they are liable to clog the channel and cause navigation consider able trouble. We Issued regulations for tho log drivers last year and they hsve observed them closely but the water fell so rapidly after the logs had been started that they atuck high and dfy on tb brinks. "The plledriver ie working at the head of Lambert's slough snd the snagboat la cleaning out the channel above Oregon, City. Dipper dredge No. 2 Is deepening the shoals st Clackamas falls snd will soon finish work there and tie un for the winter." MUCH ICE OFF THE HORN B litis Ship Pythomene Ba Marrow scape Homeward Bonn a. The offlcera and crew of the British ship Pythomene told a startling atory upon their arrival at Queenatown a few daya ago that In almoat every particu lar coincides with that related by the sailors of the French bark Oenevleve Mollnos wblch arrived here yesterday from Ieondon. The Pythomene Is wsll known la Portland because of having RICHEST IIS COLOR CHOICEST IIN DE8ION PBRPECT UN TASTE I OVB4 XJOKM or WAU PAPSUSx. W have, papers for every room In every house. Especially It la satisfying to look over such a stock when the amount you are reedy to spend please you. Remember we sell Portland Paint & Wall Paper Co. sflMafA sfl M tnm ePT!?""""?'?TT"-5"" fgM . aha .. g. AamflaBaSk 11 3CCMM M. I yxtxatsw-wore Between Morrison been dispatched from here several tlmee with wheat for Europe. According to the sailors the Pytho mene ran Into a craaoent-ahaped ice floe off Cape Horn about the same time that the Frenchman Waa caught in a similar fix off the South American promontory. The Britisher was not as lucky as the Frenchman, however, for tnatead of getting out in clear water In a couple of daya she remalneO locked in ice for three days and waa In oon atant danger of being ground to frag ments between the towering cliffs that looked like mountains of crystal. The Pythomene waa 00 her way from Aus tralia to Europe and had experienced flne weather until she reached the lat itudes of the Cape when suddenly ahe was caught la the grasp of dead of winter. There waa snow everywhere. In the sky, oa .he decks and In. the ringing and the wind blew with the velocity of a gale most of the time and the sea ran pver the ralla with nearly every plunge of the vesael. Captain Splvy had little hope of bringing the ship through, without damage and re mained on deck for three consecutive days without a moment's sleep. The crew were placed at the same hard ship, although how and then a few of them atole a little sleep when danger seemed least threatening. The Pythomene waa kept on a con tinuous tack until after three days to the Intense joy of all on board she wsa safely navigated clear of the lee. through the frowning bergs and again Into the southern ocean, where the drifting floes had not reached. - Thla Is said" to be the first time In many seasons that ships have been In danger from large ice floes In the vicinity of Cape Horn. ENGINEER MAKES REPORT Oolonel Stoeaalsg States Tlews on a el Astoria. Colonel 8. W. Roosaler, I'nlted States engineer, la preparing a report on the condition of the Columbia river channel oppoalte Astoria and will forward th same to the chief of the department In a few days for his consideration. The report states Colonel Roesaler's views In regard to the improvements sug gested by residents and business men of Astoria who would have the main channel to the sea shifted so as to fun closer to the wharves than at present. Colonel Roessler looked Into the mat ter thoroughly several weeka ago and has been at work or the report since then. The report Is an extensive docu ment snd deals with the subject In every detail. Colonel Roessler will not make public the nature of his recommenda tion until the document haa had the attention of the chief of the depart ment. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The steamer F. A. Kilburn sailed for San Frsnolsco via Coos bay and Eu reka last night. The steamer George W. Elder waa towed from the drydock to Martin's dock last night, where the repairs will be completed. She will probably be ready for operation by the middle of October. The German ship Nerelde la expected In the harbor this afternoon. She cornea under charter to the Portland Flouring mills to load whest for Eu rope. The British "learner Wynertc la due here Monday to load lumber for the orient. She will carry away about 4.000,000 feet. Moat of the cargo will be taken on board at the mills of Inman, Poulgen a Co. The steamer Astee did not resch Alns worth wharf antll late this morning because of having been hung up In. the heavy fog down the river during V the night. She brought a full cargo from the Bey City. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. Sept. 19. Arrived down at 7 and sailed at 10 a. m. Steamer F. A. Kilburn, for San Francisco snd way ports. Arrived st 9:10 and left up at 10:30 s. m. Steamer Alliance, from Coos bay. Arrived at 10 . m. A three- masted ship. San Francisco, Sept. It. Arrived Steamer 'Costa Rica, from Portland. St. Johns. Sept. 29 PaSSM at 10:40 a. m. German ship Nerelde. At 10:tl a. m. Steamer Aztec Astoria, Sept. IS. Arrived at S:lo snd left up at 4 p. m. Steemer Northland, from San Francisco. Sailed at 7 p m. Steamer J, B. Stetson, for San Fran cisco. Left up German ahlp Nerelde San Diego, Sept. 28. Arrived Bark Coloma, from Portland. Astoria, Sept. a. Condition of the bar it I l m., moderate; wind, south east. If miles; weather, cloudy. WILL KEEP SALOONS AWAY FROM COLLEGE (Special Dtspstek to Tb Journal ) Pullman, Wash., Sept. II. A new and novel feature has been Introduced Into what waa an unusually quiet and unin teresting csmpalgn la Whitman county, and the Innovation promises to make It one of the liveliest In the history of the county. The Grangers of the otTxut ty havs declared war agatnat saloon and poolrooms within a radius of five miles of Washington Stats college lo cated at thla place, and have bgun a campaign to pledge the legislative nom Ineee to aupport such a Mil in the next legislature. A resolution demanding euch a law waa paaaed unanimously by the Wash ington State grange at Its annual meet ing in Spokane laat May. A similar resolution wss passed by the first state farmers' convention, held In the Wssh lngtnn State college In June. The Co lumbia River conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church also passed such a resolution at Ha annual session held In Yakima recently. The sffalr has thrown a bombshell Into the camps of the legislative nom inees, and It ta thought the matter will have a marked effect on the election There ere more than 1.S00 members of the grange In this county, and If they vote solidly on this question they will be able to elect the candidates whom they support. We assure you that we can 011" T tTSJJ. rwmm nM$K IS ft and Yamhill Streets GO TOMORROW AND SEE Greens Addition s WE.ST SIDE The only addition on the west side near the river where you can buy a fine building lot for Only $550.00 Ten minute.' car ride from Third and Morrison streets ; only 10 pen cent cash, balance $10 per month 28 Lets Sold This Week Automobile leaves our office every 80 minutes tomorrow (Sun day) from 9:80 to 5:80 FREE RIDE COME EARLY. M. E. LEE Room 80, Raleigh Bldg.. 828 Washington St. P. S. BUY NOW. ss prices advance 10 per cent on October 10. 1808. MARRIED MAN ELOPER WITH YOUNG SWEETHEART Charles Creeno Deserts Spouse After Hop-Yard Romanes With Nellie Phillipi. (Special Dlapatrk to The Journal. Albany, Or., Sept. St. A romance of the hop yards, the leading actora and principals In the affair both placing themselves In position to suffer ap prehension by the officers of the law, has come to hand. The parents of the young girl are distracted and are ex erting every effort to locate and suc ceed In having their wandering and wayward daughter restored to their home nd protection. The man In the ease Is one Charles Greeno, who already haa a wlfs and who bears a very un savory reputation In theae parte, A wife deserted and a home made aad Is the outcome of the sffsir snd search haa revealed the fact that the parties have gone to Washington! pos sibly to Seattle, and will undertake to so live that they will be outside the reach of tha law. - Charles Greeno ie a young irran of abobt It years of sge snd almost six feet tall, weighing ltt pounds. Is smooth shaven and very thin, presenting s very slender appearance. The girl ia but IS years of age, height five feet four Inches, weighs about ISi pounds snd Is named Nellie Phllllpl. It Is said thst a divorce proceeding la now pending against Greeno with his wife the plaintiff. She alleges Infi delity knd desertion. The case has not yet come to trial and the metter now presents s yery complicated Inexplica ble problem. Beside uetng a defendant In a civil action he may find himself face to face with criminal charges, when ever he la taken into custody. KING OF WALL STREET SAVES ' CHILD FROM INJURY J. P. Morgan Takes Small Boy on Hit Knes and Lec tures Him. Boston, Sept. II. An unusual scene waa witnessed In the lobby of the Hotel Vendome, on Commonwealth avenue, yesterday ia which J. P. Morgan, the financier, who ta In this city attending the "dedicatory exercises of the new Harvard medical achool buildings, snd a chSbby, curly heeded youngster were the principals. Morgan was pacing up and down the lobby of the hotel, and the ohlld waa playing .near the swinging doors. Bsck CA forth the big doore swung sa per ns came and went, the little fellow standing perilously nssr the danger mark and narrowly escaping being hit The financial king grew nervous. 'Cesae here, little cnap, I want you." said Morgan. In aommsndlng tonee. The bey wandered over toward Mor gan, who aross, ana lifting the lad, placed htm In a seat beside him. look ing tenderly at the little fellow, he sat,: My little boy. you wsat to ksep away from those doors, you might get hurt, and then you would be sent to the hospital." th Virginia. Since Senator John W. Daniel of Vir ginia criticised Bryan's government ownership theory there has been talk In the Old Dominion of bringing out a candidate to oppose the senators re nomination on a government ownership platform. Front all accounts the talk of oppoaltlon la not worrying Senator Daniel much la settled