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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1906. fl Town TopteTfl o4merican Restaurant Toxiexri tnnnm Helllg Waktomar Uad Vlolle Bar It. 1 Baker The WlTaerseaa" Isiplre , "A Mad Uira" Ev:;.v:,v:::-.-.v.v:.::aSi vaueevuai Teetevule Grand . . hilafH stiilsgT tsvs very Michael McCarthy was bequeathed one dollar by his deceased wife, Annie McCarthy, whose wlU was admitted to probate In the county oeurt yesterday afternoon. The will states that the husband Is not entitled to any mora of the estate than It because all the prop, arty was earned by Mrs. McCarthy by her own labor, after McCarthy went to Ban Francisco to live yeara ago. The estate le valued at l,060. consisting principally of real estate By the terms of the will son, Oeorge W. McCarthy, is to receive a lot In Alblna. and the furniture in a house at tit Everett street; another son. Charles McCarthy, Of San Francisco, Is given a lot In Al blna; a daughter. Annie B. McCray, is given a lot in Alblna and one on Ca ru there' addition to Portland; another daughter, Nellie Kolb, Is bequeathed four, lots In Mansfield, in this county. Ten acres of land in Pacific county, Washington, is to be divided equally between the four children. George W. McCarthy is named executor. The hus band la not to receive his 11 until he applies to the executor for It. The Daughters of the Confederacy held their drat meeting of the season last night in the committee rooms at the city hall, with a large attendance of representative southern residents of Portland present. In the absence of both the president and vice-president the former president, Mrs. Elisabeth Craig presided. An Informal program was rendered. Mrs. Sylvia McOutre gave dialect readlnga and Judge Haynes contributed a dialect story. Bishop James Atkins of the Methodist Church South was unabls to be present oh ac count of a delayed train.. It was de cided that the Daughters will attsnd Sunday morning services In the hall at the corner of Second and Yamhill streets, where Bishop Atkins will preach next Sunday. A number of other promi nent ministers of that church are ex pected to be present. Pete George, a scavenger, residing at Seat Twelfth and Beecher streets, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrol man Adams os a warrant charging him with attempted highway robbery. It le alleged that George attempted to hold up Adam Baum with a gun on ths east side Tuesday -night, but was prevented from accompllahlng hie purpose by ths nerve displayed by the intended victim. Baum, Instead of submitting to being robbed, knocked Oeorge to the ground and wrested ths revolver from his grasp. Instead of turning him over to the police he allowed ths alleged foot pad, whom he recognised as George, to go home end later requested Patrolman Adams to swear to a complaint. The accused man we before Judge Cameron this morning, and pending a hearing of the case next Monday, bail was fixed at 11,000. VAT Ajnt istiimsi prides itself la Bee affords. We do a eery Bead and sell sassls on a very slim Slav The following are some of ear spe cial dishes, served Bright sad Deri Fried mass Oases 15 Utile sTssk biases. Y.'.W 0 Seville aad Toast 15d leaf stash and Poaehsd Mgr 15 Ceases' Brains wlh Sorambled Bnrs Met Codfish Balls with disss iSssis . 15 SfSeTmelU with. Cheese, StsUasms. . 15 at Coffee, with an in the county jail this morning by Judge Cameron. Sperry entered a pies of guilty. Yesterday morning he vis ited the home of Mra F. A. Ball at Woodstock and asked for a meal. As ths housewife was preparing ths food for him Sperry broke into an outhouse and stols a quantity of rubber clothing. As Mrs. Ball was coming in on a Wood stock car she spotted the thief and pointed him out to the policeman. Nogusta Teas. J. Nlsco, Tong Wato, Kurche Mastike, W. Coalon and Gee Mooock, six Japanese, were arrested at 11:10 a. m, in a restaurant at It North Second street by Patrolmen Mallet and Burr!. on charges of drunkenneea The resort Is ths place in which a bloody duel with knives, resulting in the death of one of the Japanese combatants, oc curred about two weeks ago. The crowd of Uttls brown men were noisy and ths policemen, fearing That trouble might result, placed all of them under arrest. They were released on 110 ball apiece this morning and their case will be disposed of tomorrow! Over east side now. Prompt and relia ble free delivery guaranteed to patrons. The Albinas. Irvlngton and all east of the river, even 'way, 'way out are to be blest with not only the best oysters grown on ths coast but ths most satis factory delivery system. Including Sun days and holidays. The Routledge Oys ter Co., 17 Grand avenue North, opens for business Saturday. September It, Show us a ssmple of what we are to expect from Portland's lsrgest residence district. Telephone East tit. Alas Routledge, 17 Grand avenue. Prof. Rlngler's dancing academy opsnsf for the sssson this week at bis hsll, JO! Aldsr street Beginners' adult class Tuesday evenings and children's class Saturday at I p. m. Professor Rlngler studied with the best dancing masters In the east this summer and Irlll teach many of thei pretty social anses. Including the watts, threes top, twostep. srhottlsche, flvestep, the glide gnd the new university Walts. Ball room etiquette and grace mbvemente will be taught at each lesson. The children will be taught many pretty fancy ateps and dances, deportment, grace, culture, 'social and claaslo danc ing. Miss Buckenmeyer and Miss Nord strom will be with Professor Rlngler again this season. Bruce Fulmer, as guardian of La Reu Fulmer. aged it yeara. has begun suit in the circuit court for 11,116 damages from the Standard Box and Lumber company, alleging that through the negligence of the company In not pro viding proper guards on an edger saw the boy's left hand waa caught in ths saw, the thumb cut off, and ths hand badly , lacerated Ths Outlet Clothing company expects to open Its store at First and Morrison week after next. Keys to its part of ths now building will be passed over to the company within two or three days, then so soon as carpenters can Install counters and shelving the cloth ing establishment will be ready for buslnsss. It is sn excellent location. INTERPRETER TEH YEARS OF AGE Does Servics for..Har Daaf and Dumb Mother irihidge Fra zer's Divorce Court. PITIFUL 8TORY OF DESERTION IS TOLD Mother Tells on Her Fingers How She Married Second Time and Was Left Penniless by Husband Within Month After Marriage. Ths as ambers of the Hot Dodeka De bating eoclety of Portland academy Evangelist Charles F. Welgle will be held their first meeUng yesterday. The gin revival servicee at the Ockley Green officers of last year. President Cooke, United Evangelical church Sunday at 1 1 Vice-President Miller and Secretary o'clock, to continue during the following Roblson, reelgned in favor of Miller, week. Mr. Welgle la s man of national Dolph and Fuller. Although last year reputstlon and unusual ability and a Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows .must be psld I for In advance Wllc0x. and drank a quart of alcohol In the circuit court this morning 10' year-old Bertha Flearty acted as in terpreter for her deaf and dumb mother to enable her to tell Judge Frsser the story of the failure of her second mar rlage. The little- girl's fingers flew. and an Interested crowd filled the court room to listen as she repeated her mother's story of how she had mar rled James R Musgrave, also a deaf mute, June 17, 1101, and was dsserted by him July II af the same year, less than a month after the marriage. Mrs. Musgrave and her little daugh ter were left In destitute circumstances by the recreant husband and bad to call on the city board of charities for assistance They aided her in finding work, and since , January the woman with ths litUo girl has lived at the Halvatlon Army home Mrs. Musgrave ssld she intended to return to her father's home near Law rence, Kansas, but her father would not receive her until sbs had obtained a divorce from Musgrave. She worked and saved enough money to pay the court fees and Sueprintendent W. T. Gardner of the Boys' end Girls' Aid so ciety, who is an attorney, conducted her case to assist her. The facts appeared such that Judge Frsser requested that the fees psld into court by Mra. Musgrave be remit ted. This was lone by money available in the -charity fund 8 holes. Boys A Person, the official stenographers, also remitted the stenographer's fee of 5. The divorce wae granted. Minnie I. Houghton wes granted a divorce from Oeorge W. Houghton by Judge Fraser on the ground of deser tion, beginning' in June. 1B06. They were married in this city in June, HIT. 8. a Gillespie appeared as her attor ney. John Wilcox was accused by his wife, Martha Wilcox, of boating their 16-year-old son William with a buggy whip because he refused to drink beer from a bottle with his father. The boy testified to the asms effect, and said the whip had cut his legs and drawn blood. Testimony waa Introduced showing that Wilcox had treated hie Wife cruelly, bad threatened to beat her. called her vile names snd talked about her to his neighbors. He had also be come a habitual drunkard, said Mra. and used only between the hour of t ,very flv, aay, ,n ,ddltlon t0 heer ana not u.Vror is'ti ShelL"11!? lher HIUOr 8h" ld ta toW h " not be used for Sprinkling streets. If .trl)w ,hfJ M "JSS, llr,: ... ' or "' i know what hurt her. Mrs. Wilcox wss fully, it will ba shut off. An Interesting meeting of the Ohio society will be held tonight st Auditor ium hall, near Third and Taylor streets. General Anderson will preside. Judge Cake will speak and an interesting mu sics! program will be given and refresh ments served. All members and friends are especially Invited to be present. was the first in its organisation, the Hoi Dodeka society hss msde great headway The officers for the ensuing year are all prominent members of the society. As football has been abolished in the academy the only contest that Portland acsdemy and Portland High school will Indulge In will be a debate to take place In the near future In the county court yesterday after noon Mrs. Annie Gambell was appointed administratrix of the estate of Thomas fascinating singer. Grand smoker to be held by the Port land Federated Trades council st Union hail. Second and Stark, September II, 8 p. m. There will be epeaklng by prom inent labor leaders. Refreshments and musical selections. All union men are cordially Invited. . given a divorce and the custody of hsr son. FENDERS USED Oil STREET COllS USELESS Mr. Wood Shows That Thay Are of a Type Long Discarded Elsewhere. Articles of Incorporation of The Daises Sanitarium company have been filed In the office of the county clerk Goodwyn. the city hall janitor who was , by Hsnry F. Connor. W. R. Lit sen be rc killed by a car at Fifth and Washing- and A. C. Bpenoer. They will conduct a ton streets recently. Mrs. Gambell Is hospital st The Dstles. Capital stock. a sister of Goodwyn. written direc tlons for the disposition of his property were found among the papers left by Goodwyn. The estate la valued at 12,000, consisting of money on deposit In the Hibernta bank at San Francisco. Goodwyn left all his property to Mrs. Gambell. No will was found, the letter of dlrectlone not having been witnessed It costs money to have clothes made to order, but it need not cost muoh. The thing to do is to select cloth that has the right quality and have it mads In the latest style. Our suits have the quality that is enjoyed and appreciated by men of tasts and refinement, and our price is 111, no more, no less, for sny salt in the house te order. Unique Tailoring company, 101 Stark, near Sixth. E. A. Ross, an evangelist from Cstl fornls. will conduct special meetings for 16 dsys st the Fwnlel Mission. MS First Street. The meetings will begin Sep tember It. Two services a day will be held, at 10:10 In the morning and I in the evening. The opening meeting will be held at 2:30 In the afternoon. Frank Sperry, who waa arrested yes terday afternoon by Patrolman Roberta at Third and Stark streets, after an ax el ting chase, on a charge of larceny, was sentenced to six months' Imprisonment LETTER PRESS PRINTING as done by us excels steel die, lithograph 6 copperplate work and costs much less Let si slow too ump let of high clut Of ce Stationery TWO PHONES BOTH MAIN 165 FWBaltcs&Co (Sato Print rrs fir ft Oak 110,000. 1 Portland, Sept. IT, 1:80 p. m. To the Editor of The Journal Passing along Third street, near Main, 10 minutes ago, I heard an awful shriek, saw an Inoffensive pedestrian struck down by an "F" car, rolled over and dragged under the car, aa though he was so much dirt. Women cried and hid their faces snd men ran snd tried to lift the car. Every one thought the poor fellow was killed outright, so terrible was the position from which hs wss extricated. In enother second, doubtless, his trem bling grip of the gearing would have given way and be would have been crushed to death. It was the closest eaU I ever saw. As It is, I believe the poor fellow is terribly hurt and if his injuries do not won prove fatal, hs is certain to be crippled for the rest of his miserable life find a burden to him self. If not to otl.ers. Suppose this insn had fallen directly on hie ekull and had been stunned by that first fall? Nothing on earth could have saved his body from being crunch ed in three ehort seconds to sn Inde scribable, lifelesi mass. But partially stunned thoue-h hs must have been, he The Japanese Anti-Dust Compound still had the wit left him to cllns to for sweeping floors Is superior to any- some portion of the gearing under that The Oregon Law school will open for enrollment of students on September It, st I o'clock p. m., st tit Marquam building, Portland, Oregon. For cata logue address 8. T. Rlchsrdson, attorney at law, Salem. Oregon. The Ohio society will hold Its quar terly meeting next Friday evening, Sep tember II. at I o'clock. In Auditorium hall. Third street, next to Tsylor street church ; fine program. Lou Hess, Chair man Exec. Com. thing for the purpose on the market. F. K. Beach a Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., .gents. Ill First street Phone Main 1114. Barbers holding permits from the stats barbers' board of examiners must ap pear for examination on October L t and a. at ltTVi First street, this city. William Wanner, secretary. Articles of Incorporation of the Mor gan Mercantile company have been filed in the offloe of the county clerk by A. L. Morgan. H. L Crafts, and E. N. Hall. Capital stock, 11.000. A lady In Scappooss wants two chil dren to taks ears of, where there Is a good school. Her sd Is under the mala snd female help wanted column. Tour Byes Examined eFree. We are still selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A per fect lit guaranteed. Metsger A Co.. jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth strset. The best noon lunch in Portland at the New Scott restaurant for tie. Grill-room service st popular prices. Seventh and Ankeny. Miitiiinslit PisTchaaHjs on Crtdst TomosTaw Evntag W1H Co tm OeUshur Accom The Meier Frank Store Closed Tomorrow Until 6 P.M. On Account of Holiday Store Open Tomorrow Ev- " ' a ening from 6 to 9:30 P. M S Tomorrow's Ongoriuk for Cr t Lbt of Saturday Night SpKievh SH0B THE graceful lines of a Florsheim Shoe, the smodth texture of its well-tanned leather, the precise, glove-like fit all attest the superb workman- m ship back of it W V M The Florsheim rivals the custom-maker's pro , duction. Place it on yottr feet and it will look just as sightly as in the show-window. It is pre-eminently for the "Man who Cares." Florsheim Styles $5.00 and $6.00 Worthmore Styles $3.50 and $4.00 Ladles' gymnasium class, Rlngler school, begins next Mondsy night; 11 per month. Woman's Exchange. IS! Tenth street lunch 11:10 to I; buslnsss men's lunoh. Acme Oil Co. sells ths-beat safety ooal oil and (Ins gasoline Phone Eaat Tit. e For Quality, Quantity and Quickness. go to Morris' restaurant. Solicitors change wanted. (It Lumber Ex- Dr." E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. Dr. Amelia Zlegler baa returned, car. He anew, too, that the fender on that car was no earthly use, or It would not have passed over him snd left him in suoh s horrible position. He knew, slso, thst but for his own presence of mind nothing could have saved him,- or any one else for that matter, from one quick, terrible crunch In the front of a Portland car, which carries nothing In front of Its wheels to protect either humsn or oanlne The so-called "tender" attached to our Portland cars is worse than use less. In the face ot so many accidents occurring aftsr the kind I have seen today, it seems lo ms a disgrace that the eitlsens of Portland allow such 'fenders" to remain on another day. What we need is somsthlng after the etyle of thoee ueed In New York, Chi cago, Boston and a fsw other oitlee ef over 100,000 poptilstlon. There the eitl sens have risen In a body and demanded the use, on all street oars, of ths mod ern, adjustabla, up-to-date ear fender, which insures safety to any ens who happens te "fall upon" or get "ploked up" by It. The "sntlqus" fsnder ueed In Portland has beer, discarded by near ly every other city In the United States. It doee not extend beyond the front of the car, and therefore a person Is hit by the osr ftrst, and not by the fender. Then, too, it will be noted that the eet tlng of the fender is raised fully I Inchee or more from the ground, so that any poor devil who gets hit goes clssr underneath to those horrible wheels without any chance for his life. The up-to-date "fender" used In other cities extends beyond the csr sufficiently to "reach" sn obstruction, snd It Is strong enough to "carry" a weight fall ing upon it and so prevent the possi bility of an obstruction reaching ths danger point a. The usto-dste fender almost touches the ground snd wilt easily "Plek up" animal, bird or humsn. Without hnrm. AS eae among man- woe have nlU J. H. Reeves Co. 513 Waahinsion Street GREGG SHORTHAND! Easiest to Learn Best When Learned Taught in Four Fifths of the Best Business Colleges in the United States. THAT SHOULD RECOMMEND IT Day and Night SCHOOL ALL THE TIME H OLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON f TB NTH ST$l PORTLAND. ORE- AJHTUatarxOgsTTSj. Extra! Hcilig Theatre WALDEMAR UND IN VIOLIN RECITAL ranuT evxsiho, sxrTnuza st, last AaasKsd by tka following ertleta: Mrs. Walter Reed, the Ukst Quartet, atra. W. K. TSeaaaa, Mr. A Alexander, Mr. bom J. Sss asd Hi. S. a. Ossraes. Tickets $1.00 at theatre. Woods rd. Okerke Co. 'a and Oravas' Moatt Stare. tea asd Weeslsgtss The Heilig Theatre Sss., Mob., Teas., Wed. Mlssta. first Maaleal Comedy of the Sssses The Royal Cher' M Feat Ostssy'stssie Fratty torf. last t rows. II. Balcony, first 4 raws, gl; neit S rows, T6e; last S rowa. tec. Oallerr. SSc sod Mc sesta Now teUlag at Belllg Box Office. BAKER THEATRE aaam iwi ueo. l,. Baser. Maaager. ORKOON THKATBS CO. LCSSBK. rosiest sad all Taia Weak VHh Matlsas Saturday V. Esmond'! Maa-nlflrent Play By Author of "Was We Were Twenty-Ose." .tains Prlese tSc. SV and ftOc. Matinee Prlcee lie and Best Week "A TEXAS EMPIRE THEATRE Milton W. sessssa. Mgr. Phone Mala 1SOT. Portias Popular Plsyseesa. AU Tata Weak the Charming Knaottesal Actress, Maretta Smart, Is s Haw Tor a Ion of "Lady Audley'a Secret, ' she Beestlfsl Lots Play axes mitbt-- Our Store Will Be Closed Tomorrow Saturday ssWf ' ' ' . 'tW . ' , A ; , - j ' . fey' - Will Reopen Saturday Evening At Six o'Clock Particular Wants in SUITS. OVERCOATS, HATS and FURNISHINGS Can Be Satisfied Agreeably" and to Your Satisfaction BEN SELLING 382& nessed such sights as that described, I shall he (lad te learn just how eeon the Portland Railway company will dis card the anllciuatsd axtlole and have the modsrn fender fixed on all Its ears. . Trusting some definite action may soon he taken in thle regard. I asm very truly, OOIsUa WWU BeanMralty located In Portland. Oreeem, oflrrt unasreaaaed facilities (or the cul ture and education ol young women. Special opportunities Is Music. Art. Lane-usees asd Liter ature. Well squi pped Physical and Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The targesl snd oldest Ladies' Seminary Is ths Pacific North west. It esjeya s national reputation lor I Sorting the best physical, meats! sad moral train- lag and developing trae weassbsod. Equips socially and educationally (er the most exalted station. Coolers Academic asd Coilagiats Degrees by State Authority. Interference with convictions el Don Catholics is scrupulously svolded. Academy li ideally located, amid Inspiring scenic advan tage. Social epeeslssltles ssch as are available at no other city os the Coast. Buildings large asd eemmodieu! well-lighted, bested sad ventilated: dormitories and private roome aupplied with all modern giseislisesi The in sti tattoo It liberal snd progressive without sacrificing the character sad tissMttass ef ace sad achievement Terns gaodeat. Satisfactory references required Write (or announcement booklet Board and tuition $180 per year Address Slater Superior. St Mary's Academy PORTLAND, OREGON, U.S.A. THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Corner East Twelfth and Salmon streets. Prepares pupils for colleges and technical schools. Sixth year begins September .1. For catalogues address THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL TEETH Cut Rates Te advertise sear new sad wondsrful ly SSlllSSfal Alveolar aWStBSd, We will do work at out rata a for 30 Days A 10-year gears Btea free SB with aO work. Stiver fUllagm, SOo I anage- lSc PBIC " - Bast Attraction A Millionaire -gvaalnsa. lOe. II and tb Saturday :. tee. tie ssd fits. PANTA0E6 "111 roua Harry Clifford A Co. Cook romtTH A1TB stabs ore. Ths sun Performances sally at 2:80, T : asd p. m. Admlaslon 10c asd SOe. Boxes, Me. Ladles asd children take say seat st weekly matinees far 10c. Tiw Grand Week ef Sept. St Severe Ourt la. Wilson Bisk. CHAJf SERLAIN8 j JhSisStSStS. Prlcee Matinees, 10c to alt seats l leapt ho tea. I ventage. Ben., Me, toe. sex tests too. Performance. Tippet). t:l sa. LYRIC THEATRE WBEK BBOINNINS SBPTBMBBB St IhebanSpy" IK rOtJB ACTS THE STAR Week ef Sept. St. Vsetsa Mars AUJN STOCK COMPAVHX Preeeste the Claaalc Heart Draa "EAST LYSTfE" Matlnoee Tuesday. Thursday. Saturdays asd Sundays: prices, 10 and 10 teats. Every even. Ins at 8: ft: prices. 10. SO and SO easts. Se cure seats by phone for both axatlnee ssd evening performances. FREE I Moving Picture The fliastss'a Dream Beallaed. The Broker's Athletic Typewriter, A Ttetla ef CtrcauMTtaa tlal Evidence. Bridget McKesa's Mtefertaae. Tsrytmd.r worts put rather, insurance cents tor. Bridge of Sighs, Oerrsas Warship as Bough Sees. Other msteellaaoowa subhx-ta. Every evsaiog. s e'eioes. amag tse es nerve. cosines, uunaimi.i ami thisd. Change uf Program Weekly. HARRY eHCMAN. General Advertiser. (sax.) work (per tooth) aa low as tS.OO. Xrverythlng first TiSlT attendant. BOSTON DENTISTS 29154 Morrison Strati Opposite Prmlotlss Everything Most Go x. - 8 ii , , :i m ii ii i"i stuxtia Our fall stock of "fancy alike and dress goods must be disposed eg regardless of their true value. We carry a full Has of Mas ones, undergsrments snd f&jtsy we I ate SINQ CHONQ ft CO.