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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, PRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8. 1906. ROMANCE SPOILED ALL GOODS BOUGHT ON CREDIT ACCOUNTS HERE TOMORROW WILL BE CHARGED ON OCTOBER ACCOUNT BY QUARREL um I6lck-Bed Wadding of -Pratty 8anorita and Clubman Lovar la CaJlad Off. MOTHER GAVE CONSENT TO SAVE GIRL'S LIFE 1 i JSSTJS. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE ZS ' "" 11 1 11 ' ' ' 1 11 i , i i a,i , uaegganeaesg-ggg--.--- ll i WB)1T--. -t3MBBwBBJ Sister Eloped With Son of the Pro-, prietor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel snd Second Love Affair in Mexican Family Followed. (Journal Special Barries.) Los Angeles, Sept It, To save the life of her pretty daughter, which for three week ha, buns In the balance. Mrs. Martinet Savin of Tla Juan, Mexico, "yesterday consented to the marriage of Angela Savin to Howard W. Throckmorton, a wealthy youns KuaUbnuui and New York clubman. The youns girl waa happy when the MH.WU orosen to ner ana srranse ments went on apace. Throckmorton st hie bote In thle elty laat nlsht and thla morning he went to Long- Beach to see hie flanoee. While he war st Se hospital a quarrel arose between e couple. The youns woman re turned Throckmorton' rlns. the en gagement waa broken and the wedding ceremony, which waa to have taken place thla evening, declared off. Throckmorton came weat about atx month ago with hi friend, George C. Boldt Jr., eon of the proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, and during a vlalt to Tla Juana the young men fell violently In love with the Bavin sla ter, Eatelle Sod Angela, beautiful Spanish girls and bell of the Mexi can city. Mr. Boldt eloped in an au tomobile with Mies Eetelle Savin and Throckmorton and Miae Angela aaalated fn the elopement. After his friend waa married to the elder sister Throckmor ton declared his love for pretty Miss Angela and found that the bright-eyed snort ta returned his affection. But parental objection prevented the mar riage and In order to guard against a second elopement In the family Miss Savin was closely watched. Toung Throckmorton was an ardent and per sistent wooer and as he had completely j iron the heart of the girl the couple j did not despair. ' About three weeks ago Miss Savin Waa stricken With - appendicitis She :her an operation -' waa performed, hlch waa declared to be successful, but Miss Angela did not Improve. She became like a shadow and her life Waa despaired of. Denied the presence of her sweetheart. It was said grief waa Slowly but surely killing her, when Dr. Crenshaw realising love to be a more 1 powerful remedy than surgery or med icine, said to airs, savin: "Unless you consent to the marriage of your daughter to Throckmorton 1 1 fear that her life cannot be saved." The mother yielded and but for the quarrel a quiet wedding would have j Sake place Inside the hospital walla to- LOW RATES EAST Sow a a I I, aaaeeaoee Bate. The O R N Co. has made a low rate of 184. bo for round trip, Portland to Buffalo, New York, account the In ternational convention ox Christian churches, to be held at 'that place Octo ber It to 17, Tickets will be on sale .October 6 end 6. A choice of several different routes is given, and stopover allowed In both directions. For further aartlculara In regard to routes, through Sleeping-car aervlce. etc, call on or ad- gress U. w. ejunsvr, air uwn agent, & R, t N. Co., Third and Washington streets. Portland. YOUTH CONVICTED OF HORSE STEALING fsseelal Mssetae to Tee Joarnal.) Baker City. Or.. Sent 18. After de- Jlberatlng M hours the Jury yesterday re turned a verdict or guilty agnmst Henry Cannon, accused of having as alsted In stealing a horse owned by Ollle Rutherford from the young wom an's home near Huntington. Coupled with Its verdict of guilty waa a recom mendation from the jury that the young man be shown the mercy of the court. It was through this provision that the compromise upon a verdlot waa finally made. i 1 sBWHsaflxlffTn. ajLtSLatLwkmfitatwtalfi a isw"hsMmai'fl JMlJ BaaTSsaaaV WE STEER CLEAR Of both loss and sxoesalve profit by our Snlddle-of-the-road" method of selling Sh.lf snd Heavy Hardware. Stock va ried to meet every want, quality su- vantags to ascertain. Avery . Co. Matchless and Unprecedented All Day Saturday Bargains! The Impetus of Sensationally Low Prices Wilt Crowd This Store All Day Tomorrow With Enthusiastic Buyers of Fall Goods STORE OPENS AT 8 A. M. SATURDAY ST0RE C0SES T 6P' M- Bear m Mind Saturday's Shopping Must Be Done Before 6 p.m. The Biggest Bargains We've Known Are Planned for - Saturday There's proof all over this page. And every time we sell s bargain such sa any one of these told of here we make s friend for the Olds, Wortmsn A King store for the bargain are RSAL and "leave a good taste in the month'' after shopping is over and you've got your purchase home for critical examina tion and close acquaintance. The curtain will rise bare tomorrow morning at o'clock upon the grand est bargain array ever offered by a western store. Be sure you share. Ten hours of shopping a-plenty of time. But be aura to have shopping over by 6 p. m. for THE STORK WILL NOT BE OPEN IN THE EVENING I Women's Smartly Tailored $10.00 COATS Special Saturday Only $7.95 Grand Salons Second Floor. Our reputation as an authoritative style center is ma terially enhanced by the smart autumn models we are dsily exhibiting in women's tailored Costs snd Wraps snd the interest manifested by Portland's best dress ers is abundant evidence of their recognition of the surpassing values offered. For instance here's s timely model in the handsomest snd best ten-dollar cost for dressy femininity offered today by sny west ern store: the absolutely correct 50-inch length, plsin tsilored, full box effect in double-breasted style; very trig and smartly mannish in its well-defined lines; ma terials -are stylish woolens in the modish snd popular plaids, checks snd indeterminste stripes; velvet col lars and turn-back . cuffs of materials. Really stun ning garments- yet only $10 and, if you'll choose tomorrow, we ll do even better than that. We'll give you a maker's price 1 TUU ll UIWVC $7.95 Here's a Decided "Scoop" In Handsome Petticoats Best 17.50 Skirts In Town Saturday at ONE-HALF PRICE A wonderful "scoop" indeed when we take s skirt that other dealers msrk $10 becsuse the petticoats are worth it but through unordinary buying we're sble to sell at $7 50, the best vsluc in Portland at that price and cut that price in two, right at the entree of the season. The skirts are all new, fresh snd beautiful as the morning: the materials handsome plsid tsffetss in all the swellest colorings and every popular clan scheme; rich snd beautiful black and white plaids embraced in the offering. Pet ticoats have triple ruffled flounce and silk dust ruffle. Choose from sbout 200 tomor row of these wonderful $7.50 skirts st just ONE HALF. Now These Home Needs,Mrs. Housewife Wam Blankets, Wilton stags, IVSe Knlsrara the sower of the household appropriation by such savings as we offer buyers on Saturday For one day only tomorrow we'll sail ae.oo wooi. aWAJTanra at aaas. Fin fleece "Wool Blankets, large sis, fawn color with border of bins and black or blue and yellow; regular value 14.00. Special, pair 94.25 OuSTAUS BS.TO. White Cluny I-aoe Curtains, with fine Cluny lace Insertion and laee edge; full width and length: about 100 pair ; three styles to select from; regular value 15.00. Special, pair -fS.TB 878.00 BOTAL WTXTOST BUOI SSe.60.' Very best Royal Wilton Rugs, woven In one piece, very beautiful coloring, slse salt feet; regular value $76.00. Special 948. SO White enameled brass-trimmed Iron Beds, handsomely finished, patent look ran makes bed stand perfectly rigid; regular value lit 00. Special f 8. 35 Remarkable Extra Specials in Shoe Store Ta stouter Sale l. Continues, ted by the following Vary bast grade of Women's Rubbers, In storm or strap; regu lar value see. Spe cial, pair 39a . BUeV WKCma pairs W o m e n's Shoe, college sad regular height, pat ent and dull leathers, heavy and light soles; high, medium and low heels; broken lines In all elses; values to IS. 80. Special, pair. f 1.98 erauur bits boxoot, sarong aas. . A line of dlrls' School Shoes, heavy and light olea, elose and extension edge, patent or kid tip, button and lace: rises to Ho. 1; regular value 11. 78. Special pair 98eK Rousing Special Values in Jewelry and Handbags A Great Double Event in Millinery Salons Annex Second Floor. Silk Velvet Hat Shapes $1.50 Wonderful vslues, these ultra stylish high crown blocks, with wide rims. Adspted for dress or street wear. The vslue is absolutely astonish- Gloriously Handsome Ostrich Plumes $1.95 "I must have an ostrich plume or two for my autumn hat," says the smart feminine dresser. "But, oh, dear I bow can I afford it?" comes in the next breath. We had you in mind and read your thoughts, Milsdy, when we arranged this specisl offering for Ssturdsy. Select from sbout 150 magnificent blsck snd whits ostrich f AfJ feathers, each 18 inches in length, just the trimming for I f J the winter hst. Special, Saturday only, at sfpavaaweev A large assortment of Brooches in stone set, enameled, sliver and gold-plated effects; a greet variety of designs to choose from; values from 16c to Sic. Special , IBS) Men's Qold-Pllled Link Button, In nobby new designs; regular value I0e. -Special, pair 19 IIS MUKF&aTW 1BAOTT PXBTB So. Pretty little Beauty Pins, enameled In turquoise blue, for pinning collars, waists, cuffs, ate. A great variety of designs to select from; regular value 16c. Special, pair 8e A flae line of Scarf Pins, silver and gold filled; a good assortment to choose from; values from 60c to 78c. Special SB A nAMAXSS. r na srnn ass-womust s sa oo si abos aos Best grain leather Handbags, lined with leather or moire, fitted with Inside purse, riveted frame, newest style catches, solid stitched leather, several atylea and colors to select from; regular value It 00. Special gl.lO i 1 1 Royal Bargains for Saturday in Women's Fixins First Plea Shops. A Bug Special Sate of AUover Basses Fine white Nottingham Atlovers. worth 60c to 11.60, white and cream Point Venlss, and Baby Irish AUover Net Laces, In whits and cream; In many different patterns; our 76c to It values; specisl ssls price, the yard 3T Ladies' Oe sad tas Use Stocks for SSe Lace Stocks, with and without front tabs ; our 40c and (0c values, special sale price, eaeh 25e) We mbrolderiee for Ms A lot of fine Embroider lea, mostly insertions but a few pretty edging In Swiss or nainsook, In H and 44 -yard lengths; slightly spiled; our 16c vslue, special sale price, the yard . . lOe) as for Olrdle Worth TSe and $1 Some very pretty Oirdlea, In Alloa blue, royal blue, navy, garnet, reseda, dark green, T.ream, white, gold, pink, pale blue, black and Dresden; trimmed with buckles, little buttons, eta; splendid Tie . snd 11 vslues, specisl ssls price, eaeh 25 e Children Share the Saturday Bargains 5CT , fin bW Off a Third I Tempting Tid-Bits in the Saturday Bargain Menu a Group of Pssaj gavsfs Sa the Ptrst Floor 7(e 4-Ib. bar fine White Castile Soap Special Se roll Tissue Toilet Paper. Special . . 76c bottle fine Imported French Toilet Water. Special .". . . 60c all-brlsUe Hair Brushes Special 16c box of S cakes Buttermilk Complexion Soap. Special X6c box neweat finish Writing Paper. Special 16c 1 -lb. package linen lawn cloth finish Writing Paper. Special.., lSe package Envelopes to match. Special ISO old-fashioned linen ruled Writing Tablets. Special 60c cabinet box cloth finish Writing Paper. Special 6c White Basting Cotton, Nos. 40 and 60. Special, t spools 18c pair fine white silk Dress Shields. Speelsl 16c card of 1 dozen shell and amber Horn Hairpins. Special 16c pair shell and amber Side Combe. Special lie turnover shell color Back Combe. Special i 20e ..Tat 6e 25 X04 194 15 10d of tas Linen and Domestic Aisles aa.tsBB.xa. a Mease life's Stanraim Oaralvall H.OTBT lflHo. 150 pieces beet grade Galatea Cloth, assorted patterns. Special, yard . . 12 He Richard aon's fine anow white satin Tasle Damask, asaorted patterns; regular value 11.26. Special, yard gejai Prices on Petticoats Pay 98c Saturday for Best $1.50 Skirts Ladles Petticoat of gray and black striped or plain black mercerised sateen; deep double flounce with strapping, rows of hemstitching and ruffles; regu lar price 11.60. Special . 98 Aa exceptional chance to sav In providing the youngsters with the Sweaters they need and want for out-of-door sports the oeeaing Tall and winter. Children's all wool Sweater In heavy fancy atltehtng. either plain white or trimmed In sink or blue, some open at shoulder, others in front; ages from 1 to years; regular price, special 81.18 - , Pretty Doilies Drastically Reduced as Fit as Art Mealosa Doll Is ef fin linen, two row of band-drawn Insertion and hera stltohed border -ln.; regular price tic. Special 154 s-ln. ; regular price 4 Sc. Special ' V Timely Indeed I Such Underwear and Hosiery Bargains as These Women'. Kaltwear Shop First Flees. All-wool Tricot Flannel, beat quality, full 27 Inchea wide; all color. Special, yard 91e Startling Reductions in the Silk Store Peerless $i Crepe de Chines for 76c W realise the enthualaam thla unusual great value will create among Portland's silk buyers Saturday. Yardsticks and scissors will fly, guided by nimble fingers of the silk sslesfolk The crepe de chines are the most ought for fabric In all the fascinating family of silks Fill every want tomorrow this special laata but one day Saturday. Share In thla offering. 4,600 yards of 14-Inch all pure Silk Crepe de Chine, the beat crepe ever sold In the city at 11 and 11.11 a yard; white, Ivory, cream, black and all afreet and evening ahades; special for Saturday only, yard 78) In white, Ivory day only, yard blsck and all the wanted shades; special for Satur v. ,.5de -A Staple, Stylish Blacks in the Dress ' Goods Sale 000 aas sai rlk An Interesting Item special for Saturday only? Read Our regular $1.60 grades of black Panama. Prunellas. Serge. Cheviot, Roxanaa, Melrose, Voile. Henrietta. Poplins, Poplin d Chens, Crepe da Parla, Brtlllantlnea. Sicilians, every yard warranted fast black, and uaequaled In value at our regular price; special for Sat only, New Plaid Dress Stuffs Too WOOX, Women's natural wool plaited Jersey ribbed Vest and pants, medium weight; our 76c value. Special Sale price, each 49- woatcBna S3.00 wool tbtxobt btjits Women's white Swiss ribbed wool Union Suit, medium weight, very elastic, long aleevea, ankle length; our 13.00 value. Special Sale price. u it 82.19 as coTTosr moan i7o. Women' black cotton Hoae, medium weight, seamless foot, double sole, fashioned ankle; all elses; our 16c vslua Special Sale price, the pair. 17e womsrg S3. so mom won fob Women' black thread silk Hose, beautifully embroidered In varioua ahades of silk embroidery. Theee are splendid hose sad absolutely first-class quality; our 13.80 value. Special Sale price, the pair 92.25 V CHILDBISS age OOCTOM BOIB ISO. Children's black cotton ellgntly fleece-lined Hose, medium weight; elses I to . tBj; our 26c vsJue. Special Bale price, the pair 19 More of These Unordinary Bargains for Men timely Savings few the Stan With aa By to Or aad a Oar fee She Pes Sanaa Ftsst Faroe. Men's medium weight Derby ribbed worsted Shirts and Drawers best possible make and flnlah; In four colon natural gray, tan. blue and pink; a eplendld 11.28 value. Special Sale price, the garment .... 794) S7Vi FOB MSWB SI SO OOX.F ggTBTB Man' Golf Shirts all this season's goods. In a good selection of patterns and with attached or detached eaffs; ear $1.64 value. Special Sal price, ach 87 He straws aas OAaatscasus 80S Us. Men' plain Oxford gray cashmere Hose, seamless, our beat 26c value. Special Sale price, the pair 15) Ever alnoe many, many years ago, Queen Boadlcea of Britain wore her "motley gown of many color," the English family seem to have clung to plaids, and the fashion la constantly becoming more and more popular In thle country. You'll find the prettiest plaids saade thla year either In America or abroad arranged In the dreee goods ealona tomorrow, aad. th beet of It all I that we've made the moat extraordinarily low price on the moat wanted fabrics that women wear this season. But the prices ass for Saturday only. Read 6,000 yards of plaid Dress Goods In sll wool foules, Panamas, novelty plaids, all Scotch Tartan and fancy plaid to choose from; regular 11.00 grades, special, yard Regular fl. 25 grade, special, yard Been Waiting for Bargains in Steins? Here You Are neeutlful Bteln s aad Tankard ta tsaturday'a gale Take BlliaSis ta M Pleas. Collector will grasp such opportunity eagerly to edd to their gathering of pretty German Stein and Tankards Theee Btelds are very pretty, suitable for Dutch supper and dining room or den decorations. Small blue uncovered Steins special at, each...., Small blue covered Steins, special at, each Medium blue covered - Stelna, special at, each Blue covered Tankards, special at, each 92. vuiroy aad Beak lgaUSaea CJI-mwigk area BsssatsS tsSetas 1 Decorated covered Sieln. our $1.66 value; special, at, eaeh Decorated covered Steins, our ft. II value; special at. each Decorated covered Stelna our 11.60 value; specisl at eaeh Decorated covered Stein, our 11.76 value; special at, eaeh Decorated covered Steins, our I4.SS value; special at, eaeh Decorated covered Stelna, ear 16.00 value; special at, each . . Our 14.76 value; apeetfl at Our 14.76 value; apeelal at Our 17 10 value; special at Oar 11.16 value; special at Our 111.00 value; apeelal at Our 116.00 value; apeelal at......... Our tll OS value; special at Our 132.60 value: special at Our -132.60 value; special at