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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 28. 190 MORE BIG DONATIONS GIVEN FOR PROPOSED ASSOCIATION HOME Balfour, Guthrie Co. Give Fivo Thousand Dollar to th Building Fund. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY GIVE8 THOUSAND Committees Art Meeting With Gen eral Success and Members Feel Highly Encouraged and Enthusias ticSoliciting Work Goes On. ; em ths Dial Ban. a. Amount reported today.. t ls.ltf e Previously reported 140,101 d Total to date 17t,lM Amount to be collected. . 174.704 4 With more than on half the sub scriptions ralaed. the members of the committees engaged In the campaign for the new association hullrllnar far th T. M. C. k. and the T. It. C A. are en- .vorlng to place the total amount over the 1200,000 mark before the week ends tomorrow night. The results of the past two days are taken by. the member to sustain their opinion that the remaining 1130,000 can be raised next week with little difficulty. Up till noon today the amount subscribed since yesterday's meeting of the dtl aan's committee was. fULlsS, making the total to date amount to 1176. 29 several subscriptions were in cluded In todays subscriptions. Includ ing one from the Paolflo Coast Biscuit wmyny. U sushis TV I VSOIIUV1 Bgt (1 JBJ1' dent of the biscuit company, assured the committee that If it was necessary ha would add I2.S00 to the fund to make the required 1X50, S00. Balfour, Outhrle a Co. gave one of the largest end most encouraging subscriptions of the week. The company subscribed $6, 000 and accompanied the donaUon with warm prate for the work of the Insti tution end best wishes for Us success. Another large subscription that came In was one of 14,000 from the Henry Weinhard estate. The Banfleld-Veeey Fuel company was another $1,000 sub scriber. Committees Work Smoothly. The committees engaged In raising the necessary funds for the new build ing are working hand in hand now and ths work of soliciting goes along smoothly. Many of ths members ex press surprise at their suoeeas which buoys them along from day to flay. At the noon meetings one hears re marks about the eaas with which a member succeeded In gaining a sub scription from a "prospect" who waa thought to be "hidebound" when it came to giving money for the project. The affect of those continued suc cesses has only served to fill the so-' llcltors with courage and they go to their tasks like the crusaders of old. The part the women are taking in the campaign Is no small one and they have landed many subscribers who were placed In the "impossible" list. When the total amount has been subscribed, of which fact there seems to be not the slightest doubt now, the amount the woman will have raised will bo up to the mark whleh they set out to sccom plish.. Do Your Meals Fit? Both the business women's commit tee and the young men's committee have been meeting with goeat success. The young women act out to raise 110,000 snd at the preaent rare they will raise a great deal mora than that amount The young men were handicapped with a lata start, but they are confident of raising more thsn the 160.000 they have been asked to secure. They have not fallen below 12.600 a day since they have completed their organisation and nfany daya have seen nesrly twice that amount pledged. Preparations for ths musicals to be given st the Irvlngton Tennis club's home next Wednesday evening are wall under way and the affair promisee to be one of the moot successful over given In Portland, both from a musical and financial standpoint Those In charge have made arrangements to ac commodate a large crowd and, as ths public has boon Invited, the committee will ses that a large number of per sons are present CONTRACTOR BENNETT NOW FACES TIRE LIT Hat until Tomorrow Evening to Put Full Force of Man on Un completed Buildings. If gt 7:10 tomorrow evening J. B. Ben nett has not put a full fores of msn on ths three uncompleted schoolhouses, ths board of education will take the work out of his hands. Written notice of this decision ordered served on ths contractor by the directors yesterday afternoon. The building committee reported the results of Its examination of the Sunnyslde school. Bines the directors went over the uncompleted building Tueeday, Mr Bennett has declined to give ant an swer aa to when he will proceed with the completion of the structures. If the work Is taken from him ha will be paid the difference between the coat of finishing- up the throe Buildings and the contract price. The buildings on which Bennett has contracts are ths Sunny side, Bast Twenty-eighth street and ths Holman. A director to succeed Richard Will iams was not elected yesterday aa ex pected. J. C.tAlnsworth, Rodney L. Qll san, Dr. A. J. Gleay, E. U Harmon, J. N. Teal and L. Therkelsen are among those who have been talked of by the directors. No one has bean formally considered by ths hoard, however. If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Regulete will prevent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, healthful action of the bowels without griping. Ask your druggist for them. I6c. HOOD RIVER MAN HAS DISAPPEARED Gana Gowdey Mysteriously Drops From Bight and Friends Fear Foul Play. rtfeeUl Msatss to The JeeraaL) Hood River. Or.. Sept. 2 The mys terious disappearance of Gene Gowdey, a bartender employed at the saloon 'of Jack Morrison hare. Is causing his friends and othera who know him much uneaslnsss, as they fear ha has bean the victim of misfortune. Gowdey disappeared last Saturday night after having closed the saloon, and, with the exception of having been met by several persons on the way to hla boarding-house, nothing has been heard of him and no trace of hla whereabouts can be obtained. Gowdey barded at the Hotel Ram on r and whan he dial not ftniwr for hrBaurn.t day horning hla room waa visited and me proprietor or tne notei discovered that' his bed had not h,n nuni during the night In the osnter of ths floor waa a pile of laundry that he had neen in tne act or wrapping up, but which had evidently been abandoned in haste. ' KILL BIG BEAR NEAR HENRY SCOTT'S RANCH (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Gaston. Or.. Sept M. Dr. IB. N. Crockett of Portland and H. W. Scott killed a large blank bear Sunday near Mr. Scott's ranch. They started him with Henry Scott's noted bear doga This makes nine bear killed on and near Mr. Scott's ranch. The eight others were killed by Henry and Alex Scott. Do You Feel Snug and Comfortable Arottnd Your Waist sine After s Hearts Meal? , ' Did your last meal taste dellelously good to you. and did you eat all you wanted? COuld you have patted yotlr rotundity in .glee and felt proud of your appetite and of your good strong stom ach ? Do you feel rosy now because your laat meal gavs you no Inconven ience whatever? If not, you have dys pepsia in soma form, and probably never realised It. If you have the least trouble In your stomach after eating, no matter how little or how much you eat, there is trouble brewing and you muat correct It at one. Moat all stomach troubles come from poor, weak, scanty gastric juice, that precious liquid which ought to turn your food Into rich, red blood. If you have nausea, your gastrlo Juice Is weak. If you have sour risings or belchings, your food la fermenting; your gaatrlc Juice la weak. If you have loss of appsttte, your gastrlo Juice la weak. If you have a bloaty feeling of aversion to food, your gastric Juice ia week. Tou need something In your stomach So supply the gastric Juice which Is scanty, and to give power to the weak gaatrlc Juice. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets do this very thing. Now think one grain of one of the Ingredients of these wonderful little tablets digests 8,000 grains of food. They are several times more powerful than the gastrlo Juice In a good, strong, powerful stomach. They actually di gest your food for you. Besides, they Increase the flow of gastric Juice. Just whst you need to get all the good pos sible out of everything you eat. Tou eyfU never have that "lump of lead" in your atomach nor any other stomsch trouble after taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Then everything you eat will be digested. It will give you strength, vim, energy and a rosy disposition. You'll feel good all around your waist Una after every meal and It will make you feet good all over. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will make you feel happy after eating a good, hearty meal. Take one or two after eating. Tou'U feel fine then your meala will fit no matter what or whan you eat We want to send you a sample pack age of Stusrt's Dyspepsia Tablets free of charge, so you can test them your self and be convinced. After you have tried the sample, you will be so satis fied that you will go to the nearest drug; store and get r tOc box. Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by mall s sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 12 Stuart Bids., Mar shall.. Mich. PANIC IN PORTO RICO FOLLOWS SLIGHT QUAKE (Journal Special Berries.) San Juan, P. R., Sept. it. This city and the island of Porto Rico experi enced a aeries of heavy earthquake shocks yesterday. The people were thrown into a condition of consterna tion and indescribable alarm, but the resultant damage was comparatively alight and there has been- no loaa of lite. The first perceptible tremors brought many people in alarm Into the streets. The tremors Increased In Intensity for 20 seconds and than died for) five sec anda. Following this came ths most severe shock, the earth shaking violent ly for Ave seconds more. Then all waa quiat Ths first vibratory movements were from east to west and were fol lowed by heavy motions, much as are experienced on board ahip In a heavy sea, "v In San Juan the people were atunned and. when they realised that an earth quake was upon them, consternation and alarm prevailed throughout the olty. People thought of the catastro phes of flan Francisco and Valparaiso. They fled from their houaea to the streets and crowded the open squares. NIGHT GOWNS Very neet patterns in Out ing Flannel Gowns, nicely trimmed; worth 75c each. After 6 PORTLAND'S NEW DEPARTMENT STOi lissKJ wFa ENTIRE CORNER THIRD & YAMHILL SATURDAY, AFTER 6 P. ML The Alteration Sale Bargains will make this store a lively place, be sure of that. We're closed through the day, but at 8 p. m. we open up and then &r the liveliest sort of selling. Radical price reductions on the most seasonable and desirable goods. Watt till 6 o'clock. This cozy little store that you like so well to trade at will be open then jam full of Alteration Sale Bargains. GOLD MERCHANDISE COUPONS WITH EACH 5c YOU SPEND MAIL ORDERS Promptly Filled WOMEN'S HOSE Black cotton, worth 13c the pair. After 6 3 Pairs 25 OATMEAL SOAP ft 3 cakes of fine toilet soap. After 6 ia the basement 10. CLOTHES PINS One dozen, hardwood. Special after 6 only, basement Id) Dozen DECORATED LAMPS Fancy bowl and globe, worth $2.75. After 6, base ment $1.79 CHILDS' HOSE Regular 12c goods, ribbed, fast black. After 6 only 9e BACK COMBS Plain or fancy, worth to $1.00 each. After 6 only 47 HAND PURSES Slip on hand; regular $1.00 grades. After 6 49a Women's Pants Fleece lined, good winter weight, nicely finished, superb qualities that are worth 35c a garment. Saturday after supper. 18c Men's Shoes Fine Dress Shoes in all styles and all leathers; regular $3.50 shoes. Saturday after . $2.98 Child's Dresses Constructed of fancy wool materials in very pretty styles, trimmed with sightly braid worth $1.75 each. L Saturday after 6 98c COTTON THREAD Standard brands of spool cotton. Special after 6 8 for 25 KNITTING SILK Carlson & Armer's make, white only ; regular 35c box. After 6 NAPTHA SOAP 7 baYs in the basement after 6 Saturday night 25a Long Coats Worth $12 -$6.98 Very swagger garments indeed, full of style, smartness and orig inality, modeled from attractive novelty wool goods, in the long loose fitting style and trimmed in a manner most tasteful, velvet collars. The cut shows you what they are; worth $12.00. Saturday after 6 $6.98 FANCY'SILKS A 2-HOUR SALE SUSSMAN IS ARRESTED FOR MURDERING WIFE Minneapolis, Sept. I. Henry Sues- man, accused of the murder of his wife st the Otenwood hotel, waa arrested at midnight in the Nashville hotel, near the scene of the murder. He was detect ed because of hla attempted suicide. He was round witn rive gas jets turned on. The police .claim that after hie arrest he confessed, saying he "killed her after ttiaf." Y.M.and Y.W.C. A. BuildingFund Pianos Will be sold to the highest bidder either for cash or payments See the instruments fa new show win dows now being built in the new Eilers Piano House soon to be opened, 353-355 Washington street Entire proceeds to go to Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Building Fund Committee Now's your chance to help. Cot this out and mail, together with 10 cents currency, stamps or money order, to Mr. S. L Oilman, account building fund of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C A, care of Eilers Piano House. Bid on as many pianos as you like. Each instrument will be awarded to the highest bidder. Remember, it it not necessary to pay all cash. The pianos are brand new and of highest grade manufacture, fully warranted, as follows: Highest grade genuine Chickering Upright, of Boston, in fanciest selected San Domingo mahogany case, retail value $550; highest grade new style 15 cabinet grand Kimball Upright, English quarter-sawed oak case, value $550; fancy selected mahogany, $450 Hobart M. Cable Upright; beautiful genuine burl walnut $350 Marshall & Wendell Upright; and last, but not least, genuine latest improved Metrostyle Pianola, your choice of color of case, retail value. $250. Remember, all bids must be in by October 6, snd pianos will go to the highest bidden See the pianos today and submit your offer. Here is the opportunity to get a fine piano probably way under price, and to help a worthy cause In writing please fill out the following form: $ Portland, Oregon .1906. For the purpose of purchasing a lot and erecting buildings for the Portland, Ore gon, Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Associa tion, according to the agreement by them, and in consideration of the subscription of others, I promise to pay the Treasurer of the Building Fund of said Association e a e ess' esse .DOLLARS for the ... c Piano, donated by Eilers Pisno House (Name or Fiano) -to the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A; Building Fund Cfcmmittee, payable one tenth in cash upon the acceptance of the bid; one fourth January 1, 1907; one fourth April 1, 1907; one fourth August 1, 1907, and the balance on or before January 1, 190Bi All deferred payments will bear simple interest at- 8 per cent per annum, just as do regu lar piano contracts or will pay in full on Signed e Address As many bids as desired rosy be submitted, but each and every bid must be accompanied by a 10-cent money order, check or postage. Ail bids must be in by October 6, 1906. Inclose in sealed envelope and mail to Mr. S. I Gilman, account of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Building Fund Committee, care Eilers Piano House, & Two busy hours of really remarkable retailing of high class silks. These silks, be it remembered, are the products of some nf the best silk houses in America. Rich plain colors and strikingly handsome fancy patterns,1uitable for waists, gowns. etc. ; silks regularly worth $1.00 and $1.50 the yard. Saturday evening, 7 to 9 only HAND SAPOLIO In the base ment after 6 only 4 Cakes 25a DRESDEN RIBBON Extra good fin ished taffeta ribbon, 4 inches wide, worth 35c. After 6 18f GINGHAMS Checks and stripes, good qualities ; worth 7c the yard. After 4f REMNANTS of Percale, Gingham, Outing Flannel, Shirting, Saturday from 7 to 9 p. m. HALF PRICE WOMEN'S NET WAISTS $2.98 Elaborately beautiful garments, rich net over soft silk chiffon, fashioned in charming styles, elegant and effective. Come in all sizes ; grade that regularly brings $5.00. I Just 63 of them, bought at better than ordi- I nary advantage. Saturday after 6 p. m. onlyf (SEE WINDOW) $2.98 AT THE THEATRES. -The Royal Chef Sunday Night "Ths Boyal Ohet." a musical comedy which hss been hating a successful run m Chicago snd New Tort, Is billed for row slants t the Hlll thestre, rouneentn sn rtesniugum i .tn.ii beelnnlna? next Sander night managimcnt of the company has expended null fortune en the scenic effects and c na it la aald to be eoe of the elaborate productions of the sessoa. The Royal Cher' gtreg s chance for a lot or young women to wear stanalng fowns sea roc tas oorpa ox wm w troduca ootel apeclaltles. Among the catchy airs which win be suns for the flrat time In Portland are "The Tall er ids Tniiisaa mas. which blda fair te be the hit of ths sssssn. Seats are now eelllag for ths eagsgement at ths box office er the Herns mesne. Digbr Bell 'Coming.' The flTorlte actor. niebr Bell, supported by aa excellent company u - attraction at the Helllf theatre neat Thurs day, Friday and Saturday nights with s special srleS matinee Saturday, when he will present Aagastns Thomss' comedy. "The Education ef Mr. Flap." "A Mad Love" Matinee. The Empire matinee tomorrow tafternooa ihouid be crowded with admirers ef the emo tional tore play. "A Mad Lots." which hss .' - .n a, that familiar nlaee Off ..-,. Th. laat three performances of the play will he given tonight, tomorrow lose aaa nigni. Pathos and Comedy. Theatre-goers, partial to the Elmer Walters at via at drama, will se isYoreu wits s i of Millionaire Tramp." which will tie pre seated st the Empire ell next week, starting Sunday matinee. This play hss bees voted s success for ssrersl years sad became popular through Its unique contractions. The piece contains s happy mixture opsensatlonal melo drama, fares-comedy, snd qusint rural lire. "A Texas Steer." Mja a. ak. d. t.nes -wW savranan will NUM.. ejus- Wsom-.y produr th greet Hojrt eat Ire oo polUtcs, "A XeiM ItMr." RpTrUl attention baa h?n lrn If Tit"-'" '"P UUSJ V VVtast nwxi, muss asw saeor an of the company are taking s great Interest la preparation for It. Mies Lawrence will be seen sa Bessie 'A Texas Steer" will epen Sunday mstlnee and run all week . with a matinee Saturday. At the Baker. ' One ef the axest hesatirnl plays erer pat en the locsl slsgs Is "Ths Wilderness." which la belas produced this week st the Bsker. It Is the work of Henry V. Bsssond. gather ef "When Ws Were Twenty -One." snd this Is the first time It hss ever sees produced te Portlsnd. Excellent 'work Is being dene by Ulllkn Lswrsnrs. Richard Thornton, llonald Bewlss sad William O lea eon. Matinee tomor row; last Urns tomorrow shyht. "A Mad Love" Tceng ht. Ths closing performance ef "A Mad Lave" at she Bsiiln aril) he glees hssight. This play la a real sea Is It's line, being ess ef the eld ef emotional arasaas, ssi si saoosrn at age ts. and yet not losing any or that magnetic power so IrreeMtlMe la the plays that take ess cry. The pretty yoesg e motional stsr. Nsaetta Smart, hss crested much snthssl asm all week by her clever perforates rex of the difficult tela ef Lady Andlsy. "A Millionaire Tramp." All seat week, stsrtlag IssssHis after usee, aettess ef the Empire will he treats te the RUSSELL SAGE ON SAVING "I nsvsr had a great deal of trouble In siatrlag money- My first thousand probably cane from savtxag, and wss made on muoh the same principle that I have followed throughout life." Why not start a savings ac count with us? Tour fortune, whatever It may be. muat begin by saving something of your dally earnings. We pay 4 par cant on time de .posits, current rates on savings accounts, receive deposits subject to check and do a general banking and trust business. Merchants Investment and Trust Co. ; 247 WASHINGTON STREET Capital $150,000 00 J. Frank Watson President R. ti. Durham. . .Vice-President W. H. Pear Secretary S. C. Catching. .Asst. Secretary favorite rotoedy -drama, "a Millionaire Tramp. Ths tramp will drive arisen the streets la a carriage during the dsy. sad lit erally throw handfuli ef cola est for the boys to scramble after. Ths plsy hss not ranted Portland for srreral seasons sow, snd will be well remembered as a record breaker WEAK MEN VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Grand. Te hear "II Trovatere" saag by grand opera tare Is s .Vtsde rills theatre Is a distinct de parture sad ts csass tor sarprrse. yet tsie is i ef the many features which the Orsnd presents this week. The Nellie Andrews com pear of artists are restrtbutlsg the beautiful selections. The Chamberlains are lasso sx- Hts. SBS their work is ssral snd something barbs nasi ii In readevlUe. "East Lynns." la making a decided SS, The Allan eoss- pssy la glrlsg as sllsWsst SSSSMSIsats of the standard play, ths with Miss Margaret Oswald in isar ids sews, ansa o- Lct Me Qulde You on Your Way I to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength MY FEE ONLY $12.50 XV AIT UMOOCPZ.ITAXrj DISOaU Do you fssl that you are not the man you onoe were? Do you feel tired In ths morn ing and easily exhausted? Is your back tteak? Ia your memory falling? Do you have difficulty In fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition? ir you nave any all of the above symptoms, you surely not desire to remain so. Let ma explain you my methods of rebuilding tne visor man. and refer vou to the tbousands T ha cured. I guarantee to cure all ths Special. Diseases of Men. such aa Varicocele, Hv drocele, Stricture, Contracted Disorders. Contagloua Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, etc Get Cured Now It la not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It la too lata. The cure is abso lutely certain. I cause no pain, and you need not be detained from your work for one day. I especially solicit those, cases in which the many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on museum doctors, electric belts and other appliances. s I Dr. Taylor the Loading Specialist f OU PAY WHEN WELL What better proof or morn sincere assurance can I offer than I am willing to wait for my fee untU I effect a ours? Could I afford to make such an offer If I was not sbsolutely certain of curing eyery ease I take? Examination Free I offer not enly PRKE Consultation and Advice, that comes to me I will make a Careful but to every sags Examination and Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion sdoui ma irouoie. jr you eannot can, write ror Diag nosis Chart. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to p. m , and Sundays from 10 to 1. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. SJMH SfOKJalSOhT ST Wsld Is glvfsg sa raterpretatlea ef thle dlffl cslt character equal te say srevtesely sees la this city "The Cuban Spy.' Wtwieaier "The Cubes Spy" Is speksn ef this week. It is la a highly complimentary firrf to tB saasageaeeat ef the popular lytic, and reflects most favorably the good fadesssnt prompting the HH sties seeds far thle week's offering. There hss been sotting Has It ia the city ef Portias fee s Isag thee. PERSONAL Dr. Worenee 8. Manlon will leave far a year's study Id European hospital about October 1 Eight Thousand Cords or Dry Slab w una S.ftO pes lead a. 3ft yes head Portland Slabwood Co. a.