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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER t8, l0t. SHAKE HANDS AT GUM'S POINT Sheriff Make Peace Between Mineral Saloonmen Who . Were at War. ALL PARTIE8 INVOLVED USE REV0LVER8 FREELY "Many Shots Art Exchanged and Constable Resigns Office Rather Than Tackle His Duty County Officer Makes Them Be Good. I in.-i.i Nu.M tn Tha Journal. 1 Ch.halla. Wash.. 8spt Shsrlff TJrquhart baa .stebllshed pesos tn Mineral, a small town In tbs northern . a t - i mm,w wh... rival .l l.mwm h... hMn St V1T fOT several months and In their battles hsve made free use of their revolvers. The sheriff conducted the peso, neeotlstlons hat warn tha rivals anil ha did It With nla iw. trmtw Mmlv.r run for uia. At the point of tbs un ths fighters shook handa, promised to be aood and ths town celebrated the restoration .pa os, sach saloon-keeper Inviting tbs community to US hi a guests. Bad blood had existed In Mineral for several weeks between William Carroll and W, a. Armour, tha only two men In the town who hold liquor licensee. Car- roll recently went Into Armour', saloon and a row resulted In wblob can-nil got 'hit over the head. . Hla brother John went to hla rescue and In the gsnsral melee Carroll's revolver was discharged. 'Armour disarmed Carroll and put him out of the place. Carroll then made violent threats, whereupon Armour fired three shots st him. ons of them graslng Carroll'a head. A warrant was Issued for Armour's arrest. It was given to the local con stable to aerve, but that waa a too strenuous joe Tor mm to race, sna rith.r than aarva tha warrant tie sent his resignation to ths county commls elopers Sheriff I'rquhart was sppesled to. He visited Mineral, but Armour hsd fled to Seattle and Tacoma. te which places the sheriff followed, only to And that bis man bad returned to Mineral, and again the sheriff visited 'the little town snd found sll parties to tbs disturbance. He lined up the fight ers and told them that If they did not cease making trouble he would made the two principals shake hands and promise to be good friends, the sheriff standing by with bis gun to pre vent any unfair advantage being taken. After Battling ths pesos question the costs then came up and ths sbsrlf f made a "square deal" settlement of that prob lem by making both men pay their bare of the costs of hla trip during ths chase sfter Armour. ITALIAN INJURED IN JUNCTION CITY WRECK (SSUIH DSjssssb to Tea Jour Junction City. Or.. Sept st a bed ni.Ln mvuun in mat Duuinvra a-aciric yards here yesterday. The switch en gine crew were barking a heavy train In on one of the elde tracks, and on the rear and of this train the bunk cars for tbs Italian laborers wars 'coupled. Thle train hsd not backed but a short dis tance when a heavy freight train came rueblng down the next side track, not allowing ths switch train sufficient time to get la clear of tltstr track; tbs result waa that the tracks being so close together there Was not suf , Helen t room for ths two trains between i to pass, snd ths end cars Jammed into each other, completely knocking ths bunk ear of tbs Italians off ths trucks and knocking it so that ths othsr two snd cars completely telescoped it. and bresJtlng ths cars all to pieces. .Only ons Italian waa tn ths ear at the time of the accident, and he waa badly bruised up. DEWEY'S COMMANDER ARRIVES IN CANADA (Journal Special Serries.) Victoria, B. C..- Sept. St. Captain J. Wood of ths United. States navy, who took the floating dock Dewey from New Tork to ManHa, reached here on the Aoraneie thle morning, en route home. Most of tbs craw of the Dewey arrived on tha stmt ship. t Be ouvsf. (VBsdal Ola patch to Tha Journal.) Junction City, Or.. Sept it. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. J. F. Curtis and daughtsr and Mrs. H. A. Morss were out driving when their horss got scared snd ran away, tsarlng ths buggy up badly and throwing ths ladles out Into ths road, breaking the arm of Mrs. Morse In three places. The other ladlee were badly Shaken up. but escaped without serious injury. TURKEY RED WHEAT WILL BE TRIED HI VALLEY Experiment to Be Mads at Cor vallis in Effort to Secure a Paying Crop. (Special Dlapato to The JwarssM CorvoJlls. Sspt IS. "Turkey rod" wheat-Is to be given a trial on the farms sf southern Bsnton county nsxt year; and' for the experiment a carload of (SO bushels of ths seed wheat has arrived In Corvallla this week. The) trial of the imported cereal la to be made In the hope of finding eome kind of wheat that will yield enough to pay the farmer for the labor of putting In ths orop. "Turkey red" wheat Is red tn color aa the name algnlflea, and la said "to yield heavily. Ths shipment came from the east and wae brought to Benton at the Instigation of W. J. Watklna, who re sides near Monroe. Other prominent farmers who also had a part In securing the eed for trial are Casper snd Albert Zlerolf, Robert Herron, Artie Masks snd Prank W hi taker. The eeed cost II cents par bushel at Corvallla and the reault of the experi ment will be awaited with much inter est by svsry farmer in ths county, aa whest raising as carried on seems to be gsttlng lsss profitable each ysar In this section. -NON-UNION MEN (Continued from Page One.) Mr. Melby ssld he was in no position to throw any light on the, situation st Tacoma or Seattle, but left the Infer ence that tha seals up there would be given attention by the Sound locals at the proper time. That ths deckhands on ths river steamers will do their best to help ths gralnhandlera win ths strike was evi denced laat night, when the crew on the Charles R. Spencer refueed to dla ohargs about 1,046 sacks of whsst st Oceanic dock, brought down from ths upper rlvsr country. Ths msn were willing to throw the grain sacks on ths deck, but refused to pits It up in ac cordance with ths usual custom, and so the captain pulled up to Oak street snd allowed the crew to walk ashore. Later in the evening a gang of longshoremen were secured, so ths steamer's agsnt stated this morning, to place ths wheat on the ddek. Business Agent Melby In referring to this Incident this morning stated that the gralnhandlera hsd not asked the deckhauds to lake any action In the matter end whatever they had done only went to show that they are in sympathy with the gralnhandlera. Scans of ths employes of ' the host, however, declare that a couple of gralnhandlera ware among the passengers on the steamer snd thst thsy talked the deckhands Into refusing to stack ths whsst. Mew Craw Is Signed. A new crew was signed on the Spen cer without trouble and ahe would have gone out this morning but for ths fact thst this wss her day for the annual Inspection. Ths Inspectors were etill busy this i fternoon and possibly ths de parture may be delayed till lata this evening. Thst Portland will havs ons of ths busiest grain shipping seasons In the blatory of the port if the strike comes to an early settlement la now an as sured fact, for tha list of vesssls en routs Is ths largeat ever headed tor the Columbia elver at this time of tbs ysar, tha total tonnage available for grain being only a couple of thou sand tons short of 100,004. These fig ures are baapd on ths nst register of the carriers and hence mean a carry ing capacity of about 400,000 tons. A number of these vessels are al ready under charter to load wheat while thoss still disengaged are being dickered for dally. One ship now near Ins; the river in ballast was taken this morning to load hsrs for Europe. This la ' taken to indicate that the exporters entertain little danger, of not being sbls to give ths vessels dispatch even If they have to go to considerable trouble to do so. Tbs embargo pkaood on -the grain traffic by ths O. R. A N. CO. will not be removed, so It wss stated this morn ing, until the present congestion of cars has been relieved. At such time grain 'will again be received ths export ers havs been made to understand. HAS LEG MANGLED AT HUME'S MILL August Simi May Loss Limb as Result of Serious Accident. CAPTAIN TOZIER ASKS TO BE 8ENT TO A8TORIA Clarence Msckay, Deaf Mutt Boy, It Taken Into Custody of Police for Begging on 8 treats and JVill Bt Sent to Institution. Journal's Astoria Bureau, September St.T-August Stmt, who Is employed at Hume's milt, met with an accident yes terday afternoon that msy result in ths loss of s lowsr limb. Hs wss standing in front of the huge "nigger" which rails ths log In place, when he became caught between it and the leg. Hla las waa badly mangled and amputation may be resorted to In order to savs the man's life. It Is probable that ths headquarters of Captain Tosler of the life-saving service will be transferred to Astoria. Hs hss recommended to the department that the change be mads, ss it would greatly facilitate bis work. Captain Tosler mads an inspection of ths sta tion at the mouth of the river this week. Deaf Stute Bey Begging. A deaf mute boy, who bed been beg ging on the etreet, was picked up by the police yesterday. The boy is about 12 years of age and gives the name of Clarence Mackay. Hs refuses to .give any further, information re- gsrdlng himself, snd It Is ths belief of the police that he has escaped from i somb asylum. He will be held until tils former connections can be estab lished or until some suitable disposition can be made of hla cans. Signer-Bono k. A pretty church wedding was sol emnised lsst evening, when William Signer, one of Astoria's popular young business men, wss married to Mies Edith Houck, a Portland girl. The ceremony wag performed by Rev. W. 8 Short, rector of Grace Episcopal church After the ceremony a reception was ten dered the young people at the residence of Mr. and Mra. R. O. Prael on Grand avenue. HEX HEALTH SPEEDY CURE OF MISS MODE She la MASS Wall by fcyxUn . Ptok hsm's Vegetable Compound, and Writes Gratefully to Mrs Pinkhana, For the wonderful help that the hat found Miss Corn Goods, W6 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, 111., believes it her duty to write the following letter for publication, in order that other women afflicted in tha same wmj may be I Miss Cora Go ode 1 benefited aa ahe wee. Mitt Goods It president of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago. She writes; Dear Mrs. Plnkham: "I tried many different remedies to build up my system, which bad become run toss or pr down from loss or proper sbls hours, but nothing sasmsii to Mother la a great advocate of Lvdia B. ham's Vegetable Compound for female trou bles, having used it herself some years ago with great success. So I began to take it, and in less than a month I was able tabs out of bed snd oat of doors, and in three months I was entirely well. Really I have never felt so strong and well as I havs since. " No other medicine haa such a record of cures of female troubles aa haa Lvdia JB. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are troubled with pain ful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, tea be restored to - perfect health and strength by taking Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Plnkham invitee all aiek women to write her for advice. She haa guided thousands to health. Her experience la very great, and ahe gives the benefit j of it to all who stand Tn need of wise counsel. She is the daughter-in-law of ; Lydia E. Plnkham and for twenty-five i years haa been advising aick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Meat. TREMENDOUS DAMAGE (Continued from Page Ons.) with ths outside world. Mobile one of the centers ef the storm and suffered heavily. Great washouts havs occurred on nearly all railroads, in one instance the track being displaced for a distance of SO mi lea. Pensacola haa suffered most 'at the southern cities. In 'addition to the property loss, reaching into the mil lions. It is reported there waa some loss of life. SUPREME COURT GETS DATES FOR HEARINGS I Special Dispatch to The Journal Salem, Sept. It. The following cases have been set for hearing before the supreme court: Tuesday, October t, Wllmot va the O. R. a N. company, and State of Ore gon va. Brsnton. Wednesdsy, October 10, Puffer va American Central Insur ance company, and Whits vs. Savage. Thursday, October 11, Pickering va. Winch, the Reed estate case. Most disfiguring skin eruptions. scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due to" Impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clesr-sktnned. Reports from othsr southern cities In dicate a moat serious condition. Birm ingham suffered from a continuous heavy rainfall for 8 hours accompa nied by a gals which unroofed smsll housea Biloxl, Miss., haa not been heard from end ths lsst report received from Moes Point, Miss., was to the ef fect that the water on the streets of thst town waa five feet deep. Mont gomery, Ala., experienced a heavy wind and a deluge of rain, but no special damage resulted. The storm struck here at noen yesterday and by night the wind had increased to a gala, but it subsided during ths night Pensacola was ons of tbs last cities along ths gulf that had communication with the outside world, but ths wires lesdtng to thst place went down when the storm was at its height. The laat reports from that city stated that the city was undsr water and ths streets strewn with timbers from wrecked houses. In ths low lands between the city proper and the navy yard some are reported to have lost their lives. Whlls the storm wss raging cltlsens in boats went through this section and carried many persons out of ths second stories of houses. Ths waterfront Is a scene of wreckage. Vessels are piled up' on wharves snd big iron stsamsra and tha big schooners which go to Pensacola for cargoes of lumber era high and dry on ths beach of the harbor. The danger from falling wires was so greet that all electric power was shut off. Streetcar traffic was stopped snd lsst night ths city was In darkness. WILLIE COLLIER'S WIFE IS CHAMPIONED BY MANY All Men Car Passengers Get Off to Fight Conductor Who Abused Actress. Closed Saturday Till 5 P. M. Exclusive Furnishings FOR Evening Wear N.SICH 329 Washington St. Jsjserlsl Md Ntf.. EL Btffi Prostrated. The reports from New Orleans are very meager. The only wires lending out of New Orleans were telephone wires to Baton Rouge and Houston Texss, and all ths telegraph lines sxcept thoss to Oslvsston, Houston and Mem phis were down. Nothing has .been heard from the stesmer Camells, Which attempted to land 40 paasengers st Mlln berg on Wednesday night, but waa driven away from the wharf by the hurricane Railroad communication Is practically at a standstill. On account of the great number Of washouts the Louisville A Nsshvllls railroad la tied up. The lsst train into New Orleans from the north laat night brought startling reports of the damage of the etorm. Thle train also brought reports of ths great damags st Hsftlssburg, Mississip pi, snd Pearl Rlvsr. many housss being unroofed snd wrecked. REGATTAS TO BE HELD ON LAKE WASHINGTON (Joarsal Special Berries.) Sesttle, Sept. tt. At a meeting of the Pacific Coast Rowing association lsst night It was decided to bold the annual regattas for ths next five Bears on tasks Wsshlngton. Ths sssoctstlon IS composed of rowing clubs of Wash-. Ington and British Tolumbla. Negotia tions are now on to bring ths Harvard snd Yale eights here for - a big meet during the Alaekan exposition. MEXICANS DEFEAT INSURGENT ARMY (Joarsal Special service.) K1 Paso, Texas, Sept. It. A special from Eagle Pass states that General Aguilar in command of ths Mexican troops st Jlmlnes telephoned at noon today that he has the situation well In hand. A portion of hla men are In hot pursuit of a band of revolutionists who are endeavoring to escape to Texss. Ons hundred snd twenty mea arrived from Selthlo last night snd left for the eeeae ef trouble thle morning. No fleer sal tsaetal Sarvtee.1 New York. Sept. IS. Mra Louisa A. Collier, wife of Willis Collier, the actor, waa championed yesterday by all the men passengers en a Bay surface oar whlob waa in charge of a- pugnaolous conductor. At a reault one of the men was arrested. Ths trouble cams about through Mra. Collier's anxiety to eaten a ear for home. She had been playing in the Herald-Square theatre and accompanied by her maid triad in vain to stop a northbound ear. One of the passengers rang the bell after the car uad paassd the crossing and the car Stopped, whereupon Mrs. Collier snd her maid boarded it. The conductor turned on Mra. Collier and began abusing hsr be cause shs had delayed him. Other pas sengers took hsr part. Ths conductor Invited ths men passengers to get off and fight, ami every man on ths oar answered the challenge and got off. Soon after the conductor oomplslnsd te a policeman that J. D. Haugh, a broker, had beaten him on the head snd shoulders with a cane. Hangh waa taken to the police station and prompt ly discharged. " FINDS AGED CRIPPLE pUILTY OF ASSAULT (special Dispatch te The JesraaLt Wslser. Idsho. Sept. St. W. J. Mo Derm otf, a one-legged shoemsker. about tt years of age, at an evening sssslon of ths district court, was convicted of criminal assault. His victim was lsss than 6 yesrs of age and very email for her age. Tha crime wss committed laat May. The evidence was of suoh a nature that the case waa tried behind cloeed doors. Hsd the evidence been msde public the defsndant would have been lynched before his conviction. Hs haa not yet received rentence. Danderine RCW THIS HAIR And ws can PROVE IT f st MISS SSLMA HASSIL. arse n. m court, ceiesge. Danderine produces sod maintains for tha sealp a state of health and activity fsr shove the norms!. Its sppnositoat are b saline, eoortng, tad very mvtoersslng to both the bah sad scalp! It shews results (rose the very list application. II is so eSl car lout that s sample bottle ailL hi any eases, be nffleteat to prove Its ram s pe rl r toes, now at sU druggists, three r 2So., 50o. sad $1.00 Pr bottle. KHOffLTOX - TTllnet. FOR SAI.K AND GUARANTEED BT W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. SsBBsje ssaVWaBBBBaBa LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaBBBBaaaaaaasaai aBBBBT Best for Style and Quality The largest variety of shapes and new colors shown in Portland St BBBBBBBBBssa PEER OF ALL $3.00 HATS I MEN'S UNDERWEAR Winter Weight Derby Ribbed Balbriggan and Fine Merino, splendid wearing garments Per Garment $1.00 Extra Pine Natural Gray Cashmere and Cooper's Ribbed in blue and ...; flesh colors Per Garment $1.50 Imported Stuttgarter Wool Underwear Silk and Wool Ribbed in pink and blue colors, and the American Hosiery Co.'s Merino, finest on the market Per Garment $2.50 SATURDAY A HOLIDAY Store Closed Until Six o'Clock OPEN FROM 6 P. M. TELL 10:30 GET BUSV! COMB AND INSPECT OUR TWENTIETH CENTURY HEATING APPLIANCES "GASTEAM" RADIATORS Radiators can be had in 3.4,6 and I sections, snd st the present price of can be operated for fuel purposes st ONE HALF the expense of either WOOD or COAL HEALTHFUL ODORLESS DUSTLESS AUTOMATIC ECONOMICAL QUICK CONVENIENT Uttll Radiators are being in stalled on the lease basis, myC thus reducing the first cost to s nominal amount JUST WHAT YOU WANT FOR OFFICE, STORE AND DWELLING Xasrrr You may neat for one hour or for one year With Gas at 95 Cents per 1,000 Cubic Feet It Is Cheaper Than Wood or Coal Without Considering the Inconvenience SALESROOMS OPeJI SATURDAYS UNTIL 8:30 P. M. AT YOUR SERVICE Portland Gas Company FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS less are reported.