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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
TMfK DKKGQM DAILY JOURNAL. FORTLANIX FRIDAY KVtNINO, SEPTEMBER W, 10. SAYS 6ENNIE LOVES NADINE Arthur Velguth, Brother, of Embezzling Gas Clerk, Talks Entertainingly of Chug Cart Marriage of Misguided Youth and Siren. , "It waa a lav match par and simple., Beanie kved Nadlne and Nadlne loved ItuK, n1 that' aU there to It." go ay Arthur Vlguth, brother Of the defaulting - company teller, and believe Ilk many others that if a fellow love a girl he should marry he. It la Ilk this," said Mr. Velguth, j had a few word with Ben yesterday after hi rturu from Oregon City. Nat urally. 1 aaked Mm If he had married and why. He told me frankly that he loved th girl and that ahe loved him. ' I believe she loves him or ah would not have married him under th clrcum staaoee. Do you think eh would? Don't you know that aometlmea. . quit often, people will go together for long time; never mention a word about marriage, la fact never give the matter a aerloua thought until all of a audden one of them decide to go away, take a trip for instance, and the girl will throw hr arms about th poor fel low's neck and teU him to remain; that she loves him. Only copid to aVaaaa. "I don't a that th marriage can have any bearing on the outcome of th eae. I am sure Ben never, thought or that. He simply found that he was to love with the r-IH, she reciprocated and they got married. "Ban la st home, but I have no Idea where his wife la He has not told me and I don't think he has even told my t mother, who la very ill. He talked with her upon his return yesterday, but I don't know whether he told her of th marriage or not. 'It Is ridiculous to say that Ben bought any 1750 diamond for the girl . While a fellow will, probably do any. thing for, the girl he loves. I don't think ' that he vf showered money upon her , as the papers have, tried te show he did "As to the marriage. I know Very lit' tie except that It waa performed, be cause I looked up th records at the courthouse." Hot atom, to Callers. Mr. Oscar Velguth. known as BeY nard Velguth In the legal document . charging him With embesillng funds of th Portland Gas company, and Mrs. Grace Velguth. formerly Nadlne Nlch- ola, are not at horn to callers. Short ly after their return yesterday from their automobile elopement journey to Oregon City the bride and groom sought separate places of refuge. Th groom went to hi, mother's home on Bast fifteenth street north. The brid has not yet given out her address, but It Is said that she is not far from th elegant apartments ahe occupied at th 'time of Velguth' arrest. Acquaintances of Velguth were great . . ly surprised by th nawa of hla mar , rlag. Thay cannot understand why he took .such a step. At no time did he j let fall even a hint that he might marry the charmer on wham he had spent thousand of dollars of stolen money. ' These friends do not think that th ' prospect of having to stand trial for 1 embezzlement had anything to do with J Velguth' s decision They argue Nadlne Nichols could not have been an Import ant witness In the embezzlement caaa, At nest, sne could have testiried onj '' willingly for th prosecution, snd the - existence of a confession by Velguth msde It unnecessary to call bar at all. IK) vd Mar Xvsttes Than X KaVSW. Aa for th Idea of having a pretty i wife In court to lure sympathy from th jurors, that also Is decried by Vel ' gutb's friends. ' The probability of such a scheme being the true explanation of th marriage. they say, la too remote CONSUMPTION r Hi Wr '-j H Bs&r dS gwP$'::jjgsl gaaV. $.$aBJ ggaaW ) iBfiy"' gaa gaass. gssassoonSRr sJmWA Es. gK-jHHH mrs. anna hknke. I am now able to do all my house hold work, including washing. This letter is given of my own free will and that it may, if desirable, be used publicly that other sufferers may learn of my wonderful cure. I am a lifelong resident of iuun.uiicc, uru uic moincr oi nve Duffy's If you wish to keep strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions, and take no other medicine. It is dangerous to fill your system with drugs ; they poison the body and depress the heart while Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is the only whiskey recognized as a medicine, and contains no fusel oil. This is a guarantee. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has stood severe tests for fifty years and has always been found abolutely pure and to contain great medicinal properties.' CAUTION When you ask your druggist or grocer for Duffy's Pure Malt Whisker be sure you get the genuine. It's the one absolutely pyre medicinal whiskey and is sold only in sealed bottles; never In bulk. Look for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Price $1 .00. Medical booklet and doctor's advice. free. Duffy Malt Whi.key Co., Rochester, N. Y. to be considered. ' That Velguth had some unknown reason tor his sudden action la th belief of the a friends, but after saying this and requesting that they be not quoted, thay add something to the effect that after all it may have been simply another oase of "He loved her better than he knew." This, bow aver, doe not explain her consent, but It has been suggested that she might have wanted to prove that bar love for "Bennle" was not measured by the amount of money he spent on her. From present indication there will be no cessation of the criminal proceed ings against th groom- The gas com pany Is silent, but District Attorney John Manning declared this morning that his office was going right ahead. Thla la what he said: o Let-Up of arcucatt . "The cas will surely be tried, and there will be no delay that we can pos sibly prevent We did not need Nadlne Nichols as a witness. With Velguth' cnfesslon, 1100 of marked money and several witness to tU of hi lavish expenditures, what more can a jury wahtr Tt W. W. Banks, attorney tor Velguth, was aaked about th marriage. T know nothing about It," he replied "I was not Invited, and I don't know anybody who was. As tor their re ions, that la for thm to aay. So far as I know it waa a case of affection." Th exact shortage of Velguth has not yet been announced. At last accounts the figures of tile experts were 111,108 The total Is la th neighborhood of that amount. At present Velguth Is out on two ball bonds with sureties aggregat ing $10,000. In case of conviction he will be separated from hla bride pne year at leaat; 10 year at most. . It Will all depend on the judge who passes sen tence. SLEEPING MAN ROLLED FROM CAR AND HURT (Beach! Dispatch te The Jearaal.) Lai Grande, Or,, Bept. 31. Jack Smith, a man employed at th lagging road, had his right lag cut off at th knee and his left lag broken above the ankle yesterday on the railroad, Smith laid down on a car and fell asleep, failing to waae up oeiore- me irajn siartea to back up. He waa thrown from th ear and was run over. He was Immediately brought to Lav Grande, where his limb waa amputated. Smith la an unmarried man, .about M years of age. Cheap Rates East. For th big convention of Christian churches to be held In Buffalo, October AS to 17, th Canadian Pacific will make a special round trip rate of 184.50. Tickets will be on sal October Sth and 6th, good going and returning same line, or returning via any direct line, with top-overs. Por full particulars, call on or addrese P. R. Johnson, P. a P. A., 141 Third atreet. Portland. Or; 7 zr-t ?, Incorporations. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Salem, Sept. 28. Article of Incor poration were filed yesterday with the secretary of state: Th Frank I Smith Meat company; incorporators. Prank L. Smith. N. K. Smith and W. L. Smith; principal office Portland; capital stock. 119,000. New Commercial com pany; Incorporators. J. B. Nye. A. B. Nye, and W. H. Fowler; capital stock. 16.000; principal office. Portland. cniiaren. Mrs. Anna 1-irnK.e. Milwaukee, wis., num if. Pure Malt FIRE DESTROYS BIG HOP HOUSE ' j i Conflagration at Jerry Hankie Yard Causes Big Loaa to Afford A Rust. $V (Seat 1st Dtasateb te The Jearaal Corvalll. Bept. 18. Th hop houa and It entire contents of 11,000 pounds of drieB hopa, oa th old- Jrry Henkle yard near Philomath, burned to the ground about 6:10 o'clock Thursday morning. The loaa Is on Alford a Rust. who had th yard leased thla yar. Picking would hav been completed In about four daya The fir waa caused by some of the brick caving In, in th back of th furnace. HIGH-BRED STALLIONS AT PENDLETON FAIR (special Dispatch te Th loaraaL) Pendleton, Or., Sept. 11. One ot th leading attractions In the Umatilla Morrow county fair hesb la th stal lion entered by A. C. Ruby of this city. No other county In th atate and few oUier counties on ths Pacific coast can produce such an exhibit of horse flesh aa la seen at th stock pen. About 10 head of stallions, weighing from l.tOO to 2,200 oounda each. 1 some thing of which Umatilla county can be proud and which will be noticed In th development of th horse business of the Inland empire within th next tow year F. B. Bwaggart of Heppner has an exhibit of four Jacks, two Spanish aed two Maltese, from the Oregon jack farm near Heppner. Many Other fin productions of stock are sis on exhi bition. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY Tickets still en sal. The date of sale of summer excur sion tickets to Newport and Taqulna bay have been extended to October IS, with a final return limit of October SI, which will enable those who hav not already been to this delightful resort to take the outing at the reduced rat of fered during the summer. Full particu lars In regard to rates, etc, by calling at City Ticket Office. Third and Wash ington streets, Portland. $84.50, Buffalo and Return. On October the Sth and Sth the Ca nadian Pacific will hav on sal apecial excursion ticket to Buffalo and rat urn t rata of S4.50. Tickets will be good returning same line or via any direct line, and good tor stop-overs. This s th line that has the greatest scenic at tractions greater than all other lines combined Turough cars from coast to coast, with aoubi dally train aervlco Make your sleeping car reservations now. Por full particulars, call on or address F. R. Johnron, F. a P. A., Port land, Or. CURTIS FAMILY IS ACCUSED OF ASSAULT (Special Dispatch te The Joersal ) Albany, Or., Sept. 28. A warrant for th arrest of William Curtis and other members of hi family ha been laaued. charging them with assault with a deadly weapon. It seems that they attacked and se verely beat Chauncey Williams, who re sides near Hal say, Oregon. So much so, that h waa obliged to obtain the services $t a physician and surgeon to dress his wounds. Th sheriff left last evening for th scene of the trouble and wilt arrest ant, bring th defend ants to Albany for a preliminary hear ing. CURED Mrs. Henke, known as the handsomest woman in Milwaukee, states that after physicians had failed to give her any permanent relief from that dread disease con sumption, she tried Duffs Pure Malt Whiskey and has been entirely cured. Mrs. Henke thankfully writes: "For six years I have been ailing with lung trouble, which kept grow ing worse until my case became se rious. I employed four different lo cal physicians, giving each a fair trial, but with very little success. During this period I was troubled with dizziness, cold sweats, cold hands and cold feet, coughing, chills and hemorrhages, which clearly in dicated consumption. My physicians suggested that I move to a different climate. I Jried several widely ad vertised medicines, but with no good results, then I; tried Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. After using one bottle my condition began to improve. I continued to use this remedy for two years and am now in excellent condition. I used to be so weak that I could hardly stand up. Whiskey NEW YORKERS ARE WITH HEARST Odda Against Democratic Nom inee Have Bean Steadily Pounded Down. DISCONTENTED FACTION 8TARTS LOUD WAILING Great Surprise Evinced That Murphy Should Join Hands With Journalist Whose Papers Constantly Por trayed Boss as Convict in Stripes. (Jnaraal Special Servass.t. New York. Sept. 18. The Eraplr stat l preparing tor the fiercest pout leal campaign in its history. Nothing is spparently lacking to add Interest to the struggle. An outsider from Califor nia, who Is building up a political con sUtuency, deliberately antagonised i powerful element here, nas captured the Democratic party and threaten to upset aU political traditions m in state Jut aa h earlier In life upset aU Joursjal latio traditions. Whatever ie may be said of Hearst, he ha reached a com manding position In stat and national pomioa New Yorker have reached a stage of alarm at th effect of Hearst's political victory. Hearst accomplished what year ago would have seemed lmpoeaible. for he had Wednesday, aa hla ally at Buffalo, Boss Murphy, who at one time was cartooned daUy la Hearst's papers aa a convict In atrip. Probably never oeiore has th old campaign axiom 'Politics make queer bed fallows," bean exemplified o well. Still another Interesting feature of th situation la the discontent In th Democratic ranks caused by Hearst'a nomination. Th Sun yeaterday ex pressed the sentiments of th discon tented Democrats as follows: "Never In the history of the Demo cratic party of the Empire stat hav Its members expressed auch deep-Mated disgust and whole-souled Indignation over the doings of Its convention aa are called forth by the lawless and treacherous act of th Tammany leader Murphy, and his fallow conspirator in allying th party's heretofore honored name with that of Hearst. It la cer tain retribution will b swift It was a coincidence that the city In which Hearst was nominated for gov ernor was th scene of President Mc kinley's assassination In September five year ago. Hughee le enjoying at present jrraat prestige, coming from his admirable conduct of th Insurance Investigation, and will make a speaking campaign such as ha not been seen In the Empire stat since before Rooaevelt mad hla whirlwind tour of th state In '8. setter Notwithstanding the formidable oppo sition to Hearst there are astute poli tician here who would not be sur prised at his victory. It cannot be de nied that Hearst has a great following in thla city and state. Indication of thl were given when th recent Bryan reception in Madison Square garden came near being turned into a Hearet rally. There was a shift in favor of Hearst yesterdsy afternoon In Wall street betting. Prevailing odds had been t to 1 on Hughes, but the appearance of a flood of Hearst money at th figures pounded th odd down to 10 to 7. The Increasing confidence . of the Hearst backers has caused a big scare on the floor of th stock exchange. MORE RAIDS BY JAPS ON BERING SEALERIES (Jearaal Setl awrVte.) Victoria, B. C Sept IS. Th seal ing schooner City of San Diego, first of the fleet -from Bering sea to reach port, ha arrived, bringing new of several more raids mad by Japan sealing schooners, armed with quick firing guns, on Copper and Bering Isl ands, whose rookeries are leased by an American company from th Russian government, which has guards on the islands. G0VERNMENT TO BUILD ROAD IN PENDLETON (Special Dtasatek to Th JoaraaJ.) Pendleton, Or., Sept. 38. To con struct a sample half-mile of macadam road near thla city th government road builders arrived here yeeterday. According to the engineer a crew of SS men will be needed in carrying on the work, and tt Is thought that tt will be difficult to secure them and thl may delay the work. - The labor and material will be supplied by th county. WILSON IS PROMOTED BY HARRIMAN LINES (Joeraal Special Berries.) Salt Lake, Sept. IS. H. O. Wilson, district passenger agent of the Oregon Short Is! ne, succeeds Char ee Clifford aa general agent of the freqfrt depart ment of the Union Pacific at San Fran cisco October 1. P. D. Wilson, traveling freight and passenger agent of the TTnthfi Pacific at Kansas City, Succeeds Wilson at Butte. PLATE GLASS PLANT DAMAGED BY FIRE (Joeraal Sperlal Service.) Cleveland. Befit. IS. The building of the Pittsburg Plate Olaes company waa damaged by fir thl morning. Th loss Is ISOO.ono The fire threatened the Press bulldlrtg and forced the News to suspend publication of It earlier edi tion on account of the entire plant be ing flooded. ITALIAN AMBASSADOR DESPLANCES RESIGNS 1 Strvlee.) Washington. Sept SS Italian Am bassador Deaplancae, dean of the dip lomatic corps, has resigned. H la now In Rom. tt ie announoed that his resignation was caused by a dislike tor Secretary of State Root. AMERICAN SAILORS DECORATED BY POPE (Jearaal Spaelal ServleeJ Rom, Sept. IS. fifty sailors from th American eqaadron war received In audience by the pop today. Th pop preached a ehort sermon snd pre sented the sailors with aaored medals WOODPILE SAVES LIVES OF FORTY Strett&ar Jumpa Track . and Starts to Plunga Into River Whan Stopped. (Special Dispatch to ft Jearaal.) Spokane, Wash., Sept. SS. A big pile of wood waa all that prevented a loaded atreet oar from plunging Into the Spokane river laat night. A Cor bin Park oar of the Washington Water Power company. In charge of Motor man Leonard and Conductor Seeston. had Just crossed the Howard etreet bridge over th aouth channel of th river and waa moving with con alder able speed when It Jumped the track, plunged across the sidewalk and beaded for the river. grty passengers were aboard at the time, who were panic stricken. Women creamed and men gasped and clutched on another a the car crossed ths side walk, bumping over th stone After the car had run It own length It truck a woodpile, breaking the front axle and coming to a stop. The motonnan atuck to hi post and waa thrown agalnat th railing, suffer ing a few bruises, but otherwise was unhurt. Ten feet beyond the woodpile the river bank basins to descend, and ac cording to spectator, the car waa run ning fast enough to. carry it into the river had It not been stopped. YAMHILL COUNTY FAIR ENDS TODAY School Exhibit in Connection With Show Has Been Dis tinctive Feature. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) McMramvllle, Or.. Sept. IS. Today le the fourth and laat day of the Yam hill county stock show, carnival and school fair. Thla Is the only carnival in the state which had a school fair In connection and thl fact make It con spicuous above all other carnlvala Th school fair exhibit in all It ex tent la certainly deserving of praise. The eucceas of the achool fair and dally programs has been due mainly to the tireless efforts of County Su perintendent of Public Instruction L R. Alderman. The school fair exhibit is composed of fruits and vegetable aa wall aa pupil' achool work. Many exeallent prises have been given and theij win- ners will be announoed today. One of the beat exhibits Is by the Webtoot district, near Dayton. In ex cellence of exhibit and quantity of school work shown Newberg stands at th head. The stock show Is first class, an ex cellent quality of horses, cows, sheep, etc., being shown. Dally programs have been given in big tent on the carnival ground. Bom of th apeakera hav been Jam Wtthycomb. Corvalll. and Mrs. C. A. Waldo: Thl morning Congressman Haw ley made an address and Superin tendent J. H. Ackerman addressed the visitor thl afternoon. MeMlnnville ha been crowded dur ing th entire carnival with visitor from all over the county and more dis tant points. Trains from Newberg hav been crowded every day. The Yamhill County band furnished music for the carnival. The Vlctorellie, acrobats, were one of the pebllc at tractions. . LIKE A BIG EGG (Continued from Page One.) earthquske experts, and was led to be lieve in the new theory ss expounded by Milne. The proof is easy snd simple and th Idea I a complete departure from the former theories of ths earth's la-, terior," said Professor David, his eye shining with excitement. "It has come to Professor Milne as the result of lifelong experiments with earthquakes and the motion of the earth. The proof la adduced from the lines of the seismograph during an earth quake shock which results In the de struction of buildings, that la, one Of extraordinary violence. If the lines of the seismograph during such a shock ara examined tt will be found that they are divided Into three eet of curves. The shock toegtns with very alight vi brations; suddenly these are Increased to about twice the length without any gradual tranaitlon. After theee have continued there comes another equally sharp Increaae in which the lines be come about twice the length of thoee preceding. It I during th last period of shock that buildings are wrecked. "It waa from a study of these lines that Professor Milne arrived at the theory which has astounded the scien tific, world. It seem to me beyond a doubt that the theory le a true one and will have a great effect en science, aa It wlU revolutionise th theory of wave motion." KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO MEET IN PORTLAND Special Daratfe te Tke Jearael.) Pendletoa. Or., Sept. IS With two scores of Knights la attendance the Annual convention of the grand com mandery of the Knights Templar of the atate of Oregon came to a close In this city last evening. Many distin guished knights from all parts of th tat were In attendance. The total membership In th stats Is now SSI and th net Increase during th year was SS. Th following officer were elected for th enaalng year: B. W. Kiddle, freldnt; W, E. Grace, etandard hearer; I.. Jewell, eword bearer; Henry Roe, warden; J. F. Robinson, captain of guard; D. C. Tomaslnl, sentinel. Portland haa been chosen for th next annual meeting of the com man -dory. Governor Chamberlain arrived in the eity, being the guest of honor of the knight and at th big fair and at th big official ball. NEW FIRE INSURANCE V COMPANY IS FORMED (Special Dtosatok to Th Journal.) Foreet Orove, Or.. Sept. SS. A move men ( is on foot tor the organisation of a new fir Insurance association among th business men of thle city. The following director were ohoaen: E. Wv Haines. W. H. Holll and Fred Grove, R. H. (Ireer, Hlllaboro: F. I,. Trullnger, North Yamhill. B. W. Haines waa elected president. Judge HolU. vl.a-prealdent; C. I. Bump, treaenrer. Th nam of th new aaeoclatlon will be the Bankers' 4 Mer chants' Mutual Fire Relief association. r arm art re mparts I Ptosetet in The Jearaal.) Pendleton. Or., Sept. 2S. Mr. Jo aephln Vermerlre died at the heepjtal Saturday Specials ON SALE PROM 5:80 P. M. TO 9 P. M. 74c j$9 Regular Value $1.25 Nickel Rotary Alarm Clock The "Wake-You-UaM Kind 23c Regular Value 40c 5-Quart Lipped Sauce Pan Royal Enameled Ware We Save You 20 Per Cent New fall styles of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats. Pants, Shirts, a general line of Shoes, big selection of Trunks, Suit Cases. Blankets and Com f otters. We guarantee our merchandise to be of first class quality with 20 per cent lower prices. JOHN DELLAR 101-188 First St., Southwest Cor. First and Yamhill, and 53-55 North Third St., Southwest Cor. Third and Davis. to Flarer." H the Hail Man Doesn't Give it to Yon Holler ! -It' Just a piece of paper, hut It' very good paper. Heeooek, th printer, put good news on it, but we told htm what to say. -Thl circular teU about pianos and piano players; It also tells how to make IIS in a minute. We pay this amount for an d vcrtialng suggestion. Th clrculsr tlls you what to do to arn It. -If you do not recalv the circular by Saturday's mail, some thing must b wrong. Ring tie up (Main 1JSJ) and we ll see about U. We want you to earn the 110 and we want your Ideas. The Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. KILLS CATARRHAL GERMS yomi air Fart of Threat esUi Zraags. Hyomel I the only scientific and thorough way to cure catarrh. Stomach dosing doee net reach the catarrhal germs In the air paaaagee and cannot possibly drive them from the eystem. By breathing air medicated with Hyo mel the germs In the nose, throat and lnnga re killed and all traces of ca tarrhal poison are effectually driven out. Some people may think that Hyomel Is simply for catarrh of the bead and throat, but It la equally effective In catarrh of the stomaci,, liver or kid neys. Th catarrhal germs are In the mucous membrane and Hyomel not only kills the germs In the air paaaagee, hut en tore the blood with the oxygen, thus killing the germs In the blood and freeing th whole system from catarrh. Hyomel la sold by Woodard, Clark a Cot under an absolute guarantee to refund the money unleee It cures, A complete outfit coat but 11.00; extra bottles BOc. A guarantee like thle le etronger proof of merit than any claim that can he mad In an advertisement. Woodard. Clarke a Co. would not give their per sonal guarantee In this manner unless thay had perfect confidence In the value of Hyomel. In thle city- yesterday from the effects of typhoid fever. Tke djtpeaed eras a native of Belgium and was SS ysars of age. She had been living here but few months when ah was taken 111. Fl aside her husband she leaves four small children. Th funeral waa held from the Catholic church. 74c Regular Value $1.25 23c Regular Value 40c mm mm ' mm . msr i rv if it s I at in bit our as jb t n ra i bbvi n t it bjbw al hi as, (h. rka eillnarv eTirtrl Tf lf.fl ailSlHUlUI J III TWI JT I lv, rw-w onproof. sr si --at sfl sr mir Ij u ran Of), ur.. mmv. j-. a avu n just bh ronBumnartrj whereby I. K t aWIBBWII IjeaBJVSII WB uie wwwe aww .aj - ... - a ,. . or nay nana mi in ana nan emet n thla city, tha prlo paid bain Stt.OOo it m com arrrn mie- ni i iia uwl jjistv ot nay una id n mciiob. yy W-. mm i m e "' en i iissT" e Hill I - mmm M tiia mm mm arMWMlNS v