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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVBKIKO. SBFfBMBBK 88. 180C VEGETARIANISM IS GIVEN BLOW South End Improvement C4ub Land the Hammer on Kalian Gardens. EMBALMED BEEF BETTER THAN SOME VEGETABLES Such la Spirit of Resolution Adopted at Meeting After Number of Speak er Talk Regarding Unsanitary Condition of Gardens. Vegetarianism aa a system of 41st v.-aa dealt a stunning blow by the mem bers of the South Bind Improvement club last night. The residents of the south end have lost their appetltea for turnlpa 'and to matoes, and that's all there Is about It Last night one speaker after another gave bis reasons for not wishing to partake of the supposedly pure and wholesome diet ft the vegetarian, until the listener was actually convinced that It Is better to take ons'a chances with packing houae beef, with all Its horrors, than to eat of the product of the Italian gardener, aa that product Is cultivated and brought to fruition by him. At the close of the. discussion the following resolutions were sdopted without a dissenting voice: "He it resolved that It la the sense f this South End Improvement as sociation that the foul, nauseous and disease-breeding smells arising from the Italian ur Dago gardens caused by the large amount of manure stored and used on the premises are a detriment to the health and welfare of tula commun ity and should be suppressed try the proper authorities." The body also adopted resolutions praying the city council to open Vir ginia street to the Ifacadatn road at the school house, also to open Corbett street from Hamilton avenue to the in tersection of Custer street on Pulton park. Resolutions were sdopted pray ing the Portland Gas company to ex tend its main aa far south as the junc tion of the Macadam road and Miles street Mr. Pis got t, the committee on oar service, reported that Manager Fuller had promised to put on another car from 6 to 9 o'clock In the morning and from 4 to 7 In the evening. The committee on lights was aaked to request toe city council to install electric street lights at Texaa and Vir ginia streets and at the Intersection of I,ee street and the oar Una. A resolu tion was adopted instructing the com mittee on sanitation to see the school board and request that the well at the Pulton Park school be cleaned. REAL GOLD COM AWAY FREE GIVER Offer of Gold Adds Zest to Com- petition Full Details Will Be Published Tuesday. All that has been published thus fsr concerning the "Who, Where and What" contest Is merely preliminary, but it has elicited considerable interest among the reading public The full explanation of the contest and the conditions will be published In The Journal next Tuesday. ' The fact that a large number of the leading bualness houses of Portland will be represented in advertisements with out mentioning a name la itself of suf ficient interest to arouse the curiosity of greet numbers of persons. Bach Arm will be described by a pe culiarity well known to Its patrons and to many other people. To name the I use referred to will prove an agree able task to many readers, especially when the description fits the Arm a reader is In the habit of trading with. Not a little seat Is added to the "knowledge contest" by the offer of 1150 in coin, in SS psrts, to be distrib uted among the public without reserve or distinction. Tht first payment Is t7 in gold, the second Is 16, the third calls for 110. the fourth is $6, the fifth Is tJ. the sixth Is 2, and thirty awards ef-41 each. Every man. woman and child in Ore gon has an equal chance to win, except employes of The Journal and members of Shelr families. It is not a matter of chance or luck, bot reqpulres thinking, and a child has an equal chance with a college pro fessor. What everybody should do who wants to earn the gold is to read next Tues day's Journal as soon as possible' and learn the details of ths contest. Stops earache in two minutes; tooth ache or pain of burn or scald in Ave minutes; hosrseness, ons hour; muscle ache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas EclectHc Oil, mon sivh over pain. Suppose that yon ghonM hear today that year chief rival la business had decided to double his usual advertis ing spaes la The Journal hate alter. Would you esasldss It gees mews POM TOUT And yet If "too ranch advertising Is bad for a merchant" why wouldn't It b jewt LAST DAY SALE cflRpOOO Stock bto Ioob' of umkiHamr ?BMB, Com In and look over our immense stock before buying else here and you will be sure to make a purchaa from ua after getting our xtremely low prices. The prices are cut In half. Man Sing & Co. 3 SS Merits sa. bet W. Park Tenth- LEBANON DEMANDS BETTER TRAINS Citizens Hold Mass Meeting and Petition Southern Pacific to Take Some Action. SERVICE INADEQUATE AND INJURIOUS, THEY ASSERT Takes Three Days to Get to Port land and Back. Though Distance Is Only Ninety-Two Milea Regular Passenger Service Aaked. The people residing In towns on ths valley lines of the Southern Pacific have for years been pleading and pro testing In regard to slow and rickety passenger service and freight trains that run over the linea only three or four tlmea a week Instead of dally. They say this la hot the way to work up a paying business or dsvslop the country by encouraging newcomers and waking up the progressive spirit of ths people. They assert that a railroad corporation should be a leader in prog ress and alwaya at the van of the de velopment movement. Springfield, Natron, Corvallls, -Alrlle snd all Intervening towns have taken turns at protesting and petitioning. Lebanon la the lateat municipality to take up the crusade for better service. At a mass meeting held last night In the town hall, attended by about 100 cltlsens, ways, and means of organising a bualness man's league were discussed and resolutions were adopted asking the Southern Pacific Railroad company to grant relief from the mosabacklam that la engendered by poor trsln service. It was decided thst the first and moat Im portant business cf the town Is to se cure better railroad communication with Portland. grant to this city and community a bet ter train servloe than that now rendered Lebanon by your company. "Under the present running time It requires a pood part of three days to make a round trip from Lebanon to Portland, requiring two nights away from home at the very beat, and yet the distance la only z miles. J "The long delay at Tallmaa has worked a great Inconvenience to the business Interests of this community, and we believe it has injured the bual ness of ths railroad company In divert ing traffic and travel and haa greatly retarded the development ef thia section. "The new service we ask for Is not radical or one that would be ezpenelve to your company to grant, but Is one we believe would be mutually beneficial to Lebanon and the business Interests here and to the railroad as .well. The service snd ths time card we ask Is for an exclusively passenger service to leave Lebanon In the morning and ar rive In Albany In time to connect with the north-bound Cottage Grove local train and an evening train, exclusively psssenger, to leave Albany after the ar rival there of the Cottage Grove local. And then at any convenient hour of the day a mixed train such aa IS now run here. Thia Is not a very radical change hut one we believe will prove aaUafactory to our people and beneficial to the com pany and will work wonders in building up the bualneaa of the railroad here and the bualness of this community." Ullee In Tata Days. At the present time a trip from Lebanon to Portland, It miles, and re turn, requires practically three days, by ths present Southern Pacific train serv ice. A committee of three, composed of Senator M. A Miller. Editor Mlllsap and Mr. Newport, was appointed to aub mlt the following resolutions to J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the road: "We, the undersigned cltlsens of Lebanon and vicinity, and patrons of the Southern Pacific railroad, most re spectfully ask an1 urge upon you to BURGLARS PLUNDER HARRISBURG STATION (Special DUpatcs to The Jearaal) Rarrlaburg, Ur., Sept. 2S. Burglara were busily engaged here Wednesday night, robbing three places and leav ing without tracks. The parties entered the blacksmith shop of J. B. Haakell by twisting the padlock off the door. They secured a light hammer, a couple or cniaeia, a key-note saw and a brace and bit, nothing ess being disturbed. It Is supposed they went from the shop to May a Senders' store, where they ascended to the roof and pro ceeded to make a hole, through which they lowered themselves with an Inch rope. They secured a few -dollars In change from the. money till and a few artlclea of clothing, but so far nothing of very great value la missing. Ths Southern Pacific depot was en tered by removing the upper panel of the waiting-room door, from which ths office wss reached by climbing over -the low partition between. The safe door waa badly wrecked, but the inner shell of the outaide dooi failed to give way when the exploaion took place, the door being dislodged with nitroglycerin. All the drawers in ire once were gone through, but they secured nothing for their trouble at the depot. So fsr there sre no definite clues to work on. Anaemia Is Cured arr ok. wtuukw rata Most Widely Used and for All Poms of poms Allen Lewis' Best Brand. ALMOST THE END OF THEM v Autumn River Excursion to Astoria SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 SteamerTELEGRAPH V SQ' Leaves Alder Street Dock, Port- land t a. m. Arrlve at Astoria at , 1 p. m. Leave Astoria for home at S p. m. Arrive la Portland at p. m. ?STp"d..?I.OO a la Carry Tour If Ton Charmingly Furnished Cabins Warm and Cosy if It's Cold Bright and Airy if It's Warm. AN HOUR FOR SIGHT SEEING IN THE CITY BY THE SEA They are the Debility. Anaemia, whether it results from ac tual loss of blood, from lack of nutri tion due to stomach trouble, or what ever Ita cause. Is simply a deficiency of the vital fluid. Or. Williams' Pink Pills' actually make new blood. They do that one thing and they do It well. Aa the blood directly feeds ths nerves their action on the nervous system Is often remarkable and they have cured many nervous disorders that have not yielded to ordinary treatment. "Aa a girl," aays Mrs, Jennie Pink of 1 East Mill street. Akron. Ohio, "I suffered from nervous Indigestion and whan I was II years old I was reduced In weight to SS pounds. I was anaemic. nervous, couldn't eat or sleep, was short of breath after the last exertion and had headaches almost constantly. I had a doctor, of course, but I might ss well have taken so much water for all the good his medicine did me. "Finally my Vitality and strength were so reduced that I had to take to my bed for several weeks at a time. I could not digest any solid food and for weeks I did not take any other nourishment than a cup of tea or beef broth "While I waa alck In bed I read of Dr. Williams' Pink PUla and I stopped all other medicine and began to take the pills. Soon my Improvement was very noticeable. My strength began to re turn, my stomach gave me no pain and Just as soorr aa I began to take solid food I gained in weight I shall vnever forget how happy I was when I realised that I waa really getting wall. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills certainly saved my life. I am now perfectly well, have regained my normal weight of 120 pounds and I think Dr. Williams Pink Pills' are a wonderful medicine and I have recommended them to hosts of people.". Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are recom mended for stubborn stomach, trouble, for-all cases of weakness and debility, auch - as result from fevers - and other acute dls sasse. They are grateful to the most delicate stomach, are a power ful tonic without being a stimulant and are guaranteed not to contain any harmful drug. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, or they will be sent by ' mall, postpaid, on receipt of price, SO cents per box, six boxes for 12.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Schenectady, N. Y. LILY DENTAL CO. THE PAXRT, The Ons-Prtoed Third and Ooneh elasa materials, do the w e r k eoaecientioasly and price it wttkis OSS and timatM free. Solid Gold Crown. .4 sr-ofi wars, per Tests feU Pining, l sp Sliver rilling, 50c ap lest Sasse Pistes St feed Set fsr Sf Meet Titling aa Vetera tsekag. AH Week Guaranteed For IS Xi Our Store Will Be Closed V 'VaMMMwaawaufiarr'V . Tomorrow Saturday i . rS ' ' r . . ' , Will Reopen Saturday Evening At Six O'Glock When your particular wants in Suits, Overcoats Hats and Furnishings Can be satisfied agreeably and to your satisfaction MOYER THIRD C&OAK WINES . Pure old Port or Sherry, full quart Pure old Angelica or Muscat, lull quart.. - Pure old Tokay or White Port, full quart. Pure old Port or Sherry, full y2 gallon. . . . Extra old Port or Sherry, full gallon g. Special old Port or Sherry, full gallon Medicinal Port or Sherry, full gallon 50 50a Oat ....Ta ..$1.5 FULL MEASURE HOUSE Phone Main 2394. 327 Washington Street. BLACK EAGLE COAL PHONE EAST 4 Co. Hp 181 $7.00 DELIVER F. B. Jones & Co L Water Street Second j Yamhill THE TIME AND THE DAY ARE SET THE GOLDEN EAGLE will throw open to the public The White Corner I Second and I j Yamhill 1 THE DOORS WILL OPEN Monday Morning at Nine o'Clock The entire stock must be sold at once be on hand wait for the doors to open ENTRANCES . i Golden Eaalc. 3d and Yamhill While Corner, 2d and Yamhill Throuah Entire lock TON