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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
HE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 28. 1906. -REAL ESTATE. ess .boot tbsm at oaa. a wad la o r sdesnrlna la aad uu Partlaad. a ales lot la At rtonBayassi aa Best lTtb from 1 cai $.b0O--Buys w of Iki nrr bMt ud aleest bam 1 1 aa tha aaat sato; If yes waat something iiiiwiib ess rail ts taa war at a aaatbaaat earaer tot, etogsnt UH M II. Man Bsiarsl alee, rood beanos toft aa cash payment., balance easy ornately. Iota. $10 raab aad Is par moatb; they selling faster then bet eakaa. ITTRIKMETS 00.. Taa HoBMeeltora. IBS Morrten i BELLWOOD HUM cottage, porcelain bath aad etoctrto Ughta; 9 I tiloox. rrom or 7 lota fall tot. ob improved street P dilute bouse, t block, from car. tt.000 T-raoa modara hoaaa. $1,000 6 room modara bona, beautiful lawn aad flowers. $1.00 d-reem modara beaa car line. $336 Fine, level tot. block houae. 8EIXWOOD TOWNaTTM CO.. H. P. Pi I. MSB. Manager 10S Sherlock bldg ., or cat off SeUwood ear at Teateo aaa- Pboae SeUwood ldl. B3.SQ0 T BOOM modaraa belBd flalabad. aaat IB at.. 3 btocka ofTlawthorne car: $1,000 down, balaaca oa time; thla la a anap If jou want a brand new home. 12.600 I room model a corner tot. 33d and Clinton ate.; $1,000 down, balance tSD par month: thla will make yon a apod borne: took at it. $3.600 6-roam modem corner tot. 23d aad Clinton ate.; betiif built at present time: will flalah to ault buyer. $606 Adorn, balaaae $9 par month. $1.00 4 room cottier, new, etoctrto Hants, torgs rooma aad ctoaaU, full lot: $000 down fidelity land oo., Mala 10S4. 517 Oratxmiaa bldg. City View Park $3.300 run T room meooru houae. lot 80a 100, located la oaa of taa choicest neighbor, hood of City View Park: thla hoaaa could Bet be replaced for the money Morenwise & Frcncn 16T0 B. l.-th at. Pboae SeUwood 74. WHAT DO TOD WANT1 A roomlog-houee ? Ha, come la aad tot aa shew yon the beat bargain la taa city; 21 rooma, rant $70 Bar moath. aa a main business atreet: a anap: wa hare several otSars from $S90 t $10,000; can glee terma. Townr. 430 Com- marclal bldg. Paclfle 3614 . FOR BAUD Idaho Ion aad fruit landa. suburban tot aad acreage I bate DSyera ror an kinds of city prop erty. Lett roar property with aaa. It para ta be baa eat. J. R. FOREMAN. Phoae Beat 831. 306 Eaat Morriaoa at A.CBBAQB WANTED- Will exchange esst Me hoaaa aad tot. worth 11.800. oa oar line and aaar school, far 6 acraa aad caah. Addreaa X s, car FOR SALE OH BAP fiae new ap-to-date 8 room modern residence; best buy In town for price aaked: oa St. John, end aad of L line. 1168 Alblaa aaa. Owner. IF TOD want a anap aee that modara 6-room houae. cement basement walk., etc.; $36 pat moath. M. C. Dsrta. tS3 Alder at IF TOU aVe looking for a business real estate soap on wuuams are., come to a. u. A Co., (16 William, aaa. RIOHTTT property aa WlllaaaetU bouleeerd; I -room hoaaa, oa 8 tote, open an two atreete. laqulrs owner, phono Bast 6888. ELEGANT aaw 8 and 8-room houses, fall lot. east front: email nay moat monthly. Owaar. Phoae taat 675. SeUwood $3,100 7 -room hoaaa. modern, four Iota, all lade of trait aad ems I! harries; fine chicken ad yards, two barna and besatltul yard. Morehouse & French 74. FOB BALB A now 6-roam cottaaa corner lot near car. Flriand. $1,800: $1,100 fades kalaaoa 830 per moath. Room 603. Fan toe bids. LOOK New 4 room plastered cottaaa. big tot; 170 down, $10 per moath. - J A. BARRETTE. 407 Hawtboraa. ma MA Lai BY OWNER 6 room o lot Tar furniture : aaay tanas. Inquire 671 tot at. Phoae ah FOR BALB BT OWN IWNBR- room houoe. fine toi terms, rnquirs 871 Beet Tor Bast MSB. furniture lor at 84.660 LADD'S AddHleo; $3,000 down. 6 rooma tiictly modern. Thompson A Oags. 667 Sherlock bids. n.BBfJ fc BOOM HOUSE. Clackamas street, walking distance, excellent neighborhood, fuU tot: terms. Twuxapsoe A Bags. 667 took bldg A4 400 riNB treat, corner. 80x130. see thU. Gags. 667 Sherlock bldg. NEW 8 room house aaay MoatavUla carltna and ' West sec. : tot 100x100; extra ales for the price. $1,600: taraaa. 34 seres Mar Boarirton. Washington eoun tr: d sores of thst f.mon. beaver dam onion land for sale moch below regular prlcee; no Improve mints. Sao BLCHTEL A KERN A BBS East Morriaoa at. BT. JOHNS to a ftea piece for homes or In- veetmeol; will sell Big lots ror 6240: to per coat down. $J0 per month. Owner. Rosea T Rslelgh bldg corner Sixth sad Washington HOLLA DAY 8 ADDITION hear. S malara dwellings, cement haaesaeata, laws, fruit, Bowsra. eamiBt sldswslk ; cheap for cash. 176 Bast Third st.. aorta FOE SALE Improved sad unimproved terms, wbest ssd stock reaches, timber tends aad aawmilto, city and saburbsB property ; ex changee g apeclslty. Turn.r A Walkar, room 4. BBBM Waabmgtoa at ELEGANT Irving ton home, now A room house full bssement. carpets, shsdee. gas hotel and Stove, 8 hot -stoat co.1 stovss; owner leaving : 85 000: 13.000 rub. balaaca all 484 East 12tb St.. north, or phone East B0T8. Sellweod ll.fnO Fine, modern 7 room house, ens block from rsrllnr. on Improved atreet; this location cannot be beat in SeUwood : lot 100x160. Morehouse & French 1870 E. 18th Bt. Phone Sellweod 74. BY OWNER New modern 7 room houae. 34th aad Wasco. Hoi la day Nark sddltloa. B. B. Bice. Phone 1666. FOB TRADE Homestead roltooslcbmeat for tot In Porttand. Address 387 Bast Eighth st. Eugene. Or. BTOO 8 LOTS tears thrr. In Peering fruit. Mount Scott car. Stem Investment Co., 118 Ah iBgtoa bldg 8650 FULL tot. Bnely el trie ted. east aide, close In. Btsts Inveetment Co.. 118 Ablng tea bids. 7-RO0M modern bouse, full lot, fruit, pantry: going sway; cbe.p. Call 441 Eaat Cambridge at. owner. S3. 300 NEW modem room house, full tot. Bast iHolladar sddlttoa. D. Miliar, IIS Cham her of Commerce. 13 ROOM houss aad lot 110x100, close In: price $11600. For further Information call at 6t4 Sixth St. MUST ssU. sad If token at oaee $750 will buy new a room cottage. zt erne ks from oritur, this to a anap. Bos owaar. Joe Nssb. Nashville, OB meuBi aosrt enrnno AT A BARGAIN Bv owner tosvlnd cite easy term. It desired; aa Height avs. BOUSES built oa Installment., tote If 613 Commercial bids-. Mela 1640. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Ws have It tar yea. b room modern bouse; hot and cold water, full he.ement. lot 68 1 141, between 3 of the beet rsrllne. on the sst side, all kinds of fruit; e swell home, only 10 minutes from the renter of city. Towns, 490 Commercial bldg PariSc 2614. WAREHOUSE properly for a.le. tot ll facias .draining railroad track, r SB. cars Journal. EE can supply 'roe with a handing lot from $100 ua; some et ine noser set residence Iocs- Boos la the city C. L. I tZaaaher Eiehangs. Phoae FOR SALE lli iCIH kIUi i-in Imn. hw. iU H olir Bavs mm nod bo la sad 10-scre tontlj -fTSe-HPer aai xsyior at ana ibib bx. IT Wa Teksa a madam 7 room bob aa at.;-(tea aehthkecbeod; V. black ROR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOT 8, black 4, Henry', addition. OaU ITS Beat 3d at., north. FOR SALW-PARMS. Scllwooi Bargains 13 acraa. one-half ad la from Scllwoed; acre, la orchard, fine toraa hoaaa. bars. wind, mill aad outbuilding.: thai place cannot ha 880 acraa. a natural dairy reach, ft a Urge hoaaa, good outbuilding., fine water. one half mil from electric line: thla farm can he dl Tlded to ault the purchaeer. 74 aero rlTer; SB building.. the banka of taa Wlllsmstte gaod houae aaa out- Hera la a anap; 87 adrea T mltoe from 0e aan Caty In one of the heat farming dt.trkrte .11 under ulow: 10 acraa of flue wire hopy.rd; onp-balf Interest In toraa hop dryer, good borate, barna and outbuilding.; 84.300 takes thla place. Morehouse & French Phone EoUwood 74. 1670 83. 18tb .t. Two 20-Acre Tracts Nearly all fleered, excellent aotl, plenty of water, good county road, $1,600 each: terma Scuuyleman k Co. 237 H Wuhlaataa at.. $4-86. $10 ACRES FOB 8ALB: fenced. 100 acraa cultivated. 80 acraa paature: bouoe. largo barn and outbuilding.; achoolbonee ta place; good orchard., well watered, free delivery of mall, telephone: 4 miles from aUdgaaeld, WaablBgton: worth $10,000 aad more; price $8,t00; tu-ma. $8,000 caah balaaca to ault; - Hack Bad aurblnery can be aarcaaaad. W. W. Mr-Cradle, Vancouver, 'Waahlagtoa. FOR BALM At a bargain. 800 Beraa weU tm prored farm near Eugene. 60 acraa orchard mostly 7 year-old flpltxeabarg apple.: price $18,000; .mill paym.nt down, eaar term, bal ance. E. H. Ingham, Eugene. Oregon. A. BAROAIN 830 par acre; aaa of the bast farm and stock ranches la Oregon. 740 acraa. 8 miles from Eugene: well Implored-, tele phone; 400 acraa toted with woven wire; 400 . a free baa been termed; every acre producing grass or crop; term. aaay. John Ingham. Ba gasse, Oregon. 177 ACRES overlooking taa Columbia Bear Cape Horn; baa A-room house and barn. 400 8ne fruit trees. 16 cows, 2 horses, wagon, mower, cart aad rake, all farm tools; 30 acraa la cultivation, rest gaod graakog land: taa place (or aback tana; plenty of outside rang.; good launch If wanted; $4,600. Alrord A Alvord, 18$ Morrison at. 10 ACRES choice farm toad, good hoaaa. barn. 8 testers. fruit. I dee IrsbU for borne; half mile north Gray's croaaing. ail. ocott canine, uoorge Clark ORB AT SNAP. 50 scree, of which 40 acraa era la eelttva ttoa. with fair buildings and frultaryer; K mUea from Portland : about 800 fruit tree, in full bearing, with all the farm animal., aaaehlnery. furniture aad crop for $4,600. of which $3,000 can remain at 6 par eaat totereaL F. F1CHS. SUM Morrison at. . I . 1 I. 1 1 i .r..l MINE8 AND INVESTMENTS. THE J. C. LBB COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. Wa are arwaya to the market either to hay or aall any active mining or Industrial stocks. It will par you to get oar prlcee. H W. DONARI'B. Mgr. Brokerage Dept. la-au Larayatta mag. BARTER AND EXCHANOE. FOR BALM or exchange, grocery itors. In good valley town; gaod liaataaas but bare bos mesa Interests elsewhere. Baa 348. Hlllsboro. Or. WHAT has yoa to exchange for modern 6-room houae and lot? P SB. care Journal. HORSES. VBHICLE8. HARNESS 60 Horses 60 I will aall at the Union stackyard, aa Toes- aay. uctoocr i o eastern Oregon horse. October 2. 1 o'clock sharp. 2 carloads la this art are horse. to salt every nosy : win make good art Ten and aaddlera- anme Cltis ES mA .U...t -.,1,. .-- I fa this tot JOHN TWADDLE, TOC can sere money to new wagons aad bug gies, i he place ts t lie PORTLAND WAREHOUSE A TRANSFER CO 840 sad 842 Mast Washington at. FOR SALE Team of well matched blacks, weigh 1.300. Apply to Bllderbeck A Crane U., BBI USX St. FOR BALB OR RENT Horses snd carriages br the day, week or month. Porttoad Riding Club. 16th snd Alder. BORER'S snd buggies for rent by day. week and month: .neclal rates to pedal Sixth and Hawthorne. Eaat 73. FOB SALE Ba beech rshber-tired so rosy, si moot bow. Caa be aeon at Poster A Ktotear, Fifth aad Everett. FOB SALE 1 teem of her m.ree. weight 8.500; hsr BBSS aad waaon. Inquire 634 Saerrett at.. run wood. FINE saddle horse far sale. 783 Vancouver SOB., Bear Rsstai ONE team aad aesos-ooek furniture wagoa for sals. Call at $55 East 12th aad Stark. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO TOR SALE Aa elegant BehBeffer up right pleno. bought 1 rear ago at $454. will sell at $300 caah. CUD 464 Eaat 13th et POR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Snap Snap Snap $116 Boathoose 16x34, all In good shape; will mskc s flee boaae te live In; can't be heat; some furniture gees with this; you eaa t beat thla bur Laanch. gaeolme, length 38 feet, beam 64 fast 16-borsepnwer automobile engine; thla boot la aaw aad to aa fine a boat aa there to as the river: yoa could not bur the engine for the meaer: $600 takes It - MOREHOUSE A FRENCH Phone Ball wood 74. 1670 B. 1.1th st WB hay, sell cr trade any old thing. The Peo ple's Furniture Houae. 81 8 to Front at. corner Bslmos. Tel. Mate 4SS0. BOOKS bought, said aad exchanged st the Old abate tore. 838 YamhHI st BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent ar for ssm oa aaey peymenxe. THE BRUNSWICK BALER COLLENDBB CO. SB Third St., Port SEWING-MACHINES bought Bold. to aaa sp smo rsateu. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 6X7 Wsshiagtoa st. WR print eaar seme aa Bp calling sine aad style, .tec; SB baste' A. W. Bebmalo Oa.. SB) First. aa ran Port Led Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to order; eeood hand goods tar gals. Carlaoe A KslV m Couch st. Phone Clay an. BHOWCAvEB, counters. Bxtnreo bought, sold or . i changed. We. tern s.ivsgs Co.. an tngton ft. Parlte 768. WE seed furniture aad will pay tun raise Phone Paclfle 768. Western flalvage Co.. 637 W..hlngton st. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure ears tat rheamatlsm Boat br all -Bgitote. S BAR Fl ITU BBS. BBoHabto. sate, tebtos, chairs. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., SB7 Waahlagtoa at MANURE delivered .ny part of lbs plowing dons. Phono Eaat 6067 city, aal BB SLIGHTLY demsged ..wing machines si eery tow prices; Singer, Wheeler A Wltoss. Domestic. Whits. Btoasshold. Dsvi. sad others; to make room for new atnah Wh A Wilson snd Singers S. R Slget BBS risen St. Marquam bldg. FOB SALE At 80 rent, cm the dollar, all la good order, folding bod. rook rouge, bedaprlng and mettreee. 2 gaeollne lamps, tables and beating .loves. 1B4 Sherman, south PortUnd. ARTISTS' pictures snd framing. R H Moorheaso A Co.. BIS Alder st FOR SALE Fcnr fresh milk cows. 1668 Esst ISth. Bsllwuod. aaar llaxaxBta. FOB SALS At 6 bsrg.ln. BkiO Aathouv tndlo camera, stand and toaa; mast 4 ' I aatofe. Moore. 671 Madtooa st FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FUBNITCRB at 7 -room hoaaa tar (ale. 8H jainil.a; pries $xeo. FOR AAI. CHEAP 1 U.B CHEAP I good milk cow Ad Cass. Garfield, PBS North Edleoa at.. art St A hole Boyal Btvul kitchen re "PbonT i I. "iie been In aaa 8 mouth., tar eato cheap. TIMBER WANTED Timber toads la Pilar Klamath and Dooglaa counties; toraa tracts or slagle claim.. If yoa have any lb fug. cease and aee ua. or write ua stating exact loca tion aad price. Lafayette Realty Co., llSVk Waahlagtoa at. FOR BALE OR TRADE 100 scree la Yamhill eountr; good toad, very really cleared, no stumps; only a raw mania vines; will aeu tor $6 par aero or trade; will pay difference la vane. Call oa S. L. Brown. Union are. aad Eaat rme. CERTIFIED serin, any alas pieces; lowest prices. W. S. Howell. MS Chamber of Osm- ABOOT 86,000.000 tort near lower " Unahll river; alas aeveral good tract. In Dooglaa and Carry counties. Address Box 643. Astoria, Oregon. WANTED TIMBER I Wa can handle a quarter aactkin or nsra Ml Crook. Klamath' and Lake counties; tor osack returns send a. the fall deacrlptloas. Including the estimate of your claim, aad your lowest net cash price. OK BOO BROS. 84 6th St.. 817-818 Fen ton bldg.. Portland. Or. PERSONAL. PBOFBBSOB ON BILL, datasatotogtot ; earn pinion, lair, scslp aad akla .peuil.t. eo ns rf loons hair and all facial bias, hah aa per manently removed; bo scare toft: rsfariaiaa given : led Us taught beauty culture, elee trolyaU, electrical aad manual massage for mula a. etc.. given; terma reasonable. Parlors. 141 11th at., corner Alder. Conaultatloa aad advice free. Pboae Mala 5887. DETECTIVE AOBNCT OassSdsatl.l ttoaa; reports raratohed aa Individuals, the character, responsibility, eta.: bed debts col lected, missing rrlatlvee located: charges reaeoaahto; BcrrMpoufliam aall cited. Oleosa Detect! va Service, 'eft CSS aWS-304 Flledaer blag.. 10th aad Waahlagtoa ate. Phoae Mala 6615. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Otohttoa. Oaa month', treatment. S3; 8 asootba. BB; aaat securely sealed by mall Agent.. Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Partlaad. Or. 8EXINB PILLS eaaa all macular waahnaea. For mea or Price 81 e box. 6 hoxeo 86. vrith fan tea. Addrees or call J. 0. Clemenaoa. drag glat. Second and Ysmhlll Sts.. PortUnd. Or. BALM OF FIGS for all female Beat Belmont. Phoae East 4084. DB. 0. . KETCH I'M cures promptly private dUeaaea. kidney, nervosa, .kin and special remaie troanies. call or write, nrnce irath Third St., ear. YsaahllL Phoae Paciec 2338. ANT Bean or woman ran ha Hiuag and happr ny using senna nits, the great tonic; peace 81 a boa. 6 boxes $6, with fall gaaraatea. an cress or call t, A. ear. Second aad Yamhill ate., Portia MOLES, wrinkles, aapmfteaas hair removed. Let ma fell yoobew. Ma charge Mrs. M. D. Hill. Salta I. Selling HI rack bldg. Pacific lam. YES. Palmo Tablets make yoa they care nervousness and make roe atroas: Bice RO s hog, S boxes $3 50; gcarsateed II drunlsts. or addresa Brooke Drug Oa.. ST North Third St.. Portland. Oregoa. , HOLDBN'S RHBCMATIC CUBB Sure rheumatism. Bow by an 4 HOLD ON There to one thing that will rare rheumatism. Ask year eh eg gist for berk to air or sS8iaai or can J. O. Olim.asoe, dmg glat. Portland, Oregoa. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oraauatoa bldg : days, gentlemen nights. Mala I8SB. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing ead a. SB! TaaahR at. THE ADVBNTTJBBSS. " Denser." "A Marriage la High Ufa. Hae'llng." "Prisoner of Ltoa." B0 eaaaa each. A Twenty Tears A oociei l v v,nyunVi i porter Chinese rent iDvtjjcuawa. ssuo yni neae t-a. certain cure for all atosaass. 181 3d- act. Yamhill sad Taylor. SLITS pressed wbtls you wait. 66a. skirt, pressed. 50c. Gilbert. lfJBH Sixth St.. next to Quelle. Phone Partes BOSS. EUREKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The usual branches: best shorthand system. S48 Ash. MISS GIBSON, expert scslp treatment snd m.s age. Boom 53, The Cosmos, SSNVs Morrison. DI8EARBB OF WOMEN Private maternity boapltal; qnlet location gad special pare. Dr. At wood. 880 Vi Morrison St.. room 8. Phone P.elBe 1758 BRIBE La alee, hare roar furs remodeled end repaired br practical farrier tad sgaerc Stter; SO rears' experience In this branch iBshtoa ass te gas ran to. satire satis fectiee; will cell st residence sad sirs sstrmsts i oestreo A. rtelnrr. Lewi. nias.. snurnsoo a no ran. SB CENTS ALL FOR SB CENTS Phone FOR A BUMMER PLUNGE M. 2744. And swim, strike the big tank at the Port land Natatnrlum Bath.: .team and Turkish hatha a aperlalty. See the buy alga. "Bathe." Open S a. m: ts 12 p. m. Corner Waahlngton aad Second eta. Expert chiropodist on hand. PHYSiCAL culture, all branches, aad maseaga; ttrxdmal aad class Instruction, pries te home t incut It 61 aha d. The Blaster School, "saw Aider st. Phone Mala 1661. TOUR shoe, shloed free of charge et the Modal Barber shop; .bavins 15c. YOUNG ladv from the eaat baa recently epened manicuring parlor. 861 Morriaoa St.. room 14. MARRY Patronise Incorporated aeaneiattoa; 1,000 marriages sossnmmsted. some involving 8800.000. paper 10c sealed. L. L Love. Box 1600, Denver, Colorado. VIAVI CO.. lerwls bldg.. 850 U Morrison; health talk, to women Thnradsy.. 2:30 p. a. MASSAGE TREATMENTS for rheumatism and all nervosa ailment., vapor and tub hatha; room. If desired; lady operator. 301 y Sd at. ! WAsNTED PUIn sewing of ell kinds: .too sew mg ror eniroren. none r.ast rao. THE October Matrimonial Register Is lust out. 10c, revised and enlarged, with pbotoa; fnoet co.nsUts ever pobltoh.ii. 24 Resell bldg. BEST masastes clubs sear offered ; send for prices . agents wsntsd. Jones' Book Store. Si Aider st. PcrrhtoaaV Or YOUNG tody (rate Bdal baa rsceatly epeaed manicuring palgrs SBlMj Marrt.oa'. room 1A ATTORNEYS. I. R WINCHESTER, sttorney et-l.w. aetary aaallc. I ASSAYBRS. OARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, Mea teas Assay Office. IBS Mai I toaa et. AUTOMOBILES. COVET A COOK Motor Car Co.. Fifteen Ik sad Waahlngton Agents far Cadillac. Ptoses, tirsst Arrow sad Stevens Duryee mitor Bt; .dvr 1MB res tod, isp.ii.g .so ssscea. mam ARCHITECTS. H B. MRNOER I tact. 116 ART. FBEE LESSONS ta embroidery every dart sew stamped shlrtwstots.. lsssI leiers. Os tors Jackets, kste. umbrsUss. ste. Thd N ptop, BBS Waahlagtoa at. be twsea Wast Park aad Tenth sts. PROFESSOR B. MAX MRYSB. 848 Alder. aad toakaavaaibiosMBBB BATHS MASSAGE. BAN FRANCISCO tedy bow located at 145 Slxtk at 17 IS; aaa i eohol rupbtags. Rhenmetlsm Bass todr cured by manes ge br a nana Gov 3661s Stark 31 22 Tscetss fiosmo. MISS BATMO! Nl dives h.lhs sad inaaa Vawal CjuaMWIafa aMtt MaatfTl Val trestmeais. MISS DANIELS gives vapor, massage aad aatsd baths. Partor BY, 368, Stark st BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. DA TIB Si KILMAM. 166-111 aese masaiaitaBBis: saonu ror Buraka1 ad I soss LsaX todmars: ess the leaf the boat ec the BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BOTCH BBS' SDPPUEB Adolpb A. Dakaas. 181188 First at., sarrtos a fall llae aad seas- B. BIRKBNWALD CO.. Idtrp.. bstcbere' eagiV. RKBNWALD CO.. 864-366 Everett st. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! ReadJ Read! THIS IB FOB YOU! READ CARErLLLT THE FOLLOWING WOBDS: Madam Barth la permanently located ta her own home. 438 STARK ST. ThU wonderful woman, ac knowledged by the world te ho the g res best clairvoyant .live, wlthoet you writing a quss tloa or uttering one word, aha tell, yoa teat what you cams for. bow many la your fam ily sad .11 shout thsm. Talis name., dates aad facta. Tell, yoa of tore, msrrUgee, deaths, business aprculattooa, Investments, etc.; Iocs tea oIL gaa and mineral, of .11 kind., removes evil Influences end teecbes yoa how to control the one yoa love, unites the separated and csuaee speedy aad con genial marrlagee. No matter what your dltlon mar he. MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 428 STARK, COR. 13TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL B P. M. ENGLISH AMD GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. A SPECIAL 86 READING FOR $1. ALVA YlT CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Ores teat living aatral dead-trance Cietr voyaat of the age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whom yoa will marry, how to control the one yoa tore, even though miles away; reunites the sop sea Sad; gives secret powers to control. I will do all ethers advertise to do, end a great teat more. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POW ERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and I prove It to yon with out price by riving yoa a FBEE-EST FREB by bevies; year NAME TOLD (IN FULL). JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOR. aad give r advice ahaoZatatr FREE before von decide hsva a readies. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC 7 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO TOU AGAIN. PROP. E. KHIMO. P.l m.aeetly Lore ted In His Owe Home. HOURS. 10 T08. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 866 Fifth at. corner Madison st. CONSULT THE BEST! Prof. Wallace, taa noted clairvoyant. Palmist and dead trance medium. The oldest ta practice, gives setlsfaotlon. He tell, your past, present and future. Telia your friends, enemies and rivals. Who aad when you will marry. Battofactton. or be charges you nothing. Consult him on business. Consult him In love affairs. Ha charges yea only B0 rests. 641 H Morrison st, corner 7Tb. $5 READINGS 60c. Per the first time darted bis professional career. Prof. St. George, the world's famous dead trance elalrvoyent. will glvs hi. $6 reed lues for 50 cents; thla week only. 860 v Washington at. CAFES. THE OFFICE 386 Washington st. Mate rrx. aamuet CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. BBC, Balte 1. Selling H trees Bldg bl a 18S. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD Carpet CU.nmg Co.. largest steal aa the coast Lortag and Harding .ts.. tale phoss Hast 360 Carpets atoaaol, laBltsA sawed) and laid; both steam and latest com presses air process; renovstlng m.ttressse and f ethers a apeeUlty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction aad cam air com Dt nee; carpets etc. nee as Boo ovnL Mala BSS4. Mala 8S06. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO., C. 1 East 9AVIS FUEL CO r e. i auuna ruwj war. useiero is corowooo. and green ead dry stobweoA R R. ABttea svs., 3 block, east of ferry. East STEEL BBIDGB FUEL CO Dealers ta at rordwoed sod dry etebwood. Phoae Stoat OREGON FUEL CO. AH ktnde of coal wood. 834 Alder st Phone Mate SB. BOX aad planar wi Standard Wood Immedlsts delivery ms Rasi WESTERN PEED A FUEL CO. Hoaaa bterksmith coe to Phoae Main 1018. CLEANING AND DYEING. 8ultorium Tailor lag Co. Pr ladles' work a specialty. M tag snd rle.nlng; 1ST Losrasdsto at. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work.; prac tical better te SSasaseahMa. 331 4th. PaelSe SOT. CLOTHES cl-sned and pressed $1 per moath. Unique Tailoring Co.; BOB Stark at H. W. TURNER, profoostoesl dyer sad e leaser BBS JlShlBBB st. Phone Mela 86 IS. COLLECTION AOBNCY. DOES ANYBODY. OWE YOU MONEY WE COLLECT BAD DEBTS OB NO CHAROE. CITIEENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CITI- BENS BANK BUILDING. BOOM 18. 132V. GRAND AVE. PHONE EAST DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading eebool;; ballroom etiquette, carreer. eocUl aad classic. Am ' knt I, u . ,,,,ine fnl.a itiilt tn . t ruction dally. SOB A Idee Tel. M. 1851 Prof. Rlngtor, denclng maatsr. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class. Mon . Thins, snd Sst. see.: children', cl... Set. sfternooa. Social, fancy and .top dancing taught Fencing taught. Western Academy ball. cor. 2nd and Morrison. Pacific 1630. DENTI8TS. THR CHICAGO DENTISTS, S38 Waablnston st, car. Sixth. Guarantee all work. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, eaatrae tors, repairer., electric wiring, supplies. 64 First ear. Stsrk. M. in BBS. R. H. Tata. mar. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOR.vS II Sixth at Contractor., electric supplies, motors aad dyes Bass: we kartell Bght sad power ptsata. EDUCATIONAL. CHINESE lesson, given by en experienced e.Cker . well educated. Apply Professor G. P. Peter. BOSvh Salmon St., or pboae Main 8B28. MARY DAVIS MAOINNTB. teacher af Mill tlonal Bad naturalistic chine: water-color heads a specialty. Studio 121 B 6th St. . PHOF. WBSCO Private Inelrnctlon In penmen ship given. Room 35. Busssl bldg. PURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air rerun ess sees fuel J. a Buyer Furn.cs Co.. MM Boosed. Msla 481. DRvnnnRV heating PI PBS. made i br J. tosll. 313 Jsfferesa: Pboes Pacific 1434 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. irt-and" wirb a ieon wobmbbi Ftoadore et, ear. Third. Pboae Mate 3008 BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WO BRA. IBB East wstsr st. Phsas set Bay. HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COO PBS A Co. Potetoee. feed ear. ISI Uetoe see. Phoae Bast 1617 HATFACTORIES. ATS rle.oed blocked, ado Kke aew tar 86c l expert p. nan a btoacber. 64 Third. Bear Pies. Branch. 834 First. Psctfh IA KAUFMAN. THB BATTRR. IS N Sixth t.. ctosas and blocks soft sad .tiff hats. Psas axas a spectoltr. HOTELS. THE BBLLEYUB, Fosrth sad Salmon at. we p; raise ww woes wr awe re eat-of town trade solicit tea. Poster. S16S. GULDEN WEST HOTEL European plaa: rooms from 60 cent, up; nmala SB cents. Bsveath end Everett ate HOOD. HOTEL Spa BBS an: rates ha or gkoath; eat-of-towa trade solicited. 6314 Sixth St.. 6 blocks from depot HOTEL Porttoad. Am arises plaa: $8. $8 pee day. BELVEDERE: European plaa; 4th aad Aider ate MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION Money U easy to get If yoa know where te sot It We have ready mower et all times, and yoa eaa get it oa year salary: $10 to $100, oa best terms aad at hi wit rates. Ws loan oa the essy payment plaa the pton that helps yoa sad gets yoa oat sf debt Yoa get the cssk. all yea ask for. aad repay in amoaata you cob eonveaientry spare each payday We do not flls nsners. reenlre no te. deroere. bo reference to friesds or entptoyer. Open Toes, aad Set. eceatnes snrll 8 o'clock Button Credit Co. SIS (Bah Boot) oekam bldg. MONBY TO LOAN OS Improved city property or for betiding xor trom i u id yosrs time, wits privilege to repay all ar part of toaa after tea yean. ajuevi spproveu iroai plana ana ey eay.ncea as naiiaiag rtgsgse tekea up aad replaced. FRED EL STRONG. Flaaaclal MS Stark at. THE STAR LOAN CO. Aay salaried employe, res get en bU note, wlthoet mortgage Month. H Month. Week. $50 06 Repey to aa $18.88 or 86.66 or IS-85 836.00 Repay to as 8 ASS or $3 86 or 81 .86 $15.00 Repay to as $ 4.00 or $2 00 or $1.00 tld McKay bldg. en.em.ll. I . . miss i , policies, ptsaoa. furaltare, war-bonae re ceipts, etc.; ear deserving poreoi may secure s liberal advance, repaying by easy weekly ar monthly Inatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. BOB AMagtoB bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE J sat oa roar own name bo other security; don't borrow until you aee me; my .yatem to the best for railroad men. clerk.. Bookkeepers, tree test men aad .Or other employee; beut- y ea ldg. F. A. Newtos, 434 Ablngton bl MONEY ADVANCED SALARIES PEOPLE And other, anon their earn Bsmss with out security : choc poet rates, vastest psymests; efBrec in 6n principsl cities; eavs yourself money Br getting ear Terms arax. TOLMAN. Eli Ahlagtoa bldg.. I6SH Loans Any else from $100 ap oa first cUa. reel sstste -nrl'r. 7 par cent. Schuyleman & Co. 2271, Washington at, rooms 64-16 HEADQUARTERS FOR BALART LOANS Money eaa be borrowed oe eeey payment plan, to west rates; strictly ronfldestlsL CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 4SB Mohswh bids-, cor. Third sad Morrtesa. YOU can borrow money at tow rates In seme of a.nai end up oa saprovi a mortgsge securities. Don't fsll to sec THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 14844 First st. WANTED Notes. sHa-tgsgea or contract, ea I aay kind of real estate te Oregon sad Washing ton; a. Mad mortgages purchased If well ee- , H. B. Noble. 813 Commerrlsl blk. PRIVATE money to loan, city or farm. Mnlt nom.b or near counties; interest 8 to S per coat. Sol Bloom. 888 Chamber of Commerce. $5.ii0fl TO toaa oa cRy real estate te asms ts ault; mortgagee bought and cola. (i. A John SIB Commercial blk. LOW rate on furniture etc. : confidential. 238 Flledaer bldg . Kit b and Washington. Paet- MONEY te toaa oa all kind, of security William Roll, room 6 W. ablngton bldg. TO LOAN Sume te aalt en chattel security. R. A. Frame. 814 the Marqnam . HARDWARE, Partlaad Hardware Co. seRetts opportunity to quote prices. 74 Sixth st. PseiSo 466. INSURANCE. mmttm SsSwsas ISAAC L. WHITE, firs lnssrsncs. lock bldg. JAR Met. WOOD, employers' Rabtltty sad la accident surety hoaaa or an Bl Pases 47. SOB McKay moar. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, sewmill, log glng gaschtnerr; hydraulic pipes, casting; all e-lnd. repaired. 104 North Fourth. ; GASOLINE engines, all alass and styles t I lowest prices. Rglreon Machinery Co.. 182 4-d Morrison it. THE H. C. ALBER CO Second-hand ma- shlnery. sawmill, etc. 341 Grand bob. MUSICAL. PIANO, violin, banjo, trombone, clarinet Pro fessor E. A. Smith. 254 13th. Main 470A THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, goi ter Instruction. Gibson mandolin.. 375 Alder EMIL THIELHOBN. pupil of BEVCIK. violin t earner, studio loo Bixta. tcl nam J. W. LOOAN. teacher of violin, mandolin, etc. . orchestra, furnished Phone Eaat 3S8. PROFESSOR LEWIS. plBBlst. compearr. will take taw beginners. Phone ParlBc BSS. MONUMENTS. KRU A KTNOSLEY. BBS First St. Portlaad'. leading marble and granite work.. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETBIST. i Artificial Eras Fitted. BctentlBcailr ourreetea. 126 Sevekth Btreet. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometrist and Straight Specie Mat Booaas 36-27. 833 Waahlngton Btreet. DR GEO. RUBENBTEIN. reliable optician: (leasts adjusted by the latest scientific ap pllssrss. 183 4th St.. bat. Yamhill aad Taylor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, graduate et the Osteopathic college of Kltk.vTlto. Missouri, who I. s spartoUat on rbeuaatlem. tm.cb sad an female diseases Office a Hi Felling bldg., corner of Third and Wsehlngtou ate. DM. ADIX A NORTHRQP, 415-16-17 Oekam Sdg Third and Waahlagtoa ate. PhBBi ate 646. Essmtrsttoe tree. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO.. sanitary plbmbers. BBI Bscead bet. Main sod Salmon. Oregon Phoae Mala 3001. DONNERREBO A RADEMACBBB. No. BBS Ba reside st PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. R. BRA CM A CO. The Pioneer Pa I at Oa.; shadow sUss .ed I la slag I8B ruet St. xapa. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. 86 Bassel bldg Fourth aad Morrtooa. Phoae Paclfle 1634 REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. W ATKINS A CO.. Baal estate. iBSarsacs. rents I sa 860 Abler St. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS. 34B Alder St. phoae Msla 716; rubber etampa. ssato. .tenrll.: baggage, ROOPING. TIN ROOFINO. guttsrlsg. repairing aad geasral haateng. J. LessU. BIS Jeffersea Bt fad. 14B4. 1 FINANCIAL BANKS. BARK OR OALIFOBRI 1 Capital paid pital peat aa MM. A. JIRRT RATIONAL SANK SF PORTLAND. Designated Depository dad El Cee?i"!".:::":!:w.'C. "aLVORD I S. Uttsrs of CredK Aveltabto la Barepe aad the Baalim States ' ehsssra aad Telegraphic Trass fer. sold oa Mew York. Jhnstea. Cbtoaaw. St IsaJte 'i: OKL'm- enetoee aad the prtectpal points ta the Reralweat. t aad time bllU draws la to salt aa Loodea Ferto. BarUa. Fresh tort aa aaaJBate. SL Rjaasrhoai. Yohsh Cssashigv.. CartexBaala ASB TTLTOW. BANRTaTB (ahrtohttohod hU terms. Letters of credit tossed I -. ll 7- 'e?' Ex che age end Telegraphic Transfer, sold on New Yorh. Wsohlnatoa. Ohteasm. St Looh Itonver. Osaaaa. San Fvaactees end Moatsae ead BritUh Columbia beheads oaks oo Imdon Parte Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong Yokohams. Maalla sad Hsa.tote. , M MERCHANTS' NATIONAL RANK. PORTLAND. 0REOON f. FRANK WATSON Preeldent I R. L DURHAM. R- W. HOTT Cashier OEORGE W. HOTT Transacts a Oensral Banking Buaiaaas. Prsfta aad Letters of Credit AHPerteef the World Collections a It peers fry u SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF Berth west Comer Third Traaaaote a General aumklu ii United States a'id Europe Hongkong asd Vice Proeidwrtt' '. ...J. O AINSWORTH V. f.EA BARNES Asstotsat Cashier D ANKERS' A LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland. Ofeeyce. Corner Second sod Stark stresses. 1B . commercial and aaeteaa depertmost I a tercet paid oa ssvtags .il iwats , . Utters of credit iseeed available In all parte et the world. Open Ba tarda y 6 for the accommodation af easterners. 2- i5- PELTON. Priatdeat I E. 0. HEARS , vJfw . BOTHraiLD...FIret Vice-Preeldent JOHN A. KEATING. ... Second Vice-President TRUST COMPANIES. PJ 1RTI.AND TRUST COMPANY OP OREOOV The Otaest Trnst Osmssay te r itBTOUBCES OVER 81.750.000. General . levse haadredsl on dally balance, of BBSS '..' o' rue worw. nariats sccoaats. Ttoaa certificate.. 8 to 4 per rant! short -can ! certlflcstee IW0 or over. .'H te 4 per cent. Call for Book of ' Tl't rSTRA T10 NK Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Priests Bxchaags 78. vv"-"..v rrcstdsat FAOaTT Secretary 1C0 BIT Y SAVINGS A fRUBT CO MP ANT - ea Tin aad Baring. Accounts Acts as Credit A callable te C. f. ADAMS. A. L MILLS. . .Second Vice Pre. Idest uiu r. gunxui THE MORT0AOE OUARANTEE A TRUST Tra assets . General Benklag Baste ass. Deporlment; 4 cent CAPITAL. at W. WATERBURT leetdent R LOO AN RATS Beveath sad Stsrk Bteeete. 3RTHWXSTERN GUARANTEE A TRUST -umner Exeaaage. S. E. Corner ascend end Stsrk Streets (second rtarat. agent for mamxinnin Btett. Coooty. Municipal aad Corporation axocas TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Real Sltete at Lowest Bares. Titles lasared. Abstract. Faraabed. J. THORRURN ROSS PreeMeat I JNO. B. AITCHISON. GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President I T. T. BI'RKHART ... BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS her of Comma Mwaictnei. railroad and pyOWNJNO -HOPKINS COMPANY EatahlUked Vf STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN floor Private Wires. . ROOM 4 CtxAMBB MX J. C. LEE COMPANY 16-80 Lafaystte Brokerage Deportment Bee U. Before Bering or Bellisg Stock, Ow-rWlr Starr AV CnnVt Pn w , w. i-vwas- -wws ' RAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUBINEBR ConttBBoea Markets br Prlvsts Wire. Quick an. sad U Bi had States LOUIS J. WHM SCHOOL AND CORPORATION MUNICIPAL BONDS I ill uton ConaUtent With Ah PORTLAND A NORTH, WSaXTaitH BOMB SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sals .gent, for Herring Hall Marvin sates aad Maaaaaisi Steel Sals Co.'. bank asfes. The largest assortment of high-grade fire aad burglar proof as fas la the northwest ag Be .corn . DIEBOLD Manganes and Si .proof tsfco; rater aad are safre: soc- arui S ' sees .n mechanical rkiiert oat. onened. Mr. Buoer with J. k Dsvls. 66 third. EIGHT aceead head fUsatuaC ssfas sad two eeeead-BSBd hank urea ror asm caeca, ax .e Sixth st.. PortUnd. or. SIGN PAINTERS. . FOSTER A KLEI8ER RIGHR. We ha re built up t)ic U rgest sign bualneea b the city by first-clans work sad keeping our prowl wca. war pi ires are rural. r ton and Everett at.. Pboae Ex. 50. W. P. BMROER A SON. MM Yamhill at. of all kinds. Phoae raetac ssbx "SIC.NS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. Bool Co. 387 Stark at. Phoae Pacific 1886. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every lis or! prion; book, bv aad store fix r eras made te order. The Lethe Maaafscturlng Co., Portlaad. R. H. BIBDRALL designer; .gent M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7 amlrtou bldg. Mate 5680. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. street peeing, aide- walk, asd crossings. gI4 THE Berber Asphalt Paving Oa. at Porttoad Office m TYPEWRITERS. RBW typewriter. .11 mskee. rented, seed aad reps I red. Crest Agency. 881 Stsrk. Tel. 1467. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth sad Oah ste.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to destination: pssoeugers therefore avoid raab snd saaoy sace at depots. Prleste Ezcb.sge 68. SAFES, phi nee sad tag at teas moved, pecked reedy for shipping sad shipped: all week guaranteed; large. 8-etory brick. Bro-preof'.ouse for storage. Office BOB Osk St. C. M. Olssa. Phone Mate 647. I C. O. PICK, office 88 First at, between Stark I and Osk its . phone 56: pianos and furniture Moved sad pecked for .Mpplng; comm. II ram rrrlch warehouse with separate Iron run am. Frost sad Clay sts. CUT rstee no household goods to an points esst: we m.ks ap carloads: spertsl rosea far trunk, while waiting. Oregoa Aate-Dsspstrh. IB First t Phono Msla 716. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Msla 88. Heavy haaltat aaat steggaj. PIANOS and furniture moved. Can ap Cosgrwve Bros . at 305 First st Mala 3215. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER OO. Storage. SB4 St.rk at Msla 407. POST SPECIAL DBLIVEBY. Ne. IBO Waah ington .t raone M.ln Pd2 WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BBBYMAN LEATHEB CO.. Jobbers ol saddlery, hsrdwsrs. horse goods, tost her. find, toga and .boo .tors saapltos Fifth aad Oak. A. GUNST A CO. DIBTRIBi'TORS OP FINE CIOAB PORTT.AND, OREGON OREGON Fnrnlrare Maaatacrurtas CaaanaSF Msnof.rturere of furs' tars Bar Che Bate Portland. Oreasa. PURNm.BE am L. Kuveneky'. teetering sad) saectel orders, rnltars SBcaarT. BB6 BVsat sd. TAOBAMS A CO. r.ctnrevs aao snd Osk sts. BVBBDING PARBrtAV. swdaaa sad i am to Ua srerehonts. 146 Froat at.. PwrtteaA 0. Pboae Msla 176. W snd gteaswarBi. tat ossetsd far same sf 86 sad B8BBPB. Maeagsr I J. Y. BCBTCMABKL Mens. ORE SON. nan Hal Ageat of the Cat tod Sm' Asstetasrf Cssiuv .'. '. . .R. T.nSSUm - Btoahk.lm Rt Petoishsrg. atoaspay te 1866.) 6 as a I Sl Bsnktse Bualnsai I le-r 1.w.. afl aolwte ea fBWSi available la sTsrima and all aetata te Ma Patted) . M.K1. In aw, mmJt .tl MlaSa fa. KhSI HadteS PORTLAND end Oak Street. hairrs tast-rn . . ail fftttss et Manlis. Collections Mods sa Favorable TSlSea, Cashier. Cashier A. M. WRIGHT H D STOREY PLATT A PLATT hankinr. 3 Bsr coat Ut erect oa check or over. Letters of credit sod exebsnge oa ft. I,, pittocb, tpjoh J. O. OOLTRA . SAVINGS DEPARTMRNT. Interest Allowed m Treetee for Estates. Drafts aad Letters et All Parte of the Wotld. tv A LEWIS B. 0. JUBITE Aa.tot.nt Bern tori COMPART RANK. Istsrest Paid ea Ttaae w ed . comnonnded ousrtertr. $166,666.06 a W. J.IILLE .Jttant Phase Mate 164 Oaee astsrdsy S te ft COMPANT-Porttoad. Oregoa. Bond. Bongbt Bad Sold. New rah sad Bones gaaraesssai. INVESTMENTS. roe Bldg. psbtlc service twyststtoa heads. 1888 BR01 bt aad Sold far Cask sat oa Msrgta. R of COMMERCE. Bldg.. PortUnd. H. W. Doaahae. M or Beads. Caa Arwaya Base Tea Meahsrs chi,. tu-rd t i lot Third St.. McKay Bldg . Portlaad. Service. REFERENCES La dd A Tlbhaa. vpectei Secretary Rsttoasl Beak at PertlsBsL ' 8. 4 aad 6 La Payette bldg . ear. sad Wsah. Sts.. Pwrttead. Orogaa. DIVIDEND RANK AND CORPORATION STOCKS TELEPHONE, A TRXEQBAPB RBCTTBITIEB. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAIL" SI Bar aasath. Port la I Ti 410. hBjpaly Co.. Ninth snd TELEPHONES. THE only exeiustrs tees Electric A Telega oaa hlaaafacterlBd paay. 63 Fifth st WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO.. SST Bslmoa at. Biaia aaa rancv aaadrs Bands to lowest prices. Phoae Mete 6676. MISCELLANEOUS. Multtoraph Letter Co. Facsimile of Utters. Public Stenography. SOS Fa PRINEVILLE INCENSED DOUBLE CRIME Mrs. Ban Zell Says Shepard Aa saurted Hr After Brutally Slaying Her Husband. (Special DJiphlgk te The .inarasl I. Prineville. Or, Sept 28 With tha dlscloaur of tha Tact that after mur dering her husband, his employer, la cold blood. Fred Shepard returned to the ranch houae and criminally assaulted Mrs. Ben T. Sell, the populace has been arouaed to euch a state of indigna tion that throats of lynching hare been freely made. Shepard hag waived preliminary ex amination and la being held la the county pall here without bonds to await the action of the grand Jury detention was upon the finding of tha coroner's Jury. Shepard stoutly maintains his lano ceace and refuses to see anyone but his attorney. Love of Mrs. Bell Is advanced aal motive for the brutal murder of hep husband by Shepard. It haa been known that tha young man haa been violently In love with hie employer's wife for some time. Mrs. Zell avere that aha detested the man. but treated him kindly, aa she did all employee of her husband Thla kindliness. It la be lieved, led Shepard tn think that his affection eras returned and Ma crime followed. Shepard'g family 1e highly respected In this community, as are thoea of tha Sell's and Yancy'B, Mrs. Zell's maiden name being Taney. Mrs. Zell Is II years of age and A beautiful woman. She eras prostrated by tha orimea. bat has recovered. PULAJAIMES CONTINUE RAIDS IN PHILIPPINES (Journal 6 pedal Service. ) BtatxUa. Sept el -The military situ ation in the inlands or leoyte aaa sev- ah ii ,i m - .... , ePwSI Wit . lajanea will not nght In tha open, but relv on nitrbt attacks Small depreda tions keep the country In a cast I nun I atate of alarm. Lr laws a re dlsfsrsesV I ox mnrwuaorw tntacef ill r Ins away The B.-flL J rpowrtttea lung hbte. IT Hie 1