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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
II THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1909 NEW TODAY. BARGAINS U.600 Fractional lot. tantter of re tail district on First St. 10.OOO H" lo' Improves, on Park MU cloee la to buolneaa oenter. . S SOO Fractional lot and two-atory buUdinf on Daat Whlnton St, wast of Union Ave. a 50 -Two good (-room cottages and Mot 50x50 ft., within walking distance rf oanlar of city; lncoma $24 at low rent. mm oa 1 rautttful new -room bun galow and I lota, wltbtn 1M ft of oar line. M.BOO Lot JtxlOO ft and room house on 11th Bt. cloae In. SL4 TOO Lot 75x108 ft on Second Bt. and t 8-room houeea; will eell on with ST by 101 ft S2.700 Half block near Tbompaon achcul houae. 8)8. T50 Beautiful new (-room bunga- low. houae and 4 lota on ear Una. $1. SOO Beautiful lot on 11th Bt. In tiawworne nnt SI, SOO 5 -room cottage, treaa. In Upper Alblna. bath, fruit F.ABRAHAM 1 13 SECOND ST. POBTLAJID, Churches and Fraternal Societies If yea are a Ueeearei of a ebareh aoetotr or fraternal organlaatloo. naturally roe W Ktar reesmsslbulty to ptorlag road, which ig to omen, than yoe eo with year ewa The aatple capital and Urge reaoarcea of thla kaak aheeld appeel to yo the aanM aa It floe to ether treeaarera aad financial eecreterlee. ate iceounti tor ths boards ox ae man ganhmtton selecting this bank aa then- ltary. TBI "Oldest Trust Company hi Oregon' losses spocltl certlfleatea of deposit, hi earn at 8800 or ever at lht to 4 per cent ta tenet, whlck Baty be called one at a tine or ea required, thea earning every dollar poaelbto far the church or Hate year aaaeailttae or tr sorer call a pot aa or aaad for ear book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS" MM Trust (mpaq of Oregon S. B. Oar. Third aad Oak ate. Phone 72. BEN1 I. COHEN. PreaMeat vice President H. L. PITTOCa B LEE PAGET. faeretary Secretary i. o. ). GOLTRA We Will Build For You On one of the beat corner lota In HOLLM ADDITION By your paying one fourth down and halartfia eaay term a Call early. E. S. JACKSON & CO. $2000 Cash for a Farm Of ft acrea, with 4-room bouaa; 7 acrea cleared and In cultivation, reat In fine timber, will out 1,000,000 feet; 7 V mllee from sawmllL leaving largo quan tity for cordwool. Houaee and lota for aale near Haw thorne avenue and Sunnyslde. on eaay term a. Bjy COMKLIN BROS. Take Mount Tabor or Mount Scott Care. INSIDE PROPERTY Lota 00x100 feet, aldewalka. graded etreeta. ejxy water (Ball Baa) piped te each let. oa ta car Una. with aa nnobetructed view of the rlrer: every lot cleared la area plat aad eentalna the richest kind ef aoll. In walking dkrteace of center of the city; title perfect, ea ha tract fatatohid with every let, aad the erlce onlr tlgO ner lot. A few ef thee let will he fold tot 660 dewa, halanea mootbly InatahaMata. auoi Tk gret coo me at. J. CLOHBSST. REAL pRopojiyiONj fpucjomp atv0 picmcSfKmQ QREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautiful looatlona In this addition remain unaold. Bull Run wa ter, electric Ugtttc, gaa and graded etreeta. Superb view of Mt. Hood, Eaat Portland and Willamette river. Chole aat lota $600 each. Terma WIDTH VZ.KaTwa.aj, Building. Second Hand Furniture Wanted Will buy 110,000 worth at once. J. T. W1LHON. Auctioneer. 188 First atreet Phone Main 1828. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hat of Oregon and Waahlng ton farm a, fruit, grain, hope, potato and stock growers, number In family, a gee, etc. Call or write as for prices Rural Directory Co., St Fourth atreet FOR EXCHANGE CUT I. g6-cre farm, 1 cleared. 4-room houae; t6 acrea saw timber and cordwood, worth ai.tOS, to trade for I or 8-room houae with lota 100x100; will pay dlf farenoa In cash. Inquire at CONK LIN BROS. 817 BaBBtWirlBS Ave. A SNAP 25 ACRES Suitable for platting, on the Baee l,in Triad; 17 acrea cleared; 8-room hnuna and large barn, email orchard. If you ate looking for a country home, cloae to dtp, thla la Jaat what yon want aSS CM Beat 8B BUI Bleak, aa PIANO STUMw-LOUIS I. BOLL I A I IRLOBS 8 AND 10. 84214 WASSlIOTON k. la new seam Sat raiagflia ef psjriia. tlEW TODAY. SELLING FAST Go today aad make your selection GREEN'S ADDITION West Side This property is within walking distance, and selling at the re markably low price of $550 PER LOT TERMS 10 PER CENT CASH Property on West Side that it BO ceaaible is limited, and the increase in value is going to be enormous in the next few pears. Why spend 35 minutes on a street car and pap more than we are asking, ? Buy now while you have an op portunity of getting a lot on the West Side, near the river. ONLY 10 MINUTES' RIDE from 3rd and Washington Sts. Take Pul ton Car and get off at Green's Ad dition. Prices Will Advance Ten Per Cent on the 10th of October, 1906. Money advanced for building furposes. Agent on ground trom to 5 p. m. daily. An automobile leaves our office for Green's Addition. M. Be Room 20 Raleigh Bldg. 323 Washington Street. Phone Pacific 59 THB PORTLAND SBATTLB RAILWAY CTDHPANT. JwtPl Propoaala for the Pnrcbaa of Bnlldlng. The eaderelgned will receive led bid at tola office. Its Sherlock block until 11 o'clock October 8, 1P06, for the pnrchaae of all nr u aaparate parcel ef the following baiidinge belonging te Ike Portland 4 So (tie Raltarar OeeapaBT. la the Cltg of Portland. Oregon: PARCEL A. Dwelling aad ham. 14 North Tenth etreet; dwell Inge 44 490 40 U4 444 446 Irving etreet; flata. 14-14H North Bleeeath etreet: dwelling 101 188 North Hie Tenth etreet. PARCEL B. Dwelllaga 4e IrrtBg etreet aad 14 liftlS-l TO 174 North Twelfth etreet; eked aad banding 420 4 Tihaina etreet: dweUlnga 448-450 Johneon etreet ; WWag lftf North Tenth etreet. aad left North Betveata etreet. PARCEL C. Dwelling 481 Johnson atreet aad lal.ias.iev North B Wreath etreet. PARCEL D. DwelUaaa 488 41 treet: hulldlne 427 . Ji etreet: swelling ibi-iw-ibb-is?-1BB-1M North Teath etreet; bern Itl North Tenth etreet; dwell ings 428-428 K earner etreet: d w e 1 1 1 age 14 lH-ipo.! ifte NerU Eleventh atreet. PARCEL B. Building 200-202 North Twelfth atreet: dwellings 204 208-208-210. 214 North Twelfth atreet: d well In 451 449 447 K earner etreet; d w e 1 1 1 aga 208 206-207 208-219 North Barren th etreet. PARCEL r. Dwell lag 448 Lovetor street and 222234 US North Twelfth atreet. PARCEL O. Building soft Marshall atreet; dwelling aad barn 481-448 Mar ahaD atreet; shed 447 Marshall atreet; haUdlBga 241-248-247240 North Eleventh afreet, aad 444 444 H 448 Northrop etreet; bo 114 rag sad abed 480-4807, Northrop etreet; dwelling 244-244 North Twelfth etreet. PARCEL H. Warehooae 280-214 Northrop Beams. Terma cash. Certified check far 10 0 per eaat I pany eg V aeen at Of the amount ef bid mnat accora proposal riaas ox tae propertr caa in omee ox tae nnoeretgneo. The right 1 raaervid to reject tar aad all bid. J. D. tTYLCoT. Agent. IF YOU PCaant are willing to take another man' word for our method of doing business no doubt you will oontlnue to think ha ha told you the truth. Whereas, If you will com direct to thla company's of fice, you will see things in a different light. Something over three hundred people have investigated our plan of safe, conservative investments during tha past week, and have become our clients, consequently they will receive per cent, with tangible assets behind their Investments In the future. Coma direct to our office for informa tion. Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Idg. (Second T-loor) a. a. cor. ROR RE1NT New atorea and office rooms, with steam heat and electric lights, N. & corner Third and Madison streets. Apply room 8. WEATHER REPORT. A BjaOwsto high eraser area overlies the north Pacific atstea, sad tbe barometer la rela tively low over California and Arfaoo. This distribution of pressure ha resulted in fair weather oa the Pacific slope, wltb tsmpersture gaaerslly about normal. The barometer baa begun te fall along tha Oregoa and Washington coasta, aad It to probable that the fair weather to this district will be of abort duration. Tbe Alberta disturbance baa last energy and moved to Manitoba The tropical storm yesterdsy near New Or man ta now central over southeastern Arkansas, the lowest berotneter reeding being (bout twenty nkie nd forty six hundredth Inch t Little Rock. Arkansas No reports here been received from New Orleans and Galveston. Heavy rain have otnarred la the tower Mississippi egltor, and lighter amoents are reported In the Atlantic atate from New York south to Florid. The high pressure are yesterdsy over tbe Mississip pi valley baa advanced te the New England eUtaa. 4b The Indications an for shower Retards 7 In western Oregon and western Waablngloo. It will be warmer tonight and cooler Saturday. Obeervatlon teken at 8 a. m.. Pacific time: Temp Stations-- Max. Mln Precl Baker City, Oregoa 88 Boston Meamehaaetta ... 88 Chicago. Illinois 08 Denver. Colorado 78 Kaneat City, Mtosonri 74 Laa Ante lea. California. . 80 i 0 0 .0 .0 in nj .0 m 0 .0 0 T T .12 i 8S 44 Maw York. New York 73 Portland. OrsasBB toeebnrg. Oregoa TS St. Loale. Mtoaoarl TS Salt lake. Utah Sen rrenrtoee, California Spoken. Washlagtoa 70 Tseeese, Waahhsgtaa 04 Wtllt Wsnt, Washington TO Washlagtoa. D. C. T4 48 8 DEATHS. , PHILLIPS September 27. Elraabeth D. Phillips. 81 years. 104 Monroe, paralyala. II A Hi II September 88. N,nu, g. Halgb 22 ream. Good Samaritan hoaottal. taken ill osls. BECKEB September 88, Osetla B. Becker. 2 , 444 M toner, dlpbtbarto. MARRIAOE LICENSES. Weed. Keleo. Weektagtoa, (1; On Beat Eighth etreet Oeerae B. Phi 11 Ins Seattle Woshlnenns. ta Mrs. Wflhehnma WUkes, 88 nma Taraborbia. aa Best Market Ml Aaaa Taraboehle. 1ft. i. W. Dtekereea. Sl OUreace garge Klu,er I. ah Gary. .Sam Sehalteer, Bad WateV etreet tHrnwBI fleodieen 408 eeeth. U: Wedding Cards. W. O. Smith a Ok. Waeh, tegtoa bldg , eor. gearth end Washington eta. Ws4MBar aad calling rare angle red er grUtedTB. T. Rashbsn. 88BH Waeabagma at, Mies Bertha Martin, stem SIS Alxshy bldg. SUasplng aed tae needlework: leeaeee sires. rail dreaa enrt (er reat aU bnv Ualqee T.lWtoe Q- 80S Start t- BIRTHS. KAPLAN September W, to Mr. and Mr. Sam aapiaa, bob mini, a o SHANKS Septra bar 22 te Mr. and Mr. J. ike. Batt Second, ha twine. s, 00 I H0W1TT Septeoiher 34. to Mr. and Mr. Ar thor J. How lit. SOT Bant Bverett. e bor. SMALL September 11, to Mr. aad Mr. Smell. 848 Beet Seventh. girl. UNDERTAKERS. ..MS McBate Onbaagb, aw a la ever detail. and Pine. Main Led em A. B. Beat Ihlrteeath ead Umatilla are. Undertaking Oa, aad erne Alger at. Pboae main biu. Led J. P. riBMr m Bone. Third end MadSnaa eta. orno or eeaatg eerremr. raeaa man e. CLARKB BR08.. rtorlete rtaa floral dMlgna. t. BJVEBTIjrW CKMETEJIT. Single gravee 810. PaatUg lot 878 to 81. C Tk only ce me tar j h PortUnd which eer patnallr malntalna aad cere for lota. IW fall ImrormaUon acplr te W. B. MaekenaU. Wor block, dtr. W. M. letaa. geoslamvt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. mbdsbv to Bin bib Heard lees 3, 4, block ML Piedmont f September 24, 1806 Pred 8. MorrU to 0. W. P. Br. Co., block 20 Stephens' dltloa to Bast Portland George Helmberger aad wife to Orle r. Wl, Wl ,4 WK1 OO, DBOJVBMt. 800 a. ana mum a oens to William x. 4U acrea beglaamg at point bt ceeter ef Scholia I rerry reen at with east line of northweat of northweat 14. section Booth, ranee 1 eaat.. township 1 Michael O'Brien and wtf to Herman Schmld, lot , block 1; also lot 6. block 4. Saratoga addition 10 a P. Morgan aad wife to Lids I. Vadar. lota 1, 2 8. 4. 13. U, block 18. Llnnton 108 4. 5, 8. 17, 18. 18, block 3. Arbor Lodge 4.000 a A. aad Warp H. Be; brook to Oacar eaam, n acre in section zs, town 1 Berth, rang 1 west 1.000 aierenoer itteaaoan to Joseph Kecten. northWMt hi ef lot 8. block a Oak Park addition to Bt. Johns 200 J. Q. Watte and wife et 1. to John A. Watteon. 80 acres beginning at north- . west corner of northeast , eectkm sa MeMhi. a Mrtk .h eon J. r. Graham aad wtf to J. O. Jameeon! lot 20. black IT, original townalte of Alblna 800 Catveraltg Land oompanr to Orlaa Can non, lots 327 88. black 148, Uefrerattr park SST Aaaa Ondden to Dam B. Moaslemaa, lot 18. block S8. aeUwood 1.280 O. L. Dives aad wife to W. H. aad H. A. Moore, T acres beginning at a atone marked "HK." which la 47.86 chats seath aad 4.12 chain eaat of northweat corner of section 18. township 1 eouth. range 1 eaat; ahn 14.08 terse hg-ig at point 403.17 feet west of asms etooe marked "HK" 18,884 The Co-Operetlve iBvestmaat eompanv to Edwin A. McAdamt. lots 28. t4 blork 7, Highland park ., 00 0. W. Dibble ead wife to Washington a Oregon Land A Inreatment companj. mu 8, 10. 11, block ft, Bvelga 800 Margaret E. BoahneU to B. ( Toang aad wife, lots T, a block 201. Holla dar'a artitlthm e mm Richard William to Man B. DeUr. let 10. block 2. dtr of Portland aa on put or rr title am- addition Arleta Land compear to Prangulllo GIs noll. lot 8, block ll, laa perk 180 188 mma aaainuos rrowe to au Auauata bardt. lota 18. 17. block 4. Tabasco ad. dltlon te Eaat PortUnd Henry Tbompeon aad wife to Thorns I rish Plrtl aad wife, southwest U of, mattes 88, township 1 worth, raagd 8 eaat William M. Ladd aad wife to A. O. Sher tnsn and wife, lota 7, 8, block 1, Han son s addition to Bast Portland Emma Jacobsen et aL to Joeepb A. Jaeobaen. lot 14, 18, buck 8. Bast Portland Heights Victor aad Sophia Ousts few to George Hankie, lot 14, block 8, Lincoln Park addition 1,000 '' Ward to Edward D. Schwab, tot 8. block 7, Maplewood addition Charles T. Btelnleln and wife to Elba J. in STB smgiisn, or si, oiocg line uusrtntee m T George A. Rice and company to , lots 8, a block 14 south. 8t. Johns. Nora Alice Otrd to Wilbur B. Jones, lot ae. block 10. Penmaular addition. .... . AJoy HaroM to Mra. H. M. Htmll tee lota 1 to 84, block 1 west Portland Center ... J. L. Hartmtn. trust, to H. M. Ham ilton, block 1, -T'irnrtg 84 lota la West Portland Center Title Guarantee A Treat oomjsany to P. addition. .. Magnus and A. A. idler to Joseph F. Gilbert, lots 8. 4, block X rtvH High land J. M. and Linda 0. Crook to Mabel R. Terry, lot 8, block 1. Kern Park a N. aad A. Wheeler to J. B. A. Boyc. weet t of lots 6. 8. blocr 288, Rat Portland Jacob Michel and wife to Adolpb Sehlave, lot 1, block 28. rearer's addition to East Portland Carrie M array West to T. 8. Weet, lots 10. 11, 121. tooth 84 feet of lot li. the north H ef lot 8. the east 148 feet of lota 8. 8, 7, the north 81 feet of lot I, la Park View annex The Land Company of Oregoa to Emma Ktufaaaaa, let 11, block a City Flew park I. W. and Bom Hurley to Henry Oley Jerdn. lot 11 block 8, laa park 10 188 8,780 8.800 1,000 For shstrscts title, tasorsnee or nimtsass loam, call on Pacific Title Trust company, formerly Parlflc Ceeat Akatract Guaranty a Troat company. 804-8-4-7 Palling building. Get yoar Inaqraue aad shstrscts to ml eetata irwm me nne ifuaraaree at Trust 240 Wsshlngton sweat, ssewer is 11 ad. WOTICB. CROOK COUNTY CODRTHOUSB. Notice to hereby siren that tbe county eoert of Crook county. Oregon, will receive ma tod bid for tbe building of new courtbooee up to Norsmbr 7, 1008, t 10 00108 a. m., at tbe coortboase st FrlaevtOe. Oregon, sa follow: rirst A bid for the construction aad balls lux of the foundation oat of stone as orlgln ally planned by W. D. Pugb, architect. Setom, Oregoa. Second a bM far the cous true Man and bulldlnt of the foundation out nf brick. recording to amended plan by same srehlteet. mire a.dio ror tne eoostrnetiou sea pletlon of tbe strperetrsctiirs plaaaed. omitting Baa dome. Poo for the ronstmethto and com Diet Ion balMing complete as originally also nod. A bid for the asssiaWtloa and compkrttoa of the building tSattl sfcordlng to the emended idsns. w Thst ell bids mast be sobtottted upon the plana and aneclfkattoae ef W. D. Pugb. ar chitect, Salem. Oregon, end seeled end marked "Bid for ('.oartboues,7' erSdreikod to the counly clerk. PrtaevHk Oregon. Tbe county will peg cash upon any contract entered tabs tor The betiding sad eoastrwsttoa of any part er whole of aald building. Cer tified check aa mast! paid to tbe aped heat loes must sreomnanr each Md. The etoas end apeclflcatloea caa be examined at tbe office of W. D. Posh. Salem. Oregon. The Oregon Dally Jeeraas, office, Portland. Oregon, and et the office ef tbe county clerk, rrlnerllle. Oregon The conrt reeerree the rlgbg to retort soy and til aw. By or get ef the court. (Seal.) WARBBN BROWN Clerk of Crook County, EXPERTS WANTED Sealed bide will be re calved br ta senary rvmrt eg usees uenatr. Oregon, ap te is o rioca a. m., noveaxner 7, 1800. tor ths experilng of the books of tbe clerk, sheriff and treasurer ef Crook eon, ty from July 4. 1004, to July X 1008. Bids to state whether cbarre to nor das er tarn total for tbe work. Bide to he see led nd marked "Expert" snd sddreseed to tab consH ty clerk. Prlretvine. Oregon. The court terre tb right to reject any sad sD b! By order of tbe court WARBBN BROWN. com .rbid Fifth Gear of Uses auonorjr. NOTICE. IB the drool t court of the etgte of Oregoa, MsttBsaaiti ooahfcr. ! la the matter of the application of Newton MeCer aad Kate NlehoUa to have reglatered Itl to the aooth m 01 the Berthtaat I the msrtheaat of the rtheest U ef Moth est ; the eoatb W of the aorth- m or rn aootaeesx m an uo eoetnvaet the aoatheest of aectloa 31 of tewn- B north ef range l weal ox ine rrii- meridian ta uaitnoman ooaatr atata or Oregoa, epnllceau. va. J. A. Bpphsg, C r. Vaughn. J. II Coartaeg. Adeline M Coort nr. E D. kllod take ash. A. BL Aitkin. E. M. StoBgelaad. Jobs Poop, B. Lee Paget and Charles Cbrmteneea aad all other whim It mar concern, defendants. To est 4 abore named defeadaats and to alt wheal It mj concera In the , name of the atate of Oregon: Tea wUI take aotlce that oa the tweatr Srat day of Angut. 1808. an application wag led hp aald Newton McCop aad Rat Nicholas In tae a bo re -entitled court for the Initial registration of the title of the a bor. described land. New, therefore, yon are, server letpklied to appear and answer said application or other wise show cause why each application ah all not be granted end unleea you do eo oa or before the thirteenth day of October, 1808. the earn wlnSbe taken a confessed aad 8 decree will be catered according to tke prayer of the application and yon will be forever barred from disputing the earns and such other relief will be granted aa map be eoaftahle. Thai summons aad aotlce la pebBahed bp order of tbe Hob. C. TJ. Geatenbeln. tiidga of aald coort. dated August twenty-three. 1808. directing that tbe eame be published once earn wee ror at bobbo entire wests in ths Oregon Dally Journal, thi Uon beginning August 24. 1800. Glraa under my band and the seal ef Bald court tni twenty tnira oar or August, lsxm. Seel P. t. PIBLDS. Clerk. Bp H. T. BAMPORD, Deputy. H. B. Nicholas, attorney for appllcanta CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE By rlrtue of that certain rnettel mortgage made on tae twenty-eighth day of October. 1806. hy Prod Pergoaia to I. Gevnrta ft Sons, a corporation, to secure the payment nf that certain promissory note dated October 28, 1906. for tke anm of Six Hundred Fifty (8880.00) Dollars, with Interest at tbe rat of 8 par cent per annum from aald date until paid, defeolt having been made la the payment or principal ana interest or eaiu nor ana the conditions ef aald mortgage broken. I hare taken . aomaetlna of and now hold aa sgent for setd mortgagee aad will at the re uueet of aald mortgagee salt at trebllc tac tion to the highest bidder for United State gold cola, cash In hand, on Wednesday, the third day of October. 1808, at tbe premiss, namely. 227 Yamhill at., at Portland. Ore gon, all of the property ooverod and daaarlhed la aaia chattel mortgage, oeing certain rurnl rare', reroeta. curtains, bed linen and atlecel Ian etreeta. to eanary ana pay tne t due on aald promissory Bat, being Poor Hundred rifty-Bre 8466.00) Dollar galiilil and the farther mm of Forty Dollars Interest, together with costs aad srpiatsa and counsel fees LOU WAGNER. Agent fog Mortgagee and Constable of Port land Precinct Oregon. Dated Portland. Oregon, September SB, 1606. TO TBI taxpayers of Multnomak Oaaaty, Ore gon: notice is nereny gives mat oa nooaty, October 1. 1808, the heard of s8Ballaalkst of Mnltnomat county will attend at the office or ta aaaaty cisrt or m county aad pub licly examine the ssssssmsnt roll for the . . . inrax ,hi mom, . 11 m , in .inain aeecriptma or qnslltles of lsnd. lota or other t te tne our of au persons atereoted to eoaear at tbe tl aad puce appointed, and If ft aktll ahall aoneer to board of aqnaumtlea thtt there ire tny landa. lots or other property assessed twice or in ths name of a person ar prmm not ths owner of tame, or ueeeoed under or be yond Its Tarns, or any lands, lots or other property not aeeeosod. eeld beard of canalisa tion ahall make the proper corrections. B. D. 8IGLER. Ooanty Aaaaaaar. Portland, Oregon. September 8, 1808. lfEETINO NOTICES. MULTNOMAH Otatp. No. 77. W. O. W., meet tonight ta tbdr ball. Bast Sixth, near Seat Alder. AU r 11 Hag nalgbbort cordially welcomed gV J. C. JONES. 0. C. J. BL WOODW rugTktnu vsunanss oeis www ran reaeonanie. warn now, or Lacretia ar. , . W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6486. meet Wednesday evealssj. ABaky bldg.. Third sad Morrtooti sits. CI4tCTJLAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit, ung. m mere. I. W. A.. Omen Grape Camp. No. 8, days. 17th and Marshall: 1 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A light bay bore wit rhtto rirtVt incur or 1. a a Flak a Co.. 814 Mississippi LOST Poeketbook containing 88 20 aad 1 ring! reward If islained to Journal offlce. LOST-Mooday afternoon, pair of rim toes eye gtoseea In black case; reward. Panne Math LOST September 28, a pap cow without hornt has rope ea neck and marked with two Ta (one Inverted) oa one side aad three on the ether, heavy sat with Ue scratch behind. Reward If rsturnsd 118 RueeeU st A. LOST Wedaeaday, habya flannel band em brotdered abawl be twee a Eaat Third and Larrabee. Addresa Y 08. Journal. LOST ta city, la addressed enralop, pension check. Return to Dally Journal office aad receive reward. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST, Free employment to on Weekly rates: Room. gl. beard. 84.80 up. WANTED, AT ONCE 10 carpenter and 10 aeewewteva' helnere: wage for ea reenter. 48.00 par day; tor carpenters' helper. 82.80 per day. Call at engineering deportment tha Oregon water rower at nan way c First aad Alder sts., for particulars. WANTED Boy to learn engrarlag. Appry H, Z 1 siornsou si. wsnted; sy seller. Cell 4:80 p. m. at IB norm lern sr. HONEST young man to Prepare for railway mall clerk; eatery shout gl.stm. Journal. P TO, can A GOOD man over IS to prepare tor letter -car rier; sslsry yearly, r is, aeurnai. wrsak" a n Wnum to learn barber eight weeks: grsdustee earn trom bib to gas weekly; expert In tractor; mtologne free. Motor Systeai of Colleges. 88 Berth Fourth at.. I laftlaBI WANTBDBpeclal eslesnms to Intoortoee oat full line of pettltlea, Including Bnrbsnk s new toneless plum-miracle. Reply with reference, to tbe Oregoa Naraary Co.. Setom. Oregon. WANTED As experienced bench hand and framemaker. Apply Portlsnd Sstb A Door Co.. Bast Taylor and Union eve. WANTEJ-Offlce boy Anolr st editorial de partment of tb Journal, between S aad ft a m WANTED Young ate te leers telegrapby aad railroad accounting; salsriee 878.00 to goo Ml. For free catalogue address Men Collage ef Telegraphy. 808 18th et.. Oakland, Cat WANTBDv-20 swamper at good wages; M miles from Portland and one mile from rsll road. Apply Westers egg. Co.. 804 Steers bldg.. Port toad. u iNTKD Two or three first -class, s 11 around machrae men: permanent poeitton, goes wi oregoa rnrniture urg. vs., ssseaa. WB get nnrk far ear member; epecttl mem ber. SB Y M. C. A.. Poarth tad Ysmbllt. FIRST CLASS psnts msiers. 100 Third st. KieoU. tha Tailor, WANTED Boy: stesdy work. B. Front lis rl. WANTED 10 yonng rasa to proper for rsll rood telegraph operators; poet twos when on at Boat at; part tuft Ion parable after at worn Expert College of Telegraphy, Co a. rsonwealth bldg . Sixth and Ankeny. WANTED Mattrammaker; Front, corner Davis. stssdy work. 86 WANTED - A bright. Intelligent tad tor e news pBr office, stsle ess rel aad salary expected. H 100, atate age. reierenee, srnoonng Joorn!. SOUND yoaag man. age 18 to 80. for grease and brskemen ea new roads and for fall rush; experience aaasrssesry; Bremen 8100 frr month, brakrmen 8TB: poeltlona now open, artonal Railway Training soettlon . 780 sxtoo blk., Omsbs. Nebrssks; er 881 Ridge bldg., Kansas City. MtaaoarL HELP WANTED MALE. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THB GRBATBST r BartausB'a new stows plum; miracM; big BS-i. it pool two. ;nico Nureery t " Or. PAINTER Experienced la superintending men Bad atimatkeg. Asdrese with refereacss. iiooaaro m saame, care w. a, tsotca ss vm 136 Pint at. BOTS with a wheal. Apply at one to espertn lendent ubbb, wortman a aiag. WANTED- -Assistant shipping stark hot sirs Id of work: owe par was a wiw proepecm ea it Colamhls Phonograph Ob. rai BOTS WANTED To work la candy factory steady employment. Apply re c!fle It Co.. 12th aad Dav arm WANTED 8s learns n to mil tide to the trad. A good cere of Journal. WANTED Expert sa td drlrar for bakery wagon: stssdy and sober. Apply X2, ear journal. Bit eo to work care Joornai. WANTED Boy about 16 for office work. Ap ply "Mares. " Journal Busts Office. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE If roe wofc WOMEN WANTED. k why not earn mora thai Uvhtgl Be Independent; k Co. already employs 12,000 The Tlad coram 23 countries of ths world: w will entertain applications from capable i not caavasalag, bat helpful, dignified Address by mall only. The Vied Co., Lewis WANTED Taaag people te prepare themsslr aa bookkeeper aad stenographer; have had 548 call since September 1; placed 266 Is positions. we win puce yon when com potent- Day or night. Catalogue. Walker Business college. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 186 U Fourth at., eor. Morrison. none as am bbbb. Alongside tu Y. M. C A. bldg GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa ahlrta ana oreraiia. Leeeone girea to tne Xpert ones d. Appty at Standard factory No. 1 Grand are. aad Bast Taylor at. WANTED Girl to make "Bess of alia at 78 First at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S4SVa Washing tea at., eor. Barents, upstairs. Phone hula ramale help GIRLS wanted for genersl ho ass work; conk aad waitreaa. city Employment of awe, salts l. 286 H Washington st. Mala 2410. WANTED Girl, ateady work, at 88 N. Front, corner Dart. WANTED Lady; easy. profitable poelttm; salary aad commission. 141 1 11th at. WANTED Ladle to ream garment-eattl from expert lsdis tailor: method simple and Br act ruling; also roar in lion taller 1 open erenlngs. 108 12th at., near Wash lagtoa. VVW ltdlee wsnted to aaelst making eaay fancy work spare time at home; good ateady pay; no experience required. 828 Plsldnsr bldg.. 407 Waahlugton St. GIRLS, when you waat work call oa the Sett- dlntrlan Ladles Agency. 107H Sixth d. Mala 8888. John Anderson, manager. WANTED Country girl for no cooking; good home; to aaelst with chil dren; good home for right party. 64T Fifth t. GI BLS Chocola ta dippers and peckers. uaaoy uo., loth aad Given. WANTED Expo rtosesd body lroner; etetdy em- ployment. oregoa Lsnnary co. 18. LADY to accept position aa postal clerk; salary auu.oo. i Mi. ear journal EXPERIENCED tocket head wanted dlately. Apply Olda. Wortman A King. WANTED First els ss waitress at tha hotel, corner Hswt horse aad Oread. OIRL skirt Alder et GIRLS WANTED To work la candy ftctory: cme uoest nsBcuit Co.. ism sad Davm sts. OlTtLS about 14 years eg ege: .88 wssteSL Ap ply Immediately at euperlntendent'a ofSca. Olda, Wortman A King. o. Ki. or women to do light htagsastk aad eons papkm to lady of tense. Call Pbone Scott 8481 or 1028 Wltllsms ave. GENERAL bouMwork pert of dtr; sleep at ; wagat gig per month; Sunday free, r 861 Kearney st Apply WANTED Firat -el ladies' tailor and anlehers. ftm Third st.. car. YsmhlU. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. MAKB MONBT ta tha ad re rt Is tag sollelttag: splendid salary whan aad every chance for advancement Call or writ aad leers all about It. Pegs D Dept. 21, 418 Commercial bldg . Port Davto Co.. "oDrtK'ici'vf Wiumril"p87: WANTED Lsdy ttenogrspber with experience; aalary 8S0; cashier with expertonc. ealary X Apply tt B. B. U. clerical offlc. 486 or ceeter bldg. YOUNG msn snd ladle should nroU la tha prlrste chlllil for shorthand, bookkeeping and typewriting conducted by tb B. B. U., 480 Worcester bldg. ; day and night classes; rates very low; position secured; enroll WANTED In siaaui home, two children to earn cr fur good school. Address B. Mg W., pee toffies bol 88, Bcsppoo, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. H. H. RICHARDS Books posted, collect loot, genersl clerics I work: references. 882 4th st. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE A LB-YEAR-OLD OIRL that gees to school wsnts s piece at once to work for room aad board. Addrm Amanda Smith, Aurora, Oregon, route No. 8, box 81. BXPBBIENOBD girl wants place to work ; eaat aide preferred. Call at Hawthorne are Pbone Eaat 4401. STENOGRAPHER desires halt day poet ties. Addreea X 4, cam Journal. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, 8s881ws. caavaassre aad street work er. gat your suppi rrom a. ss . rummer, SOO Third itx new gooes, bottom prices. AGENTS wsnted. coo Id make 84 to SB s day. 78V, N. Third. AfiENTS wasted In every town In to of represent ths National Life Insursnc V. 8, A. SV O. Sella nd. atata mansger. SOB FlledW bldgy, Portland, Or. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FFICS FOB MEN. 80 North Second st Phone Mala 1828. SB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. V. Morrison St. Phoe -Pacific 288. WANTED REAL ESTATE. O. L. PARRISH a 00. have opened a general real estate office at 428 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner Second and Stark sts , and will bay and eell realty, collect rente and negotiate loans; first clsss references; honest dealing with oar client. Phone Mi In 8318 OWNERS! -We will advert! yoar property: no erpenae to you unless Sato it made ; give a a trial. C L. Parrish & Co. 428 Lumber Excbng. Then Msln 8818. GOOD Income aad i. farming and timber landa. Mate 1171, He W. Uadhard, McKay bldg. To T&e Portland Capitalist We atak a SPECIALTY of COIXBCTINO BENTS of LA BOB BUILDINGS. placing P1BB INSURANCE, payment of TAXES tad GENERAL CAKE OF PBOPEBTY. We hire the beet of ficllltlea for carrying oat your wtthee aa an agent. We solicit your Ktronsgs. fin references: Ladd A Tlllon, krra. and Merchant' Nstlonsl bank. B. H. BLOSSOM. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMEBCE. WANTED W are luring splendid demand for Sunyslde heuaea: Will be pleeeed to beer from owners with deelrahle places for sale. B. S. COOK A CO., 281 Alder st. WANTEDREAL ESTATE. WANTED New ail Sim 0 to T ream bonse weet or nasi sum, between txswiaoras sou txan CO.. 848 Sthrk at. WANTED 8 to 7 room hoeAa. reesonabto. Alblna dtotrkt, 1878. Mala WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hon atorea, offices, rsomlag-l am win do wan ta call en rSTLANDTBUwTCOMFANJ orOB880. BOUSES, flata. rooming bones, store, office. etc.; prompt ttaaoa ssaurau. moss main 11T1. 11. w. Uadhard. McKay bldg. WAJTTED Suberben booas. fumtoaad. aad 8 to 10 acrea. 0 month to 8 year. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. 248 Stsrk St. WANTED A .eery furnished 8 to an .baa ted Aat er apartment. Pbone 1 steam lsia WANTED FINANCIAL. MAKB me ta offer for SOO share of tb Port land Coal A rtovetopasent Co.; I mast hare Address H 22. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mala Mate FURNITURE WANTED ' FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND ND AUCTION 10010 811 First st Mate 8888 HIGHEST price paid tor mee t raet-orr cloth ing. Phone PictBe 48. Uncle Joe. 88 Third. WE WILL BUY. SELL OK TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALT! SALVAGE CO.. oar, 888 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 708. PAINTTNQ. sprsylng tad wbltawsahteg tree, basement, bams, docks, etc; lergest gssollos apraytag eetgt en the coast M. 0. Moraaa A Co.. 822 Union are. Phone Bast SIT. WE WILL BUY year teraltur any old time. w aoam a ssirag ua, eat waaniagton sr. HIOHBST cask price paid for eocond-baad good. Phone Bast SWT. 188 Union are. WANTED Strictly fresh eggs: will peg fancy pries. ngir xmvy, iti rourtn at. will build yon a cottage 8780. or you ilk, contractor, r ( 88. care Journal. WANT to buy eecond hand bicycle: must be la goou m. ismcanaon uaraet, ziat sad Johaaoa. WANTED We pay blggeet price for hand clothing. Phone Pacific 2287. WHO IS M Q. MORGAN CO.t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT GRAND. 48 U. North Third at i gentle 81.88 per week aad up. THB RICHELIEU. 8814 North Sixth ganuy rnrnianea; steam heat aad hatha. KLONDIKE Furulahed honeekee r.lnLowat4aj".' aingia or ea suite. 808 Aider, cor "THB HUB." 88 Eleventh St., corner Stsrk: room with steam beet tad bath. ' , LINDA VISTA. 24TV Fifth Hoasekeenlmr- room with bay window and furnished al rep lug -roo an. LARGE, elegant It furnished front moms: all coureniencee. XI B 11th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FURNISHED hut room, rottag lowr floor, ejoee In. yard. 88 aar week. after 7 p. m Paclflc 2482. THE MITCHELL. Flanders aad Sa.sntk Uoosts, bouaekesplug aad traaetoati eon Teatoat; price rmBtbW 81.88 PER WEEK Large, cteaa foratohed ng-rooms; laundry and Bam. 1B4 Sooth Portland. BATE half hotel expeneea: 81 week up, mraunsa nous eeping rooms, eaittbto aar two: parlor, laundry, bath. yard. 202 Stan ton. C car. MODBBN nnfurnlthed ground Boor; very convenient. Phone 8188. ROOMS AND BOARD. ENTLBMAN with 8 yeir-old boy would like beard aad ream la good prlrata fsmlly where child could be eared tor. Address Y 100. cere Journal. BOOMS er rooms snd hoard. 4 beard; home cooking. 88 11th st Stark and Oak. SUITE of B rooms. anttable for 4 gentlemen. with Brat-clam hoard; 88 week esch; all con- rial IB mi cteaa In. ml 1 Sevsath et. NICELY furnished rooms aad first-class board; til inooata eeevenieace; terms 374 Larrsba Pboae Bast 8008. FOR RENT HOUSES. B-BOOM bouse. 210 Sherman. 817 SO. 7 -room bouse. 848 Front, (IB. 40-room brick hotel. Alblns. 8120. Large room, 80x100. brick. Firat snd Conch, 8100. 7 room house, modern, 428 Serentb. 882.80. S-room houae. modern, S20 Qnlmhy. 886. room boast, modern. 282 Tntamook. 888. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OBBOOST Southeast corner Sd and Oak. Phone Bx. TS. KADDERLY TRANSFBB CO.. ttabls piano aad furnlture-amver: ttoo stor agn. iSosst Main 1888. OfSse lit if. Thxre. FOR RENT 8 hasdsoBM modern 7 room hoesee. cournlntiy located on Tblrdst. earllae: 810. 012 and 014 Oorhett st.; reat reasoaabto to desirable tensnt. Dirld 8. Stanrna. 248 Wsshlngton at FOR RENT 8-room newt finished. Sixth aad Carntheri. 4888. Pbone Mate FOB BBNT or for sale, by owner, new modem cottage, good location. Pbone Beat 2008 4-ROOM eottags, Mala 8881. 788 Missouri sts. Phon 4-ROOM eottape. nicely finished. 08; 8-room Sat, modem, wltb gaa. All located at Fourth and Porter. Bey at 780 Fourth st. FOR RENT FLATS. 6- ROOM upper flat Fifth at. nearly bow tnd thoroughly modern, furnished complete. 80 month. Portland Trnef Cu. of Oregoa, rami Bx. TX NEW 6 -room modern flat, baseman t. gas tay w tiki kg dtotsnce, Weet Side; 818 month, 402 Commercial block. ONE 4-room Bst, 188m Batt Ninth at. Bear Belmont Phone Esf 1270. 4 FURNISHED fiats, 8 room eaeh, and 810. 884 Seventh at. baths. 88 4-ROOM modern etesrn nested Sat, 828; a to upper 8-room. 400 HarrlMS at. BOOMS with gaa. steel range. 4698. Key 090 Seventh it. 618.00 MODBBN lower 4-room flat, yard sod basement, 444 Rodney a., corner Tlllsn Bast 4808. NEW 4-room flat, 188 Market at; groom flat 111. Main 8804. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICE8: OFFICE In popolar new bnlldlng. suitable for yonng tttorney; vary rsss finable. Call 428 Lumber Exchange, or phone Main 8818. FAST of shop to rear, sellable for no later plomber. 80S Fourth st OFFICE-ROOMS. Bnfornlshed nfnratsbed rooms snd mmple- seoms tor rest Ooodnuugh bldg. Apply sto- ettor. DESK ROOM tor rent, ground Boor. SjQbsbs smrk t. r-TfMJ HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI T TTJRE FOR SALE. 7-ROOM modern hoes for rant furniture for sale, enough ramus rented te nearly pay rent. 847 Collage. 8-ROOM boo tor root, furniture for ml: strictly central aad modern Phone Pacific SIT. FOR RENT-FARMS. 100 ACRES 80 acrea tinder culHvattea. ittoa. fseehJa as from LBB isily Write nsstnre 8 room BOBS, htm, A mil soon Orecon: terms 8128 tnnut for particulars or can grtr a o cmex p. at. Charles F. Rendu, 488 Best Sixth at, Port FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAU. end ballroom. Bd wire su 11 111 BBaaaknam. BUSINESS CHANCES. A r,AIL.'M' rut ""a to get a suit of oa tilde mora fscltg Third gear Stark. hi front of sis r. tor; rto 8w 8fS: Tsle phone loetslled. ell alga work a whv duw snd door with carpaata tor 888. oen Pmm m Moadsy morning; rent pi October T. When snsswarlng glr numhar. X 10. car Journal. MACHINERY, vehicle and Implement bests, for, tale. A nrofltablr aad old-eett dished kealBll for sale at once at landed (est tor the goads, es I am leering Setom. 44iibi. If IntereeteU. P. A Wiggins, Salem, Or. A GOOD cigar and tobacco ttore; stock at Inrolcei rent 882.00 per month; ctoee la. Also rooming haaaea and restaarante aad luaek count em aad grocery torse, i For further Informs lion call at 81 Sixth at FOB SALE New store building 20 by 48 feet. in siusu couniry suinou sxcenent nnenlaa for general isrsl mrchndlte. Address O. J. A , etr Journal 8800 CASH will buy a Brat class meat marketi good location, wsll stsbltotaed baalneae, as opportunity Phone Main 8807. PHENOMENAL rise la price of xpeeted sny day; this may Snluth ir test opportunity to bey before are doerd. J. F. Hornt Kay Udg. before subscription 1 n uo.. so FOB SALE-Apsrtmsnt bona of is newlr furnished: aasr terms If nao, OTy''r. ttS MERCHANDISE business. 82 mils from Pert land: a money maker; will sell at Invoice - SLtrf2f for Inceata property. M. C. Davto, Jaffa" Alatr st. STOCK eompsnlee tooornorsted: If re bar stocks er bonds for sale, let me try to Ball ; . ". hroker, WW BUlcott Square. Buffalo. dlae on route of new S. P. railroad: will In- volco about 88,500; sell or rent new stors bonding. Write ar nil J. O. Lyons. Elk to. FOB SALE Oroeery itor good lceattoa. wast tide, close la, doing fair business; will te vole 8080 0 8700. Pboae PactSe 841. GROCERY, 10 mllee ef Portland ; a splendid freak stock. wltb building tnd B horses all for 82,800. or will exchange for cltr arty. A word A Alrord, 188 Merrtooa it. CIGAR aad confectionery stgrs for aale; most sell at once. u. l,. Dai lay, St. Johns FOB RENT Kitchen and dining-room ef a first cltss rooming house, centrally located, to reiisuie son compeiwei perry. ISU sirtn si. , or poone 1 seine zxan. WHO IS M. THOROUGHLY responsible btutneat psg win suarauiee is on year oouoie amount inreetea from 81.000 not to exceed 88.000: abeolutely ssfe, fully secured; must act Immediately. I 28. care Journal. FOB SALE Boethouse and beats at Oregon City, at your own price; mede 8300 thla sum mer. Earl Jjuts, Oregon City. Phone 1888. FOE SALE Stock ck of dry good snd not ton . In best iBslnni pert of town silos to atate of Wuhlnelnn with of 6,000 pnpulsllon win inn to-data. will invoice about 68,000; stock ctosa snd B- Addree Y 88, Journal BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If yea waat a good paying bus Inset from 81.000 to 814,000, address Immedtstely J, p. Croft A Co., Klamath I n lis. Or. OLD estshllshed ssloon tor sal paying lavettlgtte. Phone Wood lawn gJ7 wslli Pkeaae Weodtown 82 Bhkg aad irimhjg ahen 84T Msdleen st CLOTHES clean for sals cneap. Call FOR RENT- Building suits hie 4 bssshnsssj purpo; llrlng rooms 780 Wa aahwigroa tt. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Sdlwood Ths r few ef tb many bargains that ws offer. en Dm mi sts . BOO 8-room yard and hem 11 bars, chicken 8400 4owa. hal- nee fir year. Four fins let oa Tbalao av 8180 each; 411 most be sold together. Morehouse & French Phon VII wood 74. 10TO B. 18th Great Sale in Acreage Now on. Several hundred acres Just slatted; abundance of running water on esch lot, sd tolnng s 8 story ninth grade school, do to town aad car tine; land nearly all tore! and In high atate of cultivation; no bettor esU In thesbxtot fie to fnp per acre. . Alas have 40 aersn:-wfll sell In tract to salt; 860 to BOB par acre; eaay terms. This to tb greatest snsp on the market. See ua et once. Large perty to leave en nsturaay ny e a. m.; go with a. Schnyleman & Co. 227 1-2 Washington St ' Rooms 34-35 A NEW f room boose, teat ftatohed. aad no foot - lot, on Waat srs., oesr Hawthorn ST., Sail Ban water, beautiful vtew: price 82600: E. Jackson, room 8. Htmll tea bldg. Mate 1888. Send One Dollar Aad ws wDj list yoar property with 1.000 re si cstste desler who art ss en ileus to earn a commission aa yon era to sell; our plea BsldoBj ftOt; sead deeerlptton; we ar hslptng many others, why net you 1 Address The la Tester' Guide, 811 Msnjusm bldg., Portland. Sellwood 8-V 800 Ten-room amderu hooae, four lets 80x140, each highly Imorored, net oat In fine yonng fruit tiers, strswherrles. etc.; this place Is ens block from tbe car tins aad te the Be fare limit. Morehouse & French 1870 E. 18th at. Phone Sellwood TA 500 Homes For Sale Farms tnd City Property. THB INVESTORS OC1DB 00.. SU Htrqusm bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. Sellwood A French. 1870 B. 18th. Phone Sellwood 74. City Flew Park lota. 8878 and apt Bern Addition lota. 8100 and up; 86 down and 88 a oath. Homes trom 8800 to 88.000. Lota 8200 and np. In all parte of Sellwood. Ltat your 8MB arty with as; ws will sail tt. THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY Often lta services alike to Bayer and teller. ' We Save bargains for bay ma. We her buyers for yoar property Bay thru at. List with as. Call aad gat aeajnalated. Wa guarantee all represent tie. 248 Stork at WE bar are buyer for yoar property 01 see. Bpbtex Agency. SOotf Stork WB HATB Jaat completed two sew modem re learned it Archer Place; sae a sarsn room boom (62.180), and the other a el 1 room hone (81.080). One-third cash aad salaam aa easy monthly payment, both bargain. t P. CANNON A CO.. 808 McKay bldg. Third aad Stark eta. 6 Per Cent and T Per Cent Why deposit money to banks at S to 4 per rent? Wa caa sell y gilt-edged firm asset gag, aay saw, tram 8 100 to 88.000 tad. up. hearing 6 and T per eaat; the beet ef ssenrtty. Schnyleman & Co. 22TH Wtkhlngton St.. mean 84 SB. 812.800 FOR gilt-edge lures trosnt. 811.000 for Firat st corner. 8660 tor 100x100 la Polst View. TYSON KINSKLU CbBfWllgl Stock. 8T80 Cssb 6 room boose with hath. houae, nu '. as enraer;