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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
Tl OKBOOH DAILY JOURNAL, POKTLANP, FRIDAY BVEWNO. SEPTEMBER 88, 1908. 1 TODAY'S MARKETS Hop Growers Ar Getting Alarmed Over the Inactivity of the Market and Many Are Try. tog to Foroe Theft Product on the Trade. GROWERS WEAK ON JIOPS Producer Getting Cold Feet and Many Are Offering to Let Go of Stock. SMALL FLOUR 8ALE8 ARE MADE TO CHINA Wheat It Dull Owing to Lack of Transportation, eat Present Prkts A Are on a Working Basis for Export Business, Principal merkst (altar today: ONMn wukr aa bop. to rukr dull. SaMU Chin, flour trsds. Ag it.tloo for fill weight. Cheess very firm hat asehsaged. Hetvler poultry .rrlvale r.ffa ate firm; um k mora. Chtttlm huk market advancing. oeuiorsie bur rny JOURNAL'S 0AILY TIPS ON MARKETS This from MoKlnley Mitchell: "I think that hope at 11 eanta a pound ara a good bur at this ttma. Thar is not aueh a bis orop as had bean expected and there la a much greater demands The market la better In Germany and this Is almost sure to help, that In America. Of course no one Can say what the bop mar ket la going to do. I believe, however, that the 10-eent mar ket some time ago wss not legiti mate and hurt mora than it helped the growers.' t t par hex: eggplant. l 50 ne ictiea: rucuuibera. SAe nor Vim: ilinlaf TSOBftc do: xreen mm. 11.60 aaek: sammet tqaaab. IBSti.u par hex: eggplant. 81.T6 par eratai pumpkin., Je; cranberries, local. $8 50; ip roa, per Dot, tadtah atuxah, sag .00 pr do: pan, 406a; borss pr lb: erttcnokts. The per dee l xui id apple, vanorapso. iw i per lb: aprlaot. lSHOlBc ear lb: poach... tie.; la, enteral, black. 8Bfee par to: BUG A B-All rettaerto Cub. MTO: paw 88.88: fruit, grannie ted. W so; dry itad. 88.41: coxJ. A. U.4B: extra (I 14. M: golden C. 84.86: D, yaUow. ee.BB; bbl.. bbi.. sac; box, hoc advene as aai-a SB H.p. While se late hnalseu to reported there a (rawing tendency aMag producer to so of their hop it srtess are reasonable eeaalderahla number of grower h lgnl fled their Intention at lattta) se at ureuntl lee far prime, but there .re no offer from tea dealers. Several dealer her hare a do telegraphic offer of hop to the etrn trad, eat coutn get e esewemg no, it m now Stairs Hy Merxdil by the trad that ttwre will be se has ism of say Impart see la bop . until tb deaiere aeesre the delivery by grow . era of practically all cheap price eeatract. AS there are la the neighborhood ex 80,008 bole contracted Is thla .tat. Una will feed the brewer toe sosm tune. On-the ether head It -to aald that arlree are Showing SB tscttaattoa ' to advasee. la Germany and other part of ' Europe If thla more meat bring the price there roach higher, the trade her argue that there avast of aaeaealtr he seas Improvement la the American sitae tie. It I under, food .that but a fraction! amount of contracting . tor the Br t orop gee beea done By . Bag USB. leplt .11 the report of mold vermin a torse ear coat of the Osegea to of flret-ctoas aaaMty, and the trade expect tb smash to com late us whan they aee sample. a,, email a meant of flour to reported aold to nun. Th orient! movement ceattaae ratser aad there to hat little doing la a. I ooo. Local trade rether fair. Wheat to holding eteedy with the trade . rather da 11. awing to a eesttaaaaee of the ' water eraat trlk. Thai mark.t la new la good position to da seas lnee with the . rcarlaeat If tea striae wag eat ef the way; otherwise the trade believee the tetoe wUl go to tee aefea. Agttsajis fee Tull- Weight rturtng lh past tow day there coaektorhto agitation smoag the trade toe full- , weight asahasee to stl 11a. Of Uts Ihsa btaa e great Imptmewsnl la this regard. . There M tau smoag tea retail aatcast oi going after packer ef hud who pound of lard aad ) St charge tor five h to riSUIaed that the tin makes ap abort weight. 1 there has been t feetar tbaa the demand awing to th higher prices naked by the treato. ' tor rosea ia vary firm with sssae I ef local tapch asking aa high ae 90c toe guar . aatead stark, bast are ar eeAttas aa high as arw- ror xencr, witu soms Apr in gesag aa low ea 28c. t'heeee la ahowlag ceeerele fit mens but prices ar taaettve- No change is creamery nun Iter sltustlee. Say Fanay Potatoes. A assail assveaseat of faaey si sains to abeam award Isllfornls. Thla la toe stock ol or- toward Isllfornls. Thla to aloag tee Cowltta aad toe At areeeat there a eesMeshileto of thee eg saask . Oatoea are rather stow with bat a email local aammamn snersvi wr inns rata. Advanolag. demand. bark I noted, aad dsatoge have advssisd their paring price as high sa Sc. althoagb thla fig are Is sot ret universal. There are put small atocks of bark roasaBitog la th hand ef deaiere. aad tb ristitoitu to bald vary firm by latereeU that are able to bold tor a toag time. On this acsuast there to saht t be some better tea ha the itsmsad from patent. toedlclnc manufacturers. Tb trade pars the following price to rani sad Ised. BKj GRAIN BAOS atoatta. SH bay lam price: eelllna. St8w.c. w ' WHSAT New .lab. gac; red Baasli bluesum. . valley. SB. BBrgY-rtew Feed. XX1.S0; rolled, brewing, 122 00. CORN Whole. 137 00. R a ti par e FI.OI-R Eastern Oregon patents. tsm- straight.. Wl: export, JS.W:. vaitoy, graham. s. IS 50, whole wheat, gg.nj; rT, 80s. fS OS: bales, ta.75. wlLLrV,r-Bran. gin.BO par ; - totsV drtags. SM.fJO; ehorta, cmntry, 17; city. idle; chop, la.tweasi.oe. AY fredacere pHce- Ttmothv Will. mart. vnlley, fancy. 11 00JlJ.op; ordinary. to.OOa) 10.00: eastern Oregon. tl.oolo: nVhST llo.otimOoJO, Qtoeer. ST. 00; grsln. r.9ea)8.S0. Si.dSi extra 10e;Vs bhto. Ut: boxes. 50c advanc haato. toss SB par ewt for cash. IB days iiaiK nar id. (Ahovs prlcee apply ea sslee ef toes tks sarleto. Car tote at special prices eehj.ct t ?or"VackaTbr?!S! lir.aaaTlB.ra. SALT Coarae--Bslf gronnd Msj. IS 00 ssr tea; 50a. KaSj table, is try. SO. 13.00; 1 00s, $12. 78; bales. tlAS: Imported Liverpool. BO. SIT. OB: 100. fU.80; nG. Sia.00; extra Sa. bale, Ba. 5a. 10s, B4.Mgi Uverpaal bxmg rock. 1 50 per toe; 50-lb rock. BS.OO; 100s, St. 00. I. Be; It. B, Tl AJax. St: R1CI6 Imperial Japan. No. Sdjiuei New Orleaaa bead. we. M.xlcaa reds, 4 He. u TS: Bayoa. CHb.. ioillnj'. W9rll. JSf ea tb; faaey pttess, Me; anansds. lSwdJlBs. , sJbf rxAjrorsoo Miimio exohakoe. Sea rraaclsco, Sept. BS. Official Baa. BS.3B Btala Bslssoat Cash Boy .... Goldea Assbar Hoars Tim Bettor .. MacNamare .. Midway ...... Montana .... North Star .. Ohio ... N.vads ... West Bad A dame ... Atlanta . . Columbia hit CvafQaarry .. Dtasvoadflald Wxte Jumhc SbSbbI Laguna .... may tjnasa Mohawk .. Bed Top .1 ..61 28 .. I.U .. .as SJ5 .. E.B8 :: ... .5 ..ITSfH .TO .. .08 .. .SB .. .ie .. .55 ... .eo ..'.is .. .SB .. M .. -64 .. l.STH .. .BS .. .60 .. .61 r. .IT .. 4 10 l.BJi. Nstfcuu Pesvsc .54 S3 1 55 1.05 Mi war s SB Coa. Cal Vs TB Ophtr B.90 Mexican BS Caledonia 56 Exchequer 4S Norcros BS Gold Crows 15 Great Bead .... .BO Basse IB Black Butt Ex .08 Moetgoawy Mt. .BS Suneet tl Beepter 48 Manhattan 10 gaytor-Hatapseiy. 16 Paxter 55 Oranay 1A sees wedge .... .is Lea Star IS Grant Bead Ex . .IS ..... .u Denver Aaaax. . -..St Balls a Bean. . . .08 Black Beck 64 ft. T.-Oax....... JB Manhattan Coa. Mftwr: Jumping Jack .. .SB Bad Tap Bx .OS Mnatag .IT Bail frag Mia., .eg .is BUCK WEEVIL 11 WINTERJMHEAT Missouri and Illinois Farmer Complain of Ravages of Little Peats Whioh Have Begun. CHICAGO MARKET 13 LOWER WITH DULLNESS to Prices Down Three ' Eighths One Half Cent Under Yesterday Corn and Oats Lost; Short Cover ing Causes Advance in Pork. STOCKS SEE-SAW DURING DAY List Is Weak and Than Strong and Vios Versa Again, Tons Changing With Every Bid. b- CALL MONEY RATES DISTURBING ELEMENT RELATIVE WHEAT TALtJEfl. September ..'J1?' December .... XX Sept. ST. 1S0S. Loae. TSttB .TB .86 .001 May Th Chicago Wheat market wax rather dall to day with th pries bearish. Liverpool wee firm ou mo cioee tea re was 10 ajo ntgaer. ubi cago lost to Ha a baabel. The coarse grata list followed closely after the wheat, shout We hotu loot mm about i,c la oats. Pert awe bullish ea boring said to be for Cetera. There was short novating ea the Sep JSSer aad the close was eOc a barrel no. Modern Miliar save: The Black eaatfl baa B tared In the wlntsr wheat bald la stands aad bv Mlsaenrl sad Illinois farmers. Efforts ra being mode to deatroy theee peats tor foml setloo, bat many farmer. It to aald. wtU mar ket taetr holdtoxa rather than ran chances of lose. Official anaratlaaa couae rompaay September ... December ..... Be pre saber May September January .. September October .. January ., by Overbeek. Starr WHEAT. Open. Bhto. Lew. Close. TSS Til TS TSU TB tb ts tb2 TStJ TS TSlJ TSffB ooan. si 8 si m B S5 ft. MBSS PORK. Trading Becomes Rather Bullish Just Previous to the Close and Moat Stocks Are Up Northern Pacific Five and a Half Higher. Amalgamatnd Atckleon Car r Denary Brooklyn ...... Colorado fuel . NET GAINS. 1 IV. S Loooasotiva Oeatrsl Leather Oottea OH ..... Nsttoasl Lead . Sssthsee Pac Union Pacific . U. B. ! N'orthrrn Pae ne HI. Central Loalevllle . Max. Central..... ?8S3k,p,e:::::: .... Pressed Steel Car Republic Meal'':: Bock btoad Bora Island ore. u. Bawlter ... Baltimore . Cheeapeak N. T. Central .. Southern By Texas a Pacific. Mere activity was Sbews to the trading est new York sxchsnge today. Up to aayoo IB ptembe lobar Jsnnary S3S T10 1T0O 1680 1700 1X80 1BSS lXBS LARD. "" 881 880 BBS tbs m Ten BT BIBS. 880 TTS STB 885 BST BBSS) T10 TOT T10B LIVESPOOL GXA1X 1 CtucssU Beat. aV-Ato chase: hid setose A dree rare. 8s. SB; Altooea. 838.08; Atlantic. 11.88: Blaahsm. 84.58: Caauaet. T8B.0O: Cen- teaahvl. BBS-US: lap Baage. btb.oo; Daly wsat. si. ton: rraaaua. san.ou; ureese ton.. 1S 16; (irambv. 813.11V: Maaa. 114.00: Mo hawk. 8U1 50: Nevada Con.. 818.50: Berth Bte. SB .00; Old Dominion. SBB.aV: Pen, .88: Itoysl. 118 50; Snanaoa. 81S.8SH; Taxsaraek. BBS. 80; Trial tr. 14.11V4: United Uopper. seB.uo; Ltah. SB. 00; Victoria. B6.63W: tooaa. tn K: Wolverlna. 8148.00; U. 8. 881.00: Ely. XIO.IXW. Batte CeaL P Mi. Black Mt.. BS T.i. Cal Arlaoaa. 8118.50; supenor-nttapurg. SITED STATES OO TKB. N MEMT BOX D8. New Tars, Sept. afcTOs), r9grB tSJfd . . Small roars. do c roar, registered legtotwsd Dtstrk t of Columbia Pblllppms 4 One. Opt. Opt isai 1D14 i's?1' i5 1. 11 108 4 181 181 115 10S ua IBS BAB rBASCTSCO LOCAL Bab rranctsco. Sept, IB. -Official price: tonrrs I. flora wassr BOTTBB fAT -r. e. b. ores id. ISVac: sow. Slto, BUTtBB CHy creamery. 80c: outsloe znia.wrc. oroinnry sivsc; oioee, lajBjlOe. KtiB--3". 1 rreea fjregoa, carta leu, 2K Sprlac Valtov Olsnt Powder Honokea Sugar Me ka wall Sngar Obobm Sugar Paaahan "agar Alaska Packer' Assoctamd Oil Pacific State. Telephon mym 1814 2la l sn3 1.IV4 ti SS2 ..r. s3 41 Jot ?. rnl as 102 108 FOBTLAaTJ SAN: Clnrlaga today Ctoernsga year aga ... Onto today STATEatEBT. ; 8. rr . 188 se T4T.41T.4T '1SS.T08.8B r:anuivo, f .ml , . 'HKKBBV --Nw- run cream, Young Arasrtca. lnttlStto. piii'Lixt- suae "sis. Mr; fsncy B per lb: broil an 16c chlckene. 10c par lb; nxMtere. old. lOVke ea, 14c; tage. uaj.iu.0 per lb: frvere. 14: in; spring one as, z.atmuiu in; tsrialL IS ear lb squabs. ta.80d3.0o per dsai doa. HOI-IftOg ovp. rHHrBdJlgH.; prls. t choice. lBthmlSu; prime 16c. wool. 1908 clip Valley, Oregon. We. MOHAfaV Nawt nam hi si Sejol. saOasaTvHrT: , ussKII'l it. IHITTIS Sill IBJBII hidbb irry. no. ITH dry ca St ear. SB Dry. No. l. is is saa aa 181481 per lb; dry Up. Mo. L 8 te ISrba, 17 If. No. 1. eader 8 Dm. JSec wed aldaex sound. 80 lb sad over, bflgellll eewe. nd eerre: tip. der 18Tb, lite; BUeM4c: Max and bene. 16 to 30 lbs. Be; calf. preen, a Deal red. le leas: eali horashtde. eattad, asea. SI St; comtn St. 88. Sosjue; te per to tosai r.ra: err. aeea. S2.V rrrTAVOBB- BnylaB Drtc. SI. 25 per ewt; sweete. Ike. oMoss .lobbing price- New ST .SB: tmrlng price, SOgjgge PHKSH yRIJlTS- A garlic. iTOhj us I- Anoiea. TBndsaT.18: nr. Sfl 110: hsnnass. 5dB8l4e aer lemons. chelee, 15. 00). 06 par baa: fancy. Ih: lOOt pTbom, 4MM)e per rawa;cantatoBnee'. $!. eWo ratad. 1 . 10 ; jHrncdn-Z' Tooai BI OS: peer. TbaeBgl; pranea. balk. St per Ih: hex; beoBiaberrlaa. 10. nine. new. 81.00 no cerwta. 81 sack: best, ft. 50 sack: Oraeaw Web, S9e per doe; cahhege, Oregon. H.TVd tw per in; SHwaroaa, :IOt naranlna. BOaeisaai on sfrlag beea. Oregon, OdJTe pee lb; caalt- Deckel, VFOrtT Ml.Ba- Cblcag. Sept. SB. Priaaary recehyn-' Today Tear age Huah. Rnah. Wheat 1.184,000 1,204.008 ""heat 808.000 408,088 Corn 4flT.0O0 541 ose Total clearances: , Wtteat, 149.000 bushels: oorn. ,mnt mianete; riour. ZB.Ouw eu nuaneia. barrela; oata, Or.. pioneer rsesrVattoa baa jus Sept. SB T. J. Tweed v i farmer of I'm.Mit. a.i. rust naal what la heHaverf to k th. , . ' oio. ynar in toe county. He aold u the Pacific Coast Btoeator -ompanv. throuah will Moore, agent at thla place. 48. 008 bushels of wheat, tb entire crop tltreohed by him thla rear. Be received ra cents par bushel. Pradletoe. Or.. Sept 28. The Bhte Mountain Uraamery company at this place yestertlay shlpned to Spokane one carload, of 33.000 seesaw, of Bine Moan tela creamery batter from the crramery In this city. This butler ha eccnmu lated In oolrt atornge dnrlng the dull summer season aad ergg sent to the market of Spokane, where there to a rfi.m ,.m.A tT TZl SB. Official WHEAT. December January . Open. vuaui Sept. IT Osln. 8s 8Hd V.d e8Hd 4 ltd i84id atSHd IHd 4slVd VALUES UNCHANGED BUT pes m mi i Six and a Half Continues Top for Best East of Moun tain Stuff. Portland Union stock receipts: Teetoy Weak ago Month, age Teee age A 141 Sept. SB Ltra- s. Cattto. Sheep. I SB 3 1.301 but marxet m BerdXsg vary steady, actlv. . Ban vary Steady at Official livestock laiHtlimi IBS of the weak taw catt axBht Beet .ast.rn Oreaoa. 88.88: sad China fate. 88.8888.16. Cattto Beet eastern Oregon steer. 88.808) . near cowe aaa atrara. aa.naaiz.aa: aosea era tad reedet. S3.TB4J8.88: bulla, 1 50 sneep BBBBBB, ex; lamb. 4SJBa. EASTERN MARKETS STEADY Chicago. CbsSXga .... Kanaaa City C.ttle. Sheep. 4.080 7.008 18. B80O 1.500 Hag ara stvedv with 1.508 haft over a a year as were ij.uwt rrteee Mixes. 18.888 8508 M.So6J8.7ia; good sad heevT, te.40eJS.SS tie- wtesdr Saeep Steady to TACOMA STEEL SELLS AT TEN AND A HALF TAsaateg Waa stow oa the Portland SI mmam toriar. Tntal aalaa far tha aaam 1.000 ahsres of Tacoma Steal at 1814c. uurat pncee: BANK STOCKS. of California MX Merchant' National US Oregon Trust a Savfnga Portland Trust Company Bsnksrs1 to Lnmbarmaa'e United Statee Natteaal 201 htlSCBLLANBOCS STOCKS. Campbetl's Clas Burner union oil San Associated mi Alaaka Packer Pacific State Puget 91 Life ln S8I4 88 1X1 B 111 'etuent Prodncta Empire Contracting j. c. us uawpany O. B. a M-riy. 4s MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal Inrernatlenel deal Pacific Metal Extraction Alaaka Petroleum 110 0S4 nmTmAT- lff Hop picking la new over for this vicinity, and although there are ecres ten ia tB yards on : ". 'or. nop men ara well plea wim me crop narvaatad pass pricea and expect to rail st Official Poena Co.: Jan. Now York. Sept. S. ottoo futnree a point invrfw m t point up. quotations by Overbeek, Starr a X'- .844 844 888 888 Mf 848 848 81 SeB 040 47 04 T 048 88 B6T 881 088 988 58 S88 !UW 8B4 BBS Mil Pet wra. urn noo sob 804 804 BOS SOS ISO ear sn aso ssl sa BPS lfejf- I S '"Ml 't,,i Standard Consolldstsd Oregon Saasrilto ... Snowstorm Lee Creek Oeid. .. ... teaitoe (Vmsnlldsrad Oallaher tiolden Rule i' Bnllfms Terrible Onlcomie North Falrvlew .. Le Bar Hiawatha Caasadla Lucky Boy Heels Rambler Cariboo Dixie Meedovra . . tlreat Northern . Mrmnlaln view 57 10 I 60 1000 ISO loos ith li 0.3 I 04 as oei4 ux 0H4 110 IT BM Bine River 'ioid . iMrrtB t;: cvsnlde I Hawaiian Com. flonokea. . nwiiklsaax Makawoit NT OAR STOCKS. Paanwan Uatoa . . P 1 ISH Sterling Oattea foiaraa ruled around 8 per eaat. Thta wax Aarnrbtng sua us wneis net see-eswsd In price the sriMaa. Toward the doa a firmer tow was a how by the leaders. advance were general. Thar waa msrksd se ttvlty snd strength la HU1 Issues aad North era Pacific advaaead 514 points. rrs'.'snu Am. Car A r Am Car a Kdry am. i Jot ton on, Alt. Lae.. com A". Sngar. cm 1 3514 Aex. saattt.. prfd.....'..tu4 Am Wseeea. east. i si Atchiao; prefdl Bait, a Ohio, com taO pfe)ftt Bro klyn Rapid Tran Claaadlsa Pa., ess... Central Leather, cow CkL a Ot Weet- eat Chi.. Mil. a St. Paul Cjto. Pael a Iron.... CM. a N. W., raw.. Cheeaaeake A Ohio . . Me. rwri AOroa. WE CURE MEN FOR $1230 TwKBTT-rrrE teaju nr pobtlaxd. No Peiy Unless Cured. Free Consultation ear eft, aad by se It win set oast yea. anything te 011 at aoiag it may eave yea much tig beeaaas if we oanaet oar yen we will heaeetl tall von aad pea wBJ not be an Bar say Baaaelal oblige tloa to as. Tea asp as ear fees tar saree apt to experiment, wa have proved the feet that ear asetbods ara the beet, istoat and th Boat sdsuUBo in every raspect. Thar are some eaaea that are Incurable aad we determine whether it to curable or Incurable by a thorough pbylcl aad selweseepiatl aiamlaatloa We ear Cystitis, Irritation of Weak of Bladder. Enlarge ment sad Tadarnxsatlsa ef the Prostate Stead and all dleeaaes ef the Bladder aad Kidneys quickly yield to ear modern metbode vi treatment, we especially Invite did chronic been oneuocesa fully treated elsewhere. Qeaorrheea, Bleed Polaea. Bala Diaeeea X. cured by scieatias method know and ladaraed by the medical proieensa. that have NERVOUS DECLINE TKBJfED wXBKKESS BT BOMX. We are positive Ae treatment wa employ is the cure of this derangement Is ths onsl. direct aad moat notent. - ration. Our sclentldc. systematic court certain. ef treat ment baa been idanted after veere of easeful practice by aa. It la the only one by which a permanent aad ebaolute cure red be accompltehed. BPEOiriC BLOOD POIBOM POSITIVELY IJIADIOA Without tha nee at daageroua drags. We dries tha vary Is at taint of vtrua from the system, and every symptom of ths vanish, to appear no more. We pwy Barmloo blood-cleanalag oaly. SPECIAL DISEASES W cure la 10 to IB days. Wa have de voted years of study to ths formation aad complete eradication of urethral obstruc tion. We reetora health aad tone o the membrane. Our treatment removes th necessity of aay surgery. The right treat ment, applied tha right way, will slwsy bring goad rseulte. CONTRACTED DISEASES Wa cure theee ailments mora quickly with lees pain and Inconvenience than anyone claim In. to treat auccaaafullv then. cm. dltlon. Haa your ceee become chronic through Improper treatment or through the nee of ceuetlc remeeiee? Mas It sasstd a deep eaated lads mm. t Ion and Irritation In the parte, th reeult of which you now anffer from urethral obstruction" Our treatxsent cures theee caadlttoes eulehly sad the cure to permanent. We wail every man In live country who Is afflicted la write as about his ailment. WE CURE YOU AT HOME. X HE U HAT 18X1 Rotb acute nr chronic, nr verlnd form, mm m mtmw mmuajt f Htm Our n.etboda ara unexcelled aad edeotlSc. VARICOCELE to s dlaessed condition of the scrotsl veins. It msy be caused by blow, klcka. falls, besvr llftlna. mamna. eerlr Indiscretion nr s... ho .,.tu. nii. special wsakneea. The proper tr estates! consists af local asnHeatton tagnaat Blood snd contracting tha swollen trengtxea the nervee which govera TBOugh causing yea Be trouble at the p reseat time, year Varicocele will. If permitted o go without tha proper tree taunt. Impair aad destroy the element of vitality. W dally demo rest rate that Varicocele ess be noaltlvelv end ssisdlrv aarf tis.-i catting, burning or aay other form af operation. HOURS 8 A. M. te 6 P. M. EVENINGS, T to 8:80 P. M. SUNDATS. 8 A. M. to 11 M. far the numaee of dlanel ilea, aa wan ea lataeaal madias vee watcn govern tne mora supply to ling ratios tks to SL Louis MEDICAL AN 8 SURGICAl Dispensary COBBER BBD AMD TAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND. 0RE80B. ISm orbgon SHORjlanc do. first prefd do prefd a BV) Grande, prefd da. second prefd . . . da, fhret prefd. .... imaetg Central l. a k. Me Oeatral By Distillers mo., k. a ptd ..: Mlaaonrl Pacific Nstlonal Lead Jew Tart Ceatral .. NJ. Cat. a Weet. . Norfolk a Want., cam Neath American Northern Pa cam. .. Pec Mall Steam. Ca.. rennevhrsnt. It.n.. P. .. L. a C. On. "ami I Steel Car, awadtag. common .... flrat nfd IAS ram New York St to, SSac: Ha. 4 If III f mm m s s is: ss m-4 in iioi r! jr fri,' fuii tbh 88 B8 aiia ITto 1T lTVi ITU 1T4 1T4? 1T8 ITi B4 54 BS 84 SOT SBS 358107 m x": 2J5L I .:tm . m :::::::::: ioH ass bbi rag a a li S 1J 14J ldBte 14T U sLg: Sal 3104 SIB HO U4 I IE!; 2 3 oavx. 8H 88; at. I osua. . i stv sau rtaa i uir t I w BS i BTtt BTU I Il47ll4fl444- 148 i 3 SB .ant m m a? S3 m5 Sw 11TH 1ITZ 11T 11T S S814 SB 884 ij" 81 JS a. &i Ww ST ' gf Bsi4 884 118 1102 110 llOt 444 48H 48 4St 108 5 108S? 108 1084 8 tB2l 10 1SV 44 4 4g 431, 2J4 88 88 8 Bar silver. 87e: Lea- Trb Oath ehflaa. Hie Doctors WhoCure W want every man who le Buffering from any special dlaemaa or condition to com and nave s social chat with us and w will explain to you & system of treatment which Dr. W. Norton Davis has developed after over 10 year' ex perience In the spscslal dlstsais of men. It la a treatment Baaed upon eclenttflc knowledge, and one which haa proven au parlor to all others. Inasmuch aa It haa been tried by thousands and proved successful. If you will call aad Baa) ua, we will give you FREE Or CHARGE an honest and scientific opinion of your - case- If. after examining you, we find your case incurable, we will tell you so; If. on the other hand, w And year is cure oie, we win guarantee a cure, allowing; too TO PAT WHEN ENTIRELY SATISFIED THAT A (TRE HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you may pay In monthly payments ahould you desire. Over SO Per Cent off Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Coat ef $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Instructive Book for men mailed frag in plain wrapper. Mealed If you cannot eail at oases, write for question blank. Thousands enrevl S p at. a ie a. f SB S BW SB. do. do pistolled -k Island, common, do nrefaiipel St. LIS. r . Id nfd do that nfd St. L it jr.. com. St. L. a 3. W nr. owswa r-acine. .-vwrnern metric, pre Southern Rallwav ram Southern Railway, pre rucuTC . T St. L. a W at. L. W.. pra Colon Pacific, coal... Union Pacific, are... C. S. Rubber, asm. . TJ. S. Rubber, pra... V. S. Steel Co.. cam S Steal Ca.. are.. TwtatoedBrVi w New Tore. Sept aaa. Sited. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Van Noy Hotel, 11 Third St Corner Bine. Portland, Or. Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 2 tearWtej go. Spnej Throuek Pnllm.. Ingres ra dairy to Omaha. Chtoei TifSf". 'eV4lt3re t(aat"free) f ChlrroPortuind leave. Arrive. oo pet oaicsgn-Portland Special far I'';"' l HBat. dlT t:S8as) Spokene Ply.r for lUatev t aahlneton (Co- aa.n. Lewutos. Ceear dUwn and it. a P"e for (he Bast iw..Hn,'n'. daUj ,S1S pat tiM BO rnrtiaod-Blara loral ro. .it '!! egs .ml orxraud. datrr i ll i Maai colcbtbia arvBB nvigtoi. afJ.m.eifr, pew'", taeaeMtisx wlBB E1? for llwac am So), hacch. Stoamsf r5"rt !eavee 8 p. a. uXBr. fJ' ."""""r: Saturday. 18 p. a. A-rtvee sfoot S p. m.. ercept e.nn,r TXXIHILL BIVBB ROTJTB. -J "nyton. Oregon oty and famhlll rtees Cr. t V "5 IF"1 " siBuae. aax-et. eawu. Slttlnl ajSL'.faW M Sunday ' p. m. unity. SNAKE RIVBR ROtTTB. f"-. XJetoB. Idaho, aad wsr Bet fair ui ,i- ,,n"r Spoksne sad lw1 aY., : " XPC" srrreal TrsSs, iicaei utrice. Third end Waahtasasa sts. Ticket Aswat. Wbi. BTeMTJBBar. Oeaeral Pea EASTw, SOUTH Uatoa Overload ge Salem. Beaauaig. Aa- If Angela. SI Pom, New Orleaae aad the eaat Merajeg trsfa ooaaects at for Leeee. Arrive. 8:48 pm n-usas dairy b train t Ansel tlWte, Bmwoavilla. SarlagflehL WeadllBg snd Natron t:lia T:18 pet feet at Woodbara with Meant Angel .ad Sileartea local CorvsUla Sheridan peaeeager roreet Orove psisnigei IIS -".iiy. ttsny except Baa 4 18 pet te sxsei .. t oo am StaWxas i 1 1 : 00 sm its;" 5m pm l:B8ps itrrxMoy stbsit station. Par Dallas sad totatwMtat getata aaftof T BS a. m. aad 4 US p. m. Arrive Pul Itoaaf 18:10 a. m. aad 8:28 n. ss. PXe time snd card ut Oswego an! tppiy st city Ticket office, or eta Tickets to Beaters aoeat. ax) mUmm Jsnaa. China. Roaolatn ami A net rail.. City Ticket Office corner Third aad Wstav tagtnn streets. Phoa Mara TIE C. W STTNOrR. Ws. McMCRBAT. nr i icaet Arenr. nee. Pass. TIMECARD OF TRAINS Portlaricti TRANSPORTATION. Be NOOSE ABOUT NECK (Con tin wad from Pagm ona. in toia in detail of the houFg of wa.t bow" procaedings in Portland. when the cashier at flrat positively de nied all knowledge) of gambling and latsr confessed to having frequented the big houses In Astoria and the atUwwnfeta club. William Pit mar, manager tit . Weetern Union st Portland, waa another witness. He was call ad to Identify a an as eg sent by the accused cashier to hia brother In Ohio. In thla telegram Tsax Anker aald: "Surety company will nmuoot. Looks black. At best will ruin. $1,900 R Johnson, also nf Portland in whose company Van Ail Iter spent the night after hia confession, told of the contents of the message. BnteTr Too Large a Boa. William Whitfield, an exoert account ant of Portland, testified that the brjnko of the bank showed that Van a,.u.e Colombia RiverScencry Regulator Line Steamers Dally set-Tie between Portland Bast Th Dalles except Sunday, leaving Port land at 7 a. m . arriving about Bv SB, carrying freight sod paaeeasBia Sglaa did accommodation Bar outflts aad livestock. Dock foot ef Aider street. Portland: root ef Court street. The Mala 114. Portland TRANSPORTATION. Lintaafaaawal gJMl kXrTV t. He He showed the particular knot waa tied and also bow Van Aukar afterward tlaeT the eame kind of a $$4.50t. Buffalo, N.Y. an J return via the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. 9 and 6; final limit November 15. This will be your last opportunity of the year to go to the far east at s reasonable a figure. Make Cur berth reservations early to lure food accomodations. See any ticket agent or write to H. B SMITH . T. P. A. Seattle, Wash. Aarlea leimwetoa Parx-Kaaaas city I St. Lout Specie! tor Chess He. Cearralm. Otympta. Seys Rarher. South Rend. Tnmmn. Seattle, Snofcaa. Li nkJlBB. Bntt. Billings. Denver, tms- ua. aaaaaa t'tty. St. Leak : aad SiBthsssl, dally 8:! I Wig Coatrt Laafred. ctoeWto :ighted. far Tacoma. Seettle. Snokan. Bntt. tftimennelm. St. Paul snd tb beat, dafto. 8:08 am "B1 iijiieeu i.Hnirea. rer Clan msut, CashaHs. cn rrstta. Txiewe aad Seettle I enly. dally rwm nry nvpreas rnr T ace jsa, Seattle. Spnkne. Helena, rwiTia st. rani, xmnee Lincoln. St. Jneenu. K city. Omehe. St. Lsatx euf ctienge ef earn. Btreet eonner-tiona for all notatn Bast msd BaufBaMt. det& 11 471 am 10:38 aaa 4 X0 m T OO as TELEGRAPH beat making a also told a rhabie tale that related to hlnaW the cashier about exneBtasices with hn hia In whlab he Idapn in tho east. entrusted with 17.008 nsd entered Immediately after the rob- hT 'he hlwhwaymen frrr a period of eev- sx,sss loaa aa stolen." while lat.r l oral yean aeveiopments showed thst a much I There were also In court two men. smaller amount wna miaslng. ! William Spencer snd Edward Watson Ha also said that If a shortaans In the who. with slight difference, answered cashier's accounts had existed It could , deeeriptlnns Van Anker gave of the two have been beat concealed hv th. .h. I bandltB who held him up. nsimar n acur on tne race, aa aid s traction or- ninda from tha gold re- The loss ss the- result at the onery aa tola By the cashier waa all gold, coin. President Monro of the Oresmn Trust 4 Bavlnga aompany af Portland Waal another witness. He stated that Van Aukar fter the alleged robbery salted his advice In regard to making arond the bemk'B losses. replied by telllna tha oaahler that If guilty he stlouQt make good, bat If lnnm-nf he should by no means pay It back. Sheriff White produced In crrttrt the with which the cashier clslmad to the though. In nil "thing, I . Inthl glvn h whom th hanker described. oilier respects, even In they answer ths descriptions the part of the mucous unhran. tast pas, tnrowx, a re, naad and lungs, etc., ara subjected to dtaaaee and blight from neglected eoida. Ballard's Korw hound Syrup la a pleasant and effeetlv retnetly ' W. Akendrlck. Valley Mills, TOBaam. writes: "I have used Ballard's Mils hound Syrup tor coughs and throat troubles. It Is a ylaanant and most af. Tb i anaasypt Sunday Betwexnt rKRTLDandA5TORIA tesswa Portland T ea a. n Arrive Astoria .18 ZZ Arrive 5fevi' J I SO p. Zl Arrive Portland 8:88 p. mk St Ptta ' 8 KRVXI5 A CARTn Assort Landing, CaUeade "Dewfe! A a SCOTT. Agent. Phone Main BBS 2 Overlaiin Tralastally J "The Oriental Limited, tha Past Kali m VTA SBATTU AlfB ABB. Arrive. Portland time nelly. Leave. to ens rrom spnsane. St. Paul, hflaneoelle. nuluth and all points Bast vU See trie t .to sm Tne sm 11 48 pm g:8Baa Te aad from St. Peal. Mtnneepnlla. Dntntb and all points Bast els Spokane 8 IS pm gtSBSB) Sailing from Seattle tor Japan sad Tdns perm and Ms nil., nai 1 1 tog paa seagere gad freight. a a aianssets. October SB. 8 8. Oakova. Bavmbev SB. WrPPOW YUBJf N iJansn Mall Sreemshtn Cn.l S. a Saga mar will sett fm Seettle sheot October 2 for JknM and Chi snd freight Pnr rTcbete. tfhne, etc.. call H. OICXSOW. 0, St., Portland m pan port., carrying paasaaaate ratsm berth, reserve, aa or address 9. T. A. IBS Thtrd Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca Alaska unrrrw btwbj awattt st s p. m. fur Ketchikan Jnnee. Sanaa. way. wnite Horse aad PalrSaaaa 8. g City of Seettle. tieakw 10, 38. I I Uumnoldt. VB SAATrKAKCU0B1w3e. & eattl It Q 1 m I navtttlai - - esp From O. K, c. n m ma stills. Beet i. Sept. St. S. S. Fa A. Kilburn Nevt Pee Caw Bay from Per tie ad Prldsy Sept. SB. from Sea rraeckwe. Tsars., as. A i-ninn Depot I steel at Mergers. Batutar, Cists nr. Weetseet. Clirvae. A. torts. Warren tn. PlaveL Hetnmond. Port tt.rsna Oear- hsrt Par. Beeelde StOSssa 11 BB set Astoria snd Saeebere, .sprees dally RSBeai B .W gsx All train dnlly. S. 0. KAYO, ff P nad P. a.. Aeeayxx, Or. ft, A. STBWABT, Cesaarevewal Aaamt, SSI. Aider street. Panes Kale SBS. UpDCr C0teUlewsl BwarVLtf STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leavee Oak sfre Wednesday and ' ''ewstAee?' OasBawaVw points ae tm mg. errlvea to I potat aa. have been bound hand and foot by the U'sTfTiiTa m.