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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER M, 1909 I The Market Basket Not many people living north of the Mason "! Dixon lino know how or when to ant bananss. Tbt la the as aartlon of a prominent authority on th fruit. According to thla expert the ba nana never should be eaten until the outside akin haa begun to turn black. In the north few people car for ba nanas unless the skin has the rich mel low appearance. That la the time, aays this expert, whan the fruit should be laft alone. It'a not good then. Walt until It has fully ripened. Unless you have tasted bananaa In the latter condl- j tion you don't know what the real taste la. When fully ripe and turning blank the banatta la very sweet, while In Its mellow state la haa only a resemblance of sweetness, where the bananas grow they uae them for many purposes. They are made Into flour for the dally bread I and cake and baked and fried much like ordinary potato. Where they grow, the banana la the cheapest article of diet. It la therefore usea extensively un sat wcuiudi. in t'entral America, where the banana thrives, they sell to the dealers at about i cents a bunch of large else. Small also bunchea frequently aell aa low aa 16 or IS cents Very amall onea can ' hardly be given away. When ahlpped from their native heath the banana la aa green aa possible. The fruit la so green and hard that the bunchea could be laid out In the street and the passing Of a vehicle over them would hardly mar the fruit. ney must be ahlpped In thla condition to arrive in good shape In faroff countries. New Orleans and Mobile are the principal banana ports i of the United States and from these two places regular trains loaded with noth ing but bananas, make their way dally to all parts of the United States and Canada. Measengera are sent out on each train by the shippers; one messenger being assigned to take care of the shipment to a single city. This Is the very last chance you'll have to get peaches thla season, for there will be no more coming thla year I from California and local supplies are ' about exhausted. The price Is going higher. Apples are now coming In very good shape and the demand Is beginning to increase quite materially. There la now a much better demand for grapes on account of the scarcity of other fruits, but quality la not quite ao good as a week ago. Plums are fast disappearing on ac- count of the unfavorable weather. Pot the paat week or ao there has ; been a combine on In the potato market. Only a few dealer had supplies and they increased, the price at least a third. With the larger receipts, however, the public wlU soon secure more favorable prlcea. Onions are showing a very good crop, but thus far the growers have not brought them to market In any great quantities. Thla caused the high price. Strawberries are again quite plentiful from local points and the larger mark eta are finding a good sale for them at 25 canta for a one-pound box. Eggs are again higher on account of the smaller supplies of local ranch atock. In the wholeaale market some sale are reported almost at SOc a d ox en, while at retail the price ranges from 36 to 49 cants. Eastern eggs are now coming here at the rate of a oar a day. These are of quite fair quality and are sold at about S centa a dosen less than the local. A few retail prices for you: Berries Huckleberries, 12tc pound RtrnwherrfAH !., hnt Fruits Bananas, 26c dosen; lemons. lac dosen; limes, 29c dosen; apples, 76c OI1.69 box; plums. 26c basket; plneap ,ples. 35 tpc each; gooseberries, two pounus lor znc: grspes. aeaysec nasxei; casabas, 40c each; peaches, (1.25 box; cantaloupes, 6010c. Vegetables Eggplant, It He pound: peppers, bell. lOftlfHc pound; peas. telephone, 8c pound; string beans, three pounds for 26c; cucumbers, 26c dosen: summer squash, 8c pound: new Cali fornia onlona, 80 pound; rhubarb, S pound; potatoes. 2c pound; green onlona. 26c dosen bunches; new carrots, three bunches for oc; head lettuce, to head; radishes, to a bunch; cauliflower, 19916c head; tomatoes. 90 9 76c box; green corn, 26c dosen; mushrooms. 60c pound: oeiery, three heads, 26c; sweet potatoes, four pounds for 26c. Fresh Fish Halibut. 10c pound; sal mon, 1214c: sturgeon, 16c; striped baas. 20926c: soles. 12Vi916c; black sod. 12c; parch, 10c; flounders, 19c; shad, ItHo; sea trout, 20c; crabs, 16c each; salmon checks, 26c dosen; shad roe, 25o pound. v Butter and Eggs Beat creamery, 6 9-.c per two-pound roll; cooking, 49c rou; rresn ranch egga. MO 40c; eastern, SOc dosen. Poultry Chickens, "20c pound: ducks 76C 981.25 each; squabs, 75c pair; spring cnicxens, 26c pound. LJlVj cts propound is you pay for best CerHFood-VITOS To make this cleat the package of Pillabury's Beat Breakfast Cereal 70a bar of your grocer costs 30 cents and it makes you 18 pounds of delicious, creamy, .easily prepared and never sticky or lumpy. QUALITY It's PUUbury's Very Best and when I compared with the ordinary IS cent, ready-to-serve cereal, It moot La mm the year. ASK YOUR GROCER. M20c L tjBsmwa Everlasting Jars. Quart alse of Everlasting Jars now In stock. Trade supplied by Wadhams a Op, SHORTAGE II LABOR PULLS DOWH PROMT CROP Insufficient Picking Fore the Cause of Smaller Production Than Expected. EMM (fusslj r.raWa.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER StL 80S, SO Third sc. est. Jiffsma. Ms Store of Little Prices roxxowuie ratan wixx save roe so OV IVF.OY DOLLAJt OUAXITYOUABAimiD CHiixnroj! anx Axro iowuza 'TEST JniS. .uM It 6 DkY Oaajroxsrzn 81.09 (Spews! ntspatrk te The lasaaal.) Corvnllls. Sept. 28. The recent rains have done much damage In thla vicin ity tn the prune orchards, aa the fruit Is ripening rapidly and falUng. Much difficulty Is experienced In securing help enough to care for the crop. At the Benton county Prune company's or chard, north of thla city. 86 or SO pick ers aro engaged In gathering the fruit, but there wUl be heavy lose on account of the facts mentioned. This crop has been purchased by Laaalle Bros, of Albany, one of the firm being tn charge of the big drier, while Robert Johnson of this city Is overseer of tne picking crew. At the A. Jr Johnson orchard of 80 . acre, pickers cannot be had In aufft clent number to care for the crop, and thero will be a correspondingly heavy lose aa the prunes are falling and spoil ing on the ground. The price paid for picking Is seven cents per box. and there Is an unusually heavy crop, but It seems aa though It Is Impossible to have a good crop and then get It cured, at least some mishap has befallen moat of the good crops that have been promised In this section for several years paat. can goeaa .. 8 pact atagsoha entases currents ateyai net log aswser ., 0c Sbaekwell's efive eO, ot settles. 09c I Arm A HasMBer soda C.T.. Se a Uary table arras..'.. H-gal eaa faaey tsMe arras 80s sareaaee wsett Diacoit. per psf faaey Sari Jess real. Bar ass. .10 1 9 sfegsYsew J crown aseaeO ratals. a hw sear areaa Ma l ib can Royal baking nun i 1 lb pas Ann Haoai an can nwrr nses Wheat btecstt. per IS bars Bare! Saves seas . . . T esss bast U aardlnte In oil Walter Bakers Breakfast Cocoa, per can Picnic basaa (faaey) per lb Cave oysters, l ib eaaa, aoHd, per Boa. . . H-O oata. 2 lb Dksa. ner Dks Walter Baker's I "remittal IJasweateaed Oboe. olate. par poosd SBe Hard wheat adar. par sack , 91.00 Scotch eats, par sag lot Pnatnm cereal par pkg 80 Fell's Naptsa sssB. per taw 8 Rest aort wheat floor, per seek ..81 00 Jars Msebs eeffae (ragalsr 99a) tfle 54 Box aoda crackers (abost 10 Iks) fit rnjrtiak Bm Blast tea. per lb 10, thane aa Blacnlt. per ska .9e BrrrtAU ion boxes of Maseet LabbsYt aosp, 100 ban to boa. per box It. u .10 raoirx main Taeadsvs sad miara. Buffalo Convention. On account of the big convention of Christian churches at Buffalo October 12 to IT, the Canadian Pacific has made a rate of 884.90 for the round trip, .Tickets on sale October I and 8. Long time limit. Make your sleeping car reservations now. Double dally train service. For further particulars, coll on or address P. R. Johnson. F. a P. A.. 142 Third street, Portland. Oregon. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and California races Take Bell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. Frank L.Sniith Meat Co. 088 Alder St., bat. First and Second Sta. "Fighting the Beef Trust" Pare, Clean. Healthy. Wholesome. Unadulterated Meats. sup Bones, per lb Se? Soup Meat, per lb 4 LJver. per lb 5 Oxtails, each 64 Boiling Beef, per lb S Beef Stew, per lb 6 Abort Ribs Beef, per lb Matton for "tew. per lb Ba cornea teer. par id Mutton Roasts, par lb Veal for Stew, per lb Shoulder Steak, par lb..- Ma Bast Cuts of Pot Roast, per lb 8? Shoulder Mutton Chops, per lb. . 10 Roast Veal, per lb 10 Breast Veal, per lb tOt Rolled Roast Beef, per lb Of Round Steak, per lb 10? Hamburg Steak, per lb lo jkusaate. per lb lOt? Frankfurt style Sausage, par lb. 10 Prima Rib Roast Beef, per lb ISM Prima Rib Steak, par lb 13 He? LeXa Steak, par lb 1SH tln Roast Mutton, par lb IS? IOln Mattoo Chops, per lb IS? Pot Roast, par lb IStof Psjr Chops, per lb 13Ht? Veal Cutlets, per lb IS? Pressed Cooked Cornbeef. par Ib. lSHF Ms San, ( quality, per lb 1 7 Breakfast Baron, vary choicest, SWT lb 174 Pur I-ard (wa 1I0 nt handle com pounds or mixtures). I lbs..,. 0" We wlU give stOl lower ftsss to aU bbibbibH fcj7 SPICES, o COFFEE, TEA, BAKING POWDER, HJeVORINO EXTRACTS .IWtlufeMhr, FlnesfFlivor, 0rmrfifSrmiVh.wHSOr COSSET ft DEYERS Fellows Grocery meats Company groceries 349-351 Oak St Phone Main 2506. 348-350 Ankeny St. Quality the Best Quantity the Most It is not necessary to tell our regular patrons that the big new store on Ook street is the best and cheapest place to buy your Meats and Groceries. It is to those who have not given -us a trial that this ad is directed. We can and will save you money. Give us a trial order. We Arc Selling for Tomorrow ROSE CITY FLOUR, best you ever used, per sack. BEST FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, per roll.... BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, 19 lbs for.... .S1.15 eo? 1.00 1 3-lb. box Crackers SO? 1 8-lb. box Crackers .....5Ss 7 lbs. best eastern Rolled Oat.S6? 1 pkg. Scotch Oats lOe) 1 can Bakers or Ghiradelli's Cocoa SOe? 1 square New Honey Us) 1 pkg. Fig Prune SO? 1 pkg. Postum 20? 10-lb. sk. Graham Flour S5? 10-lb. sk. yellow or white Corn Meal 5d 2 cans Standard Corn 15? Butter-Nat Bread IS always desirable always healthful always in order. If s the same delicious, well-kneaded, rightly baked, wholesome staff of life that has won the commenda tion of almost every housekeeper in Portland. There's something winning about its goodness that is irresistible. TRY IT 5c per loaf at your grocer's This Label BbbssbssI BaffsWrsaasasal SkVQsBBBSsl wtKR bbbbS LbbbTX 1 1 I I J bbbbTbbbbbsW On Every Loaf POPULAR W PEOPLE'S MARKET & GROCERY Phone Main J 41 2 First and Taylor Streets Baaa 22 lbs. Granulated Sugar for fk( With Every Sjoo Order P 1 .VV PORTUaND'S CUT-RAJE SUP PLY HOUSE Saturday's HALF GALLON MASON JARS 85 QUART MASON JARS 65a PINT MASON JARS 7 55f 8 CANS OIL SARDINES 25 9 LBS. CHEESE 25 10-LB SACK YELLOW CORN MEAL 25 1 SACK LIBERTY BELL FLOUR, fl.00 3 BOTTLES CATSUP 25 1 PKG. POSTUM 20s S CANS ANY KIND SPICES 25 8 CAKES HONEY 25 3 CANS OYSTERS. 25 8 MACKEREL 25 OLYMPIA FLOUR 81.15 PER BARREL 84.25 8 LBS. SWEBC POTATOES 25 Bargain Counter FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, roll. .50 FRESH EGGS, do. , 25 8 CAN8 ANY KIND CREAM IBs 5 LBS. RICE 25 8 BAR8 MONARCH SOAP 25 13 BARS SAVON SOAP 25 10 LBS. ROLLED OATS 35 3-LB. 'BOX SODA CRACKERS 20s 1 LB. GUNPOWDER TEA 20s 1 LB. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. 25 1 LB. JAPAN TEA 25 MEATS Choicest Assortment of Meats in the City at Cut Rate Prices FANCY CHICKENS. LB .17 9 LB8. COMPOUND LARD 45 10 LBS. COMPOUND LARD .90 These Prices for Saturday Only Special Delivery to All Parts of the City t MAT OH THESE VAUUES IF YOU CAN! New York Market and Grocery Phone East 450 477-479 Williams Avenue Phone Bast 460 ALBINA'S POPULAR UP-TO-DATE TABLE SUPPLY HOU8E GROCERIES, MEATS, PROVISIONS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 50-lb. sack K. P. Flour.... f 1.10 The best money can buy. 1 lb. Basket' Fired Japan Tea, 40c value 85 7 lbs. faaey Sweet Potatoes. .25 6 lbs. String Beans 25t 12 lbs. fsacy Dry Onions 8R 25-lb. box Fresh Tomatoes. . .OS) 25-lb. box Green Tomatoes . .aSa) 7 lbs. Pink Beans 2 10-lb. ssek Graham, Whole Wheat or Patent Flour 25 10-lb. sack yellow or white Corn Meal 2Ss 1 pkg. Ruffled Rice t04 1 gaiT pure Cider Vinegar 25) 1 sack Fsncy Potatoes fl.10 2-lb. roll fancy Country But ter 1.44 1 can Wsdco Pineapple, sliced. 15 2 cans Eastern Corn 15 2 cans Wadco Salmon 25 3 cans Red Salmon .25) 3 csns Oysters 25) 3 bottles Catsup 25a) 1 pkg. Postum Cereal SOt H-lb. csn Ghirsrdelli's Cocoa. 20) 3-lb. oka. Soda Crackers. 1 lb. Old Dutch Blended Coffee, vslue 25c SO 1 lb. Monarch Mocha snd Jsvs Coffee, value 30c 25) 1 lb. Spider Leg Tea 40f 19 lb9. Sugsr 1.00 22 lbs. with s $5.00 order. Public Verdict Our Meats FRESH. RICH, SWEET AND JUICY. 5 lbs. C P. Lsrd 45) 10 lbs. C. P. Lard OSS) 5-lb. pail Pure Home Rendered Lard ...OS) 10-lb. pail Pure Home Rendered Lard Sl-20 3 lbs. Hslibut Stesks 25) 1 lb. Salmon Cutlets 10 2 lbs. Cod Fish 1S WOODLAWN AND PIEDMONT DELIVERIES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. TOWNSENO & VAN SCH00NH0VEN THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. XL imtl Rainier Market Fresh masts always on band and prices within tba reach of all. Fresh Ranch Eggs, ' dozen . 80s and 36s Best Apples, box 75s Fresh Comb Honey 15 Fresh Jar Honsy -JO.) 25) SO Vlnesar In bottles. Iais slae, per bottle " lO) rrask Visa Tary Wadnasday-rrtday. rrsaa Sllml tnilaaraas Saturday. Sat, Bra's and Oh eaa. Wholesale and Retail Grocers Btndy our prloss Shast you win SSS why our trade haa ot Ska hifhest qusllty and wa ohaJlana; a oompartsoa with be found In any store. 147 FIRST STREET Oar foods Fresh Creamery Butter 65c & 70c Fancy Creamery Butter . . . 55c Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen 35c Good es aoe ;.r . .... W get our eggs from the farmer, but ler frutm .the cream erlae no ml (idle men. Cross 4 Black well Lucca Oil. qt 65 Cross Blackwell ChowTM pint ao H. O. Oats lO) 1 can good Peaches or Apricots ... Standard Tomatoes 10 8 cans Corn, Pea or String Beans. 25a) sli'iisa ' ii' i i' 'in i i' Evaporated Cream. Z cans for 15) 1-lb. ean Baked Beans 5a) 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda. I '6 napipa soap, zor 7tnm S bats Baby Elephant Soap 25) 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea 15a) 1 sack Gunpowder Tea 25s 1 ssok Beat Valley Flour Sl.OO i sacs gooa tiara wnear r lour . . . . tfaje) bbck Dear tiara wneat anour (patent) ,. fl.20 i oome worcesterenire nance, ISo alse ioe 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs 35s) oiun unlivery lutaaay ana r riaay. yPHONE MAIN 1181. Central Market Is not a stranger to economical house wives. They all know It's here they gat tha best of everything: In the line of Roasts, Poultry, Fish snd Oysters. See us. Kindorf Bros. ISO Ave. Psoas asset 41 17th and Savier Sts. Fresh Ranch Eggs 25c, 30c Beat Creamery Butter 55s) and Oe Dairy Butter 40) and 45) Best Sugar Cured Ham 16) Breakfast Bacon IT) Full Cream Cheese, lb '. .15) Swiss Cheese, lb 25) Cream Brick, lb 20 Llraburger Chees. each 85s) Saturday Chicken Day. Chicken 18a) and 20 lb. 'All goods retailed at wholesale prices. LA OR AN DE CREAMERY Special Saturday CHICKENS YOUNG GEESE YOUNG DUCKS RABBITS Chinook Salmon, lb. . , Crawfish, dosen , 104 25 Oysters, Pacific and Eastern Clams, Crabs and Anything 1 in the Fish Lint. Columbia Fish Co. ThN and Ankeny Phone Main 5 REMOVAL NOTICE Owing to the1 large increase in our business we were obliged to seek larger quarters and can now be found at 80 First street, between Stark and Oak streets. Wa are better prepared to serve our old customers aa well as new. We deliver to all parts of the city as well aa outside towns. If you are not able to come to our store send a postal card and we will give your order our most prompt attention. We deliver twice a month to the following places: OSWEGO. BEAVERTON, BERTHA, LINNTON, ST. JOHNS,v TROUTDALE, LENTS, OREGON CITY, CANEMAH, WIL LAMETTE FALLS. TRY OUR SPECIAL BLBNO Ardmore Brand Coffee 3 Pounds for $1.00 BOYD TEA COMPANY 90 FIRST STREET PHONE, MAIN 3363 OX.D StaXXABUB Dalles Diamond Boor has never failed to please. It has al ways bean the standard for family use. Ask Tour Orooer roe wbbbbbb bUbbbbbbbbV The Original Diamond Strait. R. H. GUTHRIE Portland Rep., 118 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Paotfle 8251. FRESH DAILY AU Klnda of fresh and Salt Water Pood. Oysters, Fish, Shellfish and Poultry Oat for your Sunday dinner a nne oh token, etrletly fresh. C. Covach (2b Co. UPTONS CEYLON TEAS. DIRECT FMOM THE C Jt D E M S The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest Tea to Buy ran One Pound Equals Three Ifav 1 Ceylon and India 1-Vb. can. TB No.,8 C. aad U I lb.. .94 Mo. 1 Csylon and India '.-lb. can. 40. No. 2 c. and I . H lb. . . 85 SOLD Br ALL GROCERS A. H. WHIett & Co. Wholesale and Retail Croc era "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY", REMEMBER OUR MOTTO: "PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY" If you are not satisfied with your grocer why not let us supply you? We can do so and guarantee you satisfaction, not only in the service. but -quality ot goods. We handle nothing but the best. Come and see us for your next order. - 128 ORAIND AVEJNUB NEAR EAST MORRISON PHONE EAST J