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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1906)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, IBPTEMBBR It, ltW, It CUIR WW GAME IN THE TEHTH Portland Lsaders Taks tsoond Contest From Seals in a Clot Matoh. PITCHER CUM PUZZLES SAN FRANCISCO NINE Uphill Battle Is Won in Extra In ning on a Base on Balls, Mitchell's Drive and Walthour' Slow Field ing Giants May Take Series. (Joarnsl Spsclsl Berries.) Oakland. Sept . The Clients contin ued thalr good work ysstsrdap by defeat ing tha Seala tn a eloee ten-Inning f fair, I tL Oum waa on tha firing Una for the Portlanders. and had WUaon'a men guasslng throughout. The Seala were tha flrat to break Into the run column. In the second Inning Irwin was t van uf en an eaay chance that Smith nd Sweeney didn't go after, and scored when Sweeney threw the ball a mile In fielding Walthour's drive. ' From the way Welch waa retiring the Olanta It looked as If he would record a shutout, but those who reckoned that way had another guest. In the seventh Inning with two Olanta buried. Donahue touched u Welch for a single, and Pets Lister earns along with a three-base hit and scored the Portland catcher. There was nothing more doing until the tenth, when Welch became unsteady and passed Bill Sweeney. James McHale died promptly: Mitchell smashed ope to right Melt, and before Walthonr fielded It. Sweeney bad crossed the plate with the deciding tally. The Olanta played rapid ball, and. Judging from their present form. San Francisco- will not be able to take a game out of tha series. The score: PORTLAND. . AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Sweeney, as. 4 1 I t 1 McHale, cf 4 0 0 4 0 Mitchell. If. S S 1 S 1 S McCredle, rf. i o l l o e Smith. 8b. j I t 1 Kane. 2b. S 0 S 1 1 f Donahue. C 4 1 1 t 4 0 Lister, lb 4 1 S 1 Oum, p. 8 0 3 0 Totals . UiioiX SAN FRANCISCO. AB R. H Pp. A B. Spencer, ef. 4 S 1 0 0 Wheeler, es S 0 1 7 Mohler. :b 3 0 S S Dunleevy. If. 4 0 0 1 1 1 Irwin. 3b 4 1 1 0 8 S wiuiams. lb ...a e i is e e WaMhoar. rf. 3 S I 0 Wilson, c i 0 1 8 1 Welch, p t S O 0 1 0 Hlldebrand 1 S 0 0 A 0 spies" I o o o t 9 ...SI 1 4 10 1 t Totals . .... Hlldebrand batted for Wa 1th our In the tenth. spies batted for Welch in tha tenth. SCO rUC BT INNINGS. Portland IMIMltt 1 T ' nit . . sssioesie 1 San Franclaco .010000000 01 Hits . . I 1 I I III II SUMMARY. Three-base hit Ulster. Sacrifice, hit Mi-Hale Stolen bases Spencer, Dun leavy. Irwin. Williams. Bases on balls Off Oum, 8: off welch. 4. Struck out By Oum. 7: by Welch. S. Hit by pitcher Kane. Wilson. Wild pitch weich. Time ox game two hours. plr Umpt Mahaffev. HOW THE HORSES RAN ON EASTERN TRACKS 'J-wnwl Saeetal serrate.) Louisville, Ky.. Sept. SI. Douglaa Park summary: About SIT furlongs, selling Marvel P. won. Sonny second. Peter Nathaniel third; time, 1:13 4-6. Five and one half furlongs Miss Officious- won, Minot second, Boeaerlaa third; time. 1:11 1-1. About six furlongs, selling Principle won. Tarp second, Fargo third; time, 1:14 4-3. Handicap, seven furlongs Hector won. Sir RuaseU second. Excitement third: time. 1:31 3-3 About six furlongs Oracchus won, Nedra second. Olsmor third, time, 1:15 3-1. Mils and . ens sixteenth Corrlgan won, Klein wood second. Jos Lesser third; time, 1:18 3-B. 'a (last sal Saeetal Service-) New York, fept S3. Oravesend race results: Six furlonga Arkllrta won, Vanneaa Charcoal Kills Bad Breath Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Sating Can Be Instantly Stopped. GUARDSMEN ARE HONORED BY CLARK'S RELATIVES Daughtsr-ln-Law of tha Famous Csneral Shows Favors to Ore gon's Stats Rifle Team. Other people notice your bad br'1 where you would not notloe It a all. It is nsuseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually cornea from food fer menting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It in the morning that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at ones by swallowing one or two Stuart Charcoal Loaenges. tha most powerful gas and odor absorbers ever prepared. Sometimes your meals wlU reveal themselves In your breath to those who talk with you. "You've had onions," or "Tou'vs been eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch in the face of your friend.. Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That Is why Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges are eo quick to atop ell gases and odora of odorous foods, or gas from Indiges tion. Don't use breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor, and never ab sorb the gas lhatauaes the odor. Be sides, the very fact of using them re veals the reason for thatr use. Stuart's Charcoal Loaenges In .the first plsca stop for good alt aour brash and belch ing of gas, and make four breath pure, fresh and sweet. Just after you've eatan. Then no one will turn hia face away from you when you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure and fresh, and be sides your food will taste so much bet ter to you at your next meal. Just try It. Charcoal doss other wonderful things, too. It carries away from your stomach and Intestines all the Impurities there massed togethsr end which causes the bad breath. Ohorooal is a puriftar as well as an absorber. Charcoal Is now by far the best, most easy and mild laxative known. A whole boxful will do no harm; In fact, the more jnju take the better. Stuart's ChHrcoVl Losenges are msde of pure willow charcoal and mixed With Just a faint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you, but not too sweat Tou Just chsw them like candy. They are absolutely harmless. Get a new, pure, swset breath, fresh en your stomach for your neat meal, and keep the intestines In good work ing order. These two things ars the secret of good health and long' life. Tou can get all the charcoal necessary to do theae wonderful but simple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. We -want you to teat these lltfle wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So sand as your full name and address for a free sample of Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. Then after you have tried the sample, end been convinced, go to your druggist and gat a 25c box of them. Tou'll feel better all over, more comfortable, and "cleaner" Inside. Send us your name and address to day and re will at once send you by mall a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 30 Stuart Bldg , Mar shall, Mich. Members of tha Oregon rifle team were honored with a vialt from Mrs. Jefferson Kearny Clark, daughter-in-law of General William Clark, of Lewis and Clark fame; Mrs. Julia Clark Voorhls. grand-daughter of Oeneral Clark, and I Miss Eleanor Glasgow Voorhls, groat grano-auagnier, wnue anenaina me na tional rifle match at Seagirt. New Jersey, Oeneral William B. Finger, who re turned from the eaat several dava asro. told of tha vlalt of the relatlvee of the I Illustrious American to the camp of the soldier boys of Oregon. "Mrs. Clark is a very bright old lady," said General Flnser this morning, "and showed a great deal of Interest In the Oregon - boys and their aucoasa In the j ehoot. She also Inquired closely re I gardtng Oregon affairs, and regretted I that ahe waa unable to attend tha ex position given In Portland last year. She explained that her absence from the fair was unavoidable and due to the fact that Miss Voorhls was taken 111 while preparing her wardrobe for tha trip, and that the reat of the party were stayed from the journey because Of this fact. They ars very pleasant people and were stopping at their summer home at Spring Lake, New Jerssy, where they invited the officers of ths rifle team to dine with them. Wa were un able to do this and they extended the same InvttatlonUo us when we were in New York, the I genome, but our time was so limited that we were unable to ac cept. We regretted this very much, because the ladles were very pleasant and pressed their Invitations with much heartiness." second. Robin Hood third; timet 1:12 2-3. Mile and one sixteenth Far Weet won. Ftoh Hawk second. Garnish third; time. 1:44.8-3. Five and one half furlongs They're Off won, Glamoor second, Arlmo third; time. 1:03 S-S. The Albemarle handicap, mile and one sixteenth Running Water won. Coy Maid second. Dishabille third; time. 1:34. Mile and on s, eighth Woolwich won, Bragg second, Neptune third; time, 1:34 2-6. About six furlongs Colonel Jack won. Landeman second, Herman third; time, 1:13. ; a Cincinnati, O.. Sept. 23. Grand cir cuit results: 2:20 class trotting, purse 12.000 Lillian B. won tha flrat and - second heats In a S:134i and 2:12 4. Ball Isla won the third heat in 2:144 Free-for-all -lass trotting, purss 31,500 Went worth won the first and third heats In 3:1344 and 3:18. Norman B won the second heat In 8:114. 3:38 pacing, puree 13,000 Custer won three straight haata In 2:104, 2:04 and 2:104. 2:18 class trotting, purse 31.00. un finished Gale won the first heat in S:1S4. Low Rata to Now Orleans. Account national convention Knights of Pythias, to be hold at New Orleans tn October, tha O. R. A N Co. will on October 7 and 8 sell round-trip tlckete from Portland at rate of 880.30. For further Information In regard to limits, atopovere. etc., call on or address C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. A N Co.. Portland. RACING RESULTS AT ANACONBA AND SPOKANE (foernal Special Service.) Spokane. Sept. 28. Yesterday's race summary: Three-year-old 'tret Lou Miller wort in straight heats; boat time. 3:24. Zanthus and Effle Lamont divided sea card money. Selling, four furlongs Gimmel, 4 tn 1, first; Menden. 8 to 8, second; Wapna-a-ootle. 11 to 8. third. Tuns, 0:80. Won easily by three lengths, second by 34 lengths. Selling, five furlongs Sun Mark, 4 Co 5. first; Mai Lowry, second: Princess Wheeler. C to 1. third. Time. 1:034 Won all out half a length, second by a length. Selling, one mile Major Tenny, 4 to 3, flrat; Prickles. 4 to 1. second; Har bor, 3 to 3. third. Tims, 1:4. Won easily by two lengths, second by half a length. Six furlonga Soundly, even, first: Bell Reed, 6 to S, second; Beautiful and Best. 3 to 1. third. Time. 1:14. Won tiring by s length, second by a length. At Journal Spectsl Service.) Anaconda. Mont., Sept S3. Yester day's race results: - 2:1 trot, puree 3300 Samuel L, won second and third heats: time, 8:184 and S:S0. 8:00 trot, purse 3S00 Miss Dsrby won two straight heats; time, 2 27 and S:S. Four furlongs Long Prince won. U. S. M. second. Homellght third; time. 0:88. Fire furlongs Tlnloch won, Gladys Bell second, Buckster Hodl third; time. 1:8. Mile and a slxtsenth. Montana Hotsl stake Cinnabar won. Dr. Bernays sec ond, Baldo third; time, 1:804. Half-mile Miss Sharp won, Salvyou second. Com us third; time, 0:114. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. Chicago 88 . 14 .(1 New York . .88 88 .38 Cleveland 84 6 .387 Philadelphia T .838 St. Louis .73 .814 Detroit (3 78 .488 Washington 88 88 .872 ..oaton 44 33 .833 At St. Louis. R.H. E. St. LOUIS 3 15 1 Boston I 8 Batteries Jacobeen. Rlckev and Soen- cer: Young, Bwormsted and Armbruatsr. OUR FALL SHOWING l BBBBbI BBBBBai San bbbbL8bbT8bW OF e fcT Quality Hats TSft $2.50 jat "51 CENTS SAVED Comprises all that'a Now and Stylish A glance at our windows will convince you. Top and Bottom Shop f WASHINGTON STREET ju.t Wast of Fifth ON ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAY, SATURDAY, OUR SHOP WILL BE OPEN ONLY PROM 6 P. M. TO 11 P. M. At Cleveland. Flrat srama w. t? St Cleveland is 13 1 New York 1 3 Batterlea Bernhard and Clark: Ches- bm, Griffith, Kiel now and Thomaa. 8econd game R. H. B. Cleveland 3 New York 8 8 t Batterlee Rhoadss and Clark; Doyle and Thomas. A3 Philadelphia. R. H. K. Detroit ..8 7 1 Philadelphia S Batteries Mullln and Schmidt; Wad dell and Berry. Store Open All Day Tomorrow For Goodness" Sake Wear AND KNOW THIS When you buy apparel bearing our label, whether you pay us fifteen twenty twenty-five or thirty dollars, you will receive your money's worth of clothing, measured by the highest standards of style, fit, materials, workmanship and durability. New Fall Models Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes $1150 to $30 IF YOU WANT THE Best $3.00 Hat ON EARTH, BUY A VSR Y HAT U ANA N T B C B C. P. BISHOP SOLE AGENT &7 Third Street; THE STORE WITH THE OPEN WINDOWS jj SPA 'tKSmffpffirif SflKaaV Jmjii amgaacSfflWHsfll assasl IjASJ-iP eft $luFr9&iWBF llLsaaaasaF .BSjSlBU&iM 1 TTl''ff-Hr ' .' ' "i3?WB Jy V." flBsaaar" ' jT ' ' FPTTmK I!! t' Vl"M8nsaB I8st ' ' WliCl mTmTjMw aKnSes'" "ilflilK '.' H 'ssBwR''T4it nB BBKC a 'jf eD VI r-' f ' an TtVaV 4 aaSH BP. BWSJkfQfBU -i"?BWsBeeV sa(B sSsasaPB - ' BMKsDTj-saaaaT ""' cSuTt At R. H. K Chicago 8 J- Washington S T 8 Butteries Owen and Sullivan; Patten and Warner. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. Portland AS 47 4 San Francisco 78 (3 .846T aattie 77 71 .630 Los Angeles 7 7 .810 Oakland 88 88 .447 Fresno 81 93 .367 Angels Take (Journal gpeela! Serrtee. 1 Los Angeles. Sept. S3. The Angela t-layeri errorless ball yesterday and de feated th Commuters. Score: R H IB Los Angeles n o n i n o j o 3 Oakland 0100000 01 4 1 Batterlee Burls and Buckley; Reldy and Hackatt. I'm pi re Perrlne. here and that they were deliberately slugged. They say that Lake's asser tions are untrue from start to finish except that the Hood River team was beaten by a score of 17 to 0; that no advantage was taken of ths visiting team, and that tt tad as msny rooters in attendance at the game as had Hood River. The statement that they played the heavy first team here Is also said to be without foundation by the man ager of that team, who ssys thst the whole story Is more or less a fabrics tton. that cannot but help Injure thle sport In ths eyes of a.l wno see it. NATIONAL LEAGUE. rhlcsgo no Nsw fork 81 Pittsburg 33 Philadelphia ? Cincinnati 8S Brooklyn St. -Louie 31 Boston Won. Lost. P.C S3 .759 .R.1S 16 .S00 .428 .41 .848 .817 At Philadelphia. a RUE Pittsburg 8 IS 8 Philadelphia. IS 1 Batteries Phillips and Pelts; McClos- key snd Dooln. Umpire o Day. tn First. (Journal Special Service.) Fresno, Sept. S3. Jonas waa invinci ble after the first Inning yesterday and Seattle won a closely played game. Score: R H. K. Seattle ...0101 10000 8 1 8 Fresno ...3 00000 0 8 4 3 Batterlee) Jonas and Blankenehlp; McGregor and Ho ran Umpire Derrick. HOOD RIVER OBJECTS TO REPORT OF GAME (Spatial Dlsseteh te The Jearaal.t Hood River, Or.. Sept. 38. Members of Hood River's junior football team take exception to th statements of J. R. Lake published in The Journal that The Dallas team At Brooklyn. R H S. Chicago 3 0 Brooklyn Batteries Lundgren and KUng; Pas- torlus and Bitter, umpire Higier. SPORTING GOSSIP. At lest night's meeting of the board of directors of the Mutlnomah Amateur Athletic club Oeorge IfcMtllan. the foot ball veteran, waa chosen a member of the board to succeed Daniel J Moore of Seaalde. Oregon. Mr. McMillan la a competent athlete, a thorough atudent and one of the most popular young men In th Multnomah club. He 1 wall fitted for the position and will be a credit to the board. Regret waa ex pressed at the resignation of Mr. Moors, whoso out-of-town duties made It im poewHrle far him to act. as A call hss been Issued for a meeting of all the second Multnomah football A A Read, Cleco, Tex., writee, Maren 11. 11: "Mr wrist wss sprained se badly by a fall that It waa useless, sad sftsr using several remedies that failed to give relief, used Ballard's BnSw Lini ment I earnestly recommend It to any one suffering from sprains. ' gold by There's an Air of Independence About Them e Beaver FIFTY STYLES OREGON'S BEST Hats FOR Fall 30 Shades and Colors America's Finest WE FIT THE HAT t FACE Our Hat cTVian Will Be Pleased to Show You the Newest. Fall Styles a T P. A Of. - MAR eSoiD ay WON 166 168 Third St., Mohawk Bid. They Are Built to Stand the Rain Guaranteed playsrs on Sunday morning on th clan field, to organise for the season. Thsrs Is muoh splendid material In tha second eleven and several of Its man are leading oaadMates for positions on ths 'varsity On Sunday morning at 10 o'clock every football man la tha club la requested to be on the field ready for practice. SaMSSafJSsaSBBB A Men's Tonight at tha Man's res on and ple'e institute. Foarta and streets. Rev. J. A. P. Qaw, X. D.. Will apeak upon "Tha Certainty of a Future Life." Allan A Lewta Bast Brand. Didn't Hurt a Bit M gfaV is THE CHICAGO PAINLESS npsimftsni 323 WASHINGTON STREET to ST or?" pay SS.O itos T1'.?..ff?.,!r.,."...fie.aa SSVaT. wold Crowns 8.S ss-K. Bridge Wee M-B4 roea . tessaaA aaa ear tall raanetlaaa. isetk ram svwsg ssd Seasers. ' . tLli