THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 97, 1906. IS A Wholesale Grocer Said I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, Great Sale in Acreage Kw .OS- wTl hundred acre Just BltHed aiainaiBre or running Wltlr on each Int. ad JMaag SMory ninth-grade school, rlaa to towa sod carllae; la ad nearly all level aud Ja high ttatt of cultivation; aq better aoll la the Mate; 1100 to (176 par am. .ft1JV Lfc Wlti SK) to Mt nor a era; aaar term. Tata I tba greetret map oa tba market See u t one. Lrg party to Ira re oar ofBce eriuay oj a a. a.; go with us. Schuyleman & Co. 22 1-2 Washington St. Rooms 34-35 WILkAMarTTK MMHTa-ODa of tha lareeat finest boore an Willamette Hrlgbte (or aala at actual mat; built oa J ear ago for a' hone; beautiful view; fine .urrpandlags; terras. Pbeue u twwi a ua -vi uuivuiuaa , C. 0. Shy. Mala S834, 8 to l a. am. 12.200 -NEW modern Broom bona, full lot 'Kaat Hullad.y addition. D. Miller, 416 ' h amber of Commerce. ISaOOM hooae and lot 1 10x100. aloaa ha tat UaVMO. Far further lafermitloa tkU at eSVi Sixth at. wa earn supply you wit a building BOO up; aome of tha fto eat resident Wet Sona lu tba city. C, L Farrlab a To.. 433 Lumber Exchange. Pbone Main 8313 a SlODtUN 8-room aoaaa on Kaat Taylor, near iota at.; aaa aome. guv Ablngton Blag. main tKrbi. . I3.S00 Va BLOCK on Kaat Salmon, near 18th a. aea mis ar once. too Abingtou blag. maw oosi. lOt 8. block a, Henry ', gddltloo, 22d gad I too. Call 375 East 3d at., forth. $1,100 NEW 4 room cottage, Beat Seventh. tt.zso New 4 room cottage, bath, sear aioiua oarnarn part caio. Ei urge a -room none, union are. I.UUU Large a-room nouae, Eaat 3Stb. l.SOO Laria B-room cot tee. East Mth si. tow o-room nouae, barn, met 4otb. 1.100 7 room bouaa. Haatera atatlon. 100 Large g room cottage, t lata. i.iw awjrrB i -room nouae, close in. l. i ap eh w., Vhoa Mala S10. 2884 Waahlngton ftm BALK A (-roam cottaaa In aoad roadl tton; batb, hot and cold water, lawn, Sowera, urge fruit tree.; at a bargain, 81,800. uu csst Taylor at. Phone Tab 14.1. (w-aike raroa, cioae to Portland; 80 acre Ip paature. balanoa la high atate of cultlva Hon; good e-roosa house; 70 par acre; will exenange ror Portland Improved. H. A. VAN FW8KN 4 CO.. 1V. Morrtoon at. I.SOIv Nrw .roam modern aoaaa. K.3MI-New 5 room bungalow. 83.400 7 -room modern booaa. 100x100 aa Oreely st 2.1xlol au Front it. H A. TAN rossEN a CO., - iy Manigoa at. REAL BARGAINS 8 GOOD RESIDENCE LOTS ON WIL AMRTTK BOPI.EVABD, OVEBLOORINO xxxii, niw.n,; TKIIHI Ji BLOCK ON EAST UTH ST.. 4.000 TBRMS. LOTS IN LINNTOy. 8U81KES8 8KC- TllliV .T00 KAI'H 2 GOOD RE8IDENCR LOTS, BROADWAY, SMS OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., 310-313 DEKI M BUM FORMERLY 403-4 STEARNS BI.DO. 4.000 FOR A MODERN ROOM HOUSE. I SLOCK FSOM CAR LINE ON BAST SIDE; LOT .1.1x120; TERMS $4oo DOWN. 2S PKH MONTH. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO . 311 DEKL'M BUM., FORMERLY 403 4 STEARNS BLDG. S GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR go 000 UNDER r. YEARS LEASE. FAYING MORB THAN 11 PER I'KXT NOW. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. S10-811 DBKI'M BLDG. I FORMERLY 408-4 STEARNS BLDG. J 2 .Vi NEW ROOM BKSLDKNCB. GOOD LOCATION. Slow DOWN tan pbii month. QREOOX PACJFIC INVESTMENT CO.. 810 112 DEKI'M BLDG. (FORMERLY 408 4 STEARNS BLDG.) KB THE ORFGON-PACIFIO INVESTMENT COMPANY FOR FARMS CITY RESI DENCE PROPERTY. GOOD INVEST MENTS AND BUSINESS CHANCES, 810-212 DEKI M BLDG. (FuKHEKbl 408-4 STBARN8 awarw 4 PERFECT HOME $1. TOO -New .Vroom cottage: porcelain hath, hot and cold water, concrete biemat, rement aldewalka. Sae tat Box 100. rleae to car line; E.TE,SE,Rta.4,nMorrtao .,. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALB. ' 14 rr. fire mil., (ram Waada. oa Nee tncra bay, TIUiwok county, on ocean beach; fine atoet ranch, with plenty n( rang. 40 nty of rang Fine timber; c Tag of tide land, 66 acrea fine tlntbor: rill a aarTey r nlae will b oa of tha flueet aunimer reaorta on whea rallrnad reachea the land 1 ml table for laying out In lota; In winter month I great plac for dmki RL'CHTEL a KBBNR 382 Eaat Morrlaon t. Two20-Acrc Tracts Ne.rly all cleared, excellent aoll. plenty of water, good county road, $1,500 ch; term. SBTH Waahlngton it., rooati 34 aad 38. $10 ACRES FAR SALS; fenced. ion ealtirated. SO acrea pagtnre; bou.c. acre Urga barn and outhulldlnga; .( hoolhoaie la Inga; ai hoolhawc In nlac: good orehaiwa. waW watered, free dellery of tnall. telephone; 4 mile from RldgeBelo, Washington; worth $10. OOU and more; prlo aa.wiio; Term., o.owu ca. aaiance to ginti atock and machinery can be purchaaed. W. W. McCredle. Vancoueer, WaabtbgtoB. FINE dslry farm of 180 seres. 6 mile free Kelso. Wash. good road; will keep 50 cows good running wtr through plce, good build lg. good ptsttr fin maadowt. also good outside rang: price IS.OOfl: term: will sail lock at low flsure If desired. Call on i. H. HuntlngtoTi. Kelo. Will. FOB SALB At a bargain. 800 acrea wall im proeed farm mar Eugene. 60 acre orchard Soatly 7 yer old Spttwnburg apples; price 5,000: ems II piyment down, eaty Ur bl ne. E. H. Ingham. Bugen. Or.goa. a BARGAIN 180 par rt; oat of tht heat farm aid etock ranrtie la Oregon. 740 acre. miles from Eugene; well IraproTed: tele phoae; tOO cre fenced with woten wire: 408 acres baa been farmed; ery acre produelng Bra or crop; term y. John Ingham, Eu gene, Oregon. ITT ACRES oTerlooklni Bg iho Columbia. Bear Cape houee aad barn. 400 8n ore; las n room fruit trees. 15 cow. 1 horses, wagon, mower oart and rake, til frn tool; 20 aerts in cultlTstlon. reit good graglag land: On place far atock firm; plenty of outside range; good laanch If wanted; St.OO0. Alrord A Alrord. 183 Morrwo at. "P 10 ACRES choice farm land. o.d ne new 8 room nouae nam, g cuter. rrnll. herrlee: Tlry desirsnie tor home; hlf mile north Griy'g wwimi. mi. acwii carnn. uorgc t lark 880 ACRBB In Tlltanaak, 14 per acre. 1,000 acre. In Tillamook, fg per sere. Ssi actwa near Newbarg. Improred 134 acre 80 aire nr Eugene. Improred 137 acre 1BO ere. uregnn t uy. improred. 887 sere. 0. TAf irns ui. Id w asblngton at. ORB AT SNAP BO acrat. of which 40 s.res are In nuitle tlon, with fair bnlldlnga and frultdryrr; SO ml lea from Port Is nd; ibmrt son fruit trees la fall beerlng. with all the farm sahn.l., maehlnary. furniture aad crop for 84. too. of which 12.000 ran remain at 8 per cent lttarsst. r. rucm. 331 Vi MorrlsoB t. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J &-cffifRTtWtii" HIOH CLASS STOCNt ARB BONDS W trt jlwaya In lb msrhst elthr t hue ttrtyt r tctl r yon I. tall any telle mining or ladiatrtol .teeki win pay yon to get our prion, DONAHUE. Mgr. Brokerage Dept. 18-10 Lafiyette Bldg BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR BALI or tgchgngt. groctry tttrt, taller town: goon oasineee. oat bit Interests ekwwhere Bat Stt. B nark an. Or WMXT has. .mi to .irhi... for a hmiu and Lftlf P .e. Ino.n.l read aw HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS rua a Al. a UK kedtt rxaraaa and carriage BENT Sara and rarrlai S tba day. week ar month. Portland Riding lib. l.'.lh and Alder. HOKHI8 and buggle (or rent tr day. week aud month; aprii rate to bo.laraa-aoaaaa aiitn ana riawtBorae. Eaat 72. FOB SALE-Babrock rui.her tired aurrar, al moat new. Ga b aaen at Foater a Kllar ruin ana aieerett. FOR SALE 1 team at bay marc. right 3.600 uarueaa anu wagou. iii.juHra ox HDerrett al SaUfaood. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PIANO FOR SALE Aa (kful Scbaeff.r tip right Pi"", bought 1 year (go t S400. wftl all at nao ch. Call 454 Eaat 12th at.. north, or nhaoa Kaat 8078 at aaa. " 1 1 1 I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MOVING PICTUBS maclilnea, fUma, aon( alldaa. aaa uuiun, ,w., owaoi. aoia, rent aaa ebangad. Newman. 145V4 Sixth. WB bay. aell or trade any old thing. Tba Peo- ale Paraltur Howe. ltt Front at.. aaimon TaL Main 42S0. BOOKS bought, aold and at the Old Book Star. 229 Taqtalll at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa for rant ar for TUB BBfJNlWICk BALKI COLLENDBR CO. an xaira ax., rortiaaa. SEWING-MACHINES bought, aold. exchanged. ax aaa id; aaxo raataa. i WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. S3T Waahlngton at. WB print your name oa SO calling ear da, proper SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to order; aeoond-hand good for aale. Carleon a KU- atrom. 28 Coach t. Phon Clay 871. SHOWCASES, counter. Sxturaa bought, aold exebanged. Weaurn Saleage Oo . Z7 Waah It. Paella TBS. FS Bl fgraltnr die 703. and will Bar full ealne Phone Pa Weatern SaTeaga Co.. SSI Waahlugtoa t. HOLDEN S RHEUMATIC CURE Sor car (or said by au aragwwta- CLASSIFIBD FARMING LIST ING LIST of Oregon and ed br Bnral Directory Co.. (., Portland. Oregon; up hi'dV io aaxe. S BAR riXTUBBS, pooltable. gate, table. ebalra. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 827 Waablngtou at. MANURE delivered aay part of tka city. and plowing oon. Rvob gait boot. 10 SLIGHTLY damaged aawlag marblne. at ry MS price; Singer. Wheal A Wllaon. Domeatlc. Whit. Houaehold. Da Til and ilnaera. "Wl I Manjuim bldg. FOR 8 ALB SagMklB jacket. (In condition. auy oa ar an. aaareu mm William a. FOB SALE At SO eenta on tb dollar, all In good order, folding tied, coot rang, twdaprlng and awttraa. 3 giaolbie lamp, table a ad heating Itore. 184 Sherman, anuth Portland. ARTISTS material; pletare S4 framlag. H Mourhoog S Co., ill Alder ,t FOR SALE Four freih milk cow. lath, Bellwood. near Uautlll. FOR SALE- At g bargain. 1x10 Aathoay moat ga atudio camera, Hand aud lane; quick. Moure, ITS Mdlaon at. FOR BALE An Underwood typewriter No 4. in nrt clam condition; uaed 3 month S4H Blxtg at. A pargaln. CaU FL'BNITL'BB of T-rttam bong (ar Mil. St jaxreraen; price xnu. HOLE Royal Rival kitchen ran TIMBER. WANTED- Timber landa la Crook. Lak. Klamath and Douglae counties; Urge tract or single ctitmi; IT yon hse anything, com and ua. or writ u stating exact lad, lion and price. Lafayette Realty Co., 313V Washington It. 330 ACRES good timber In Douglas uglaa county 'til aell Terr boot I mile from railroad cheap for eaah If aold at once Sphinx Agency, auwwj mars al "aSear'w. FJ!g. JTol i ber of Coaa- ABOUT 30.000.000 feet near lower Coltamhla la Doug la and rlrer; also .eTersI good tract Curry couattsa. Addree Bo 542. Aatoria. oregoo. WANTED TIMBER ! Wa can hmdli i quarter section or mora la Crook. Klimath ind Lake counties; for oulek return (and a th full descriptions. Including th estlmste of your elslm snd your lowest net essh price. SB BOO BROS. St Sth it, 317-llg Finton bldg . Portland, Or. PERSONAL. PROFESSOR O'NBILL. drrmatoloslat: com plexlon hair, sculp iad ski ipeclsllit. tn perfluou. hair lad ill facial blemlibee per msnontly remoTed: no .car. left: references gteea: ladles taagfet beanty raltnre, elec trolysis, electrical and manual massage for mates, etc.. given; term, reaeonsble. Parlor. Itl 11th it., corner Alder. Consultation and eaeiee tree. Phone Main BSST, DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential tneestla tlon: report fnrnlshed on Irdlrldual. their eheeeet. responslhllltr. etc.: bad debts eo. lected: mlsslag relatlre loreted; ehsrs rsiiooihle. corre.Hndenee enllrlted. Qregoa petctl Sereice. offlee 208-204 Uledner hldg.. lOfk aad Wilhlagtoa it. Phon. main SSI 8. MANLY elgor re.tored by Dr. Robert' Nrre Globil. oa month's treatment, gl: 8 month. 85; aent securely eealed by mall. agent, woonsra. cisr. o.. Portland a. SRXINB PILLS ear II el nervoqi ei mucir weiknes. For Prle 81 s hex. 8 boxes SS. nies or women rltli fall xnsrs Clemen.on. drns Addrees or can 7. O gist. Second ind Yamli hill Sll.. Portland. Or. BALM OF Flag for ill fenvta dlseises. Esst Belmont. Phone East 4034. OR- G. V. KETCHUM rare, promptly prleita dnt. kidney, nerenus. skin and ipaclil rmsie irounies. t,-.ii or write, orae ITOH aim sr., eor. ximBIII. Pbone Pacinr ANY mar ar woman can strong and barmy ;y nsing gexlne nils, ll a box. 8 boxes Rl the great tontci price lib run gaarsfttee Aildreii or rail J, A. CteBMOBDn. drngglat, i. Second ind Yamhill it.. Portl.nd. Or. MOf.EW. wrinkle eaptrnnoa hair remoeed J' f ln yon how. No charge. Mr. M. fi Hill Salt l. Serilng-Hlraeb bids. Piclfle 113. YES. Pilmo Tablet! mike Ton ila they cure nereonene gad make arte. ROe a hn ' .rt . ..... . . i" drugglt. or' sddress Brooke Drug Co.. 8T i.or.o iniro it., rnrtiaaa. ore ma BOLDRN'B RHRUMATIC CURE Sure eare for rbeumatlam. Sold by ill dragglsts. HOLD ON There Is one thing thtt will ear rbenmitlim. Aah yoar druggl.t for b.rk tonic or sddress or call J. O. Clem.nson. drug gilt. Poetlsnd. Oregon. a JSaTSS'' Um" DOLL'S HOSPITAL Rene Ir lag iad draaafag. Ml TarnhH t. !IE ADVENTURESS." "Swrat Dangar," "A fftag In High Uft." "Tswepfy Tears ai'llng' "prlsoaer f BendT' R,A Soetel Job '' BO eenm si eh. A. W. Schmal Oa . 98 First il DR. BINO CH0ON0, tmaortir Chinee root msdlr1ne.i sells f,a. eertaln care for ill tlaeeses 181 Jd . brt. Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS pressed whll you wslt. l.idlei' tkirt preeeed, SO, oumrt. i Igjgt Blith st.. next to Quelle Pboa PselBe BtlHRK A UliNsM IRBTTTTJTE The snil branch..: b.t sa ox i n a syitem. 143 Ash. MISS tllRSOR. expert tgalp nt snd msa. sege Room 81. Tbe Cosmo H Harrison DIBBASBS OP WOMEN Priest. m.t.ralty hoapltali atilel Meet loo iad .peetil e ear. Dr. Pauoi your "For Sate Mis cellaneous" ads and ordered carload of prunes that I advertised therein. PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladlaa, bar. your (or ramadatad and '.paired jy practical farrier ind expert tteti 80 fear' rxpeadeaea la this branch asBa use to gnirintee .ntlr. atlafgctton; win tan it rr.ideac a gie. .atlaute dee trad. A. Relaer, Law bldg.. nd Park I-Oirllc PrclDC Zl7 K CRKTS ALL FOR W CENTS PhonawFOB A SUMMER PLUNGE U 2744. Aad awlm. atrtk tk big tank at the Port laud Natatnrlum Baths; ateam and Turkl.h bstha specialty. Sea the big .Ign. "Baths." Open 8 a. m to 12 p. m Corner Waahlngton ami Saannd ata. Expert chtluaodlat on hand. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged, at Jonea- Book Store. 2B1 Alder It. PHYSICAL culture, all branches, sud maaaagat aSdiTldual aad class Instruction; nrlagt hoax treatment If dadrcd. The Rlnglr aVehool. SW Alder at. Phooa Mln 1901 YOUR shoe shlned free of charge at the Model raja aaap; an .ring inc. FOR SALE. CHEAP Mo pedigreed bull ter rier puppies. uv lean at., roriiana, or. YOUNG lady from the eaat baa recently opened manicuring parlor rot ft morruon it., room MARBY Patron la la carvers ted sssoelstlon .000 marriages consummated, sum luTolrlng csqi.oov; psper luc. seuieu. u. u. mit? 100, lie enrer. Colorado. VIAVI CO.. Lewi bldg., 350 Morrison; hgaltU talks to women Thursday. 3.80 p. m. MASSAGE TREATMENTS (or rheumatism and all ncrrone ailment: Tpor aad rub barb rooms If desired: ldy operator. 201 "4 3d st. TUB October Matrimonial Rea-tater 1 lust out. lug. reriaea ana enlarged, witn pnetoe; most co.upietc mi puomnea. muuci mag LADIES: Ak your drug gglat for Ctlckaater'a Engl lib d PHI: regarded beat, safest always reliable; buy of your drngglat. take no other no ntrer. fmcnester s inamonf Brand Pills ar aold by drugglata ererywhera 'c ilci.esicr Chem. Co.. Pblla., Fa. ATTORNEYS. B. WINCHESTER. attoraey-at-Uw. aotary pa an, ao wu.nington Bigg. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. pod xeoatana Assay omce. la AUTOMOBILES. COVEY a COOK Motor Car Co.. Ftfteeth and waaaiagtaa agent xr ueaiiiae. naeee. Great Arrow aod 8tena-Durya motor rir; ywhll ranted. Sb4 sad stored. Mil ARCHITECTS. lUSOTH, Arch ART. FBER LESSONS I embroidery aew stamped sklrtwslsts. corsst-coT er, lero Jockets taste umbrella. etc Tba NsedlecMft Saap, SBS WublagWa tween Weat Park aad Tath at. PRofbssob b. Mar met sr. 848 Aider. Peereatt aad MB"s Hket i BATHS MASSAGE, SAN FRANCISCO lady saw located at 145 lxtn at . room it aad is; maaaage gad -cohol rubblngi. Rheumattim cured by gbl young Oer-Jl-23 Tacom Bouae. man lady. BM 81 Urk. MISS RAYMOND glrea bath and mags CaMw. SttV Morrison st. treat mania Tha MISS DANIELS glee T.por. m ga gad medl Stark at. rated hatha. Parlor IT, IsVSU BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWR DAVIS a KILHAM, lOB 111 Blank Book maaafacturera; agenta tat jQ improTM ioe-Lear ledger; aea tha Eureka leaf, tha beet as tha iikag, BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES.. I'TCHBRS' SUPPLIBS Adatnk 111 -1H Flrat et., err l.i a fall line aad eon pltt assortment st lowest msrkt prlna. RIBRBKWALD CO bsM-SBS Beeeelt t Lasgtgt hatekar' tsppty bwnae tha eoaat. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Kcad! Read! Read! THIS IS FOB Y0U1 READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Earth Is permanently located la her own home. 4SB STARK BT. This wonderful women, sc knowledges be the world to ha tk greatest - rl.Tlrvoy ant illre. without you writing a que, tlon or uttering on word, ah telle ydh lust whit you came for. how many In your fam ily ind ill ibont them. Telia name, datea 'id (tctl. Telia you at lore, marrlagei, deithi. business speeulittom. Inreitmenti. et. ; locitee nil. gas and mlncrali of all kind. rtmoTtt Tfl iBgntptat and teaotae you bow to control the one you lore, unite Ihe sepersted md cantt apeedy and con genial marriages. No matter what roar con ditio mar be. MADAM BARTH WILL lln'LP tin . 438 STAKE. COB. 12TM. AhL WORK 01' AHANTKED. FEE WfTHIB REACH OF ALL HOURS 10 A. M TILL 8 P. M. ENGLISH AND (JKRMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL IS READING FOR SL ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. E. KHIMO. Geeeteat llelng iitril drid trance elilr WtBt of tht iff: ADVJSEH ON BUSINRSf AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: wham yot will marry, how to eon fro I the one you lore, even thoneh mites ewer: rennltes the eon- ersieo: glees secret power to control, we tn da. aad t NTIHF. I will do sll others adeert' THE ENTJ s3. BTABTLRD WITH THE POW THE UNSEEN FORCES I HA VR AT 4 w AND. and 1 prnee It to yea with- till nr MY COMMA ut price br t Ine ton a Free test Free by hartne rottr NAME TOLD f IN Fm.l.l .Ttst what you camr for. iad git 0 adelce stsolutelr FREE before yet decide bi, s reidlna WHO CAN OR WILL 1 M0BE TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY AS IT WILL NOT BB rvrPBBFn TO YOU AGAIN PROF. E KHIMO. Pirejiseatlr Located Ip HI Own Heme. HOUR. IO TO 8 DAILY AND StlStlAT. No. HO Fifth st . Crrrarr Madison it CONSULT THB BET! Prof. Wsllaee. the anted rlilrswyaat. Pilmlat ind deid teener medtnre. The nldnt In practice, hire nttaftrtlon. He tells your past, rnreeent and future. Tell your friend, enemies and rivals. Who ind when you will marry, Satlafeetlon. nr he tbtrgea yon nothing Con ult blm on business Consult him In tar sffln. ' He charge you only 60 cunts 141 Vi Morrison t. . corner Ttb. IB READINGS 50c , For th first time daring Ills' nrnfee.lf.nsl career, i-roi. at. i.eorge. in world s r deed trance clilreoyint. will rrre bis 15 read Inn for SO eeatu tht wk only. 880 U TVishlngtcm it. WANDA the twlmlit. la locitrd In her home. 08 Fifth; will be pleaaed t meet bet meny friend. CAFES. THE OFFICB-28B WsehtagtoB gt.. "i. wiira'i vurneux. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PKDirtlUINn Plsei8ei8t ..... . , . . 1 . . I- T-' " .- run. aaire i. nrinng riirscn Bide CARPET CLEANING. Tikninn r.,M , r- Isrgeet plsnt aa taa eoaat. lorlnt aad Hardin i tel.. pBoa Eet OA Carpet el.eaed raStted. lowed md laid; both ateam lid Utelt rati preeeed sir groceM; rsnovstlng mattreaaet ad feather a apeelaity SANITARY r.rert r e.eeet ele.nlng eariloa lad com- preeeed Wltnout It Paid to Read Journal Want Ads COAL AND WOOD. TUB PORTLAND FUSI. CO. a C. R DAVIS ran. oa.. 1ST B- Morrlaon at Albtna .... 1 block it .rfwri. Boat fit STEEL BRIpGR FUEL CO DaaMra to ooak corawwoa ad ory ajabwood. FBoa Bast 48. ORXflOH FURL CO.AU klada at oaal Weed. 884 Alder at BO an.1 plaaer wood Immediate dell. err Standard Was Phon Bsst S1L WESTERN FRED 4 FUEL CO. Hooaa alack emlth eoals. Pboa Man MIS. and CLEANING AND DYEING Sultorlum Tailoring Co. Praaalng and cleaning; ladtaa' work a epeclalty. I2T Lownsdale st. Fortlaad 8 teas. Cleaning a IK e lag Work tlcal batter In connection. 211 4tB. pacii a rifle 307. Cl OTIIKS cleaned and preaaed 81 per Pnloaa Tailoring Co.. 808 Stark rt. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer snd COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY! WB .T BAD DEBTS OR NO CHABOK NS- LAW COLLECTION CO.. CITI BANK BUILDING. ROOM IS 1x9 U GRA v a. a. rn BAST SPSS. DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy leading school ballroom etiquette, correct social and classic dancing; both sex: young folks, adult : In stractlon dally. SOB Alder. Tel. M. lost rroi. ningiar. nsnciog maater. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL- Claaa. Mon.. xaiirs. aad Bat. eeenluge: ohlldiwu s cUi 8t sfUrnooti. Social, fancy and step dancing tangbt. Western Academy hall. cog. Second awl Morrlaon. Pboa PxcTfM 1880. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, 828 Wash log to t.. cor. Sixth. Guarantee all work. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, contrso- tors, repairer, electric wiring, lupnllea 84 First, cor. Stark aaaio wow. n. rx. mi, mgr. WESTERN ELBCTRIO W0U..S 81 Slith at Contrgrtor. electric supplies, motor sad dynamo. : w. latU Mght snd power plant. EDUCATIONAL. CHINESE reason glten by n ex perlan cad taaeaer. well educated Apply Proiaaaor G. P. Pater. 80S! BglsBOS t.. or phon Main Bans. MART DAWS MAG1NNIS. teacher of conrea i ions t ana netaraiutK caina; water-color heada a spaclslty. Studio S21 E th It., N. PROF. WB8CO I'rlTste Instruction m penmsn- sIp glTa. Room 33. Bnaaal bldg. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air fur a ice tie fuel X ft gayer Furnsr Oo.. SM second. 481. DRYHOtlSB HEATING PIPBS. made to order by J. Loall. 113 Jefferson: Phon Pacific 1434. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIBB S IRON WORKS 288 Flanders st. , cor. Third. Phoaa Mala 2000. ISO East Water St. Pbone East HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPER a 00. Potato, feed BBS Soar 1S8 TIatoa see. Phone Bsst 1B1T. HOTELS. THE RBLLBYUE. Fourth and S.I mon it..- up; rate oy week or month ; out-of-town trade solicit ed. PelBc S10S. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan: rooms from 50 cent np; Bleats 28 cent!. fSerenth and Eeerett att. HOOD HOTEL Room 50c up; rata or month; oat -of hewn trade sollct Sixth St.. o block! trom Sopot HOTEL Portland. America plan; 13, 85 per day. BELVEDERE; Buropeea plan: 4th and Alder ata. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleiaed, blocked, mide like aew for Son; expert r-eaein oiesceer. a. intra, nesr rival. winch. B rirat. PaciSe IS KAUFMAN. THB HATTER. IS N. Sixth t.. Clean and blocka eoft and stiff bit. Pane mas i specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EASY-MONEY PROPOSITION " Money li iy to get If yoo know where to get It. We hire ready money at all time, and yon can get It oa your sslsrr: 110 to 1100, ob beat term aad at loweat rates We loan on the eesy piyment plan the plan that help yon aad get yoa oat of debt. Yon gel the ch. .11 you ask for, and repey In amount yon ran conveniently eperr each payday. we do not lie paper, require Be In dorsers no reference to friend or employer. Ope Tu. snd 1st erenlnrs nntll 1 o'clock Hutton Credit Co. Sll (Sth floor) Dekum bldg. MONBY TO LOAN Oa Improved elty propi purposes, for from 8 ts erty or tor hnllding 10 yeirs' tlmr. with urrelleie to renar HI ar nart of lean after two yean Loans approved from plan, and money adranced hnlldlag progresses; mortgsnrs tegen up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Flnanotal Agent. 841 Stark L THE STAR JOAN CO. Any en his laTle. red employe, wegw-eirair. cat get note, without mortgigs Month H Montb. Week. 150. oo Re pa v to as 113,83 or IB 50 or 8B. 825 00-Reps v to cs 1 8.88 or 83.36 or 11.88 115 00 Rep.e to as 8 4.00 or 12 00 or 11.08 zio McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on ealarteo. Ininranee nollelei, plinna. Mrnlt:tre. wsrebonae re ceipt, etc.: any deserving perso i may secnaa liberal dene. repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installment. NEW ItR A LOAN ft TRUST S86 Ablngton bldg. COMPANY MONBX LOANED TO SALARIED PEOri.B Jmt on rotir own mm -no other security don't borrow until yon see me; my system la i nee' ror rsuroao men. ciergs. nooiieepert, streetesr men snd sll other mtdoves: bus! nes sfrfrtly confidential. F. A. Newton. 4S4 Ablngton bldg MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And ethers upon their own natnee without aerurlty, cheapeet rate, easiest payments: office I to principal cities: live yowreelf oner by getting our term Srst. TOLMAN tit Ablngton bldg.. 108H Third M. BBADQI'ARTERS FOR SAIjART LOANS Money can e borrowed on eaiv psrmeat plsn lowest rater: itrletlv lonBdaatlaL CRBBCBNT LOAN 00.. 438 Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third and Morrlaon. YOU ran horrnw money at low rate. In anms of .wst snu up on approved roortg.g carltie. Don't fall to see THE Dl'NN LAWRENCE COMPANY, ltm lint tt. WANTED Notes, mortgage or contract, on ny kind ef real eststt la Oregon snd Washing t: second mortgagee nqrehssed If well se cured. H. K. Noble. 31J Commercial blk PRIVATE mosev to lost, rgee or farm. Mult nomah or near conntle; Interest 8 to 8 per cent. Sol Bloom. 83fi Chamber of Comm. re. 15.000 TO loan oo city real estste In t r nit: aiortaagee bought gad sold Mm. 313 Commrrll blk LOW rite en furniture, etc,: confidential. US FUedner bldg . lOtxj ind Wubington. Pari 8c 2880. rm? ,lmt tiP Will tin TO LOAN Sums to suit R. A. Frame, tit tk on ehtttsl M.rqasm. 'HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. so Helm opportunity t qoote prleee. T4 Sixth at. Fsets 458. INSURANCE ISAAC L. Warts, fhr tnannnca. lock bldg. Mel. WOOD nlerera' Itibtllt, and la. dial accident aurety boed. at sU khsas I i 4T 81 McKay h. MACHINERY. b. trenrman a co. Inlag, aawmlll. kg ' olpea, eaat lug : all gtag vachlnaiy; hydra nil ainaa repaire th fourth. GASOLINE nglae. ill slies sad itykys. it lowest pric. Eelrson Machinery Co.. 182-4 0 Morrison st. THB H & ALBSB CO -Second hand ma uwmlll. etc. 14S Grind , cntn.ry. MUSICAL. PIANO, iloltn, ban), trombone, tlsrloet. Pro feaaor E. A. Smith, 2S4 12th. Main 4708. THB W RUBER STUDlO-MSndolla. banlo. rnl tar Instruction. Gibson mandolins 3TS Alder. BMIL THIELHORN. pupil of BF.VCIK. tesch.T Studio 16 SJxti TL Mllu I ''"lis i. W. LOGAN, teacher of elolln. mandolin, etc. orchestral furnished. Phone Eiat 888. PROFESSOR XBWIS, ptanlat. eompoger. wUl take taw begin ner. Phone Ptobkc 838. . MONUMENTS. NBU a KINGBLEY. 2SS First st.. Portland's leading marble and griatta work. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArtrSclal Rye. Fitted, ktlon SctentlBcsllr Corrected. l Sexenth ktraat. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometrist snd Eyesight Spsclsllst. Roosn 28-17. 128 Washington Street DR. QEO. RUBENSTB1N reliable ootids; litest scientific id- giant i diluted y tbe plUnca. Its 4th St.. bet. YimhIU lad Tiylor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, grsdniti at th Oiteopsthlc college of Kirk STlll. Missouri, who I pecgllit on rheumatism, stomach aod all fmal male c laTdbMaga. OMce 410 Falling bldg., f Third and Wsshlugton st. DR8, ADIX a NORTIIRUP. 418-lglT Dshnm bide.. Thli lrd nd Washlogtoa Its. Poo a. Main 848. EnmlciUoa fre. PLUMBERS. FOX a CO., unitary plnmbars Hi Second bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Pbone Main BOOL DONNEaBK d HADEMACHKR, r.mor.d t PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. E BBACH a CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window lias snd glaxlug. 131 First al. Phoaa IBS. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. nwi ".. cuurin sou moxTiaoa. P.clflc 1B36. REAL ESTATE PARBISH. W ATKINS A Oft. Real ette. Insurance, rental tad agent. 260 Alder et. taaa RUBBER STAMPS. F. C STAMP WORKS. 348 Alder at. . nhona Main T10; robber stamps, aegis, itendli; baggage, ""' caeca., or. .a aians .nu ROOPING. TIN ROOFING, gutttrlng. repairing gad general joooing. a. ixiaii. i jxxroi on at. Pac. 1414. AFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. sole agents for Harrtng Hsll Msrsln safe and Manganeae Steal Safe Co.'. bank ife. ,Tha Kxrgt aaortmnt of high gride fin ind burglar proof cafe la tS aortbweet. 81 Seventh it. D1BBOLD Manganeae and flreproof safes; iuo- iiui progress against nurgisr ind Bre; loch. Mb opened Mr. Wltk J. a Dasl. Ho i per Thli eckaalcil expert lrd Pbone 1888. BIGHT Mcand-hiBd fireproof eafes ad second-hand bank safes for ssls cheap, it Sixth it.. Portlind. Or. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD BiONS, window lettetiag, cloth aaa cenomlc! electric elgaa- and signs of sll bibui man guicaiy. rosier Kl.leer, Fifth ad Everett. Phone Bxokange 56. W. P. BBBSBR a BON. 884 Yimblll at. ot 111 ginoa. Phons Puist "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H, 287 Stark st. Phone P.clflc lSSf. Betl Co.. SHOWCASES AND FLXTURESV SHOWCASES of rry detoiptloni bank, bar and (tore fixtures msde to order. The Lutke Manufscturtng Co., Portlsnd. R H. BIRD8ALL. designer; (gent M Winter Lombar 0.. aVatslltoB Mdg. Mala km. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co., Uet paving, slde walkt asd croaalngs tit Lambs Exchange. THB Bsrper Firing Co. of Portlind Ofgce 56 rVorcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, sll makea. rented, cold and eioireu. i-..i agency. ZJ1 Btark. Tel. 1407. TRANSFER AND HAULING. - " I "I I -I -I -I - -1, , - , X) THB BAOGAOB a OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO , cor. Sixth and Oak at : baggage rheekid Utel or residence direct 'o'ui leopi or re.ioence uirect to n,i eatlnatton; passenger therefore tvold roah and ttmey- Xa.- el ft .1.....1. rt.l A 9Mm a al mimtm ft urouit. il vile aiCDIUfl DS. BAPEB, pianos gad furniture moved, perked ready for shipping end shipped: ill work guaranteed; large. 8-atory brick. Sre-proof I ""ii""' .vr waxr. lines sue uaa I C. M. Otaea. Pbone Main 64T. C. 0. PICK. efSee 88 First st.. between Stark ad Osk st.. phone Saw; md furnllur moved and peeked (or shipping; commodious pries wsnnouse witn sspsrsrs iron Front snd L'ly its. OUT rstee em household good to sll points yesi, we msse up csriosas; spsclsl room for iruuss waiis wauir Bitting. Phone Oreaon Auto-Daanstoh. 18 First St. Main T18. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Mhtm Mala 88. Heavy hauling and storage. PIANOS and furniture moved tail ud Cong rove rot., it BBS Flrat st Main 2215 IN DEPRRDF.NT BAGGAGE a TRAN8FBB Oft Storage. 124 Stark it. Msln 407. POST SPECIAL DBLIVBRY. Re. 800 U Wseh- lagten tt Phone Msl SSS TOWEL SUPPLY. MfRxir iy u.. nraiB aaa CwacB. Pboae 410. TELEPHONES. THB only xrlat telephoas hiaae. B.-B. FINANCIAL BANKS. nras aam or oajuforvia BtaMiaad I t-apltal paid J4.noo.000 Cpltal paid aa. .84.fl00.0OI ttm. aggemtU . Aeiount. opeaad FBrtlaad Branch Chai land Branch of " WMBMmM xfxV MACSAS........'.. ...... hgMgr I 1. T. BUBTCHARLL...., rnST NATIONAL BANK OF rORTLAND OSEOOM. B . ueaigaatea uattoy Asaiat... cahiw::::::::::::i. c. ALTORD Letter of Credit A.sllsbl. at M1 c3Ef5yff-ifi eBBM Trsasfin lugoaaaal. txagawsaagwa. raMSaails. gtwekk. I W a TOTOM, axaaMBsWabllgM In 1HR) R-e SUtea Bftt R-Tlp ereoii lesoea VLjrt"a rsrls. Berlin. Ft.nkfort. Boogkeag. Yokohama. Manila aad Hoaolah. M" MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. POBTLANTJ. OBBSMBL J FRANK WATSON R. W. HOTT Cashier Oaneral awaking Bualaeea. Draft AM FrU of the World. T SITED STATES TI0NA1 BANK OF isr.rtnweat Corner Third . ..J. a AIN8 WORTH reildeot R. LEA BARNES AxdataBt CwskWr L ANKERS' a LUM BXRMBN'S BANK Pox aLj SD"IfM' tf? Tkjr depirtment. - " swswew sesnsnie in sll i sMwmmodatJoB of customers 2i.-S. !?l39!L-!..-..,.....t....tiatat m- "trTHCHrUJ...Ffrt VI ee President KBATTNa . ..Seaaad wg.Fednt TRUST COMPANIES. R-wOKTtAND RBspuac " (even hanwxee.leX.B a.n- - auui CL."... n'. w?rl1- Sarlnr icconnts. Tiro certificate. 3 tn 4 per cent: short en apSM eertlflcatia $500 or oeor. IU to 4 per cent. Call for Book of ''ILXBSTBATIONR" wwse. , !?' Corar Third tad Oak Streets Phone PrlTat Exchange 7S aRI I. COIIRN I B r. PlTTOf71T Tld-PrufctaBt 5iJSpAOBT ..:..CTtary I C ICtrSITT SAVINGS a TBiTBT COMPANY J "" Ssneral Banking Bmitnaa. nVrn. Wo.f.. oa Tim ad Ss rings Aceoont. Act Credit A. Ill hie la F. A sttffl7.7.7-vto L. gae. R. RUqURU... jpHB MORTGAGE GUARANTEE TRUST S uenerai Banking Bualoesa. Departmeat; 4 per cent lot ere I allowed, compounded quay tarty. CAPITAL O. W. WATBBBUBT '. . Prwalda'at WW Tempt. SaBth !rast.rg Bttrti.' ' rVI """"HI uu AS Aw TEE A TSU8T COMPANY Portland. Orga. (R Lumber Exchange. R E. Corner Second ind Stsrk StreeU tseeons Fisr it inrvT tat. Ooanty. Mualclpai ,0d Corporattoa Bond Bought and Sold. Rw intir prises i snd flnsnced Stocks sud bond guaranteed. T'lTLE OtTAKANTKE A . TBU8T COMPANY MORTGAGE LOANS on Portland Real Batat at Lowest Bat, Tttta Insured. Abstract Furnished. J. THORBURN ROSS. . President jraldet OBOBOB a. Bttl. ' Tlca- BONDS AND ini-i. nm ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Comma r " Municipal railroad and D .OWNING HOPKINS COMPANY rjtebltihid 1888 BBOKERS. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Bought aad Bold for Cask tad o Margin. PrjTgt Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBB T 1. C IH COMPANY 10-18 Lafarette P. Bafor. $&VTJtiVXi. . 0 verbeck. Stan- & Cooke Co. BAIN. PBOVTSIONS. COTTON 8 TOONS AND BONDS WB DO A BTBIOTLT Contlnoooa Msrkete by Prlratl Win. Quick art, nd TJnlted Stale vaiteo swaie Rfttaa LOUIS J. WEM SCHOOL ARD CORPORATION MUNICIPAL BONDS Ighaart Betarta 8 IttTlBton POBTUID a KOBTH WESTERN HOMS WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBEYMAN LBATHES CO.. Jobbers ol ssddlery. hsrdwsre. bus leads, leather. Had ing iad shot star supplies. Fifth snd Onk. A. GUN8T a CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OREGON. OREGON Fornltnr Manufacturing Compaay Manufacturers of furniture for tta trsde. PortlsBd. Qregoa f FURNITURE manufscturtng and specUl order. L. uuvsnsky I rurniture ractorr. B70 TO Front st. WADHAM8 a CO.. wholesale fscturer iad commission me end us its. EVKIIDIVG R FARRET.L. produce snd una mareBant. 10 groat it., n Pbone Milu ITS ALLEN a LBWIB, commission iad produce as chinU. Front nd D.rli it., Portlind, Or. STEIN a W A YNE Jobbers snd wboleesle WHOLESALE crockery and lwar. PraeL Hegele A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth ear. Stark at WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADB CO., 1ST Salmon it., plain ind fancy stasdrs msde to order st lowest prle. Phoae Main SsTS. MISCELLANEOUS. Multlgraph letter Co. FiaalmMl o( typewritten letter!. Public Stenography. 308 Filling hldg. AT THE THEATRES. "Roysl Casf" Seats Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock tht tdnc ale ot icsts will open st tbe ltelllg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington streets, for .he flrat musical comedy of the aeaaon, "Tht Royal Chef." which come to th aliovt Ibealre for four Bight beginning next Sunday. September SO. ''The Mother Coos" number la "The Royal Chef" le probibly the most popular dancing number that has been In spy muilcil comedy in many yean. There ire 24 ll'tlc I iris who take part In this number, and tliey re are.sed In black, red end green pint loon, with a black bolero, to represent witches Tta "Mother Goose" girls era famous throughout lb country, and r the) orlglnil of that emit of faiK j dancing, who, enjoy tbt soubriquet of "broilers." Nest Week at the Baker. Next week's bill st the Biker theatre will be Hojt'i A Texts Steer.'' too well kno.yn to need lengt-.y Introduction. Lillian I.swrence will sppear ss Hot) ind th other member or the compeny win have role suited to tbein. apeetsi eoenery is being painted toe the pro duct Ion In th Bker theatre studio. "Tht Wilderness." Few plays are clean and teach . as whole some a moral Henry . Esmond's gp'st Henry V. Esmond's drams. "The Wilderness. " which I th bill this week si Ihe Baker theatre It le a plat depleting characters which girt tbatagolTM readily to the carinbllltlca of the member, of tk stock fompany The it. ge letting for th play are ..e.otlful. the eeeond act, depleting soot a tbe heirt of the wood, being eena ctally pretty. Matlaet Batnrday; laat tin.. Saturday Bight. ' "A Millionaire Tramp" Coming. A paradox In th .nape of mlllloualr tramp I. in appear at th Empire next Sunday and continue .11 week as the star stlra This famous comedy drairta has not bean seen In ilila city for three year now, aad should draw large houses all week. It Is aaa eg th favorite at thm til. An Intense Love Story. "A Msd Lor" tt tht Empire thlt vtfk It on of th mot Intense iad (claatlng lor tale that baa ever keen given on the stage. Presented by a company ranch above tbe atvr ga. wttb -enerv tad stag I react aa mig nhVent ecale. and above all. the rbermlng, d in. I Sarpla. aad adlTldd SAVINGS DfciRlTatt8 Trsasacted. at US aad arwaaaV I Seeoad Aaatatant Oaahwi M. F. stTBTBRB la Europe aad the Raatera SUte Ma . Chicago, Bt. Lewie. told aa Raw York. Boston, the Northw Berll. Fraa Paghrs, Collections mad. iTIlllPle m sjurop WSSmlri I BL tV DURHAM wvajsjewldeet GEORGE W. HOTT AsaKUat Caahtor sad Utter of Credit leaned Alalia bet t CoirseteaBa Speelilty FQBTLAKS 0BE00R. snd Osk Street. I Cashier :..."afl- Assistant CxiM" .... .A M. WRIBSTT tlaad. Oraaoa. Coiner Seeoad aad Ttark ttraat. Interest nstd oo ssrlnirs ceoont. Draft aad part or ins woria. Open a.turday sTSatagl from I B. c. Oaablar Aselatant Ceehlei 4aaaxaaal Oaaaaal . wa.i iTT ft D BToJ I PL ATT A PL ATT. OF OBKaVON Th Oldest Trust Comvany tn 1 , ... ,.r ..ti, mwtA ........ oa in J. o goltbs.... MtBt crtry MB Morrlaon Street. Portland SAVINGS DBPARTMBNT. latere! siTtNiK HVPi UTXIIKT Interest Allowwg ss Trust for Batatee. Draft aad Lett at All Part of the World. I k V L?M:::::::-r.V?r.kmmtt mntf COMPANY BANK. Intercet Paid on Time Deposit. Barlags , noo.MO.OS V ii' " ' igiu.iit Phone" M'TrTfod. tsrttas mm mf ma ronpniiTtnitt a -140 WASHINGTON 8TB EST. I J NO R AITCH1SON Sritary T. T. BURKMABT Tr1l INVESTMENTS. hlle serelce eorporstloa bond. R of COMMERCR. Pkomi Mats Bid.. Port la at Oraeoa. S AaraiwBWt. Taa (Member Chicago Board of Trad.) 101 Third St. MchUy Bldg.. Portland. OregosV COMMISSION BUSXgXBS. Sersira. REFERENCES Ladd a TUtoa. wgneaai or Portliad. 8. 4 ted 6 La Fayette bldg.. eor. and WXO. BU.. Portland. DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATIOB STOCKS Co aalitent With Absolute Safety. TELEPHONE a TELEGBAPH SECURITIES most superior of sll th popular prlcad pVayg that will Ttalt Portland thla seieon. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK, "Tke Cuban Spy." Th full strength of tka Lyric atock pny Is ...rown Into that well balanced niillai tlon. "Tbe Cuoan Spy," la 8 nienner which la drawing tn attendance far beyond the ex- rtatlon of those most optimistically tncllaei. la simply a demonttratloa that luccese le th reward of mrlt. At the Star. With Maw Margaret Oswald tn tht raja ag. Lady IxabeTIa. Isrtyiii1 S rielreJS the heat production It bat bad her at poeaflr price. The Allen company has spared uo ptiaa tn give i thoronghly entitle perforraane) tad "Eaat Lyaa ' it tbe Star I play which wHl satisfy sveryona There will ha mgthetSS Saturday and Sunday. At the Grand. Vaudeville of tk highest eta win he at th Grand this week, it la considered owe of the beet .how. of tba kind ever iiBId In Portland. Tba feature It tbt taeao let cf th Chamberlain, who wer ber at the tins C the Elk' tret fair, afx year ago. Jimmy Will, the noted minstrel mat, I tailing g gig, putting moaologu. NEIGHBORS TROUBLED BY INSANE FARMER (Spatial Dltpttch to Tkt Jogragl.) Moscow, Idaho. Sept. 11. ThorgSS Eveg la under arrest at Troy and wl probably, be examined as to his sanity. Kves wgo formerly the owner of a firm in tbe Troy neighborhood. Being mcumbereod by a mortage ha lost It Itl the panic of 11 years ago. The mort gage company which foreclosed on tt sold It to a man named Harris, who lives upon It. The loss of the farm preyed upon the mind of Eves until symptoms of mania appeared at Intervals. He now imagines that Harrla It wrongfuly In possession of his farm and that tt rs his duty to get a gun and chase him away. He also Insists that a plot la on foot to kidnap him. GOVERNMENT EXAMINES GAYNOR-GREENE CLAIMS (Janrnil Basel I Same.) Macon, Ua., Sept. 27. Tbl was the dato filed by the government for the examination of Messrs. areene and Qaynor, th millionaire contractors, us der conviction for embetalement In ''on neotlon with harbor Improvements at Savannah. In their claims now pending ntfulnst th government Th examina tion takes place In the prteon In tli(a city, where Greene and Oaynor are oos flned pending an aii sal from I heir aen tenct of two icara' Imprisonment. Their claims tgalnst the government aggregate tM.0Ou aad, aaeotRlag !- the statements of tbt plaintiffs, ar for money actually earned by them and ua- pald by the government and for profits on work remaining to be done. Mrs. wurins Dut. (Spec i; i Dispatch io Th Ssarssl.) Foreat Grove. Or.. Bent J7 - Mr. Zelpha Wllklns of t'ornal'ns died Bt her home on Raiurdty at the sge ef Tt ytura. Rhe has been a resident of Oat' nellus for th last three years. Mr. Wllklns was born la New York, but had lived In Janaavllla, Minnesota, moat nf her Ufa Hh lanv Wilkin, snd three Wllklns of rtaaltlc Coraailus ami Kraeet nellus. Mr Wllklns Cornelius today. Preferred flhsk CaaayM ( Allen a Lewie' Meet ltraoa. a a nu.Mnd. v Wllklns ef ( wa burled - I, t