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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 85, 1906. rr - - jj . . . Town Topics I Hrlllf . Bekr .. Eninlr , Lrrlc . . jtar .... Pastas Uraud .. TOBIOST'I tiroimiM. Otenli Minstrel "Th Wlldei ."East tD" .... Vaudeville Vandartll Catherine Huntsman IU bound over to the circuit oourt ytrday afternoon by Judge Cameron on a charge of ob taining money under false pretense. It la alleged that she purchased a quantity of furniture and household articles from a dealer named Eokerson and mortgaged the property before making full pay ments. The case has been pending for some time, as Mrs. huntsman claimed to be In ill health and produced a doctor s certificate on several occasions in sup port of her claim. The district attorney finally decided that the . case must be heard and Mrs. Huntaman made her ap pearance In court today. Pending the Action of the grand jury, her bond have been fixed at $400. Henry Murray and Hugh Lindsay be came engaged in an altercation In the Columbia saloon at first and Arthur streets yesterday over a dice game and adjourned to the sidewalk to asttle their difficulty a la (Jans. A patrolman ap peared after several blows had been struck and so anxious was Murray that the fight be allowed to go the limit that he offered the policeman MO If he would wait until he knocked out his antago nist. The offer was declined and both men arrested. Murray was fined 110 In the municipal court and Lindsay wss allowed to go upon his showing that he was not the aggressor. Alleging that the negligence of the Eastern A Western Lumber company was responsible for the loss of his right leg. Anton kT Holmes haa begun suit In the circuit court to recover $28,000 damagta from the company. Holmes, through his attorneys, John A. Jeffrey and Charles E. Lenon, alleges that while he wss employed at the Eastern Be Western ,mlll on August 7, he was forced against a bandsaw and his right leg was cut off, and the left one badly mangled. He state that the company was negligent by not providing proper guards for the aaw. . Judge Cameron yesterday fined H- M. Pabst. manager of the gas company, $10 for allowing n load of gravel to remain at Front and Flanders for nearly two months without a . permit. Pabst waa . arrested on a warrant sworn out by Patrolman J. Burke last Friday and waa released on ball. In court yes terday morning he acted as his own attorney and endeavored to show that ths gravel did not obstruct ths street or sidewalk and, furthermore, that no official notification had been given to the gas company. if the Tiger Atlanta it bad rtoat awe. He'd save eatea every darkey found agegtag Bat a. teer 'est estles aba off to bread. Teas arts' shore. Teat the Democratic (asttSM might be sltoseed by hi rear. Or eves the Republican, at Saratoga sew. engaged as to tat morning la a fcaassnstol If these warrior bad migrated to Ue elty of the aooth Aad salted opened are with thrlr aadl'lded mouth. All the colored men of aeergta would be blows to attb'rena Not flesh enough remaining for to cook a me of bran Ta, there's maa war to do It, otherwise than with the rone, For there' nothing- more effective than politician' dope. But bother all toll (rouble; what Bar we to fret about t With the I'nlon Laundrr aear a every eae with loy should about. Beeasse it take the burden .f the famtlr on itself. ABd set domestic sorrow ap to .lumber en the ahelf. UNION LATMsKY Tel. Mala KM. second and Columbia. Will bold servicee In the Church of ths Nasarene, 42$ Burnslde strset, between Tenth and Eleventh, at $ o'clock. The men are evangelists, from Nsw England of the Pentlcostal church sn route to Loa Angsles to attend the general as sembly which convenes In Log Angeles October I. In a modest little home at 270 Front street Mrs. C. Dell, almost dis tracted with grief, awaits the return of bar 12 -year-old son Richard, who, rather than attend school, mysteriously disappeared from borne a week ago and has not been heard from since. The youngster Is described as tall and slim, auburn hair, brown eyes and wore a dark blue suit, knickerbockers and a cap. Immediately after hearing that hla education was to be undertaken the youngster decided to seek other quar ters. A boy answering hla description was plcksd up by the police the other night, but proved to be the wrong child. Mrs. Dell has received informa tion that her son was seen tn company of a strange woman several days ago and fears that he has been kidnaped. Bull for 110,000 damages from the North Pacific Lumber company for personal Injuries alleged to have been due to the negligence of the company was filed In the circuit court this morn ing by J. E. Elliott as guardian of D. Q, Elliott, a minor, aged $0 years. It Is charged that the young man waa em ployed as a hook-tender at the North Pacific mill in August, and.that a large piece of lumber wss thrown by the edger saw with great force a distance of 55 feet, striking Elliott behind the left knee, passing through It, tearing the muscles snd crippling him for Ufa Damages In the sum of $10,000 and $8 for medical attendance are lakyed. 8 pen oar. Da via Farrell appear aa attor nsys for Elliott. A mysterious shooting Is being In- s veaiigaieo oy me ponce, as tne result V I. Cannon, who WSS convicted and I of a rnmnlsln? load this mnmlnr K sentenced to pay a nne or i-'uv issi assy charlea Arata of S2 Division street, for Improper uss of th United State Arata reports that a bullet from a .12 malls, waa rsleassd from the county calibre rifle waa Bred through hla bed Jail on a recognisance bond with the room window last night at .I0 o'clock understanding that he pay th Bne and by some unknown miscreant. Th coats of the proceedings ss soon aa pos- i leaden mtaaile did not atrlke any of the Bible. Gannon has tried sevsral times to occupsnts of the dwelling and lodged gain hla release from custody under ths , )n ,he wall Those who heard the shot provisions of ths poor debtor's law, but and neted the direction from which It each time failed, the government con- jMlleva that the shooter aimed at tenting mil na i:u mviwj to pay the Bne, although Gannon swore to th contrary. A meeting of the Multnomah County Bar association will be held In depart ment No 1 at the county courthouse next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Thla will be th first meeting of the association since. -the summer vacation, and ' there will be a Uss amount of business transacted. Th membership and legislative committees will report. It is believed that several adverse re port on appllcatlona for membership will be submitted. Arata hob a. Detective Sergeant Jones has been detailed, on the can and Is making sn Investigation, but hss been unable to secure a clue, that would lead to the capture of the culprit It waa reported to the police yester day by W. P. Graham, of tit Fourth Street, that his daughter, 14 years of age, wss Insulted at 7 p. m. by an un- l known man at Third and Clay atreats. Th fellow offered to buy the child candy and a silk dress If she would ac company him down town, snd upon her refusal followed her to within a block 1 of the Graham home. The police have a description of the thug and a detective Is searching for him. The Portland Labor Preen ha bean leaaed for three yeara by the Federated Trades Council. A committee consist ing of Messrs. Leabo, Ourr and McDon ald, three of th beat-known union man In th city, have been appointed to edit and manage the weekly until a satisfac tory man can be found to put hia whole time to the work Hereafter the Labor Press will be Issued on Monday Instead of Friday. Editor Kundret. who had charge of the Labor Press for about five years. Is no longer connected with it. Th fell term of the University of Oregon Isw school opened st the court house last night with 'a large attend ance. Judge Gantenbsln lectured to th Junior class on "Criminal Law." Ths seniors were addrsased by H. H. Nor triup on "Common Law Pleadings." Each class haa s young woman member. Miss Wllda Buckman 'being a Junior law stu dent and Miss Delia Crlgler a senior. Eugene Lane, colored, residing' In a lodging-house .it First and Stark streets, reports that his roommate stots MS from him yssturday. According to Lans, th thief i urlolned $1S In the afternoon and laat night came back and carried away the remainder. Lane was asleep at the time and the alleged crook locked the door upon departing so that bid friend's slumbers would not be disturbed. Alfred Pocock of 71 Grand avenue haa reported to the police that two men sttempted to rob him at Grand avsnue and East Burnslde street at an early hour yeaterday morning, but that he put them to flight with his um brella Ons of ths thugs struck him In the face, whereupon Pocock used his umbrella to good advantage until the footpads, alarmed by approaching pe destrians, took to thslr heals. Artfaflc Wctw TrlahkM U Ywr Oriw at ttmVwy Sola rVrtiaj.a AgtMatw for ''OatarsaNXer" Porta- tlgBsdc LeOwetit rfrtcaa Scond Fleer Ffgt Mfttr0 -Tliir4 fleer The Meier Sb Frank Store Women's Underwear Low Priced Staple Bat of VVoman'g Winter UadBrwar om ted tomorrow at mKC9pton$XkyUm pric Joat tha waight u4 stylo you wait tor ssnmdjdjht waar Opportwaity fa offorttiVo supply your Whrtar U.rdanraar iaaaa at a big avvtng Taka advantage Women's fleeced-lined cotton ribbed Vests and Pants ; medium weight, nicely finished, perfect-fitting garments; sizes 4, O 5, 6 ; best 35c values on sale at this special price, each gr"?V Women's cream colored, fine ribbed cotton Vests and Pants ; extra heavy weight, nice soft fleece, all sires ; 65c values on sale at this special low price, per garment TJS f Women's cream colored, fleece-lined Union Suits; high neck and long sleeves ; ankle length ; all sizes ; regular 85c values on C sale at this unusually low price, garment , sVv Women's extra fine, pure white, fleece-lined Union Suits, good Win ter weight; high neck and long sleeves; sizes 4, 5, 6, best QO. $1.50 values on sale at this low price, per garment. .... 'Ov All grades and styles of Winter Underwear for Women, Misses and Children on sale at the very lowest price. Mail orders filled. TR MEIER &. FRANK STORE Groceries PHONE EXCHANGE 4 18 lbs Granulated Sugar . .81.0a S-lb pkg. Domino Sugar 60d 1 lb Royal Baking Powder.. 40 2-lb cans Minced Clams 354 3 pkgs. Bon Ami for 35) yi gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup BBd Van Camp's Catsup, bottle .. aOd 3 2-lb cans of Sultan Pine apple, best on the market.. BO Sapolio sold here at, cake . . . . Td 3 l ib cans Pork and Beans. 254 2-lb can Table Blackberries.. 10d) Meier & Frank's famous Mocha and Java Coffee, a 40c coffee, old here at, lb. 4 Baker's Cocoa, 'A-lb can....aOd Baker's Cocoa, 1-lb can 40dt Baker's Unsweetened Choco late Figpr tine or Postum Cereal , pi "Victor" Flour, none better; great value at, tree aack,lIO 3 pkgs. Saratoga Chips 25s 2 cans Amazon Peaches ,...S5d Lea or Perrin's Sauce,-bottle. ad l ib jar Chipped Beef 5d Headquarters for Men's Un derwear vetfo? Tomorrow 1 ' Men's best quality Jaeger Fleeced Underwear, wiffter weight, all sizes in shirts and drawers, Alaw perfect-fitting underwear; extra value at, garment ? Ve Men's Natural Wool Underwear, fall weight, shirts and drawers, great variety of fltyle, at JSc this popular price, per garment V Men's Superweight Natural Wool Underwear, shir tfl and drawers, complete line. of sizes; best QI. values in the city at this Jow price, per garment Men's Worsted-Ribbed Form-Fitting Underwear; blue, gray and pink; all sizes shirts and Q drawers; great special value at this price, garment Men's Camelshair and Vicuna Wool Underwear, shirts and drawers in all sizes; perfect- f Q fitting underwear and grand value at, per garment Men'fl Heavy-Weight Gray-Mixed Union Suits; extra value at fl.85 Cooper's Form-Fitting Fall Underwear, in blue and pink; per garment Boy' Heavy Derby-Ribbed Underwear, in blue and brown, all sizes shirts and drawers; regu- O'C-' lar 50c values on sale at this low price, per garment Dr. Wright's Fleeced Underwear for men at, per garment .' O AH grades of Boys' and Young Men's Underwear at the lowest prices. We are sole Portland agents for "Ramie" Linen-Mesh Underwear. O, H. Hematlc-k. th University Park druggist, who was charged with selling liquor without a prescription from a physician, appeared In the circuit court this morning by his attorney, W, T. Vaughn, and waived the reading of th ! Information. A plea of not gellty waa entered and the trial was set for Octo ber I. . New Flannels at Special Prices 5000 yards of new 47-thch Swans'down Flannels in great variety of .patterns ; floral design butterfl y patterns, etc., for wrap- 1 ae pers, children's apparel, etc. ; great value at, per yard 81-inch unshrinkable Iowa Flannels for shirtwaists ; handsome de signs and colorings ; very large assortment to select ACk. from; grand values at, per yard .w?VV New Ba,th Robe Flannels ; all fa ncy stripes ; full 605 inches $T wide; grand special value at, per yard s?JC 88-inch English Suiting Flannel ; cream grounds with fLjfl stripes and checks; attractive styles; per yard wVC Sale of Silverware 11.90 11.4T 10.46 1.19 1.83 3.42 ia.a7 4.10 f5.1T ie.iT B6.40 $15 Candelabra for, each 4-pc. Tea Sets, $3.50 val 4-pc. Tea Sets, $12.50 val Nickel-Plated Chafing Dishes. Coffee Machines, $9 value.. 97JtO $2 50 Five o'Clock Teas... $2.10 CUT GLASS SPECIALS. 6-in. Nappies, $1.50 values. 6-in. Nappies, $2.25 values. 6-in. Nappies, $4.25 values. $275 Spoon Trays for. 8-in. Bowls, $5 00 values . . . 8-in. Bowls, $6.50 values... 8-in. Bowls, $7.50 values... 8-in. Bowls. $8 50 values... 8-m. Bowls, $12.50 values. fiO.OO ROGERS' 1847 PLATED' WARE Pickle Forks, each. 3Td Sugar Tongs, each T2d "1847" Berry Spoons. each..4d "1847" Beef Forks, each 49d "1847" Soup Ladles, each.. 38.07 "1847'' Oyster Ladles, each 31.38 FORBES' SILVER -.PLATED WARE. g.50 Candlesticks fS.OB .75 Crumb Set 113.10 $2.50 Spoon Trays 113.05 $3.00 Bonbon Dishes 113.43 $200 Horse Radish Jar. .. .1 11.87 $2.50 Cake Baskets 1 18.07 $1.75 Bread Trays 111.48 $8.50 Candelabra, each .... $8.47 $3.50 Lace Curtains at $2.35 Pair Great special lot of 500 pairs White Cable Net Lace Curtains; plain centers with Cluny and Renais sance effect, insertings and edges; large assortme nt to choose from; size 50 inches f3 wide by 3 yards long; $3.50 values on sale at thi exceptionally low price, per pair 4af Special lot of Heavy Double-Faced Mercerized Portieres, with cord edge or fringed top and bottom; brown, green, olive, red; full size, 50 inches wide by 3 yards long; best $8.50 values 3?f QA placed on sale at this exceptionally low price, per pair MmMf Custom Shade aad Drapery Work Our Specialty Third Floor. Ribbon Specials Great combination sale of extra quality fine French faille, ombre, meaaaltne and satin taffeta Rib bons, S and 6 Inches wide; beauti ful patterns and plain colorings; ribbons for all purposes; 1, $fc to 76c value, at d SW Great special assortment of choice Tab Ribbons, In Dresden, Persian, Dolly Varden and Bulgarian ef fects; also a full line of plaids and chsoks; wonderful val- 1 uea at, yard 3,000 yard of Pillow Ruffle Rib bons In all the new and popular shades, five-yard length hand some styles: regular $1.26 QJI values at, piece irSJB 6.000 yards of fine plaid, check, polka-dot and Dresden Ribbon Immense assortment to select from; regular S6o and 60c - values, yard JC $.500 yard' of choice Dresden, print warp and taffeta Ribbons, In floral and conventional designs; all th new color scheme; 6 to 7 Inches wide; 60c to 76c values J g Abe Ntema 9f 100 Vt North Third atreet reports to the police that In com pany with Charles Lahtl he went to call on a north end belle and that in a spirit of playfulnuss she borrowed Ms purs, containing $00. When the wallet was returned Its contents consisted of only a $10 gold piece. Nlema want th woman arreated. Articles of Incorporation of the Ore gon Importing company have been filed In the office of the county clerk by Oeorge R. Rpateln. Emanuel Cohen snd B. K. Cohen. They will engaf In the wholesale liquor buelneas. Capital stock, $16,000. Judge Rlrhn. s oltlaen of flwltser Ishd, was sdmlt'ed to rltlsnhtp by Judge Chart B. Wdverton In th fed eral court yeaterday. Rlchen has lived in the Pnlted States since lilt, all of which time he has spent In th restaurant business In Portland. Water through boa for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porch gr wlndowa, must be paid for In advance and used only between th hours of I and $ a. m. and ( and p. m. It muat not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rule, or wasts fully. It will b shut off. Rev. John Short and wife, RsymP. P. Brtggs snd Rev. H. N. Brown will ar rive in the city Wednesday morning and SIMPLE CATARRH REMEDY Tak a Unitarian Woman's Alliance Enter tainment. Don't fall to hear Mrs. Louis Humphrey-Smith In her artUtlc dramatic recital tomorrow evening at 1:1$ In th Unitarian chapel. Tlrketa to cents. Th Oregon Law school win open for enrollment of students on September $. st t o'clock p. m., st 410 Msrqusm building. Portland, Oregon. For cata logue sddress 8. T. Richardson, attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. hare been filed in the office of the county clerk by D. R. Ladd, J. L. Mitch ell and Ohnrles E. I.enon. They will engage In the manufacture and sale of artificial limbs and appllancea. Capital stock. $2,600. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and On gaaollne. Phone East 711. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant. wanted, lit Lumber Ex Solicitors change. Dr. E. C. Brown. Bye-Ear. Marquam. Milwaukie Country Club. Eastern and California races. Tak Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. The Japanea Anil-Duet Compound fbr sweeping floors Is superior to any thing for the purpose on th market. F. K Reach 4 Co.. th Pioneer Paint Co.. hgenra, 116 First street. Phone Main 1$4. Portland' 166,000 you're wanted See the largest assortment of periodicals and dally papers In th northwest at Carl Jones'. 276 Washington, corner Fourth. Drop In today. We'll tell you why. Watches, diamond and Jewelry on easy payment; $l down, 60c a week. Don't go without a good timepiece Metager Co., Ill Sixth street sent Few a Day aad a Cmred. Hyomel haa performed almost miracu lous cures and Is today recognized by leading member of th medical profes sion as the only advertised remedy (or this disease that can be relied upon to do Just whst It elalms. Until recently your physician would have said the onls. way to oure catarrh i would be to have a change of climate, bat now with Hyomel you can carry ! a health-giving cnmaie ir. your vest pocket and by breathing It a few min ute four times a Bar. cure yourif. Th Hyomel treatment Is simple and aay to us. It destroys all catarrh germs In th air passages and enriches and purifies the blood with osone. When using Hyomel the sir you breathe will seem like thst on th mountains, high above th ses level. A com olet Hyomel outfit coats but $1.00 extra bottles. 60c. If It do not Woman's Bxchengs. lt$ Tenth street, give satlsfaetlon, Woodard, Clark Co. lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunoh. will refund your money, you run no risk whatever la taking this reliable Articles of Incorporation of th Ore- gen Artificial Limb at Supply Th best noon lunch In Portland at tn New Scott restaurant for tie. Grill-room service at popular prices. Seventh and Ankeny. The atat board of barber examiners will begin Its quarterly examinations next Monday at 1(7 H Second street. Milton A. Nathane, atty.. 2000 Stelner St., Ssn Fronclsco. Commissions prompt ly executed Insurance adjusted. Oraipiri and KTtchU Denounoed. 'Joe real Special arrtet Chicago, Sept. tt. Th Industrial Workers of th World today denounoed Oompers and Mitchell aa "reactiona rles." and declared themselves against Qompers' political propaganda They say It Oompers wants their support he must go to thsm and adopt their issues LOW RATES EAST O. . fe IT. Announces low Round-Trip Bat. Th O. R. 4 N. Co. haa made a low rat of $$4.60 for round trip. Portland to Buffalo, New Tork. account th In ternational .convention of Christian churchea, to be held at that place Octo ber 12 to 17. Tickets will be on aal October 6 snd t. A choice of several different routes Is given, and stopovers allowed In both directions. For further particulars In regard to route, through sleeping-car service, etc., call on or ad dress C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. N. Co., Third and Washington streets. Portland. mailing Salt for Client. (Journal Special Serrlee.) New York. Sept. 25. Th night an1 day bank will on October 1 add to Ita business a distinctively women's bsnk. It will contsln sitting rooms and dress ing rooms, and In the latter will be fine mirrors with toilet artlclea and smell ing salts. It will be open until 7 p. m. Kabel'i JTew Woatmaster. (Wattalnxioa Bureau of The Journal.) Washington. D. C Sept. 26. Andrew H. Nordmeyer hss been appointed post master at Mabel, Or. White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 Machine mentod and Opp Used ldg. APARTMENT HOUSE WHERE WOMAN WILL BE AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY Bon . Ami The Best Scoortag Soap Made A Scouring Soap A Maul Polish A Glass Cleaner "Cynthia, Cynthia, I'v been thinking What a great world this would be If the men were all transported Far beyond the northern flea." Twist It around a little, substitute th word "women" for "men," and you will suggest a condition of affairs as planned for a limited number of Port land's young men by the Cardwell es tate. A little world In which no petti coat ever enters, where the rule of mere man la nevdr disputed, where a fellow's his own boss and no question about It It's a bachelor apartment-house, as cosy aa the rosiest Imagination can pic ture, where "single cueaedness" will for once become a misnomer and "sine gle blessedness" a shining truth. Pshaw! There will be home with all Its comforts, but with none of Its shortcoming no squalling brats, no new bonnets' to. buy. Th new bachelor apartment-hous will b th first of Its kind In Port Isnd and th first, aa far aa th archi tects know, In the, northwest. It wilt be of brick and foul stories high. Thar will be 21 apartments. 14 of two rooms and seven of .in. Thar will be a "nvr sleep" elevator service, a bath and flrwplac for every room elegant furnlahlnga and every modern onven lence known to the twentieth century.' Rut. best of all. after toasting toes before th glowing heaMBlH can slip on your smoking Jacket, Into th hall and be ehlsked top floor, where you may bree anything known to a tlrt-cl The wi-ol top floor will b g: to a cafe and roof garden. It will be a Jolly place to loaf In th evenings. Draw poker? S--s--shI Th home for "foot-loo" young men, as planned, win be wall down town, at Twelfth and Alder streets According to Mrs. H. R. 'art well, who owns a housekeeping apartment-house In South Portland, there haa been a persistent call of late for a dwelling place exclusively for bachelors, and she believes that the on plannad will be quickly filled. From th point oT view of the landlord, there will be mora revenue from th house, aa wom en require more room for their cook ing and gnral fussing around. It I expected that work on the new building will begin In a few daya. PERSONAL E. U Smith, a Walla Walla (Wash ington! newspaper man. Is at the Port land hotel with hi bride. W. R Hume, a prominent lumberman of Oakland. California, la at the port land hotel. Mrs. Thorn H. Brents, wife of Judge Brent of Walla Walla. Washing ton. Is at th Portland hotel with Mis 8rnts Mr. and Mrs. Jam H. Dag- ot Ta- are nt th Portland. Mr. Dag I a prominent business man of th City of IX. tiny Charles K Junklna, general agwnt far MOTBL JEFFERSON LMa3lng Motes! Situated corner Oough ao4 Till atreet. facing Jefferson Park. Two block from Van Na ave., the present shopping district. Car line, transferring to any part of th city, paaa th door. Largest aad neweet hotel 1st Baa Francisco, having bean can trust ed lees than two year ago. Haa vary modern convenience: 'JB outatd rooms, slngl 'or an suit; 10O private hatha. Newly fur nished and reopened Auguat 1. American plan $$ a Bay and up. European Man $1 60 a day and up. Hotel automobile or omnibus meats all trains and steam ere. Wire or write for reservations. twrt-r3ark:ar Co, (John O. Barker, formerly pro prietor Hotel Colonial.; Hotel Imperial t 951 Eddy St., 0a Block from Tea Km Am. SAN FRANCISCO f EUROPEAN PLAN ESTATE"" BOX E. S. DE WOLFE. Proprietor Blaatri Oat Direst fro si retry. LILY DENTAL CO. TXX VAXaTU The Oae-Prloed We sse oabr etaas material, de ta wet k aetstlualf and price It wtmta your rear, awastta ilea and eatl mates free. Bridge Wars, gar Teach I fold ruusa. atatai i a a isg. all Werk Oaaraatoad Far IS Tears. AMU waV-Sc, The Hew Theatre uSTT. IgM. til Teals t, Taaalay. aargaia Georgia Minstrels POPULAB PBICB8 Bvaslag. Sc. SOe aad fee. Matin too Watch for the Big Para Today. BAKER THEATRE Peso Main MOT. flee. L. Baker, Maaager. OBEOOM THEATRE CO.. LESSEE. Ftawattag Tealaht aad All That Wash With Metis Saturday Hary T. Esmond' Manlflreat Play "THE WlLDEBjlESB" By Author of 'Waea We Were TWtaty-O. Craning Price ZAV. Sftc and 50c. Matinee raeaa IBe a no me. eat Waea A TEXAS EMPIRE THEATRE Milton W. Seaman, Mgr. Phone Mala 107. Portland Pslr Pkvyasee. All This Week .the Charming gaaillissl Aetree. Maretta Smart, la a new Ver sion of "Ldr Audley Secret," the Reautlfal Lot Play a aau luii PRIC Erenla. 15c Matinee. 10c. IBe and S5c. 95c. and SO. Sett Atlisetlea "A Still Haa lie Tramp.' CHAMBERLAINS VeOis Andrew.' Cav paay of Brand Opera Taaltt, The Grand waea er sept, ss Smn a Onrtaa. Wilson Blah, Harold Heff. Orandliooe. Price Matin. 18 to all aear except hole. Breataa. Baa.. lOe. SDe hex aeets SOc. PrrersSee. 1:80. T:S0. : . . LYRIC THEATRE WEEK BBGrWNINQ SBPTBMBBB B$ 'llKbanSpyM IX FOUB ACTS THE STAR Sjpt. M, ALLEN I STOCK COMPANY Pret the CUaale Heart Drama "EAST LYNNS" Matinee Tndy, Tkaradar. gatareaj sad Sunday; price, lo aad 30 cent. Beery even ing at . 15; price. 10, SO and SO costs. Bo car aeata by phone for both statist a aad Tnln pi feisasatud mant of Qreek and a trust of Whit man college, at Walla Walla, Washing ton, Is at th Portland hotel. Profes sor Anderson haa dropped temporarily hla work at Whitman and will take a trip around the world with, Mrs. An derson. Judge J. W. Hamilton of Rneeburg waa In Portland yesterday on hla way to McMlnnvllle, where he will hold court thla week. Mr. and Mem C. I MoNary of Sa lem are at th Imperial hotel. Mr Mr Nary la assistant district attorney for hla district. J W. Opp, who developed gold min ing st Gold Hill. Oregon. I at the Im perial. A 1 accompanied by Mr. Opp. Mr. and Mrs. William Frank and dan gh tar of Auburn, New Tork. are at th Belvedere. Mr Franks ewas a large Brewery In Auburn. C. J. Franklin, superintendent of th Tn cms Electric railway, la at the Port land hotel. ' tThouldn't Judge Frater of Bast tie be examined next by a nusty steal IndlearVofo) W. ft. ImlliawB. w rites. Aug. 1$, IS a word of Brad cabled the e. ones I fanes) awtaoS Aaxosa as anessi Brtwatlwa r debility (. level), - Ml., $: "I wat ta gay MfW