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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
EVENTS HI REAL ESTATE WORLD Rapid Progress Being Made on All Big Buildings In thtf BuaU nest District. OUTSIDE CAPITAL 18 INVESTING HEAVILY Central Real Batata Market Contin ues Active Several Large Deals ' Under Negotiation Residence Property Still in Excellent Demand Rapid progress Is now being made on all the bis buildings under construc tion In the city, the, contractors mak- ., Ing every effort to get as far ahead as possible before the wet weather begins. At the Wells, Fargo Co. building only one story remains to be Inclosed above the fourth floor and the greater part of It Is expected to be completed before the end of the week. , The Swetland building is now above the third story and men ere at werk on the first floor finishing the stores there so that they will be ready to be occupied within a few weeks. The Buchanan building adjoining Is going ahead rapidly, now that the mills are shipping the steel and iron used in He construction. The re-enforced concrete building for Mrs. Lewis on Fourth street, near Washington, Is completed to the fourth floor am1 the fifth floor will be finished this week. The brick masons are working actively on the Falling hulldlng at Fifth and Alder streets, and tt promises to prove very attractive. A buff-colored brick is be ing used and It looks pretty. The excavation for the Acheson build ing, adjoining, is being finished and to day the riggers started to work getting their apparatus for erecting the steel for the Corbett building at Fifth and Morrison streets. The contractors ex pect to erect at lenst one etory- of steel enrb week, and If they succeed that - building will be completed as far as the steel Is concerned before the end of the year. Realty Market Active. The market for realty continues ac tive and brokers report Inquiries from outside capital growtng stronger each day. There are several big deals in the air, the majority of them being for in side property, although It Is probable that announcement will he made before the end of the week of a pure hale of a tract of residence property that will run close to 1200,000. There Is consid erable close figuring st present be tween several prospective buyers. One deal involving .something like 1100.600 now hinges on a question of about f 1, 000, but the. parties Interested are like ly to settle their difference before the end of . the week and the sale made. A. B. Manley has sold to A. M. De war the quarter block and house at the northwest corner of Williams avenue and Waldler street for $6,760. Quarter Block Transferred. The American Trust A Investment company has transferred for" a nominal consideration to the Security - Savings A Trust company ethe- quarter block at the eouthwent corner of Fifteenth and Northrup streets. Thie is close to the proposed terminals of the Portland a Seattle railway, and whether this prop erty Is to be used by them is not an nounced, although the Security Savings 1 A Trust company acted aa transfer agent for the railroad In the other big purchases mads in that section. The Security Savings a Trust com pany has also purchased lot S, in bloek itl. city, on West Park street, between Market and Mill. The consideration an nounced Is nominal. R. R. Qlltner has sold to A. E. Msnn tract O In Orover'e addition, on Port land Heights. It faces on Patten road end commands a very attractive view down Mareftiam gulch and over the east side-of the city. The price paid Is re ported ss THE 'DIFmm STORE' OLDS, W0RTMAN & KING STORE NEWS FIFTH, sum AND WASHINGTON STREETS Every Word in This Printed Announcement Must Be Backed Up By the Goods in the Store Olds, Wortman & King We go to market when money will buy the most. Do you? Whatever we need materials or finished goods we find we can do best when the holder wants to sell. We saved money on many of the things mentioned today by timely and fortunate buying.' Will you share the savings Today and Wednesday? Draw Dividends Today in Money Saved on Each Article Listed Below Men's Fixings Dividends payable in the Sixth St. Annex First floor. 140 usmi An assortment of fine double thread Underwear in sliver gray, early Fall weight,- regular value $1.50: special, garment gl.OK Bunr see xobxut, iso. A line of men's "seamless Hose, In tan. black, wine, Oxford and brown, with silk clocking; regular value 31c; special, pair' 19e amra as asm ease hbqisom mil, si as. oft Negligee Shirts, in tan. white and fancy effects; values at 12 and 12. 58; special $1.39 D I V I D E N D S DRESS GOODS Colored Suitings Draw ' your dividends on these In the Fifth street Annex, First floor Imported French, German and Eng lish goods In all the newest col ors and weaves New Tailor Suit ings, New Plaid Suitings, New Gray Suitings. Our regular 12.50 for. yard 12.00 11.76 grade; gride; grade; Our regular for, yard Our regular for, yard . rOB TUIIDAT An W1D OSLT. 1.000 yards 62-inch Mixed in all the new Fall colorings and designs. Our regular SI. 25 grade; special for 1 days only 06e) special $1.97 special 91.64 specie i 1.4S AT Suitings D I V I D E N D S JEWELRY SPECIALS Jewelry Shops Sixth street annex, I first noor. SSo Pearl Bead STeok Chains, ego. A line of pretty pearl bead Neck Chains, finest Imported quality of excellent 1 inter, beads solid and' evenly strong, gold plated catch; regular value 61c. special .... 49e LaVal ie? TrVckciaTrls- for'glrtsfwtth smethyst pendants, gold plated; regular value 16c, special. . . 19e 68c Oold Top gauds, Be. An assortment of men's Shirt Studs, gold tops, with plated backs; reg ular 66c, special ........... 4S D I V I 0 E N D S Children's Petti coals, Dresses a ee Pei Payabls In the Baoy-to-Mlss Sa lons, Thoroughfare Aisle, 2d floor. Children's white fine cambric Pet ticoats, deep lawn flounoe, three clusters fine tucks, fine cambric waist attached, sixes from' 1 to S years; rag. price SSo, special. 37e Another flurry In children's White Dresses, made of fine white lawp, all In long waist French effect, trimmed In a great variety of styles In lace and embroidery, ages from I to I years; regular prices from $1 to $6.50, your choice at HALF PRICB D I V I D E N D S New Plaided Silks A grand distribution of great values In the most wanted sort of silks. The plaids ire In beautiful effects, many exclusive designs, snd rich, effective colorings. Rare dtvldend Sylng prices In the Silk Store toyand These muoh sought for 81 ks are here In the largest assortment the city, at special grade, special. shown In prices. Regular 11.00 arrada. aneelal. nri at S4e Regular 11.35 grade, special, yard , ' fi.oa 5:000 yards new Suit Silks In all Fall, 1(06, colors and designs, splendid vslues and very durable Silks; regular $1.00 grade, special at. yard 83 A Part of the Price Buys These Laundry Bags Dividend! collected by thrifty shop pers today on these useful house hold conveniences in the Annex Art Shop Second Floor. t Extra large Laundry Bags of tan art material,, with the word "Laundry" embroidered in large letters, heavy white drawstring; regular price 65c, special at. 43 D I V I E N D S Save in Buying Kitch'n Ranges Collect your dividends today by buying the range you need for family cooking and other use this winter at these special prices. On Third Floor. Quick baker, economical user of fuel, for either wood or coal. Every stove guaranteed 16-inch "Quick Meal" Steel Range, special $M4-M 16-inch "Quick Baker" Steel Range, Special 34.0 0 I V I D E N D S The Housewife Draws a Dividend Today - When providing for the family needs in Hemstitched Sheets Payable at that bank of ' household economy the "Domestic" Section First Floor. Best quality Hemstitched Sheets. Sire 72x50, special T8e Sire 81x90, special 83e ' Sire 81x99. special 8T Size 90x99, special 9Ze D I V I D E N D S 50 Per Cent Divi dends Due' Today Payable in the Leather Goods Shops Sixth-Street Annex First Floor on f t (TsS- Women's $3.00 Handbags at Half Price. Best All Grain Leather Handbags, leather-lined throughout, leather covered riveted frames, gilt or gunmetal trimmings, fitted with coin 'purse, in black, brown, blue and green; regular value $3.00. special ft. 5 D I V I D E N D S Women Who Want Petticoats May cut coupons todsy on their investments in the Undermuslin Sslons. The saving is worth while the difference on eachgJ petticoat purcnased between $175, its worth, and $1.23, to day's price. These White Cam bric Petticoats have deep Iswa flounce, with two clusters of hemstitched tucks, deep embroid ery edging; regular price $1.75, special g 1.23 ClOCkS 111 Special VNo pun's Intended when we say SSICS tla a timely opportunity to buy 1 these reliable and accurate time- T , . . I keepers while the special sale la H H ! KT1C oH on. Come today, and share the sav- lUfCf llJCU lugs. Take elevator to third floor. I DNote the bargains. r 11 - ... .. Mantel' gold frame office end alarm II MiPfP clocks. 26-Inch wood frame, eight- U ,,w E. day Clock, half-hour strike; spe- c fll $1.T5 r 3P fr IS-lnch wood frame, S-day Clock. a IV, IV I N alarm and Jietir strike; spe- PJ -"9suSo n Today and D High-grade alarm Clocks, guaran- s f VUHI SPIflU Pf-Ul "' D gas s a Long slarm. apaalal ej5 WediieSaaV 5 Tattoo alarm, special $1.10 ) IffcUHVrfUHj D I V I D E N 0 S Black Dress Goods Fine Investment Those women who've been east this year or abroad and have seen the preparations for autumn and winter know that black is strongly back in fashion's favor. It shows to a marked degree in the Dress Goods Sslons this week at once the richest and most generally becoming of dress colors. Great savings today and tomorrow. An nex Fifth street First floor. A remarkable special on Imported English, French and German Broadcloths. These down-to-date cloths at a big saving in price: Regular $2.00 grade; special, yard..- 31.73 Regular $2.50 grade; special, yard . f 2.23 Regular $3.00 grade; special, yard 33.09 D I V I D E II D S You May Share in These Dividends Today or Wednesday D I V 1 D E N D S Household Econo mists Will profit tod a Jay buying Stocks See how we've planned for our patrons to save In the "Ilnen Store,'' First floor. All linen fancy Hueka, for towels, sofa cuahlons and fancy work, apodal, yard 45e SATIN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS With full alas linen Napkins. Sis 2x3 yards, at 87. OO Slse 33 tt yarde, at Is.OO Slae 3x1 yards, at , $9.00 FORESTRY CONGRESS IS OPENED BY EARL GREY (Joeroel Sperm Vancouver, H. C, Sei Tire I Sept. 15. Of more than usual interest, because of Its rep reseat at rve character. Is the forestry congress which began here today under the lofnt ausptcea of the British Colum bia lumbermen's association and thri Canadian Forestry association National and provincial forest policies, the lum ber Industry and the forest, the Im portaace of the forest lands to mining and forestry In relation to railroad sup plies are soma of the subjects scheduled for discussion during the three days' session. Earl drey offlclatsd. at She formal opening. The governor-general and his party will proceed to Nanatmo tomorrow. (Journal Special Barries.) Oreat Falls, Mont., Sept. 3. Exhibits of the highest class. Illustrating the varied industries and resources) of this section, make up the Northern Montana fair which opened in Oreat Falls today. Favorable conditions and a largs at tendance marked the opening and ths five days' exhibition promises to be suc cessful from every point of view. Fitters A fair trial of the Bitten will convince every sick rhan or woman that it is the medicine to restore them to robust health again. A 53 years' record of cures is a safe guarantee. Therefore start today. It cures Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Sour Rising, Costive ness, Cramps, Backache or Malarial Fever. m E -5. The Homely Girl. The homely girl should be pleased st the attention that awe la receiving tress the press In recent years; It, at least, shows a recognlsatlon of hsr problem Some of the writers on this subject seem to think that aha la perennially In need of encouragement to enable Jter to endure life; they think that her oaae la hopeless and that all that oan be dona for the unfortunate reature la to tell "her that beauty la only skin deep anyway and that goodness Is Its own reward. The other claas of wrttere take a more hopeful view In that they maintain that the homeliest gin has her good points and urge the girl to find these good polnta and cultivate them, not only that but to make her ugllnees so attrsctlve that ahe will be Judged a beauty. Someway i think that the latter get' of writers sre much better liked by the girls In question, To be told that beauty is only skin deep lent very4comfort1ng after all a pink and white complexion le charm ing and. we long for this special attrib ute and Ikoartd much rather be told how to obtain ttethan the ract that aa It ts only skin deep tt Is worthless wc know better. My first piece of advice to the so-called homely girl Is don't be one. Adopt the beauty attitude. It hae been proven that the mind has a great Influence over our condition, and al though I hardly believe that merely thinking beauty will make a person a Helen of Troy, still letting our mind dwell on our good points and at the same time working to make ourselves attractive will do wanders. That la usually one of the fauita of the homely girl; ahe doesn't take enough pains with her appearance. Have you ever noticed how long moat pretty girl take to dress and how particular they are about the little details of drees'' I think thatt the homely girl would do well to copy some of the graces and even affectations of her pretty sister. Study the face, dispassionately and crit ically, and find the good points; culti vate the way of holding the head that Is most effective, dress the hair so that tt will make an effective frame to the faee. Homely girls, even more than pretty ones, should sdopt art IndrVtdunl style of dress, and usually It will be found that somewhat large drooping hats and soft fluffy things ere most be coming. Endeavor to keep the hands soft snd white snd always have the nails welt manicured, as a pretty hand will he conpensstlon for a plain face. Many girls, however need a word of advice In regard to the use of beauti ftere. Dont use first one than another without waiting to see what (he effect will be, as you will be sure to Injure the skin sooner or later. st St St Etiqutte of Letter Writing. A man should always- be Mr, Charles J. Brown, or Charlea J. Brown, Esq. Never use both. It lg not customary to use 'Mr. when Jr. or Sr. Is used. A woman should never be addressed by her husband' title, as Mrs. Mayor Jones. Always put Mrs. or Mies be fore a woman's name. Answers to Invitations should be ad dressed to the person who Issued the In vitation whether you are well ac quainted or not. Formal letters should begin My Dear Mrs. Simpson, snd to friends Dear Mrs. Simpson er Dear Mary. A man ahoflld sign his letters John O. Brown. ' A woman should sign letters to friends, Daisy Miller, and a business letter, Mrs. Delay Miner. at . at f Good and Bad Charity. Many women think that all charity 4s akin, and therefore give simply to he giving, give Indeacrlmlnately with out thought of the ef feat "en the reclpl- Heve you ever looked dVsr a hex sent from some wealthy women to a poverty stricken family? In the box will be fpund all aorts of perfectly useless things aa far as the people they are intended for are concerned; soiled party gowns with the more valuable trim ming ripped off, hata that were once marvels of dainty beauty, but are now I ii , jBf soiled end bedraggled and wholly In appropriate for the woman who takes in washing who Is the recipient. Some people give sympathy In the same un thinking way. To sympathise In auch a way that you make a person feel that their case is hopeless Is a crime. Sym pathy should mean encouragement, er at least endurance. True charity means to help the person to help him self, not to make people feel dependent and really deprive them of the ambi tion to make an effort for themselves, and yet .that la exactly what many women do and then settle back with a comfortable feeling of duty well per formed and expect their "poor people," aa they call them, to be grateful forthe rest ef their Uvea. If, Instead of sel fish charity that thinks only of self immolation, women would atudy the question of best methods of helping the poor to help themselves; to try anef make them more Independent, not more dependent, then their work would In deed ne vaiuame ana tney would really receive more 'true gratitude If that is what they are working for. although women should have a higher object than the wlah for gratitude or the am bition to be regarded as a Lady Boun tiful t at at Mind the Frock. Do not overrate your powers of mind and underrate ' that of your pretty rrocas, says a modern philosopher; and 11 1 Open a Box for the Children Leave it where they can reach it Watch them gain in weight Watch their cheeks grow ruddy with health and life. Uneeda Biscuit While he may excite the eoorn of sgme strong feminine minds there Is not a little evidence that many women of emancipated aspirations have already taken unto themselves this gem of wisdom, . To be a reformer In a pretty frock requires particular powers of mental detachment; . hat let the pretty frock w6rk Its end while the pretty wit is exercising Its utmost cunning, and there la no iron wing what victories may be gained for "the causa." Pineapple Marmalade. Feel and grate or chop as many pine apples ss are desired, using a stiver knife or fork In the operation. Meas ure or weigh, and allow a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Mix well and stand in a cool plane over night. In the morning cook for half an hour or until soft enough to put uiruugn a coarse sieve, strain, return to the preserving kettle, and continue cooking, stirring almost constantly for half an hour or longer until a clear amber Jelly that Will thicken Into a paste aa It coola. Put Into small Jars ana seat wnen cool. the program led off at 10:10 o'clock thla morning with an address by Vice President Fairbanks In North park Band concerts, Indian dancea contests at golf and othar outdoor sports were features of the dsy. A public reception In honor of Vioe-Presldent Fairbanks takes place this evening at the home of Congressman and Mrs. Franklin B. Brooks. Visitors continue to arrive In the city and the crowd la now one of the largeat ever entertained In Colorado Springs. (Special Mapatek to The Jaaraal.) SUvertOB. Or., Sept. IS. William Bchoan. a son of Mr. and aire. Anton Sen oan of Arleta, died at the Weianer hop yard Sunday of hemorrhage ef the lungs. His body was shipped, to Port land Sunday evening. GARVIN'S WIFE MAY BE MENTALLY MIXE0 Seattle. Sept. IS, jgra. Virgil Garvin, the wife of Virgil Oarvln. one of the pitchers of the Seattle baseball team, la being examined as to her alleged in sanity oy a medical commission this afternoon. The examination la taking place at Pacific hospital, whereMrs. Oarvln has been confined for several weeks suffering from severe illness. So prolonged has been the woman's suffering that It Us believed her mind has become unbalanced. The petition to the Insanity commission was secured in aa effort to have the woman sent to sn asylum where ahe oould obtain scientific treatment for sny mental dis order with which she might be affected. SWIFT WATER Bill SAYS HE JS BANKRUPT Alaskan Asks Court for Some As sistance in Some Finan cial Trouble. are the only Soda Crackers the most nutritious food made from wheat therefore the most wholesome food for children. $ In a dust tight. moistur proof package NATIOHAL BISCUIT COMPANY (Special Olapatcb to The Journal ) Seattle, wash., Sept. SS. In response to a petition of certain creditors, J. P. I Hoyt, referee In bankruptcy, has ap i pointed James J. Godfrey receiver In I bankruptcy for William C. Oatea, better known aa "Swlftwater Bill." Several daya ago Oates applied to the federal court for relief in his financial troubles and asked to be declared a bankrupt. William Ray. attorney for the now famous Alaskan, has agreed to the ap- I poinimnni ana promises to nave his client here for examination on Thurs day. As near as can be learned new "Swift water Bill" has been spending his time, since leaving Seattle, around Spokane.' He and Receiver Godfrey ere not, stran gers, as they knew, one Snotfter In the far north some years ago. Thomns Dwyer, the man who grub-staked Gates and enabled htm to make hla strike In Alaska, and Mra. Beebe asked the ap pointment of a receiver Dwyer holds a Judgment tor tlOO.ono against Gates, and Mra. Beebe, who le one of hfs many mothers-in-law acquired In the miner's various matrimonial ventures, holds notes to the amount of 120.000 against him. Indigestion Cured at 74 FAIRBANKS SPEAKS AT PIKE CENTENNIAL whiskey sad ts sold eat he sealed het- ( Journal genial Pan In.) mask, the "O 0K Colorado Springe, Colo., Sept. U a. rrm She eork la m---imm.mmidKLtl This was the second and one of the n HeUKAaHaBmaflBBBBaSE BbbVSB biggeet days the Pike leeHH wmsBi i , SweaWBXMV celebration. It waa Pioneer day and 9H Mm BB bbb SBW lassaaaW W r .bbH w I .evs.a aw I k SBBBBa jaeaBBBBBBB MR. L. r. MILLER. T4 TRASS OLD. Mr. L. F. Miller, of Utica, If. Y., who is seventy-four years of age, waa cured of indigestion and pain in the stomach by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, after years of suffering and all other medicines had failed. MB. MILLER Writes: . "I write with Joy asd aattofaeOea. ftpTentjr fonr etorar win Ufa have paaaed over mj head ea the 11th ef r.hrmrj laat. My oeeasethm k S S BlarkamlUi Two rests age I waa taken wttk a pain la lay staeasth. aar food did net aifeat and I waa la oae atant oatn at mj work. I west en m e doctor, sot aeaaa BMMUetae, set of ea stbII. I sot dlaconreged geisg Basse to mr dinner. Oae day I satt a waa. I told hla hew I felt, that If I ate not get a speedy relief I weald have to atop work. He mji. Way don't yon try Deft Malt Wblekeyr I west that nlsbt. got a bottle It east II 00. I took Tt according to dtrerttoes. I sad about hi taken wkea I began to teal better I got the aeeasd bottle and ea till I bad taken 4 bottlea and left like a Morning Star. I will nmswiaS It to Ike world. There le s neighbor wobmb I was tawJag wttk Saturday alght. She baa Uuable wttk her toaach I told bar to get thla ewal else. It woeld cure her of all her troubles. U T. Millar. S2 Broadway." Match St. OS. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey If rou wlah to kwn atmns and t lamias and ban on health, take Puffr'a pare Malt Wblnker regularly, uniting other Bodlrtne. It la daaseroBa to all year with lnm. th,.v pnlMHi the hody and the heart, while liiiffra Purr Malt blakey tonee anil trvun'tnena the heart actios and yurtfiM the i-nttro ayatea. It M the only wniaaey raooaniaeo aa a swoiesae. Bl talna no fuael oil Thla la a guarantee Pure Malt Whlakey baa atood aeven ear fifty yeere ami baa always been anaaiutvir pure ami to mntaia greet presertlee. oaVTXOST. When yon aa gist or grooer for BuaTy's Whiskey be sure yoa get 1 It's the oae absolutely anase ur rheeta the flow ef niirott to dkreetlrw. and take ea 9i7 eTaTaV omm c.a a BBBBBaa-w-Ht aw I f.B SB J J111BBB