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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAIY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15. 190fl. If NO MORE FAVORS BY RAILROADS land Seekers' Excursion to Cease as Road Have No Au thority to Cut Rates. FREE TRANSPORTATION TO CLERGY IS CUT OFF Special Rates to Theatrical Cora parties. Baseball Cluba and to Army and Navy Officers and Their Fam ilies Held Discriminatory. (Journsl Special Berries. I Chicago. Sept IS. J. C. Stubba, chairman of the executive officer' com mitttee for the railroads, has prepared the following report regarding doubtful points In the new rate law: "Free transportation cannot be given to land or Immigration asjonts unleea ' they are employee In such sense that the carriers legally couid give them transportation. "There la no authority In law for making lower rstes to lsndseekers and ettlera than for other travelers. Thla Interpretation seeme to abolish the homeeeekera' excursions, which all western Unee have been running for years.'' Advertisers' Transportation. The law committee advisee" that trans portation cannot he Issued In payment for advertising. It Is generally ac cepted, however, that carriers may carry an open account with publishers rfnd that publishers may carry an open ac count with carriers lor advertising, and that these accounts can he balanced periodically. The balance, whatever It may be must be paid In cash. The transaction must be devoid of previous agreement that the service done by either party ia to be paid (or in any .other way than by cash Special reduced rates' may be made for federal and state troops and offi cers and employes of the United States Geological Survey, and reclamation service In the future as la the past. Tree List Out Off. The words of the law excepting "In mates of hospitals and charitable and eleemosynary Institutions and persons engaged la charitable and missionary work from the free pass prohibition are held not to apply to doctors, nurses end other employes. Nuns, Bisters of charity, missionaries, national or state officers of religious organisations, teachers and pupils to Indian schools, officers of the Salvation Army and Volunteers of America, It is held, may be given free transportation. Special rates for theatrical companies, baseball clubs, etc are held to be dis criminatory. "They should be taken cognisance of under the party rate rules," the report says. Army ravers illegal. Special rates for army and naval oftl ' ears and their families, which always have bean made In the past, are held unlawful for the same reason. Regarding the interchange of trans portation by common carters for the families, the committee decldee such In terchange may be made with sleeping, express and steamship companies, but not with teleejraph one) telephone wm panlea. It la held that free transpor tation may not be issued to members of railroad employes' unions, whs are pot in the employ of a railroad com pany. w W. Dim mock of Taaoma Is at the Portland hotel. Mr. Dlmmock Is Inter ested In several large electric roads in course of oonst ruction In California and is on hie way to Inspect them. to Death. . Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not sat. Mrs Mary H. Walters of St Clair treat, Columbus, o . was literally starv ing to death She wrltee: "My stom ach was so weak from useless drugs thst I could not tat. and my nerves so wrecked that J could not Sleep; snd not before I was given up to die was t in duced to try Electric Bitters, with the wonderful result that improvement be- Eat once, and a complete cure fol sd." Best health Tonic on earth. Guaranteed by Red rCoaa Phar macy. The Cheapest Form of Health Insurance YOU oan boy Health insurance now. Several food "Accident1 Companies sell It, Sixty dollars per year will bring you $25 per week.f or every week you are alok. But, your time alone may be Worth far more than (hat. And $200 per week might not pay (or your suffering. That 'a why "Cascaret" Insurance, which prevents Sickness, la worth ten times as much money as ether "Health" Insurance. Yet "Cascaret" Insurance sriO cost you less than Ten Cents a week. Thai gives you s "Vest Pocket" Bos to carry constantly. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will insur : you against 90 per cent of all elhsrHU likely to attack yoa. Because 90 per cent of these ills begin in the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. No, they set like. Exercise on the Bowels, Instead. They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. see The time to take a Cascaret 1b the very minute you suspect you need one. When you have a touch of Heart burn. Cas-belching, Acid -rising -In -throat, or a Comlng-on-Cold. Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box ready for huahleet where It belongs. Just ss yes would your Watch. Pockst-knlfe er fcaSi ptnnfl It costs only 10 cents. At say drug gist Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company. and never sold In bulk. Every tablet IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE 'VARSITY Thousands of Dollars Worth of Equipmsnt Has Bean Added at Eugene School. FRESHMAN CLASS FULL OF PORTLAND STUDENTS Faculty at Oregon This Year Is Ex ceptionally Strong, Including Some of the Foremost Educators of the United States. (special Dispatch to The Journal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Sept 26. The University of Oregon opened Its doors to Its studsnts yesterday for the year 1188-07 with better prospects than at any previous time In Its his tory. Thousands of dollars worth of equipment have been added, new In structors provided aad the largest at tendance of any prevloue year ,1a ex pected. The freshmen claaa will In all proba bility be a third or a half larger than last year, when it numbered over 100. Fully one fourth or perhaps one third of the students will be from Portland, the students of that :Jty seeming to have taken a decided liking for Oregon this yesr. Ths old students ere expected to be back. to resume their Work within s week. ' This year, too, the faculty is very strong, there being three new professors of considerable note In the languages, economics aad mathematics. In French and Spanish Dr. T. floras of Europe baa been employed and hia reputation places htm with the foremost scholars in modern languages of the west. The4 uepurimeiii gi munemtut i will sin uc greatly strengthened by ths addition of Dr. H. B. Leonard of the University of Chicago, who comes highly recom mended. The third new face in the faculty la that of Professor' John K. Brlndley of the University of Wiscon sin, who will be in the depsrtment of economics. In which subject Sir. Brlnd ley Is exceptionally bright. In the engineering departments srs also two now Instructors, Mr. C. A. McClain and Mr. C. R. Reld. Mr. Raid will take up some work of Professor R. B. Dearborn, who la visiting the leading engineering schools In the east. Mr. McClain was recently appointed an assistant in civil engineering. These changes with the return of Professor Bovard, biology, make the faculty of Oregon much the strongest as well as the largest in the state. The great step forward this yesr Is not se much la the faculty as In the laboratories and shops, where thousands of dollars of new apparatus has been placed. Special attention has been paid In this regard to electrical and mechani cal engineering. Two thousand new books nave also been added to the library and new typewriters and book binding apparatus Installed. Bealdes, the subscriptions to periodicals have been practically doubled, ffMlS in now all of the better magaxlnes of thla country, and many of ether nations. On the campus many change are also apparent, fresh paint and new faces vying with each other for predomi nance. Work on the new 116,000 library is under way and by next spring that structure and the stria' dormitory will be finished. The library building la two stories high with a fine' base ment equal to either one of them,, and Ita dimensions are approximately SO by 100 feet. ' The msterlal used Is the best quality of pressed brick. The dormitory baa not been begun yet, but wiu be reedy by the flrst of neat year. The old student does not notice these things so much ss the fine new cement wslk be tween Deady hall and Villard, and the dosene of other little improvements TOUR OF AMERICA COSTS FIFTEEN HATS Youth Also Spends One Dollar in Money on Six Months Trip Over Country. (Special Disputes to The Jeere.l 1 New London. . onn.. Sept. ;5. Fifteen hats and tl In money is the sum total of the eost of a transcontinental journey for John E. Watroua, aa 18-year-old New 1ondon lad, who haa lust landed hers The hats were lost en route Jumping freights and riding blind baggage while the money was spent tipping brakemen and buying Ice cream. His meals he se cured by devious methods en route Watroua worted his way up the coast from Los Angeles to Portland. Oregon. Where be worked five days driving a milk route, a change from logging In the Siskiyou county. He hiked from Port- land to Seattle and made side trips to least Lake, nut te, BIlMnga snd Sheridan, then came overland, dropping off at i various points, St. Paul. Minneapolis, i mcago, . imianspoiis. uieveianu ana Buffalo. i had a good time and spent four months on the trip. HARVARD'S NEW MEDICAL COLLEGE IS DEDICATED (Jouraeil Specie! Berries. I Cambridge, Ifaas., Sept. IE. The first hslf of a two-days' program of exer cises in connection with the dedication of the near maellcal wehrwil rt Mnrvarrl t'niverslty was oerrled oat today. The exercises were brief and were carried out In the grand court of the magnlfl- ' cent new buildings which adorn the Back Bay Pena. Presldeeit mint of the university performed ths set of dedica tion. More formal and Interesting ex ercise will be held In Banders' theatre , tomorrow. More than 1,000 graduates of the Harvard Medical school, lnrlud- i Ing promlnsnt physicians from all parts I of the country, have gathered to take part In the celebration WESTWARD HO ISLAND IS OFFERED FOR SALE (Journal Special Sarvles.l London, Sept. 18 Lundy Island, with which the reading public has been made familiar by Charles Klngaley s popular Bevel entitled "Westward Ho," was put up for sale at public auction In London today The island la situated In the Bristol channel, ia about three miles long aad has an average width of about half a mile. For the met 7 years It haa been in the possession of the Heaven family, which acquired It In 1814 for 145,000. Its value I placed at many times that figure at the pros TACTIONS BATTLE IN NEW JERSEY Reformers and Machine Men Settling Differences at Pri maries in New Jersey. WOULD INCREASE TAXES PAID BY CORPORATIONS Colby and Others Strive to Free State From Control of Railroads and Big Companies Office-Hold-srs Defend Present System. (Journal Ssedal Service.! Trenton N. J., Sept . The political contest thst Is being fought out In the state primaries today nas stirred New Jersey from Cape May to ths New York ststs line. The contest Is one of the most Interesting and exciting that thla state has seen In years The Republican party Is divided into two hostile factions, very much ss the party Is divided in Wisconsin. The "stalwarts" In New Jersey this year are called regulars" snd the "hslf breeds" are known as "Colbyltes," "re formers" or "new Idea" men. The "regular" or organisation Repub lican leaders comprise pretty much all the office-holders Governor Stokes snd other etatebouse officials. United States Senators Keen and Dryden. and all the Representatives In congress from this state. It is sustained by every member of the state committee and by efficient organizations In every count In short. It Is a powerful snd well-constructed machine. In good working order. Oolby Treads oil. 'The reformers, M ths other faction are pleased to call themselves, are led by three men who have for ths past two or three years been conspicuous figures In New Jerssy politics. They are Everett Colby, senator from Essex county; Mayor Pagan of Jersey City, snd George L. Record, corporation coun sel of Jersey City. There are two prin cipal planks ia the reform platform. These are equal taxation and limited franchises. The reformers claim thst ths railroads are paying a ridiculously unequal share of the taxes. Ths re formers declare that ths Republican or ganization has for so many years been the close political ally of ths Pennsyl vania Railroad company that it does not dare qpmpei the big corporation to come forward and assume its Just share of ths tax burden. The two factions fight It out at the primaries today. The reformers have put George D. Record forward as their candidate far United States Senator, while the regulars are generally for John F. Dryden, who baa served part of one term In the senate and desired re-election. Tbe reform faction have also nominated candidates for the leg islature and foj congress la some coun- tlasi r ' Kama la reared. What both (actions seem to tear is thst neither will honestly sblde by the result of ths primaries, but will secretly knife the ticket that wins In the pri maries at the coming election. Though the Republicans ' carried the state on. the assembly ticket last -year by 67, 178 plurality, it la believed to be within the possibilities thst the Demo crats may capture the legislature this year and elect their senator. Former President Orover Cleveland has been talked of aa a possible candidate for the senate, but those best familiar with the situation believe It would be Impos sible to persuade him to become a can didate. Former Senator James Smith. Jr., though the fact thst he bolted the Bryan presidential tickets may mili tate against his chances, tS still be ll ved to be the moat prominent among those mentioned as the Democratic can didate for the senate. MUST TELL YOUR HEIGHT IN ORDER TO CAST VOTE (Journal Special Berries.) Boston. Mass., Sept. It. The man who undertoook to vols on somebody else's stmt at the primaries In this city today bad to run more of a "gaunt let" than heretofore, for, in addition to I having the name called out by the pre- I cinct officer when he asked for a bal- lot. the precinct officer also announced the height of the man whose name had been called. Then ths police officer ' on duty at ths polling booth looked over his descriptive list of Voters to see If the man who had called for a ballot 1 answered the description against thst name on the descriptive list This was only putting; into effect ths new state law governing elections. At each poll- j Ins; booth there Is s measuring rod near the ballet -box under which the voter must stsnd In case there Is sny ques tion soout his height. lEe Portland PORTLAND. OREOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HKJUXJUARTKR3 FOR TOURISTS Everything to eat aad drink, and It costs no more la the than elsewhere IB the dtp. Every weekday night from 8:10 he IS, O. HfBtw-S If you have any Wood I ssasedse. Slsa u. Uussv 'uBBMlsss. Cawa stlps'Kw. SASSETT'S I BBS NATTVC HERBS wm sure ess. w ssst afgs Shm ueemuj mas. Tlislmisl. II. (seeassss SaW I SB I B a BBVXT . . r-sajageSBUUP-T se. . . s BOWBBB Massrer. ' SRahH niBBUHS sssssssBSBSsssssssssI aT - aSBSBSBS ssssrsa ' .v -i.-w - . The Kind You Have Always in use for orur 80 years, and All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are bub Experiment- tl at trifle with and endanger the health of Inthnt. and Childr n Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Oant ria Is a harmless substitu e for Cas tor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Wd allays I'cverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind olic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep. The Children Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. WE CURE MEN FOR A r-elsoa. Skin Hydreosle. Bereous eases of tee Kidneys Indifference aad neglect of the first arasptosae are roaeanslhls tar thomeade at human wrecks, felhvee la life end buelneee, Ineaatty. enlrjde ste. Why teke -fi desperate chances? The ssanltaetatleae of the Brat aymptomo ot asy disease ee wseasss should be s warning for yea to tske prompt stepe to safeguard your future life and happiness. You should csrefulle srold sll experimental, dangerous or hslf-wsy treatment, for anon the success of the Bret treataeeet depende whether yoa will be promptly restored S health sgaln. with sU taint of the ii nu disease restored from your system. or wbstSei It will be allowed ts become chronic sad subject you to future recurrences of the ileease, with the r ariose resulting complications, etc. IS t SB IIS ATE- OUR METHODS AMD LEARN E. AMD WHEM TOU PLACE TOUR CASE GETTING TBS REST TREATMENT THAT We wail every man in the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment. WE CURE TOO AT HOME. BLOOD POISON STPKJXTB. There comes a tlaae In your life where, after you hare trimA .11 ,h. h..llh runrli inriiin etc.. that Toil sire UD all hop snd at times TOU coneide- life very dsrk. You hsre spent a and yet have received no result Ws will guarantee to ears yea of your dreaded malady and by oar methods we do not use any drugs thst will eaass sny bad effects or destroy year eoastltstlou. Call sad see us before It la too late. NERVOUS DESILTTT. Loss ef energy, will power. lack of concentration ef thought, loss of memorr. , which weakens year entire system, mental ss well ss physical. TaU lowered vitality ef the nervous ssd physical condition te strengthened so thst la a short tlsss yea sill have your original strength ead he yourself sgaln RHEUMATISM Both seats er chronic, or varied forms, eared to etsy cared tor life. Our methods are unexcelled snd scientific. VARICOCELE la s assessed condition of the scrotal reins. It may he eassed by blows, kicks fslls. beery lifting, mumps, esrly Indiscretion or assy be s symptom only ef some speclsl wreksess. The eraser trsatssent coexists ef local application for the purpose of dispelling the stagnsnt blood sad contracting the swollen reins, ss well ss Internal medication to strengthen itbc nerves which go even the bkwd supply te these reins Though causing ynu sjo trouble st the present trass, year Varicocele will. If permitted te g" without the proper trestment. Impair snd destroy the elements of rltsllty. We dally demonstrate that Varicocele eaa he peal lively end speedily eared without cnttrfig. nursing sr asy other form of operation. HOCKS e 1 II. to I f. k. EVENINGS. 7 te S:SB P. H. SUNDAYS. B A. If. te IS M. St Louis MEDICAL AND SVK1CA1 CORNER SECOND AND T AMHILL 17 Years in Portland When Others Fail Come Here for Treatment. Located In Portland in 1889 We have made a specialty of diseases of men for 2o vesrs. We have been eoUibllahed seventeen (17) years longer than any .other specialist In the city. We make no false representations to build up our business, but depend prin cipally upon patients Ws have cured sending us others We csnnot cure every man who cornea to us, but ws claim that we can cure a larger proportion of oaaes with our system then can be done by any other. Specialists try to imitate our methods in every state In 'he ITnlen. Nobody counterfeits anything that la not the genuine article. ' We will not undertake any case ex cept there Is s reasonsble prospect of a cure being effected. Will vou Investigate our method make cures every day eome astenls men for aervousaees, rapture, oooele. blood bladder sag nrtnary 01 Over SS ner oesrt of oar but only SB. 00, daring that past IT Consultation free and confldentl Office hours lastly. a. m. to Should you aeslre you may pay s Tou may deposit the fee in any you are entirely satisfied that you a monthly installments DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. leading sIIISllf 1 the V orthwraart, Bill II UK! I 1S8B. ak,'i-7 hy Wemtard. (Parh. Osa SeSBsStsyller OFFIC1 VAJg MOT XOTMX BBS TXXBS ST.. COM, PIMM FOBTLXBP. Oss. I ' M JTasss,. JsgmeeiesT I AP sr XI "-"rr""T?. TLj : Iesves us a mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmj IT AD T?rfKl fAH V tfXt 10 KI A I IWmM M SSiSiS I KB? ' movi T aTa sat's a a a tTs ess ass tub PR OS I t s a ei.rttus. WW Bought, and which has has borne the signature has been made under bis so rial supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Signature of $12.50 ESTABLISHED SS TXABS Of PC STL AST. ConsulUtion Free vrs wm tbxat astt simple, trsrooatrucATsn ajxmst rem state. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED LIFELOHQ CURE. FOB Diseases. Sores. Clears. Btrieture. Varicocele, Decliae, Weakness. Osaorrhaaa, Oareais Dis an rrostate. THAT WZ ARE ALL WE CLATM TO IM OUR HAMDB TOU ARE SORE OF CAM BE OBTAINED ANYWHERE. great deaf of money trying to be relieved Dispensary STREETS. PORTLAND. OBXSOB. 7 It is to your iniereal to an o. We hlng. almost beyont. belief. vie treat BWBsB, weak organe. hydrocele, vari and stomach, heart, lung. User, kidney. at a eost of SI 000, sgad years tm this slty. si. p. m. ; Sundays and holidays, 10 to tl. ft or cure hss been effected. bank In Portland, to be paid to us when re cured, or you may pay in weeaiy or i TRANSPORTATION. $84.50 Buffalo, N.Y. and return vis the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. 5 snd 6; final limit November 15. This will be your last opportunity of the year to go to the far east at so reasonable a figure. Make your berth reservations early to insure good accomodations, nee any ticket agent or write to H. B. SMITH, T. P. A. Seattle. Wash. TELEGRAPH Fastest oa the atvee The onlj steamboat making a round trrj DATX.T Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA ASTO WAT FOUtTS Leave Portland 7: 0 . m. Arrive Astoria lift a I.eave Aatorta .t:t p m Arrive Portland I 00 p m. M....I.R SERVED A LA CARTS Pc rtiand Landing. Alder Street Bosk. Asserts landinr. Callander Book. E. B. SCOTT. Acent. phone Msln it. SOUTH E ASTIR It tl.aSK KOUTX. From Seattle st S p for Ket.-hikan. Jnoeau. I way. Walt Bona, Dawaaa mail Falrcanke S. S. City of Seattle. Srp tiicber It. St. S. 8. Uumboldt. Bigr sw 13. 23. 8. 8, Cottage City tela Sitka). September S. 22. From Seattle t 0 s. at. rnatllla. Sept. IT: City ot Pueblo. Sept. 22: Queen. Sept. XT. Portland Offle. MS Wsehinatoa it.. Mais MB. S. St. LXX. Pass, Alt. Art C. D. Dl'NANN 0. P. A.. Baa Francisco Colombia Ri verScenery Regulator Line Steamers Dally service between Portland and The Dallas except Sunday, leaving Port lsnd at T a. in., arriving about t p. m.. carrying freight and passengers Splen did accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder street. Portland; foot of Court street. The Dallas. Phone Msln 114, Portlsnd. S. S. F. A, Kilburn for Cess Bar. eureka Ssd Saa Francises. Mast sailing from Portland Friday. Sept. 2. Next sailing from Bun Francisco, Tbure . Oct. 4. P. L. flEBENODOB. Agest. Qreaavrlsh Dash Me. S Phase Mala IBs. Hotel Eaton COS. MORRISON AMD WXBT PARR SIS. N CW Handsomely furnished, elegantly nulssas, Sre proof, ire minutes' wslk from heart eg shopping sad bus! s ess district. sU large, airy. usIsIBi t tarns, steam heated, slsetrie lights, tslepbooe ha seek apartment etc. Lsrae offices, lounging, smoking, writing re at ear reeepnun paraars. swossi by assB w telephone. Fries u sasaibus meets trstas sad Rooms S' OO to $S.OO a Day Bp l Sis I Rates te films l 111 Kea. MRS MAS EATON. (Formerly of Bstsl rtepath. Bpsfcsae.) C. GEE W6 Portland's Widely Known snd Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root snd Herb Doctor His famous remedies, the Ingredients st which ws Import attract from the Orient In large quantities and prepare aad pet as far see is hie up-to-date labatury. No mercury, patsaas w drugs ef ssr ktse used. Put air eegetehls. The Doctor tresis en' isaefsTIr and gusreatsee te cure alt stomach troubles, rstarra. esthase. mag. tarnajt. rheurr. fitters, aerroaeness. ltvee. fcMoer one Vast mssjwasjs). rTJf.AU TBOUBLES ABB ALL PRIVATB DISEASES. Ne false w anisleaettaat sta teasers ts ts the afSicted. A safe and lasting care la the quick est possible time snd st the lew eat esst poe sfhle for heneet Test moot. If yen cannot call, write for symptom hlsak ssd circular fneteas 4 m aa)a tn stamps. COBSULTATIOlf FRES. The 0. See We Qui ess Hsdunas Co.. lev First St.. Cor. Mm i less, Psstlsad. Or. Please meulisa this saner. Every Woman Mssssroosoa sno sasain saow MAmL'wUrwaTaCnrr AsS rear Snssseri ear K If he oannol sut ply the BIStlL. sr rot no ssaher. but sand atamu for lllisetrated heek tigress fell nartloBlara and dlreotioea leu VSlushls to ladles. ntSISI. OSS., is -.. SSS ST. BMBf tess a. s. szUDMOkx a oo.. ui -hisd strxxt, avsrs weoBASJa, tn.asss tie. Scott's Santal-Pepstn Capsules A POSITIVE CURE aers. gOVniFonr. luras asickhr aad sermsneutty ths aad sBSaass, no ssasssri fauas Btanduas. Absolatelv SAnTrU-PtWWwft, sm? D 'ammatV K 1 rot mt ths SeXssB TRANSPORTATION. SHIN Vol TBAYEL tarry A. West 0j Hottl Railway Oslrts e (Pales. aa streetcars, hotels. Mt sy mstt. er Saal Boi Mat. eltv. Oregon Sholinc juid Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Throuea Pnllinsn .t.n.l.rii and tourist BiSSaV, lag cars daily to Omaha. Chicago. Spoken: inurlat sleeping rers dally ts Rai Through recusing chslrcslrs I aests the Rait dally. C1y. ) H I nioa Depot - Leave. Chicago-Portland Special for the Ssst els Huntington, dly. s 30 am gjfokan;. Hyer for Ksstero Waahlugton. Walla Walla Arrive. 1 00 pes lewlaton. linear d'Alene aad Great Northers points dally 6 IS sis S OSsa Atlsntlc Kipross for the Esst vis llunttugtaa. dally 8:18 pus T: 18 sag Portland Bigge local, fur sll Kbits between Biggs sad rtsaast, dally 8:1B sm B:ot pas COLUMBIA SIVBR DIVISION. For Astoria snd way points, connecting With steimer uwaco snd North Beecn aisas naseeto. Ash-st. dock, leaves B eJfn' Beudsy; Sstardgy. " p dslly. Arrives -wm. . p. m., except nnndsy. TAMHrLI, RIVER ROUTS. Pur Dayton. Oregon City aad Yamhill river Clnte steamers Ruth snd Modoc. Ash-st. dark, ire 7 s. m. dally, sxespt Sunday t water per mitting!, arrive 7:80 p. m. dslly. exoeps Bunder. 8NASS RIVER BOLTS. For Lewlaton. Idaho snd way points from Blpsrla. Wash., steamers Spokane .ssd Lawls ton lesrs 5:40 s. m.. or sson errlral Trala No. 4. dslly except Rsturjsy. Arrive 4 p. as. dsllr excent Frldar Ticket Office. Third ead Weahlngtou ate. Telephone Mam 711. C. W. STIMirS. City Ticket Asset. M Mt M General Pssssnger Agent. Wnv EASTvu SOUTH Union Depot Oeerlsnd Express Trains fue Salem. Rusebsig. Ash hud. Bacrameate. Passes, aha Pranrlaro, Stock toa. Las A see ass. K Pass, New Orleans and the east. Morning trala connects st Wssdhsn dslly exsspt Binder with train for ouat Angel. Mlvertra, Browusrtlle Springfield. vs. Arrive. 40 pm 7:18 pes weasssBKg saa Nstrea 8 00 sa T BS pes Rugeae psssengsr ess sects st Wood bars with Mount Angel ssd Bllvertoa local 4 :15 pus 10:S 7 00 sm B:SS sat ess porrsllia Sheridan .. M .VIpm S:fSpas . .1111:00 sTis H0:Msas . . 118:00 pa i:NxB Forest Grove peessegir Forest Grace naasensrr Easily. Dally sxespt Bonds t JBFFERBON BTRRET STATION. Far Dallas and la termed late Donate dag. T:SB a. as. aad 4:11 p. sa. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. a. sad S.xs p. m. Per time snd card of Oswego suhurhaa trstas apply at City Ticket Office, or station. i icxeta te Ba stern points sad rlsisssi Ja China.. Honolulu sad Austraiis. nty Ticket ornce comer Third sad Ington streets. Psoas Metn Til. C. W. STING BR. Wa. MesftTBBAT. City Ticket Ageat. Oeu. Pees. Asset. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlands Yellowstone .Psrk-Ksosss Clty 8t. Ixmis BaCetal far Cbehslls. 'entrails. Olympla. Orsy's Harbor. South Bead. Tseems. j SaaUkt, Spokane. Lew Is tan. ; Butte. Billings. Dearer. Oeaa ! hs. Ksnsss City. Bt. Louis I sad Buuraesst. dslly 8:10 pa 4 JO pas I North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Tsrossa. Besttls. Speksoe. Butts. Mlnasa polls. Bt pssi snd the Bast. deny, i to pot tubs ass Paget Bound Limited, far Clsremont. Cbehslls. Cen tralla. T aroma and Seattle only, dally 4:epm t:8B pas Twin City Express for Taee ma. Seattle. Spakane. Helens. Bntte. Bt. Peal. Minneapolis. Uaeois. Bt. Joseph. Kaasas City. Omaha. Bt Louis, wttk- eut raaage eg ease, rounecttona for all pc and Routheaet. dally . ..11:43 pm 10:88 PBS COsweeTrastx srar. 2 Overlanw Train iaBy 2 The Oriental Limited, ths Past Mall VIA 8EATTLB AND 8POKANB. Pnrtlsnd tin ttsuy. ire say. Leers. Arrlrs. To ssd from Spokane. St. Paal. Minneapolis. Duluth snd sll points Bast vis Seattle 8:80 sm T 09 sm 11:43 pm Site sgs. To snd from Bt. Paul, hrtunespolls. nulurb snd sll points Esst ria Bpafcaae 8:13 pm 8.-00 sm Brest Berth era Steamship Os sein ug from Best lie for Jspaa sad Chins porta aad Manila, carrying pas senger a snd freight. . B. 8. Minsesota. Octsher SS. f. g. Dakota. Borembsr St. V IF FOB YC8EM KAIBBA (Japan Mall Stssmshlp Co.) Seattle about October 1 for Jspsa and Chinese ports, eerrytng passengers and freight. For tickets, rstes. berth, reeerve tlons. etc.. call oa or sddress K DICstBOB, O. P. I. A.. IBS Thtrd St.. Fertland, Oregoa. Those Msls 880. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Cstsa Depot Lea vs. AfHve. i For Mergers. Bataler. clsis ' teals, Weetpnrr. curtoa. As- inrts. Warreassa. Flarel. llsmniond. Fort Stereos. Hear ; hart Psrk. Besslde 8:00 am U.KSst rctnMV1S"S f. sad P- A . Asserts. Or. C. A. STEWART. Commercsal Ageet. SM Alder afreet Phone Mala trst Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer 1 1 w Was "CC&T eat urns. ,i