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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
SI IJ5& TOWEL SUPPLY. 4X.RAN TOWEl DAILY Cwe. iaa. Jf, HeOJr evssstli rw4srf rJrrssd JXywel mS ST mats caaea. hw TELEPHONES. BR Trir A Tlpsa. Msnufsetwlng nna . WINDOW SHADES. uu wirdow shadb co., str 9i i a it nisde to oraer si D WW. turat prices MISCELLANEOUS. Multlgrspti fitter 'Xi t arsi mils of typewrlttee I'jbllr Btsoogrspur. w " P'"- FINZER BACK FROM THE EM Adjutant General of National Guard Returns From National Tournament at Seagirt. SAYS RIFLE TEAM HAD AMOUNT OF BAD LUCK Several Marksmen Too 111 to Do Good Work in Team Match and Bad Position Marred Guardsmen's Work in Skirmish Run. General William E. Flmer, quartermaster-general of the Oregon National guard, returned this morning from fhc east, where he attended the national rifle match at Seagirt, New Jersey, and also speat several weeks In Washing ton on business for the guard. General Flnser waa looking good after his trip and reports an enjoyable time. 'Especially Is this true of the trip home," aaid General Flnser. "Going east we had rain and hot weather and a disagreeable trip altogether, but re turning the Journey waa very pleasant. "The members of the rifle team ac quitted themselves splendidly despite the handicap of alckness which over took them on thefsaay east. Several of the men were sick when they . arrived, but they Immediately went to work on the rifle ranges. The rain fell contln ' ually and the weather was frightfully warm. The men soon fell 111 because of the conditions, but maintained a high standard of shooting until' .they came to the national team match. "It wag on this event thst we had set our highest ambitions and hoped for good scores But luck was against us. Several of the men who had been sick broke down almost completely, and we did not do as well as we would under better conditions. Another thing that waa againat ua In the national match wag our position In the skirmish run. Sad Bad Position. "We were forced to draw for our po sition in the skirmish run and the bad luck that followed ua all through drew us the early morning position. We were forced to shoot toward the east with a biasing sun glaring in our eyes. Half the time the men were shooting st the shadows of the silhouette figures rather than at the figures themselves. We lost more than 100 points in the skirmish run and consequently fell down In the match." While in Washington. General Flnser secured a complete outfit of new uni forms for the members of the Oregon National Guard. They are of the khaki variety and will be complete through out. Rifles for gallery practice were secured by General Flnser, ss was more am; better ammunition. The olive drab uniforms, which were so conspicuous at American lake, wore rejected by the general, although the government om clals offered them to him. AT THE THEATRES. Bargain Matinee at Heilig. Tbe famous Georgia minstrels wlU give a bargain price rattles tomorrow afternoon st the Helttf theatre, roartesstk and Washing ton streets. Tale same organtsatlcs of negro entertainers will M the bill tonight snd to gasrrnw sight at 7:18 o'clock "The Royal Chef" Coming. The arst ingalcai-comxjy of the season, "The eysl Chef," will begin as engagement of sir nights at the Heilig theatre next Sunday Sight. September 30. Advance sals of sests will op, u next Friday morning, September 27 St boxofflce the theatre. "A Mad Lowe" Great Matinee Play. Manager Edward R. Slater's Is test prodae- ! rion. "A Mad lsiv." la to be the attraction fct the Empire all week with a matinee dstur day. and that It wUl be greeted by a large attendance la almost a foregone conclusion, judging from the Intereat tbe coming of this Plendld attraction haa apparently amused among our theatre-goers "A Mad Love" may -eS?, rt-l aa a modernised version W Mlaa M. E. Braddnn a famous hook of ! .a. Mtey s Secret,- afterwsrd drsmstlsed hs h. age presentation. At the Baker. the most beautiful plays ever pot oa a r Is "Tbe Wlldernra. nhl-l. i. .u. he Bsker stock comn.rnv thla week The second act showa a Beetle In rt of the weed, ss realistic that ih. can almost catch the sroms fr,.m "T Wilderness" 1 the bill all week na tlnee Saturday. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At the Star. "Kaat tssae" la attracting crowds to the Star these gays. The good old I. magnetic aa ever and baa Is no war lost ita Wrtri. ik"" " " Pataetle ' of yere and there la sever s time when tbe success of F.sst Irnne" at the Stsr this week 1. do. to the new bsadlng woman. mZ The Cuban Spy." -Tk portrayed In the reek's attraction at tbe Lrrlr .re .,-... to faarlnste tbe large audiences hlrh Sll this popular playhouse st each performance of thla rstenerly Interesting melodrama. The rllmaiea are strong, while the comedy pan, , wM Stled la to relieve the play of sa overplus f OTlOUSB. At the Grand. There la as soeatlon about the qnsllty of the Mil gtrea that week at lb Or snd It (. ayoag the greatest vaaoVvllle estertalumenta fires sere. On 'he list Is the Nellie Andrswa c. lnt of grand opera singers In selections tress "II Trorstorei." under the mualcal dlree tssa ef Charles D. Ilaselrlgg The Chamlier. Isle, the kradltne act, are expert lasso manipu Is tors. aur. hew Vork. Bet doa. SI 11 1U r alvv. mr: Baw Tsrk Oasfc Ooffss ew York Sept J8 -4'asti coffee h Sgr, K. 4 Santas. VC. Bo. T massHK" TODAY'S MARKETS COMBINE WOULD DO COMPETITOR Fight for Salmon Along Colum bia Causes Advance in Price to High Figure. WHEAT MARKET IS A CENT A BUSHEL UP Salt Values Are Higher With Market Very Firm Sugar Firm but Un changedBig .Crop of Onions Is I Keeping Down Prices. Principal market features today: Wheat market la Ic advanced. Flour la (Inner t bourn umlisnged. Salt Taluea running higher. omblue la fighting sew cannery. Two cars eastern eggs bold price. Car lemons among morning errlvsls California says potatoes are too high. Big rrepa onions on roast. Freth salmon la lc a pound op. OsssStas Is righting Salmon Cannery. It Is ststed that one of the principal r asanas for the high priors being psld fishermen for sal mon along the Columbia this fall la an effort on the part of the so-called combine- the Columbia River Packers' ssaoctatloo-to force sn hide pendent cannery out of business. It Is ststed thst I). Fslsngos. who recently opened a packing plant at Clifton, baa secured the eumlt.v of tbe Mg corporation .toad tbe tatter haa forced the price of raw fish at river points to such a height that there srIU be practically no money made by canning this fish during the fall months. Aa a usual rule there Is but IRtle packing of fall fish sn tbe Cohimbla because the i rff 2 -rr raaML "2 a flsli caught In tbe spring. On account of the short psck In tbe spring, however, sn effort Is being made by aeveral institutions to bring their total nark aa high, if not higher, than a year ago. Heretofore the price paid fishermen for fall-caught salmon has been so low thst few engaged Is the business. This year with the beery demand fishermen are plentiful and a very heavy catch waa reported early In the ea aoa. That was especially true according to C. J. B. Malsrkey. the local wholesaler, who says thst the rstch st t'eluo by Senfert waa enor mous ; with one haul of the seine 14 tons of fish being tsken. At thst point tbe Indians are se curing their winter supply of sslnvm. Kow the catch has been cut so thsf but a small amount hi reaching this city and supplies are being ob ts inert from the coast streams. This resulted In an advance of about lc In the wholesale price taa morning. Wheat la 1 Cent Higher. With a much Improved feeling the local wheat market Is lc s-nushel higher for sll grsdes to day The flour market la quite dull for export hot serai trsde continues good. Prices aa yet un changed. MUlatuffs are quoted rohriderabl.v firmer with ossein more plentiful than supplies. Prices ata t ternary. Hay remains quite dull with the tone stesdy to wesg Oats and barley firm with bat small amounts moving. Salt Values Banging Bigkar. Aa predicted some time ago by Tbe Journal atlll another advance waa shown In the salt market today. Bales are advanced 10c. R. s . I'. 10c a cue and Imitation Liverpool and granulated $1 e tea. The new prices took effect tins morning Market firmer. While no change Is shown In en ear orlces the msrket Is firmer with stocks rstner light In this city on account of the Inability of refineries to aeep up with their orders. Bay Crop Onions ea Coast. After sll the crop of onkns In Oregon la not morn, it any below that of a year ago. Accord, lng to leading buyera quality la beat- In years. California produced tbe heaviest crop of onions la 10 years, according to Ham Bros due. while the quality will he good. Nevada and Utah also bad good crops and this Is expected, to keep the price within narrow limits this seamm Pots toss ars holding stesdy with outside bar era keeping their hands off the market at the moment. I a morn Is buyers claim tbev canno da esjslniaa here over 78c for good ahlpplng stork. Present top of market Is 80c per hun dred pounds. Brief Bets of the Street. Hons remain doll with dealers still swelling ssmples Hnppltes of second grade creamery batter quite heavy. This Is only thing that keep first clssa product from sdvsnclng. Apples are showing a better buying demand at foiTsjer prices. Two cars of esetors storage eggs and a car of lemons were smona. tas rail arrlvala of tbe day. Egga are firm bat nnclisngeiL No poultry striving to speak of and market la holding firm with price same aa yesterday. Big ran still shown in valnes of grapea. Price today rules between 80c snd $1.40 a crate The Utter for best toksys. 1 The trade pare the fnllowlng prices to Front street. Prices paid shlnuers tea rswnlsr e..m. Or In, Flour sad feed. I? BAIN BAGS Calcutta. R',c baying price selling. s8e. " rg pri ., WHEAT New clab. 04c: red Russian blucstem. 88c; valley. 08c. lc; BtKLKV New Feed. $ai.O0; rolled. $22 AO brewing. $22.00. CORK Whole. $27.00; cracked. $28.00 per HYK $1.83 per cwt, OATS New Producers price No. $23 00: gray. $22.00. I whit FLOUR F.aatern Oregon patents. $.1 SO straights, taa.',: export. $3.10: valley. $8 40 gfiiisia. Ms. $8.80; whole wheat. SS 75' rve" 50a. $8.00: bshMi. $2.78. MIU-STI FFS Bran. $18.80 per ton- mid dllnga. $2t.O0; shorts, country. $17.60 eltv $1.B0; chop. $16.00021.00. m7 HAY Prodncejs' nrt. - - Tlmothr Wlllemeii. vslley. fancy. $11.00012 oo: .ordinary 8S.0O4B 10.00; eaatern Osegon. $15.ooIfl.nO; mixed 10.KetIO.SO; clover, $7.00; grsin. n.SoCUMi cheat, n.oocjs.oo. Butter. Bgga sad Poultry. BirTTBB FAT P. e. b. Portland -Sweet cream. 28".ic: aout, 9B4je. BtTTKR- city creamery. 30c; fancy sMSue: ordinary 27 c ; -stare. 14QI5c EIX1R No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. 2XU28--uncandled. 27ii,2Sc; esstern, 2A20r '' cilKIBB New ran mm, flats Yon: r Amerlr i I8JJIAHC. 14c; i-i'v i.i ni wixeo cnicaena, lsue m, ih- 'L wjffi 18c per Ih; roosters, old init f per Ih: frru. a- broMera ltr per l;. old ducks. 12MihISe: lb: spring duets. 12HCI.'!U,e. Ih; gees. SlOe Ib, tsrkeyt, ISc eew lb: dressed. Sue oer lb; squabs. $2.80418.00 per das; plgeoneTsiOS Wool and Ride. HOPS -lteoo crop, rbolc, ieVsS)17r; prims to i-uoo-r. iuu . prime 10c VI Wic -liSJU Oregon. 20c. clip- Vslley. 20J2Sc; eaatern MOHAIR New. nomlnaL SHEEPSKINS- Shearing. 14 42 Jus each- snort wool. 0.40c; median; wsu.. eSdJTa mS3k long wool 7r.c0$l.oo esrb- ' TIL?We,T1'r,,' -Hs. lis. S aad grease. 2$J3yac. CHlTTlli-rtABK- 4Q4Va HIDFB Iwy. Ne. I. is :bs sad so isuss J7Hc per ; dry kip. Wc. . $ to IS its. 14 try eslf. Ne. 1. under 8 lbs. lav: salted kids 5'"", lo snd over. lOeslle: cows! ,P9&VL '. B.1 id. SQIc; kip. 18 to $0 Iba. Sc; calf, soaad. under 18 lb, lie; 5reen unsslted. I less eiilh. te oer lb less: onarhl. salted, rsrt. $1 25fI.TS; dry. ese'i. 100O1.00. colt hides. S&ajtoe: goat skins I gJJJ"- ,ow:0: Aagore. eaek. 2r Fruits aad Vagstsbls lair10"-Baying nrlca, 7Bf0e Jobbing ON IONS- Jobbing nrlc New Oregon $128, buying prtee. 7880c: g.rH,., sfl tin I per v.,?.Zi '"'J"--Apples. S0ce$1.2o; orange. &?); Jaaaas. j&Hc pir ih: iSX -,!- Jl 00a 00 per box ; fsne. Ira ?vl KZJZ1' " Mestcan. $1.18 n,, EZJPltfff P" crato; caatsleupes. $l, aTlJIr71Ne:I!,,,' " ",: r"- TIW;1 SSUSkJ!i P"-es. hulk. Sc per Ih; V 1 BTs-i ",9tt"- 0" box; bsckleherrlca. lOc. L"r:.Wu l M a; Orecon ..,2? u p" "1' cbhsge. Oregon, $1 7842 J-VUO; hell penpers. v par ih. tomatoes. 404, 46. per kwx; pars alps, unct$l.aj. JOURNAL'S DAIL Y TIPS ON MARKETS M. H. Durst. the California operator, makes report to trie Oregon (rowan who consigned to him last season that he held the flocks both too Ions and too 4) short a time. He says that the crop in England Is much greater 4 than expected and 1 sarry ha did not do better. This means that 4 the consignment was a failure, 4 Just as predicted by The Journal. 4 e e strin heans. Oregon. 0 17c per it. R dower, .". it $1.00 par dug; peas, 4Mc; per BSSJ ee, radian WO 10c Mr lb: srtleliokes. T.c n per lb; artlcboke. Jos. liHe. per "I I'.aak. lc; green onkina. Oregon. 1 ' Tin n, lies ciiiumhers. 3.V par hox; celerr. ns.v doa; urfen nirn. II so saek aqua an. ril.Ul isr Dor; e-Kilant. 11.74 per crate; pumpkins, lc; eranberrlei. local, $8.60, Curl- Cud. $0.3o ,ier Mil. D1UKU ,'KUITs -Annies, evaporated. ISO 4c per lb; anrlrot.. iuai0e oer lb: peaches. 'SOISMc per lb: sscks. Ike i..r lb prases. SS la 40, Sc: Ur (Iron on aarb 1-1S smaller sls; In, rsltfnrbla black. OCOHc per lb; California srblte, StjSHc per lb: dates, golden. 7Mc per lb; tarda. 11 4001 .50 per 1Mb bos. Groceries. Bats. Its. si car -All refineries Cane. sr. 70: pon dered. $6.18; fruit, granulated. S.SS: dry granulated. 15.43; eonf. A. SS.4.V BUsrsilau C. C., W.13: extra C. $4. Ho: golden C, H as: D. yellow, $4 98: bbla, 10c; Vs bblv SSe; boxes, om advance so sack basis, lass SSc par cwt fur cssb. IS daye. autpls, lO0 Iter lb. (Above prices spply to sales of leas tka tar lets. Car lota at apcelal prices suujsct is luctustkuia I HnXKY-Sfl.SO per crate. rorrr.K I'arkaire brands. $l iSOlB.TB. ALT Cos rae--llalf ground 1 98.00 per ton; Sos. to.SO: tsblr. dslr.v. rrfis. $18.00: lists. $12.'T8; $17.00; nsles. gl.ap; Imp-rti'd Liverpool, nus. 100. $10.3)1: 224s. $10.00: extra One. I hhls 2a. -Ss. 10a, $1 .IHietS 50; lump rock $18.80 per ton; 50-11. rock, SD.OO; luua. $0.00 KICK Imperial Japan. No. 1. e; Bo. 9, SOSVe; New Orleans head. 7c; Ajax. 8c: Crrnh. BU,e. BRANS Small white. $4 25: lane white, $3.50: pink. $2.78; bayou. $4 T8; Llmss. $5.13. Mexican reds, 4H. virtipT... ?k- - n, vir,li umTsMjp. nil. near. 44JSBUc; roasted, 7T7c per lb: cocoa Sots. 8IK0c per doa: walnuts. IStJltHc per lb; pluunuts. 10$TXtiC per lb; hleaory nuts, 10c per lb; chestnuts, eastern. l"0toc per lb; Rraxil nnta, IV- per tt: filberts 140ls par lb; fancy pecana, 18c; almonds, 18Vt0!lSe. Masts. Fish aad Provisions FRESH MKATS Front Street Hogs, faner S08tic per lb; balls, Sg3tkC per Ik; real, extra. 'SsBSVje per lb: ordinary. 7 He per Ih; poor. 8c per lb; mutton, fancy, tvQSraC'per lb; lambs, S0c HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portlsnd pack floral) hams. 10 to 14 Iba. 18tic per lb; 14 ta lafJbe, i:.'.ji tv per lb: breakfaat bacon. lO021sf per lb: picnic. lOHc per lb; cottage. I0",c per lb; regalsr abort clear. unamokedT. HVjC per lb; amokcl. 13c per lb; clear backs, unamoked, ISc per lb; smoked lSe per lb; Union butts 10 to IS lb; tnamoked. 8c per lb; smoked. 4 per lb; clear bellies, naxmoked, 14c per lb; moked. 13c per ib: shoulders. 12)e per lb; pickled touguek. $8.00 quarter bbt I.OCAI. TaRD Kettle leaf. 10a, 12Hc per lb: 8s. lL'ic 1st lb; 80-lb. tins. 12c per lb: steam rendered. 10s. HHe per lb: Ss. llc per Ib; compound. 10. 8fe. CANNED SALMON Columbia river. 1-lb tails, $1 SO; t-lb talis, $2.73; fancy. 1-lb Sals. $1.80; U-lb fancy U-ls. $1.15; fancy t-Ib ovale. $278; Alaska tails, pink. 85090;; rsd. Sl.ftu; nomlual 2a, tall. $2.00. FISH Bock cod, Te per Ib: Sounders. Sc oer Ib; halibut, t'c per lb; crab. $1.0001.50 doa; sitlped bass. ISfec per Ib; rstflsh. Se per lb; sslmon, Columbia river Chinook, 7c; allverslde. do; stael head. To lb; barring. Se per lb; ales, Se per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; perch, 8c per Ib; black cod, 7c per lb, tonu-od. 7c per lb, stiver smelt, oe per ib; lobster, 18c per Ib: fresh mackerel. 8c per lb; crawass, xoc per ana: ansa, se per is; aturgeon. Mle per nines HOC: Of 8TBBS- Uhoslwsler bsr, per sal. SS.SS: per 110 1b sack. 44.00 1.00; Olympla. per gallon. per iiii-in saca, ao.w. t'l.Aats -Hvdaheii per box. 12.00; raaar cuma. gz.00 per hoi. rainta. Oeal OU. BOPS Par Manila. 14c steal. He. Baa. standard. lSVic; COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases ltVtr per gsl; water white. Iron barrels 14 per gat, wooden lTr per gal; headlight. ITtVdeg, esses tlc par gal. llIULlNi:--o, earn 14 He per gat Iron bbls ISc per gsl. BENZINE dS-dsjg. esses SSe per gal. Iron bbla 18 4 c per gal. in cases SSc ner gal. woods bbls 83c per gsL WHITE LI. A D Ton lot. TV per lb; boo-lt lots. Se per lb. to let. St4e per B. WIBB SAlli Present kssta st 3 83. LINR1ED OIL Pnrr raw, In S-unl km, SSc; I bbl lot, S.'lr. esses, SV per gal; genuine kettle. boiled, eases, SOc per gal; J-bbl lots, S4c; 1-bb lot SSc per gal; ground cake, car lots. 10.0" par ton: lea tbss car lets. $40.00 per wa. ALL LIVESTOCK REMAINS AT MONDAY'S PRICES Cattle Are Firmer, While Lambs Are Steady After Yesterday's Decline Hoge Weak. Portland l'nfcm Stockyards, Sept 28. live stock receipts: Mora Todejr SAT Cattle. Sbeep. Stl ITS 340 30 SIS wees ago ." Month ago Year ago ! 94d aro 94S 30 UMI The livestock slttlsllon la very similar to that hlch tilled yesterday. Cattle remain firm at til decline exclusively told by The Journal yes terdsy Yesterday' cut of 2r.c In lambs had the effect of ateadrlng condttlona. Hnga remain wesk but unchanged. Offtrml llyet.k quotations: Hops Best eastern Oreon, SS.90; blockers snd t'hlnsfats, i.onft6.2S. t'sttlemeat eastern Ore son steer. 3.40( 3BB; Issvft cows anrr heifers. 2 30i2f10: atiM-k- era nisd feeder. $2. 7341 3 .00: bulls. 11.60. Hhe Mixed. 4c: lambs. 44r5e. EASTERN HOCS HIGHER Ohiosg-o atarket Cents tTpOattl gad Sheep Srteady Chicago. Sept. 2B. Livestock receipts: Hos. Cattle. Bhassi Ctilcsg 40.000 J.1,000 3O.000 omang 0.000 . B.OOO 23.000 lings Sc higher with IS.dbO loft over. Its. celpls a, year ago were 17.000. Today a prices: .Miiea, eo.outsn."!'; gooo snn nesvy, so.AOQ li 73. roucb and hrnvy. 8B.0lliad.lS: llaht. 8U.40 43 1.(12. tst tie-- Mtesdy. Sheen Stesdy. SAB FRANCISCO aURIRQ EXCRABOE. Ssn Francisco. Se: flit. 25 Offlclsl gouts t Ions KM . i ma. Con Cel. Vs . . ,n lielmonl Cash Boy lioldea AiKlinr. Home Jim Rtttler ... MseS'amara . . . Midway ...... Montana North Star... Ohio Tonopeh Bs . . . Nsrsda West End Adams Atlanta Hlnehell Booth i dumb! Ml Ion. Quarry IPIamondfleld . hMs inidrieid, . .Imnksi do Bxlen. . . . I sauna May Queen MeaVawk Red Top Sandstorm Silver I'll k St . lee ...... Xstlnnat Bank Kellpe i.l Bar 0. Ball Frog., bteiawas 88.76 I .15 lophlr . . .70 8 .06 I Mexican . .28 ICaledisita 1.82VjKxriis,,uer 3 .30 .St ua 20 .03 .33 .18 .47 .18 17 .no .17 .18 ! .18 .18 .12 .10 .21 .03 .04 .85 .83 .03 di ..10 .05 .17 .45 .SO n ' .... 2.17Oold Crown ... xovta: ureal Bend .... 47 laasen I Blsck Bntt Bx IMontanmery Mt I Sunset I Sceptre .Manhattan .... IHaykirllnmprey .27 8.75 18.23 2.S8 .27 .18 .57 .40 .18 as m usiirr IHrannr Hold Wrdg e,e Htsr OJreat Bend Ra. do Asaes l rescent I I2N Onwboy .43 Hi-urer Annei .47 'imils ft Bears.. .20 Black Rock .... 4.80 N T. rVrrawl... I 32 Manhattan Con to ii.ittle are :B 1 .38 .05 1 18 .18 iMayf lower .... liumittng Jsck . He I Top Bs I Mustang ...... IBnll Frog Mm.. Ilrlsngs ...... HEARST 800M IS A BEARjFEATORE Report of His Possible Nomina tion Adds Pressure to an Al ready Burdened Market. TRACTION ISSUES ARE THE CHIEF SUFFERERS Manhatten Elevated Slumps ' Seven Points While a Decline of Three Points Is Noted in Brooklyn Pres sure Sends Rest of List Down. NBT Anaconda I National Lead 1H Amalgamated Atchison .2 Northern I'arirtc. ...a ..lSAl Hngar Smelter Car a Foundry it rook I ,n Baltimore Colo. Foal .., .. 81. Paul Chesapeake Cent Lenther. . I .. oinoiu.. Press Steel Car. Heading - Krpublc Steel.. Boca Inland.... Southern By . W Illinois Central . . 's Ijuilsvllle .. fclManbattau ........ 7 . .3 Maty . .11, Missouri Psclflc. . .1J N. Y. Central.... . -'. out. a Wsstera. . . . 14 Pennsylvania . . Pacific Mall .2- Southern Pacific. "a .14 ji i'Texae a Pacific. . l.'nlon Pacific... it'. S. Btxkbar '.I S. Steel. is. do Pfd ....... NET GAIN. Canadian Pacific. Various thing combined today to pat the bear lorce in control or to New lork stock msrxt One of these tea one which had the mast de pressing effect waa the probable nomination of Hearst aa governor ef New York. -On this so. count there ws very hesvy pressor la tioos Brooklyn "L and Manhattan tas trse levated being the loser. Manhattan lost 7 pel: tm fa asInn. Reading was hit to tbe being tbe losers Manhattan lost 7 points das of ly 5 points, while Brooklrn last S notnt. Canadian Pactfle waa strong la the face of all mis prvm taxing ana naa a snarp gala OK i? points. Official q eolations by Over beck, Starr a Cook coranany : v f I DESCBIPTION. Amal. Copper Co Am. Car A Pound., com. do preferrsdV Am. Cotton Oil. com... Am. Locomotive, com. . Am. Sugar, com Ass. Smelt., cam da preferred Anaconda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com ' A tc bison, com , do prsfrrred Baltimore a Ohio, com.' do preferred..., Brooklyn Hapld Transit. Csnadlsn Psctoc, com... Central Letatber. com.. do preferred t Chi. i t. West., com. Chi.. Mil. St. Paul.. Chi. ft Northwest., com. Chess peake ft Ohio Colo. Fuel ft iron, com. Oolo. Southern, cum.... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Corn Products, ess. . , . do preferred ISrlswsre ft Hudaoa.... D. ft B. 0.. com do pre tarred Erie, com irtk 17i.. 1TT 1T44T 2OTl20T h:i fsj s Ml rJT IT 81 1228 Z22U dH tf do 2d preferred ....... do let preferred Illinois Central :. Louisville ft Nashville. . Msnhattsn Hallway Mexican Central Ky.... M . h. T com .do preferred Mlarourl Pacific Natloual Lesd New York Central N. Y. Oat. ft West Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred. Norta ADxerloaa Northern Pacific, com... Pacific stall Steam. Oa. . Pennsylvania By P. O., L. ft C. Co Pressed Steel Cr, com. do preferred Heeding, eom.... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Ben. Iron ft Steel, com. do preferred Rock Island, com do preferred St. L. ft S. P.. 2d pfd. do 1st preferred St. U ft H. Vi . com... do preferred Southern Pacific, com... do jwef erred. ........ . Southern By., com do preferred Tennessee t'osl ft Iron. Texas ft Pacific T.. St. I., ft W com... do preferred Union Pacini-, com do preferred U. 8. Rubber, com do preferred V. S. teal t o., com. . do pratejrred Wabash, com... do preferred Western L'nlon Tele Wis. Cant., pfd 1T4 174 178 147 148 Va 144) 1404 83 7 as 73 7 81 141 141 140 8S 03 214A 87 40 142 MV, I40 150 140 mi BTssi as ' t7 88 HZ 4 4i4 84 84 1S7 187 188 siii 4SH 48 ld 24) 18 44 Virginia Chemical OREGON SECURITIES AT FIVE CENTS TODAY la today's trading oa the Portland etock mar kit 5,000 shares of iiregnn nerurn las were solo at 2c and 1,000 Aaaorlated st 5c. 1.000 L nor Oil t SS. Offlclsl prices: BANK STOCKS Bid. 802 125 Aak. 885 i6 120 108 Hank of California Merchants' National Oregon Trust ft Saving i... wi Ti.iii ro .7 Banker ft Lumhernisn United State National 800 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. leaser Manufucturlng 188 Campbell's Oas Burner 8 203 88 i imm nil sa Aaascmted 011 " 87 Alaakn Packeta 54 Pacific State Telephone 104 Monie leleiionne I'naet Scund Telenbon 80 50 1000 50 150 Oregon Life Inaarance Cement Prodncts 48 Kmnlre t ontrscting Co -s-. no J. C. Isse t.'ompany O R. ft N. By. 4a 88 MININO STOCKS. NIcoU Coal 02 Inismatlonal Coal 82 Pnclfle Metal Bxtractlon Alaska Petroleum 18 Alaska Pioneer 55 standard Consolidated 8 Oregon flecsrltle 08 Snowstorm 250 I.eei Creek Hold 0144 T scorns Steel 08 , , . f liail.e ni.m 05 i.suaner tsoldru Bui Coueolldsted Bullttnx lerrlhl (iolrodils 01 North Falrvlew I.. Bo Hiawatha 01 :;:::::::::: Casrsdls I sick y Bi-y Heels Ran-bler Cariboo Dixie Meadows Oreat Nutaet u Mountain View ,.. Bloc River Oold Uarvln Cyaald SUOAB STOCKS. Hawaiian (Vim llonofes Hutchinson lates Makawetl ........ I ...if. e. ..... . Oncmea i Paaqhau ' 08 050 i ' ' " Total sales todajr. 7.0 M. H. Durst, the California Hoprnan, at Last Make Report to the Growers of Oregon Who Consigned to Him Says Breweries Are Full SOME PRESSURE WHEAT PIT IN Chicago Market Not So Active Today and Selling by Longs Sonde Price Down. PRICES DROP FRACTION OF MONDAY'S VALUES September and May Each Down Eighth While December la a Quarter Cent Lower Liverpool Rises bat Trade Is Rather Slow. RELATITB WTUSAT VALUES. k- 5i 88- "P- Los. 1808. iber ...$.73 $ .73B f .00 $.84 " 7BtfB T ,7e,A .00 .s2 78A 7B .00 ,S8 September December May The wheat market In Phleasn. .. sua Quite es set Its It had anme sf ISs '"ew sura aioca nsSTSei, DttI BOWtg little cbsng Is pries. The close wa c to -,c sowsr. Liverpool waa likewise dull but retalaed It full strength aad cloMd frac tion over Monday. urrieiai quotatlona by Overback. Starr ft WHEAT. Open. High. Los. Cloo J 'am Si 18b December May .... Septembei December May ... 78 uostji. IT 40 42 43 3 48 OATS. September December May September :Hfc Sit I 3 a 1088 1888 . 35 S8i MBSS PORK. . 1887 1700 13SS 1887 LARD 1888 1882 January . . September October . . January .. . 788 788 SHORT RIBS. - 020 887 " 7?8 Tie September October . . Jaaaary . . 711 711 PRIMARY GRAIN MO Chicago, Sept. 98 Pi rv recslpta: Today. Tear Ago. Bushels. BaiheV 1,888.000 1.488.000 780,000 500.000 Wheat Cora Sblnauenta Wheat 4M.O00 Toti 'V4BS riuranr a: v ngsai r and nitiir m Ml besUmls; ears, 184,048 bushels; eat; 18,806 B R ADSTRZZT ' 8 ORAIR REPORT. Chlcaro. Bent 88 Brsds treat's report ef trsln vTsbls sarply Wnest Beat of 8.480,000 1.100.000 Bprope aad afloat Total .4.588.000 .1,470,000 .1.088,000 Cora Osts LTTERPOOL ORAIR MARXXT. Uverpoel, Sept. . OfRctal prices: ' sttiiT Open Cabs. Sept. 24. d e8d - Os 4d 3d a 8d 8a 4 d OS 4 thst COBB. Ilecemher January . da 8 u 5d ::: H5d 4 1 CHICAOO CASH WHXAT. ago. Bept. 8B.ab wheat: Re. 1 red 74:, No. 1 red, 7378c: Bo. hard. 70c: No. 8 hard. 7578c: No. 1 northers 82c: No. 1 northern. 77eJ77c; No. 8 Tzejaic BOSTON COPPER MARKET. aat. 28. Official rloslne hid orlces Adventnre. 88.50: AUonea. 5.15.50: stla.ile an. zn; itingoam, soo.ov; l alumet. $781.00 Bingham, 888.00: Calumet. $782.00; rdat.tS4.0fj; Cop Range. $78; Daly Welt. Prank Un. $24.26: Oresste Con. $27.00; y. $12.75: Mas. . $14.78: Mohawk, $08.00; i euienniai Iramtvr Nevada Coo.. $10.76; North Butte. 807.00: Old Dominion. 852.00: Oseeols. 8117 AO- P.r, $27.50; Roysl. $20.50; Snamaoa. $12.50; Tam arack. 808.00: Trinity. 814.28: tlslled (h. $8 00; tjtsh. 854.25: Victoria, $s,rk; Wlnor... $8.50: U. S. Mining. $80.75; Ely. $10.50; Black St.. $0.25; California A Arisooa. lllO.OOA: Sn pevior sx nns.. sis.ou; nun uoel, SS0.75; Bos ton Con., $82.78. 26. Govern mi Data. Twoa. registered Opt. do coupon Opt. Three, registered Opt. do eounon Ont. Small bonds roars, registered igoT do coupon 1007 rars. registered 1098 do eounon 1098 District of Columbia 1094 Philippine 4a PORTLARD BARK 8TATEMERT. Clearing today... $1.080,1110.07 Clearings year ago.. . l.U usa today .$ 88,848.80 BEW TOBX OOTTOB MARKET. New York. Beat. 25. Cotton futures closed 8 to 6 point np. Ofstrlal quotatlona by Overbeck, Starr A Cooks company: ' Oft. H'fi2 Low. Sept. 28. Sept. 94. January . February 918 017 Oil B24 022 010 March .... iVKf1.::::: 858 048 048 870 875 803 Ota. 098 M 087 860 870 046 048 Jnly iwpiemoer s 800 881 878 874 s2 0O8 877 878 801 007 llrti.oer . November Deceracer 014 Liverpool Cotton Market. Llvernool. Sent. 99. Cotton furnra taady, 1 point up. SPOKANE FAIR -IS BREAKING RECORDS Spokane, Wash., Sept. 25. With the attendance nearly four times aa large as the corresponding day last year, aad tne greatest carnival and parade In the history of the Spokane country, the opening of the Interstate fair yester day was a memorable event, 14.080 people having viewed the parade. The carnival surpassed the hopes of the promoters and the grandetand was filled early. - More than 100 animals are entered In the four principal depantmenta. The poultry exhibits are the most complete ever, containing every known variety of ohlcksw. The quality of livestock also surpaaaea previous reeorda. tt In cludes the Red Holetein bull, that was junior champion at the St. l.ouls ex position, and half a dosen other that have carried away prises at St. Louie or Portland. Among the horses Is a team of Perch- aron draft mar, belonging to 3. B. saaaon or Lavtah, whloh weighs 4.010 pounds, and "Cyclone," the eame owner, aecured awards nt St. l.ouls. Today la Chamber of Commerce day, a 2:11 pace, with a purse of Jl.OOO. being the feat ure event It bonds: Rid, Ask. 108 108 108 108 108 104 108 104 108 108 108 108 108 ill g 116 100 I National Fire Insurance Company j Colonial Fire Underwriters Both of HARTFORD, Conn. W have nearly completed tit adjutrr nt and payment of all direct eUlnu againat them arlalnR from the aartbvQake and Art) of 'April 18, aad ea policies amounting to 2, 308,064. BO have paid 98,070,080.87, showing a discount for aalvagea, payment la advanoe of maturity, corn pro ailae of doubtful claims, aad all other oauses, amounting to only 8 par cent, leaving an average paid under esaoh poUoy of 94 par oexik. These ttgurea ara ufSotant refutation of the atatementa which Imm appeared la some papers that taa NATIONAL aad COLONIAL ara not paying dollar for dollar, the same aa the other leading foreign aad American companies, and we invite comparison with tas figures of any other company. The NATIONAL after reserving $8,700,000 for Its unpaid losses, had a surplus to policy-holders on the first day of July, 1108, of 92,032, an 683.34, and to snow sua aaomit 18a stockholders. i McNear Jggn' Oen'1 Agents j J. THORBURN ROSS V " K . l maaaw999fl B a M W V . mm m Kl8mSBI11 af Every Day but Sunday Prom PORTLAND to ASTORIA Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 7. A. M. And Every Night But Sunday Night Prom ASTORIA to PORTLAND Leaving Astoria at 7 P. M. THE THE PALATIAL M " K LINE Passenger and Freight for All Landings on the River at Lowest Rates. Snrtv W?M bum Para Columbia ife An Oregon oorpo ration which UghUns the policy-holder' bnxdsn. Mas lower gnaraateed lrrsl premlnm ratea than any other oompany sMUaHe men desired aa repraaeatatlvas. H.S.EM mm" air ealih ALWAYS RESTORES OOLOR AMD BEAUTY OF YOUTH TO GRAY HAIR, no matter bow long Haas mm GRAY or WHITE. It sorties sad keels scalp, Biopm HohlnQ and pro motes a fine, luxurious growth of hair. I&ZTP FREE SAMPLE BRYAN IS VISITING IN SOUTHERN STATES (Journal Special Servers ) Memphis, Sept. IB. W. J. Bryan and wife arrived here this morning. Mrs. Bryan will leave her husband Bore and go to Lincoln. After hie address at the theatre Bryan will go to Kansas and Oklahoma. UNCLE JOE CANNON IS IN KANSAS CITY (Joaraal Special Service.) Kansas City. Sept. 1$. Speaker Can non waa entertained hare today, pre vious to his speech tonight. Uey Chief Omaha. Sept. IS. -"-Russell Is. Huntley, of Omaha, haa been appointed chief en gineer of the Union Pacific Preferieg Stook Oaaaed ttooda. Allen a Isswls' Best Brand. Assurance of the Bagle Valley raU reevu will cause Baker City to boom. OCX TfcUC and run wh not obliged to Issue & CO. Resident Agent t WISE IIWESTMHTT G he question is not What will It coat to paint 7 asms ass What will It coat not to paint? 10 P"tCtiOA M if pew Lowe. Brothers "High Standard' Paint IS a wla Investment beoau It glvee the best pretectton. far the greatest numssr of year, at tas least cast. It Raws large diets dsnds In satisfaction aad fcest raewlla. Bee ess Cetee Card aavd ssresanssel ss-tiwssg a4aa JhaM BO v Rasmussen (2b Co. N. E. Corner Second and Taylor Steamer Lur line The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line. W Tmso. B WIlco V P. OZsS Dalles Diamond floor has never failed to please. It haa al ways been the standard for family use. Aak Tour Orooer Tor wSL asT9sv. puS MD S v TBS 8 nt si--.-sf-i Original R. H. QUTHRIE? Portland Rep., Ill Ablngton Bldg. Phone Pacific 118$. mm iiAmmXxBmk mxz ' sst ' " " "$ --, -y.