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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. FOR SALE REAL E8TATE. Choice 60B mm f chaise timber UnM aad mmpi tBBtril mmmrt wsJ lands; ibojM imAm aad Mud tracts ta Mm Oooa bay WIUST ALLEN CO.. BO Dalit oa Installment. Mtn If FINE tnitea lobfKHla near. Data it.: lays ahMt feat a bora street grade; goea for tl.tSt; worth 82.000. Call at 107 V Third at. FOB SALE improved aad en improved farms. Jjkaata atock raochaa, timber land, and aawmlUa, city and sabnrbaa property; ex Acreage some tkbt oaoioa AND 10-ACBB TBACTS at fa em men. In '1 GOOD LOCATION. Quality of soil tbs very So stone or gravel. Near car linia Coma to tha offtca of tha Investment Co. 244 Stark St. nd make Inquiry. BLBGANT lrvlngton boaie, saw 8-room houae. full basement, carpets, ahadee. gaa heater aad etove. I hot-blaat coal atovee; owner In ring city; 85,000; 81.000, caah. balance term. Qui 484 Kaat 12th1 at., north, or phona Kaat 8078. WILLUMBIA. " 1 On tba car Hoc between Portamoufh and Northern Mill. Lota 50x100 faat. , , Elegant lota. Wall locatad. Eaey terms. BEARER REALT'CO.. 424 Lumber Exchange. BY OWNBR New modern 7 room bouaa. 24th aad Waaeo. Holladay Park addition. R. B. Rice. Phona 1088. 7-ROOM bona and fractional lot, weat alda, near rttth; anap; 8000 caah, balance time. Pioneer lnveetmcnt Co., eulte 818 Common, wealth bide., Sbtth and Ankeny. A NEW modern 4 room cottage, 21,280; easy terma; at 828 Baat Ninth at.. N. Oaa acre, cloae In, near car, wire fence, running water, 81,080; tarma to anlt. Two lota la Highland. 8300 each, on Kaat 10th and Srs-tasrflald at. PHONB) PACIFIC 1882. FOB TBA it far lot la Portland. Eugene. Or. Eighth at.. FOCI lots. Mllweukla Heights, wall fenced. cleared and cuitivsted, oaa bloc from etatlon. aow 8818. Bd maaarq 82 Waablngton at. WWW choice tots, east alda, 10 mlnutea from urest alda. price 8340. tarma to anlt; direct from owner. Phone Mate 3M8 between 2 aad 4 p. m.. or addreaa J 87. care Journal. Loans Aar da from 2100 up of first clase real 22TV Weening aatat amy. i par cane 84-38. 88.000 NBW and modern 8-room bouaa In Sun nyakJa. Call at 1074 Third at. BB8T aad aaaapist 100x100 corner to Islington Heights; nick, healthful: aoma lumber; SfiO: o there 8400 to 8800. Write owner. T 88, rare Jo, aal. Phone Mala 2820. A PERFECT HfJMB $1.700 New 5-room cottage, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, concrete be B meet, ce ment eldewalke. 8a lot 50x100, cloae to carllne; only 2800 caah, balance tinea. B. J. ejeksor, 281 jp Morrtaoa at. FOR SALE FARMS. FOB 8A! ALE. 182 sens, free atOaa tram Woodat on Nee face bar. Tillamook county, oa ocean beach; a fine at eft ranch, with plenty of re awe. 40 erree of tldeland. 80 aeraa fine timber: rail road eaiiole near place; will be ewe of the floaat aammer resort oa coast whea railroad reach la tba pise: land Is aal table for laying oat rn lot; In winter gaaatka la great place ror oucse. BliCHTEL A KERNS. 882 Bast Morrkma et. 100 ACBEfl FREE Dairy ranch , 80 aeraa cleared, orchard, bona, end eprtng piped to the houae. asar Hllleboro. 22 mtlea from Portland; 40 aeraa good timber, will cat enough lumber and wood to pay for tha whole thing; I only want pay far my work clearing thla land aad other Improvement, thrown la free. Addreaa H 10, car Ignraal Two 20-Acre Tracts ' Nearly all cleared, excellent eoll. plenty of water, goou county roou. ,i,ow eacu. Html 227M Waaklaerton at., rooma 84 and SB. MI ST bare money; will call a 8ne farm near Portland Terr cheap for cash. 8 41. Journal. 1 TO A ACRES far sake st Ftrland atattoa. I quire Manager Brown hotel, Urand aad Haw t nones area. 810 ACBBB FOB 8ALB; fenced, 100 sera cultlTated. 80 acres paeture; house. Urge barn aad outbuilding ; schoolhoess In 'place; good orcharda. wall watered, free delivery f mall, telephone; 4 miles from Rldgeneld. Waahlagton; worth 810.000 aad more; price 88.000; terma, 83.000 caah. balance to anlt; atock and machinery ran be purrhssed. W. W. MeCredle. Vencouver. Waablngton. FINE dairy farm of 180 aeraa. 8 mile from Kelao, Wash., (and road; will keep 50 cowa; good running water through place, good build Inge, good .pasture, fin maadowe. eleo good outside range: price 88.000: tarma: will eell stack st low figure If deatred. Call on J. 8. Hnntlngton. KeTeo. Waab. FOR SALE At a bargain. 800 aeraa well lm prored farm near Eugene. 50 acres orchard meetly 7 year-old Spltaeabarg applaai prlr 218.000: sgaali payment down. aay terma bal ance. B. H. Ingham, Eugene, Oregon. A BARGAIN 220 per acre; one of the bast farm aad atock reaches la Oregon. 740 aar. 8 mllee from Eugene: well Improved: tale phone: 400 a seas fenced with woven wire; 400 aeraa has bran firmed; every acre prodnrt-ig graaa or crap; tanas eaey. John Ingham. Eo cene. Oregon. $3,800 CASH A 12 acre place. S4 mllee from courthouse. 1 mile to S cent carBns, H mile to S. P railroad; berrlee aad frait tree, fine water; S room boas. B. F. D. Box 18. Hllle boro, Or. 10 ACBBB choice farm lapd. good new room honee, bars. 2 deter ne. trait, berrlee: vary dealrable for home; half mil north Gray's creaaaay. ait, assent earw MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THE f. C. LEB COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. Wa are always m tba market either to bay or sail sap active mining or Induatrla! H "w! rtUkvuVu fiokaras aanstnai atocaa. Dept. le jo Larayctu Blag. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS FOB SALE OB RENT Horses sad c IT lag by the day. week or mootk. Portland Biding Club. 18th aad Aider. H0R8FS aad haggles far rest by day, week and moath ; pec 11 rata to baaueaa- Sixth and Hewtbome. Baat ri FOR KAU. CHEAP Team f bnreee. weight too. at Portland Steak Exchange at. hie.. Foarth and Ankeny ala. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, PI A NO FOB 8ALB An elegant Bchaeffe up right ptsao. bousht 1 year ago at 880, will eell et 2280 cask Call 484 Kaat lXtk at., aarth. ee ufcoae Bast doTS st oaea. OBAMOPHONB foe aal with 28 10 loch no FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS. 88 8L10HT1.T d.m.ged MWIng m.cklnee at A SNAP Rooming bowee, 28 rooma -gend lo cation, long leeee; owaer will eell st eecrl flee: It will pay to Investigate. K 58, jearaai. MR. MAKEPEACEIS HE SUCH A POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MOVINO PICTURE machlnaa. fllme. aong slides, gee outfits, etc., bought, eold. rented and ex changed. Newman. TtBVk Sixth. Wl bar. eell or trade ear old thlnr. Thai Peo ple Furniture Houae. 212V4 Front at., aorner salmon. Tel. Main 4zsu BILLIARD AND POOL table for rant or foe sale on eaey paymente. THE BRUNSWICK BALKB COLLENDER CO. 48 Third at.. Portland. SEWING MACHINES bought, eold. exchanged. 88 and op; also rented. WESTERN SALT AUK CO., 827 Waablngton St. BOOKS bought, eold and exchanged at tba Old Book Store. 220 Tamhtll at. FB print your name oa 80 calling card, proper elae aad etyle, 8Be; S80 buelneee cards. 21. A. W. Schmala Co.. 228 Flrat. Portlaad. Or. SHOWCASES AND F1XTUBBS made to order; eecoaa-Baoa gooaa lor aaie. etrom, 888 Couch et. Phona Carleon A KaU- Clay 871. SHOWCASES, conn t ere, Sgtarss bought, eold a STOkenig.4 Western 81 Tag Co.. 827 Waab lngton et. Pacts 788. .1 WB need roraltara and win pay full valae. Phone Paclnc 788. W eaters Salvage Co.. 827 Washington St. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB . rbenmatlam. Bald by ell drugglate. CLAS8IFIBD FARMING UST of Oregon end Waahlngton farnlabed b; Rural Directory Co., 304 Ablogtun bldg.. Portlgod. Oregon; up to date. 2 BAR FIXTURES, pooltable, sate, tables, chairs. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 627 Waehlagtoo et. THREE fresh cows for sals. Telephone Baat 41X1. FOR SALE Dlac snpneAhoae. with 8 10 Inch racoras and 8 7-lacfa; 212; perfect order. Can sb irving at. pan tar benches and bench ecrewa, aprtng wwgpewi One man, weight about 1 ,000 pounds. Call at au caat aiorrmon or phone Beat 2ie- FUBNITTRB of 7-room boas for sal. Jefferson; price 8250. MANURE delivered say part of the city, plowing done. Phone Kaat 0067. FOR SALS An Underwood typewriter. No. . In Ant-elate condition; need 8 montha. OaU 64 Birth at.; a bargain. FOR SALE Bicycle, cheep for caab. la good repair. Inqolro No. 8 north Eighth at. TIMBER. DO TOU KNOW PATTOM ft SIMPSON T Da yea know they an reliable timber Iocs tare? Do yon want a timber claim t Of coons you do. Then why don't yon Jar loose and secure a good one while the opportunity la looking yon aqatra la the face? Remember, we can fire you a choice location now of the beat yellow pine the hlf heet-prlced Umber on the market for only 8180. Call and get full Boom 302 Lumbar Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark eta. WANTED Timber lands la Crook. Lake, Klamath aad Dougkla counties; large tracts or single clalma ; If yon have anything, come and sea oa, or write na statins exsct loot, tier, aad price. Lafayette Really Co.. SiSVa Washington St. 10,000 ACRES, over 400.000,000 feet of merchantable timber, large mill. logging rampa all complete, en river and nllroad; timber on lasting etream. S 28. cere Journal. CERTIFIED scrip, any ele pieces; lowest ST. u- rjoweu. at FOR BALE H section: section 81, 8 north, T weat- cruises 5.000,000 feet. Louie Salomon, 288 Stark at near Second st. ABOUT 80,000.000 feet near lew Columbia river; sled severe! good tracta In Donglaa and Curry eon at lea. Addreaa Bog 642. As lor la. Oregon. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALB or exchange, grocery etore. In good valley team; good boalneas, but have boelneea Interest aaaswben. Boa 243. Hllleboro, Or. FOR EXCHANGE Good 8-room house In Mont, villa: .want Shout 2 acres sear carllne with fruit. Veil at 187 Vk Third St. C WHAT bar yon ta exrheag for me Sera house and lott P 88. can Journal. PERSONAL. at A KI T s ay Dr. Roberts' Nerve . w iM.tMMi ea . e seeewiiao. uw wie a vtiimm. ee. month. 88; eeat aeennhr sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. darks ft Co.. Portland. Or. BBXINB PILLS ear all .Prise 61 s box. 6 bona 86. with far guaras tae. Addreaa er nil J. O. Cleaieniaa, araaj. gist. Second aad faahin Sis.. Portlaad. Or. BALM OF FIOS Baat SelmoaL far all female test DB. O. . BBTCl TCgfUM diseases, kl female srea Call or write. Third at., TambUL ANY man or weman na he erreng aad happy by using testae Pile), the great toele; price AddreeMor,eall,T Ttiiiw 8 8 BBatflteBBBr BBraMM TK T t-. - T PERSONAL. PRESERVB YOUR HAIR Scientific treatment of the hair and scalp; dandruff absolutely cured; eraeme and all acalp diaeaaee eradi cated; gray or fsdad hair restored to natural color without tba uae of dye or lead; face and neck treatment. French system; aole agents for Dr. Alva Du Bole' French Jel for the hair; French ebempoo eyetrm. finest known to eeienee. London Sanitary Parlors, suite 22-24 SelUng-Hlrach bldg.. Waahlnf toa at., bet Ninth and Tenth. Phone Pa ctSc 2488. PROFESSOR O'NEILL, darmatosaglst; com plexlon. hair, acalp and akin apeciallet. as perflooua batr and all facial bfemlahee pBk manantly removed; no ecare left: referenrae given; ladlee taught beauty culture, elec trolyata, electrical and manual maaaajge for mula., etc., given; tarma reasonable. Parlora. 141 11th at., corner Alder. Conenltntlsa and advice free. Phone Main 5887. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential tnvestlga none; rat character in .. . a c . i ports furnlsbed on rndlvlrlaam. their rter. reaponalhlllty. etc.; b.d dehte col r mining relative located: chart rieeeeable; correanon8nca solid tedl Oregon DeteeUv. Service, office SOS-204 Tiled er bldg.. lOtk aad WsablBStaa at. PI Mala 8816. LADIES: Ask year druggist for Chlcheeter'a BngUah Diamond Brand PUM; regarded aa beat, aafeet: arwaya reliable; buy of your druggist; take no ether. Chlcheeter'a Diamond Brand Pills are eold by druggist, everywhere, ("ilchester Chem. Co., Phlla.. Pa. OLBS. wrinkles, enoerfruoae hair Let ma tell yea hew. Ne charge. Mr. M. D. Hill. Suite 1. Selling Hlrach bias. Pacific US. YES, Pa law Tablets make you sleep perfectly; w en ssTwosans sno seeae yam sirong, price 80s a boa, 6 boxea 82.80; guars 0 teed. All druggists, or address Brooke Drug Co.. 67 norm Ttirra et.. Portland. Oregon. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUBE Sara cure tor rheuma-Uss. Bold by aU d BOLD ON Than Is sac thing that will cure rbenmatlam. Ask your druggist for bark tonic or addreaa or nil J. O. Clemeuaoa, drug gist, Portland. Oregon. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlsn bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1838. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing sad dressing. 881 Tamhll St. "THE ADVENTURESS." "Sweet Danger." "A Marriage In High Life," "Twenty Yean Hna'llng " "Prisoner of Zenda," "A Social Lion." 50 cents each. A. W. Sen male Co.. 228 Flrat et. DR. BIN 0 CHOONO, Importer Chinese root medMncs; sells Chinese tee. certain cure for nil dlwssss. 181 2d., bet Yamhill and Taylor. 01TB pressed while you wait, 50c. Ladles' skirts preeeed, (Oa Gilbert. 106U Stxtk at.. Best to Quelle. Phone Pacts 8088. YOUNO lady gives raaseage, tub sad vapor bath 110H Fourth, cor. Waahlagton. BUBEKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The usual enncbas: best shorthand system. 243 Ash. MISS GIBSON, expert scalp treatment and maa ssge. Boom 62, The Cosmos, 26Stt Morrtaon. FURRIER Ladlee, ban your fan remodeled end repaired by practical furrier and expert fitter; SO yean' experience in tble branch enables me to guarantee entire satisfaction; will nil st residence and give estimate. If aesirea. a. netner. Lewis niog. end Park. Phono PeciSc 2487. 28 CENTS ALL FOB 26 CENTS Phone FOB A SUMMER PLUNUK M. 2744. And swim, strike the big tank st the Port land Natatorlum Baths: steam and Turkish bathe a aneclalty. See the big sign. "Bathe." Open 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Corner Washington and Second ats. Expert chiropodist on hand, MADAM ANNA LUCKEY Is prepared to re ceive old and new customers end patients at 861 Vs Stark. Main 2011. Full line of baths. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold end exchanged, at Jones' Book Store, 2M Alder at. DISEASES OP WOMBN Private maternity noepttei; artist location ana epeeiai eon. w Atwooo. too eserrseea si., room s. P. cine 1758. PHYSICAL culture, alt branches, and maeesge; Individual and claaa Instruction: prleate home treatment It desired. The Rlnglsr School. 800 Alder at. Phone Main 1861. YOUB sheas eftleed free of charge at the Barber Shop; ebevlag 15c. FOR SALE. CHEAP-Ftne pedigreed bull rler pappln. 408 Iran at.. Portlaad. Or. VOI SO Udr from the eakt has recently manlnting parlora 861 Vi Morrteoa at., 14. MARRY Patronise tararp Heated aeooeletlon: 1.000 marriages consummated, eome Involving 6806,000: paper 10c, sealed. L. L. Lovo, Box 1800, Denver. Oolondb. , VIAVI CO., Lawk bldg . 8B0I4 talks to wikSIB Thundsys. I Marrleon; health 80 p. m. THE October Matrimonial Register la Just out. 18c. revised and ealerged, with photos; most eonplete cvve pUkllahed. 24 Boseel bids- ATTORNEYS. ASSAYERS. OARV1N CYAN1DB EXTRACTION 00, Aeeay office. 188 Mimisa et. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY ft COOK M Oar Os- Fifteenth sad for Cadlllee. Piece, Wsshl Brest sad Steveaa-Pur yea mstar rat DU MBHEAD YETfj ARCHITECTS. JOHNSON ft STORR8, architects, bullden; cement, concrete. 408M East MSrrlaon. Phone Kaat 4873. . . MBMOBS. Area I tart, ill ART. FREE LESSONS In embroidery every day; new atamped shirtwaists, corset covers, ho ler Jackets, hat, umbrellas, etc. 'The Needlecraft Shop. 882 Washington at., be tween Weat Park and Tenth eta. R R. MAX I aad laskseaape Portrait erturl and teacher. BATHS MASSAGE, Khe uma t lam cured by massage by a young Ger man lady 28SH Start. 21-22 Taroma Houae. MISS RAYMOND gives baths and massage treatments. The Cosmos, 268H Morrison St. MISS DANIELS gives vapor, maaeage aad medi cated baths. Parlor 27, 288H Stark, at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 108-111 Second st. Blank book maoufacturere: agente for Joeee Improved Looee Leaf -led gen; eve the aew Eureka leaf, the beet ec the market. CAFES. THE OFFICE 286 Washington et.. phone Mala 771. Samcel Vigor ax. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PBDICUHIKO. atrau at IX BIB. Suite 1. Selling Hlrach Bldg PeetSe lit. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adotnb A. Deknm. 161-188 First et.. nrries a full Una and com plete assortment at low eat market prices. t. B1RKENWALD CO.. 804408 Everett at Largest hatcbera' supply boa as sa tiki eoest. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! EeadS Read! THIS IS FOB YOU! BBAD CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Barth la permanently located In her own heme. 428 STARK ST. This wonderful woman, ac knowledged hy the world to be the greatest clairvoyant alive, without yon writing e nuea- tton or ottering one word, she telle yon lust what yon came for. bow many In your fam ily and all aboot them. Telia nan, dates Sad facte. Tells you Of love, marriages, deaths, hualneaa speculation. Invntments. etc.; locates etl, gas and mlaerals of ell kinds, removes evil Influences and teacbea you how to control tba one you lava, unitee the separated and csueee speedy snd eoe yenlsl marriages. No matter what your con- union may oe, a.l'Aa aanin n ua, HELP YOU. 428 STARK. COR. 12TH. ALL WORK 0UARANTBBD. FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL HOURS 10 A. M. TI1.I. 8 P. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN 8POKEN. FOB A FEW DATS ONLY. A SPECIAL SB BBAD1NO FOB SL AXWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PBOF. B. KHIMO. Greatest living astral deed-trance clair voyant of lb sge: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom yoa will merry, how to control the one you leva, even though mtlea away; re unitee the sep arated; gins secret powers to control. t will do all otberr sdverttse to do. snd a treat deal mora. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW BBS OP THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, and I prove It to yoa with at price lLffigLlJSW by hadrer your f NAME TOLD (IN FULL), i JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOR. and give you sdvice absolutely Friers nerora you areins to hevs a reading WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC 1 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO YOU AOAIN. PROF. K KHIMO, Permanently Iyiceted In Hie Own Home. HOURS 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 186 Fifth st.. corner Madison st. CONSULT THE BEST' Prnf. Wallace, the noted clairvoyant. Palmist and dead trance medium The oldeat ta practice, gives asfleftctloa. He tails rtnrr psat. present and future. Telle your friends, enemies and rivals. Who and when too will marry. Satlaf action, er he ehargee you nothing. Consult him on bueineoa. Consul I bin 4a loss a f fairs. He charge you only 80 cents 8411k ksocylaoa St., Corner Tib. COAL AND 4VoOD. THE PORTLAND FEEL CO., ft. oases. re as C B. DAVIS FUSX CO 26 887 B. aiarrlaca et ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee lev la cetdwued. real aad green end ery sianwooa a. m. ea Amine eve.. 2 blocks ssst sf ferry. Bast BT4. BBIDOB FUBl CO Dee ten ta asm, nd and dry aUksreod. Pbeae Baat 4aM. BOX aad planer wood immediet. eell very FEJBTBBN FBBD ft blast era lib coals. I FUBL CO Bone aad CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. bargee t pleat es tb coast taring aad Harding eta., telo phase Baat 280 Carpets elae Bed. refitted sewed sad laid; both steam and latest oues Press 1 6 air presses; renovating saslfrsaael and resteers a eaedalty. SANITARY sing, aarttaa aad eaes. proceed air without Ms In 8884. Mala 8208. CLjNINQ and dyeing. Suitor turn Tailoring Co.- Pressing and alee sing ; ladlee' work a specialty. 127 Lownsdal at. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Works: prae Ileal hatter In connection. 211 4th. PaclOc SOT. CIOTHES cleaned gad preeeed 81 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 208 Stark St. H. W. TURNER, professions) dyer est cleaner. 606 Jefferson at. Phone Mala 2812. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY t WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHABOB. CITIES NS' LAW ft COLLECTION CO., CITI IBNty BANK BUILDING. HOOM 18, 121 M GRAND AVE- PHONB BAST 8838. DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, Portland's lead las school; ballroom etiquette and correct eoclal and eiaaelc dancing taught; both sexes: ruling foUa, adults; Instruction dally. 808 'Abler st. Phone Main 1851. professor Hluglcr, dancing master. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claaa. Men.. Tbura. and Sat. evenlnge: children's elasa Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy and step dancing taught. Western Acadeuiy ball. cor. Second and Morrison. Phone Pacific 1030. DENTISTS. THE rvHICA0O DENTISTS. 228 Waahlngton at., tor. Sixth. Guarsntee all work. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engineers, contrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. S4 First, ser. Stark. Main 650. R. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC W0IU.S 61 Sixth at. Contractors, electric supplies, motors sad dyaamos: we Install light and power plant. EDUCATIONAL. SHORTHAND eaally learned by correspondence by anyone of common education; system adopted ny ixew tors ooara or education. An dreea lease Pitman Agency, 21 H Grand an Portland. Or. CHINESE lessons given by an experienced teacher, well educated. Apply Professor j P. Peter. 20814 Salmon at., or phona Malta 8832. MABY DAVIS MAGINNIB. teacher of eonven tional and natnrallatlc china; water-color bead a specialty. Studio 821 B- Sth et.. n PROF. WESCO Private lnetnetlon In penman- p given. Koom 23. ituseei eiog. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air furnace ran feel t. C. Bayer Furnace Co., 298 Second. Mala 881. DRYHOUSK HEATING P1PB8. mads to order by J. Loell, 212 Jefferson: Phono Pacific 1484. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IBON WORKS 888 Flanders et.. cor. Third. Phone Mala aooa BAST PORTLAND FENCE ft WIRE WORKS lit Bast Water St. Phone Baat 82L HAY AND GRAIN. U COOPER CO. Potatoes, feed sad lour. 128 Union as. Phone Baat 1817. HOTELS. THB BBLLKVUB. Fourth and Salmon at. Rooms 50c op: rates by week or month; out-or-toan treoe eoticiteo. i-acinc auoo. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooma from 80 cents up; mesls 25 cents. Seventh and Everett eta HOOD HOTEL Rooma 60c ap; rate by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. 82 Va Sixth at. 5 blocks from depot. HOTEL Portland. American plan: 88. 88 per day. BaU,TBDSBB;aaropna sUxuSth and AMar ate. HARDWARE. Portland Hardwan Co. solldta opportunity to quote prices. 74 Sixth at. PaclSe 48. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, made like new for 60c; expert Pa asms bleacher. 14 Third, near Pine. B-anch. 324 Flrat. PactSe IS , KAUFMAN. THK HATTER. 18 N. Sixth t-. cleans and blocks soft snd stiff hsts. Pas mss a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. AN EAST-MONEY PROPOSITION Money la easy to get If yon know where to get it We bsve resdy money at nil times, and you can get It oa your salary: 110 to 8100, on best terms aad si lowest re tea. Ws loan ea the easy payment plan the plsn that helps you and gets yoa oat of debt. Ton get the eeeh. ell yoa ask for, and npay la emusnts yon nn conveniently spen ssch nnydsy. We do not file p specs, require no la doners, no reference lo friends or employer Open Toes, and 1st. evening until 8 e clock. Hiitton Credit Co. 812 (Bth Soorl Deknm bktg. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved dty props ity er for building purpose for from 8 te 10 yean' time, with privilege lo repay ail tr part or loan after two years. Los aa approved from plane and money advanced ea oniining mortesree teken nn and replaced FRED B. STRONO. Financial Agent. 842 Stark ft TBS STAB LOAN CO Any salaried employe, wage-eerser. na get n hla note, without mortgage Month, tt Month. Week. Iftn.onv Repay to ne 618.88 or 88.50 or 6A.3S 825 00 Repay to aa t 8.68 or 83.36 or 61 88 115.00 Repay to aa t 4.00 or 12 00 or 11 00 210 McKay bids. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on es latin. Insurance poltdea, plsnos. furniture, war-bouse re ceipts, etc.: any deserving person may secure a liberal advance repaying hy easy weekly or monthly Inetallmenta. NBW KBA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY. SOS Ablngton bldg. . MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat on year own name no other security: don't borrow until you see me; my system la the beet for rsllr sd men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all ntber employee; busi ness strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 424 Ablngton bldg. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And othere upon their own nsmee without security, cheapest rates, ee sleet paymente; efScee la 60 principal eltieej save yourself money by getting our terma flrat. TOIMAK 228 Ataastoa bldg , I06H Tatrd St HEADQUARTERS FOB SALARY LOANS Money ran be borrowed oa eaey peyeseat plsn. leweet ratee; strictly eonfldentlel CBBSCBNT LOAN CO.. 428 Mobswk bldg . cor Third aad Mermen. TOU can borrow money at low raise m earns of 8800 aad up on approved mortgage eecurlllee. Don't fall to see THB DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 14U Pint at. WANTED Note, mortgage, or eontraete ea any kind of real nfate in "rnm ani sen sag oad mortgage, purchased If well ee ll. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk PRIVATE money to loan, dty or farm. Mnlt aomah or near eountiee: Interest 6 an 8 per cent. Sol Blooaa, 888 Chamber of Commerce. 88.000 TO loan aa city real estate" eult; mortgagee bought and eold. J oh neon. 811 Comm serial bth. rums to 0. A. LOW rate on furnltare. etc : confldentlsL BBS Filed ner bldg . lOtk aad Waahlngton. PsasV S 2888. i ' . MONEY so kma oa srFVrnda sf neaaaigpv William Boll, room 6 Waehlngtaa btftj. TO LOAN Sums to salt ea chattel eaegSj B. A. rrssM. 114 aba Mirgaasi. S FINANCIAL nrr BANK OF OAUFORRI A Eatabllahe Capitel paid up 64.000 dim I 8nrptas sad seal 1 18 id rcoSis . A Oeaesal Banking and Excbsnge Baalnea Traneacted SAVINOB Interest oa time dope el re Accounts opened for sums at 810 sad upward. Pert! sod Breach Chamber of Commerce BatBstag- WM. A. MACBAB. Manager t f-IKST NATIONAL BANK OF P0KTLAND. I Designated Depository and PraaMeat A. L. MILLS Aaalatant 0. shier ....W C. ALVORD I Lettcre of Credit AvelMble In Stgbt Excbsnge and Telegrsihle Transfere rssi. umaaa. Bnn rreaekjen ind the ur'ncinni points in the raora Slgbt aad time hills drawn ta sums to anlt on HcngkMgrjrokohame Cop-'iibeg.n Cbrtstlsnts B ADD ft TILTON. BANKERS ( E.tabluuad I t Transaeu a Seneral Baaklng Business. Colleetlona made at at! notnta it J": able terms Letters of credit Issued atstlsMe In Eueorw aad all points I the tTatteei State Sight Exchange and Tel. graphlr Trsnafere sold on New York. Waaatafhaa. tfcB8Jft St. Louts. Denver, Omaha. San Ftandaco and Montana and British Columbia. aTxahaaere sesa an London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Uoogkoag. Yokohame. Maslla and aBaeAat8. M MERCHANTS" NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0RES0M. I. FRANK WATBnst Pn.M..l I t. ntlRllAM B. W. HOTT Cashier I ! Transacts a Oaaaral Banking Business. Drette An Perta of the World. U KITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND 0EEOON. Northwest Corner Third end Oak Street. , Transacts a Oeneral Banking Bust nee. DRAFTS ISSUED A variable ta AM rWee e the United State a'ed Europe. Hongkong aad Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Teems. rreaiorat J, C. AIN8WOHTH I Vice President. . K. LEA BARNES Aaalatant Cashier BANK EES' ft LUMBERMEN'S BANK Port laud. Oregon. Corner Second aad ItnFk streets. Commercial and savings department. I ntcrest paid on aadnga arcoonta. Draft a and letters of credit leaned available In all perta of the world. Ope a Saturday evenlnge from 7 to 6 for the accommodation of customers. D A PBLTON Preaklrnt I E. C. MEARS Cejablee FRET! H. ROTHCHILD.. First Vice-President H D STOREY Aeetstaat Cash lee JOHN A. KEATING. . . .Second Vice Pre.ldent I PLATT ft PLATT tseaent Cexraaei TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company ta Orsges. RESOURCES OVER 81.75O.00O. General banking. 2 per cent Interest on cheek. accounte (even hundreds) on dally balances of 8500 or over. Letter of credit end exchange on all parte of the world. Savlnas aeeonnts. Time certificate.. 3 to 4 per cent: short-can apeasal certtflcatae. 8.100 or over. 2 to 1 per rant. Call for Book of "ILLURTBAT10N8. Sontheeet Corner Third and Oak Streete. Phone Private Exchange 72. i BEN'J. . COHEN.: ... Praaldent lit. L, PITTOCK Vlce-Preeideat B. LBB PAOBT Seeratsry J. 0. GQLTBA Assistant SerrttarT SECuTtlTT SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY 66 Morrison Street. Pertland. Onsen. Transacts s Osn.ral Banking Business SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed en Time and Saving. Aeeonnts. Acta ae Trustee for Esta tee. Drafts sad Letten er Credit Available In All Parts of the World. C. p. ADAMS President I President Second Flee-President 410. P. RUSSELL... ft- L. MILLS. ejSHX MOBTOAOE OUAKAlfTlB ft TRUST COMPANY BANK. Transacts a Oeneral Banking Bnalneas. Intereat Paid on Time Deposit. Savings Department; 4 per cent interest a lie Wed, compounded quarterly. CAPITAL 8100,000.00 WA1JERBURY President a W. MII.LF.R vVe-Prraldeat O. W. Bike' Temple. Seventh and Stark Streeta.' ' B. LOOAN HATS NO RTHWZSTE KN OUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY Portland. Oregon. Lumber Exchange B. E. Corner Second and Stark Streeta (second door) rtarar. inegT for corporations. State. County. M sold pal and Corporation - ewe BaareBeej. aseane son ponoa gnaranraaaa. ' TITLE STtABAJmn ft TBTJ8T COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS oa Portland Real Estate st Lowest Balsa. Tltkse Insured. Abstracts Furnished. J. THOBBUBN ROSS .President I JNO. E AITCHISON OBOROB H. HILL Vice-President I T. T. B UK K HART BONDS AND ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber af Comma Mnnldpel rsltensd snd DOWNINO HOPKINS COMPANY Establish ed STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wires BOOM 4 CHAMBER THK J. a LEE COMPANY 18-20 Lafayette Brokerage Department See Ue Before Buying or Belling Stocks Overbeck, Starr & ooke Co. ORAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Market by Private Win. Quick sea, and United Stat a else a LOUIS J. SCHOOL AND CORPORATION MUNICIPAL BONBS Highest Returns to Investors Co nststent With Absolute Safety. PORTLAND ft NORTHWESTERN HOME TELBPHOBB ft TELEGRAPH SaOUKPTIBS. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance. lock bldg. IAS Met. WOOD, employers' Habttlty sat la- dlrldcal accident surety noooe Qi au , Phone 47. anx ncnay eraa. MACHINERY. B. THENKM AN ft CO. Mining. eawmlU. log ging machinery; hydremic pipes, casting; aH kind repaired. 104 North Fourth. GASOLINE engines, all else and tTes ' loweat prieee. xseireow Morrison at. THB H. C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand ma chinery, sawmills, etc. ran w. MUSICAL. PIANO violin, benjo, trombone, clarinet. Pra fessor E. A. Smith. 254 llth. Main 478JI. THE WEBBER STUDIO-Mandolln. banjo, gui tar Instruction. Hineon manooiina. a Aiorr. ssaea. TUiriunRN nnoll of SEVCIK. violin teacher. Studio 103 Sixth. Tel. Mela J W LOGAN, teacher violin, mandolin, gui tar; orchestra music furnished. Phone East I PROFESSOR LEWIS. I take few beginners. pianist, com power. Phone Pacific !"d. sill MONUMENTS. NEU ft KINOSLEY. 288 First at. Portland's ceding marble and granite works. OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. Artifldal Eyn Fitted. Tlslon Scientifically Corrsstsd. 128 Seventh Street. DR. B. J. MILLS nntflmtrlii and Rveslcht Snecl.Ilat. es-ai . ea .naiis' " DR OBO. RUBENSTBIN. relleble optician; gUsats sdlasted by the lateet eclentlflc ap pUances. 183 4th St.. bet. Ysmhlll and Taylor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. OB. ARNOLD LINDSAt. graduate of the Osteopathic college of Klrhsvllle. Missouri, who specialist on rheumatism, stomach aad all female dlscaeea. office 4kti.Vslllng bldg-. Ox Third ana vsaeoingioe aw. DBS. ADIX ft NORTHRUP. 415-I8-1T Dehnm bldg.. Third and Waablngton ats. Phone Mala 848. Examination free. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO.. aenltary pin robe re. 281 Second bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Phoae Mela 2001. DONNBRBERO ft R A DSMACHEB. No. 808 Burnalde et. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. P. E. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; wtnftew-Uaa aad glaslag- 86 Facet et. PRINTING. THB MODKBN PRINTER Y Arttatle St Raeeel bldg.. Foarth sad Morrleei Padte 1828. REAL ESTATE. PABRISH. W ATKINS ft CO., Mtate, Insarance. rental aad beta ite. ins stents. ate. 200 Aeaer ea. RUBBER STAMPS. trade checks, bras eigne aad plates ROOFING. get twins, repeJrleaf, and BANKS. 1888. Head Ofteo, Baa Pan J. T. BUBTCHA OK 16 0. Flndieral Agent of I Ctahler Second Aesratant Cashier . P. sratFIBBa Europe nod.the Baafeen States - sold aa New York. Breton. Change. B8. leSsm Loudon. Parts. Berlin. . Stock ko In 1888l vice .Presldeet GEORGE W. HOYT Aaststaa and Letten of Credit taened Avails bee ta CollectV.ns a Spedelty ' Caebler 11. w W""-;, Asslstsnt t echier . . ft. M. WRIGHT v w. m, - L. A LEWIS First Ttee-Preeldeat B. 0. JUBITB Aaalatant Seeratsry .Seeratsry rone' Main 164. Open Saturday BneXtSaT 8 ta S (....-. slstsnt Berrotary Bowls Bought and Sold. New enterprise ergs; Secretary. INVESTMENTS. roe Bldg. public service corporation bonds. 1888 BROKERS. and Sold for Cash end on Mergtn. of COMMERCE. Phoae Mala tK Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. H. W. Donahue. Manager. ec Bonds. Csn Arwaya Ssra Toa Money. I0t riZTil. Service. REFERENCES Ledd ft Til tasx. Bask- i tional Beak of Portland. Rooms 3, 4 and 8 La Fayette bids... ear. Sixth and Waah. St... Portland. Oregon. DIVIDEND BANK AND CORPORATION 1SIOCES SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO., sole aganta tor Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and Manganen Steal Sent Co s bank eafee. The largest assortment of blgh-grade fire and burglar-proof aafea la the nortbwnt. 92 Seventh st. DIKIiOI.D Manganese and free or oof ssfee: hm Ceaaful progress against burglar and flrv;lock- ouia openea. ear. super, meensnic. i aspen wun a. xw Mrs, on mm. EIGHT second hsnd fireproof safes sad two second-hand bank aafee fee sale-ebeap. at 78 Sixth at. port l.i nd. Or. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettertnas cloth banner. economical electric eigne ana eigne of ad kinds mads quickly. Foster ft Klelear, Fifth and Everett. Phone Exchange OS. Wh P. BKROER ft SON, 284 Ysashlll at aUsaa of sll kinds. Phone PsclAc 2232. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Boa CO, 2S7 Stark at Phone Pacific 1568. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar end store fixture made ts order. The Lathe I Manufacturing Co., Portland. R H BIRD8ALL. Sea lgner; extent tfton bldg. M. Winter Mata Mjt. Lumber Oe.. 7 Hem STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction. Co.. street paring, side walks aud crossings. 314 Lumber Eicbaiage. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Oa.' of Portland. Office 655 Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. NBW typewrltera. all makee. rented, eold sad repaired. Coast Agency. 281 Stark. TsL leaf. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGB ft OMNIBUS TBANSFK ear. Sixth aad Oak eta : bagga. from hotel or realdeaee direct to i psaeengera therefore a raid rush sad ance at depots. Private aix change SAFES, piano, and furniture moved. ready tor shipping and shipped; guerenteed: large. 3 story brick. nare'.ooee tor storage. Office BIS C. M. Olaen. Phone Meln 547. C O. PICK. ef6ce 86 First at, betWi and Oak eta., phone 686; piano, aad moved and necked for shipping; ea brick warehouse with eeuernte iron Front and Clay ats. CUT ratea on household goods lo sll seamtJ eaet; we make up earhvsds; special room tee trunks while welting. Oregon Auto-Deeneren. 13 tlrst st. rnoos axaia lie. OIlEHtiN TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Mai St. Heavy kkallag aad storase. PIANOS and furniture moved. Call up Caagrev Bros., et 808 Ftret st. Main 221 6. I MM I I NDBNT ItAl.iiAaP: A 'rilANSFKtt CO. Storage. 824 Stark et. Main 407 POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. tOOt Wa Ingtua et. none Main 862. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BRKYMAN LEATHEB CO., keen ei addlery. hardwan. boras gooau, Mataer. nJ- logs aad shoe elore ihm. nrta eon 'mm. A. aUNST ft CO DlkTT RIBUTORS OP F1NB CIOABS. PORTLAND, ORBOON. OKBOON Furniture Measfsrturteg Cen of fan. I tare far the Portland, Ih-eajea. WADHAMB ft CO. wb.slaaaH seaewn. M8V factarera aad eaeaWaSknanaa Btjritiili. tWtS aad oak It CO.. re casraaa Vsllaaeaamt I in 1 B i mi. .1 BBJt aVLIaJCN 4 UWtefl MfmWr '