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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY SVBNJNQ. SEPTEMBER U. 1806. 10 i I NEW TODAY. Brooke & Kiernan FOR Inside AND Water Front PROPERTY GREEN'S ADDITION West This property is within walking distance, and selling at the re markably low price of $550 PER LOT TERMS EASY Buy now while you have an op-1 twetnniti, of ortfteinnr a lftt rttfi the. r"'"V w g"-g . West Side, near the river. ONLY 10 MINUTES' RIDE from 3rd and Washington Sts. Prices Will Advance Ten Per Cent on the 10th of October, 1906. Money advanced for building rurposes. Agent on ground from to 5 p. m. daily. M. E. LEE Room 80 Raleigh Bldg. SS3 Washington Street (W lo tor mm It will be great ly to roar tdvtaUfe la hnslnees to have a cheesing account with thla hxaak. THE OLDEST TRUST CO MP ANT DT OBXaOB" Offers every facility far promptly rnnduetlaf year banking. Ita of Seers and direct oca are men who ere Idealised with the attaint interests of thlt city, end they act for tke aafety of all Our i leearrea af over 81.T80.000.08 ahow haw well they succeed 2 INTEREST PAID ON Cbaefc Accounts (even hundreds) oa Dally Balances of $500 lr Over. RES0UBCE8 OVER Sl.TaO.SM.SS. Portland Inst Covpaiy of Ore?on 8. B. Car. Third aad Oak ata. phoae Bx. TS. BENJ. I. COHEN. President R U PITTOt K . ....... Vice-Prealdent 1 Secretary LEE PAGET. . . 0. GOLTRA . . . Aaalttant secretary TERM DEPOSITS Are accepted by thla company In amount of ft or mora. Wa hold Flrat Mortgage on Income property for ev ery dollar Invented by us. Than ae turttte gra held In trust for our cli ent and cannot lie hypothecated or die counted, aaaurtng absolute safety. Thaae securities net 8 par cent par an num, Interest payable semi-annually. There Is no method today that presents equal safety for savings funds. We ssk you to coma direct to the company's offices for information Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Lumber Zsckaxure Bldf. (Second Floor) B. a. Oor. Second and Stark Bt. TWO CHOICE LOTS IN SOUTH SUNNYSIDE One on ltd tret. facing east, st $7(MI; th other on 31.; streat, facing west, st 88T". Both lots iOxlOS, only one block from Hawthorne av. Also 108x186, s northwest corner, for $1,84)8. Hare Is where price are continually advancing. Batter gst a lot while you can. "It Fay to See TJs." Hartman & Thompson I CHAMBBR OF COMMERCE. Farm Sacrificed. Owner East Of 100 acres. 84) to 48 acre under cul tivation. 14) So 2t cords of excellent oak wood, land level, aoll of a rli-h black, sandy loam: 4-room houae. baVns rfifl rn tl or hay and oexts), and other out rntlldluga, bearing orchard, fine running prlng on farm, food road, near avhoof - fine Jersey heifer, chicken, farming iwiplementa, hnuaehuld furniture and many other things too numerous to mention We wxnt only 83.806 for ev erythlng Corns quick. 16 mile eaat of Cortland nil other out- J. L. WELLS CO. NEW TODAY. RIVER VILLA Beautifully located, t acres, all In fruit, on O. W P. A Ry., near Concord atatlon. Tor full Information eee wnrm a oo., Trtssksg Bzobnnge, Beocnd St Mark. aa x-ncinc inn. Must Raise Money inraar at o-roem boom rattan oa eaat aid author lea aa to Mil it for leee than coat. Call let ua t you. GORRBXL KIRK PATRICK 7. lSlt, First at. INSIDE PROPERTY Lota 80x100 feet, sidewalk, graded 1 1 recta fit: water (Ball Una) piped ta each lot. oa tke carllae. with an unobstructed rlew of the rlrer: every lot cleared la craee plot and contain, the rleliaal . 1 ...I nf an I- Mai.. isf'laSLSe J"'?.,' JSTk c4,r: !tto TtS.1- 7X" .'.5V"" .. in A few of tkrae lata wUI be eold for 1180 800 down, balance monthly Installment. The Seat came the Brat served. M. J. CLOHESSY. SOT McKay Building. FOR REINT, New at ores and office rooms, with ateam haat and elaotric llshta. N. K. corner Third and lladlaon streets. Apply room I. SB A TeU a a-aiTT n aiai TT.1 VII LSni J VjrvVJTT .c. 8 4M tor nn barwaina In rati estate PIANO STUDIO LOUIS H. BOLL PARLOR8 8 AND 10. 342 WASHINGTON inwi. m now open tar reception or puplla. WEATHER REPORT. ' aian nrpaaure area which made Ita ap pearance yeeterday off the Oregon eoaat baa seseed north aad la now central over Waah BStoa. The northern portion of the wen tern trough of low nreeeure hae advanced eaat to the region north of the Dakotaa. while the aoathrrn portloa of thla trough rcmalna ata tkmary orer Ar4aona. The renter of the eastern high preaaare arya It now over New Kngland. The raiaa have ceaaed nn the ParISc elope aad tt b cooler la the Willamette valley, annad cotiutry. eaatern Washington and British Columbia, while In California the temperatures have rteen. Showers have occurred In north ern Arlaoaa. the Dakotaa. Mlnueeota and the gulf atatea. The Indications are for fair weather la thla district tonight and Wediieedsw. with light frost fenerally eaat of the Cascade mountains tonight. It will be .warmer Wedneeday except near the coast. ObeerTatlona taken at 8 a. m.. ParISc time: Temp. 8 tat lone - Max. Mid. Preel Baker City. Oregon 42 ooaton. Massachusetts 44 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .03 .0 o .0 . T .14 -J) JO I Chicago, Illinois Denver. Colorado 1 Kanaaa City, Missouri K 84 88 TS S4 48 S3 63 48 84 tt 46 48 80 IS S3 76 SS i Lot Angeles. California . . . New Orleans. Louisiana. v V-w .... V.. V 1. 1 Rm. Oorr?n :::::::: ! t. Lonja. Mlaaonrl ; Salt Lake. I tab 7J TO 63 63 70 T8 Baa Pranctero. California. Spokane. Washing ton Ts corns. Washington Walla Walla. Washing tos Washington. D. C MARRIAGE LICENSES. Orvllle L Arthur. 31: Rita rollings. SO. Oeoar Walln, 28: Connor Olby. 33. Harry V. Holoehler. 83; Ire Hullt. Ik ending Carda. W. O. Smith A Co.. Wash on bldg . ear. Fourth and Washington ata. left on Wedding aad printed. E. T. calling carat eagmed or Rushton. 833Vt Washington, at. Mae Bertha Martin, room 113 A larky bldg. q..vui en bus weeuaswura Full dress suits fee rent, ell Tailoring Co . 308 Stark at. Dalqoe BIRTHS. BEBBE September 38. to Mr. aad Mrs Lewie B. Beebe, MontarlUa, a nay. REFT LING September IS. to Mr. and Mrs. A. RefBlng. Cedar Hill, a boy. DEER Y--September 23. to Mr. aad Mia. Ed ward H. Deery. 40T Jeffereon. a slrl. u iiaii, September 23, to Mr. and Mrs S HcDanlel aOA St.. I, . Iw. i. SKI KELMS September 30. to Mr. and Mra. Albert Kelme. Sn hjst Couch, a hoy. JACOBS September 22. ta Mr. and Mrs. Sol Jacobs. 128 North Sixteenth. I boy. APVLBGATB September 23, ta Mr. and Mra. Hirer u appu'faie. (ni npokane a Slrl. DEATHS. GOODPASTURE Sept. 34. Sarah A. Good pasture, S3 years, Good Samaritan hospital, chronic eyetltls. ELDER September 24, Margaret Elder, SB yeare. TS1 Missouri avenue, eeatle decay. FKINELL September 22. Helen L. Frlnell. S n"25?toe200,l. ,"Jr,t,n b.-pltal. drsentery HART September 22. Nelson Hart. ST yeara. IAS Mncoln avenue, cystitis and nephritis. W Kill. AN September 33. Frederick Wehlan. ST years. North Pacific aaultarlnm. nephritis. BINS September 30. Michael Sine. (15 yeara. S3 North Fourteenth, valvular heart disease. VI ( I BUY -September 30. laura MH'urdy. S3 years. 881 Raleigh. dlalH-tes BKN FKIKI. September 33. Iule I. BeneSel. 1 taonth. 1S2S Druid, gastro enteritis. BKCK WITH September 22. Helen B. Beck- with. 6 yeara, 867 East Phae, malaria. UNDERTAKERS. molna. A Ollbengh. aadertakera .-a tfara ta every detail. Stseath and Pine. Maia ussy asaleUtt. - A. B. Hrmstock. aadertaker sad East Thirteenth and Umatilla era aad Tl. estbala Sell- Eli ck son Cndrrtaktai s Co.. and embslmlnv 4oa Alder t Phone Msln 818k Lady aaafatsnt J. P. Finley A Son. Third and Madlaoe sts OfSce of eouaty eeroaar. Phoae Mai i 8. CLABKB BROS., floral ileotfu. Florist v- Fin flow era SB Morrison st. an-' Edward Holmao. nndertaker. 330 Third et. RIVERVIEW CEMETERT. Slagl grave 810. Family lots 8T ta 81.000. The only cemetery In Portland which per petaalry atalntala and ears for lots. Far fall Informetlor apply ta W. R. Markeaata. War eeeter block, dtf. W. M. LsSd. arealdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. American Traat laveatment comnanr o Security Savlaga A Trnat coapsnr. lots n. N. block ' rv.,.1. ,um a Charles H. Heller and wife to William Pa k rr' tkk 1' UBOO,n t. D. ( u (her la ad and 'wire' " ' aw.e'ii. 278 Savings A Trust company, lot 8, block 227. ell e Ttra vta Bolton to ,' Security ''Savtafs' k' rrnat enupsnr. kit 4. block 1. n.n,. 10 iew aouiima Arleta Land company to Lenta M Woodla. lota 18. 30. 11, block d, Ar bts Park No 1.800 248 Jam N. Davis and wife to Hermino a Webher et al.. lota fc S. hbiek 8, Dolan'e ddltlon lo Eaat Portland I 0. 0 Itay and wife to W. W. Bay. lot 1 and 3. block 22. Point View addi tion , The Ind Company of Oregon to J. si. Mektini. IntS 1 and 9 liloek Cl.e View lark '...777... ... B. St. Hutchinson and wife te Clarence Loveberrr. undivided H Interest In H arras beginning at eonthwest cor jer of a 3-acre tract described In deed fn.m c B. Btrnett to OoraeUus Culp. Februtrr 18. 1003 .7777. A. B. Hauler and wife to a at hw Bgf in lols and 4. block 4. Elisabeth Irvine's i,.J w w,.t.",Jor! ; iwl. i.' . ! .m' socman to Cast Portland S.TSO If. to Mra. H. A. Ifll 1'sM.ll.a..' afteMllsraw. ' Newiim u hiiWBe. '..V'J'sU'Ws 10 '""" to Edna "i. ' Wood'- as-wiH.7r o""' BiaS,"u..'",,r'"r: ecletioa to rreai 178 Inta 1 A is sis s ivi, si uu Sterlln, Land com,... aSS. Irne.i 2.V. - " "'I iSFB I. lllrkflT Ik Ooecher- IIUI ' ll-li TOS REAL B8TATE TRANSFERS. 'aa W cook and wife to o. L. Bar- . rett. Mi I ua 1 block 2. Onk'a aaeaaa addition to Albloa 1.060 TMa Ouarastse Traat nnpaiiT to Her maa V. Tartar, lot 8, block 14. West etajrlk Smith 'it ' ii" ' to' John ' Ca'r'lBoa! H4 acre . beginning at Iroa ataka In northeast Him of Jersey street la Jama Mat addition to St. J oca 1 a L. Baahaall to M R. Spear, lot IS. block M. Wuodleene 1.00 am Moore Haradou a DO wife to Prank P. Uaradou. souls ht of lot 3. block 36. Court aiMltlnn C. J. Poleaa and wit to Eugene Ruedy. Mi S aa kjiiork S. eqbdlrietoa of lata Job (ilaaa and wife to will K. fturay and wife, lota 31 to 40. laclaalve, block 8. Stanley No. 2 M. B. Thompson aad wlfa to W. II. Nuun, . lota 7 and S. block IS: lot 4. block 2ft; lot k block 14. . North Irving ton C. II LoreJoy aad wife to B. L. Lov- lof. lol A. block 2. Nortb Villa 800 It K Uiltnac aad wife to A. K Menu. tract II In (Mover addition Atora Harold to J. Karl attach, lot IS. block 5. Harlem addition to Kaat Port land M. K. Tnonipeea aad wife to Charles E. Tooley, lot 2. block T. lilfford addl- 8.000 iHanaah Maud Ken worfhy to Anna B and uoa . Kialr Winifred caaaee. iota T. a. eat 18. Ik 14. block 8. Tabordale J. L. and Jeaale G. Martman et al. to Lawrence C. Batt. lata 4 and 8, block IS. Bt. John. Hetghta addition to St. Johsa John Urlnrlch and wlfa to Chrlttrna Lear, lot 18. block . North Irring ton Roeco R. Morrill to Addle L. Peel. 16.000 400 square feet aecfloo 11, townablp 1 eoutb. rente 1 eaet 1,800 900 Arleta I.aud comnanr to Tina lot IB, block 6. Arleta Park No. 8. Par abatracta title or mortgage A Traat compear. , aM0.. jos-jss-t Failing bonding. Oat your and a be tracts to real eetato from the Title Guarantee Trust company. 840 Washington street, earner Sunai, NOTICE. CROOK CO U NTT COURTHOUSSL Notice la hereby given that the casta ty onart of Crook county. Oregon, will receive eealed bide for the building of a new courthouse up to .November T. 1806. at 10 o'clock a. fa., at the courthouse at PrlaavUle. Orefon. t followa: . Flrat- - A bid for the eonetruetloo and bnlld Ing of the foundation oat of atoae aa orTgte ally planned by W. D. Pat, architect. Bajaw. Oregon. Second A hid for the cone traction and building of the foundation eat of brick, according to amended plan by eame architect. Third A bid far the couetructloa and com pletion of the eoperetmcrnre aa ortgtoalty planned, omitting the dooae. Foarth A bid for the construction and completloa ef the buIMluf complete aa originally planned. irti A bid tor the construction end completloa of the winding complete according to the amended plant. That all blda moat be submitted upon the plana aad speclflcatlona of W. D. Posh, ar chitect. Salem. Ovrgoa. and sealed aad marked "Blda for Courthouse." addreeeed to the county clerk. Prlnevllle, Orefon. The county will pay caab upon any contract entered Into for the building and conatructlon of any part or whole of aaaa. ouiioing. er t If led check ta mentioned ha the apeclftcloae must accompany eech bid. The plans snd speclflcatlona can be examined at the office of W. I) Pugh. Salem, Oregon, The Oregon Dally Journal nrnee. l-ortisnn. uregno. anu at the office of the canary clerk, PrtaeTlDe, Oregon. The court reeervaa the tight to reject any and all bide. By order of the court. (Stal.) WARREN BROWN. Clark af Crook County TO THE taxpayer of Multnomah County. Ore- Ctl Notice Is hereby given that oa Monday, tober 1. 1006. the board of equalxtatloa of MultnomaL- county will attend at the office of the county clerk of said county aad pob llclr examine the aattstment relit for the year 1806. and correct all error la valuation description or description or qualities of land, lota or other property, end II Is the duty of til pel . Interest ntereeted te api le esr st the time ana place aooolnted. and and If It shall appear te board of equalisation that there are any Isnds. lota er other nrooertr or ta the name of a person or persons not th owner of asms, or assessed under or be yond Ita rahse. or aay land, lota or other property net aaaeseed. said board or equalisa tion shall make the Closer i i.lai Its B. D. SIGLEB. Ooaaty Aseesaor. Portland Oregon. September k 1806, EXPERTS WANTED Sealed bide will be re ceived by tke county mart of Crook county. Oregon, up to 10 o'clock s. m., November T. 1808. for the expertlaf of the books ef the clerk, sheriff and treasurer of Crook coon ty from duly 4. 1804. to July 3. 1800. Blda te state whether charre It per day or turn total far th work. Bid to be waled and marked "Expert" and addressed to the eoua ty clerk. Prlnevllle. Oregon. The court re serves the right ta reject say aad all blda. By order of the court. WARREN BROWN. Clerk ef Crook County, Oregon. REWARD The Oregon Iron A Steel company will pay t reward of Five Hnndred Dollar for the erreet and conviction of the person who, oa or about the alxteenth day of August. 1806, destroyed by dynsmltr or other explosive portion of tke data of ssld Oregon Iroa A Steel company across the Tualatin river, ia Claekamae county, etate nf Oregon. Dated at Portland. Oregon. August 28. ISOk THE OREGON 1ROB, BTERL COMPAIfT. By A. S. Patrello. Secretary. MEETING NOTICES. SOMETHING doing tonight s: Otargt Washington caaap. Bet ter corse. Visiting neighbors welcome. Woodmen ball. Tenth and Wear) I as too sts. H S. AARON. C. C. H. a7 fredrich, Clark $1 WASHINGTON Lodge, No. 46. A. F. 4 A. M. special communication thla (Tneedsy) evening. 8 a' clack, Burkhsrd rung, work . a. ac re. Vbntore welcome. By order W. M J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. POBTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for all occasions, very reasonable. Mala 44V Isteretle at, 3 II W. A. BVEROREEN CAMP. Wednesday evening. Ansky Ndg.. Third snd Morrises ata. CIRCULAR LETTER CO Facsimile typewrit ten letters; addressing and mailing. 281 Stark at. M. W. A. Oreron Grsoe Tamo. No. 6.8TB. Mae. deye. lTts ana ttsrsnsu: isustis wa LOST AND FOUND. LOST Fox terrier pup about 4 months old; wblte, black tad brown; reward will be paid fee return to 118 North 30th at. FOUND- A light hay hone with wblte spot on forehead Inquire of J. H. Mlsenblmer, with Fink Co.. 814 Mississippi tee. LOST Watch fob aad charm, moaog to gram "A. ". on S car or L car. Sunday, about 2:20 p. m. Phone Main 838. receive reward. FOUND One . P. watch charm, room 10. 22Bto Weat First at. Address HELP WANTED MALE. I TEACH tihowrard writing end tottering eeetv ngm ead rearentoA tvtctm; onljr deld not fiTfrrrnwafl ; my inim non is uneqiuiiM. rteeoB practiri, nerensvei na tnoronnh; nt; tiie. W. H Btevlns 8 1 nd Vt . AlUey bld. Teke eleeetor. WANTED Bor room B. 27 1H te learn enfravtnf. Morrison St. , Apply BOY. 16 yesr. wsgea 00 rcntec Btsb ec. 8T week. Apply 168 AGENTS wanted: esty sellsr. Csll 6-t80 8:80 P. m st 184 North 14th at. c HONEST young nun to peepers for riilwty mall clerk: lry shout 81.200. P TB, car Jeerael. A GOOD man over IS to prepare for letter-carrier; aalary 8840.00 yearly P 7k Journal. WANTED Boy te work In pal alntabop and drive Sheeny liroa.. ana lanshlll st. WANTED 4 ettovelers na Mill St., snd Sevestk. tomorrow; slss 3 and Broadway ata., Alblna. C. I 4SS Conch St. bet. Sixth n Benton Pottage, WANTED A food solicitor for fraternal work; aalary and eoeamlsaloe. P. O. gen 4SO. city. WANTED -Competent putt; glssier; good pay: steady work. Address the Wheeler. Osgood! Co.. Tseenia. Waehtagtoa. W ANTBD A boy or young man to work after tad Saturday; oaa cop Id attend .chool Addreaa J IS, care Journal W A NTED -A bey V. learn sleets leal Ail Arses f SO. ear JouiaaL JwjshjI' HELP WANTED MALE. av A wran TnMt asaaaae ta nrsoere aa buokkeepere aad etigrpksra ; have had 843 raUa alnta Sept talk ir li platai SM ta aoaltloaa. Wa win plaea you whan eom- patant. Pay or night. Catalogue. Walker Boalnaae eolMgc. HIM AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight waeke; grsduatee oar a from lift ta SSI weekly: expert loeCrortors; catalogue free. Motorkyetcm of Collea, SS North Aartb at . Portland AGENTS wtated to aell a porter, high grade nuraery toek; complete euttt faralabed free; caab weekly: write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City N areery Company. Salem. tsmmak mUreneeeteaaW WANTED SO swamper at food wacea: IS mllee from Portland aad one BUM from rau- Apply Weatara cpa. ua. mm ateeraa Portlaad. bld vtNTKii Ten or three flrat elaee. all machine men; peraiaaeat paaltloa. food wafea. Orefon Purnlture Mff. Co.. Macadam toad. WANTEDMartaur-plctare machme-operatora: will teacb you the baalnraa; terma reaaonable: poaltloaa eecared; food aalary. Newman, I4SH BUUi. WE pat aurk 8 x M. a A., roert n RUT CLASS panta makera. 108 Third et. NleoU. The Tailor WANTED Boy; corner Davie. eteady work. N. rroat. WANTED 10 younf men ta prepare for rail road teiefrapo operatora; poeinona woen eoBBetent: trart tuition narable after at work. Expert College of Telegrephy, Cooi- keea wealth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. WANTED- Ml ttreaemakrea; steady work. 68 rroat. corner lie Tie. Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment ta our Week 1 rates: Boom. 31.S board. 84-80 up. Anderson, ptuptieka. SOUND young men. age 18 to 80, for flraatea aad brakemen oa new roads and for fall rash; experience unneceaaary; Bremen 8100 per month, brakemen STB: positions now open. National Railway Training aeaoeUtloa, 730 Paxtea blk.. Omaha. Nebraska; or SSI Ridge bldf.. Kanaaa City. MlaaourL WANTED Special salesmen to Introduce our full line of eoeetaltlea, tncludlaf Burbank't new atooelees plum miracle Reply with reference, to the Oregon Nuraery Co.. Salem, Oregon. BOYS wanted to wrap aeap. I.urkel. Kmg A Cake Baas Company. BOYS to work la randy factory; steady employ ment, good wagee. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and DavU. MEN wanted Sit Brickyard. Bevaath and BaaatU; wagea 82 50 per day. BARBEB wanted, flrat claaa. guarantee 818 a week. Address Palace Batha. Astoria. Or. WANTED An experienced bench hand aad framemaker. Apply Portland Saab A Door Co.. Eaat Taylor and Union are. WANTED A hoy te work la furniture factory. 108 North 11th. , COOK wanted far Institution; state sga and experience. P 84, Journal. WANTED AT ONCE Registered aaetatant drug clerk; food wage. Main 396. BOY to work la gents' furnishings store, ply The Toggery, BBS Washington i a. P- WANTED Office bey. Apply at editorial de portment of Tke Journal between 8 and 8 a. si. STEADY errand boy; goed wages, k Co., 38S Morrison at. H. Ltebe WANTED Oa No. 1 marker and eorter. ply City Lenndry. Fourth aad Coach i DOCTOR want assistant: ata In this state; good aalary. care Journal. it be registered Address T 86, BOYS Sheet IT yeara ef age who want te learn the buslnee Apply to superintendent's once, una. vtortman a sing. 10 young men unit for railroad surrey party; 838 month and heard and free fare; no previous experience required. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 38 Nortb Second at. and 330 Barastds at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If yea work why not ears than is VI. living? Be Independent: do good. The tlavi Co. already employs 12.000 women: tke work covert SB countries ef the world; we will entertsln sppHcstlons from capable wemea; not csavsanng. hut helpful, dignified work. Address SB msll only, The Vlsrl Co.. Lewis bldg.. Portland, Or. BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 1SSH roertb st.. ear. Morrtaoa, og fairs. Phone Msln B826. Alongside the Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Girls over 16 years er women to work on sewing machines la shirt factory: essy to leern; good pay; steady work. O ra goa City Woolen Mil il si Oregon city. OIBLS WANTED Operators to work ea shirts and overalls Leeaone given to Inexpert. Apply at Standard factory No. k Oram read eve. ana Kaat Taylor at. WANTED Girls to oak "Bos of alls at TB First at. HANSEN'S LADIES IES' AGENCY. 84814 Ws.hlng Seventh, Phons II. In Female help wanted. GIRLS wsnted for gen tad wsltrees. City eneral housework: Office. aulte I, SSBH Washington st. Mats 3410. WANTED Competent girl far work. Apply 186 Esst 16th general ft. WANTED Girl, steady work, at 88 N. corner Darts. Front. WANTED Lady; saay, salary and commission. fltsble lib at. WANTED ladles learn varment cntttne from expert ladlea' tailor; method simple snd perfect fitting: alao course In ladlea' tailor Ing: open evening. 108 13th St., near Wash. lagton FEW ladles wsnted to aealst making eaay inner worn spare urns st some; goou etssay no x penance required. Sfl r Kleldner 407 Washington St. GIIU.S. when you wsat work csll on the Scan dlnavlan Ladle' Agency. 107H Sixth et. Main 5808. John Anderson, manager. GIRLS to work candy factory: ateady en em ployment. good wagea raeitic cosst Blacu: It io,. ti'tn ana utne. SKIBTMAKER wanted d, pew 4.12 W machine: etesilr work. 813 s week. Washington st. J. K. stem. WANTED Country girl for general houaework : no cooking. cjSjaVeeasssskUai.wlii with chil eeeeassSJIe for rlgbrgsTTJew-rerTrtaket. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. 830, board and impure tne Msnltou. mi 18th st. WANTED lady partner In rood paying boal neee: 880 caah required; clean office work, t'oemne Exchange. asSMj Morrlaon tt. Room 1. tilllLS Chocolate dlpnera and packers. Ceady Co.. 10th and Ollssn. Oldot WANTED AT ONCE 2 experienced ea lee women for eult department: alto eearnatreea for alter ation work. Roberts Bros. WANTED Girl for 4 In family. 11.12 Hawthorne sve WANTED Experienced body Ironer; ateady em ployment. Oregon Laundry Oo. Phone East GIRL wanted for general housework ; good home for the right person. W. P. Prler. S. E. ear. Bsss Line end Spring at. WANTED -Girl to aaalst In general work. Apply at T4T Gllaan at. ograpBer and typewriter t to 2 t SB, care Journal. hours each day. Address LADY to accept position ss postal clerk ;lary 800.00. J SI. r Journal. WASTED A glH for gen eneral housework In family ef k Apply Allaky bldg. WANTED Lady to hnv half latereet In eetab u.hed nasinees: pay ror sense eat er seseaesa. ivsaxa Eschtnge, SSSI4 Morrison at., room 1. WANTED Good dining-room girl. Seventh st. 184 North AN EXPERIENCED weens n te take charge of aaxdrr. K Sk car Journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. YOUNG aaaa aad wnmea aa learn teaara haadl waa the hlfhaat award at St. Louie upocltloa: learned la half tke time at half the trill a at of any ethay ayatem: taant erarrwbere la the east. Honpea Baaloaea Ooiles. Xaehlnaton aad 10th ata. MAKB HONBT In the adeertlalas boalaeea: aa aollcltlns; aaleadld aalary wbea you beftn and, every ejaace for adraacemeat. Call or write and learn all about It. Paae-Datla Co.. Dept. ST. 418 Commercial bldf., Portland WANTED Oood lire afeaU to raareeent aa la different aectlooa of city, country aad la aman towoa. write at eau m. at. fin sen Third at. HELP waa ted aad eu palled, male er female. B. . Drake. 80SH Waefclaittaa at. Pacta lJTt). MAN aad wlfa wtebea ettaatloa aa Srat and eecoad cooke, out of town. City Employment Ofnee. 8881, Waahlngtun at SITUATIONS WANTED MALI MAN of SO yean' experience Seelree poattlon aa funeral caretaker for aoxae Urse aetata: aaderetanda real aetata and lureetmenU and a saaeral kaowledfe la aettlluf up eetatea; alao an accurate accountant; refereacea of the beat. Addrrea E 18. care Journal. ENGINEER with experience la electrically transmitted eawralll wanta position i refer s 22, care Journal. YOUNG student wishes .to work for board ami room; reference. Mr. Undcrdabl. Bast 1TS1 B. H. RICHARDS Booka posted, collection, general clerical work; reference. 883 4th st. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE STENOGRAPHER desires bslf dsy position. Address X 4, care Journal. EXPBRIBNCBD housekeeper desires day work la prtvata families. Phone between S end 10 a. m. Wednesday, Pacific 11 TO. 'I 1 WANTED AGENT8. AGENTS, peddler, canvaatara and street work ers, get your supplies from B. M. Plammsr, 360 Third et.: new food, bottom prices. AGENTS wsnted. TS! N. Third. could make 84 to 88 day. AGENTS wanted In every town la Oregon ta represent the National Lit Insurance Co of U. 8. A. R. O. Belland. state manager, 80S Filed aer bldf.. Portland. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OFTICB FOB MEN. B8 North Second at. Phone Mala iBSk THE POBTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. SoiVs Morrison St. Phoae Pacific SB). WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, niacins; FIRE INSURANCE, payment ef TAXES aad OBNBBAL CARS OP PBOPERTT. We hsva the best of faclUtlaa tor carrying out your wishes aa aa stent. We eo licit year C tree age. Our references : Ladd A Tilt on. store, sad Merchants National bask. R. H. BLOSSOM, 816 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. C. L PABRISH CO. have opened a general real estate office at 433 Lumber Exchange bldg.. corner Second and Stark ate., aad will buy and eall realty, collect rents sad egotists first-class references noueei uesnng with clients. Phone Main 6316. GOOD Income snd residence property, lots, farming aad timber lsnds. Phone Mala 1171 H. W. Llndhard. McKay bldg. . I HAVE from 11.000 to 88.000 to Invest In aZ Improved lots In St. Johns, If price snd terms are aatlafactory ; must he close ta. Addreaa Z 8, care Journal. WANTED TO bay 1 to 8 acres of land. Im proved or Salts peered, eloei Reiser. 21 H Morrison at. proved or nnimproeed. does to canine E. J. -SB WANTED TO RENT. ,...,.. WANTED TO RENT Bouses, cottage, flats, testa, afftaea, roewileg-asnoss. eta. Laad lerds will do well te eall ea PORTLAND TBC8T COMPANY OP OREGON x. 7k B. BL Car. Sd sad Oak. BOUSES, flat, rooming houses, store, office, etc; prompt attention assured. Phone Mats 1171. H. W. Llndbsrd. McKay bldg. 4 BOOM cottage. Msln 6801. TBS Missouri FOR MAN AND WIFE Small cottage, within 20 minute' rid of Morrison bridge, esst or west fide; rest 310. P TS. rare J HUB I. WANTED FINANCIAL. MAKB me an offer for 200 shares ef the Port land Coal A Development Co.: I moat have money. Addreea H 22. J earn a 1. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mais 5659 I STJBHITTJRE WAeTTBU? FOB SPOT CASH ' PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS mi rirst tt. HIGHEST price paid for men'e cast-off cloth ing. Phone Patriae 46. Uncle Joe. 83 Third. WB WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE 00.. 837 SS8 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TSk PAINTING, spraying aad whitewashing trees, basements, barn, docks, etc: largest gatellas spray lag ontflt ea th eoaat. M. O. Morgan a) Co.. 8X3 Union sea. Phoae Bast BIT. WB WILL BUY year furniture sny old state. Western Balvsge Co.. 6S7 Washington at. HIGHEST caah price paid for good. Phone Baat oxnT. IBS Us lea av. WANTED Strictly fresh eggs; will pay fancy price. Soger Levy, 1T1 Fourth it. WHO IS M. O. MOBOAN CO. t LADY WITH 3 grown children desires a furnished house to care for for the winter. Addreaa 1 37, rare Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT rOB GENTLEMEN ONLY Furnished front room with bedroom connected: eaay walking distance; west side; electric lights. Phono Psclflc 8T. THB GRAND, 46 Vj North Third at fl gentlemen 81.25 psr week end up. THE RICHELIEU. SSH Nortb Sixth st fl gsntly furnished; ateam heat tad baths. KI.ONDYKE Furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. BOS Alder, cor. Lownsdal. 'THE HUB," 88 Eleventh at., corner Stark; room with ateam heat and bath. LINDA VISTA, 24TH Flf thx-Hooaekeenlng room with bay window and famished aleep Ing rooms PLEASANT front mom. ground floor, free shone and Bath. IBS EMventu. near Morrlaon. FRONT roome for rent; gentlemen renter pre ferred. 318 11th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. Tns MITCHELL. Flanders snd Seventh Rooms, housekeeping snd trsnslent: Con venient; prleee reaaonable. 81.39 PER WEEK Large, clean honaekrertng-roome; lanndry aad bath Sherman. Booth Portland. SAVE half hotel excesses 81 Week up. rleen. furnished boosekeeptng-rooma "Mlt.hle two; parlor, tonndry, bath, yard- SBStt Staa- ton, u ear. FOR RENT 8 partly furnished housekeeping 89.00. zss North IBtb et.; no children. FOR BENT 8 318 Conch et. furnished noosekeeping -rooms. FOR RENT FARMS. leery ACRESSO scree under eultlestton. rest In pasture, 3-room house, hern. 6 mllee from l-eb anon. Orefon: terma 8125 annually. Write for particulars or csll after 6 o'clock p in. ChsrWs F. Rendta, 468 Beet SUM St.. Port l.nd FARM, in acres. 1 mlU north of nearer ton. T mllee from PortUnd. James Barns. Beaver tan, rente 1. 160-ACBB farm, all ander fence . CsH or ad dram Mr. Clara Bloh.y, 948 Batt 18th IL DBO ARD. BOOMS or reoaaa aad beardjue Srat bom. I as. SSFllSh al and Oak. :TM7j table board; between stars THB hUNROU, lat lath, ana Una. ly rurotoli ad nam: excellent home cooked meala wall aerred OBNTLBMAN with 0-year-old boy would Ilka board and room ta ood priraia iamiiy wuere child could Be careo rar. auuieae care Journal. . - " - -- " w -' - - all uiuSam aaartnleacaa; ttrma reaaoaabla. 874 Larrabee. Phone Beat 3608. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 TO 4 roo ma. large. et. clean; cheap rant. 4 ROOMS. S48H fYoot tt, 1S; flat. 811. Main 6S84. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDSBXY TRANSFER 0b.. prompt aad ra liable plana and furniture-mo vera; e-morere a wo eiar Offlae 110 M. Third. fe PboaeMatn IS LFOR BENT 8 handsome modern I room haaaea conveniently located on Thlrdet. carllae .810. Sit tad 814 Corbett at.; rent reaaonable to desirable taoaats. David S. Washington St. FOB RENT 4-room cottage, with bars, a GarBeld av., $10 per month. Phone Baat 80S. FOR RENT B-r newlv rbjtobed. Sixth aad Caruthers. Phone Mats 4-R00M hones. 81. Woodlawn Apply only' at o nagnona at., woodlawn. .A BAA1I. - I ll ranged for rooming house. 380 Everett L Wakefield-Frle. FOR RENT flood kroom heaae for 810. Wood lawn: children welcome. J. J. Oeder, 1 North Grand av. FOR RENT FLATS. ONE 4-room fiat, 165 H Eaat Ninth tt.. Bear neimont. I'hone Eaat lino. 4 FURNISHED flat. 8 room each, batha, 88 I sua iio. e4 seventh et. VERT pleasant 8-room upper flat, beat loca tion, wast side; rent 890 per month. Manses A Co., 810 Lumber BBdhai hangs. Second aad Stark sts. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shoe ta rent eul table for painter er plumber. SOS Fourth t OFFICE ROOMS, unfurnished rooms tsd esmple- rooms for reni. bldg. Apply sle- ester. SMALL store, next to drug store at Laurel wood station, to rent at 87. Inquire manager xne orown notei, uraaa ana nawtnorne area. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sals, few blocks from Portland hotel. K 77. Journal. kBOOM house for . rent, furniture for seta: trlctly central and modern. Phone Pacific 817. FOR SALE Furniture of S rooms, very cheap; boos ess be rented If desired; good loca tion. Phone Main 383S. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and be 11 room, eeparate or together : new aad with all convenience. Phone Mala 388. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO BB convinced of t good, ssfs Investment, rail on W. D. Richard t 110 Second st., Partis ad, Oregon. . FOR BA LBV-New In email country tore building 2n by 40 feet, atatlon: excellent opening for antral raerchandtae net sal. Addreaa O. J. A., cure 8600 CASH will buy a 'flrat claaa meat market; good location, well-eat sbllabed bualaee. flns opportunity Phone Mela 8807. WHO IS M. 0. MOBOAN St CO. 7 PHENOMENAL rlee In rlee la price of Herat Switch day; this may he year last expected aay opportunity to o our nerore suneerietion ooota are cloeea. t. r. Kty bldg. Hunt Co.. 206 Mc- FOB SALE Apartment-eeaee of IB rooms; sll newly furnished: eesy terms If neceessry ; In come 8100; rent 850; located ea Morrlaon tt. - Apply Coon Bioa.' Feral I are Co.. ISO Pint. 8535 GROCERY, money maker: rent 81k In cluding 7 living-rooms; snsp; come early. Pioneer Investment Oo.. suite BIS Commer- ' wealth bldg.. Sixth end Ankeny. MANUFACTURING Want partner with SBOO; duties easily learned end 8135 a month gasr srrteed Call SUVh Stark st. INCOME BIOS monthly on 8 rent, good location; twellest furniture, ape clal price; furnace heat; terms; can't be beet for style and money-maker. Ptenear Inveatmeat On., salt BIS Clmmonweslth bldg.. Sixth and Ankeny. LADY partner w tried, aalary tad Interest, dressmaking busroees; email capital required: experience tutneeeaeary. Pioneer Investment I o . aulte 818 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeny. FOR BALE OR RENT Buelnees place; alao SO furnished, at Vancouver, waanins ton. Inquire Elwell'a. Third and Main. Van couver, Washington. . MERCHANDISE business, 82 mile from Port lend; a money-maker , will sell at Invoice or trade for Income property. M. C. Dsvls, 398 Alder at. ACCOUNT of leering city, estahllahed reel es ttte btsdnesa; torg lut of property; s rare opportunity. Phone Pacific 2381. eon Furniture of lodging houae. tt re, (Viler, 14th and roome. end dining-room. Mr. Savlee ata. 83BO HALF Interest established betineea ; chance to nay .for same ont of business Ootiboe Eschtnge. 26SH Morrison tt., room 1. STOCK companies Incorporated; If yon have atocka or bond for ssle, let me try to' sell them for Ton. George M. Kellogg, broker, 940 Elllcott Square, Battato. unni'i-.RV One of the beat suburban stores; will tell at tctntl Invoice. Call 24SH Stark st. SALOON Owner prefer baring partner to hired help and will guarantee purchaaer 8129 a month; experience unnecessary; 8400 re quired. Csll 248 Stark t. SPECIAL Owner of cart buelnees hsvlng more work then he csn sttend to alone wanta a partner snd will give written guarantee purchaser will he paid 8100 every month; duties easily learned and 9290 required. Call 348 Stshk St. FOR SALE Good stock of geaersl merchan dise on ronte of new S. P. railroad; will In voice about 88.900; eell or rent new atore building. Writ or call 1. 0. Lyons, Elkton, 8380 RESTAURANT, tests SO, no Tent. 8000 " ttaataorant. well plce. $76 teat. Sl.oon BteSm lanndry: thla U a snap. Many other bargains big and little. Cosmos Exchange. 366 Ta Morrlaon, room t. STOCK. fl. lures and hnaaehoM 00 d of res Williams are must nc eoio. low wees; will take 8200; worth 840": rent Using rooms Phone Woodlawn 88T, free; 4 FOR SALE Grocety atore, geed Vocation, west aide, close In, doing fair business; will in voice I650 er 1700. Phone Pacific 941. S9-R00M apartment-houae. finely furnished, will be "old reasonable: continuously Slled monthly proflta exceed $300 net; meet sell ou eccount of going to another state; fall taveetlfattaa permitted: will ahow hooks and account to prove atatemenla. P SS, Journal. CONFECTIONERY store for etto cheep; 4 lie Ing rooms and cheap rent. Inquire of owner. ifi First t. . aBSxsexexasnentetam FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE A few day only, by owner, choice tot adjoining Tom Richtrda lovely borne on 16th at.. 40x110. graded, ready te build oru th let can't be dnyrltcaicd: sewer, water, gas In treet: H Stock from cr; $2.rlrti: terms, H 30, care Journal LOT 3 block 4, Henry' addltloa, t2d snd Iron Call 8T5 Bat Sd t., north. unu.inAY'S ADDITION 14 block. 3 dwelllnga, rmetlieeenwrts wri'run. Ettt ,Thira tt,, nana. ROOMS AN FOR SALE REAL ESTATE, Acreage BOMB CHOICE AMD 10-ACRB TBACTS AT FARM PRICES. GOOD LOCATION. Quality ef sail tt veT. see atone or era. Neat car lfnee Come to the office ef tke Investment Co. 244 Stark St aad msks Inquiry. Here Are a Few of Wiley Allen & Go's. Fine Bargains 83 H acrea-Falr S-room hoaae. S acre M goad orchard. 13 acre uader cultivation, SB acre of good timber,' near carllae sail eo good road; only 830 per acre. Several flue pieces of besverdam land ea Johnson creek, near Lenta; flrst else for garden parpen. Alao H nd acre trsct with reeldtnceti bouses to rent, faralabed aad snfurakthsd. at reasonable rest. 8-crs traete, all Improved with building. 8 minutes' walk frost school and esr tattoe. Be fares to aay part ef Port Bcoti Uae cl"Pt tot ea tke Mount Wiley Allen & Co. LBNTS. OREGON. DON'T TOU CALL THESE SNAPS 1 10 seres Rich deep soil, small creek runs 'sreogh It, all taaesd. no buildings, grsnd l!" T, ,'.m, ehlcsens, duckt, garden and null and large fruits; clot to rtflroad; only 180 an acre. 84,000 H acre rich land, all fenced; 4-room hot house, good wstor, on carllae; helf dews, balance g net cent. Wewtnt houses, lots sad erresge to sell svimm sua was io rent. AST PORTLAND BEAL ESTATE CO., 404 East Morrison. Phone Eaat 4873. A .NEW 7-roora bona. J net finished, and 80-foot tot. on West tee., neer Hawthorn tee.. Ball Run water, beautiful view; price 82 500; terms. A. B. Jackaon. leant 8. Hsmiltrat Main 1882. Great Sale in Acreage Beginning 8 o'clock Saturday morning, several hnndred acre Juat platted; abundance of run. nlng water on each tot; 3 blocks from ninth E'de school, close to town and earllne; no Iter toll hi tht tttte: 8100 to 8175 per sere; easy terms. This Is the greateat anap oo the market. See as st once. Ltrge party lo leers our office teener tow by 8 a. m. Go with as. SCHUYLKMAN at CO., 227 H Washington St., Rooms 84-39. Send One Dollar And w will lis t year property with 1.000 real eatate dealer who are aa anxious to earn commission 8S yen are to sell; our plan seldom falls; send description; we are helping many other, why not you 1 Addreaa The In sector's Guide, 311 Msrqusm bldg., Portland. 500 Homes For Sale Farms aad City Prowai 1 1 . mc invasions uwiuh CO.. Sll Harqn.m bldg., Portland, Oregon. Sellwood Morebona A French, 1670 B. 13th. Phoae Sellwood 74. Ottr View Perk tote. BSTB.tad an: Addition lots. 1100 and up; SS down and 35 a ath. Home from 8800 to 83.000. Lota 8300 up, I all part of Sellwood. Ltot your properly with a; we will eell tt. FOR SALE 5 mom new and modern hoaae. full cement nsaemeni. run let. 1 block of earllne, fruit: price 83.000; term. Call at 10714 Third at. WE have buyers for 805HBtank,'et.' Sphinx WAREHOUSE property for Ml, lot 100x100, facing adjoining railroad tracks. Address P SB, car Journal. S-ROOM HOUSE Hot end cold water, porcelain bath, cement laundry traya cement basement piped for furnace, electric light, 3 flre- Sfcetta, S tot, corner, en earllne. fruit, ewers, town snd shrubbery, beautiful shade; an elegant suburbs n home, neer ptrk; cheep for part caab. Address H IS, csre Journal. FOR BALE 8 acres, about 4 acre cleared, food 4-room hoaae, chicken ken, hern, woodhooae. food well of water, young fruit treee; thla U cheap at f 1.800; sear earllne. Cell at 18T1 Third tt. WB HAVE Juat completed two sew medra res idences st Archer Place; one a eeven-room house (83,180), and the other a alt-mom house (81,880). One-third cub and balance on easy monthly par men ta, both bargains. E. P. CANNON A CO.. BOB McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. 6 Per Cent and 7 Per Cent Why deposit money ta banks tt 3 to 4 per cent 1 We can aell yon gilt edged farm mort gagee, any at, from 8100 to 85.000 tnd up. bearing 6 and 7 per cent; the beet of eecurltr. 227 H .wa fsshlngton. roam 84-38. $13,800 FOR gilt edge Investment. 813.000 for First st. corner. i860 for 100x100 In Point View. TYSON KINSELL, Commercial Block. IF TOU want a snap aee that modern S-room house, cement basement, walks, etc.; $38 per month. M. C. Dtvlt. 388 Alder st. IP YOU are looking for buelnees reel eatate anap oa Wlllltmi art... come to A. C. Brush at Co.. 616 Williams aVe BIOHTLT property on Willamette boulevard: 5 -room house, oa 8 tots, open on two street.. Inquire owner, phone Beat BSSS. BLBOANT new 6 and S-room bona, full tot. at front; email payment down, balance monthly. Owner. Phone East 679. IP yon have cart to Invest la real aetata, I have a big anap for you In close-In acreage. S SO, rare Journal. MUST tell, tod f taken at one $7.v will bur s new S-room oottare 3H block from earllne; thla a nap. nee owner. Joe naao, NaahTllle. on Mount Scott earllne AT A BARGAIN By owner leaving city, modern s-room "siftage ; eaay terma If desired; an Ideal borne. 1021 Halght eve. TOO FARMS, email tracts and lota; bargains oa 0. W. P. electric line. 0. R. Additon. Lenta. Oregon. Take Meant Scott ear, St. PINB BUT Corner tot oa Eaat Pint snd Union tvt. ; tee as at once, that week. - J . L. WelU Co.. 84 Grand are. 78 ACRES at Oeweto: part farmed: 6- bonee: only T miles south; $100 per acre. Alpine Co.. 381 Alder bt. $100 BUYS lot SB. block 6. Arleta No. 1; term to nit. 1 acre, rtoee In. near ear, wire ni.nlMr water, gl OAA: terms to suit. fence. 3 tot la Highland. $300 each, on Bstt 10th and Springfield sts. PHONB PACIFIC 1988 $2.300 7 ROOM modern, being flnlehed. Eaat 434 at., 2 blocka of Hawthorne car; 81.000 down, balance on time; thla U t snap If yoa want a hrsnd-new home. $2.600 S-room modern corner lot. 2Sd ami Clinton sta.; $1,008 down, ntltnc $30 per month: t lit, will make yon a good home; took tt It aU -a. $2 tt! fl room modern corner tot, 22d and Clinton ate,; being built at present time; will Bntsb to suit buyer; SBOO down, balance $20 per month ' 81.060 4-room cottage, new, electric lights, large rooms aad closets full lot; 8500 down. FIDELITY LAND CO., ttftln 1084. BIT Oregonlan bldg. S ROOM houae nnfiirnlehed. 4 lota with Sere I Kerns Ptrk; 850 rath; lota alone grove worth the money. Al.YORD ID ALVonu, lot ararriMn. THE GRKATEBT SNAP Sw a party with about $12,000; the Income new U about $300 per month Intcallgale IhU; I am ready to show yen the gnoda. J. A. Barratte. 407 Haw thorne are. $400 CASH, btlance $13.80 per month, bays Sne 8-Tooaf i-ettige. hullt on yeor; fait plumblag, oa earllne. Boll Baa water; erta $1,400. 714 Villa are , MoaUrUU,