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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1906)
"' ' -' ' " " - I - " ' - - VOL. V. NO. 174. PORTLAND. OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 88. 1906 FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. Ann'SS HEARST'S NOMINATION SEEMS CERTAINTY BOOM FOR PUBLISHER STRONGEST Murphy and Tammany Out for Journalist and Albany Swings " a I into Line Also Old Line Democrats Rally Around Jerome's Standard for Finish Fight Short Session Held Today Effort to Shut Out Bryan Resolutions. (Journal 8wLl SMlee. Buffalo, Sept. 25. The Democratic atate convention waa called to order at noon In order to nominate a full atate ticket. Iewla Nixon, for a abort time leader of Tammany hall, waa made tem porary chairman, being agreed upon by all factions. This morning's neamion of the con- Yfntion laated JO minutes. It waa ener getic, but not enthusiastic. All the energy waa atored for the big fight tomorrow which has develjpc I Into1 a contest between Hearst and Jerome. Old line Democrats have swung around to Jerome and are going to fight Hearst to the limit. .The new chairman of the atate committee will be either Pat Me A bee of Albany c WUllam Connors of Krle. , . . ilsTx! Kearst Boom anrong. All night And this morning the hit Car fight owing waged between Hearst supporters and the anti-Hearst men raged with no prospect of peace. Hearst aeema to hare the upper hand and his up-state friends, with Murphy, to be in control of th" convention. The Hearst boom was stronger ' than ever whan the convention convened. (Cont'i nued on Page Two.) COLONIST TRAVEL IS HEAVY Railroad Officials Say Records of Previous Years Are Broken by Traffic From East ern Points to Oregon and Idaho Returns from the sale of tickets In the 10(1 colonist movement which began with the first of September are being received by the general passenger offtco of the O. It N. Co. The figures show that colonist travel from the eastern states to Oregon Is about 100 per vent heavier than for the asm weeks of the colonist movement last year. There is also a tremendous increase in first-class travel over ail previous years excepting the exposition season, i New people to reside In Oregon are arriving via the Union Pacific system at the rate of more than lit daily, and the volume Is Increasing every week. It Is believed that for the 00-day period in which the low rates from the east apply, there will be upward of 10,000 Veople brought to Oregon and Idaho by the I'nlon Pacific system alone, besides several, thousand who wlH come through by the Hill roads. The Northern Pacific colonist travel thla fall Is said to he heavier than at any previous time In Its history, and the Increase over last year Is estimated to be at least SI per cent. No actual figures have yet been com piled showing the ticket receipts. MRS. ASTOR FEARS POISONING PLOTS Leader of New York's Smart Set Suffers From Hallucinations and Delusions -Evidently Breaking Down Mentally Has House Surrounded by Watchmen. rjoarnil special Service.) .Newport. R. t, Sept. S6 Mrs. Wlll taan Astor, leader of the four hundred, who ems brought here 111 a week ago laat Saturday from Boston. Is In, a seri ous condition. She Is constantly watched aver night and day by trained nurses, her daudjlter and woman companion and servants, and even the outside of I the home Is guarded by a watchman pn account of a hallucination from which she suffers. Mrs. Astor fears kidnaping and poisoning plots, and while under de lusions will not leave the house un less attended by her daughter, Mrs Rats;, her companion. Miss Slmrock, and Hade, her personal servant. She also insists upon her nurses end servants tasting all food brought to her before she will consent to eat it, for. faar she will be poisoned. The vagaries of Mrs. Astor In her present mental state have caused much WARSHIPS AND TROOPS SENT CUBA PresidentOrders 1,000 Marines and More Battleships to Go to Restore Quiet Taft Discouraged Over Palma's Refusal to Agree Upon Terms Arranged With Rebels and Convinced That Troops Should Be Ready for Emergency. Jearaal Special Barrier.) Washington. Sept. 26. Upon the re quest of Secretary Taft, the president has ordered more ships and 1,000 more marines to be' sent to Cuba. All marines now aboard the North Atlantic fleet of battleships, numbering 450, are ordered to leave for Cuba, im mediately. 8U hundred from the At lantic coast stations will follow in a few days. It is intimated that Sacra tary Taft nas warned the president that hla mission Is likely to fall. Small ships are scarce, so it ia likely the bat tleships will hive to go. The war department waa in close communication with Oyster Bay this moraine and It la believed the preat dent haa ordered the department to have the troops ready for emergency The- 'battleship Texair emd ' OUwsfs Brooklyn and Prairie will go to Cuba and the Columbia win also probably go upon her return from Panama with Secretary Root. Reports from Havana state that Taft la discouraged owing to the reported re fusal of President Pslma to agree upon the terms that Taft arranged yesterday with the rebels. There la trouble In Havana over the nailing of new elec- ( Continued on Page Two.) The sale of colonist tickets in the east began August 27. and will con tinue to October. SI. The people began arriving In Oregon the first week In September. From the first week's re port the Increase was rspjd and It Is now seen that the influx of settlers will be enormous. The O. B. N. records for the two weeks ending September 16 show an Increase of mere than St per cent for each week over the preced ing week, and thla ,ratto of Increase Is said to have kept up. The figures for the two weeks named showed that 1,27 colonists arrived. Potrland got tSS. points south of Portland. 140; Hood River. 16; The Dalles, 13; Biggs, 4: Echo, I; Pendleton. 26; IaOrande. S; Elgin, 7; Union, S; Baker City. SI; Milton, 7; Walla Walla, 16; Dayton.' I; Pomeroy, t- Astoria. S; Arlington, S; Heppner, la Rlparla, 1; Lewlaton. 1: Colfax. 6: PuBman, 6: Wi nona. 1; Oakdale, 1;' Moscow, 6; Farm Ington. 2; Tekoa, 2; Wardner, 6; Wal lace. 20; Fairfield. S; Mosler. . Shanlko, 1. There were in the same period 111 (Continued on Page Three.) than unBuly excite her by opposing her wishes, She Is hunrbred In them until she either forgets her plana or la satis fied that her Instructions have been obeyed. Only a couple evenings past Mrs. Astor conceived the Idea that It was necessary for her to go to New Tork Immediately on Important business, and. when she would not yield to persuasion to postpone the trip a closed carriage was ordered, and with her daughter, Mlaa Slmrock and a iraln mi. Hade on the box seat with the coach man, airs. Astor wss driven from her home, ostensibly to go to the railroad station. - . Instead, the carriage was driven Nbnut the streets of' Newport for two hours and then back to Beechwood. her magnificent 'aetata on Bellevue avenue. Mrs. Astor hart forgotten her nlan fns going to New Tork and was well sat isfied with the drive. THE Kriyr ti ret us mw m- Bang! Bang) Business Men Would Prove Oregonian a Traitor "LET US TAKE CENSUS" THEY SAY RUSSIAN PATRIOT SENDS DYNAMITE BOMB TO SCHIFF Revenge for Helping Czar in Financial Matters Cause of Attempted Outrage Boy Finds Package Which Was Sent Through Mail. UJearaal Speatal Service.) Philadelphia. Sept. SS.A very practi cal and deadly Infernal maohtne -sent by Russian patriots, so the secret service people say. to Jacob Bchlff of the firm of Kuhn. Loeb A Co. of New York In re venge for loans msde by that Arm to the Russian government, wss seised last night by a police Inspector. The. cupidity or a negro Doy, iavia Campbell, who saw the package lying under a letter-box at Chestnut hill, where a few minutes before a foreign looking man had left ft, properly ad dressed and stamped, led to the dis covery of the plot. me ooy suppea in, ('kk uuuvr his arm as soon as the man had dis appeared and ran away with It to hla home. There his mother removed the covering and saw a few grains of powder inside. She quickly took the box to Superintendent Knight of the Chestnut Hill poe toffies. Knight, his suspicions aroused by the appearance of the package ad dressed to such -a man as -Schlff. In the handa of a negress, cut .A hole In the bottom of the box. Powder fell out and Knight rushing to the telephone. called oneafter another the secret serv-' Ice. the inspectors and the central police.' All responded and the box was taken to headquarters, im mersed In water and opened. Death-dealing guncntton. powder. hamf-molded slugs and buckshot msde up the Innocent little oblong box which It was then discovered had been sent under the guise of a "Hebrew New Tsars Greeting." The mechanism of the engine of destruction wss con structed with such cunning that a single pall at a tempting string' which was tied around the box would have ex ploded ' the powder Inside, scattering slugs and shot and killed Inatantly the owner. That It was the deliberate attempt of some Russian enarchlsr to kill the New Tork banker the postal Inspectors and secret service men who are hot oil the trail aa 'la absolutely serial. OLD VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Bang! docs the Hunrner on WOULD REVEAL TRUE FIGURES Proposal to Take Independent Census Meets With Instant ' and Popular Approval. "Let the business men of Portland,. the various commercial organisations and every; one who takes an Interest in the city combine and take an accurate and complete census of Portland's popu lation. Is the suggestion of D. Cham bers, optometrist, 1S9 Seventh atreet. Tho proposal has met with hearty and Instantaneous encouragement on the part of business men and residents of Port land generally. In that way a fair and Impartial census can be taken. It Is claimed, and an further controversy as to the number of inhabitants of Portland may be avoided. Tb editorial In the Oregonian esti mating this city's population at 120,000 Is the severest knock Portland! has ever received. In the opinion of Mr. Cham bers. It destroys whatever beneficial effects the extensive and expensive ad vertising by the various commercial or ganisations may ' have accomplished, he believes. "In order to determine accurately and Anally what the actual population of Portland Is, I think It would be a good Idea if a canvass were made by the bualneas me," he said. "Every one who takes an lntereat In the city would aid In every way possible to obtain tb correct figures and the conclusion would bo accepted not only by Portland ene mies, but by the world. "It Is a serious blow to Portland that one of her newspapers should place auch an estimate on her population. Newspapers are generally supposed to "boost' the cltfos in which they ere published, and such an article will be sersed upon by those who are trying to knock' Portland. ; "They will' argue, and plausibly, tbst If 4 newspaper dorrn't claim any more than 120,000 the city certainly hasn't that large a population. But the most casual observer would estimate Urn city's population at nearer 600,000 than At those figures. The cost of such a canvass as I suggest would not be large, and indeed would be trivial com pared with the results." Business Men indorse Is. Mr. Chambers' proposal haa been gen erally Indorsed by business men of Portland, who reset the mud bath gIVen the city by the editorial of Its traitor newspaper. Such misrepresen tations, they declare, have done the elty irreparable damage. Indicating the wonderful growth of thd city snd ths wilful misrepresenta tlona of the Oregonian the receipts of the elty water department sre cited In the (Continued on PSmo Two.) SHOP. Anvil. FAT ACTRESS TO BECOME COUSIN TO THE KAISER Prince Joachim, of Prussia to Wed Marie Sulzer, a Stout and Far From Pretty Variety 8tar Emperor Is Furious Over Match and Will Punish Relative. (Joersal SDsetal service.) Berlin, Sept. SB. A stout variety act ress, who has been playing minor roles in a cheap theatre here, fa to become a cousin of the kaiser. Her name la Marie Sulser and her fiance la Prince Joachim of Prussia, second son of the late Prince Albrecht. who died on Sep tember IS of thla year. Frmuleln Sulser Is 40 years of age. extremely corpulent, and has a divorced husband living. She Is one of the heavyweight Women of the German stage. Those who have seen her say that she Is on the verge of positive homeliness. . It Is hardly necessary to say that the kaiser Is furious over tho prospect of the marriage and la threat ening all sorts of vengeance on the head of tho couple. Of course. Prince Joachim will be banished from military and court cir cles and will sacrifice much In the way of money, still ho will have enough left from his Inheritance to struggle along on. First or ail he ia major in the Grenadier guards, one of the crack mil itary regiments of the German army. This he will have to give up when he weds, snd then all his court honors will be - stripped from him without cere mony. His father, late Prince Albrecht. In an attempt to break off the match, of which he knew before his death, re duced Joachim's Inheritance to the minimum under the law fixing tho amount a son must receive. Conse quently, the young man will receive only $4,000,000 Instead of S,000.000. MANCHURIA LIBEL SUIT DISCONTINUED I Jo rail Ssielal Servlet.) Honolulu. Sept. SS The Manchuria libel suit Is discontinued. The steam ship company agreed to settle with the owners of taw cabiesnlp Restorer at New Tork. PRINEVILLE STOCKMAN MURDERED B. F. Zell Shot Down by A. Shepard, Employe, Who Is Placed Un der Arrest Assassin Arouses Rancher From Bed, Calls to His Wife to As sist Him in Tying Her Hus band, Then Emptiee Win chester Into Fleeing Man. (fecial Dispatch to The Journal.) Prlnevllle. Or.. Sept. 15. B. F. Zell, 40 years of age, one of the most promi nent and respected stockralsers In this locality, wa murdered yesterday morn ing at 6 o'clock at his ranch, SO mllea southeast of here, by A. Shepard, one of his farm employes for several months past. Shepard was aleeplng In a barn near the Zell house, and at an early hour yesterday morning arose and went to the house occupied by Zell and hla wife, with a Winchester rifle and some rope. Zell and his wife were in bed at the Asks Wife to to f medlstely jumped After gaining entrance a band Zell Im Torn bed and in some way made his es cape from the room Into the yard, run ning toward the barn, with Shepard In close pursuit, firing repeatedly. Zell ran through the barn, when Shepard fired the fatal shot, hitting him In tho back, death following Instantly. Shepard was brought to Prlnevllle snd lodged In tho county Jail by Sheriff Kl klns. He at first maintained his lnno- (Contlnued on Pago Three.) MORE Situation Worse in Atlanta Over a Thousand Colored Men Under Arrest Governor Orders More Troops Into the Field (Journal Special Berries.) Atlanta, Qa, Sept. SS. The situation at Brownsville seems to be growing worse. It was expected that martial law would bo proclaimed before night. The governor has been petitioned to order out additional troops to assist In maintaining order. He will send mors troops, but will not declare martial law. Two negro prisoners at Brownsville while trying to escape this morning were killed An hour later a bicycle patrolman waa attacked by negroes, who were barricaded. The officer killed two of them and tho rest fled. All students of the Gammon negro seminary at Brownsville wore arrested this morning charged with complicity in the sttacks on the officers In South Atlanta last night when Patrolman James I,. Heard was killed and half a doxen other officers wounded. A num ber of negroes were killed In the mid night battle with policemen. Sheriff Nalrns, realising that the 30 LASHES AND 50 Negro Receives Swiftest Sentence Ever Given by Delaware Court Whipped With Cat-o-Nine-Taila Before a Vast Crowd Until Skin Is Cut Open. (pedal Iilipatch to Tke SenrasL) Wilmington. Del.. Bopt. . Charles Conleythaa paid partially the swiftest sentence ever given-In a Delaware court. Tho part he has not fulfilled he will have 10 years to think shout, for Con- lay. a big burly negro, eras sentenced by Chief Justice Lore not only to 10 years' Imprisonment, but was given an additional sentence of SO lashea on the bare back with a cat-o-nine-tails. Conloy's capture and sentence will go On record as tho swiftest administra tion of Delaware justice. As Mrs. Al bert Kranklsh. a white woman, and her daughter were returning from a farm er's picnic near here they were attacked by Conley. The negro attempted a felonious aaaault on Mrs. Franklah. hut before accomplishing his foul design he. waa alarmed by the daughter s cries and Tl at HERRIN MAY ATTEIflPI to BOSS STATE Whispered That Harri man's Manipulator of Political Interests Will Get Busy in Oregon May Do in Oregon What He Haa Done in California in Way of Lining Up Politicians on Behalf Qf the Southern Pacific Rail road. When will William F. Herrln. polit ical manipulator for the ' Southern Pa cific company in California, extend that scope of his peculiar work to Oregon? That, ho Is going tp take a hand in af fairs up thla way Is doomed certain by those politicians who always welcome snythlng that makes a noise like a cor poration. Herrln has gone to New Tork to confer with E. H. Harrlman. and it is stated on good authority that when ho returns he will have full power to do politico for tho Harrlman linos not only In California, but In Oregon, Ne vada, Art sons, and New Mexico. Rail road henchmen say the story ia about " ' hoard In Oregon. I right," and they ought to know. granted that the toot hlstle is soon to bo the question naturally arises): When is the new order of things to go Into effect? Judging by present conditions the answer is that Herrln will begin his work immediately on return. Otherwise, he will not be In a position to "protect" the company's Interests at the next session of tho legis lature, which begins In January. Gov ernor Chamberlain la now trying to force the' railroads to comply with a (Continued on Pago Three.) troops here are Insufficient to preserve) order, has sworn In SI0 deputies and asked the governor for arma. and equip ment. Soldiers stationed at Brownsville, near the negro seminary, are arrestlnsT every armed negro found. Two hun dred snd seventy-five Were taken early this morning and the police quarters are packed. Over 1,000 are under arrest. Troops are stationed at the hardware stores with Instructions to kill any on attempting to break In and steal arm. Women have been provided with arms and are determined to protest them selves. The governor says that ho won't de clare martial law and says that he will sand enough troops to prevent further trouble as fast as they can be mobilised, but the civil authoritlea can and must control. He refused arms to deputies and said that after he had stopped tho lynching he would punish the lynchers. Solicitor-General Hill said he would prosecute the lynchers to the full ex tent of the law. YEARS III PRISON At 10 o'clock he ws Indicts. Twenty minutes later he waa tried and before noon was convicted and sentenoaf to 10 years In tho state workhesMs soar 10 lashes. He waa removed to the workhouse to commence his Imprisonment, and on tho regular day he received the SO lashes on the bare back. The whipping at tracted an enormous crowd, over S.MWV. persons seeking admission to see the) negro brute punished. lu only a fear were sdmltted by the warden, and tmonfr these were sums women, Mrs. PranktaSj and her daughter being among iheea. Conley took his 10 lashes most prisoners do, bat den. who la a friend Mrs. rrankisn. took making every one ef ai o -nine It la rlsoner NEGROES SHOT DOWN i. mt. but when coi. in a the post there were OBBBBBBBBBBa r-clored back so are as a men s fdvgov j 3L