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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1906)
h- ' '"- -.-r GOOD EVEiUHG ' THE WEATHER! Showers and cooler tonight;. Tuet dajr ghowertjgoutherljr winds. a" ... Journal Circulation ' Suniay ; O 1 K-)'3- e"- r k e-r- r its Ji- A VQL7 V. NO. 173. PORTLAND. OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24. 1908. TWELVE PAGES.' PRICE TWO CENTS. nciiTS DISGUSTED Surprised and Shamed to Realize That Paper Is Deliberately Slur ring the Rose City Declare Emphatically That Et xl a. at AU.. A. - I. La uman ot vny ivircgtorj is not 'Infltfted - and That - Stand PL.L L..1L. A..-. tjii I. I i a i un by in wrejwniftn ,i in ; , luring the City. ' - , v. . . , . ' , -,-V- .. ' Portland bustnsss men are atll dodg ing tba, spattering from tha great cob ot mud beavsd at this city .by ita traitor J -newspaper, tba Oregon! an. when It men- 1 dacloualy minimised (ha population and triad to maka It appear that-Port land la but a village of 120.000 or 124.000 soul a. The Oregonlaa haa played Into tha hands of Seattle with, a vsngeanc. On tba front page, of tha second section ot yesterday a laaua tha Beattla . Tlmea 4. exults under four tinea ot flaring heads. The body of the article eonslsta en - tlrely of the" Oregonlan's editorial. N r: harder knock could be given. The story will o to tha ends of tha country and men will eavi "Nothing doing tn Port 'land. It's dead' and burled. Even -Its ., own newspaper ion i give it crvan tor any grewm. ' i , ' The fact Is, nd Portlander other than the bl lad and deaf but knows that this city . has experienced unprecedented growth In the paat half doaen years. But If It had frown only at tha aama ratio ss It did from IRIS to 100 It would - still have a population of more than -110.000, aa an editorial on another page 4 will show. ' That tha Hty la progressing , with' aooalarated speed from year - to year la proved by the building permita. From January 1. 10, to September 1 -of the same year tha building 'permits Issued numbered l,(6e. During the cor- reapondlng period this year tbd number (Continued on Pag Two.) m FOR HEARST, , SAYS r.lURPHY, Keeper of the Tiger Surprises Delegates by Declaring for the ; Editor on the Eve of the Cort ; vention Nigglne Says If o to ;t Republicans. Unmet (peelal Rerrlce.) :' 1 '"' Buffalo. N. Y Surt. 14. Hear at la tha Ureliast "dead one" that aver sat up and took notice the day before a- great political convention. Whatever ha may hara been yesterday, he Is as llvelv aa tha favorite in tha Suburban handi cap -today. , At .the moment when . hla bad htm drugged Into Insensibility and n. oniy ror a nione among tha - bas beans. ha shows signs of Ufa tha are -not only Interesting, but, alarming to bis political opponents. ' Tha thing that galvanised him back to Ufa waa Murphy's announcement this morning: - ,v 'y i. , "I am for Hearer" ror a time taany delerate dlA not believe tha atory, but aa time paaaed it ' waa.oonflnned and there, seemed to be a deelre on tha part of some to get In behind Murphy and tha tiger. "It la hard to tell what made Wurohv hang his mind regarding- to-telega , tlon which ho control, but In soma quarters It Is said that tha attach of the World, which la reprinting Hearat'a old eartaona of tha Tammany chieftain, bad something io oo wttit It, ' , -s - ETtn wita aturpny rnr htm, Hearst is not a sure winner. Me baa to beat Lewis. Stuyvesant Chanler, Congreas man William Sulser, triatrlct Attorney William T. Jerome, Judge William J. Oayner and John J. Adorn, tha laat tha Democratic mayor of Buffalo. Chan- )ers chance lies lit tba fact that ha la tha Independence leagua candidate for lieutenant-governor and hla nomination , might cauae .a big break in the ranks of th organisation created by Hearst. HIGGINS DECLINES ' ' TAuuAfiY BOSS Vsw Tsrk'a gKrveraor Tires ef OfAoe and '. . attspa On. .-, . Saratoga, K. T 8pt. 14.- The Repuh Ilcana have their trouhlee too. The po- ' jContlniid on I'ifo Two.) CHILD SAYS SHE KILLED Jennie Birch, 14 Years Old; While Funera Hymn Is Sung Tells Story of Poisoning V Confesses She Set Fire to Build ' ings, and Gave on a Peach Lethal Potion to Infant. She Had Nursed, but Coroner r Doubts Story.1 j-: - v ' ' Joaraal ImcUI Barriee.i ' Brewster. N. T.. Sept. 14. While the funeral services for Wilbur Washing ton Wlnahlp. f years old, were going, on In a room below, Jennie Birch. 14 years old. who had nursejd th dead child from Infancy, aigned a written- confeaaloa to Richard Mitchell, coroner of- Putnam county. In which aha eta ted that aha bad administered tha poison .which killed the boy, She declared also that aha had started tha fire which -oa laat Wedneaday -destroyed the large baron on the farm of Herbert Wlnahlp, tha father of tha dead chlM,--rtd -aweal thyr cattle buyer' of Cowles Corner. 11 miles from hero. Although, the confesalon aeemlngty dears ' tha ' deep mystery " which" suiv rounded the poiaonlag - of tha child. and Coroner Mitchell ordered tha girl locked np in White Flalna jail- on char ire f murder, h .declared -tonight that ha did nrt think he had yet reached tha bottom of tha case. ' ' Improbabilities and dlsorepanoies. he says, pervade tha girl's story, and those led him to question very - cloaely-Mra. Herbert Wtnahlp, ths TBOthOf-orThs dead bov.- - - ' Coroner Mitchell wllf have tha stomach of the child examined by a ehamlst In New York, and on the result of the anal ye la will depend his further. Inves tigations, i '. ' ,:'' '..- The girl declared she killed Wilbur by (Continued on Page Two.) AND SUES, HILT FOR DAHlVGES Mrs. Katheryne Deane, Hand some ; San1 Francisco Widow, Plies the Lash on Z Dr. .Von Raitz, Owner of New York's Fashionable Sanitarium. ' CJegraal gpectat Servlee.) - Keer fork. Sept 4. Dr. Vender von Raits, who haa of fleaa at lot Central Park, and at Spring Croat - eanltarlum. Oosaining. waa given a fearful thrash ing with a horsewhip at tha sanitarium by Mrs. Katheryne JC Deane. th hand aome San Frandaco wtdow. who has been 'the manager of th faahlonable reat feaort for th paat five months. 'Not satisfied with horsewhipping tbs doctor, she haa Instructed her attorneya to bring suit agalnat Von Raits for 1tOO,o, and will sua for damages for aaaault. as aha asserts the doctor re served tha thrashing while aha waa de fending beraelf.. : .-, - Dr. Van Raits la wall known In Osaln- Ing and ln..Yonkera aa well as In thla city, as he haa extensive real estate holdings In several places. Th Spring Crest property., which ha haa leased for year aa a sanitarium, .1 valued at 140.000,'. Th . exciting encounter between ' the widow and owner )of Spring Crest took place when Mra. Dans was slona In tha house. Tha atory which will lead up to the doctor's arrnat and subsequent ault la told by Mrs. Deane aa follows: For tha paat two months Dr. .Von Ralta haa been making himself most obnoxious and offensive. He haa stayed ner Sfr wees st a time, snd his' at tentions and advancea to . one ef the maids' In my employ were of uch a nature that , she came to me for pro tection.' t . "It waa this- condition, along with other mattera dealing with the man sgement of thla place, which led to the hostility between myself and Von Raits, snd laat week whan ha ealled me a liar in so many words I ssld to him: 1 may be a'wtdow. with no nat ural protector, but we women of the went don't let a little matter like that bother us. Pistol or riding whip,, or both are sometime effective,' ' vAt that tha doctor .raised hla handa to strike me. thinking my threat waa a SElPSrtlA The Powerful Electric ; i " Batteries Used In 'fy Operating the Electric ; Furnaces in Which Iron ? c Was Successfully Smelted . From the Black Sands :!' Found at the Mouth of tht Columbia River Are J - - Shown in the Above Picturw While the Lower Picture ' ' Shows the Furnace. : 'The Batteries and Furnace .m. - Were. the. Princlp Factors In the Making of the First Steel Ever - Produced in Oregon, ', ;"V : ! At the Old Exposition " . Grounds This Momirfg. STEEL First' Ever Manufactured in Oregon : Is Manufactured From Ordinary ' DIAli C-j r.J-J .i-H.- iL .r 7:i. ::L ' m - i j : i; . r i t DidUK.ocuiu ruuiiu ; ; -Powerful ElectricTurnacesExper Tha first ateel ever manufactured la Oregon was reduced in tha electric fur naces at .th exposition grounds this morning. Ths ore used was ths ordi nary black saad which is found at tha mouth of the Columbia river. ' Tha steel was produced ss th result of ex periments conducted in a -shed at .ths rear of th r old mining building, and has 'proven definitely rhst Iron csn bs Buceeaafully reduced from the sands by th as of electric furnaces.-although It haa not yet been proven . that tha work can be dona on a commercial basis. That magnetite containing 14 per cent titanium could b smelted so that a good quality of oastine Iron could be obtained from tha ore, waa successfully proved last week by the ase of electric furnaces, and today It was proven that ateel could bs successfully sxtrseted from - th black aanda found at , the mouth of th Columbia river, slthougb thsy contained a par cent of titanium. th sabetane In tha or which has al ways baffled ameltera when they sought to make ore In th ordinary blast Tur FOE V OF, TERRORISTS SHOT Alio (MAiiY i'ou:;ded' - . . ' . i I. - - . , . Assassins Fire at Prefect of Po lice, His Wife and Guards u.,,.. ami Escape.',- "-.r - - (Jesraal gseHal srrvtee.t "t Tambov. Russia, Sept. 14. Newe has been received hers that Prefect of Po lice ' ' Tomuahan, st Borrisseghlebek. while riding with bis family, bad been attacked and badly wounded by ' ter-rortsts.- ' ' .-'.''. ; . '.,'.. It Is not Sxpeeted thst Toraushan will llye. - Hs has been Implacable in his course toward ths terrorists and It waa known that ha had been marksd for death. '', '" Tha assassins shot st his wife and guards, who returned th Are, but tbs terrorists escaped. ,. .-., , , ;i HO BEE BUZZES' . i IN UNCLPS BONNET r Jnomil gparlal I St. Louis, Sept. 14.-Speakr Cannon. en rout to apeak at S1alU this) morn ing said: "Presidential candidate! , 1 IS MADE AT FAIR GROUNDS ai iviouin oi.uoiumDia niyer ana neauceo in n Never ' before ' have ' metallurgists been able toTeducs ore containing auch a large percentage of titanium. tThat a new era In ' the iron Industry has found Its birth In Pqrtland Is firmly believed by many persona who have watched tha progroaa ' of .the experi ments in tha rear of the old mining building, although C H. Clevenger .who la conducting the experiments la mora modaat In his claims, ami aald hag not yet been shown that the ore can be - successfully reduced for commer cial purposes. But b ia optimistic for th future of th new process. - Metal Zs WtthMrt Haw.1 ' ' Of ths Iron smelted laat week several hundred pounda were run Into mold a and carted to the Columbia Engineering works, where It was found that the metal was without flaw and that the email gear wheals and other small ar ticles molded had turned out perfectly. This stone Unconsidered a great victory by those who have made many sacri fices that the expevrmente might be carried out. and has strengthened, their GREAT IJEDIML UNIVERSITY AT , ,-. Program for. Dedication of Best Equipped Institution In : i - . ths world. ;L: " ,(Jwral gpecist Service.t ,. .Boston. Sept. f 4. With a formal ded ication nearly I4.COO,00 worth of build ing 1 giving to Harvard Medical school piaat second to none In the world, snd wlth a reunion of Harvard . Medical Alumni association, whlch-wlll bs the greatest function of Its kind sver held in - this coustry. Harvard's- program Tuesday snd Wednesday will be of epochal algniricanc In the annals of medical Instruction In- America.- This new equipment snablss Harvard to pt into practice at ones a - system of med ical inatruction' that -la tha culmination of 30 years' prngrens In leading Ameri can medical schools. This, new plant fulfills the first establishment , of aa American medical university In dis tinction from . medical, schools and col leges.. - - ' 1 . '- - : - Contiguous to tha new buildings other allied- Institutions will soon be sdded. sites having been selected for ttrlghara hospital., and art infanta' hosnltal and deaconess' hospital arc boob to be. eom- belief . that, . with a better equipment than .that la the. fair grounds. ths solution of producing a good grade of casting Iron on tha Pacific coast has bean reached. ' - - "- - : .Tha furnaces are unique and can beat b conceived In tbs popular' mind by comparing .them to a bugs -electric are lamp. - ,Th furnae proper Is built op with a Shaath -of boiler plate enclosing a circular structure of firebrick. This rests upon an Iron' plat four ' inches thick, to which one of the' electric con nections is made. Upon tha Iron plata rests a carbon cor, composed of carbon sticks four Inches square and about four feat long. These 'are built up to a height of shout two feet, each layer ly ing crosswise to ths other. Against th brick lining Is built. In turn, a magnes lt lining, which la bound with ordinary coal tar. Tbs magnesia lining is used tn producing steel, while a atltc&ie lln eoal tar". . Tha magnesit lining io asad In producing Iron. , , .... 1 (Continued on Page Two.) . s- . . AT SEVENTEEN DIVORCED FROi.i r.lAN OF EIGHTY Aged Bridegroom Gives Youthful 1, Wife One Thousand Dol vrTt lars and Blessing." , . - . New Tork, Sept. 14,Justlce Jsyeog at Patchogue, I I., haa granted a di vorce in he 'ens of Roaamund B. Downs agalnat Nathan A. owna. Ths contrasting ngea of ths couple mads the cas remarkable. - Mrs. Downs asserts she-waa-under th legal age when aha married tha defendant, then a widower of mora than IS years, living at River head. 1 -' "Mrs. Downs, who ' Uvea' at Central Iatlp, waa 17 years old last August.' No defense was entered by - Down. Although It had been published that tha differences of the couple had been set tled ty ths payment of I IS. 000 to Mra. Downs, it It aald by on close to Downs that be gave her Just 11,000 In settle ment. . . ' ' Tear Browned la Toledo Bay. . . Toledo, O., Sept. - 14. four people wsre drowned. In ths bay yesterday; when their rowboat waa overturned in a small. Ths dead arsi Mrsw Catherine leal arei Mrs. Catherine i ttan t LiiUaa ...Watson,. Jamss I Rock. L. . -..;ei' J Varlln. Miss OWNERSHIP OPPOSED BY TIM HEALY Irlsh JStatesnfan Says Mr. Bryan s Idea of Government Owned ; Roads Is Utterly Bad Sees Nothing in Scheme of Mu nicipal Control in Chicago to Recommend It, but Heartily Favors i President Spelling Reform. Roosevelt's !. ' Haaraal MdmUI Rervire.t Chicago. Bept. 14. Timothy Michael Heal y. M. i P.. perhaps the moat con nlAuoua nf Irish statesmen. In In Chi cago on bis way to California, where he will look over soms legal matters con nee ted with his of fie aa king's coun sellor. Mr. Hsaly praises President Roosevelt for his action in coming out for spellnsr reform. 1 "It will benefit children with limited educational possibilities," ha ssld. - Mr. Hsaly- did not. hesitate to say that municipal- ownership lnChlcago would pot be a success.' "While. I am far from posing as an authority on ths subject, my observa tion leads ma to believe that municipal ownership In Chicago win not bs sue eesafol." ha Said. . "It Is true It haa been successful In Qlssgow, but It by no means follows that It will be equally saocessful tot Chicago. Politics enter so largely Into municipal affairs in this city that It aeema to ma It would wreck anv auch oroDoaltlona." . ' - noaira noL ajwmrtr, in municipal. awnershin. then V "No, I sm not. ' Qlssgow and Idvsr nool nreeent some phases of success In municipal operation of tramways, but they are Isolated instances. I am cer tain the system which is In vogue in these cities would be utterly imprac ticable in a city like Chicago." ' "What about government ownership!" (Continued en Psgo Twa) DUAL EXISTENCE Detectives Allege . He Posed as 1 Church Member and Enemy of Saloons and Gambling, at Same Time Seeking Notorious Resorts of the Under World. By S-. B. Bast, Stsff Correspondent - St. Helens, Or.. Sept. 24. In ths an tiquated little coanty Jail at thla place there Is a single tenant C. S. Van Auker, ex-caahiar ef . tbs Btate .- bank of. Rainier itnr th victim - of the moat cruel and apparently Incriminat ing circumstances, or on whose career Is svsn stranger than ths dual fiction character of Dr. Jrkyll and Mr. Hyde. If what detectives and othera aay about him ia true . hs led for years a dual life that Is astonishing almoat be yond belief. And he did it a cleverly that it was only by the merest acci dent ; that the secret ot ths banker's other self wss revealed. - If what hs -says about himself Is true he Is tha victim of a horrible chain of apparently unbreakable circumstan tial evidence that ia even more Incred ible. For year Its haa been puneusd by sn accursed fate, hs says, which constant and untiring efforts; On his part could not escape. ' - Write Many fetters. ' ; - i Hs devotes a ffreat dul hf hla time In ths Jail to writing letters. Yesterday be wrote hla mother, who resides In a small town ' nar Toungstown, Ohio. ' "I am stilt pursued by that black misfortune 'that baa -followed m for years," - he, wrote." .. "j Officers declare that Van AuVer'e Ufa. while m tha town of Rainier, where he waa cashier of a bank, waa exemplary. On his arrival In that town laat Feb ruary he affiliated himself fmmedlfctely with ths church element of the com munity thst faction which stood fat eivlc righteousness, fighting saloons, gambling and othe? vlrea aa they would fight plagues ami pestilences, , . Though srdently upholding the church members and preachers In their efforts to reform the town, he refrained from becoming a member of any of the rellg- loua m-gtnlintlrns there. He was a Chris nctennst. ne sain, and tnnugn ne 010 OF Preachers rahd Papers Join to Condemn Ne groes Whose Offenses Cause Anarchy Soldiers Patrol Atlanta to Pre t vent Anarchy, but Cannot , Stop Lynchings, and Men of Memphis Are Arming to Beglr , War of Exterminations r ..-' - (Jnarssl Special ftervtes.) - Atlanta n-r.t tl.E-.,). this tnAmlnS tOO people broke Into tha jail at East Point, a suburb of uHls city, and tool out a negro; Zeb Long, who was sr- i reated Sunday for; carrying a loaded rifle,, and hanged ' him' to. a telegraph; pole. - Ths city is in the hands of ths sol diers, 17 companies of militia from all tka h.1.. in. jumt rnl Af tha streets. Despite ths presence of ths soldiery Atlanta, la fat a turmoil and every min ute brings fresh news of men and 'women killed, white and black, but It is hard to verify ths reports. Ths beat estlmstes place tha number of negroes deed at II and were fatally Injured. Two whits men and one whits woman ars dead and 11 injured. - JThis much seems certain, -hoeysver, tha situation la not under control and mora, trouble la expected, notwithstand ing tha strenuous efforts of ths militia and police to prevent It. In rltthilr tttrrmm mnA mtlltl. rioting.. One negro is known to be dead, ' as a resudt of ths trouble snd a large number ars wounded. Within a mil of th city things are quiet, but from ths outskirts ths reports ars discourag ing. Two white girls and a whit man are reported to havti ' been shot and killed lata last night. t-i.- - Mayor Woodward says ths only way) (Continued on Pegs Two.) DUTCH JAKE TO ERECT filOlLlEOT TO HIS JACKASS Donkey Which Discovered Bunk er Hill and Suliivan?Mine Will Have t Headstone on Crave ' , Which Will Cost Two Hundred' and Fifty Dollars. .i a (gtwctel IMspstrk te The Joaraal) Spokane, - Wash., Sept. 14. Jannht Ooota, familiarly known throughout th northwest' as "Dutch Jake,"' haa mad plans ts erect one of tha most novel monuments In this section of the coun try, if not tn ths United States. Hs will spend tits on a marble shaft to be placed 'over the grave of Rill, th Jack ass which was Instrumental in discover ing the famous Bunker HUI and Sul livan mine, and, incidentally, tn bringing about 1145,000 Into Mr. Goets's pockate. In 1S N. 8. Kellogg, who waa grub staked by Cooper and Peck, took as Tri ples of or to ' Murray, Idaho, whl'-hi hia employer declared worthless. Il met Phil CRourke, who aald thsy war of value. Harry Banr and Dutch Jake then grubstaked Kellogg and O'Rourk to locate tha ground from which th samples were taken. These men. after tw 'days' tramping, earn upon BUI. th Jackass, ' which had strayed from Coopers snd Peck a rem p. The animal t scaped from them af'er several day a. and when found by the two prospectors waa browalng on ths mountainside. where It had pawed an a- quantity nf most and earth, disclosing the ernpplngs of ths Bunker Hill lsdge. Cooper snd Peck then instltut suit for a psrt of tha mine, sn the gruhsiaue law, alleging that? the Jncsaee rr--sented them. After a long tmn'e through, two courts, the cse was de POWDER cided In their favor, ic In the courtroom as rxh.hli A. At f--- time tha mine was vnl-Mt-l st 4 , , but now It Is held st tint. Immediately sttr Ih d- l.l..n K I logg purchas Ktll fnr ".n, a I employed a mn to tnk" him to I . r . at Krtret Orove, ( r.. -hint long h h" i 4S per month. Hill was hut and sevrrnl -mortal emi monun1-- ' i up a. (Continued sa Page Twa(. hav a auak bs la mg boaaei,' - , . tiunss, and A- Rock .(Csatlnued sa I' age lbxea.1