The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 23, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 29, Image 29

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f i
T There Uno turef indicatioa of the growth of a newspaper' In UJ- t " " .v i . - . - , 1 ,.'"-" .'''
PLUENCE AND POPULARITY than the rapid expansion of it, ) ClaSSlf led AdS III AUgUSt, 1905, 7P.156 LllieS
classified advertising. The August showing of the OREGON Classified Ads in August, 1906, 103,740 Lines
.THE JOURNAL-made this' remarkable gain because it giv rt-
;! 1 : " '
suits. A There are many ads in. these columns today thatill brin
the advertiser results in abundance. The "Want" ads make in-
PAILY JOURNAL on ihis point exceeds anything ever known
before in growth of classified volume. - Look at the'se figures; y
24,594 Lines ; teresting readingtry it today.
, ., H. W. Lladhard
r 491-401 McKay., bldg. fkaM Mala llTt.
Acreage And. Lets
A on . acre ea Hawthorne-eve. . inltM,
aoatstning t OOxlXB en4 1 TrUlo-foot tots,
oas ba bought chsap on terms.. -'
t wn on Euclid ere.; 1 A 11.400. the
' M et $1,000; those o esrllnc; there to
Be better buy to ba had.
. A mc acre-on Euclid sr.., on esrllne.
.containing 80x123 and 1 TOsllS-foot lott:
thla property be boognt as a whole or
by the Int. ea ur tsras tbia la 4 splsadid
epportunlty for Investors. -
I 80x100 cud 1 TsxlOO-fuot Iota taMllwsakle
Heights; tbM lota sa hot tr Mia sapa.
-atV; $,. eii ceah.. . f.
. ti (cm la rtrlaad; win - aH ad a
Whole 'or oepsrstslyi coracr cr at $T0O,
ths aext at $060 and tha hi at $180; easily
elected cad cea be bought on very ssay
teraujewaer la compelled to) aall; Uveail-
tfc)t 60x100.- oa Xaat BTtb at. t tkla prop.
' artr will advance shortly and a aaoat nil
BloeeBt.hojoe erected tha lot adjoining
tkla; a Ana dew aver tba eaUre alty; caa
be a oa tomas. ' '
A corner a era aa Tietor ax., containing
' r"txM) tot; a ataxepe or grevsli do mat
. i lau to iseg iota tnie; a aaap. , ' - ;
. A-corner kt OzliM aa Baaf Tartor at.
A aoraar ' lot SualOO la Oraataa, rl(kt aa
t ICmiat aaotf acrllna. on - aaar
aeraa la Laata;
a too lu Mia, a lurw
'um . raaaanhaa ' Lanu to afaanntf
1 tkaa tor attaar aaborpaa part of Portland;
If yo tnaX pranarty that Jot will kTa to
'aat-aaaa. IaUato. ; . '
TINOTON ' r .-; -
, V ' Il.aoo riaa U block. ..
it. mo Battar H block. SM aad Hancock.
'. - W.ofvo Uoay fcouor of S roonu, 6M Sckof
-' tor x ana yard.- ton of roaaa.
' Idaai- aottaft! will rait tba aoat
' I faatldwaa toata; 4U Xaat Utb, aarU, aaat
" Tillamook. ' .
4J0O Pioara aoaaa, 441 Xaaf ota. aart
C ftraa aaat with taa mountain. Maw.
ka.a00 Tbra la eartatnly worfk wkllat
roaaia, baautlfnUy tnlakad In atalaad Or aad
, ' animal oak Aoora; vary; artiaUci TS Haa-
. aock. ear. Xaat lata. . . ,
' IT.TO0 Ioat aaa tbto'aad yaa wttl. ap
.. ractata tba baanHhil yard. lOOxlM, and
' Maaa bouaa to matck; abaadaBo at trait
''aad tow an; Tinamoak. aor. Utb, aottk.
; .10.9O0 Wa want tkla ooraalTaa, bat lack
tha aoaar, altkouik tonaa aur. ba bad;
:naraataad troai ttaaamaat to cblmaay top
' f ba trat-aUaaj waald coat ,11000, ar aaora
,to jmlaca; aaa Hj u Eaat Slat at., aarta,
vaar. .Baaeoek. ." 1 , '
? Hl.OOO Larn P-rooaa booaa an- aaaaUfal
.aoraar aa Slat, aortk, lOOaiaB; jutt aullt
- v aad a la data la amr partlealart If daatrad
toay : aa parekaaaa all
faratokad wltk tha
vary aaat that awaay boa; a aot aaa tbia aa
)aaa yaa ara praparad ta toaa yoa haart.
Itaay athaa pood, baya at rarloaa prleaa la
rata aaaiuaa aaa aiaawaaraj aara
. r Albe'e-Benham Ccmpany
IP ACKBd) ad Uaprvrad had. asaapt 1 aera to
atampa, aa a poad macadam road; 9 Bltoa
. from car llaa aad MUwaakla: rood ban aad
athar bulldlnpi a boaaa. M..
, ratal toadaw koan with pastry aad bja
' ta; lot S&xlOO ea Vaaoaarar ara. cloaa la.
rnet z.aou. nm,
W aarta. "at which SH acras or Bora baaaar
10 Bltoa froaa city; parpataal wator
war. IM aaaw) ' raw pud
prfep (60 fat alek
' ttaw t-raaat aard-flalahad hooaa with paatrr
'and bath. S tota 60x100 aaeh. on pood aar. Una.
flaa aalharkaaat rnap Piuu. xaraw. .
fahrr pwoara araoaa aaaaa, hath aad aaa-
rr ruu aoaaraia linawi. anani . irna
atortrla aad raallpht. flna flrapUca, baaatirul
tmmmr tot dOrlOO. teetadinr rarpata. raga aa
" rartaloa bow la tha bouaa; wlthto t blorka ol
locka ot
twa ear llaaa. la rmnn-ti
Prlop .00O,
"taai lT'daairtad. t
IV illlaXPI IHtoh VWt
Oaraar paaoad aad Waahlnctoa -at.
SS.P00 NCW V-faaai pander cottage, walklac
'" 1 J W--room BMMlarB. boaaa. lot aSclST,
' aa Uawthoraa are. SaOO aaah, tonap aa tat-
' 'troondi faOO caah. fit par aatath. .
- ' i&0 Good hooaa.. lata, -ten oed and ha-
' prorad. .
1.600. d roaa hiaaa. aaa aare preaad. with
aoraar.. eaa block from WUllaaa ara., It ab
ataa' rlda; eaay tar ma. " . - j
(S.600 10-roooi nodara hoaa. fall baaa-
BMat; tot poxioo; aaa block troea aar; IB mla-
Btaa' rtoai paOO caah.:
tl.SOO t room aiodan cottage with carpate
aad abadaa, 1 tota, earaer. So Bitaataa' rider
eaapi yk eaab.
. TOWNS, 4S0 Oeaimerelal bMf.
raeUto Sfile. ...
at.POO IS acree,-rlch aoll, toral toad, epleadte'
heaae aad bare, great' ebaedance of fmlt,
adjotaa Xaawtaa. abeut Bdlaa freal Port
land. M .
r- P1.IB8 B aeraa. toat aortk of Laata,-ea
Fawall Taltoy road; email hooaa; tarwe.
" . . J. r. cohirroN.. .
' ffha rtclfle ISO. . 100 AMnptoa bldg.
SO ACXES, 11.000 Level aad Heh bat anlot
mwA ' aasrlr all la atumna. mai S or d
acrae. la awala; w1l Bake ealoa toad; a
. aiilaa rrea eit) paw .eowa, tuog a
0 aeraa. ft Xolllag toad, pood aoll, S
aeraa cleared, has . hooaa. Bllee - from
ateeaibeet leading at Butterllle, aa tba WU-
laaMtta. M Buae smm rortiaaa, .
, J. r. C0JdPTO.
- Mrlaa lead. . , 100 Ablngtoa Udp.
1 acre, cloaa la, for ......
, 1 eere. htoaat Scott aarllne .
1 lot. anna . boaaa. ...................
. 1 lot oa tut Marrlaon . . ... , I
Stoto, htoaat Scott earllne.
aeraa, ea earllne
Maw a-moaa Maatared hooaa. ........ .a.
5-rooca aiedara bonae, I lota
. Let earaer . Tajior ana .,....
T-reoB Boeae oa taritae...
i-reoa plaatered heaae far
Ian aaraa at flrMhia. PO ' iBMrored.
boaaa.. ham, eprlnre. ...14,000
,100 aeraa. . IS cleared, TOO rralt treae,
tmm to ntlM rcona Vaaeearar.
1 Bllaa froaj railroad. ... 11,000
v u ea goon WB".
- 40T Bawtharaa are.
IW0 DOWN. elaace - $1,000 ea peer term a,
win . bay large I -Mora oat tare, eiodera. t
"i lota, aa aoraar, irau., araow,.
2.T00 hfodara T-reata pew boeee, lot Box
taa. nmr Maki cUm la.
. li.600 T-roaa booae, fralt treea, ahroo-
hery. count haeaaieat. rornaca, aaw carpaTa.
eeadee. , lace rartalaa. t lota, eaay tarna.
CUB1I TAPrnH iu., raone aaat iixa.
lSl price. , ...M....r. S t2tS
v a roaaia, rant
. 10 raoaia, rent
PS;prtoe,.n......f WO
40; price...........,! 460
TO; price........... . S60
. . .41 aoaaia,. root
. ,, 14 rooiaa,, peat
price,. ,.,.i,oiv
15: price
a am
aa nau. Ml 112ft: arlce
Bare cobm rw.ii -BooaajBaaora nan.
t U?yr. OARIAND CO.( la Xoarth el
City VIew Park
"tl,y0 rtoa T-raoas amdara hooaa, let B0x-
IM.M im m the ahotcaat aalarhhnrhofMla
. mm f i
of jnr a lew rare . ww . ae wam
. tcplaead tot the Baaay. ,
Moreliciise & Frencli
10T X. ISta et.
Phone Setlweod T4.
4,f00 a-BOOM booae. H block, Wllllama are.
i OOO a roooi eiodera bonae aeer tatoa are.
;l.tn0 o-rooat hoaee Kaax larior.
ii jHto o-roon boaaa Xaat Mala. V
1,000 haw o-roota boaaa. - -'
1,000 Oood e-rooia hoaae. '
I.1BO d roorn atodera hooaa, Snaayalda.
- . awil 1 w . . mm -m kiiu
P6O-4O0 eeak. tl par noota. ftOO, $11
pay tooathl boaaa rapta i per aaoata. , ,
: s Otto & Crockett 7
P45H Waahlngtoa.
- IT TOO era lotting tar ewell boaaa. welklaf
, dtetaeee. wt aide, cell ea aei wa karc a
. , P-raoni Bodara enftaga ea Sixth it, tket
.. c.a be bad for 1 KM; tarau. UaceBaaa
IdMlUl, PI wuim at... , .. .
GOOD L0CATI0X. 7 ' "
Quality of aall tha vcrr pact,
, , . Xo etoae av gravel. . -
ea ear lioea,. . ; . ' V-
. Coae to Ua office of tba '
InTestmcnt Co.
, 244 Stark St.
and Bake Inquiry. t
Here Are a Few of Wiley
Allen & Co's. Flee Bargains
1 PSH aeraa Pair 0-raoB heoea, S aeraa
of geod orchard, IS ecreo aader ealtlvetloa.
St aeraa of pood timber, aaar earllae aad
aa pood read i oaly pad per eere.
- Bavarel Paa . plaoee of baevtrdeB lead - ea
Johnaoa eraak. pear , Laata; tret claaa for
' garden pnrpoaea. ,
t Alao H aad acre tract, with realdeacaai
- -bonoee to rant, faralabed aad aafBralaeed, at
raeeoaablc rente. , . ,
4 P-eera tracts. .', all haproved with
Palldlage. Blnntae walk froB eebnel aad
car Halloa, aa farce to a ay part of Vort.
bad. aad tba cbeepeat tou ea the htoaat
, Soett Ilea. . ' , -
- Wlley Allen & Co.
. UMTS, obioow. ' .:.''
jTfflcKay MUUz for
A KKW T rorna heaae. Jae fralihed. aad 10-foot
Bt. oa weex are.; aaar nawinorBo ara., rmii
Baa water, .boaaUfal view; price 600;
terma. A. B. Jackaoa, rooa p, Banlltoa
Mac. . Phaae Mala. loas. ....
- Send One Dollar '
Aad wo-will Bet yon piopeur with 1.000
- reel aetata deatora wbe are ee aaxtooa to eera
a eemalaeloo aa yea are to oellt oar plea
aaldoa fallet arnd doeerlpttoai wa ara helping
. othora. whr aot root Addraae The la.
t veator'a Ooide, 111 Mar aall bldg, Farttoad.
500 Homes For Sale
Parma and Cltv frronartr.
til BarquaB bldg.
Pertlaod. Oregop.
TWO lota aeer car, eaull hooaa,, l&BO. . tit
oeBBorcut oia.
Sellwcod ;-.;'
... ',Morehooee Pranch. 1BT0 B. Uth.
.. .. Pbene Ballweod Te. e
. dlty View Park lota, I3TS aad Bp; Beat
Addition lota, $100 aad en IS dowa aad 6 a
Buwth. Boae treea $600 te 5.0O0. Lota aO0
and an, la all carta of Bellwood.. Mat yea
'.property with asi we will aall it. .
fa have .payera for poar property or p
- haalaeaa. ' Bpaiat Ageaey. SOsH Stark at..
WAKBHOUPS proporty for aato, tod 100x100,
. facing adJotalBg railroad traefca. Addraaa
t (a. cere JoaraeL ... . ,
40 ACKEaV. BBlBproved, Bear tha ettr aad
. eraeaad by the propoaed B I Habere electric ltae.
; Tble to certainly a good apeculettoa. aa oaly
a avail payment dowa will baadle It. tphlal
Ageaey. ewa hui ev.
d-ROOM cottage aa Xaat Scvaath kt, H, I1.S00;
Bt BVX1IN. - '
. ' li. . mm mHm-A. mm
Porta, S lata, corner, M.S00: tarna.
a new modern eottecee oa Unloa ara cloaa
LOW. 'JW.l iBTVxmvns.
.IB tapfbb, net waaongroa ax.
tirixT Ivrn 40x100. B. Third, aear Bchav.
tor, (OSOi taD corner lot, B. . Beveath and
Bchoyler, $1,190; beaatirnl cnartrr block
wltbla t blocke et Xaat SSth aad Beat Bura
clde. eleratloa It toeaca, aewer, water, gaa,
ai ajVh . .. . . - .
ia iMlnglea Baaatlfnl lot, alee awa. fmtt
trees, Tlowere aaa a-rooa bmmmtb oouee nearly
- pew; owner leavtog dtp aad Boat aetlj $3,600;
vtorme half eaah.
T-roora aaw arotera booae, haeeaieat floor
eoncrata. fnrnace, well ftntehed tnolde, pood
style ontaiae. gaa; x nuxeu, iiae.wcaiioa
wear sine. Bear eer; sa.vvu.
CULVER, tat Chamber of OaaPMrea.
' 0.000 aeraa of choice timber taade aad
aavaral haadred aeraa of coal toads; atoe atork
raaebee aud aatoll traeta la the Ceop bay
eoBBtry. ' '
BnrSES bollt aw laetaBBeata, tota U dtalrid.
tit CoBaaretol bldg.. Mala 1P40.
FOB t ALB by owner, highly laprovod It
eereer very eloee - to dtp, - cheap. Bos to,
recta o. X. dtp.
t-ROOM booae of excellent eoBstracttoa errange.
Bent ana nnieo; ereryuiBig Bmn bob eeei
-BelghDorbooa; price B right. Bpeias agaaeyi
P06M Btark et.
rOR SALB Tba ftoeat an barbae homo oa peato.
eala. Bear propoaed Northern Peetfto depot
. croon da. Porta moalh, .9031 Exeter at. : tee
POX ALB Improved aad aatiaiaoved faraw,
wheat aad ctack reaches, timber laada aad
sawmllla, city and. enburbaa property ex
v chengee a apedelty. Tnraar A walker, psea
4. POSH waaaagtoa at.
T-BOOM hoaee oa Bob Rill, eemeat . beaemeat,
Una dry traye, eombloattoo flxtnrec aad beae
tlful snrrooadlaga, . $6,000, Sphlai Ageaey,
, P06H ttark Mr ,
tl.000v-t-BOOM new hooaa, BKidera aoavaa
. reacoe. Aeio a,ae(vr mx rCTiaaieeio.
I2.SB0 OOOD t-raoa bonae. brick and reseat
beaeBoat. oa Xaat Waahlaftoa at., Call al
IrAti ffV Imm mm
mvt IB mun m mmt
w td.BOO A tract on tbc Willamette boele,
- vard. which plate to 60-foot tote. This to
.' bargain, oo you want lir ttaro otbcc goea
W. J. PKDDICORD, St. Johna, 6r. v
Offers Its aerrlcoP alike to -
Bayer end teller.
We here bargains for boyers.
Wa have borers tor year property,
' Bay tbra aa. .Hap with aa.
K vau in Bv Kq.ll.IWI. '
Te mmmnnwm n,mw.wMN
. - 4 lurh at, 1.
FOB SALB T-rooB Bodara home with lOOxlSt
... .... feet of grooad. , A good location
- with totDroved straete. aad anly
v ' . , two blorka ta ear lino. Choice
- , piece for caa who aajoyc fralt,
...tardea a pot and lawn. This has
m ..mi .' . .. them alt and price ia rlgtit.
- '.' ,";-' ' IB. Coracr Third aad Oak Sto.
Sellwcod ;
tl.TOO Pine, awdora f-roeai boaaa. aaa
' block from earllne. oa Improved streett tble
. torettoa eaaaot ha best la tellwood; tot 100x-
Morehctlse & French -
16T0 B. lth at.' ' Paoaa Kellweed TA
11.000 . bars a Binders t-reom rjome ea a
.valuable comer tellwood St. Too 11 boy f
' HAOEMAN1 A BLANCBABD, tl Fifth at.
POX IAI.R 40 acrec at Klamath Pi I la, caltjMc
for plaiting, cheap pec cash, t a, JearaaL
Special Bargains In Acreage
B aeree, tolas city Halts, taa V
pood platting prepoaltlea, St tho lol
W "par aerrt" eaay- totato; 1 '. '
taa location.
tow price
a saotcc aeree oa oe ovum, seer luuni
level, will aake choice building lots If
pla).ted; oaly $1,800 lor both,
' 1 acre. Moaat teott line, very cbetee-, pftBO;
10 acres, taction Use roadi level. T "Ilea
from eoartheass, for oaly $100 per acre; a
toe buy. . v '. .
t aorc peer Woodstock l level, water piped
aa place; $628. . ,. ... - .
SO acres 1 alts from TroaUale. rich aoll.
Mo. 1 tardea Ued, halt cleared, all fenced,
$1.T50; terau. ... .. -t .".
1H acrca, Oak Orove, oa tar Use, $780;
tecme. - ,.-..
' s 10 acres aear dty, oa aleetrld ecrllae, tec
.lead for gardening; $160 per acre or t acres
for IT60., , - . ";;'.' :.'-"?;
tti aeree cm eer II net d aeree caltlvkted,
i ace easy to clean aew bouse, chlckeo,
houee. woodahed, etc.; very rich eoll, water
piped la houae; a dandy boaej only $1,T00
half dowa, balaasc to aulL..
W. J. Day & Co. '
. lOftta rOUETH tT.. BOOM M.
$1.100 Two scree Beer Point View. St.
. Johm. , Lou IB vlolalty ara sail lag for $260.
$260 Lot 00x108. with alleys aewer ta al
tar, oa Cook are., aaar Kerby at.
. $1.060 Big lot oa Kaott, aeer Union.
- $1.70 1 houses sad lot ea Bevere et.. Boar
'Mlealaelppt.eve.; fine view) rent $20.
$600 Lot ea Morrla at., auhtost to Street
lmprorement. Eaay terms. ' - .
$1,860 Modera bonae aad lot aa Targe St.
alee yard, fmlt; connected with aewer. '
$200 to $250 Nice be tiding tou la rtopth
' Irvtagtoaf soms of the streets are Improved.
Water la street) $2t cash, $10 per month.-
$1,1100 Now t-rova hoaee end halt tot oa
Santenbeia era., aeer Cook arc.
$1,200 Baslneae corner, Wllllama are.
$2,400 a-rooa Bodera eotiagaiOS . Bodaey
Ave.; big tot, ceateat aldewalk.
T00-Nlco corner lot. Ueateabela ava.
- $2,400 Tory flna dwelling oa Monroe St.,
ear BorthwIcV at.
- $3,700 t-rooB BMdera heaaer T2t Johaeoa
Pt.1 full lot) taraaa . .
' $3.600 Two houeap aad full lot oa Kcaraey
mm mrnrn. .M
il.tfrO Nleo BMdera cottage, TBI Mlehlgaa
$8.000 B-reeaa bouaa aad big tot: tot Sac
ramento 'at.
- $2.000 T-raoa boaaa, Monroe et.; aaar Cora-
Berclal. . '
SiAfiflO Aoerter block aad ' foar torre P-
room BMMtora bouaee. Bortbesst coracr 18th aad
Irvine ate.) reat $120.
$7,000 to loan; 0 and T per cent.
Agent for tteraua AllUaee aad Oleaa FaUa
iBeureoca vompaniee, oooi in ciaea m.
Boob e&2 Sherlock bldg. Phone Pacific TOS.
DO yoa weat $T0,00 worth, of property Cor
paD.UUOT ixm Monoey ana inTeeiiaaia;
owner will ho- In office to aaa yoa; $10,000
ossh) Bast oa aoia.
40 aeree Bae lead, alt la ealtl ration, oa
geod road; win make t One farme; aear
Greehaa earllae; oops will pay for place la
4 yeare; $100 per acre; $1,000 cash. $600 par
peer, t per cant.
40 acres, to la eeltivatloa, t totlea eaat,
oar Baae Line road; $126; $760 cash, bal
aare eeey tirmi.
:: flaa t-aero tract, t altos from cearthoaaei
e gravel, wall feBoad, good aelgbborhood;
a Tar., taut ,.a
tae tots, amen booee, 2th at.,' eaat
Slap, aeer a ceriiBea, tewv; aw cmo. -rine
t-raoa hoaee, modera la everyway,
VU, ITTh mmmv B,iWnt BX.B00T trBB.
rtae t-raea hoaee, ttd aear Baanyatda
peetofaco, $2,150; $760 cash, hales oa l-
auiimenra. - r- -
Plae d-rooa been, aear 10th oo Belmont,
all aeedarB, houee neerlr arw. aaaau no,
rents t2t per aieath. $2.$00; $1,000 cash. -
ev- HAHXXr)0N CO.,
tit AMaky bldg. Phono Paella lltt,
$3.800 Two good t-eaoa hoaaea, with 80x100
foot, oa nsoraaaeBiw ovsr, xjutvm B,..L
.. . . - r,
xdo Aioer eu.
Real Estate Hustler
Wanta poalttoa with reliable real cetetc trm;
1 am competent, reliable and a man who
ones things; refereacec Addreaa, A boar,
Oregoa City, Oregon. ' -
7. v T0TJ CATt'T BEAT ITt. ; .'
Paying 10 par coat over taxea and la.
sura ore; tho aaoat complete Income property
on tha weet aide; all la perfect condition,
top, It 's toe I To see It Is to boy It. K
aa," care journal. Paoaa Msla 8380.
d-BOOM rettare. fall-alasd tot, t block to car-
line; only piw; aaai ecu um wwe. rm-mm
Tabor let.
... . WILLDMB1A,
- Oa tbc car Use betweoa
J. Portsmouth sad North era H1H.
..f-mm. 1 lte 80x100 fceb . i
' ' : , BlegsBt lots, " '
Well located. -'
Baay terme.
Phone Mela 8081.
1r4 Lumbar Exchange.
I HATE several Choice tots la Sannyddo, eloee
to earllne. all Improvement. In, for only $878
. . L ,1,. nv tA hnlld.
' Paoaa J. H, Laatcraaa, Mala gaol. -
BT OWf ER Raw Bodera T-rooB boose, S4th
b. . t A mm llaak MilalldiAen . - BP
aaa wssco, rrotienaj .
B. Rica, Phone 1088.
A FEW OOOD BOYS ' ' -' . ' .
' $8,200 8-raoa modera booee. - prick - baae
Bent, fall corner lot, Weet Irvtngtoa. ,
$3.180 4-rooa nodera hoaee, fall baeeaent,
iro Iswa, ate.) well located on Xaat Mala et.
$1.400 t-room new BMdera cottire, Bae
-hath, toilet, etc. if all lot, Eaat 84tb. con.
vcnlcDt to Hawthorne ava. t mB bargala.
' $1.8TB 0-rooa cottage, foil cement bsse
mant, alec lswa. good renter et $1 per
wnthl coavenlent to Madison bridge. . t
Ju H. BIBRELL, SOl-tot McXsy bldg.
KBW t-rooa boaaa all completa; Bako mo
Joafah, NaahTllo Itatloa oa Meant Bcott
. By owner toarlnr city, modera e-rooa cattacei
. eaay tar aw U dealradl aa Meal borne. 1021
Mshrbt ava. .
LOTS aad bemeo en inatallments aa Penlnealer,
aeer ear and boulevard. Wllllem B. Boat, 2M
Portland hoe lava rd. one block weat Ar Da
. Ledge atatloo. Phone Woedlswa 120.
$8.oOo dOxlMt-pooT - tot - aad 8-raom modera
cortege. Best Msln St. Beer tothi $M0 eeeh.
. aaTk&a Let 44x187 feet sad d-roem modera
. houee. cement heeeant. t bearlag trait treat
and alee garden. Hawthorne are.
$14,000601100 feet and four fists 10th at, I
i' aionrhlw ml,l SIM: oert caah.
11 Sub AO-foot lot sad now 10-roa m double
house, Bodera. good toentaei terma.
B. i. COWL1RHAW, 408 Commercial bldg.
IBVIN0TON DISTRICT Mandemns bow. home,
J rooms sad bath, modem, all ceaveatoBoea,
00x100 lot. Addraaa I 42, Journal.
A NIOR HtUc home, tH scree wall kn proved.
as jaai.
, Bargala In t-mma booee. bcw, $1,400. ,
' t. B. IPIEB, 1088 Vatoa ava. N.
T-BOOM boaaa aad fractional lot. west i slds,
neer Fifth I onapi $800 ceah. balance time.
Ptoarer Inveetaient CO.. ouile 610 Com mo a-
' wealth bldg., Bhrth ana A ex any.
40 ACRES, aatapreved, level, watered) rnrsl
delivery, aeer railroad, IT Bllaa from Taa.
soever; will etch age fee lets ar will pay
eeak airrereaee for aeuae ana xx ia rori
toad not over $1,800. 1078 Beat 18th. Berth,
t large rooasa. fall bseemept. en a flna
sightly tot, weat aide, for tt 60; terme.
Bagemaaa h Blaachard, tl fifth at.
$8,000 ll-ROOM koaaa, modern. 4 lata, plenty
. of frnlt. on Xllllngaworth are.; half
mo, w4uw auua WW, w r" WW
hoaae, alBMeT'aew. cor'aef Tetjt
100 dowa, balaaea monthly
tOO 00
bouaa. fall
earaer tot, oh
ah, balance '$!
ver st: MOO W
per month.
- $2,080 Beatfflfal 0-rooxa' hooaa, afodcra to
, . every respect, corner lot 87x11 J.
i abundance of roses sad towers, bulld-
Ing reatrletlons In Bslghborhmd, I
' , ' block from ear; $1,000 dowa. balaaea
. ee Iqag; time; let aa show yea tale,
K000-J hoaeea of t aad T rooaa, U block.
, . room tor aaother houee; half ceah
down, , . ; .-..' ... ...... . . .- ,-
; tS.OOO KlagBBt t-reoa booee, etrtetly aodera.
, . ,. , aew carpate. In parlor, range end gas
store la kltrhea, hell aad stair eer
petav full lot. plenty of ahrubkery.
. aeer Xaat lay tor and 14th; Boat be
'.- '' eoeo to be apprecUtad) eaay pay-
aaeau. - -.'.,.;,,;':.: , ,
$1,000 Chatcaat U block Portland Betghta,
- '. ; eerllnat 8 neat vlewi , tar me caa
. ,; ba. Bade. . .t
' Cbetca enburbaa lots on earllne I building
restrictions: $10 dowa, $8 per moath; yoe
wui Uka tbeoi, . . , . ,,. .-. v.?..
' V Realty Co. " - -
ROOMS 11 AND 12, t3$H WASBlKwTvN ST.
C. B. De Burgh, Manager. .
- Office 818-220 AbUurtoC Bulldlac .
- '., v..- Pacific 778. - K -v , '
If voa are enxtoue to msks m aafe and
' paying tavoatment of 48,000, wo have la the
' Hawthorne rtletrlct oa 14th street, aeer Bar
bos, a 80x100 coracr, with a flaa apartment
hoaee of t roomc aad bath each; thla houae Is
perfectly nodera aad up-to date, built last
year; has electric aad gea f Uteres, good ce
ment baeement,. each apartment separate heer
Ing. all rested. $60 per month; price, $6,000
0. B. ScBCBGH. Manager.
"GrcarSald lirAcfagc:
BeglDBtBg I a'ctocb tatarday morning, several
kandred scree Just platted; abundance of run
ainc water oo each tot: t blocke from Blnth
t grade school, cloaa to town aad earllae; no
eeiier oou in ids vraio; viw vm oaio per
- aero; aeay icnaa. wis a too greeieei anap
oa the market. Bee as st ones. Lerre aarty
- to leave ear office alooday by t a. m. Oa
wiia as...
XZTVi Wssblagtoa at., Booma 84-88.
& Look! Look! Look!
New t-raoa booae. gaa light, tinted walla,
wash tabs, eemeat walk end bssomeat, tiling
la bath snd k Itches, 1 block to ear; smell
. amount eaab, balance monthly; price $1,800.
lai A i El IE Kiaai.ii W)
Lafayette bldg., sixth aad Washington. '
tl K0A amtoO taet. two rood eottacea. wall
located. l South Portlaad; aeay taraaa; thla
to a snsp ens is ngat oa aaw earuae.
..;j..V" Aider et.
A HBW Bodera 4-roera cottage, $1,200; eaay
terma; at aw neat piiata at,, n.
One acre, close in. aear car. wire fee
tanning water.- tl.O&Ot terme toools,
Two tots to Highland, $800 aaeh, pa Xaat
10th aad gprlnrfleld et.
FOR properties in the boom section of Klamath
Falb sec 0. U Psrrtok A Co., 422 Laabor
Kxebsngs. ,
FOR TRADE Bomeeteed rellnqnlsbaeat for tot
. . .... . . . mmm r- . .. ,
in reriiena nuureee oi, .i.ui. i.,
Sag ape, Or.
MI ADDRESS la P7I Comma rctal St., cor. Fay.
My phone la Wooaiawa 2iui.
My new T-rooa house, which t arhh to pelL
to located en coracr of Commercial and
Blradrna sto. '
My price la $2,800 (completed), or $2,000
sa she stsods.
My terme arc $800 down, balance $28 par
month. - .
My proposltloa beats all ethers yoa bars
read ta obtain a alee home for yourself. .
trOO CASH, balance $12.60 per aoath, bora
anc e-room cottage, duiii one yw, mi,
flnmblng. oa earllne. Ball Baa water; pries
1,400. T14 Vllls svs MoBtsvUls.
Aay atoe from $1QU. up oa flrst-elsas real
estate security. T per coot. . 837 ta Washing
ton, rooms 84-18. -
t FINE tota. 82x100, aa car; beat eoll and
water; worta si.euo; amy si.ew. hh oioi.
1S-RO0M beuee. , fall lot, weet aide. - Id
tolnatec walk. $1,200. Alvord Alvord,
-188 Merrtoaa at. - - , - - -
FEW choice lots, seat aids.' 10 Blantaa front
west side. ' price $340. terme to cult: direct
from ewasre. Phone Mala 8V40 betweea t sad
4 p. sa.. or addraaa 1 ST. care Joarasl. "
SPECIAL FOR $1,800 - .
t-aere tract of lsnd. faaosd cad cleared,
located at llwaco Hfe-eevlBg atatloo; 10-room
' heoee, furnished. Including d bedrooa aaltee,
err am separator, mllkrena, t bugglee, 1 light
i wagon, 2 tingle hsraesars, t plows, 1 bsr
row, 8 dosea chlekeas, T No. 1 Bllch caws, d
heifer cslvac. - " . ,
J. W. MILLER. NachotU. Wtshlngtan.
FOUR lota. Mllwsakto Relghta, well feared,
cleared and cultivated, ooe block from station,
bow $318. Ed Lsessrd. 843 Waahiagtaa St.
t-ROOM heaae. lot 67x100, oa corner; good
small store oa lots a nne piece tor Duaineee.
Call S42 Madleoa St.
LOT. saw T-room house, modera. atone bceearntl
good Interest on toveatmeat; price $2,800) five
Biaatee riao to city aeu, see ainauoo e.
6 Per- Cent and 7 Per Cent
Why depoatt aoney la banka at 8 to 4
, per cent 1 We can sell yoa gilt-edged farm
mortgages, a if slse, from $100 to 38.000 and
Bp. Waring 0 and T per. coat) tho beet of
aocarlty. 227H wasaagtoB, reoaa ae-ao.
BNTIRELT modera 0-rooB houae yaat completed,
walls tinted to ealt purchaeer. $2,$60 half
, aaeh, M. watkiaa, cv Lease arag
FOB BALB New saedern up-to-date 8 -room cot.
- tare oa Maeon et. aad Vaaosavar ava. lea
ewacr dt 288 Maeon at .
$1.460 CASH or terms, will take a 8-reom
. awMtoTB cottage worth $2 000; town, reeve,
fruit' aad ehade trees, chlrkaa-perk, 14-foot
alley i Boet cell quirk. F. Marphy, Ksskvllto
r stetloo, hlaeet teott ear. . -
r.wmr ivra in r I ma von
, 80x180 feet, 860 eechr terma $10 Cash aad tl
per aionts : gooo water, mwi pena ena nci
-soil; 26 minuio ear ride from tan. eeater of
p.Hl.. iih a euaranteed title. Whv aot
start a ssvlngs beak here I It will ha doable
to value ia a abort time. . -
Adjoining the tow net to of Flaavea wa ear.
1 tO IV-eore ororaa II eo pw inv mm I
eaay terms. This aust be ass ta be appro.
tSt thortork bldg. Phone Mala 1410.
A SNAP Ntos t-rooia Bodera beuee, t rooms
pstalra not flntsbed: cssient baeement, far
pace, large belli, closets, pantry; t tote, aire
lawB, trait trrve, saruoverr, evw v.rpvis,
linoleum, ehadee, Hce curtains, portieres.
wtndow scrseae ;
1.000 will handle
to is.
. saca terme. C. Tip tar Co., aas Wasklag-
sob at., rooa
at i.ATTBRl.wOOrV Nearly new
well flnlahed, electric ligtite, aire flxtaree:
lerre tot. fruit tree,rnse busbee, neat trace,
ehlckea houae; $1,200; H down. $18 per
. month, or $300 dowa, $28 pefaioatb. Pocond
emnee BortB rrom eraiioai Moont acoti ear.
' Call evenings et luadays. -
-H. W;Llndliard
COl-aOl McKay bldg. Ihoae Mala, 11TL
Residences. --
t-eory t-roem heaae,- tor ear - lOoslBO, -
re iron are.) so,wo, on tar ma; a anap.
t-etory t-reom boose, eeraer 100x100, oa
Preeeott at. $4,000, oa terms ; tble to the
biggest Bargain oa the Barket today) caa
be had for $2,200 ea.h, balance aay time
yoa wish; tbia property' la worth, $8,800;
abeotately Bodera la every reapect; tbia la
Wall worth' your while iBveetlgatlng.
Modera t-rooa hoaee, tot Pox loo, oa Bea
ton at., $8,000; aaa be bought oa terms.
1-etory d-rooa cottage, corner 80x64, Xaat
Ash tat., aaar Grand are.) $3,660; Ursaa;
this property will advance rapidly.
Twa 2-etory t -room booses oo Kelly et.,
loath Portlaad, $3,600 each, oa tarma. , , .
S-atory 0-reoB bouse, coracr ooxuo,- oa
Macadam road, Booth Portland, $3,8oo. oa
terme as follows: $2,800 ceah Sad balance
at the rate of $lt.8d per atouth until paid
for, without Interval: at this price to lacludad
all tha furniture and carpets ta fact every
thing complete; eleo a piano worth $.M0;
everything la complete for a perty to aaove
to sad go"te housekeeping; a splendid eppor
tualty for anybody doalrtng to keep hoard
ore; aay Bomber can be had for the eas
ing) this la aa opportunity aaldoa obtained,
aad do aot fall to lavMtlgata this, AU par
ticle re cheerfully pi ran by
McKay bldg. Paoaa MaUOllTl.
Acreage '
Onsllty of aeU the vary beet.
, No ctoBO or gravel.
. car llaes. , .
Coae te the afHec of Us
. Inyestment Co.
244 Stark St.
and auks teqalry. '
DON'T TAT BENT Ws will sell you a booee
la any part af tba dty, or build te Butt yeul
pay sa yoa eaa. M. C. Davis, t&t Alder St.
A0ENT8. peddlers, esnvssaers sod ft reat work
ers, get your euppuee rrom n. m. numner,
200 Third et.) aew goods, hot tern prices. .
THB best commercial tavoetaent la tba atate.
$2,000 cash ar trade will baadle It; gasreotee
$16 per aay act. . Tha. Advance Co., for North
tlxth street.
' Well ruralahed real aatau aad employment
office, cetabllahed, ground floor, tow reat; sa
gotnjt "cy flu eaU for $260; toveetlgate.
Three hoasaa an twa tots en earTtne, cast
aide; arc paying good Btareet on pries asksa.
' No sgeata seed answer., Addraaa Owner, K
: TA JouraaL .- ..
100 FARMS, email tractB and lota; bergalao ee
. 0. W. P. electric Use. O. B. Aaditoa, Laata.
Oregoa. Take htoaat Scott ear. Be. '
FOR I A tot 400x100 feet only 1 block trees
rood c
rsnd-nsw t-room
hooec; good
light, an ea
Blaablns. electric
complete aad roadv to
oorupy withla a week. Cea be
Bougnt en permeate ot sxo per
saontk aaa a ooriaapoaoiagiy roe
asnsbls deposit ia eaab, ,
SB. Oaraar Third aad Oek Sto.
SNAP Lot 80x100, ess bleak aertto Hawthorne
ava., is m inula, noe rroa let aa AHeri xer
- lenus pumie nm mib,
IF TOO ara looking for a boslneop real cerate
. aaap aa wiiiiama avccaesse to A. w.
A Co.. tit WUllaaa ava. v
Sellwood .
$S, BOO 10-room stedern booae, tear Iota
10x140, each highly Improved, oet oat to fine
young fruit - trees, strawberries, etc.; tble
place ar ana block from tha earllne sad la
tba 8c fare limit.
Morehouse Si French
1470 B. 13th at.
V Paoaa BeUwsed T4.
BlrtHTLT property oa Willamette boulevard;
6-room hoaee, on t tots, open on two streets.
. laaalne owner, pains Xsst 0883.
$4.000 T-ROOM modera house. Portlaad Heights.
lot aviiou, aa eer use, tor terme paoaa
Mala 2810. - -( .
$1.300 PtBW 4 room hoaae. bath. gaa. coacrete
have meat, 878 FaUlog. corner Xsst 14th. Bog
- 801. Ursnoa City. - - . ..-. .. .
ELEGANT new t sad 8-rooa houera. fall tot.
east treat; small payment dowa, balaacc
BMnthly. Owaea. Phone Baat 876. . ,
tS ACBXS tor sale ar trade for tmsrewd eitr
property t - Al eoll, - cleared. - eloee la, ot
earllna. Addraaa K OB, earn JeoraaL
For Small Investors
$000 cash will buy 8' lovely little boave. a
t-rooa cettage, la trst-class condition, thor
"oughly Bodern, fruit trees, vrgetable gsrdea
snd lower garden; price 82,400; Ideal place
-' for "leva -to s eottage'V-young ..rosxrled
eofiples p lease tooulra.
$300 reeh aad $600 start ga re will bay full
80x100 tot, near cerUne. with ' aew 8-room
eattageV raata for $10 pep Breath,
. JL Ao Kerr
Rosa dlt McKsy bldg.- Pbone Mala 8128.
.1 RAV'UlBlflNO I.M. OMtaio T.Mnn
seaatlful lot (rooting First et, csr lino; west
side: H caah. Bee ewaar at 180 Nebraska at.
TERT fine tot, Xsst 10th neer Drrtstoa, worth
31.200; $700 tskss ft If bought before Tuesday
- aoon. $13 Commercial block. .
$1,800 B ALP cash, balance on assy terms, for
a nice souse aaa corner 101 ea oeecn ex. -Oet
yon a heme: $10 dowa aad $8 per month
- far a tot ea Mouat Tabor elope.
840P tor a tot oa aeaaey ara. wena paw;
terms eaa.
S. MeCOT. "tO Fifth St. ,
, mm 1 j m,m vviMyvr. vr a u, w mmrm
il.ono Oosrter block an 12th.
mono Onerter hloeh en Blxth.
811.000 rise corner. I bulldlBIS. aa Sev
enth, eernwg gooa income. -
Will bo oa 10th at. 1 be W1ee aad get la oa
tble street now; hare a $80,000 proposition
oa tble atreet. aear Morrlaoa. T. L. Osr.
lsBd,.X2t FUedacr bldg. Taath aad Waah
I dc to a sts. 1 4
DEIRABLR corner tot an teUweod st. caa bs
kad for $700. --
Moot ho sold at core: consists of 0 torga
rooms very coavealent and thoroughly aodera.
A low rasa price win tsxs it.
IF yon have cash to taveat la real eatate. I
have a big aaap for yoa) la eloee-la aarsaga.
S 80, care JouraaL
31.000 Corner 120x100, alee trait troea, tar
ten snd aeet cottage.
. - Bl.poO Quartan htork, geod T-tooa aoaea,
good toeatioa, hsuss slena worth more.
84. 800 Quarter block Xsst BsrnsMe, fine
Bodera t-reea reeklaece; big bargala, easy
84.000 acres to high state of ealtlvetloa
with aire t-raoa residence, heady . to cars;
assy taraia: anap. - -, ,
F. rtCllS. X21a Morrleoa et.
A FINK tract sf 10 seres; good black soil;
brat bargala la country; suitable for sobdl
vldlne: cloaa ia: chance to make money)
all cleared; price $800 per aero. Addreaa
t 88, cora, Journal.
XLROANT Irvtngtnn heme, aew t-reoa bones,
. fall h aaa meet, eerpete, ehadee. paa heater
sua w, ,,, .... . . ,
leering city; . Bn.onO; $3 n0 ceah. balance
terme. Cell 4$4 Ealt 12th St., aorta, et
neet ovie.
$2.400 LOVBLT, bow, modern t-roem cettege.
full tot, ooe block Belmont St., tn any slds;
Bust go withla few dare. . ... .
- 13,000 Tory good bow 8-reom hones oa
Xaat Morrison St., Suanyslder let 80x100 fast.
$3,000 Rptoadld new, modem T-rooa hoaee,
. Best Morrison et; lot 60x100 feet.
tS.OOO Klegsat corner lot. eloee ' to city
ball, bringing now $74 Income per aioath, eu It
able for flats ar flna home; thla la a aaap;
class la. . r -',.
XITVi B'sahlugton at., rasa IT. ' -.'.Phono
Pseltlc ISS. .
FOR B ALB 4 -room bouaa, full lot. graded
atreeta, aldawelk. ' bauee aawly painted aad
tinted; POT Baat Eighth St., north; price
' $1.8 0; terma. tec owner, 878 Xsst Burnslde.
i hoae Kest 8437. .,.,
d-ROOM house pnrurnubed, d tots with alec
grove at Karaa park; $880 raah; lota alooc
worth tbc money.
ALV0RD A ALT0BD, 188 Morrleoa.
New T-roem eottsge; tot 100x110; aaodera
urougnoat; piped ror ruroeoe, seaement, eara
room tor two more Bouses; ceawat am
Boom 82, Union block. , . ,
ILNN YSIDB lot. 88x100. for 8278.
rirtt at. corner, eoxioo, with iwo-ctory tms
Ineec block sod specs for flata; only $12,000.
lnveetmeat bringing la 8200 aaonthly for
TYBON KIN8XLL, Commercial block.
8-BOOM boaaa. I tntabed; tot 100x85. trait
trees; pries fi.ioo; pioo eaab, balance sip
per aoath; t blocks from earllne; look thla
ap. U. A- Patterson. Bit Pino sL
A BEAUTIFUL horns for tittle awner: aeay
terme; see owner, J . as. iowoor, oiocss
south from Uaaelwlld sutloa an Mouat Scott
Una. .. -
FOB BALE A 3-room honsa sad 14 block, aa
viscssmas St., aeuwooa. inauire or owner,
Oeorge M. Bin her. T70 Clsckerass sL
t-ROOM cottage, la good condition; bath, hot
(axon Will v a vers , aae UJ aRIWaTt, lIltTW Bruits
trees; st a bargain $1400. lilt East Tsy.
tor. Phone Tabor 148. .
$1,060 FOB fractional lot. wvet side, walking
oiaiBoce. m. n. uae, rooa av uaieign auig.,
northwest comer Sixth snd Wsshlngtoa sts.
$4,700106 ACREt, it Bltoa rroa Taneoavcr
an aeree la cultivation. 7 acres groan timber,
balance esslly cleared; TB scree feaeed, 1H
scree verlety orchard; geod t-reoa bouaa, good
barn BGilOO, other outbuildings: 1H miles
to railroad atatloa and good country town:
land all level; 78 seres ash aad vine maple
swale good team harass, heevy wagoa. eprlng
wagoa, buggy, 8 sets harness; t need sattls,
13 hogs, t sbsep, 800 chickens;- BO toaa hay,
12 aeraa oats, 8 scree potatoes; terma
I3,8u000 acres. It miles from Portlaad;
tt acres Cleared, 15 aeree slashed, burned ass
heeded, balance floe aah swale ; 40 seres
fsaeed with 4-barb wire fence; small creek:
aew T-room hoaae, eaull barn; 0 heed of
. cattle, 1 horse; plenty of hay to wlntsr sll
stock; lsvsl lsnd; country rosd oa two aides
of place; mile to school snd chorchi B.
F. D., telephone In house; terms, half cash,
balance good terme. ar will take part la
Portlaad slty property.
82.0UO 130 aeree ta Winamette valley, 214.
ml lea from rallrosd ststloa. on main county
rood, aaar arbooi and march ; 28 scree
cleared,- severel 'acres good timber, living
weter, sew t-rooa 3-atory frame bouse, good
barn; 1 sere variety fruit, bearing; good team,
aew aet hsmsss, good wagon, 0 toe delay
cows, t colt, aew cream separator, (era lm
steaaehre. 8TB bushels BTsln. 20 tons hay.
Kmc cblckeao.' beet of eoll; will exebsags
r Portland uronortv. -
$1,260120 acrec in Washington county, I
' Biles from railroad station; to acres, cleared.
I acre, bearing orchard. 1,000 ,000 feet good
-aaw tluber, t miles from sawmill, oa -mala
county road; telephone line peat ' aoaee.
o-roea soeae. x earns, rraitorysr, etner out
buildings; beet of soli, no rock or gravel; H
- anile to- aeheetf-tbto la tho beat buy on the
market : ausrsateed aa advertised laveaU.
, gats this before buying. , .
' $1,100100 acres la Wsshlngtoa county, t
Bllee from railroad station; 8 acres cleared,
40 aeree good timber, balance easily cleared;
smsll houae aad barn, good spring neer houee.
' ea aula county road; best of aoll; give terms;
' a snsp. '
, . 31.000120 aeraa 814 miles aorth of RUls.
bora, Wsshlngtoa county: IS aeraa cleared.
2.000,000 fret good ssw timber; aear sswmlllj
8 gojd springs, 1 Bear houae; level land,
small house, R. F. 1. snd telephone, 8nc
level road to Hlllnboro; best of Bull; terms,
pooo cssh. bslaaca t years at 8 per cent;
good location. . '''
tvoo 40 seres In Clarke scanty. Washing
ton. SH Biles from rallrosd atatloa. 0 ml Ira
' from bna Handing, 4 mils from school; 10
seres cleared, T scree greea timber, balance
hruah, eeally cleared; 28 bearing frultv trees,
' apples, pears snd cherries; 4-room house,
smell born; 23 aeraa las bottom land; tram,
wagoa. harnrea. 1 acre, S hogs, some hay;
thla le a aaap; living water ea piece.
$3,60040 scree. 4 mllee from Van CO over,
rtarke eouBtv: - 8S aeree cleared. 3 sores
Karrhard, oa mala county rosa, t mile to
r , L u e. Ma ' ... mm I m mm .
ecnooi; e-room nKupr, wmi n, ,
will exchange for city proporty; lareatlgata
thla. -j . .. ; .
Realty Co.
SBSA Wsshlngtoa at.
11 and IS. Part-
ad. Ore pool and
MO Msla St., Ysneoaver, Washing too.
I hsve for eale a One 100-acrc farm. 1
-mile from ttaroald. Washington; all In culti
vation, fenced la B telda, 23 seres la timothy,
smsll bearing orchard, good- T-room - house,
bora and outbuildings, spring st houee. water
piped to barn, water In timothy pasture, oa
public rosd. electric earllne, 0. X. A N. and
' tt. P. ralh-oeds all la less than 1 Bile
sf farm; terms, $78 per acre. $5,000 I years'
time at T per cent; will consider at ceah
value residence property or lots la Port.
' land ar Spokane to the amount of $2,800,
balance eaab. . Owners address aVsorga F.
Itlvera. Oar 8a Id, Wash Ing too. -. ,
Lota sf Them.
' tee My Advertisement '
, "For Bale Farmer "
' la tbc Claalfteds sf tba '
Buaday Jearasl.
W. W. Espej
al bldg.. Second and 1
Sit Commercial
Scad for list af (arms for sale.
FARM FOB SALB 820 aeree of grain farm
for eale J 380 seres la eeltlvettan. reat la
aa store; all feaeed aad croee-tsnced. 1 acre
orchard, t aeree to alfalfa, good booee,
graaary aad barn, all aew: pleaty weter
on piece; that place to la Whitman Ceoaty,
WsahlagtoB, t Biles Berth et Snake river
aad O. B. A N.'e aew railroad; will sell or
trade for Willsmetts valley small farm; prtcs
Addraaa F.
swruva. nima, una.
$20 per acre will buy Improved farm af
140 aeree,- 100 aeree cultivated, 40 sores pan
tnrc Bad email timber heoee sf 8 rooms,
rood water: located on fine county
.mail, near railroad ststloa. T mllee north of
Onrvallls en t. P, rallrosd; thai farm Is at
beaetlfal catloe, . ..,
t, L. WELLS CO ;
,'' 04 Oraad ava. . ; - r
rnn aai.B.
' 141 scree, five mass frora Woods, an Nee
i kev. Tillamook count r. ob oceoa beach:
a fine stock ranch, with pleaty of range. 40
acrec or tldelsno. aw acres rise umeeri rail
road carvers near place; will be one of the
finest cummer recorte oa coast when rellreeC
reoebee the' place: land le suitable (or la ring
oat ia tots; la winter months Is treat place
"'bt-cmtel a xerns.
' HI Xaat Morrison St.
VPBr CHRAP 18T seres of choice level farm
lend t miles from ths center of Portland; 0
' scree ia cultivation. BO aeree la fine timKar
estimated at B.OoO.tmo feet; blc sawmill with
la H mile;' good 10-room house aad 3 large
aeraa an ine in.oj,
1.11 Mortlaoq at.
At I "
r are a''
120 aeraa flret-elaaa toad, eloee In, mn-a
frea city; close to car Use snd rslhua4 i
ao a fine road to tho cltyi TO aeree to euitiva
ttoa: a good liKrooa houea. a geod wail at
- house) water stsads at 18 feet the dryeet ee.
i 'eon; 8 ha raj ; a large praasry. There poeo 1
bkadar, mower, hay rake, plewe, barrow, 21
'- tone bay aad all farming tmplemeats, M
, cnM-sens. a gooa rows, p aoreee, wagrw ann
spring wagoa. Crook on place. Price $60 per
aero. . Terma. , ' . .. t
' 240 acres, farm aad reaps toad; SO aeree
clear, in ealtivation, klah lead, good orchard
aaeorted fruit; Ctneet of fruit lead ep vsaa.
. tahleei floe etrrame thcouirh It; two l""-!
i houees)' two good heme; root heoee; fruit
- dryer; water runs te both houees; cleea land
aad about 00 acres more feaeed for peetura:
: 1 good team, harnees and wsgeai 1-year-eld
- eelt, eoaie plga, 8 eowa, 8 yearling belrore, t
- ealree, 0 etanda tore, $1iM worth auppilee.
creem separator coat $100, toeabator. aid
brooders, 1 aew Cheaploa Bower and rake,
plows, cult War ore, harrow, email tools, all
neosehold goods; harm fall flret-claee lay I
. lineal of range $A mltoa treea railroad; V
miw to ccnoot; n. r. o. meu, en creem rouvi
a aeara rroa - city py teem.
Will tehe BKiat
aay la cltv arooertv. Prleo 84.000! tvrma If
. wisnsov uvor pi,wuu worta
40 acrca OS aader ealtl ration, 10 aeraa In
flna timber, batenee to bruah; small beuee end
torga barn, good well of water, smsll orchard ;
rod teem of horses sad harness, 3 pood sows,
heifer, t eauV pood bow wagoa. aaw plow,
aew cultivator, bcw harrow, mowlag machine
and rake, ether amaU teoto. 10 tons ha r I
.school a alia ea a cued coamry rood, Ba,
miles from railroad sad tows 86 miles trom
Portland. B. F. D, mail. Price $2,0o0. pott
.caa ataad. r "" 1 . ; .
. - 80 aeraa, 28 la caltivettoa, 10 acrca more
posted end eowa. tho rest to fine oek aai
good pasture, feaeed end trees fenced; b
teem of horses and hsrneee, t eewe, I two
y ear-old keif era, 1 ealf. 0 bees, about 1"
chlckena; 24 tons sf ert f Pr huaro
' bushels of wheat, potatoes and ether garden'
track la the ground; nice family orchard.
4-roont houee, barn, woodshed end eulckea.
bouaa; all the farm tmplemcata; oa geod
county road) R. F. D. sad phone line; 1
mile, from railroad aad good Iowa, to Wash'
tegtoa county. Price $8,000. , .,....
' 141 acres, 80 acrca ander ptowt boas and
ether outbuildings; 70 acres beat hot toaa toed.
ruBnlag water In peetura; mile to school,
I telephone lines, milk route cod mall route
' by tbc door: 314. alios to rsrireed aad town,
o a- level road In Washington eouoty. Prtce
$60 Bar aera. , .. ,''''; '
320 aeraa, 108 hi caltrvatten, S crepe how
being harvested I wheat, aato, vetch; largo
orchard; pood teem, wagoa -aad harnees; a
good buggy aad herae sad' haraeee; cei,
chickens and tarkeyei a atodara t-rooa heoee;
piece lire level, avrrcnaaiag water oa to, oa
.good country road; B. F. D. mall, pbone to tf.e
bouse; 1 miles frees Jsffereoa 00 "toothers Pa
cific railroad; would take two-thirds ta poa.1
city property at fair pries; fans tho aaas.
-Prtoa,- $o0 per acre-; 1
. ,. . ... gp Or-mmcrctal bldg., " ' . '
Ooraer tecond and Washington. ,
" ScM for list of ferae for aato.
For a well unproved farm of 120'aerea vir
tually all la eulttvettoa: good build I ore aad
orchard; right sa railroad 80 miles soutbweat.
; HAOEMANN A BLANCH A RD, 01 Fifth at.
A 100-ACRS farm 00 mllee from Portlaad cea
. be had for $1,800 less than it actual coat
of Improvcaoata; good I mem hooaa aad tee
100-ACRB farm aader the Klamath project. 3
Biles from Xlametb rails; port la alfalfa;
yoa can go on this piece today aad atoke
geod money on your toveetsaeat.
,','; O. L. PARRIHH A CO., . ,
438 Lamhor Axcnance
we- novo- aevorst pood. -taraaa me sale in
Clackamaa eeunty aad we Invite tkn ai
trnttoa ot pruepectlva parchaaers.
We have a large (arm located 1 alio frora
Oregoa City, which wa will sell In 10. 2".
80 aad 40-acrc traeta; toe coll aad locaul
oa .good county rood.
. . Oregoa City. Oregoa. .'
FOR t ALB 283 acres, mile peed town; at
acres la eaitivauoa, au aeraa is am pas
turs, IS scree fine fruit, new , T-rooa hou-.
fair bars aad ether buildings; price $3A per
acre. ,
- "- C. W. IWARTZ, - 1
.1 " Amity. Or., Owner.
Dairy ranch. 80 aeree cleared, ercberd.
house, and eprlng piped to ths booee, near
Hlllsboro. 22 mllee frea Portlaad; 40 acres
, pood timber, will cut enough lumber sti.t
wood to pay' for the whole thing: 1 on .
wsnt pay for ay work clearing this 1J
snd other iaprovsaents threw a la fra.
Addreaa H 10, carp Journal.
MTST have moner) will sell a tne farm Bear
Portland vary cheap tor oaah. t 41. Journal.
BT00 par acre, froaa one to six acres all I
cufUvatfoa; fruit trees, land all level, cor.
solL water piped to the piece. 3 blocks fro
Be car Una, Mouat Scott cart, thla la a aoai
making flna boaaa. , ,
$1,000 One aera at Point Ttow. St, Johns
car. . .... ". " - . .-. -
n it. a-raim A ro .
XFTH Waahmgttja at. Rooaa IT.
rooaa racina coa.
FINS wen-tm proved - 110-ecre - farm, weti
- fenced. T-reom kauaa, t good haras, sprlr
at honsa. sll ta cultlvatlea but shout tn
acred good timber, rich black soil. 8iw run
nlng stream through the farm, 4 mllee from
Columbia river and railroad, orchard. gx4
. roads, aear school aad store ssd church;
. extra-tno hey or bop (ara; Jt miles, fjrau
Portlaad,' price only $46 pa- sere.
S48H Morrison at. Boob 11 '
Two 20-Acre Tracts
" Nearly alt cleared, excellent sell, plentr
af water, good county reed, $1.6oO eacn;
jetaa, 22TV. .Waahiagtaa at., rooaa 14 sad
TO d ACRES for eala at Ftrland eta-ten. In.
quire Manager Brow a hotel, wraad aad Biv
" thome avee. 1
CORNER tot tn BswtherBo avenao serrton
choice location; high snd fins alts; $1.suj
Tbeapaon A base. Ml Ibertock bldg.
COTTA0B of I roome. hath and ball, lot BOtl" ,
-.2 hlorks from aew High School; 81 Xsst
st. Cell and make ma as after.
$4.200 WBIDLER, Bear 10th: will finish to
suit; see this today: thea call Monday 00
Thompson A Wage, B6T Iberlark building.
$600 DOWN. S2B a month Bosntlfal boms la
choice residence section seat slds, tost beiic
completed; will flnlab to cult If taken .1
aoee. Boa Thorn peoa A . flags, BdT taerloi a
. bulMtag.
BEAUTIFUL homo, t room a, bath, pantry. (
. eloaets, full hasemoat. gaa gad eleclilc f"
tueea: corner lot lOOxlOO, with tlsr-
groeinda; $3,800; terms. Address f $$,
Journal. ' '
S CFT0ICB tota.. B2x 100. free aoll aad water, 1
block to can worth $3,000; $1,000 bead ire, f..
8767. Owner.
I 1-8 ACREIt4-rootB houee. land ta ealtlvettcn,
konec new, 1 blocks Oregon t I'r car. A I -buy:
$760 bead lea. The Coatlaeatal Co, i
810 AOR PS lOB BALB; fenced 1
rnltlvsled. So scr.a pasture; booa, I.
barn and outhulldinta; ech.v,lhoa ta p
good orchards, well watrrd, free
ft mall, tereihoee; 4 "a from P' .
Washington; wttr'ri in-i and avre. 1
$t.0.H; t-rme, I t '"""0 eeeti, baleee It .
stock and n,rt'fr cea t-e ...
W. Mtrslie. I"'ii"r. ' -
320 A''1' d a
li e I '--s 1
riir".'t ttr"'
f. r it.. ' ' I-e-'.'e
... . . u