The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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daily jgu:;::au i c.tlai.d, tiiu..:day EVEi.n.'O.
Property Owners Blame City for
T 7T Allowing- Big; take to
' .- . , Form,.. . f- -
Accumulation of . Water in Slough
'I' 5 Between Belmont Street and Haw
: ; thorn Avenue Makes Much Troa
. , , ble Other Note of East Side. . 1
v.". Sa1 Bids Bepejrtmeat. '
- '' 1 The recent accumulation -of water In
the slough between Belmont atreet and
Hawthorne avenue- is' likely to raise the
queetloa of liability for damage result-
lng . from overflowed baaemente.
Thomas Htslop, a large property-holder
In this district. Is of the opinion that
'.the city is responsible for allowing this
.lake to form, while Councilman Kella-
her lakes the position that It la the
Jireperty-ownere' duty to see that his
and does not become submerged to the
.injury of hie neighbors. The council
.man says that If necessary an owner of
property cli be forced to Jftll hla low
land If an aocuraulation of water there
on worka an Injury to an adjoining
property owner. When the fill on East
, .Morrison street was made a culvert waa
left aorose the street to carry away thla
. waterr but the recent f ill up to baae
ment level north of East Morrison has
'destroyed the value of this drain, and
' .water contlnuea to accumulate on the
" low land south of East Morrison' until
it has resched Hawthorne avenue. It Is
; not Improbable that a damage suit will
- ,ba Instituted against the city to deter
mine Its liability In the matter,, y v
The destruction by fire at lints yee
terdey of Norraen Draper's home Is the
-' seventh residence burned In that lo
: reality -in the past two or three months.
,A large portion .: of. thla destruction
might have been averted If the district
' had been supplied with the ordinary vil
lage flre-fightlng . apparatus. The
' Mount Scott News has consistently
-urged, the organisation of a fire bri
gade and the purchasing of a chemical
: engine. Soma advancea have been made
r Jtv this direction, but up to data nothing
of. a definite or permanent nature has
; been done. - It Is said that the water
pressure there Is not sufficient to ao
. compllsh much with a boea line, while
-, a - fire engine Is too sxpenslve to be
considered now. The. suburban districts
' 'cannot' aff ford to be without some or
'' ganlsed means of fighting fires. . This
.last fire at Lenta la said to have Iroused
i . the people there to the immediate neces
sity of a better flre-flghUng organise-
' VJ. H.'Relda eight-acre vineyard, near
Mirwaukle. will probably not yieia over
.00 baskets pf grapes thla year, while
last year Mr. Raid gathered over T.OOO
'baskets tThe large vineyard of Phljtp
1 Strelb In the samaDelghborhood ahows
fa similar shortage.. The Vines are in
'food condition, but the last cold rains
jef June seriously Interfered with their
proper fruitage. The grapes are ripen
ing and in a week or ten daye will be
gathered and marketed. - Tha vineyards
" in .the MUwaukle country are considered
V the, finest. In tha state. : y '( v
-V At 8. special meeting of. the MUwaukle
council, held Tuesday evenings the
- Northwestern Long Dlataaee Telephone
company, a branch of tha Home Tele
'phone company, applied for a 18-year
franchise. The company la ready ta go
to work eetting polea and stringing
'.wires aa soon aa the franchise question
via nettled. It is likely that thS fran
chise will a . granted at the neat ses
sion of the council. Tuaeday evening.
.Thla company Intends to put In opera
tion long distance lines In all the Wll-
lamette valley towns to ,the California
lino. . jj- u :-r r-r
The old Miller farm on -the Base Line
.road. It miles east of the city, will be
" all est In apple trees by Its new owner,'
" J. Olsea ef Aberdeen, Washington. - Mr.
Miller wUl at once begin the erection of
a handsome dwelling and other necee
sary Improvements, with the idea of
jqnvertlngtheplaco Into a model farm.
The last of the hard-pavement, con
tracts that have been let on the east
aide, that of Burnslde street, between
East Tenth and Union avenue will be
completed this week. It 1 announoed
that tha contract for laying abitullthle
v pavement on Hawthorne avenue, be
tween East Third and East ForUeth
v- streets, will be let in a short time.- y -
' The frame-work ef the 14,060 Free
bytertfm Church at Xnabel, on the
' Mount Scott ear line. Is up and ready
; to be Inclosed. When completed, . this
will be the handsomest .and best
appointed church In the Mount Bcott dis
trict, where a number of church build-
Vlngs are now In course of construction.
A simple reference to the long-prom-laed
bridge, across BuUlvan'a gulch is
' sufficient to , provoke aw .. incredulous
. smile on the visage of the average east
: eider. -.. The announoemtnt that woik
would soon begin on tha bridge hae
been repeatedly made. ' Twice within
the past few months bids have been
'' aked for to construct the bridge, but
' each time a blunder somewhere Invali
dated Jthe proceedings, and It all had
to be gone ever again. - Now, say the
-residents over there, the whole matter
la. tied up In a controversy as to whether
concrete or etee shall be the material
' Of which It Is to be constructed. .Fully
two years ago the agitation for thla
Improvement began. There wae eplr
Ited and determined opposition to It
from the start, but after awhile that
-a overcome.- And now, when ever y
' body seems to want aome kind of aa
elevated roadway over the gulch. It le
- almost an Impossibility, they say, to
; get one etartea. ... -7---"y -
j0.m.aiV. Aanomaees tow Bound-Trip
;-: v."-.--.. .'': . '
' The O. R- at N. Co. has made a low
rate of for round trip, Portland
, to Buffalo, New York, account the In
ternational convention of Christian
churches, to be held at that plaoe Octo
ber II to 17. Tlcketa will be en eale
October I and I. A choice of sovskal
different routes Is given, and stopovers
allowed in both direction For further
particulars In regard to routes, through
sieeninr-car service, etc call on or ad-
I dress C W, Stinger.' eity ticket agent
r n m. mil Waililnvtmi
KJ. I, K . ' 1
streets, Portland. ; . ;
Milwaukie Country Club,
Ki.strn snd California rsoea
Fellwo rt end Oregon City Cars at Flut
and AiUer, - -' --
FiUh, Sixth and VJr.shh:zlcn
r ,M isjibis ii i i
rr- -
I i . J i I - ii--g : ' II,
r f The Store's 1 llih GRAND " FRIDAY
' EC0ll6r.1V SALE " Exploits the LOW
nonnsu moil o
Smart Hew Autumn
:' nfth aXreet Aaaex First Floor. '"
'! ' A grand two-day festival of rare savings to Silk
buyers, doubly Important In that It comes at the eea
son's most opportune time when the silks are so much
wanted. A two-day Special Bale Friday and Saturday.
', 1.750 yards of New Fall Novelty Bult Silks, in all the
newest weavea and colorings; splendid value at the'
; regular price of Mo per yard. Special for Frtdr"f
Saturday only. yard..... ............'. 63a) .
Waist. Skirt and Bult Lengths of neat figured, striped,
checked and plain eilka; ell good deeteable eolors aa
patteraus -
Regular i5c grades for, yard ................... 56
Regular 11.00 grades for, yard..,..........-6Sa)
Regular lilt grades for. yard... .........Taa)
Fowerfal Frtee Kaerneta f or Srawlag Tkreaga af Bayers
V. '; 1 FBX9AT AH9 ATVWAT.' "
'i :;.;'.'.". " ytfth Mreet) Amea--Ftre Fleet.
'('': eoz.OKXs smxss OOOOS SAXOVS. . y
hiMttM Orun r Igoaalrsi SagUsa Maaaf aoture. In
fticlllan - and" Brilllantlne. No
- offered -than these numbere at
better values ever
eur regular prices.
t-i...... .mm .m .maIiIIv mnA f rtr autts and waists.
Our regular $1.00 grade. Special, for, yard.......T9w ,
Our regular ll.fS grada: Special for, yard..,.. . .08 '
Our regular $l 0 grade. .: Special for, yard. ...f 1.19
1 ' Friday and. Saturday only. .:y j '..; . .: ,
, ; 'v . BATITKBAT.
" Imported English Brilllantlnes and Sicilians; every yard
warranted fast rich black v '; . '
Regular 1 1.00. grade. Speolal, only, yard... ......81a)
. Regular $1.16 grade. Special only. yard.. rn .8s .
Regular $1.10 grade. - Special only. yard... ..,1.19
All-Wool Black Storm Serge. II inches wide. Special
; values at our regular prices, at a big saving. , v.
Regular too grade.-' Special, yard..,, .......40a)
Regular lee grade, " Special, yard. ........... ...,52
Chemise and Aprons
1 Aa Aaaes; Atkractlom tor Wesaes of Thrift BeeeaA '
. . ..'.' 1 . .' ' Fleer. -' - - . i '
; Ladles' Chemise of fine muslin., plain strapping around
neck and shoulders; regular prioe tee. Special.. 8TS
Extra large blue and white checked Gingham Aprons.
.. with bU. shoulder streps and pooket regular price
- , 4tV Special . iT. ,'.T. i.'. i .'i i 3Se) ,
TimeiySale of Heaters
- . y s XM VMM "BTOTS ' STOma TOMOMtOW. .j
-. Cooler mornings end evenings remind the housewife
-f her need of a Heater for tha- Urlug-iuoma. There -are
marked savings In tomorrow's special prices. Ex-.
' ampleei .,--- - -'."',.. '.-', ;
,' Kake Xlevatev o Third Floor.
- BhMVZrea Heating Stoves Heavy Sheet-Iron Heating
-.-: Stoves, cast top,, nickel rails, heavy lining .
No, II, special f. .....S4.28.
No. 10. special..... .,.,......$5.00
Joilet Wares and Stationery
','-' i...'-. - First' Floe Bkeps. V.'- V'V--A
Half Score Rousing Bargains In Every-Day Needs. ..
i 10a White Uoald Shoe Follak for canvas shoes. Special
T. at. .the bo tie -.-. . . . .. .v . Ta) :
; ase Blaolc Sateea Oversleeves, elbow length. . Special at,
the pair v...".... 194 .
' Be Toilet Soap, hard milled, for . hotel, boarding-house -
ir bome. Special at gakee for . .. . n . w . ;-.-.5o-
- Or, the dosen ...t.........,r.....24f
5e Oaa Xathaaweet Bath and Biee Fowder a perfumed
luxury. Special at. the can. .................. .1T) '
' "Mo Blght-Oaaee Bottle Witch Baae ' Special et, the
bottle j. ...',.., v 130
S8e Fenad Faeket Fa White Writing Faper, linen lawn
flnlsh,-110 eheete in packet. Special at, the ,
. ', packet ..,... .Tn.....1..iM.nit.lO
19e White Xapuese Orepe Faper VapUaa, 100 In paek-
i age. Special at, the package '....10e)
White Waxed Faper, 14 sheets in roll Special at,, tha
' . roll ,.'..... ... . .4a) -
, lte Box Writings Faper, Japaaeee linen cloth finish tn
whits; one quire paper with envelopea te match, - 8pe- :
elel at. the box
te Bavelopea, long ahape commercial, smooth finish, It
. In package. Special at, tha package .......... ...8a) -
; . ; A tlARVtlOUS ; -
Millinery Offering!
. . r . ....
Annex second r ioor.- -
A Group of Handsome, Fetchinjr Plaids Will Attract
-r- . , nosti ot Aamirera iomorrowj j ,
Smart Stytish Plaid Hats for
Friday we offer ;
on special sale a -lot
of : smart
Plaid Hats in all
the ' new plaid
coloring!; pretty
a i 1 o r shapes,
trimmed . ; with
quills and silk
rosettes. . Plaids
Are in great fa
vor this season
you should pro-.
vide yourself
with one of these
pretty little nov-
elty ,hats. .Fri-
d a y economy
Sale Price, and
a most , remark
able value
ta're determined to make our 177th "Economy Sale" the best of a series of splendid successes
', n occasion that shall surpass any trade festival Portland has ever) known; following, as it :
does, in the wake of the "Harvest Sale" of Thursday, stupendous success we realize the
, "stunt" we've set, ourselves. This but adds fuel to the flame of our determination, however,
to outdo even today's great achievement We've reduced prices on seasonable goods to a point
never reached before. Positively profit does not figure in our plans for this event. We urge
fall of our friends and thousands of pew friends to test the limitless resources of this great i
store, tomorrow and share merchandise of un equaled quality at unpjrecedentedly low prices
The whole store's aglow with bright new merchandise. "No chance for monotony here. Every ;
hour shows something NEW. But never was the word ECONOMY-" so definitely defined as4
in these Friday "Economy Sale" specials. Every paragraph of today's message from the. store
tells of unexampled savings on most desirable goods. Whatever is offered elsewhere tomor
row, be sure a greater value; awaits you here. . .-.;'". .'.V. .- .
RDnarel Baraains
.si a - ... .
In a Grand Gala Sale h
Women's Tailored Suits Half Price
. Sscond .Floor Grand Salons '.-,:... '. v .;'
$25.00 SUITS FOR 2 DAYS AT... ......
Ji WeVe convened a ' gre"of 1i6o aHhundrsd smart, pretty
Tailored Suits suitable for fall wear, the ends of lots, but very
. attractive styles, hardly any two alike, an exceptional saving op
portunity; values range up from $25 to $85. You may choose
from any for the closing days -of the week at HALF PRICE.
'.Jacket, Eton and blouse Eton styles, materials el silk, etamines,
cheviots and fancy mixtures, in greens, blues, helios, lavenders,
black, grays, tans and white. All masterfully tailored, some in
severe lines, others handsomely trimmed in velvets, shirtings,
laces, buttons, braids and embroideries Choose from the suits
; at HALF PRICE.. . - ;-": ' - . -. ;'.' ,',
R Uoteworihy Sale of Women's
y : ' Pretty Shirtwaists i $: :
" ""BI'JSViAi rUA IXUlAl ,Minu. Ml wvn uimi. ....... ..--.v- :. r ".'.-.' "
WHITE OR COLORED $3 LAWN SHIRTWAISTS A Qesn-Up Sale of pretty Waists, values
to $3, in white and colored lawns, madras and English cheviots, trimmed in laces, embroideries snd
1 ; - .- . . ............................. BSeT
' Insertions ..i"..- . .. s ......'........ .i .......... . .... '""f
' , Sala for TwoT Days. '., : : . -. ' "J
11150 SILK SHIRTWAISTS GOING AT f 2.40 These in taffetas, wash silks and crepes: light blues,
pinks and whites, all prettily trimmed in dainty laces, insertions and embroideries; adapted for evening
; or calling JunctionsLvsluet to $12.50. at.. ... a.4
. . . t a.,. Two n.Tt . -, .', .-; -.'..-..--..
? : Handsome Breakfast Kimonos n ftc Saei
TT"9. , $1.00 AND IiJO'KIMONOS" AT 6a) v.,.t-v;v
Long or short; dainty colortagaTprettily figured, lawn or ordinary materials, kimono or dressing sacqua
I71: " 4 $US TO $3J0, KIMONOS ON SAL AT fl.2 . .' .;.:. V-f.-".
Verv handsome, long or short models; dimities or dotted Swisses, sacque or kimono styles, long or elbow.
sleeves, and all prettily trimmed in dainty laces, ribbons, etc; dark" or light colorings. The biggest
values in town as above. ... .,- ' ' ,-' . ' ..." . . I
Take any Short. Tight-Fitting Covert Coat Take any of ths Jaunty, BUck Silk or Cloth Eton Jackets
,, . Values $00 to $2S.50-t Half Price for a Days. :;-,";, av. ; ; -V. -
' Mi!mm A fJaraa?
rirs noes.
SOe White ami Brese Salelds, slses t and 4.
. V - I . . ... ...........
Special at.
lee large Slse babe Whie-Xeade Toilet Btsa, 1S plna
in cuoe. cpwciw ......... .i. ....... -w-
Beat aaaeriee Spool Oottoa, too yard spools, for band
or machine ose; all elaea. Special at, T spools
for , .,.......,,...,,.. ... ,a ..... -vf . - 28
10e Bape Bees BmglUh Bias, full count, solid brass
L ae Boa Aseorved Wire Malrptaa, heavy and fine wire.
Special at. tne noa ..........,.... vv
Bargains MEN Want:
Ken's SI JO Oolf ShlrSs for S14 Uen'a new fall Oolf
Shirt In full weight goods; come in the newest ae-
eigne for the coming season, with attached or de
tached cuffs. A splendid l.l value, Speolal Econ
omy Sale price, each . ....91.05
atea'e Sae Cashmere Boa; loo Men's seamleee Caahmer
. Sox In gray, medium Weight and extra value at ISo.
8 pecial Economy Sale price,, the pais 1 B e-
atea'a TBe Vaderwear 4oo Men's medium weight ribbed
Balbrlggan Underwear lo-eeru; beet finish and a fine
garment: our Tte value. Speolal Economy Sale price.
. the gajment . 45e
V 1
; ' Portland's shoe buyers should busily Improve
"each shining hour" tomorrow.. There are bar
gains in plenty, embracing smart new fall foot
wear, for-every member of the family from
youngsters to grown-ups in Friday's sale. Beat
In mind no advertised, special will be sold at
'" leas than regular price except during advertised
"t'i'.'VV;'.".''.,; 8 A. M. TO A. M. i'. 'f'"rV. V-
Shoe Polish A lot of Shoe Polish, liquid and paste;
." black, tan and white. '-1 '" " '
Regular 25c values; special..,;.., ....... ......a'j.i.
Regular " 15c values; special .v ;
Regular 10c alues ; special . '. . " . . .
""r'"':. A. M TO 10 A. M. .
- Infants' $1J50 Shoes 49o A fine assorfment of in-
fsnts'-sboei; broken lines; patent or kid leathers, ;
i button or lace, sizes 2 to 6; regular value Sl.Sa-.
. Special, pair ........................
- - "'io A: m. to ii aJ
Women's $1.75 Juliets $U4 Wotrlen's Juliets in 4
different styles, low snd medium heels, patent and
" kid tipsr leather and rubb?r heels, hesvy hsnd-.
' turned soles; reg. value $15., Special, pr.l.4
11 A. It. TO IB M. :-:':V;- .
Men's "$5.00 nd $6.00 Shoes $3.95 Men's , finest
quality Shoes, patant and dull leathers, many ;
styles to select from; values at $5.00 and $6.00.
'.. Special, pair .TV, ......................... 3.5
: '.'19 If. TO IP. If.':,'.".":
Men's $5.00 Shoes $2.95 "Florshetm" Shoes for
men, ffisde of pstent and gunmetal stock over a -.
nice-straight last, new swing 'toer regular value '
" $5.00. Special, pair .T. f2.5 '
I P. M. TO 2 P. M.
Women's $6.00 Shoes $3.95 Women's patent and
. kid leather Dress Shoes, hand-turn soles, made by
Laird, Schober ft Co.; regular value $6.00. Spe-
.sl.dsL.paiL. .........i..f3.S
" ' 2 P.M. TO 3 P. M.
Women's $3.00 Shoes $158 Broken lines of wom
en's Shoes, 20 different styles, pstent and kid
. leathers, heavy and light soles, pstent and kid
" tips, blucher and regular lace; regular, value $3.00. .
Special, pair fl.OS
'.;.''.; '..-.. 8 P. M. TO 4 P. M.'
Women's $4 00 Shoes $2.89 Women's patent colt
" blucher cut Shoes, Goodyear welt soles, medium
' extension, made over the Turk last, double cslf
tip; regular value $4.00 -Special, pair 3.8&-
4 P. M. TO 5 P.M. ,
Girls4 School Shoes Girls' good heavy School
1 Shoes in kid or box calf leathers, heavy extension
'"' soles. - ,'-..' ' . ' .. ..' .. ...
Sizes 5 to 8; reg. value $1.50. Special, pair.... 81.18
Siies 8J4 to 11; reg. vslue $1.75. Special, pa!r.l.a9
Sites 11 yi to 2; reg. vslue $2.00. Special, psir.f 148
.- 5 PM. TO 8 P. M.
Boys' School Shoes-Boys' School Shoes, 4 ttylr.
in box cslf and kid leather, black .snd tan, good
hesvv soles.
Sizes 9 to 13; reg.. value $2.00. Special, r ;r. t
Sizes 1 to Syil reg. value $2.50. Sprcia!, ; r.. ' I
vear and Hosiery
, '. teat-rioof shops, v..
Reductions are Indeed timely. Folks are providing
for the underwear needs that a changing season de
' manda, and replenishing hosiery stocks. The opportu- ,
'. nlty offers here tomorrow to provide at less expense
than you'd figured on or to wear better garments than '
- you'd hoped to don at the same appropriation you'd
planned. For tnatanee: . - "
Wosaea's S340 Valoa Suite, fa SB We selected this spe
cial -value from the famous "Munstng". lines picked
It on account of superior worth. They're In medium- t
, -v weight white cashmere, very aoft end fine, the fa- .
vorita of a "fussy" skin, and tha beet 13.00 union suit
' . for women on the market Special Friday and Sat-
'- ' arday at -92.25
'. Womea'a ILM rants or Tights S8o A fine lot ef aplen
... did White Cashmere Pants. In medium weight, made'
with French bands, also tights tops. They're ankle
- - leaf the. No vesta to match, hence the reduction to
; . elose of the $1.10 garments for 'Friday and Saturday
to.... i ......OS
"'V''''"'-' ' " ' xoszbbt; baboaxvs. .
. Women's SS.TS BUk Stoae Bala Handsome Silk
Hosiery, in .black, light blue. pink, cardinal, white,
', brown and tan. best 12. 7S value. Special for two days
at. pair . . . . t... ...f 1.69
; Woman's SSe Oottoa Xoae XSe Splendid quality Hosiery
- tin medium-weight - black eotton, full fashioned and
V double soles, with spliced heels, a "korklng" good two
bit hose.- Special for two days at pair... 19 .
Boys' aaa eHrls We SToslery lSe Theee are from tha
. Imported lines, full of service, fine ribbed eotton with
. finished feet, slses S, IH and 10. fast black, extra SIo
y. quality. Special for two daya only at. pair.. . . . ,19e
TsaurTiJio BBZova a&obo ' . -.
ftJeyjeIry Rovj
' ra the iaa sHxtk suaet . ariist noosw -.-
SOe Oold-rniad Uak Bnttoaa SSe An assortment ef
, pretty Qold-FUled Link Buttons, finished in rich
-Roman and rose gold, with lever "ends, makes ad--
Justing easy, regular value 10c Special. palr..25e
SSe and SSe Sterling Stiver Bat Blaa ISo A line of
- Sterling Silver Hat Plna in a variety of embossed de
signs, finished In French gray,' extra long atoms, well
made, values at IBe and Sio. Special. ......... .i9e
. too Sterling; SUvex Waist Bete ISo Friday we place on
sale the balance of this aeason's Sterling Silver Waist
Seta, three pine to the set regular value SSe. Spe
cial .... 19a
Fretty Bew Brooches foe too A line of pretty Im
. . ported Broechea, new designs, set with half pearls
- and turquolae. well-made plna, at. each ,-. . .60e
BOxxriTms swoirus bb oft xm roaea abb
Bargains in Home
TemlA rioesv
STJM Oomefe Oovese S-S5 Heavy Tapestry - Orach :
Covers, fringed all around. - (0 Inches wide,
. 108 Inchea long, very handsome; eur value. Spe
cial Koonomy Sale price, each ............... -84.95
SS4W Sorlaa Ourtalas S1-1S Ruffled Scrim Curtains,
Battenburg edge and insertion; our $1.00 value. Spe
cial Economy Sale price, the pair.. $1.19
BoBfesanea to saatohl our $1.00 value. . Special Econ
omy Sale price, the pair.............. 8119
flS.OO Sroa Beds SS.SS Continuous poet white enameled
Iron Beds, with brass trimmings; eur tlX.Se value.
Special Economy sale price, each...., 88.95
Women's Handbags ;
' . A Bargain Feature ' Jaasw First Floor. .
Women's SSe Xatae Staadbaaw So Good quality.
-- Grain Leather Handbags, molre-llned. fitted with cola .
:r purse, nickel frame with ball clasp, round leather
handle, black and brown, regular value tto. Spe
elar. v. ......49s)
Dainty Doilies
Art Beedlework Shape Saaea Sseead Flees.
' Doilies of extra fine linen, stamped In a great variety
of designs; all partly embroidered; slses from te
U In..
Regular lUs value. Special.... ....lla
Regular tOe value. Special.... ....'... ,2Te
There's Ribbons and
LaCeS ''f's'v.
Of hundreds of shoppers tomorrow who start for the
- store to share In the bargains of the dey. And then
many woman will want those,
Rubber Gloves at, the Pair,
Read the detail Find the bargains In the Women's
' Furnishing Shops First Floor. :
SSe to Oriental Zutoea SSe Thousands of yards of
White and Cream Oriental Laoea. net top with Ventee
, edge, net top with embroidered edge, also insertions.
V I to It Inches wide, worth from llo te $1.11. Spe
cial, yard ...t. ;i29
. Wosaea'a, Bahae Olovse Close-fitting, very soft' Kpe.-
clal. pair 48e
Flaia aad Fancy Blbboaa 10e Tard A lot of plain and
- fancy Ribbons, in odd colors, t to I laches wide,
... worth from S6o, to too. Special, yard... 10e
i Tovel Supply Sale
y ' First Floor.' V
- a ' ' .i- - '
' Need . Towels? Supply
w. the need tomorrow. t
Read ... J
All linen Huck Towrls,
with colored borders or
sll uhite; large sie; .
onr 3lC value. Pperial (
F.C'itKimy Sale I'ru-r
l.aih t,.t