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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
;:i daily jcj::i:al. :,d. tii'j: :day eve:;h:g, snrTEMiiEn co, 1: iiillUaiib ;b iiilLi f:jlv sxeleio; out of closet i - . .. Sensational Divorce Cross-Complaint Filed by Harry Q. Han ley of Bay City. i I ii lj i ilLU i.5 UJlLi.i..t cLi.Liti.L Ca!.'fornian Takes Office as Mead of Philippine Covemment WYith Ceremony." IIIECRil sksMBiSt sr rajsMtw-st m ' Quality i Man Vihoss Ckeletoh Was Curied Fifteen Years Ao Meet His Former Friend. (Joaraal ftMrtal Srrrfr- 1 v -Manila, Sept. 10. The Inaugural cere monlea In connection with the Induction of General Jamaa F. Smith In tha efnce of governor-general took place today r .ADMITS DECEpTIOrJ TO WIFE IS ACCUSED OF , with clvlo and military display. General DECEIVE HIS FAMILY Smith waa aacorted'by the veterans of ; RETURNING HOME DRUNK the army from- tha palace to the city hail, . where the Inaugural ceremonies .. I- I rr. - m . . . . . Placed Dead Man Betide Hia Wagon and Left for Part Unknown Two Monthi Later Bonea of Man Art Woman Also Tells Pitiful Tale of Do- . .meetic Discord in Her V Complaint and Makes .Similar Charges of In Found and Identified andjnterred. toxication Against Spouse. , '. c. . J r ar w i (Journal SnecUl Srrla.) Denver, Bept. 10. Flfteeo years ago J. Martin McKay, now of Denver and custodian of ths News-Times building ' here, aaalated In tba burial of a akeletoa euppoaad to b that of Julius Loeco. a friend. But today tba two men mat faoa to faca In tho Nawa bualneaa ofnoa. Mo Kay reoosntsed him In an lnataot but could acaxcely bellava ba waa not look- ins upon a (boat. Ixxfo talked frseir for a faw mlnutaa about hla wanderings, but whan quaa- tlonad about how othar paraona eama to , think tha akalaton waa hla own. bo ba- cama rotleant and would not dlacuae tba affair. Ha admlttad that ha had used tha akalaton to fool hla wife, whom ha daalrad to ret . away from, but would not tall whoaa It waa. Boon ha laft, promising to ireturn, but baa not yet dona ao. . ' v ' ' "" - To aevaral paraona wno aaw him talk ing to McKay ho aatd ha waa etaying at ' tha Oxford hotel, but ha la not there. What waa known aa tha Loago mur 5 dar eraatad a aanaatlon In aoutharn Cali fornia about II yeara ago. Loeto left , San Diego with a man whoaa nama Mo '. Kay does not know. The two man want to El Campo, aeroaa tha: Mexican Una, I wharo McKay aaw Loeeo later. ; Then ' Lioego and hla companion left on a proa ? pectins trip, taking a wagon. Two montha later the skeleton was ; found ' bra Id a tha wreckage of the ; wagon. An old silver' watch 'beside It contained the name "Jullua Loego" an .' graved - thereon -;The weather-beaten : clothea were .also Identified aa thoaa of Loego. Tha akalaton waa taken to Ban . Diego. A bullet hole In the r skull back of .tha right ear Indicated murder. ' Mra. . Loego Identified tho skeleton a thai of "- her huaband and It waa Interred In a lit tie cemetery than need at Baa Diego. Tha coroner's Jury declared tho akala ton to be that of Loego and that ho had been murdered.- McKay bellevea that Loego changed 'hla nama and dtsap beared, fearing a treat on the charge of : having murdered tha man whoaa skels- ton waa found. . .. , . ; ; Xtsjys Bay to Celebrate. ;' , Rome. f pu' 10. The thlrty-etsth an niversary of tha Italian occupation of Homo rand - tho fall -.of tha ' temporal power of the papacy waa celebrated to day in the usual manner. During the , day thoueanda of persons vial ted tha '.biatoiio Porta fin, .and many deposited wreaths, on tno monumenta of Victor Emmanuel, aarlbaldi. Cavour Masalnl .an-! other.' central figures In tha fight for Italian anlly..- -v . .- iw Ifiwv. j. am viuuiai noma oi inv gtivarnor-general waahronged during tha day with thoueanda of citizens of all classes, while army and navy officials, consular offlcera and others, all In full dress uniform, added brilliancy to an Irooresal ve scene. t ..'. General James Francis Bmlth, who to day succeeded Henry C Ids as governor general of tbo Philippines, la a natlv of Ban Francisco and a lawyer by pro fession. Wis became colonel of the Firat California regiment of United States volunteers in April. ISM. aerved In the drat expedition to tha Phlljpplnea, ar. riving June Id, lit!. He waa in the battle Of Malata trenchea, July It, lll, and -was present at tha taking of Ma nila tho following- month. He held a number of Important military positions and several times waa commended for gallantry. He was made a brigadier general of volunteers April 14, 18(1. He waa collector of customs in the Philip pines and associate Justice of the au premo court. On January 1. 10I. he entered upon his dutlea aa a member 'of tna Philippine commission and secretary of publio instruction. - . .. , , , 4 MONROE, LOUISIANA, OWNS STREET RAILWAY , Oaaraal Kpadal Serrlre.f Monroe. 1a, -Sept. 18. Though the street railway lino hero has been in operation for some time today marked tho formal Inauguration of. the 'en terprise. It waa mads the occasion lot a publio .demonstration, for the rea son that the- people own the railway system, it is tha first practical test of municipal ownsrshlp of street tall- ways anywhere in the United States. and as a 1 consequence . the success of the enterprise will be watched with close atttention.. . . ' , ' J'.,.. Two year ago, following the success of the city's mova In - taking over . the stater and. lighting plants. Mayor For aythe and a delegation of citizens went before -the auto legislature' and had the cltya charter changed ao as to per mit it to operate and own a street rail way system. j The yetem lust Com pleted is first-class In Its equipment and compares favorably with the street railways In other cities of the same (lae. In connection with tho railway lino the city has purchased for 140,' poo tract of 110 acrea for use aa a publio park and fair ground. ;' . ; - Montana W. & . XT. Xeeta. ; ' iJearaal SweUt gcrrke. KaUspel. - Mont. Sept. 10. White- ribboned delegatea from many parts of Montana are gathered here for -the an nual state convention of the -Woman's Christian Temperance Union. :. pro- gramma covering threo days has been prepared for the gathering. . v - 77ie Cause In '. any abnormal condition, which we wish to correct is the i first , thing to comider. . W - know that of 99 cases ' in 100 baldness i caused by dandruff,' . and that 1 per cent is , a se quence to tome infectious dis .aie, Juch as fevers,- etc. We - know, further, .that' dandruff is caused by a germ. The prob-; lem has,: therefore,, evolved it : self into s search for an effect ive . destructive agent ragainst this germ,'. ' , . i y. : ) Ifjlf TRAOCtlAArv Kills the germ. Not only Is this a positive germicidal agent, but a wonderful tonic and de lightful dressing for the hair.. If your" hair i falling out, or, ' as some ejcpfesl It,' coming out" by the combful, then you owe' it to yourself to give this rem- edy a thorough trial.. One bottle is sufficient to prove our claims. Til IB Is not a dye has no ef- , feet on ths color of the hair other than to prevent premature gray . nana by keeping the hair and aoalp healthy and clean. ' $1.00 a Bottle Face Bleach and Freckle Lbtioti f This bleach removes all discol '. orations 4 and - impurities from the.' skin, especially such' as , freckles, sunburn and tan, dbe ; to exposure to the sun and .wind lt also removes . moth - r patches, sallownets, flesh worms, and pimples.' Perfectly harmless (o. the - most delicate -"ikln."" ' ;- ' ' Price $1 a Bottle . Tll f CFI'C One Day Cold and X ; Grip Cure - A harmless and invaluable rem edy for the cure of colds, influ enza, grip and kindred trou- bles. ' Reli'ef is gained with the first dose. Thousands who have used this preparation .have at tested' its virtues and absolute safety and 'reliability. ; 25c Box 71 LACTOMETER AVill show you whether you are buying' pure or diluted milk it's worth while to know for many reasons, chiefly your health or your baby'sl Price 50c Each IJosraal Sneelal ImW t Ban Francisco, BepC X0. One of the most sensational croaa-complainta aver entered In a divorce, ault In thla city was mane Known whoa Harry O. Han. ley, paying teller of tbo Wella, Fargo Nevada National bank, prayed the court to grant him an Interlocutory de cree irom ma wire. , - ., Hanley avera that hla spouse has been antrus to him and a victim of drink and namea Mendons Wsnceslao Loalsa. . a wealthy young commission merchant, as uie cause or uie trouble. Laat June Mra. Hanley aDDlIed to the court for. an order compelling her hua band to keep Intact . tha community property. At that time she asked for an allowance and swore that her spouse abused her while drunk and that aha couia not live -with him. Now oomaa Hanley with a bitter croes-complalnt which Is likely to keep gosalping tongues wagging for months. . - , . ntlfal Tale of Vnkapplaaaw. It. was a pitiful Uie of marital on. happiness that waa recited In the com plaint for divorce filed on June IS bv Mrs. Louise Morrell Hanley against her husband, it was so pitiful that It ap pealed to tha sympathetic nature of Judge Uraham, who promptly granted her request for an order restraining her husband from disposing of tho property ra any way other than through the court or of thwarting the fair plaintiff In her attempt to get what aeemed to be her Just share of the community Interest, but a sadder story ef tho affairs of the married life of thai Hanleya la told In the answer and erosa-complalnt of the nusnana. , - , M Loalsa la charged with being the' cause of much -of ths unhapptness in' Harry Hanley's family. He Is openly accused of being responsible for tha alleged fre quent intoxicated condition of Mra. Han ley and dates are mentioned when It is alleged Loajsa. who waa a friend ef Hanley, ruthleaaly betrayed the confi dence 'tha huaband reposed In htm and created an abysa between' Hanley and hie wife, : . . . . Woman latoTiostil. ' The huaband telle of several Instances when his wife waa In the company of other men and women and waa ao stupefied by drink that she waa unable to give the proper motherly -care to her children. On several oocaaiona she re mained away all night. On one occa sion, December to,- 105, the husband charged that ho returned homo at S:ll p. m. and met In the hallway of hia home lrfulePblps.' v '". ." . A T'i "8ald Phelps," the v -cross-complaint reads, "apologised for hla presence at that time In the defendants homo. On entering tho house ,tbe defendant found the plaintiff lying on the bed In' the bedroom and found her sealskin coat on tho floor and beside the said coat waa a stiver spoon narked Delmonlco,' and her hat and gloves, together with other wearing apparel waa thrown every which way and she waa In a drunken stupor from which the defendsnt was unable to arouse her.".- ,'"", -1. -. These things were overlooked, but the knowledge came later that his wife had been untrue to hire and as hla cross complaint sets forth she had Involved her name with' that of young IaUa until her husband's forbearance ceased and aha left his. home. All the parties are well known In good society. : FORTUNE LEFT BY v : - FORGETFUL TOURISTS , .- - (Jeornal Bpeetal Barrlea.) ' i Lucerne, - Bwitsertand, Bept 18. Those - who-have visited- 'Tovely- Lu cerne" at the height ef .the holiday eea aon will surprised to learn that every year. In Swiss, hotels alone. articles to the value of f l.00 are left behind by forgetful visitors In a hurry Bwlss railways derive an- equally hand some profit from the sale of objects forgotten 1 by travelers . and never claimed. 1 . - : ' Bome extraordinary cssee of forget- fulness are recorded thla acaaon, - An Englishman had taken a room at a Zermatt hotel and deposited hla bag gage there, but coming back from a walk he oould not remember the- name nor the location of his hotel, and had to aeek tho aid 'Of the police. At a Zurich hotel bank-notes to the value of several hundred dollars , wore left behind some weeks ago, and no one has yet come forwerd to claim them. At Geneva a hotel-keeper recently re stored a jewel casket to -an American wtoman who was under . the Impression that aha had left It In a train, A.Qer- n paterfamilias, with Offspring numbering eight, accidentally left one of his children, behind at : Lausanne without notlclhg its absence until he had reached, hie home. -. " More Cheap Rates. - F For the national convention of Chris tian churches, to be held in Buffalo, October 11 to IT, the Canadian Pacific haa announced a special round trip rate of $11.(0. Thla will be the last oppor tunity this season, to purchase excur sion tickets to eastern points.'. Make your aleeplng car. reservations now. Tickets xood for stopovers, with long time limit x For ful. particulate regard ing, routes, through sleeping car serv ice. stc.,.csll on or address F. R. John son, F. P. A, Portland. Oregon.- KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO ' ! VISIT PENDLETON f Pendleton. -Or.-, - Bept.- IS.-r-Tbe -local Knights Tomplar ars making elaborate preparations for the twentieth annual conclave of the grand conrmandery, Knlghta Templfcr, of the state of Ore gon, which will meet in Pendleton, Thursday, September 17. A large dele gation will be entertained. . - ' . , Low Rates to New Orleans. Account national convent loo knlghta Of Pythias, to be held at New Orleans In October, the O. R. N. Co will on October 7 and S sell round-trip tickets from Portland at rats of 8.J. For further Information In regari to limits, stopovers, etc., call on or addreaa C. W. fcttnsar. city ticket Sisal, U. R. N. Co, fertlaad, j 5l OnlyGoodoof Quia Splendid -values are everywhere in merchandise of seasonable interest assortments that far excel those elsewhere. Friday's prices on the newest of fall and winter merchandise suggest genuine economy the economy that pays where there is unques tioned .quality. Shrewd ' women will be interested in this list of values because every item answers all demands of economy v . ' ;.'tJlvv'-.uality--wvce and appearance. Don't let this" splendid opportunity slip by. ; : ; 1? ! Hiddance Sale, All Small Lots and Soiled Eluolm . ; Undergar" .r; ments :;;.'. 3 'The end of the most -successful muslin underwear season we have ever enjoyed finds us with a stock somewhat broken up. Many of the frarmAnfsi . - am it amI -V n 4 ' , .. a . utu Kguuivusei ewuvw ejs aavj slightly mossed.' We will sacrifice all profit and forget the cost mark during tomorrow's sale. It will pay you to pur chase for future needs. . ". . . - ';. i k:.r :.- j,:' 50 dozen 'Nainsook "(Corset Covers;" 50c quality, f. .'.'.25aJ 25 dozen Nainsook Corset Covers! $1.00 quality.. 30a 10 dozen Muslin Underskirts ; - 75c and 85c qualities. 47 15 dozen Muslin Underskirts ; $1.00 and $1.25 qualities. 70s) 20 dozen soiled Muslin .Gowns ; 85c. and $1,00 grades. .69e Numerous other small lots will be placed on the coun ters at less than. cost-a quick clearance tomorrow' only. Cliildroii's 25o Quality Tomorrow 3 Pair 60o 17 (uents 3 Pair 50o A splendid1 wearing', handsome finished Stocking for Boys or Girls," in' fine or wide 'ribbed,-all sizes,-b'est Egyptian yarn, reinforced throughout, 3 pairs tor the reeular, priceof 2 tomorrow :; reg. 25c .qual- . ityv Special tomorrow,' Bargain Friday ..t . i ; t Our First Bir Offering:' in WOHEET'S SHOES : fv: for This 'Season ' J- ' We've - a big Shoe ' proposition to offer you- for Bargain Friday in a - lot of Women's fine. Shoes, about 4,750 pairs all told, from a very, prominent shoe con cern in St Louis. We are. not permitted to give their name owing to their selling some' large accounts i- this city. We could get the entire big lot by keeping the name quiet. They are strictly., all right, otherwise we would not now have them. It is a gen . uine Bargain. Friday feast v of good ; shoes way. below the right price. ;There is a num ber of stvles in everv size on bargain tables in the Basement Shoe Department; they are worth $2.50. and $3.00. special for Bargain qQ Girls' good wearing and stylish T Kid Lace School Shoes with low heels and patent leather tips.'. Bargain QOr Friday. . . .... ........ .......... ;.. ..' .. 77 V Our showing . of .'new styles in . Women's Shoes is a marvel to-this city. Come and see. ; V Infants9 All Wbol Cashmereli " - Silk -Heels and Toes, Best 25c Quality . . '- - -- - . . . '-tJ-. . .BBBBk. St a. l. ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBK. ' ga ''V ' Fair. 15 (Dent All colors in Infants' strictly all wool Cashmere Stockings,' all sizes and guaranteed fast colors. , We have 100 dozen of these and will .place -the entire lot on sale tomorrow at much less than wholesale cost ; a clear saving-, of 10c per pair, .sizes- , to o. i nis pnee . Tomorrow onlv: best'25o ouality.'Bartain - ' - - FriJaijr u m i s i i 11 Kvo Three Extraordinary. Jress Goods Values 25cand35o Dress Goods t JEiday We a Yard .' 36-inch half wool Pebble Panama, colors navy, red, green, brown, cream and black; regular 3oc grade, i 36-inch half wool Cashmeres, coir ors navy, green, red,brown and black; regular 25c grade. . " - ; 36-inch half wool Popular cloth, hard-twisted thread, 'durable and washable, colors red, navy,J green, tan, pink, brown, black and cream; regular 35c graded " jt-.t'.- ' '. New Tall Models 'An Immense purchase of 500 dozen per fect fitting Coats in .white or drab, long or short hips, with or. without hose sup porters, made 'of extra-quality coutille; values up' to $1.00., On sale tomorrow only at j We A Great Sale of Ilanufactiircr's ; Sample Cur tains - i Three Great Lots to Choose From At 33o Each : 45o Eaoli : GOo Each Tomorrow Bargain Friday we place on; sale . a special purchase of Manufacturer's Sample Curtains, about 500. in the lot and no two alike, single curtains sent to us by the mills' from which to select our regular fall styles. .The single. curtains are made of excellent quality white Scotch lace in a large range of pretty new patterns, widths from 40 to 60 inches and from 3 to Zyi yards long, curtains in the lot worth up to $4.50 a pair.; Specially priced for Friday's Bargain Sale and arranged in three lots as follows 33p Each,' 45o Each and 'OOo Each Outing Flannel ilill Ends-r a Yard . . . . . . . . ZJS sly 2,000 yards in lengths from 10 to '20 yards each."'-- Regular 8c and 10c qualities .Here is a chance for prudent shoppers to' economize that does notoccur every day. We-were very fortunate in purchasing a splendid lot of Outing Flan nel Mill Ends at an extraordinary low price from' one of the best mills in the country. The colors and patterns are all that could be desired and there is an unlimited assortment to select from in light, medium and dark shades ; the same qualities' bought in the regular way would cost 8c and 10c a yard.' Tomorrow we offer choice of the entire lots, in lengths from 10 to 20 yards', at the ex- Te ceedingly low. price, per yard . . .Y". 77. T ... .7. 7. Qjs vL Hen's S1.25 Golf Shirts Men's fine Madras Golf Shirts, fall colors, in light and dark patterns', made from French madras cloth, ry. all sizes ; best $1.25 grade. Special for one jf U) """D dayonly--Friday at.;.......,..;..;...... 0 tML ; , 75o Quality 5Do, Men's-heavy 9-bz. bhie denim F.nqir Ovrn'K with bihs, pockets back f.n I f t r ."(" ferade. Special Har," ' ' ft 0-