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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANP. THURSDAY EVEHIKO. SEPTEMBER 3. i::3. FRANCIUSE . FIGHT THING OF PAST f Railroad Ends It by Withdrawing . . as, a s a . ' !, Application tor privileges on ..V? . East Third Street' ,V JAMAICA NEGRO WITH COCKNEY : ACCENT IN MUNICIPAL COURT ;. .. MAYOR LANE'S VETO vS DOES THE BUSINESS Council', Votes to Qoi Long Con- ij..' tct"to Kep Open East Side. Thor ' nnffhfare i Other i Business. TrmJQ- ' Mcta4 VK -S4" ;VJ:iSf . Though tha legality of the action waa 7 . - - - - - v. i r- Thlwl J atreet was withdrawn from the council J yesterday, City Altortiey McNary de- t citrine that mi eouia oe aone. , ' Mayor ln immediately saldr" "Won't k thla motion make the records appear to aay that - the- ' - franchise -. baa - been h granted T" . He bad vetoed th ordinance 1 passed by the council giving the tran . j eh I a to the Harrlmsn system. . . i ' It mfnr t ka AtA mtmm MtMl unm An- i, nand requested that the franchise be .' withdrawn.,' A stated . in yesterday'a i Journal,' 4. XV O'Brien, general mnager . 1 1 ... Aun. I.-,. b&4 I thla be dona, owing; to the opposition of the mayor and Of citizens generally, j. ( Annand Anally changed- the wording ? ef the request so that it read, "applies I tloa for a franchise." Tbe elty attorney r atated that the application could be f legally 4 withdrawn and the mayor pre J aented no further objectlona . -' ; ; Dunning waa granted a leave of ab t aenoe front his duties as councilman tor ', alx weeks. . :,. .. v;- . . ; N: ; . , ' 1 i ' -'. aTo Mora .gas) Trsnnhlees , . ',' '- , The McCuaker gas franchise waa In- j aenmieiy poaiponeo, inis practicauy 'i Kills it. The coison gas. franchise was ''continued on the table. 'Thla measure Is also dead to all intent and purposes, J ' though the councilman have listened for j hours to arguments why botg of them ahould be granted. , . . - R. R. Dunlway protested Balnat the ' extension of Oak street from -Park to Burnside. aniUtha, matter went to the 1 street committee. He also backed the . r remonatrance of C C. Newcastle and othsra . against a bituminous macadam ... pavement on Third street from Main to 'j' The Fourth street franchise question took up ao much time that when the council adjourned at 1:10 there was still .t much, business to be transacted.. An ' adjourned meeting waa called for next . Wednesday af Urnoon. y 1. : :jV : ; Assistant BuUdlag Xnspeotor. ; ; Had the business been completed It Is probable that the ordinance creating i the ofnoa of assistant building ln . spector but leaving the appointment of !,, that oXrtclal in' the hands of the mayor ' i . would have been passed. fielding waa the only one to apeak against the report y of the wsya and means committee 1 recommending the measure. There were , .eight votes for the adoption ef .the- re port against six against It. . A- suggestion waa . madeLity VaVor h Isine regarding tba numeroua petltiona i for vacations of streets by different , f railway systems.- . .. . .. - -v "Wouldn't it be a good thing for the f council to take up the matter of a gen V era! terminal with these oomtmnlesr' he Inquired. ."The Hsrrlman and Hill- .ysiems are sera already and I underv T- ftsnd-th Oould road is coming, too. 'S" wo"'l na constant trouble and be ,;more satisfactory to the railways and ft to the city generally." , 'i "" ' Hugh Simmons.. coal black Jamaica negro with a decided English accent and. of aa exceedingly nervous tempera-; mentv- arrested Tuesday by Patrolman O. Nelaon on a charge of dlaorderly con duot, furnished considerable amusement la - th municipal court yesterday by his cockney dialect. Th policeman testified that Simmons waa creating a 'disturbance in front of Tramtman's cafe en Morrison street and after being-placed -under arrest fought like a demon. - Blmmons upon' taking th atand in his defense - was . almost terror stricken. ' He rolled his eyes In a most amusing manner and" bobbed up and down in tbe wltness-chalr ilka m -Jack-in-the-box.;', Almost speeehleae from frtshb he addressed Judge Cam eron In the following. manner: , . - ' "Ter wotshfp, Jil Just came to thle oloomln' burg a short time ' ago band v never been in dlfflculty before, sir. ; r , . i.. .. r Tssterdsy, it being- the thirty-first an niversary of my b-th, air, hi took one glaaaof llquoc.iisA a. Sort bov celebra tion, doncherknew. I 'ad Just gone to the cigar shop when this bloomin bobby cetne up and harrested me. I ham very hexltable and th bobby 'as been per secuting me, ao hi may 'ave fought little, air." ' i , . r , "Tou come Trora Jamaica, .where the ginger and other hot etuff comes from r naked Deputy gity Attorney Fitsgerald at this' juncture. . . , - . "Tea, yer wosshlp," replied Simmons, "and where the Jamaica rum - Is' made. sir." , 1f X allow yo to go," Said Judge Cameron, "you must not bother this of- .r ' !. '.." "Hi never want to aea the bloom In copper ag'ln, sir,"' almost shoo ted the negro as he -rushed ,for, thedoor and liberty. . - - - , s . . ,f ' ' . AUSTRALIA BUI G YOUNGSTERS STEAL? TOBACCO A BECAUSE THEY CANT BUY IT Three small boys under 19 years of age who wanted to learn how to smoke, but' who could not buy tobacco, - broke epn the rear door of a confectionery store at tit Front, street and helped themselves,' ..'. "' , Cigarstte tobacco ' and - papers were secured ' first, but there were chewing tobooco and 'Cigars In the atore, and the boy took a supply. - They did not neg lect the candy boxes, and when tbe po lice found the 'place where they had hidden their plunder enough candy to last a school girl - a month waa found with th tobacco. . :'.--. The owner or the store had gone .to ' -(.: ..'.-v. j, V ...... .. , ..,-;.:.!,,..-.- - - ' - the hopnelds, but be returned and found hla store looted. Then the police .were put on the trail of the youthful burglar and caught them. Most of the tobacco and candy that bad . been stolen was recovered. '' - :- 1 The boys were taken to the Juvenile court to explain their misdeeds to Judge Fraser,. They could not explain and all admitted that they had stolen the things from tbe store. ' ( . - They said they Just wanted some to bacco. Two of th boys were sent to the detention home temporarily, and the third was placed in charge of ore of the probation officers of the Juvenile court II AT THE THEATRES. 'Last Time Dorothy" Tonight. . The laat perfaraianee of the eoatte opers sae- -iMrotsy," will ee gives taatgtit at me Helllg tueette. roartaeath . sod Washington tracts By tbe Stewart opera coupes. Te saerrew sod Saturday night a, with a assets! prlre bm tinea Satoraay;- Victor "Herbert's eonle "Babette," wui Be tse BUb Beau are now arlllna for h entire - weekr st tba bos efdse of tbe theatre... . . f Georgia Minstrel Coming. . Batarday aaornlng st la e'elerk the edraaee sale et seats will opes tor Blehard Prlngle'a famous Georgia mlnatrela. whtdh eopis to the Melllg thaatie for (our perforniascea. bMlnahig Beit Monday Btgbt, ' Beptambar 1M. Popular prices will prarall. A bargala ma tinea will be glTsa Wsdniaartty sitaraoon. Seats will bs a sale at tbe theatre, rourteeata sad Wsablngtoa streets.' (!, ,' Ktii Week at tht Baker. ' Next weak at the Baker tbe bill wlll be the beaotlfel Bngllah society eosiedy drama, "T4 wuneraaas." . Special attestloa' ,wlU be gin to the arenle erfeeta. Soma of wblch .will bs sxresdingly seantlfaL : . . . Two Little , Vagrant," EVer eae roankir water oa the stage eorat through a slake gate and pour over a dam and tltea plunge oat of slsbtt That la what voa as this week at uh Baker) wherw 'Twe Little vaaranu" la tbe bill. Llulaa Lewrenoe' and rraaeas Bloaaaa are playing the vagi-ante,.- and then- work Is receiving worthy mention br tbe natrons of this STer-popular stork kooae. ' The entire sompaay Is kt tbe east for this predne- ; ?On the Bridge at . Midnight" The 'Empire "has one of the trouaeet'artrae- tiaae of the year tkla week. Life la a great rlty. as depleted In "On tbe Bridge st Mid night," baa as ererlaatmg claim on hataaa laureat. la scaueiy ssd la tba sbaorblng story H tens, "On the BrldgB St Mldnlghtn la snex eelled and has been accepted as standard. Tba many an usual character, snd the eteellenee ef the bridge ecene, one or tbe moat tmpreaalre reprodactlona from real Ufa ever taken est ef the heart of a greet elty, combine to puw "Os tba Bridge at Midnight Is tbe fltat eiaaa of dramas far the people.' Matinee tetsrdsy. Laat time Saturday sight. ' "A Mad Lot" Next Week. " One of tbe very bast sttractloas ef tbe Beaton, A Mad Lore," andar dlractloa ef Kdward R. Salter, adapted from Mlas M. Braddon's groat aovel, "Lady Andley's Secret," appear, at tbe Bmplre all next week, stattlng Sunday matinee, with Mlas Msrstts Hajart, a soeeaaaful young sctrasa. to tbe leading role. It hi claimed tbe play u one of tbe beat that was svsr pre dBced Is popular-priced bosses. i . ' ' . Yi, VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. ' IThe Road to Frisco."' r . The BeadL to Trlaeo" Is s story of sold mining 'is Gallfonls, ssd it deals with tbe sub ject ta a bow end original sasnner. The Allan stock company la giving a fine perfnrmancs of the drams at tbe Star.' There will be a msrlnee tomorrow and another Sunday. Those whs wish can secure seats laadraaee.. . v , . At th Grand. : ..... - TsBdevlIls, eoeh ss hi So popular la the east, la the kind at bill given this week st tbe Orand. The headline set Is that of tbs Mlmle four, singers, comedians snd Changs srtlata. Tbs set Is s hit. Another bit Is tbe roller -skstlng act ef M arena and AdelL .. ; ,; v , -..-..::.;,,:..' -.At th,LyTic.,-' eva. r , - ' Rave yoa seen the 'Oreen-Ered Monater"T If Bot,--rhy Bot Ten wUl mm tbe epsartBslty. of s llfstlma- If yea fell to visit .the Lyrle dar ing the present week. Bvery detail has rerelTed attention, to the end that we have as offering calculated to draw capacity bomee for ever nerforaiaace, . . Norwegian Steamer Terje Viken Engaged to Carry Mill Product From Portland. 7 TWO VESSrJLS CHARTERED TO LOAD WHEAT HERE British .Steamer Knight of St George Finishes k Loading Immense Grain Cargo at Montgomery Dock No. - for Porta In Eurcpd. 1 ' ,:" ' 4,v "The big Norwegian tramp steamer Terje Vlken, whlol) has been carrying coal .from 'tanslmo to .- San Franolsce for many months, will come to Portland nsxt month to load a cargo of lumber for . Australia, - Taylor, Toung A Co., agents for J. J. Moor A Co. of San Francisco, war advised this morning or the. charter Having been -closed snd preparations are ' now ' being made to give the steamer ..quick dispatch. The Terje Vlken registers 2.100 tons net and will carry about J.tOO.OOO feat or lumber. Bhe is th fourth Norwegian steamer to coma here during the past xew month, tbe Tbyra. Ott and Nor man Isles having preceded her, all of them departing with lumber cargoes. Another big Norwegian tramp, the Je- thou, is now loading cement at Antwerp for Portland, but aba will not be her until well along Christmas time. Th Norman lalss sailed yesterday afternoon for Port Dalny, Siberia, with 1,1(0,147 feet of lumber, valued at 140,051. She Signed ten men here, moat of bar craw brought out from urope bavins; picked up jobs asnor. . Th charter of .two grain ships was also snnounced this -morning. - Both of theaa are- old-timers her and Anown to very waterfront man. Tbe Strenaa sailed -September 1-frora Callao for this port and th Galena left Junln for the Columbia river orf the asms day, so they will probably arrive here tn close succession. 'The Stronsa, and Galena have carried thousands of bushels of wheat from' the wharves along the Wil lamette, few seasons having paaeed when they did not load here after their first long voyage from borne. The big British steamer Knight of St George will, clear this -afternoon , for Europe with . 200,000 bushels of wheat valued at about 11(0,000. - She Is finish' lng tbe cargo at Montgomery dock No. I and will sail Saturday morning, after signing a number of sailors. ADMIRED THEIR PLUCK' ,i tt yen navo not answered Th aTon aal Want Ada lately yoa, aavs gotten eat f touch wit thlaga. . aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . . - . Select Your Coat Fropi the Largest StocEin the Goast -"w--xea.....esBB SBBim Os Friday Extra Specials - -1 KlIr' Na 724 'and :Ncl:751--$lfi50 andr$18.00 - New . Fall . Friday 0nIy---$25 A, 'T, THE J. M. KHES0N C0PJ1PANY 1 51 FIFTH STREET , ' , . ':' -J X; ';, BllWElH fliOERZllVD WASHINGTON avsredlab. afllHosialr Gives aTorwsgian ; Szplorexs Big Tint a sToma, According to letter received here thla morhlng by M. L Lassen, from hla brother, Em 11 Las sen, of Nome, Alaska, captain Amundsen, the Norwegian ex plorer, .who succeeding in making . the northwest paaaag and incidentally dis covered tha exact location of the mag petio pole, : waa elaborately entertained upon hie arrival at Nome a few weeke ago. . Everybody waa eager tk Hid the explorer end- hie 'crew welcome to civ ilisation and banquets were given about as .rapldly-a the a4sta of honor could una time to attend. ; ' , Among those who grew particularly enthualaatlo over Amundsen's remark able accomplishment was a Swedish millionaire named Belander, who is -Vis iting tne ra- north xor th ssks of ad vsnturs and recreation, and to use 'tbe writer's, own words, this fellow simply poured money over th Norwegian- ex plorer and bla fearless tars. . So exu berant did this tourist from Sweden be come over Amundsen and bis men that Nome la now suffering a champagne drought. Anybody could partake of the sparkling beverage at th millionaire's expense who would elng the praises of the daring navigators. The letter also states 'that Amnnd sen'a ship, the QJoa, In which the trip was made, win have to be repaired ex tenalvely before continuing her voyage around tne worm. Her.- propeller Is broksn aa a result of grinding through the ice floes and the shaft Is badly Captain Amundsen, who arrived '- In Seattle a copule of daya ago on one of the Nome-fleet,-ha gone to eutka on business in connection with bis expe dition: ' He Intends joining the GJoa again and then set sail for Cap Horn, and by running up th Atlantic back to Norway to succeed in circumnavigating tne American continents, - m? LEFT HERE IN JULY rT Fortland Boys Arrested tn British Co- . ' Iambi on Serloeis Charge. . ' Th three Portland "boys reported ss having been arrested by an Indian agent at Albert Bay, B. C, and turned over to the Dominion gunboat Kostrel on the charge of having no papera for' their five-ton sloop and being-without li cense, ars supposed to be M. Roiae, C Stipe and T. D. Uine, who left Port- land during the month of July in a lit tle two-masted slctop with tbe intention Of spending a year or two along : the cos at of Alaska, hunting and trapping. The boys outfitted thels craft on th beach below th wharf of th American pin , company, in North Portland, and had ' arranged for all conveniences for th . trip .planned. Guns, ammunition and provisions were taken along to last anyway a year, and they alao oa tried some stock, for trading with the In dians.' :;.''. . .;'"'-.. 'According to the report aent out from Vancouver, B. C, tbe boy were mak ing for the ' Skeena river when over hauled by the Indian, agent' It la also aald that they had openly boasted of having violated the laws. - 'The Ksstnsl is expected to bring th Portland boys to Vsncouver this evening. ' MARINE NOTES. Astarls. Sept, tO. Arrived down st 10:40 and sailed at 11 a. m., Norwegian steamer Norman Isles, bound for Dalny, Siberia. , . i -. San Francisco, Sept. 10. Sailed at I a. m., steamer Costa ftlca, for Portland. ' Astorlft, Sept. Sailed at t'-p, -m.; atsamer Nome City, for Redondo, - Ar rived dowri St 1:30 p. m French ship Laennec. ' Arrived at 4 p. m., schooner W. F. Oarms. .Redondo, Sept. 1. Arrived, schooner Lottie Bennett, from Portland. ' Yokohama. Sept. 1. Arrived, German steamer Numantla, from Portland. - Astoria, Sept JO. Condition of the bar at I a. m., smooth; wind northwest; weather cloudy. : - , -. . , . ALONO THE , WATERFRONT, - The Harrlman liner Costa Rica left San Francisco this morning for . Port lsnd, and the As tec still eaU for. Port land Mbadajr, morning. 3a JBaraooilt Ilablt-fcrmln- Jiledlclnca. ' Whatever msv be the fact as to many of the so-called patnnt nxvllcines turn tetnlng injurious Inirredleiits aa brosdly ItUDlikhea in some journals ot. more ui ess Influence, this publicity has certainly been of rreat benetit tn arousing needed attention to this subject, It has. In a considerable measure, resulted In the most Intelligent neoule avoiding Such foods and medicines as may be fairly sus pected 01 containing me injurious iiihtw Cienia eomplalned of. Recognlilng this tact some time ago, Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, K. "took time by the oreloclt," as It were, and published broadcast all the Ingredients ol wmcn oib popular meui clnes are compueed. Thus he has com pletely forestalled all harping critics and all opposition that might otherwise be nra-nd ao-ainat hla medicines, because they are now or snows coan-oeiTiox. Fur- tharmora. from the formal printed on an knttla wraniMT. it will be seen that these medicines contain osaiwaui vr other hablt-formlng drugs. Neither ao they contain any narcotics or Injurious agents, their luareaients oeing pureiy vea-etsbla. extracted from the roots of medicinal plants found growing in the oepins 01 our Americao loreaw sura w well reeognlsed earatlvs virtues. Instead of alcohol, which even In small portions long continued, as In obstinate cases of diseases, becomes highly objec tionable from ita tendency to produo a craving for stimulant, Dr. Pierce em ploys chemically pure, triple -refined glycerine, which ol Itself is a valuable remedy In many eases of chronic diseases, being a superior demulcent, antiseptic, antlferment and supporting nutritive. It enhances the curative action of the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Black Charrybark and Bloodrooi, contained In Golden Medical Discovery, In all bron chial, throat and lung affections attended with severe coughs. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent Drs. Grover Coe, of New York; Bsrtholow, of Jeffer son Medical College, Phlla. Scudder, of Cincinnati t - Elllng wood, of Chicago) Hale, of Chicago, and others, who stand as leaders In their several school of practloe, th foregoing agents are th4 Mru hast lnovedienU . that Dr. Plero ould bsve chosea to make np his fa mous "Discovery" for th cure ol not only bronchial, throat and lung affec tions, but also of chronlo catarrh in all It various forms wherever located. Is now her leading for the Bey City. The - American barkentine Americana left Stella this morning for a California port with a cargo of lumber. The steamer Alliance is due to arrive from Eureka and Coos bay during the night She la supposed to Bail Satur- ay ror joo nay. . r Captain MoGUI cabled. Taylor, Toung at Co. this morning from Newcastle, Australia, that the steamer had arrived there front thi port with her lumber cargo In good ahape. She left Portland tha latter part .of August and made a good run across the Pacific. - The Pprtlaad-Aaiatlo Steamship com pany is not worrying over the safety, of its liner Nlcomedla. which left Hong kong two days before the typhoon struck the city. It la believed that the blow was of local natnr and that th Nlcomedla waa far from It. V BELIEVES IT A METEOR aTtsampoat Agent Saya Be Oaaed Vpoa - Oeleeital Body Sander. C 11. Baker, assistant agent Cor the steamer Alliance, asserts emphatically that last Sunday night at-the hour of 10 o'elook a large meteor feu from tne Sklee and landed -somewhere back of Portland' -Heights.. No one els seems to have seen anything of th celestial body, and those to whom Mr. .Baker confided th story are wont to take it for tne trutn, and nothing but tne truth "I was standing on the Madison street bridge," said Mr. Baker this morning, in relstisg tbe strange sight., "when sud denly the fiery ball ahot from the heav ens west or tne city, to me it looaea as If the meteor landed back of Port land Helghta. It waa crescent-ehsped and sent forth 'a blulah glow, although the main portion of It had the bright ness of a star. ' j "I called the attention of a friecd of mine to the phenomenon, and be saw it Just as the fire struck the ground. Certainly it waa a meteor." ' . .; - Vitrei U WaisSV- J II AM I I 1(11 llll 1 ft n 0000 The finest In. the World. They have a distinct character that Is quite dlf- feirent from anything made by your tailor or ready-made kind. - -.'v'..' ; CHESTERFIELD CLOTH E S made by skilled tailors. j. . . Thoroughness of workmanship In o ; every "essential detail Is a: feature! which will be appreciated. ; " r - Yfr If a Chesterfield coat breaks back er A loses shape In one years wear we give you ; a new suit free. , Chesterfield v - Suits, Top Coats. wCravenettes and-- Overcoats, $20 to $50. :r'.. ;. .v-'. .-; , , ,.:-, -- ; "K ;' lilwi 269-271 Morrison Street V-'' ; ' . v I"- ; - I- ' ,: : t-: ' ..' . '.. .-. - TO HAVE IRRIGATION DAY AT PENDLETON FAIR : .-;. v ,,. x ,, i r ,. :,, ' (Spedsl Dispatch The loaraaL) Pendleton, dr.. Sept 20. Arrange- mente are now well under war for the district fair, which will be held In Pen. dleton all next week. The second day of th fair, September it, has been eet aside as Irrigation day, the rVmatllla County Development league having pre pared an excellent program for that oc casion, and wilt nave charge of tbe ex ercises. ' - Governor ' Chamberlain - and ' other prominent men of the state will be in the city to make addresses on this day. Exhibits are arriving from all parts of Umatilla and Morrow counties, and it promisee to be the greateat event of th kind ever held in this section of the state.- '. .--;. V PENDLETON PAPER 1 ADOPTS NEW SPELUNG ISna-ial TManatrk to The JenrnaLt ''' Pendleton, Or., Sept 30. The East Ore- ronlan, a daily paper In this city, is the first paper on the Pacific coast to adopt the simplified spelling system, Th paper states ita reasons are for econeenv, sim plicity snd progress, ss much Te is saved In writing and printing. The chief reason for adopting, the hew system is the simplicity. , - , v -; The paper came out in this new form yesterday and was a surprise to Its msny readers in the city, all of them being much pleased with its progressive spirit WORST FORM OF TORMENT ZndlgeeUoa stakes Ufa ItlserabU , ow to Our I. ... There is no need of telling a person with stomsch trouble that Indigestion makes lf miserable. The burning and gnawing feeling in tha stomach, tbs sick and nervous headaches, the sleep lessness, general dellbtty, aching back, specks before the eyes, and the nerveua nesa.Urritablllty and despondency that come from indigestion, make life a tor ment . Happily a physlctsn's prescription for stomach troubles celled Ml-o-aa stomsch tablets, Is ' now for sal by Woodard, Clark sV Co., who recommend It ss sn absolut and oomplat cur for Indi gestion and all stomsch Ills.- Ml-o-ns, Is not a temporary relief or a mere dli gestlve, Tske en of th little tsblets before meals for a fsw daye and the I gestlve organs will bs eo toned and strengthened that yon will be able to eat anything Intended for food without fear ef indigestion and distress. . Ml-o-na ia so universally successful la curing ell forme of stomach weak nes that Woodard, Clsrk Co. give slsned guarantee with each (Oe box. that your money will be refunded unless th remedy gives yon satisfaction. Thla certainly ahowe their strong faith . In the medicine. Many of their customers have used It with the grestsst succsss and pralae'lt highly aa the only euro they nave ever found for stomach troubles. . . The Kind Yon llare Swara Botitrht. and trhldi has btMO. tt la mo for OTcr SO Tears, lias borna tha siimatiira of - ' - ' 9 ; t.- ' fc ate.. ftaa Kun mda nndn Vila .iaaa " 1C X ifit??"1!' tonal saptsnrlalon slnco its lnAtncr i 7r.CSU94 'ABownoonetodclTayouiatlil. ,h AH Counterfeits, Imitations and J oat-aa-fcrood ' are bat Experimentc ttat trifle with and endamger the health of !' Infltnts and CllUdlrcnIipeTlenoe against Experiment . ' What Is CASTORIA ' 4 f Castoria is a lutrmless substlta-e tot Cartor' Oils Pare gortc. Drops and Socthlntr Syrups. t is PleasantT vIl axmtalns neither Opium, Morphine nor. other Sforcotlo substance. Its agre is Its guiArantee. It' destroys Worms and allays' Foveriahncas. It cures Diarrhoea and .Wind YTolle. It relleyee Teethlns; Troubles, cures Constlpatloia and Flatulency. IC assimilates the Food; regulates tb Stomach and Bowels, tjirina; healthy and natural sleep The Children - Panacea The Mother's Friend. TT" CCNUiriC CASTORIA; ALVAYO Sears tho Slgnatoro of V? sBT .' .aaatsFr . ' ,aataT . M . M eKMYoii Haro MwaysBopt T'-'y In Use For: Over';. 30 Years. :1 . : tl .... saBBSsxeasBBas Wis ,' . INVESTMENT J Ubfquestion Unoi"; t r . ' "What will It coal te paint?,' : y j , ; What wUl u coal rtot palntr i sViieA to peeeasilea sad beawi, . . : :. If ye ewe the beet atetal i , J "High slandavrd" Paint ; 4 Is a wis lavestment bewaeta H glvee th ' beat preteette!, fevth grsatast fi"nkee ef ' years, at th least ceei. It pays large dlvf. aland In satHefaetUa attsl best reeelts. . , See fh telev CarSs sad sraeWcat ened fcalaa . , fitv - : Rcsmiisscn CV Co. i; N. E. Corner Second snd Tsylor .