The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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l.l IMV.1 ka naet fire Teir OT boat
Las ml'rt wievderful growth.
Notwiiiiatandlug Una favorable "ltlo. we
are not disruaee te lt this growl o sum.
P. therefore solicit your bualsisa, .
OLDEST tint jxg 0BwWr'
"inTia IXTERE5T03rT "
" "' AMD FROM tU TO "
t, ' Pieahle am Short Cull. ,
., v lluniiU OVt sl.78S.0O3.8a, ,.
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
r rW nmi a ad Oak sts. Phoa Ex. T2.
BENJ. I. WHEN...... .....President
H. L. PITTOt K. ................ .Ysre-Preeldeul
B. LES FACET.........' k..8retarT
J O. (JOLT ft A iaWut Secretary
And aee thtj'lots on Hawthorn ave., be
tween 4Jth and tn sta. Terms. IS
per ent cash, balance $1 per' month.
Interest pr eent jt annum..
Act Now
Buy a lot be for Hawthorn avenue la
macadamised, aa srlcaa, ara bound to
advance.1 -,t . I u'' '
W build you a modern houa on any
. of our lota on terma to suit,
none Feeifio M. ' Boom 18, Blelh Sid
Member rorttnd atenltr Board.
one look;
An you wilt not forset S TfUamook,
comer Eaat ISth, and the beautiful
100x150 on whic It rests. Run your
auto Into the new vara ire and examine
the f-room house aa well aa the "fruit
full" yard. Then bring- your check at
moat any amount) to mate first pay
ment on price ($7,700). and the BSBS
la done (by the owner). . .. ,,.
Fbon XaU MS. B4-M Oonoord Blag-.
3-story brick, in nrst-clase condition:
income 22i per month. Will all on
eacy terma, or will consider a trad of
non-Income property. Call at our of
fice and w will give you full particu
lars. BZBB. rZXUft TY"TA3T CO.
IpS Second St. Fhon 3CAn TOO.
Lota BOxlOO fret. sidewalk, graded streets,
city water (Boll Baa) piped to each let, ea
the ratlins, with aa anobatrneted view of the
rlrer; every lot clear- Is areas pint ssd
contains tbe rtchret hind of soli. Im walking
distance ef ' center of tbe city; title perfect,
sa abatraet furnished with every lot, and the
aiiee onLr 110 per lot. -i;
A few ef tkeee lots will be eold for flSOj
AO dews. baUBce monthly laeta llmeata.
Tbe (rat come the irst served".
M. J. CLOHF.S8Y. 207 Mcksr Balldlaa.
Per ladles at Portland MatatorUm Baths. MOIf
DAT. SEPT. 24. Ladles' day cack Moaday.
Open 8 a. m. to 12 p. aa. Suits to hint.' Phone
Uahs 2744. Washlagtoa aad Second.---
F.Iust Raise Money
Owner of S-nom siedera eottags sat eaat side
eathormea as to sell It for lens than cost. Call
and let as show It to yes. OORRELL A
K1RKPATBICK, Boom 7, 1H1 Ptrst St.
And keep your eye on WILEY ALLEN
CO.S ads for fin bargains In real
-est st. 'a, -
New stores and office rootna, with at cam
best-and-lectrlo-llghta,- N.-E. "corncf
Third and Madison st recta. Apply room 8.
street. Is sow opea for receptloa ef anplla.
-- The-Bockr svuuuUrn klsh piessuta area has
practtcaliy. tost its identity sad now constats
of s tissMnt-shapsd rkl(a of reletleelr hlch
preeanre eitendln from Manitoba aoatueset ta
Vromlnf and tbeaee sneth and east te the
gulf stats. A small tow pressure area Is cen
tral this morning near Spokane, bat no rain
hae yet malted from this disturbance. The
barometer roatlnnee relstleely low ever soothers
Artsoaa. Tbe diatarbanc yesterday orer aoetlv
era Illinois has adranced aortheaatwsrd to the
lower lake rerloa. It has -censed showers Is
Nebraska. South Dakota, aorthera Mlasonii.
lows, norrhera Jlllnota. Indians, Ohio, tbe vlr
glnlaa and the middle Atlantic state. Two
sud elchteea-handredtbs mcbes of rain fell hi
eoeneetlon with this dletnrhsnc st Cblcsce, end
S Itt-MO Inches at Pttt.bora. Llsht lorat reins
sre sleo reported la the east gulf ststea. The
temprrstsres yesterday srteraooa oa tbe Pedfle
etope were from 10 to 20 decrees shore normal.
The hidlei rloss ara faeorsble for fair wea titer
In this district tonight ssd rrtday. It will be
cooler la western Oregon this afternoon and
cooler la eastern Oreoa. eastern Waahingtoa
and Breteera Idaho tonight nnd Friday.
Obssrvsonm taken at S a. m.. Psdla timer '
" Rtatlme-. " V
Max. ktta. rrsetp.
. baker City,-Oregoa. ..a, M
roaioa. sieaaaraneetta...... m
Cbteata, 1 mania . fa.
Deneer. Colorado, . M
. Kassas City, Miaaoorl. m
ls Anaeles. California..,. M
'ew fn-lesss. Loulalans.... M
New York, New York , M
Portland. Oregon S2
Roaebarg, Oreron...., SO
ft. Lmtl. lloan..,M M
"alt Lake. L'tak..,.. T
"an rraBrlaeo, California.,. 78
Spokana, Waahlnton.. M
Tamma. Waahlnston...,,., a
Walla Walls. Waahingtoa.. a
Waabtngton, D. C SO
- T.
- .
' .0
. .
bCJUE-eotembr VK In Sen iVsnclsce. to
Mr. and Mra. Iea Borlea, fsrmerly et F Oct
tann, s eansnKer.
KOHnrRU Bentrmber 1J. ta Vr aa u
Uarrenoe T. Korbarg. 120 Mlaalaalpol sre.
re. s girt. . -l
SH ptemhar - lT,-t- Mr. Sad afrg. It
i .I. a, aio r iinwnj, n gin. . ,
MAI l it LAN K September IS, to Mr.
atra. uanici n, jsaeiariaae. rsrtsssoata, a
Tt'hiN Setrmher IT. te Mr. and Mrs, 1. J,
l-.bln, St. Vlneent's hospital, a girl.
1 R KCK rVptember IS, Anns Creek, 21 years,
ent inrni, nernirtone anaemia.
tHiMi a.ptrmber 18. Knag Dong, 81
KM Sacotwl. titharctlloala,
THAI ER ifptrniber I. Walter B. Treewe. 18
ftrt. I2J haat ElerenlS aorth, oaogsstlea
ef h.aln 1
Cl MiAirn SeMember 1. Clara ' t. Oal-
l.,.iiti. I'T yaara. liM Eaat Twelfth, pal
l.- i'.rr tifltemiWiala.
t ,! v rplemiier IT, Jack Al)soa, R2 J ears.
?. l inrhn, reretrat anoiilrtv.
V tt- Hi,iathe IT. Mnr Mong, 88 years, s
. sutiaai teisuic, luuoroaaia,
A!rart Auxin, 801 Waahingtoa street. 35; Id
a, turner, z. .
Allrt A..hnlta e. ImU Olstb. SO. '
' Hubert Jarate Williams, tit Vraat treat, J
Ada Llliahctk Paa.U 2A.
! reuk LiarU Laytos. East TaykaT street
1 ; Clara U. UeBiner. St. .
Cheater T. Karn Tu Vsngha street, tS; riora
lxuue jaehnke. 111. '
N. F. Uricen, 1 afarqsaai balldlsg-, 88 1
lwms Meaaenbau, xa. u
Edwin M. Dunn, S: Buby t Walker. SO.
' r. u K Amr k,t. M. aJlerlnra. 3A
Dale H. Hraeer. Ml Nelaoa sueet, Xt: Be
Kmhab W r w r t 1 -- ' "
Thoaas faitoo. 2 Wala street, ST; Bdaa
croukn, IB.
A. 1. MrKlnnon. DOT MarsbsU street, tl
EllMhth Ulllr. IS
iih.. i .4 n .Irth atraet. SA: Ells-
j soeta Jscr-inennj, n. - -
a. M. layier, eaa saa( .""i
Kascy McK.j. U.
A. -hi. Kaaoa, Bt. job oa, Oregon, Mi Ella
Mr Kin Die. Kl
Benjasila t. Holmaa. U Third Street, 83:
a-th-l V'lrlaa' Walkrr. I. .
E. W. GarUck, St. Jabne. Oregoa, 68; Mlaal
J. P. McDonald, lis aiorrlsoB street, 83,
kfrtt fc-11n fia
Theroa O. I'aston, 228 BUreotb street,' Mi
Leak B. Btratton, i.
Weddlns Cards. W. O. Smith A Do.. Wash-
loctoa bid., cur.' tawarth ea4 WaasJactoa at.
Wedding ssd
Ulna cards eacraead a
artated. B.
Busbtoa. 82214 Waeblotoa at
Mh. Wartlnl eaom 8IS A link r hlda
tumping ssd tne aodlawerk! lesaans gleeav
rail dress salts for rent, all slsas.
Tallorlnc Co., 8 Stark at. -
Penning. sfeEntee A eilbssga, ' andeetakeee
id emnalmera; awdera la eeery detail, aeeaata
nsd Plae.
Mala 430, Lady ssaistasi.
a a n.mnak. andartakar sad embnlmee.
Bae Tblrtaeath and Lata tilt aa. fheae Sail.
waod ;i. -
e Brlckaoa Undertaking Oe., sad embelmlng, 4t
Alder at. Fbone MaJa eiiU. -" aaataia.
I, P. rtnler Soaa. Third sad Madlaoa ata.
Orflc ef eosaty aorcaar. Pboae Msaj S.
CLARK BROS.1. Flortata Vine Dowers aad
floral (leelms. nsj Morriaoa si.
Edward Bolmaa. aadartaker. S20 Thn-d at.
' . x kites. nxw cmtmT, ,
Sisals arseas no,' . rsmlly tela fTO to' ll.OO.
Tbe only cawtecy la Portland which per
peinally malstnlne aad csraa for kite, r or full
inrormatloa apply to W. V Mackensle, Wor-
eeeter bloek. city. W. tt. Lad, prentdent.
Charles Klckell aad wit to Nellie L.
Uuatla, lou IS and U, Blora t. k so- ;
law a S.
Blcbsrd- WlUlamn t Kettle Rankin, 1st
a hkwk Wllliama adilatlaa No. 2....
Thomas A. sod Sarah Kdwsrds to T. W.
loreeer, Joe o otuva. a. vmnw .
Servod addition '
. W. and Ida E. Tnrcler to alarr A. r
Panalng. lot , blork 1. Pelawr Sbsr
er rcond addition....
Nsonle B. Moore et sL to Joseph Bork-
bard. tot 8, block X King s Secoad
Arleca Land company to R. B. rnater,
lot IT. block 11. Arleta Park No. 1...
rrederlck W. Drake et al. to L. Krsass,
lot S la soath M of doable block P.- city t.OPO
-u. ana B. uosrsmg to itenecca a.
Iloraan, tots 1. 2, 8, 4, 18 and 14.
blork IS. I.lnnton......
Joseph has and August L. Carlson te
Augosta Swaaaon. wsat Vk or lot .
-blork 31, McMUlea'e addltloa to Eaat
Catherine B. sad B. P. Ward to Joseph
uteoer, tot 10, block s. Lincoln far
Nancy Capias to city of St. Johns, strip
X laad lor public street. .
Arleta Land company te Issse Mitchell, . ' .
lots sad a, block ii, Arleta rare
No. S S00
a sad B. L. Mcflrew to lease MltebeD, ,
lot ft. block IS. Kern Park . 100
Ella M. and John P. Beep te Isaae ...
Mitchell, lots 29 aad SO. block .12,
Arleta Park No. 2 850
Esther C. sad E, Bogga et al. to Jobs)
C. Ealherg, lot T. blork L, subdlelalon
of aortheaat ef tract D, M. Psttoa's
Oeorge If. and Clara I. Ryland to Tjory
E. Hltrbeork. lot S. blork 204. Holla.
i 1,50
day's sddltloa to East Portland. ...... .000
A. i. rreiua to WlllUm a. Goeeltn and
. Harry L. Bamblet, soath H of snath
Vt of aortheaat M ef section 23. town-
' ship 2 north, ranee t west
P. J. Mass snd wlfs to E. B. Merge.
47 seres la Thomas and Bebeeca Cully's '
daastloa toad claim , ... 4,000
Prank 11. Lang snd wlfs to Norman D.
Boot tot 10. block 1. Hnnter'a adillHoa 1
William 0. lang to William H. Lang. '
a parcel of land running 100 feet north -
and south and 2 feet S laches esst "
-snd west, eft eaat sad of A. N. King
donation bind claim...... , I
Erie snd Anns Anderson to Theresa J.
Johnsna et sL. lots 1 aad S. hl-ck S4, -
Central Albln 1J0O
William M. and Itary A. Ladd to Ann ,
Campion, lots II and 14. block 17, '
-King' Srrong addition...... ,200
J.JU snd Jesal 0. Hartmsa et si to
W. T. Bosh, lot 8 and eaat 10 feet ef i 1
lot S, block 22. A. L. Miner's addition. 1
Mary Bbaetta Dame to J. M. Taylor.
. tot 8, block J, Myrtle Park.... d7S
Jeeenh It. snd A lire J. Nsab to A. O.
Mitchell, west 41 feet S tnchee of lot 2f
1 sad 3. block 84. Trenwnt Place...... (B0
E. Marges snd wife to P. J. Maan.
andlTldcd U of tots 8. 4 sad 8, snd '.
!h lot , block 24. Coah,a-i'
sddlttoa : jo eoo
W. H. snd Alice B. Nana to Ames B.
Shaw, tot 1. blork t, Maegly Highland. ;
DHIls B. and I.-. I. Re id to Asnes B. '
.!ibm9V.M.x bterk Maerly UlghlaBd.lLll
Mlltoa H.. Steeenaoa to tljbernla 8alns ;
Courh's addition ...I; 10
William C. ssd Beatrice t. Robinson to
s- .'B. EuHewerth.- lot . blork S, Smith- -'-i
oa Ln4 company' addltloa to. East
Portlsnd J28
James B. snd Msrgsret Day to Msy Day,
tot 1 to 4. hvlwree. block i snd '.-
tots S to 8. Inelaaire, block 8. Henry's
, Tnarth sddltloa; also lou 1 te A ht
flualTe. block 4. Tremont Park...... 100
American Inreetment company te A. M.
Haradon. 1.234 squsre feet, rommenetng '
st southwest corner of lot 10. Hlllrlew . 1
Oeorre A. and EUsaheth H. McNeil to
Hans and Metba Jacobean, Jots IS snd
J. block 1A. rirat addltloa to Holladay '
Park addition a
Jaks aad Katberlne Trancbell to T. 6. r
V. "S- "1. -x . snd lot 8. block
13. Psradiaa Rnrlnn ttrf
William M. ssd Dors Kllllnmworth st sL
anie . narnes. .luoxioa feet,
commencing at nortbesst Corner ef tot
snd Anos B. roleen to"sj! o'.'psrJl'
""a otors o, subdlTtslos ef
lots 1 and a r.MM4
Jsn B. Haatlnra et si. 'to RaVmiia'jWrl
reen eent U 1-B rert of tot 28, block '
Wllllama i AAtt .
John J. D. Edrerton to Jobs Jonenh'aM'. . :
re-ton. et feet off tbe west end of lot
13. block 10, erlghisl townske of Al-
- tot 17, block 18. West Portland . . . 10
'epb snd Marraret McChesney to C. H.
parrei nt ian neglsnlng at a '
rytt ta eaat lln g Jersey street la '
rlt. Johns -
Henrietta B. Palling et si. 'to ''." ,
Mears. north 100 feet of tors and 10, ' '
7 J ,f!"' Jrrtag'g rtrat addltloa ' '
f sb V.mxmt lssaa0lasast a ' SB.
Mr. H. A. awanann'to jobn O. EdwaVV'
ronerry noanaed ea the eaat by the
Willamette rlrer. oa the west by renter v
of McAdsra road, oa ' tbs north by ' '
boemdary Im of Hector B. Campbell's
donation tend claim, oa tbe soath by so
ee.t and west line parallel to ssid north " '
boundary lln and 10 feet -distant '
,..,.... 4.T00
Wa i . MM.
loans, call en Pseifle Tltia A True
rorwietiy paeioe Coast . Abatraet Onaranty A
Trust company. 204-8 A T Filling kslldlng. , . .
Get your ssd abate acta to real aetata
feem ths Title Ousrsatse A Treat eempasy,
ii " ! ti!ii iTTTm n"r4'i in i iiniinaq
LOST A package eontalnlog tw kendkerrSilefs,
one lacs, ths other hand smraroldered, ea
. W sahlngtoa-st. esr or Thirteenth at. between
' hoars ef S:80 snd T n, m.. bmai t
."'lyi.I. CSpaldlsg, Hetal Park las. r.
BTBAYBI Per terrlsr nenoe a wuaatha -
whits-taa fse, with narrow whit strip.
SuTi. ratm-u to Wllllsm MacMsctar,
. - a, nv questions ssxsa.
LOT lady's gold watch with ths nanse of
Charlie" said "Oertl" ea tb front er raa.
Lesv m at 408 Mala st. aad receive re-
; wr.
lX?7rrBl1 ,nl terrier, entlraly whit tcent
blsck and tsa head with white stripe hi cee
ITT,'.,,. dollar reward If returned to 7l
" are.
rV. ereblees watch ckarsi marked
ev, aaesj Satss
pot Ml A Urht tT horss with white a pot nn
forrliead. luuulie ot J. H. kl leoiiblluer, with
Kluk A Co., Ml Mlaalaalppl ata.
LOST Rrd Irl.h aetter, since shout Sept. 10.
Ketnrn to 7nu Hoyt at. Keward. .
a. a vi mi . tmA uoimuulcatkn
. .hl ' I'l'ltnnMlMvl evelilujc. 7:.M)
rlork. -Work m Ht.-m. erw.
Social seaaloa, lath anniTeraarr.
,Ail M. M. United and eapeclallr
officers of skier lodges sud pres
ent and past grsud lodge of rlcers. By order of
W. U. B. 5. PAULB. Becretsry.
8IACOABKES Portland Tent, No. I.'sassu
erery Ti.uraday smbt la A. of P. ball, lith
: aad Alder sis. Visitors rJL"M,coJNCuj.'
nrttflMrT CAMP. NO. 03.
ttnoanwa oi ",r "
Meets erery rrldsy night
at W. O. W. hall. Tan:b
- and Washlnictna ets. Re-
inhiuiiii will be ecn
All Tlsillug Belgliburs arsl-
Sl'o. MORROW.' C. 0.
T A. L. BARBLB. CJerk. 201 Third St.
PORTLAND ORCHBHTRA Good Biualc for. all
oecaslona, rery reasoasDW. . aaau ww, wr
Lurrstla St. -
at. W. A.. Oregon Orane Camp. No. S.STS, Moa-
days. 17th aa Maraaam eaiiewe wa.cww.
' "
w as- a IVtRniEXN CAMP. Beftu.
Wsdneaosy rnlBg, Alias j raus., aa mmm
Morriaoa st.
xrii'ii'U nv ail HP RONDS.
Notice le hereby glee thst tlis board of
directors of tbs Hood Rlrer Irrigation dial r let
la Wasco county, Oregon, will sell tbs hoods
or ssld district in tus sum ot w. w- w
Thnrsdsy, tbs 28th dsy ot October, 13, at
ths hour of S o'clock p. ra st the office of
th hoard of directors, st the residence of
J. II. Shoemaker In eald district, sad thst
mmlA nnuii far Said bonds Will B 19-
celeed by ssld hoard at ssld pUce for the
purchase of said bond until tlis day ami nour
sboT mentioned; at which time she board
ahall open the proposals and award tbm pur
chase of the bond to the highest responsible
bidder, tbe board rose rr lug the right to reject
any and all bids. Bids to be sccompsaled
by certified check ifor per eent of tbe
amount et th boods) for which th bid is
submitted. .
ttsld hoods shaU be payable la United States
gold cola ta tea aerlea. a follow, towit At
the eiplratloo of 11 ysars, 8 per cent of tlie
whole number ef ssld bonds! 12 years, t per
cent; IS years, 7 per cent; 14 years, S pef
cent; 18 years, per cent; 1 years. 10 per
cent; 17 years, 11 per cent; 1 years. 18 per
eBti 10 years. IS per cent; 20 year, 18 per
cent, and shall bear inter eat at tlx rate of
6 per cent per annum, yarable semi-annually,
oa th first dsy of January and July of earn
year. Th principal snd Interest shall b
nav.hl. at tha nlace daalanated ha th bonds.
snd bidder are siren tlis nptloa of baring
ssld bonds psyable at Portland. Oregon, rr
New York City, N. Y., and ssid bonds will
lie issued la avecordaae with th lectloa ot
th successful bidders: ssld bonds shall be
each ef the denomlnattoa of not less thsa
2100 snd aot more than SA00. aad
negotlebie la mra, a no coupons ror tot in
terest ahall be' attached to each and signed by
the secretary. '
Dated at Hood River, Oregoa. this 17th day
or September, isue.
- -, J. H. SHOEMAKER, Secretary
rmnnv rmtiMTT mi'HTHOrsr..
Notice Is hereby leee thst the county eoart
ef Crook county. Oregon, will recelee sealed
bid for th building of new cnurtboos
ap to November 7, IU0S. at 10 o'clock a. a
at tb eetu-tbouaV at Prtnsrllls, Orsgoa. (
follows: .....
First A bid for th construe Hon and bn tid
ing of tbs fnundatlon ent of stone ss origin
ally punned by W. u. Patn. srenitect. nan-si.
Aregon. Second A bid for-th conatructlo
snd building of th foundation eat of brick,
according to amended plan by earn architect
Third A bid for tb construction and com
pletion of th superstrocturs sat erlglaslly
planned, omitting tb corns. Fourth A bid
for th eontrartloa and completion ef th
bulMIng complete as arlglnslly plssned. F1ft4
A bid for tb construction and eompletlo
of th building eomptote according to tb
amended plsns.
i Thst all bids most fa submitted nana th
plan and eneaif k-attoua of W. D. Push, ar
chitect, Salem. Orecoa. and sealed and marked
"Rltaa -fe taaarlamia.'? sddreassd to .to
county eerk, Prlnerllle, Oregoa. ,' .
The county will psy csah apoa any coafraet
entered Into for the betiding aad ermetruetl.a
of sny part or wbols of eald bslbilng. Cer
tified check ss mentioned In tbe e pacification
atnat accompany eh bid. Tb plan and
pacification can be examined at tb effle
of W. D. Pngh. Rslem, Oregoa, Th Oregoa
, Dally Journal offtr. Portland. Oregon, snd
st the Office ef the county clerk. Prinaxllle,
Oregoa.' Th eoart ressiros tb right to reject
any aad all bids. - .
By order ef tbe court.
Clerk ef Crook County, Oregoa.
AND TO CLAIMANTS la th aoaaty eoart
of tb stst f Oregon, for tbs county of
Multnomah. Is ths mstter ef th eatat cf
Rsrbel Wells Morris, deeessedv Notice w
hereby gives thst tbs undersigned ha bee
duly appointed by tbe above-entitled court
executor of tbe last win sod testament of
Barbel Wells Merrl. deceased. All persons
having claim against ths estate cf ssld
deceased are hereby required to present
them'wlth proper Toucher withla all moo tha
frees she dats ef this notice to the ander-
. signed, executor aa aforesaid, at th of Ac
.of Teal A Minor, room 814 Warranter block,
la ths city of Portland, county of Multaosaak
- and stats of Oregoa. -. .
Dated this sixth day of Septssnber. 1808.
Executor of the tst W1U of lUcbsl Well
Morris, Deceased.
TO THE taxpayers of Murtnomah Oounty, Oro
gnn: Notice la hereby given that oa Monday,
( Oc toner 1, ISO, tb board of equalisation ef
Multnomah county will attend at the offlc
- of tb county- elerk of said county end pub
licly, sxamin tb assessment rolls for tbe
year laoo. ssd correct sil errors m valuation.
dearrlpttoa er ausllties ef bind, lota or ether
Rroperty, and It I the duty of all peraneie
itereated to appear at the time aad Shiace
sppolnted, snd If It shall appear touch
board of so na llxatlon thst there are snr
lands,' lore or other property" sssessed twlc
or ta tn asm or a person or persona not
yond Its vslne. or any lands, lots or othef'T
property not s aerated, ssld hoarw or sqaaiua-n
tioa sasu mase tne proper correctioBs,
. it. aitii.KH. conatv At
Portkad. Orefoa. 8ptmbs 8, 1008.
IN THE district court of ta United States for
the district of Oregon. , In ths mstter of
TP. Kendall, bankrupt Notice la hereby
Seen that oa ths lltb day of September. A.
. ions, T. P. Kendall of Portlsnd, Oregon,
was duly edjodteated hsnkrupt, snd thst tbe
first Beetlng ot his creditors will be bald st
rooms 24-8 Fenton bldg Portland, Oregon,
ea th 8th day of October, 10, st 10 s. ra.,
at which time tb ssld er editors may attend,
prove tbelr claims, sppeint trastes exam
ine the bankrupt and transact such other
business as may properly ecat before sock
Dsted September l. loos, .
' ' Refrrea la Bankruptcy.
IN THE district Court cf tb United Ststss for
tb district or Oregon. la the Butter of
8. H. Frledlandsr, bankrupt. Notice Is here
by given thst oa ths lHth day of Jnna. A. D.
1BOS, S. H. Prledlander of Portland, Oregon,
was dnty adjudicated bankrupt, and thst ths
first meeting ot his creditors will be held st
room 304-6 Penton bid.,' Portland, Oregon,
ea fne 1st dsy sf October, laos, st 10 s. m.,
at which time tbe ssld creditors may attrnd,
prove tbelr rlalnis, sppolnt traste, exim
Ine tb bankrupt snd transact sack other
business s may properly come before sack
Dsted Bestember IS. 100S.
.Referee la Bankruptcy.
IM THR district emrt ef the United State for
tbe dlatrlct of Oresnn. la th matter of
William M. Rudolf, bankrupt,' Notice la here.
, by site that a th 2f.tb day of July. A. D.
1o.TVIUIam M. Bndolf of Portland, Oregon,
ws duly adjudicated bankrupt, and thst the
first meeting of his creditors will be held
at.jcooms 204-8 Fen to bklg., Portland, Ore
goa, sa ths 1st day of October,, lStM, st 11 a.
m., at which time the said creditors msy
sttend. prove their clslma, spools! a troate.
' examla th bankrupt and transact such ether
business as may properly come before euch
Dated September 1. 180.
itefarse la Bankruptcy. ' '
'"Tb flregoa Iron A Steel eompany will
pay a reward of Free Hundred Dollar for
' the s treat end eowvtcttoB of tbe person who.
on or about ths sixteenth day of Ansiiat, IkXak.
' deetrnyed by dynamite or other eaploalvs
portion of tb dam of eald Oregon Iron A
Steel company serosa th Tnalatla river, 1
Claeksmss rnunty, stats of Oreros. .
fatd at Portland. Oregon. August 92, 1008,
By A. S. Patrullo. Sscretsry.
Ell RAND BOY wanted; mod wag, U, Uassa
as .VS)) Sew SUl
WANTK1V Toong people to prepare thamaeleae
sa bookkeepers Snd slenograibera: hare ha
M) ralle since SpteJDber 1; placed 80S la
' pillions. Ws will place yoe when eom
rtent. Par or albt. CsUlogne. behuke.
Valker Dual ana culls. .
Mil AND WOMEI te leara barber trsds la
eight weeks; grsduste earn from 18 to J
wwklyt eapert In.trortora; cstalosue tr.
M. ler Sreuta ef Colleges, 84 North t earth st.,
' l-vrtlsnd.
ACiB.NTS wanted to sell aunerkif. hlgb-grsd
uuraary stock; complete eutnt furnlahad tree;
-rash weekly: write today for rholoe ef ter
ritory. Capital City Nureery Oompauy, Balsas,
Oregon. , '.
WANTED A man with a two or tkrse-sssted
rorered wagon to -carry children to and
. from kindergarten: reaaoaable salary per
month. . Apply st People a laatltute, Knurth
aad Burnsltl4 ata. . '
WANTED Tseng men rd tosra telegraphy ssd
-railroad accounting; sslarles STAoo te suO.Ou.
- For free catalogue address Moras College ef
Telegraphy, eoa 12th St.. Oakland. CsL
WANTED 20 ew ampere at good wsges; 28
. miim fmmm Portland aag eat mil from rail-
t mad. Apply Waatars Cpg. Co.. 808 aUsaras
bulg., I-orllaao..
iriVTS-D Tw or three -ftret-clss, all-aronnd
machine meat peraiansot posltlca. goad wages.
. Orsgoa rgraltar Mfg. Co., Macadam read.
WANTED Mortog-plcture soeseilne-operatorai
will teech yon tiie hualneatl terms reaaonablei
- positions BscuTn 9 Sood salary. - Nswmaa,
' 1481, Sixth , - '' '
WR st orb for our mere bora; special mem.
X. X . as. V- a. veaw-a aaq imiu.
PI ft T CLASS pants-aiakars. NIcoU, Tbe Tailor,
. 10S Third St. N . (
WA!"JTEI-Briy( atssdy work,
,. corner Darls.
88 H. Preat,
WANTED Youth about IS to work la grocery
store snd leara bbsIbsbs. , Address x oe,
care Jouraal. '. k - '
e i 1 ' ' " 9
WANTED 10 young asea to prepare for rail
road telegraph operators; positions - wnen
eomnetent: nart tuition CS Table . after at
work. Kxnert Collere of TelexraDhy. Coot-
inonwealtu aiaf.t Blxis ana Anxeny. .
PENMAN Priest and class leeeona, both rise
and evening: gst terms, oarer a sxpart uoc
lege. Commonwealth bldg., HUta sna Anion?
WANTED AT f NCR S boy oe IS years.
liooerts Bros.,1 Third ana Mornsoa.
WANTED Stsrcher; stsady ample ytnBt. Ore
gsa Laundry to., raon asst t. .
WANTED Mattress makers; stsady , work. .08
Front, corner-Harris. -, s -
BOYS WANTBD Apply , to
' Weatarn - TJnloa
leiegrapn co.
WANTED 30 swsmpsr at food wagsa; 28
miles rrom rxtrtisna ana one mil rrom rail
road. Apply Waatars Cpg. Co., 808 S tear as
tM . Pwtland. . I
WANTED Datscttvsa. shrewd, reltabl
for prortteble secret aervtce, te act auaer
orders; no experience necessary. Writ H
C. Webster, iudlsnapolls, Iod. .
WANTED Boy to leara tb hardware boelneas;
also general repairing and tockamlthlng; tow
'wagsa t begla .wltb.,.44 Third at.. Bear
' Ash. . .
s-Union Hotel s v
SI NOBTH SIXTH ST.' -V"",---,.;'
Pre employment to or- patraaa. (
Weekly rates: Room, 31.28 ap; roota aad
board. 84.60 up. Asdersoo. proprlstor.
SOUND young km, ags IS to 80, for nresseu
and brakemee - oa . new roads and for J all
raah; experience unnecessary; Srsmea $100
per month, brskemea 375; position now epen.
- National Railway Training aaanctotloa, 780
Pi x too hlk., Omaha, Nebraska; or 831 Ridge
. bldg., Kanss City. Missouri. .
ANSWER THIS ADI Ifs motley nt year pock
. styjun business Sou hied your salary ta
' c reaied 28 te 100 per cent no matter where
located, wbst yoor work. - Proofs furnished.
Call or writs. Pgge-Davl Co.. Dept. 81, 413
Comaierelal bldg., Portland. -'...
WANTED Bobcoo tractors la OsllforuU;
bsve 10 tosm. or -more; first-class scrsner
work from lO cents to IS cents per cubic
yard: ahs subcontractors for sum work st
SO cants to SO cants per- cable yard. Free
traoaportatloa for outfit and ntea te California
aad Oregon. Add rasa P 68, cars Journal.
WANTED ' Special eslesmea te Introduce' oar
full lln of pclsltie. Including Burbsnk's
: bsw stooelese plam-mlraci. Reply with
reference, te the Oregoa Ruraery Co., Salem,
-" Orsgoa. . -
WANTED Tyilmher sawyer, frlctloa feed, mill;
teady srorfc for competent mas. , h-sums
Lumber Co., X slams, Washlagtoa.
WANTED Installment collector fur merchan
dise accounts; good ealary ana expense. Ad
dress Otob Co., T23 Cbeetaat t Palla
delpbla, Pennsylvania. ..
8EWEB BHOYrXERa. t2.80, hoars.
aad Dnpoat sts. - -. : i ......
WANTED Young mas for doctor" offlc for
aiorning ana. evenings; .sruoenx - sveisrrvu.
Room 3, 3424 Wsehlagtoa at.
MAN for shipping-room In retail furniture ktoro.
Addrssa v 74, cars joursau -
MEN wanted for brickyard. Y
. Ink
Brick C., East list aad TUianwoa,
irvingto cara.
BOY la furniture at to d due ting, te. Ad
dress o 7, care journal.
CABINET-MAKER wsatsd at 8T3 Front st.
WANTED Thoroughly : eonrsetent ssslstsnt
bookkeeper tor large whojessi noass: none
ether need apply. Address Y 63, care Jouraxl.
BOYS to work la eaady factory; steady employ,
meat, good wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.,
12th and oarla. v-
WANTED Young maa to help ta chipping de-
parrmeBt. nut siram m wora: mvsx wm urin&
and active; opportunity for .. advancement;
salary 810. Address, stating age aad refer
ence, to 0 31, care Journal.
WANTED Bright office bepl- aa xspttoual
opportamty ior to rtgnt yoang man ; smati
salary st stsrtt stst ags, references gad
schooling. - Address H 100, car JooroaL '
WANTED Offlc mm; must b good penmen ;
good salary: stats ags aad xprleat. . A 41,
car JonrnaL .. ..
WANTED First diss hsslth snd sod dent ln-
sursacs maa. 007 McKay Bldg. . . v
COUNTRY PRINTER wsnted; atssdy-Job
right man: state experience ana salary i
pectsd. Th Mall, BUytoa. Or. '
WANTED Flret-elas
Lnkm 4070. .
WANTED Shoemaker, st sacs.
B. I Irrla
C., Baiea, or. ,
MEN wanted at brickyard. Seventh snd Rraarell;
wsges 32.00 par dsy. -
Tf you work why not earn more than a
'living? B Independent; do good. The Vlarl
Co. already employs 12.000 women; the work
1 eovere 3) eosntrle of th world; we -will
entertain- applications from capable women;
aot csntAsslng. bnt helpful, dignified work.
Address by trail only. The Vlarl Oc, Lewie
bldg.. Portland, Or. - i .
lOSH ' Yourth su. enr. Morriaoa, apststrs.
Pbons Main B2. , . ,
Alongald tbe Yl M. C. A. bldg.
WANTED Girls ever 18 yesrs or women to
work oa eewlng machines In ' shirt factory;
eaay to learn; good pay; ateady work. Ore
goa City Woolen Mill, Oregoa City, , ' .
GIRLS WANTED Operators to work es shirts
and overalls. - Lessons glvea te Inexperleaeed.
' Apply st Staadard factory No. 3, Uraad at,
snd Esst Taylor st.
WANTED Olrts to mak
Ite st 76 Fbst st.
"Bess of AO" ever.
tea St.. snr. Seventh, apetatra.
SrWS. Fsmsto belp wanted.
01 AT S wanted for' genarsl bonswark eooke
and wtltree. City Employment Offlc,
suit L V Waahingtoa st. Msla 3410.
WANTED Competent Jglrl for general
work. Apply 18
18lb si
WANTED ilrl, steady work, at 88 N. Frost,
corner- Dsels. e - -
WANTED Ladyt saay,
sslsry snd com luteal no.
profit a hi
141 lith
WANTED ladle to tears garment-cutting
from expert ladles' tsllori method slrspls snd
Cfset flttlnti she course In ladtee' tailor
i open evenings. 108 12th st, aear Wash-
-. Itigtoti. i, .. '- -
I'BNMAN Private snd class lraaona both day
end sreuleg; get terms. Osier' Expert Col
lege, Unuuwassslth bldg.) bUth tad Aakcar,
WANT K D Mangle bands snd Ironars St Orsad
Laundry l., Ifth sud (juluiby sta.
PBW ladles wsnted to saslit making saay
fascy work spare time st joj; S"k1 ateady
Ea;; ao airirnre rwuulrad. lUd t'lslduef
lilg., u7 U salilugtoa St.
OIRL wanted for general kouaework; a cook
Ins; good boms; te aaalst with sblldrsa. 047
lihh st. . .
ttlRI-S. when joa want work call ta the Scaav
linarlan U'llee' Agency, lt)7Vk rtlAtkjM.
Alain seOO. Julia Aoderaon, mauagsr.
WANTED Starch work lroners, manale girls
snd ataxchsr. Oregoa Laundry' Co., - phoue
Caat ij.
A OOOD helper oa coal a. Apvly t. the Boa
Ton Tailoring Co., 107 V. Sixth St., room a.
WANTED Cbocolata-dlppera, wrappers and
uaekers. Modern Coufcctloaerr Co., 18th and
lloyt sta.
GOOD girl for general bousework and cooking.
ii i4tn et. v
WANTED Woman about SO or 85 ysars ot
sue te work In. widower's family oa seat tide.
Address Y M, cars JoumaL
01RL8 to work t candy factory ; steady em
, ployment. good wages. Psclfl Coast Biscuit
. co itu sua osris. . v ..
I HAVE a good bom for girl te work while
attending achool. Apply 084 East Stark, cor
ner W4 St. .... - ' ..... . I M !- .
LADY teachers wsnted for EdIscoosI Chinese
mission renins school, SSS Second St., 7:80
to v:su p. m. fboos Alain tua,
WANTED Olrl, to ssstst with light housework.
llH 18th St. Pboos Pacific 140. . ... '
8KIBTMAKEB wantsd. power machine: gteadj
work. 813 a week.
4S3 Waahingtoa at. J,
WANTED 28. girls or women at one st can
nery of tbe Oregon Pack big Co., Eaat Eighth
and Yamhill ata: both piece slid day work;
plec workers can maks 82 par day.
WAIfTED Country girl for general boueeworkl
no ouoklng; good boms; to ssstst with eh 11
' drea; good home for right party. .847 Fifth St.
BBFINED woman for general housework: treated
-ss one of tb family ; little weahlng: Be chil
dren; 8 JO month. Pbeae Mala 4341. 807
12th at. , . .-, . r , :
WANTED Girt or woman to work evening for
ber board; good heme. Apply 42. Jouraal.
WANTED Olrl for. general houa work; wsgss
. Bo object. City Employment Office,, 3661
Washington at room 1.
SCHOOIXJ1RL csa ftad sleaiant bom la amall
family la exchang for light work, " Address
ix s, esrs e-oarnai.v ,w ,- , . ..
EXPERIENCED girl, light hoassworkt Be
log. Apply 844 1Mb st. la morn lags.
EXPERIE.-vUslD chambermaid: 320, board aad
-ine Manitoa, xoi lata at.
XOUNO man and worses to Isara bookkeeping!
new eat and Blast saodera saulpeneot ea th
recin coast; tstna, waoiessat, commuunon.
freight, -teal catatc and Insurance offices; all
farulahed with loose leaf ledsers.' sddln ma.
cnines, earn rues, stc. Holmes muiiaaas col.
leg. Waahingtoa anal 10th ata.
MAKE MONEY ta the advwrtUtng bsatneeei no
soliciting; spienai salary jwnea yea peg la
snd every chance for advsacemsnt. Call or
writ and learn all about It. PareDsvla C-,
Dept. 31, 418 Commercial bldg.,, PsrtUa.
WANTED Good Itv agents ta rsnrsssnt aa la
; dlf feres t sections cf city, country aad
amall tows, write
300 Third st.
all B. H. Fkama
BELP wasted ssd sormlle. sua la sr tsaaaas. R.
. . Drake, 208H Waahlugtaa at. PselAa 1S78.
CALXs Mala 8148 for kslp.
WANTED Kxpariesoed aeamati ass. ate young
men. shout 18 to 30 yesrs. Willamette Teat
A Awning Co., Front and Bnraslde.
A NEW YORK maa baring larg ex parlance
In Installation nnd millwright work wont
atesdy eunploynsest; capable to an peris tend;
peat rererences. Aoarsss J. tl. ai car aw
B. WyUe. 1 East NUth St.. t
A NEW YORK maa having large oipei trace la
- markiistloa sad millwright work wants-steedr
employateat; espsble to superlntendr beat ref
. ereneee. Addreea J. M. B, care R. B. Wylls,
no. i xssc ninta at, .
SOBER, middle-aged maa wants work st
kind. 0 68. cars Journal. -
WOULD like position, light work; can stark
Sa etneai Kntal . D OjO Xenemel '
H. H. RICHARDS Booesi posted, ColVsctlons,
general clerical work; re fa ranees. 8V3 dtk st.
A FIRST-CLASS gtsenhooa gad Undseap gsr-
, sjener wiaas a privst piaee; a
cows. . P 80, car Journal. .
WELL-TRAINED prof res Ions 1 ma Is nurss ds-
sirss mpKyment; mental or nsl iuag atMnta
YOUNG maa handy with toots wests altaattoa
cf any kind. X 1. JoumaL
11 I
WANTED By first 'ef October, poet tioa a
- xypvwTixsT try ceacaic esstsrn young may,
Address Y S3, cars JouraaL
AGENTS wanted, OB Id Basks 84 to 8
TSM M. Third.
AGENTS -wanted In every tows ta Oregoa
represent tse national Lire lasarsac u.
U. S. A. R. O. BellsBd, stst mauagsr, SOS
s uconer mug., rortiaaa, ur,
FIRs.T-CT.ASn. business men or vmmtn cas have
paying posltlo by addressing C 87, JonrnaL
SS North Second at. Pbea Mala 1838.
St Morrison St, Phone Pacific 28.
WANTED TO RENT Houses, sattagaa, fteta,
stores, office, roomlsg-honna, ate. Lead
torda will d well to cell oa i '
Phone Ea. 72. S. E. Cat, fd aad Oak.
HOUSES, fists, rooming bouses, stones, offices,
etc.: prompt sttentloa assured. Phone Msi
1171. H. W. Llndbsrd. McKay bldg.
SMALL family ' sdults wants 3 or 4 medsra
furnished or unfurnished room a wsat aid
' preferred. F 31, car. Jouraal. .' ' .
WANTED 8 er 4 unfurnished bnaaekeeping
. rooms with neat, by small family, or would
' taks small Sat. Call 888 Waahingtoa st.
I WANT to rent 8 west side ground-floor, trnfur-
ntsneo aousessepmg rooms, witn Bear, light,
water and bath - ot bath privilege. - 0, 63,
care Josrnal. . , s ..
TWO unfurnished room m welkins dtsUsee.
with ysrd pre f erred; stst price. K. 47, ear
- Journal. . ...... - . - ..
FOR Bin, months, boas of 4 er 6 room, sll
ar partly fnrnlebid; west side, withla 12
blocks Bslaseo. - K 48, Journal. -
To The Portland Capitalist
FIRE INSURANTS, payment of TAXES and
tbs best sf fselUtle for carrying out your
Wishes aa agent. W solicit your
Ctronsg. Our retsreneea : Ladd A Tilt a,
aksrs, and Merchants Nstloaal beak,
,- R. H. BLOSSOM,-
0. L. PARRISH A CO. bar opened a general
real sstats office st 428 Lam ber Eiobsnrs
' bldg., earner Second and Stsrk sts., snd will
buy aad sell realty, collect rest and nawotlst
. loans; first class refersooee ; boasst dealing
with our clients.
GOOD tseoms snd resldens property, lot,
farming end timber lands. Phone Msla 1171,
H. W- Lindhsrd. McKay bldg.
Msla teas Mala 8068
.... .i ..'..-.. FOR , . 7 .
u rirst M,
HKlHEtT price paid ft men's cast-off cloth
lug. 1-uoua l-acluo 4. I'ucle Joe, t2 TUlid.
jit washinkion. PAcirio tsi.
PAINTING, spraying snd whitewashing treee,
baaements, barua. docka, ete; largcet gaaollns
spraying outnt ea tbe eoaat. M. J. lt.rgas
A Co., 822 bolus at. I-bon Eaat SI I.
WR WILL BUT your furniture any old time.
Weatarn Bairsgs Co.. sJl WaaLiustoa sL -.
HIOHR8T eaah nrlca ' nald for a at sad
goods. Psoas P.aat OOTT. ISO Ualoa aea.
WANTBD To buy a secondhand typewriter
desk with four or eight drawers. P la, care
WANTED Homestead rellnqiilihtnent. bearlly
tluibaied. In SUets rsasrealloa. Address Box
7. St. Helen. Or.
WANTED Te buy aeeond hand typewriter
table with four or sight , drawers. K 40,
" car Journal.
WANTED Second hsnd . city wall map.
Lumbar Kxchsngs bldg.
PUBnAi'KB sreom boure 'cheap;- rent et
houae. 3U per month.- Phone Mala 2u8.
PART of shop t rent, sultabl tor ptlatar er
piumoer. avis sonrtn St.
OFFICE-ROOMS, aafnrnlahed room snd ssmnte.
rooms for reat. Qoodasugh bldg, . Apply al.
vstor. ' - r . ,
FOR RENT Nsw store building Bear bwdgs.
inquire u. SI. now ley, vencouvsr, nun.
FARM, 10 acres, 1 mil north of Bssverton, T
mil rrom PortlaaA . Jam Barium, Userer-
HALL Ad tMHrocrtii, .wtMirat er to,-ttiri
m4 with all cttDTtrnWncdM. Phoo Ulm
THE GRAND, 4RH Nor Third at. Reoaas tor
gentlemen fl.SS pa week snd an.
f THR RICHELIEtT. 88V, Nnrth sixth at. Rle-
gsaiLg lurnishsd; Btesm aaat aad hatha.
kLOKuril Furnished - housekeeping roo
slngl or. ea salt. 80S Aldr, cor. Lownsda).
'THE HUR," OS Eurreath at., cornar Stark;
room with auaa host ana nam. .
S NEWLY faratebed front rosms sultabl (nt
tw gsnttemea. 148 10th at. f ,
FOR RENT furnished front rooms. 318 11th.
Phone Main 838,
FOR RENT1 Furnished housekeeping roo ma er
- fnrnlahed flat; beautiful location, on tw car
Unas: rent reasoaabl. . 848 Esst 37th at.,- oor-
wr miari. .
THE MITCHELL, Flanders , and Saves rh
Booans. SonaskMBIng snd trass Is sil -
' venlentl prices rsaaonsbls.
LA RGB tlsgsBtly furnished awosekaeptag.
, rooans; gas range, rsaslug waaar. The Lewasv
Viab SASU AlJ -.
31.28 PER WEEK large, rleaa turatabed
house keeplng-reoms; )sandrvSad bath. , 184
aaarau, aonia rorxisaa.
AYB half hotel expenses; 31 week an. eleecy
fnralsbed bouaekeeplns-rooosa, suitable fur
two; parlor, Isuadr, Bath, yard. SOS SUn-
xon. - u car. . -
OOOD furnished snd unfurnished bouse keeptn
sna Sleeping rooms. 81 week. McCoy, 271
MumsoB, room vi, sswob iiaer. ,
THREE er four furnished housekeeping room
witn yarn, gas aa Data, cease la- raoae
41 A
WANTED Board and mom for maa and wife:
mast b flrst-clsa sad sot evsr 340 hath
ana nasi privilege. J S4, rare Journal.
4 ROOMS. S40U Ixeat St., 212; S-reora Oat,
Cla. main ceio. -
1 Td 4 toossa. tergs, dees; cheap rent. I
Second st - i
81.460 Modern 6-room cottars, asar O.
R. A N. shops; fln locatloa; a rare chance
' te secure bom by making small cask
payment, balance asm as rent. .
848 Mlaslaaippi sr. - Phen Wood law 301
KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. arornnt aad re
liable plan ssd frrrnl tux-mover; ate stop.
sgs. Pboos Main 1886. OtSc 110 N. Thkd.
FOR BENT 3 handsome modem f-rsem koasse.
eoovcnUatly located ea Thlrdat. car line; 010,
BIS and S14 Corbatt t.: rent reaaoaable te
desirable tenant. Da rid A , Steers. 348
Washington st. ....
tINB sligbtly ased high -grade plane for ml
t oar gain pries. Csll to ass It- ' Altea A
Gilbert Co., Sixth and Morriaoa ata.
FOR RENT ioem modem
Sntahed, Sixth aad Cam to are,
Pbea Mala
4-ROOM kouss nee car, kali block, fenced,
313. Msla 3868.
FOR RENT NIc cottars, 8 rooms, central-)
located. Inquire Dr. W. Koebtar, dentist, -34-First
FOR RENT A 1t-room cottage, all mndera
Improvements, cheep at 810. 681 Fourth st
MODERN 0-rooDj Sat. 848 to ST.2 CorbcMi
. 312.60. . L. 3). Thompeon, 328 Third.
ELEGANT Sroom sprier fist, best location, west
mm. wunsrn st ta,, x,omtier sxenange, aee
ond sad Stsrk. Phone Pacific 188.
Hlllsboro, Oregon Wants
. A canning factory, , . , '. K
A brickyard, ,,, ..; ; .... ..
" A Bischlns-snop, - .
," A Isundry snd ,' -', '.'
i A modem hotel, t"
The best field la Orecoa tor the Industries
mentioned above. For farther particulars
writs to u. w. oars, secretary or tn xl u la
bors board of trsds, Hlllaboro, Or.
-, For Beat Best and most prominent store
en Washington St., near Fourth.; moat deslr
able location la Portland. . Pbons Msla 800,
76-R"0M hotel In Willamette valley, with bar;
e.uuo popnistioni rumitur sna rtxtnres ai;
Clear over 3o"0 monthly) besrs Investigation
long lease, ror particulars call or sddi
11. W. Lindhsrd, 401-
1-403 McKay bldg. Pbea
Msla 1171-x -
PHENOMENAL tie la price of Hurst Switch
expected any dayi flila may be year last
. epportunttf t buy before aubscrtptlon bonk
srs closed. J. F. Hurst A 0w 308 Ma
lay bldg.
HERB'S yoor chane of retting sa oil route:
,riret-clao on wsgna snd tesa fog esax, also
route. 385 Morriaoa at. . . ,,
PARTNER wanted for a feed store and grocery;
SoOO required, secured, ,0a II 248H Stark St.
WANTED A partnsr In genera! bterkamlta
shop, T miles sot; plsntv of work; must n
goo nrosesnoer ana su-i
end hrosesboer and all-around smith: eapl
tal reqnlred, I.VIO,
Addreaa Y 7A JouraaL
FOR SALE Apartment-nones of IS rooms) all
newiy ruruienerii easy lervns it ascesssry; In
om 3iik; rent tW: Iocs ted on Morrleon at.
Apply Ooha Bros.' Farnlture Co., 180, rtrat.
CITY baalnea compels i to sell my gsatvsl
store and dwelling; without exception tbe
best money maker la ths valley. , Address M.
C. Dsvls. 2f Alder.
BIGGEST snap la city, a wsll-psylng estah-
nsne grocery oasirrsa; owner was Sort la
Scsldeaiy Sa owner, 861 laird et.
AN'Otiier aiilimn harnts: 31 no rciulred ant
J.l s uimiili rMar.meed. Tus biawary and
immm win leu you 11
Call 24.1s, rjlaik at.
good oas.
FOR SALE, cheap, If sold within 10 dsys. a
SO room lx1iiii houae doing apleudld huil
neia; will bear luratisalt.iol reaxai fur aelW
Ins. oilier btiinea rjuirea owner's attention.
- Call 47i Sixth at..N.
FOR SALE Small grocery doing a good boil.
nea. iO. e.ix Uulon art. l lion Last 44JA,
CASH STORE Actlv man without previous
i pert eoo en mak SlnO clear orer all et-
I penaee svery month; l,UOO reijuhsd, secured.
Cell 24SVt Stsrk st.
UP-TO-DATB grocery, good location, 1.000. In.
eluding furniture for fire roouie. Mala 4847.
WANTED To buy a good reataurant, centrally
ofv'tt'. wU,t b,r" f01 Heakl A Harrison,
317 Ablngtea bldg. . . ... . .
8 000 Hardware builueaa: nice clean (tech
Is thriving valley tows; annual sale will
run about 82A.0OO; would trade for a good
farm or Port land propane. What saa you
offert Principals only. Tsll what you hare
and price In ruur uisar. Addroaa ar ah
L. csrc Journal. i ,
Wanted To sell a half InUraot le
eh sues bualnsas, or will trade for a vscssl
mmmiwmm a eu, care on r na 1.
FOR SALB la country tow g general mer
chandise star with a 38.600 stock, aals seer,
aging 336 a day. Stock sew. cheap rant,
will lnvoloce stock. Must Belt by October l!
Address Y 81, Jouraal. . -. '
FOR SALE Grocery store, wsst aids, esrnsri
. tins stock, flvs living roeme above nicely fur.
Blahed; tow rent; owner selling sceouat sick
ness; 81,100. T. L. Garland, 38 FUsdaa
bldg.. loth and Washington. . .
TO BR convinced ef a good, set Investment,
csll on W. D. Blcbsrd at 110 otecoud SL.
Portland, Oregoa. .
ESTABLISHED real sststo business; large list
of property; front office suite; sa exceptional
' opportunity. Pnunc Psclfc SS31.
FOB SALB New .store baliding 30 by 40 fret. '
tn small country su tioa ; excellent o panics- tot
Jeneral mcrchandla. Address O. J. A- oar
ournal. . , ., :
COMBINATION grocery, lgar, eonfeetlanary sad
bakery good store: 4 living-room; rent 8131
. nwirf Im.IImi .Kle .o ... m.. 1
148 M First et room 8. 7. s
'.B..ALB ""al1 grocery sad horn bakery!
4 living-rooms: invoice. P 67, eare Journal.
. . BOafB TBRT 0H0TCB " ,'
t;-V 'k,-VAI FARM PBICEa. . ' A
i 7 , 0000 LOCATION.
. ' Quality f oil th vsry
- lo atone or gravwl.
'.'A -; Keaa car line.
-Com to the office of- th -
- Inyestment Co.
244 Stark St.
' - and auk I sentry.
Here Are a Few cf Wiley
Allen & Co'Ss Fine Bargains
SU seraa Fatr aVroona hoaaaL S -
f good rchsrd. 13 acree aad euHlvatle-
- 28 acre of good timber, near aarllae aad
ea good road; only 836 per acre.
Several Sac Piece of heater dam least sa
Johnsoa creek. , Bear , Lenta. Brat dsa for
gardeu anrpoaaa. ...
- Ate V end sere tract with riilrlenaaei .
bouses to rent, furalihad aad aafarslaSa. at
. rsassaibl rests
6 acre tracts, .' srl Improved with
- fcalldlngs. mlnntss wslk frem aehast aad
veer ata Hon, 6e fare to sap part ef Pert
land, and the cheapest lots ea th MsaaS
-entt.llne. .-. .. . ,.. . . - :.
;iWUey Aliens Co. i; tt
V ' LBKTB. OREGON. , (..'-
A NEW 7 room hoaaa. Just ftotebed. aad SO-foot
. for, wsst are., near nawinorne ava nun -'
Raa water, besnriful stow- price ft GOO; t
term. A. B. Jsckson, . room 3, Hsmlltoa
phldf. Pkoa Main 1683. ,.-:- ;
,,' 7 .:':': - " ; ':'"''.' ."1. .
FAXON PARK - ,....
Is now oa tb markets lots at aarasg pniss,
eesrdlng to ImpmvsassBta.
. Lota ooxsno 8118. , 3180, SIM -''
- ,t Lota '100x200 8228, 82AO, 3278 . '
Lota 300x200-4460, tooO. iaM
' Theas lots are meetly ia enlttvstioa, area!
sad sightly, es a goad graded street, Voa
to good 10-room srbooL at Lenta ; 8 far
to say pert ef .Portlsnd: wster free; aim,
Mount Sostt can, 8a. Lasts. Orsgoa. .
: ; : . Send One Dollar
.Aad w win Hat your property with 1.008
real sstats dealer wbe are aa aaxtoea to cara
a coaunlssloa ss yoa arc to eelli car plsa
seldom falls; send descrtptloa; w are helping
many other, why not you 7 Address Th la .
veetor'a Gold, 311 Marque m blus Fortiaad,
Oregoa. i -- ,
. 500 Hemes For Sale :
Farm snd City Property, , .,
11 Hsrqaam bldg., Pvrtlsad, Oregon.
- For a few days only w. ma sell yen 7
6-room boms oa Sbarmsa st. for 32,860 bath,
hot aad cold wster, gss, basement. , .
SI Fifth St. ,t - 7
BUY tot ea the sect side; 8-mlsote ear err
Ice. withla walking aiatsBCSi nn eosraea
going apt prices frem SOO0 t S60i terma tf
desired.',.'- . , .-
848 Mlsalaslppl ar. Pba Weodlawn 303,
er branch office oa tb ground, Twsaiy
second sad Msrrtsnn. Open daily 8 a. m.
to IS m. . Mount Tabor aad Suanyald car.
TWO tot near ear, small
boos, $660. til
Commercial pig.
. Moteboss A French. 1070 I. 12th.
Phone Beiiwood is. .
City Ylew Park tote, 8375 sad apt Roes
Addition lots. 3100 and ap; 83 dowa and 88 a
month. Hems from $300 to 88,000. Lots 1 200
and ap. in all parts sf Scllwood. List yoa
property with sa; we will mil tt, --. '
VI kin buyer for your property or
baelaeas. Bphlnx Agency, soevk star at.
WAREHOUSE uiopei'ty for sals, lot lortxioo, k '
feeing adjoining raureaa trscas. aoorsaa
P 88, rare JournsL t
.000 arre ef r holes timber lead aad
several kuadred sera ef coal tends also stock .
ranches nd atnall traeU la tb Coca bay
soon try.
BOUSES built on Installments, lot If
S13 Commercial hidg., msia lsso.
FOR SALB by owner, highly Improved 14
creo, vary cana w uisy, vawer ,
rout no. a, city.
ADJOINING lots, Beat 87fh and Madlaoa,
s, kiast
ata.. u. bloek from car. level, shove grads.
street ImprovemeaU la 1360 esch. - 0 !
car JournsL
: -. Good Investnents v .
Pavmg 18 Per Cent es Prtc Asksd.
6.0(10 Strictly modem flats, sa bsst port
f Hall t. .''"'.
34.2ia) rr two BMdera Bew Aroom boassg
en lith at. -
. r Wunscli & Co.7 v ".'.
10 Lumbar Exrhan, Second and Stark,
Pkoa laelflo 188.
FOR ALB lb finest suburhaa home ea penla.
near pmpoaea nnrtnern racuw dapog
gronnda, Portsmouth,
8021 Exeter st, ' Sa
FOR SALE Improved snd an Improved fsrms.
wnww. hi e,.r. . . . . iriunr MIMI1 tLBQ
sawmllle, eity snd . suburhea propertyi
chsnees a aiieclalty. Turnsr A Valkw. reA
4, eVJn .Wsshlngroa st, ' -w