The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    taily jou;::;al, ro::TLA:;D, ti:u:.:day eve;;i:;c. -snrTEMBcn sv ic:
- -
Women's Outing: Flannel
Gowns .
Children's Fleece Line
; Hose
TLEECE lined black cotton ho:
"F. oiifing flannel, in pretty striped
patterns, trimmed in
' with double heel and t6e,
sizes fronv5 to 9, regular 15c
goods, sell Friday only, pair
plain white goods and ' .
braid, worth $1.25 - v . V ;
SLV 11
' -Til.: cyy:
' V I.-
!T -
T f U-. :. 1 1-
' L - ? . : ... ' - Y '- -
Stamps Are
Good as Gold
A' double attraction tjiat will crowd our store tomorrow as it never has been packed before.
. going to givs : Y;. v-Y . Y' yY1y -Y .'I;! iv' '.'JV; ;!y'y ,
For, In addition to the really wonderful bargains we offer we are
v r.-Y-w jf-.-ir;i,v'-: ;- .r:r:-:: "'v'' ":- YJlr
1 0 Gold Merchandise ; Coupons to E very one Who tks'aioriThe'm!
Gold Merchandise Coupons now replace S. ft H. Trading Stamps at the Golden Eagle. No more waiting till you have bought $100 worth before -you get your
"premium." Collect CSOLD MERCHANDISE COUPONS and they're good RIGHT HERE IN OUR STORE for FIVE per cent of the amount you've pur
chased. GOOD AS CASH, that's it In a nutshell Bring 'em in at any time, In amounts of $25 or more and get for them ANYTHING IN THIS BIG STORE.
Better than trading stamps because you can use them same as CASH; Better than stamps because you don't have to WAIT. $25.00 worth of stamps buys $1.25
worth of merchandise in our store, $50.00 worth gets you $2.50 in goods, $100 worth of stamps entitles you to $5.00 in trade and you may CHOOSE WHAT YOU
WANT. Ask for Gold Merchandise Coupons. They're good as GOLD in our store.: TO OUR CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE 8. ft H. STAMPS we will ex
change uoid Merchandise coupons tor 5. & H. Stamps.
watt till you nave
irehandise Coupons for S. & H. Stamps. One 10-cent coupon for one 10-ccnt stamp. You gain by this. Coupons good as cash, and you needn't
$100 worth to have .them redeemed... And remember .' ; ,, 'v ' ".V-.-'Y;' V'--' v ;l-;..';, ' V'-'Y :-'v-:,:V.'
Ask for Gold
Every Purchase
of 5c or More
oes Jriee
oou Bsazji
Untrimmed Hats $1.25, rth52.50
4 a
A TREMENDOUS Frtdty $pee1a&ow' MilUnery Dep.rtment.
HU of rich black felt, flat shapes that will readily- conform to
all of the ttylish shapes., Come untrimmed of course, but add just
ivit ox noDon, some veiret, a quui, xeatner, wing or
breast and you've a smart little street hat,' just the"
design that pleases yon best and would cost you in
Other stores $5.00 to $7 JO, ; Special Friday.........
' ' ' ' ' aWbM1K aatuji ' ' '
rvrv - o
A tl
mmeini 5 ira
we can mas
ke nrices no comnetltion can match.
... . - . . .
tnat were refused Dy a large bouse on account o( a
K For Remnants
Remnants of Percale
les. Gingham.
Calico, Outing Flannel and Wash
Goods of all sorts. - Lengths irrit
able for every purpose. Selling
: YY' . L . I
regular - i I I
U -'"'-' V' "V , . . . . I
rer saw before. Bought a lot of coats for so little, that
petition can match. Twas a lucky stroke of business for us. Tbey are coats
house on account of a lt ihiommt. That Is. the buver SAID he wouldn't
taxe tnem. tnmking to get an extra discount ButJie was dealing with one of the biggest cloak factories
in the country and should have known better. -TaTtfaeh him a lesson they decided not to ship and looked
oer their list of stores for a customerhat could use them ALL. "THE GOLDEN EAGLE in Portland.",
that was the first house they thought of and wired us at once to know what would be our CASH offer. We
waitea tor trie memorandum ot styles and quantities, which they had mailed to us, to ar
rive, and wired our offer. WE GOT THE COATS every one of them. Most swsg
ger garments you ever laid eyes on. Plain colors and shadow . plaids,- superb materials,"
and any coat in the lot worth $18.00 or more. Choice f ....................
' ' 11 ' ' m ' i Y ' i' . ooujnr Aaia ' " " ' "
aoum stAoi.a-
Samples Women's Fall
At Half
VERYTHING in Underwear that a woman
wears is included . in this lot of samples.
Union Suits, PantsVests with long or short
sleeves. Silk Summer Vests with low neck, yes
EVERYTHING. Fleece lined Y good. wool
Roods, cotton, silk, for all purposes and all tastes.
And now, right at the BEUINNINU ot the yn-...
derwear season, just at the time, when you'll ap
preciate it most comes this sale. Any garment in ' '
the lot at half price.......;.... Y ....,. ...........
Dress Goods" "
A splendid fabric for the construc
tion of fall waists, shirtwaist suits.
etc,- mercerized
suiting; worth .
18c the vard. t ;
Friday... ..;. V..
. ..-.. ' -
Children's Coats
16 years of age. Come In any mixtures and plain
colors, trimmed with braid and buttons; worth' from -$4.50
to $3.50 each. Friday price See window.. ....
A u coat bargain t never
equaled. Coats for misses
Wait! Wath for It!
For what? For the sale of the WHITE CORNER stock.' bought at 50c on the dollar. Nearlv ri
business and when the goods are all marked and the doors are thrown open then will begin the most tremet
slaughter ot dry goods in the history of Portland. Watch for the opening ad. .Twill tell you, of"yl"e '
lunbclievable.The greatest mpney-saving csale ever. known in this section.. '- -.vt
Nearly ready now for
ANEW line here now, a regular
$5.00 grade the way they're sold
in other stores. . Patent leather,
gunmetat, dox
calf and vicL -.Special
f4.00 and......
HIS bargain
7 Bars Soap for- 25c
Naptha Soap,
Is on sale in the
too, and our offer
Basement Friday,
is seven, bars for
A regular 75c value. Friday only
for .........B5
with round globes, assorted col
ors ; worth $1.38, for 8
Handsome Laces
Come In applique - patterns, suit
able for trimming all sorts of gar
ments. Silk, .mercerized and cot-
ton; worth 50c to SI the
, yard.v Very ; special for
Fridar at; yardrljf;-
Bf and..,
Fancy Plaids
Tpt Waists and Childs'-. Dresses
you'll find nothing better than
these.- Pleasing patterns and qual
ities above the ordw
nary; worth 4Sc ; per
yard. Special ' , ' .
Shimmering, shining textiles, fancy
and plain colored taffetas, surahs.
etc No handsomer
silk to be' found in the city at $1.00. A very special -purchase
brings you 3700 yards of this regular dol-
lar silk rtday &ee window at
New Supsrlntendsnt of Parks
" , Arrives and Is Sworn In :-t4
!:-,.;. at Once. : ,Y
1. f ;
. Will Have Charge of All the People's
Y Playgrounds, Whiclfwm Be Vastly
Y Improved Under', Hi Trained di
rection and Cars.
' Arthur D. Montetth. who hrm elected
'superintendent-of parks and to' whom
has besn given the work of Improving
tha park ijriUn ol ths city, arrived this
morning and assumed his (la ties at one.
Ever since Herman Vowitm was die-
' missed br the park board the need of a
vigorous, active man has been apparent.
Lowlts'e conduct of the City park had
been criticised by-the board, and ex
' tensive changes and Improvements are
looked- for. , --. i-
Mr.'Montelth will not only have the
care of the City park, but will give
. time to the Improvement of Holleday,
Hawthorne. TsrwUtlger and ether sub
urban parks.., No one capable of per
forming the routine duties of superin
tendent has had .tha office lately and
the board aU the" last meeting had te
make broad fuesaes at ths amounts
needed te ears for the various pieces of
property under its control. -, , . a,
Mr. Montetth somes from Liewlaton,
Idaho, where he has been engaged In
engineering work. He received a part of
his training In park work with the
metropolitan park commission of Massa
chusetts, where he was employed for
several years. According to the letters
Of recommendation presented to the park
Doara ne le a riortat and gardener as
well as sn engineer. The residence In
the City park will at onoebe turned
ever to Mr. Montetth for the use of htm
self and family. T
Mr. Montetth called at the eltv hall
this morning, was welcomed by Mayor
Laae, was sworn Into office and went
out to meet the members of the board.
Ths metropolitan park commission ot
Maaaaohuaetu Is described by Mr. Mon
tetth ss controlling ths parks within a
rsaius or is muss or the state house In
uoaton. -Every town touched by ths
11ns Is- by the state law brought under
the control of the commission so far as
its parks are concerned. The result has
been te make the parka around Boston
among -the most beautiful in the world.
Laid out and managed In accordance
with one definite plan, they harmonise
wiiu one anotner.i -
(Journal ftpMlel Servtee.) f
Albany, N.' T Sept. 10. A netitlon
signed by' l.teo physicians of the state
was presented to the governor ' today
aaktng that . a commission of medical
experts be appointed te determine the
Questions at issue In the case of Lawyer
Patrick, convicted of he murder- of
wiuiam March Rice. The petitioners
say the questions undetermined at the
trials should be thoroughly Investigated
ana conflicting testimony reconciled,
' .-'. .' ' 1 1 i ' :-
ef erred Stoek Cannes Ooods. ,
Allen Si Lewis' Beet Brand. .'
: y. v -h v; f: v r -; ...
Tbe Best Scotrring Soap Made
A Scdnrlnj; Soap
A Metal Polish
A Glass Cleaner
' Owners of. dogs are worrying them
selves sick because ths license tage tor
which they paid the city have net yet
been sent them. ' . .-v. ' ,
- All day long the telephone In the
rlcense department of the city hall rings
and Indignant voices ask: : "When are
yon going te send eut thet tag T You
said It would be mailed by the lSth."
.' The trouble is eaused by. the delay of
ths executive beard in awarding a eon-
traot to supply MOO tage for male dosgT
and ISO for femalte. lOn Angust 14 the
board awarded the contrict to ths Port
land Oun AV Bicycle company,' which at
once ordered the little tin taca from an
eastern- manufacturer. They were
promised by September 18, but have not
yet arrived. . - - --.
- Dog owners have been calling at the
city ball and paying their dog licenses
for the past three weeks. They were
given a receipt and told the tag would
be mailed as soon as the shipment came.
To make matters worse Poundmaster
Reed has received so many complaints
of loose dogs bothering' whole neighbor
hoods that he has said the dog catcher's
wagon will start eut tomorrow morn
Ing. : '." ; ' - .. V -" V
Ths men with seta will first go after
the dogs of Portsmouth end university
Park. The names of all peraons who
have paid their licensee have been given
them, and they will try not te catch any
lioensed dog. But as there are no tags
on the collars of any of ths bow-wows
It Is probable that one or two eantnee
will have te be reecued from the pound,
One woman called up the license de
partment this morning and . demanded
that the poundmaster find her dog forth
with. The catcher's wagon hadn't been
nut. but that made no difference to her.
she had paid for the license and was
certain It was the duty of the olty to
find lost dogs when once -the fee was
paid. . ', Y ' v V ,
Tns Honeyman Hardware company
offered to pay the city 16 for the privi
lege of supplying the tsgs. Each would
hare gone out In an envelope which ad
vertised the dog oollars sold by that
company. The executive board con
atdered It beneath the dignity of . the
city to, help advertise dog collars and
declined to consider any bid on that
basis., .v.. ,,
Abe Ruef Fails to Deliver Goods
Y and Democrat Ik : In- Y
Y""-y Y'-a dorsed. .' - yy
'fJeoraal SimcIsI Servtea.l :
San Francisco, Sept. to. The Xibor
Union party In a alormy session Jast
night indoraed the candidacy of Thee
dore Bell. Democratic nominee for gov.
nor. ( Abe Ruef. boss of- the Republi
can perty In Ban Francisco and also
boss of the Labor Union party, had
promised Herrln, Southern , Paelfle Re
publican boas of the state, that neither
a nomination nor an Indorsement would
be made by the Labor Union party, but
failed to deliver the goods. -,- -
3s N. Olllett, Republican nominee. Is
en the American Federation of Labor
black list for unfavorable action while
In ooasress, therefore It was eut of the
question to Indorse him. Herrln and
Ruef determines no one snouts get we
Indorsement. ' .. .
The element which put through the
Bell Indorsement ' was the Building
Trades Council, whose representative
was Secrete ry Tveltmoe. Ths repre
sentatives from . the Building Trades
Counoil sre tiring of Ruef end the In
dorsement of Bell was their reply .te
Ruef's efforte to dictate. The meeting
lasted unUl midnight, . Y
..,-- '- -
.YYY';.-- ' Y. .' V
Exploded Machinery to Be Used
for Illustrative Purposes at
; V;J V'. ' , Annapolis ':S
- - (JoerMl Seeetal Servtect
allejo, CaL. . Sept. JS The boiler
which exploded en board the, gunboat
Bennington In Ban Diego harbor In June
of last year, killing Ss, of ths ship's
crew, le te be Shipped to Annapolis,
where It will be used In the naval acad
emy for Illustrative purposes in ths in
struction of midshipmen for engineering
WOrk. . ; . 1 V
' All fovr boilers of ths ship have been
removed..' The Interior of the exploded
boiler has been loft in exactly the same
condition In which It was found Imme
diately after the explosion. - Many en
gineering experts who examined ' the
boiler at the time of the court of In
quiry following the disaster found that
the results. -of the" e'xploelon were un
paralleled "In their experience as marine
engineers, and for thla reason the boiler
will be el great value aa an object-lee-son
at the naval academy.
Walter Brown orTJnblln, Ireland.' and
Erie J. Brown of Crewe, England,' are
at the Portland. They sre touring the
United States end will be la-Portland
Several daye,;Y .-; .; i '. . " ;
Supreme Court . Holds That ln
trconie Derived From Govern-7
ment Securities Liable.
:; - - ' - .v
Hlbernla Bank , Forced to , Pay for
Holding Uncle Sam's Obligations' a
Sum Amounting to Nearly Three
' Thousand Dollars Bach Six Months
San n Frsnrtseo, . Sept 10. Interest
upon United States government bonds is
taxable, whether thess bonds are owned
by an individual or a corporation and
whether the Intereet le held in the form
of e. draft check or money, Thla de
cision has been given . by ths United
States supreme court In the caae of the
Hlbernla Savings . a .Loan society
agalnet the city and county , of Ban
Francisco for tbe recovery bf taxes paid
under '- protest on the Interest of
flS.00e.fto6 worth of bonds,
The Hlbernla Savings Loan society
la the holder of 1 11.000.00 worth of
registered bonds. The semi-annual In
terest upon these amounts to 1170,000
upon which taxes for something -over
I1.S0S hsve Savrued. Under protest the
bank paid the '"taxee and then com
menoed an action to get the money
back. ; Judgment- was. rendered against
It In the superior court and the case
was carried te the supreme court, where
the lower tribunal was suOtlned.
justloe McKenns, or toe united states
supreme court granted a writ of error
on the ground that 'the federal Question
Was Involved, In that the obligations of
the federal government are not taxable.
Mow the highest - court In the country
has rendered Its decision In the matter,
the state supreme court having Just re
ceived a remittitur notifying It that Ita
Judgment ha been sustained.""
ABSCESSES, with few exceptions, are
Indicative of constipation or debility.
W. 11. Harrison, Cleveland. Miss..
writes, Aug. It, lfOt: "I want to say
a word of praise ror Ballard's Snow
Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which
caused the cords In my leg to con
trast and an aooceea to rise in
knee, and the doctor told me the
arnuld have a stiff les. so one da
went ta J. F. Lord'a druer store iwhA
la now In Denver, Col.). He recom
mended a bottle of Snow Liniment; I
rot a sec sise, ana it eurea ' By lee.
t la tha beat liniment in the won !
Sold by Weedsrti, Clarke At Co.
i my
hat I
lay I
WM. LAOO Pass.
T7 Thca aWluma V P.
Aa Oregon eorpo ration which lightens the policy-holder's tardea. . Xas
... Sellable atem desired aa representatives.
121-123 GRAND AVE.
3Ee GasSifSaMiiigc
MEN'S PALL SUITS flO.OO TO f 20.00 Exceptionally stylish
patterns and qualities. ; - -
MEN'S RAINCOATS 10.00 TO f 15.00 Real cravenette goods,
eut in the latest styles. ' - Y Y- t
BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS f 2.50 TO f S.OOStrongest and best
lines we have ever shown. -.iYY:" - V- -: : "- -
WOMEN'S STYUSH COATS 8.50 TO f 21.00 The very
swellest new plain and plaid styles are here, and remember, we can
save you on every article above. We can show you a saving ol
from 30c to $5.00 each, besides, WE GIVE ONE STANDARD ,
n - te
II I i .' II
Is the newest improved machine, and reproduces clrar'y r i f.
tinctly from 10-inch disc records. It is not n?rr iry t' i '
your full $30.00 purchase tl one time. We f '.e
purchase. Save your coupons. ' i