C:,:.::g:J DAILY JOURNAL, rOHTLAND, IIOI.'DAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 17. i:CJ. IZzlzs ( j jr:::!: Clcro Will C!o:cJ All Day Thiirciay Ic:;t on Acccuut cf IlcIIay ) o V U Hi Ill . . .... j ' 7 n mm Cloalis, Lffllingry, Lacos, Trimmings, :;Silfrs;,pressiCoo Etc. 7) Dlankeic and Comforters A stock unusually large and complete In every detail Warm Eel Covering, in all grad$--Thlrd'Flbor. 1000 handsome Comforter filled with laminated cotton, silkolinc covered, very best patterns and colorings. In rcat as sortment and splendid values ai follows ?2x72bch at SI. 35 Each : 72i70-bch at S1.50 Each y ?2x84-fach at $2.00 Each Comforters to $7.50 Each . . Dlanhcts! Dlanhets! " : : " : . . .., ' -. ' ' ' h ' 1 ' 4j4-jxundJWbiU Wool Blankets on sale at thia low price.... '....9 5.80 5- pound White Wool Blankets. on tale at thia low price.... ,.....6.50 6- pound White Wool Blankets,' with colored borders; lest -&'49 .value in town at thia low price, per pair.................. y)C JU 5- pound extra fine White Wool Blankets at, per pair... T.OO 6- pound extra fine White Wool Blankets, colored borders;. Of grand value at thia low price,. per pair. ......... Mu.;...yUJU Fine Wool Blankets,' natural; gray, blue, brown and pink borders, 5 and , 6-pound, weight; best .values in town at, pair.... .",) S.OO and 06.6Q We are aole Portland agents for the -celebrated "Pendleton" Indian Robea, Blankets and Couch CoVerei Third floor. t - School Afeaire! li IX for Boys ; , J v i ..... . - i I ji f ' " : 14 -- 1 - Oh the Second Floor -"Hercules" Suits for boys, 4 to ld years of age, best all- round school auit on the market styles and materials the niost , serviceable., every garment splendidly tailored vthroughout; large assortment of patterns to select from; f guaranteed all woo! and shower proof, at the CT (f exceptionally low price of, per suit.......... VaVaVJv . Boys' Knee Pants, from BO up to, per palr...k....f 1.80 Boys' Knickerbocker Trousers, per pair, from,.fl to fa.OO Boys' Blouse Waists, solid colors and fancies, at the excep tionally low price of, each.,..". ...... ,.,,.60e to fl.BO Boys School Suits in .fancy tweeds and cheviots, straight - or bloomer trousers, great special values at the wonder fully. low prices of, per, suit, 3.50, M.OO and 4.50 Boys' Rubber Coats, in. light weighty all sizes, each 3.00 ' "Priestley's" Cravenette Raincoats for boys, dark ' irrays, ' - best styles, all sizes, great special valueeach.. .. ,11 15.00 Boys' 'Rubber Capes, made of pure rubber, -good weight, nap buttons and extra long, great value, each.. ..C2.00 "American Boy"' free for One year with every purchase of boys' suit or overcoat to the amount -of $5 or ove.r at regular "price. ' Second floor. ' j j ,fi ;' :-y. Ji.v .: y. , ."Nazareth" Knit Underwaists for boys and girls, 1 to 14 years v of -age; most -comfortable underwaist on the .1 Q. market; 25c value, on sale at the low price of . . 1 r C yGreat special values in Boys' School Shoes, all size. Bargains' in Boys' and Girls', Hosiery for school wear; all sizes. Second- floor. . 'r'-yr' ' :- . ...... :.Ji :. . Boys' Sweaters, Caps "and Handkerchiefs, at low prices. Boys' Reefers and Overcoats, great variety,, low prices.' ScEiool AT TUZ VERY LOWEST PRICES Faber's best Erasers.'.... 44 Rulers, each . . .......If, 44, 84 Pencil1 Boxes....... 44, 8f, 14 Ink "Writing Fluid, bottle,. .7.8? Pocket Knives, each ......... 23? Fountain Pen Ink. bottle.,.. 1.8e Carboh Paper, best grade, 2 for 6f; doten. ...35f Legal Pads, each..............8 Drawing Pads, eacH. .......... 8f Blackboard Erasers, each....'..4e? Pencil' Sharpeners.... X4t 44, 8e Lead Pencils.... 1, 2 for 5, 44 Waterproof School . Bags.'. ...124 Book Straps...... ...Sf and 12 4 Steel Fens, per dozen. ........ 84 Penholders..... 2 for 4 8f 7x11 Slates, ach. XOf M, & F. Pencil Tablets, each..4e Plain ' Pencil 1 Tablets, - each .... 8 Ink Tablets, ruled and unruled, at prices for 2 for 5t to 25 each Composition Books, each. .3 74 Students' Note Books, SV 74, 94 Stenographers' Not Books 44, 84 Plain Flag Slate Pencils, doz...8t Wood-covered Slate Pencils... 14 White School Chalk, da. 104, IS 4 Colored Chalk-Crayons... 44, 84 Colored Wax Crayons. .,.44 84 School Sponges, 2 for...,. . ., '.84 Fountain Pens... .25 to $5 each Erasit Erasers, ach...........4 Liaces and Bmbrbicferiss Great special lot of Piatt Val. Laces from 4 to 6 inches wide, ' .very pretty patterns, larg'e assortment, value to 85c yard. .25 Piatt .Val. Laces and Insertions, lyi to . inches wide,' very dainty designs, large assortment, values up to 60c a yard, on " . sale at this low price of, each.,,. ........ '. ....... ..15 Great special lot of beautiful Venise" and Baby Irish Laces, de " signs for waist trimming, festoons, appliques and bands, white : and cream, grand variety, .extraordinary value up to $450,704 Toivn Topics Tovxaxrs Ainrsncorts. ; R.lllf . .flUvui Opwa Co- "Tb Tw R.kn... ..Two Ultta Vrnt" -Rraplr... ....... ."On th Brl t MiaBht" Xrrlo..... "Tha GninKjri Bur..... ........."Tk B to 'Krlo" rnu. time later he found Baker , near th Union station; fully tfressad, and carry In c a trip. Ha plaead the man vndar arraat and conducted him to tho elty prison, Ovar I1S0 waa found on Bakar whan aaarehad, and In view of hta ad mlaaloa that ho had bean drtnkinr 1t 1a tbourht that ho- waa auCerlns; from an attack of delictum tremens. ." u2 ftaoanaa ' roster Bradley did not ap- . ' paar tn tho circuit court on the day , aetor hie tnai on ina cnar or mmr Inf 1.100 pounds of load from tho Port- land Oaa company hli ball of 1500 was ordered forfaited by Judge Oantanbaln j thin morning at the raquest of Deputy District Attornty H. B. Admr Brad- - , lye trial waa sat for laat Monday and when ha did ; not appear a bangh war- - rant for hla arrest waa ImuM. On ra quest of Attorney H. C King, who rap-' reaantad P. ' F. Hall. , Bradlay's bonda " mah. additional time waa allowed to -'-produce. Bradley ln court before the ball was declared forfeited. A-Brad ley had not appeared thia morning the , bsll was ordered forfaited to the oounty. - Since the lead Bradley was accused of . stealing was worth only about fat. It Ja believed no further effort to appre hend him will be made aiier ue sau . monejr, te paid. . .i J The United Btatee elreutt court of ap peals convened In the federal building this morning with Judges Gilbert. Ross and Morrow on the bench to hear the anneal In the ease of A. A. Headrick and Charles M. Balllle against Peter Lar son and Thomas U Oreenough. The suit la one inrolrlng the principle or ami ' rent domain in which the plaintiff eaeka to gain lights of way across lands be- - longing to the defendant The plain tiffs m tha ease are the owners of mln- ing property and are aeeklng to estab lish flumes and roaawaye across lniar venlng lead owned by the defendants. The case is appealed from the Idaho district and the plaintiffs ere repre sented by Senator W. B. Heybura and - W. H. Batting. The counsel for the de fense le Walter A. Jonee, es-Senator George. Turner and P. J. P. Gray. 'n nlholaa A. W. Person and J. XL 'Boys, the official shorthand reporters of the circuit court, hare fitted up a ' 'vacant room at the eourthouae for an office. - The reporters wUl ' now haTO their headquarters at .the eourthonae. and the lnoonrenlenoe of calling them from their office at the Chamber of Commerce building wlu be arolded la f..tiM - .-- . ,1.-:. . , John Baker, ! laboring vnder the hal . luclnatton that he had been piled With . poison and ' wss being ' pursued by a - number of enemies, Jumped from a see- bnd-etory window in the Western hotel at Second and Burnalde streets early ' yesterday morning in-his night clothee and raced down Second street. Patrol man Johnson, seeing a phantom-like - figure sprinting down one of the main thoroughfaree, started in pursuit, but unable to catch the man Some Wo aim to giye you tho Tory best Printing Soryico that can, bo had QUALITY HIGHEST & PIIICES LOWEST F. W. Baltos &l . , Co., Printor& nC3T 'tt OAK 'STREETS Water through hose for . sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for in advance and used only between the hours of and S a., m. and $ and p. nv.lt must not be used for sprinkling streets. . If nsed contrary to these rules, or waste- fully. It will be shut off. . . , Owing to the large sale of tickets for the banquet tomorrow in honor of Dr. and Mrs. B. P. H11C the committee have been compelled to go'to the large dining room of the Hotel Portland and the ban quet will begin at T:t p. m. v Will Reese, Tyson Kins ell and Sndre M. Cederbergn, appralsere of the estate of Thomas p. Wright, have filed a re port in the county court showing that tha property of -the estate constats of cash and personal off Ata valued at II,- lit. ; ,. ",. TV- ,;, y la . the elreutt court ' this morning Thomaa Buckley pleaded not guilty to the charge of assaulting Rudolph Rna wold with a revolver. His trial wUa be had October .;-;- -.,11"-,.,,. .T;- . ' IxstBrlnaie Boston bulldog; four White feet, whtte breast, screw tall, white blase across face. Return to Nau's drug store, Portland hotel, and be rewarded. . - .. . Cfonerete Construction Co.. tl Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturer, of concrete stone blocks. Contractor for au kinds ox cement work, Tel Mala lit. Tour Kyes Examined Free.- We are eull selling eyeglaasee at II. OS, A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger' A Co, Jeweler and opticians. 111 Sixth street Deputy County Clerk C 8. Mackie has returned from a 10 days vacation at Oearhart Park. He resumed hi da ties at the oourthouse this morning.' , School Booka J. ' K. GUI Co.- win serve High school and academy students at rear of store, so they may pas out on Aider e treat .....-. ,,, v.. Mis LI sale I. DoanS oa tomorrow win have her opening of fine fall millinery at 111 Grand avenue. Everybody . In vited, j Medical and dental student win find all text book at GUI',. .Third ' and Alder treets. , Acme Oil Co. sails the beet safety coal oil and tine gaaoUne. Phone East II. Woman's Kxchenge, .lit Tenth street lenoh 11:0 to S;. business men's lunch. School ' hooks bought, sold and ex changed. Jones' Book Store, til Alder. ' Why doee W coster's business grewt Mllwatilrla Cnnntrv rinK A Eastern end California racee, " Tske Sellweod and Oregon City cats at first and Alder., . v. Do You Know That the Coleman Hardware Company is located at 111 Third street T v, - CROOK COUNTY TIMBER ""CLAIMS VERY SCARCE (serial BtsMteb ts The SeeraaL) ' PrlnevlUa, Or., Sept 17. In - four months more there win be no more timber lends In Crook county. Hardly a doaea claims are left now. and these are being taken up as fast as eatrymen eaa make personal examinations of the quarter sections. The best clalme !n the county nowaday that ara atlll open for entry wlU not run over IrfOO.OO feet. . - '', . Don't let the baby suffer from ecte- tna, sores or any Itching of the skin. I'ns Ointment Instant relief. res 0""KiT. l-eriecfiy sare for chll v. J druf-ts 1U OR. BROUGHER ON THE EHBEZZLER Woman May Not B; Wholly to , Blame, Declares Pastor of the White Temple. PEOPLE INCLINED TO ; ?y'T: : CENSURE HERTOO MyCH Weak, Men' Alwayg Ready "to Place : All Responsibility 'at tha Feet of l.the Woman in the Case, Since the DaytTof Adam and Ev. V.-i . Last night at the popular, evening ervic at tha Whits Temple, Dr. J. Whltoomb Brougher spoke on The Em beaslar Why! Is the ' Women te Blame r Ha spoke in part a follows: "Our city hs been stirred the past week by the story of a young man from a good home embezzling several thou sand dollars from the Portland ' Oae company and spending it in riotous llv ing. Ja giving a reason for hi steal ing be replied: It waa a ease of wine. women and automobiles; I was spending the money on them.' The story of this young man's downfall is a most vivid illustration of my sermon preached two Sunday nights ago. oa the subject To Hell in an Automobile.' -r- -77: -- -"A great deal haa-beew said about "a woman in the ease.' : The newspapers have had a great deal to say about her. and after some Investigation t should Judas that the papers knsw what they were talking aboat AS a general thing, however, the woman get more blame than tho man. ,, s . "Adam blamed Eve, and down through the ages the sons of Adam have In clined to blame he daughter of Eve for their mledeeda 'This characteristic Need Not . : Fear Burglars ... ..... , w - y-y Cv . . ' ,. The safe-deposit '. vault the Oregon Trust Savings " -Bank la one of tha-largest " en the entire Padflo Coast; - ha heavy reinforced - eon- . 'j, erete walla, eteel lined and i ' '. - electric wiring of the latest - device to oho w the: ellghtest . tampering, and, a an extra ' - precaution, the bank la pa-" .'. ' trolled night and day by a - ' "7 watchmaaTuet" the " place "T " for, your valuable .paper. ' ; , Jewelry, eta , Boxee and up per year. Drop in and let ; nJ show thtrn t jrott.', x Orc5caTrE5t SSrilysDy lata sad WeahJngo Streeta. portrays with tremendous emphasis tha cowardly, sneaking nature of sin. . , ' waya sjoolsey X wajas. : rjf the woman is the stronger per sonalUy of tho-two, then she is more to blame than the man. If he la the stronger, then he le the more to blame. If they are equals then they, must bear equally the responsibility. Society, how ever, has been absolutely unjust in this regard. Woman has always been blamed tha moat and. that by her own sex, too, . rile was a favored young man. -." He had a good home,' good position and could have enjoyed the best of society. There waa not a particle of exouae for this young fellow becoming a rake, but he did not appreclateHhe real value of life and money. - To him life was simply the gratification of sensual desires money to him was only a medium for having a gay ' time. ' The ancient and modern prodigal both spend their money in Ylotoua living.' The young man Who lives simply, as he says, to have a good time' will want hi money and end hie life in ruin. k . v. , . .: j y, Insanity of .',. V" : ,? The Insanity of sin la never shown more strikingly than In this thing, that knowing the ultimate ruin and disgrace the sinner nevertheless rushes en to his doom. Unwilling to leam - from the experience of others, the prodigal in the Bible and the prodigal of Portland set up their own judgment against tha Judg ment of home and friends and go will' fully Into sin. ' It must have been evi dent to the young embexsler that he would be found out soon. Such a career is soon ended, but mad with hie Infatua tion for sin and determined to gratify hla unholy desires, he "played tha fool,' "When the prodigal of the Bible real ised that hs had 'played the fool', he resolved to live a different Ufa He de termined with God's help to reverse the whole matter and go back to his father's home. His father saw him coming. - By some strante . intuition he recognises him afar off.' The fatted calf is killed and they make merry, because the son that was good aa dead is alive again. The eon that waa lost is found. This I a picture of God's love and meroy. No man or woman can ever fall so low that God cannot forgive them and save them to a better life." ; . . ,(. , . , I HAWAII. TRADE ' FOR PORTLAND '-yyy. . .. y-- W. A; Mean Says No Reason Ex ists Why Local Wholesalers Should Not Get Share. ' s No reason exist why Portland whole salers and manufacturer should not get a good share of the Hawaiian islands trade. If they do not the failure will be attributable to a neglecting of the opportunity, . Thia Is the conclusion drawn from observation made by W. A. Meats, who ha Just returned from a trip to Honolulu .a a representative ofthe Portland chamber of commerce, 'He says there le plenty of trade to go after, and that the Hawaiian mer chant deslre'a . competitive market, their boelness having heretofore gone almost wholly to San Francisco, The one thing that ts necessary for Portland to do 1 to go after the trade, keep after It, and handle It right., . Portland houses will have to send traveling men. keep the Hawallana advised ae to market prices and conditions; - and sailing of vessels. Since the Matson steamship line be gan making Portland a port -of call It la up te the local business men to fur nish traftle sufficient to keep the boats busy. Thle can be done only by going after tha Hawaiian trade in an aggree elve and determined manner. ' The large Jobbing house of Hawaii should, be' in duced to place purchasing sgent In Portland, cr appoint a man already here to look after their Interests. They have located an agent at Seattle, who Is working In the- Interests of the American-Hawaiian steamship Una Portland Is a primary market for many more artl clee of merchandise than the sound, and this elty. If properly represented, can not fall to bold He own' In the com merce wtta the Hawallana. - . .. Some evening this week a meeting ' ' ' , ':" ' V " . . w ' ; . 31111 "v:w y--: '?i;rv--.; Cut Rates T advertise ear aew and wonderful ly sauusesfal Alveolar Ste thea, wa will ao weax at eat sate fox -.,... A tO-ywa raaraartoa with all week. Bhwjalaatloa free. . BUvex filUaga, BOei orowa (88k.) SS-Se) e S8.OO1 bridge, week (per tooth), S3JO S8-00. Flats as lew a ga-eo. averytaiag nnt elasa. Zdy atteadaav v BOSTON DENTISTS 291 Morrison Street , ry f f opposite PeatoftW - , wfll be held at the chamber , of com merce,' at. which Hr. Hears wm be pre pared to newer questions relating to the Hawaiian trade. , It is desired that all merchaats who are Interested fat ex tending Portland a eommerce- shall at tend this meeting. , Ways and meana of furthering trade relation with. Ha waii will be dlecueaed. . , .... PERSONAL T. A- Compton, a railroad engineer of aUrysvllle, Callforaia,-1 at the Port land hotel. , W. Cleyton Miller, general manager of the Federal Mining company of Spo kane., and T. T. Poet, ehlef counsel for the company, are at the Portland hotel. J. M. Gooding, son of Governor Good Ing of Idaho, la at the Portland hotel. He I accompanied by Mrs. Gooding. Judge William H. Upton of Walla Walla. Washington, la at the Perkins hotel. .. John M. HU1, a prominent real estate man of Walla Walla, Washington, ts at the Perkins hotel. , Ben Crete, a larva rancher of Walla Walla county. Washington, is at the perxine notei. - SOMETIMES IT; DOES I lyj,r:jy,yy: A Xeartjr Meal Should sTeve Annoy ex a ' vurareea, ' - . t A hearty meal should give a eense of gratlncatlon and - comfort It should never annoy or dlatreea If you have Indlgeetlon and discomfort after eating. It show that your digestive orgen are weakened and they cannot properly care for tha food which has been swallowed. If you cannot eat and dlgeet with pleas ure and comfort each, day. you nsed to uee Ml-o-na stomach tsbiets, and you should go te Woods rd. Clarke Co. for box at onca - v. , Ml-o-aa 1 a unlike the ordinary pep sin digestive tablet aa the electric light is more - valuable " then a tallow din. Ml-e-na cures Indlgeetloa or atomech trouble, by atrengthenlng and regulating- the whole dlgeetlve system, thue enabling the organs to take cere ef the food you eat without any distress or discomfort.' - i 17s Ml-o-na for a fsw days and ths nervousness, sleeplessness, general de bility and weekneea. backache, loes of appetite, headache end other Ills thst ere caused by Indlgeetloa win be ban ished and you will feel well all over. Ml-o-na makes positive and lasting euree and le sold ander an absolute guarantee that the money will be re funded unless the remedy euree. Ask Woodard. Clarke A Co. to ehow yoa the guarantee they give with every tOe box ef Ml-e-na. The Neiv Fall Brewer Hal "iiwIs ready in'. the smart .iy shades and shapes. A large and ' very choice collection. : . Best Hat in Ihe World for the T.!oney h. SELLING LEADINO CLOTHIER - ' AJrPSSMJaTTS. BBaajsaaasasSBAAaansM HEILIG THEATRE Uth end Wstklagtva." Pkeae Mils I Xvsry Sright Tale Wssk efatiase Sataseay Stewart Opera Company ta the Tills sis OmdU Ofiea ' r-SrU "The Two Roses" XSSSrr........ " Dorotiy " Bat.. Betsiaay.... . ... KVainKO PUCES Tint tews. . lower Sear. I1.SO: lest tews, 11: sslsoay, Tee sad aoe. Ssllsry, SSe sad X9e.. HATTNBg PEICaa 1. TBe. toe, to. SBe. Beats Seiusg at Hetllg Thestre BsUre Week. empire: theatre rartless's PeeeUr rtsr! rMae aula sun. , "-".- Toalrtit All Tbls a'Mh MattsM Retnreay -On the Eride at Kidnihr.v IVCflO P?rr iBe. tie. He sad soe, MATIBI PklCES lor Ue tse. est w-eaaA MAS LOTS." LYR1CTHEATER wtxk mimit tzrmmx tt Smssslig isiss Oeniy "The :-; r. ; Qreen-Eyod , ; ' Monster IN THBES ACTS. BAIUCR. THEATRC . Onsen Tlissai Oa,, tissis. -' CEO. U BAkEB, Mar. '" Vasaa Mala wn. sTente sf the luuu Xakw Steak 0i aw Bvsry Nlrkt This Week r Seeclsl amase- . SMt Wits Cbsilsa rrokMa the Greet Dtsbm of Preiieh Ufa. rm TWO UTTLX TAOBAJTTS.M rUCS e. Ste sad aoe. Matlsee,. 18c sad Vie. Matlme Batarla;. Vest Wees "TUB VIUUnM." lucsmnD szr.zz m vkws Every evening S c'elock. Bring the children.. Corner Morrison and Third. Change ef program weekly. . KARRT SHUMAN. General Advertiser. ' X a5r. Waltee Ttmm-r Tteurcna .c.'t TKM MUnO . Manse A4- 1 lOtni Staatae Haral4 Kf OfSaaiaease Fill as v Vatlaeas. lie ts sU eaata . saras, B-rattlnsa. SuB.. lOe. r. as a..'. THE STAR rheae Mala Bese. - - Wa ef r-v-y-.r IT. TUB AIXEft STOCS: C1'"" Pteeaetlag Owea' Derla' W.il r "ROAD TO PI2I"CO" A ITar ef Weatara Ufa. VtHw Taaari.re, Tsr'. snd Di.re at I is s. si rn.. ! ' r.nts. a.ary ewlnf st a.U 1 10, sad SO erst. PAlNTACIi: trtntt r Ta X - CriiOBn.1 Ltt.a - I ... yyx