)ii daily jou:::;al, io:;tland, Monday i:vL;aia bki'tembci if, ic; Tin: o: llElf. J. IIILl llIS A DOOIt nil Volume Contains Addresses and Strmon and Is Dedicated to Friends' of Pastorate. YOUNQ P EOPLE'3 SOCIETY; , " WIU- DISTRIBUTE IT Paster of Pint Fmbyttrlaa Church V- DUvra Inttrtttlnc ' Lctur on "Found About Jrelm".ta And kiK Which rUl th Church. ' A Ppy Srprie waa sprung the audleav th .; rtret JTeebytertaa church, last night, when th iwlitut ptor. He. I it Hrv atopped to th ' ltroro and holding- up a small ouk aooouaoed that It vm copy of a hook lual balnar auhllahaa sw rw Hill and , dedicated, to th friend ef hi lutwttt la. Fortlaaa. it contain torn addreaeee and MrmuDt and) plotur of th ; author., it l to. b distributed by th vwaaaa, w-wasw a BWWWf W IUK VUUlUUt . Beginning, hi Jeotura- a "Round About ' JerueJm,"- th pastor eaid; In part: "Th slmpl fact that a taw year aitor tb orulciXixloa. ot Chrlat th city of Jerusalem, waa. captured br tiia Roman, tha, walla throw down and '.tha buildings deatroyed, la sufficient proof, of. tb impossibility- o Identifying with accuracy vary many blatorjcal spot within, the wait, of tha- olty. Conoern- ng tha, tampia area, tiiar la do aoaalbia . doubt, Tha ait, off tha, upper room Vhftr the LapH'b itinMn warn. 1 nHA4 t tha. alt, ot tha. Holy Sepulohr and. of laivary ar neaaouablv- aura. Othar , place, ara much In. doubt put whan on, turn away, from th- oitv Itself to - Visit tha. valleva aiulr hIUihk anil hill. tons round- about hi, anticinations; itn not - be In, to, naaaursx ui, to, tha pmI satisfaction in atora fop him. Jerusalem itaalf has under aim a. a many tragto ohangea that tha oonUnuity of It. hi, tory haa neoeeaart I y. been broken. But tha hill, and. tha vallava ara, aeantlv a thay war, Tha- roada ara for- tb moat- part unohanaad. - Tkin oarriase at- tha Jaffa gata wav atart ovar a cood road towarda itathiahaoi. at a. rallaa away. Wa pasa . ktoppad to drlnifc tha wiaa man saw tha reflection- of tha aur that suldad thaaa to Bethlehem. A- lUtla farthar on. w pasa tha tomb of' Rachel, Tha- oantar of Interest at Bathlehanw of oouraa. is mi . : ov. . awj, , wmcB . ta. aup poaed to at and. ovar tha Idaatleaij rock cut' cavern, la, which Jtaua waav barn. The exterior of the church ia impoains and looks, almost- Ilka a. fortreaa, Tha Interior 4 mora at tract Ira Tha wooden Uln !e of cedar of ; liebaoo. The body, of tha- churobj: la a great square room with four rowa of pillars running , tha. entire laocthk A' atairway in, tha ' cornr leads . down, to tha.. cavern, nai atabla' hllaa Thla, la. via II.J .. Chapel of tha Nativity A raaeaa on tha i left! I tha maoer- where . J sees waa laLl.ajid. am k. a4k a. - - . - - ; " "' , "T laai . u nv irimvw where Jesus waa bora., In tha pavement i Is. a silver-star, haarlaar. a.Tatla laaaria. toa. whtch- reads Here Jssus Christ waa uorn of tha, VlrRla Mary,' Wa aeit visited' Hebron, which ! one. of ' tha 7 aauraner (awna iat ui jrawaun. Here Abraham pitched- hi- tent' ana whan his wife, Sarah died purchased a fsmllT burvln- Dlsea. of Rnhnn,, ha niMica. uavia Jtved hare fay a time and onoa mad It hia. temporary capital: At the rate of the city Abner we alala. by Jaab... Absalom, made- It' hla head- , uuartsra. Tha moat lute-eating tbtm 1a ioa ity la tea-moaaue buUt over Abra- ww mm i Hiav" hu wanna i no ) um but Mohammedans are allowed to enter. ' '' ; saaaCto.aataaaa,. . "The road ; . to . Jericho has beaome rsmllisr n tha Chrlstlaa world by rea son , of ChrUt a . parable ofi th j good SamarUaa.w The road ihaa always bean notoriously , dangerous ,boauaa .of . robf be re.. En todays It la-neceeaary for tae irveler r t: beaooempanled b. aa armed ( eaoort' w stopped . awhile, to i-eat . our . horaas sat i what la called tha Oood . Samaritan.. Ina. - watoA jonn tn Baptiat began hla jnfn lairy Modara Jericha I a a . miserable little village, of about I Inhabitant. It ha .thrr. modern-looking., bnlldlnga. wklohar"Uaad -ea-hotels foT'thaaa. rommodatlon of tourlata- Half a dosea milauauthwart Ileal the- Dead-' Si From ,a. distance -ita .watare.lookjfblua. but . as -you sUnd at Its brink . the ara a.brlillaat greeavr Tbe-water Is .bitter aad, naueeaUng. to-the taste.' Tber.ls not a flab or a creeping .-thins . In - it anywhere- T reach , the. ford 0t; the Jordan - it. - la . neoessary ta ae un - the river four, or five mllea.. Uar la where the Chlldrea of larsel- croesed Into M he Land,, of , PtmbIm aaat ihM.(at ,V.mmim tlroa eaoh year coaaa thouaaads of pU grlros. raosUy Kussiaas, ta hatha In th Jordan' ,. ' ,- Al the cloaa of -the lecture the choir sang K the . beautifully y touching t bymn.' k,;,Tlg lMldiugbl.r-. ; - - : i , - ON", CREATION J im jBaatga U Sayae Otvaa Mgnh Ua srmaa a AdraaMsw CtesosWi. 1 Last night, at the Seventh Day Ad ventlst churoh Elder Qeoraa Jl.. Payder reviewed some of th theories,, edltoriar and otherwise, ad vanoed In tha-column of tha Orronlan during tha paat week. He aald in part: , - "That the records of creation found in tha first and eecond chapter of Genesis ara descriptive of the same event may be clearly aeen from the flrat two vers of tha fifth 'chapter of the same book, where tha atateroent made in tha first two chapters are referred to a describ ing ths same event. Hera Is tha lan guage!.' Thla la tha book of the genera tlona of Adam. In tha day that Ood created man. in . tha Mkeaese of Ood made ha him; mala and female created ha them, and blessed thenv and called their name Adam tn th day when they were created.' -If Genesis 1 not a reli able record, then Chrlat 1 not a reliable wltneee, for he eenctlone . th record thus: 'Have ye not read that ha which mad them at th beginning made them mala and female r "On defender of evolution reasons that the record Cf th second of Geoeala deal with the creation of tha animal, and tha first chapter deal .with tb cre ation of man "potentially as ha la to day." with perhaps 'million of year of evolutionary apward " growth' between tha tero area tlona. - If evolution was tb proceaa. why was' a "aacond act of craa tloa necaeeary in order ta lift th animal t th plan f humanity 7 - ' It seems strange that eocae men find it aa hard t accept tha etmpl fact that man was created a human being ta th flrat plae and than go ta work and eoojur ap complex theory of evolutloa which t far aaar mysterious and chimerical, and swallow tt s easily. evidently th Pharlseea warn not th only people to train: ai a gnat and ew allow at eamat.' . "Thar 1. net such, thing; aa evol uttoa from th mineral to th vegetable ar from tha vegetable ta- tha anlmal king dom. A seed must earn fromt th ve ea table kingdona above) and unfold It germ ef life ta tha- soil before ee be hold th elements off th mineral klng don tranaformsdi Into, vegetable fibre and flower. The animal must reach down. from, abova and. food on th vege table before wa behold th mysterious transformation of va go tab Is Into animal tieaua. . In Uka manner thar must come a power front: th spiritual kingdom above uav tar oommunlcat It- Ufa" prin ciple before w. can b tranaformad Into tha Ukaneaa ot th apirltuaL. T must b born' again.' r SOUL OF REFORM" plzttaaUsyi ajayw 1st am. intwraatlnar AdCa mi. "Spirituality the Soul- off Reform; and rmiiaaa" waa the subject of an ad draaa yeartarday by Rev. Hiram Vroomsn In the Swadenborglan church, whoa arvloaa ara bald In, Knight, ot Pytblaa halU. Alder an Eleventh, street. . ."Among, all. tb objecta and purpose for which; man atriv: ther la Just on and which Juatlfle th means. Th perfecting- of - one own Individual, obarao tar,, aa, the- tranacdanf. aim. and. su preme pur pa a of Ufa.. 1 th on- only and- that, ever Juetlf teat- th means and tha meana ara alwaya. Justified by- thla Tha reformer.- for Inataneev wtio con- oel v of a mllloBnlal aoolsi state and work toward ita- ee-tsbllahment aa an end. which joatlftew th means,, opens the -psychto rate, for- the- entranea ot 'prajudloar and- passions and' aelflsh' am- Mtloa into his motive ana n t tnereor led. to adopt met bode which defeati hla own purpoMr aw that' In deetroylng ona forr-. of lajustie- nw- eataoiisnea two new on. In It atead.1 fighting tha- dvtl with, ftre- doe net mean tha - oaetroytag of: lajustlc with; lajaatlcei -Ww do. not need ' t - b nawdeviU t fight: th d1Li. Juatlce haa- a. fir of' Ita- own. and a a word of ita own. : Jostle. Haalf; . wtthti Its own weapon, Ian lba only- adequate power for defeating tnjnatlc.' -- r "Love- haa- been. rar ootrageouslj . raiarcpreeeated by ita -prof eeeed f rlanda tbsa saythlng els' in the. worlds Lov haa Ita oenr-uaidwe pyehoiogy by-which wa gals an- introdaotkM it it. Unaelf lshf rteaa.-which 1st the earn thing a' love. Is- aa word which . stand far: a certain set - of emotion which .aw oppoatt - la qoaUty. t another r aet of' emottona railed by th name of selfishness. Tjovt IgTiotTing aantlment but a- mUIloni" . I - RAREVVEUISERMON I . XwV. Kay tt. Atahmasa Tkaaka CToaa : . giagetsan of Zpwettk K. mi- OhualC . ' A larg ?' congregation.) crowded I Ep worth .Methodist Eplsoopal church last bight: to hear tha- farewell sermon de livered by Raw Henry Tj Atklnaon; Mr. Atkinson i will Urt i Thursday, morning f or t Junaaay .AI sks. where -he" srMl - be pastor ' of r the Metropolitan Mathodlat lplsoopal church.. Mr.r Atklnaon;! who - founded ' Kp worth Church: : twt ' years ; age. thanked t tha rnembanhtd - fort Ita loyalty and ex' pressed sincere-; regret -.. at ; leavings hi flock.' ' j - 'There la -no mlraol that Jssus ever performed that seeme more - wwoderful to ,, m than" th way ln- which this Church by following hla -dlvln' leader ship ha a tow and prospered, h said. "In barely two yeara- time since -the churoh waa onranlaad It 'has born -all It - financial t obligation,--' It property haa been -said rfor .and J t lacontplaaeiy put f debt" glrsiol THE OLDS, VJQHTMlitl&Mt$ we store's UiFonrm nvwr,iii Fnsiiioii OPitU - ; - : Ilia VJILL OCCUR TOMORROW MD ttEDtiEStiM i : r Inform! Op mr km Mm WS beg ttf announcer i& thi iidiit 6t Portiandy arii ih. otherg , ; intcreated In the changes 6f fashion and the first general gath ering 6f sWtumtt atyles. that the itore will hold .its annual ' "- eniiitiDisDfaioiFail fhrchu nw , ,.-.... . . Partkufarti downs. Vrsoi and imilntri. on laiida? and Wednesday of Thlt Week; September 18th and 19th ; y ' - Two7 days of inforniationV Ai this time",- it. usual(6ldsy Wortrnan fr.King- will show the authoritative" modes" for1 autumn and all of ,the. Changes' in' dress and styless that are cor- , fectly AeviK fof the fall and winter 6f, 1906"-7.- Apparel found at OldsV V6rtma'ir &. King's ; it neither the unsanctioned extreme W newness" which soon' passes' outnoi' the common- ' place but: always the" MODE. In1 the charmingly and1 tastefully 'arranged salons' on the second" floor' we. shall show,' amid most beautiful, and impressive settings,, what will prove, to; be the most comprehensive gathering Of fashionable apparel for, womerf of Critical taste in' dress ever" shown in Portland,' of the' northwest,' unquestionably '.demonstiiur .ajfalim' the indisputable' leadership of this great Style House as' arbiter of fashions' asd DICTA-" TORS OF MODES AMONG WESTERN STORES." H WE ANNEX TheWIUMrv M SECOND FLOOR Op iiiiig will add brilliancy" to the" event We'ofle novapologies" for omittirigf the'" fo" iiiai upcmiia tiiia mil. x uc casuiis ic uiviuus aiiu lug'vai. aioiy uucs ! .L 1J.4 -f (..111- .i, Jf- J: '--(- "L-J. - 'lit.--' it.' not siuii in mc iiiiuai. ui U4UIC.1UI at. urcss uarctuc, ncuncr can 11113 store pause tn the midst of unprecedented September business to give way to mere ''show days." If you wen; promised a1 view of a greaf and powerful engine,; wouldn't-you prefer" to'see the gleaminrfi- p-listeninjr criant , in1 motion?, Of : 1 .-" T al . H - . - a 1 i s ' w " a 1 '"-, a ' . i course you wouia.- . iusi so youu enjoy tne iau s.miormar openings, aa tne better because you 11 nnd us all on the move full' of life and businesSi - FOR- SEEiNd-.-FOR-, SHOPPINGAND5 TTIESDAY-' AND' WBDKBSD'aV AT OtDS, WORTMAN: KIN WllV BE lAYS' FOR' ECONOMIES- WORTH WHILEJ- Planto come both days: No m us id; but pretty decorative-effects'wiil be'usedias settings fof Fash ion's gems in the surpassing style exhibit. . ".' . ' - : ' - ' -; . ' ;.. - ' - i A farewell reoeptloai will b given-in honor of Mn aad Mrs.-Atktnsoa tonight at jrJpwrth charokvK -. - PtEASURESTOFLlFg: UAv Mt jJOttlWjTra-Ogawof Bewi-1 y - navd TelgTrtk ta laml,l Barnard 1 0, v Valgum. th i confaaawd 4mbasla of gaa funds, -wa held Up as tn -esampi of wickedness by Rev,. E; ft, Muck ley In v. hi sermon rat' tha Flrt fhrlsUaj Fhnrch- laat night, t "Th a Pleaaurea of t LlftV wa th ubpt of f th , sermon. , The minister placed pleaaurea Into tw class,,-th mental and , sptrlttrat and the sensual. Irt biblical htatory Mose and Paul exv UlieseiSliiiitffi willl bei seen emplify- h formr ahdBoIomoit-.tli latter, . . , -The leeamv la thla." aald Rev.. Muck leyr . -"Thr ar plea" that ar , mmm? nlaaenrea - that" ara wrong Nor' should It b difficult ' for im to dljrrmliat btwn thetn.' A bit of observation would taach u' which I TntlarandHerirrpiaanr.' - ,.r i.it wa-have' 1ilsf been preaented with a warning eiperkmtMTof a young man In tha employ of tha local ga rompany. Toung Velguth cho th wrong- f of ?plMur.- They wf th pnivrt.;i .Hhad'td ateal from -tha men who'truated him 1A order to oatlafy their tortlonat" demands t fori the- pleas ores- h chose drain - not tniyron -pocmiDOOK ana- avmanu- m on snail steal, ou tney -urain inn wrj Khaaimii mirai and I mental 'vital.'- and i,iH-,.hii iaa, H1 vtntltn a-aad and aarfeited wreck along; the pathway of lire." L4r' I rWTt' wtm aoon wnc Bo many have demonstrated the -vanity or-' snck-ploanr that ther ig -no -cue for ntrlng,the portal wher they r round.- .- ' '- WORRYf AN' INJURY' Caiw-wera Chrlsttaai Xs b inar, Say V. . DsV Class 1 1 Ttuav wIlswBP- i "A worrying '.Christian diordlt ' tha teaching f th Scrlpturoa . A car wnrg Chriattan 1 parado.'' Such, in gobatanc," wa -a sermon delivered st Grace church yesterday . roornlng ' by l.-'riajnica'Triia''Wllaottr!' "Which of yott. by taking thought, can add .Id hie statur on cubit T - If y then cannot d that 'which Is least, why taka y thought for the rest r wa the. text. t "To wwrTy.''. ssld Mi TnlTifatf"l ail Injur rt9 th'caua'of 'God.' Our un godly neighbor knaw'hat ) claimed for th religion f Jesu.- Not only that It make it devotees good wher others ar -toad, -namely. Irr preeenoe of tempt tlon and epportunlty, but through It In- f lueno we olainv that it grves reslgil tlon- and trust and pane lr th day of calamity. When thy a u. th irpo nent -of 'It truths," the 'xmplar -of It power,- bowed in dsapondency ' over th 111a of life and tnad mlseraM by th wefght of two, " howcan' thy . do other thaw conclude that cither our re ligion' Is a fraud r that, we areT Either that religion Itself la a-fallur or Its proresscr fa'aer' - I JESUS'HIDDENJ Aa latsAAijfclWW Iwi WM V wjl' (Pli A'frtY 4Jir. pr. EsTO e . a a dt . I I -a -e e t ar Xtt ST at Seen f Soma aca Beean They Arw WUftUly BHag to Xia ,'A -pis to take Jesus lto their live and buslnee ws mad by Rev.' Henry Marcott - to- ' hla1' congregation ' at ' th Weatmtnster-.Preebytrrian- church yea terday morning..: "Ad their eye war opened end they knew Mm; and he vanlehed ut of their rlghU wa .-th .tt. of -ih -eermon. Th speaker ihowed that many fact of arlenoe, though exlatrng for age, 'had not been revealed to' the eye of th world until Within th paat few decades. To manv persona Jeaus had remained hidden likewise and ftsv. Marcott called upoai hi hearera to opew-their y and see him, and to Use Mm In, ' Folio wtrig th eermon Mr. MfTtergsng "XTpen MtEr,", song -whlch hsrmon-Ud-wll 1 with ' th -entlment of th mrnlsr'' .-remark,- KLAMATH FALLSHASS: J MODERN HIGH SCHOOLl i ' (eeiel" rHrr- Tk 'orMt.) 1 Klamath Falls, Or..- Sept. IT. Tb tCIaatath county High school, which Is op of .lhbet In th gut, and haa one of' the-finest buildings, ha opened with an enrollment of it scholars, which will doubtless be Increased to'TS ln'a short1 time. Last year , the " enrollment th flrat week- waa 11, and - the total for the year-was 48. The laboratory' la being-equipped with flrt-class appara tus) ' for- the 'teaching of chemistry- and physios,- and the west arpi'oved bdyksf of reference are being; placed - In the library,' - Prfesaor! W. B. Fanght'- of Kanae ha charge of the new commer cial ' department, which - open with 1 fiupllsln 'Stenography. II In ' typewrit ng and 21 In bookkeeping. - A -department of muslo haa also bn added, with Mlsg Evelyn"' Applegat In charge." Several families have already moved to th city to tak-advantage of this school, and ther Is need of a -dormitory or some on 'who wtll -conduct t large' rooming "and boarding-house td accommodate still others who would be Induced to coma' If proper accommoda tion " at 'reasonable " rate could' be ' se cured. This ' achool ' waa ' atarted four year-- ago ' under r tha'" prtnetpelshlp1 of Professor J. O. Swan, - who'' la" still In charge." Mle Alice" Applegat is tire other teacher,' and ? it' 1 evident' that a fourth wtll aoon havto be added. , i The' city public school ' open ' today, and tt"ls already anoarent that the Isrre new' pulluliiiwtlt-b crowded-trorfftM atart- J-r-: : jyolitlc" Dismissed.1 f learns! Beedst gerrlcsJa I Victoria, B e, Sept; IT. Th twenty- second - annual' session 1 of" the Trades tnd 1 Labor ; Congress ' of ' Canada'' opened today.'- All' sections of Canada are rep resented.1. The' congress" Is to be given added 'Interest 'by th' consideration 'of th" subject 1 of - labor' a . participation In politics. '" Opinion dlffeft ' among th representattv leaders of th Canadian labor union and a spirited -discussion be. likely to follow - th Introduction of Me aubject. ADJSCRIJtllNAtiNC woman recently aid,,."TRe ctiiv' " ijtain thi "'portieres are of ' more 'importance "tliaftr tne " rugs or carpets -used iri a room, becauie'tHe former stand up dearly ; before ' you hnpres. therhselvef 4 upon 1 youhereag the floof-corerine do hot." And 1 she -was ' right.' Just y take ea look4 around 'yourself ' arid see if ' your hangings ' do nbt 'make "or mar' the "atmos- . phercbf good taste and refine " ment fn knj txkxti.'-1 . . How Imperative then Ts care-', f ul judgment Tn choosing.' The e Artloom Tapestries are a gBar-'- ". anteeof correct uesigii 1 arid artistic effect. Just tnake ft a point x to "see the "Anloom 11 Yapestries 5 the c very , neitt time ou go shop- ' ping Curtains table and a couch :S coven- Theirartbtlcbeauty i' and wearing qaal " itiesaredut of all - proportlofi'rt to"' modest ; 'Always - Artlooni label It' Is on trery:?Uic& UU-i Wiv .tt f'v thi Xitt.siiK - ICABTgaW OPITlTTmO CQMjAa-rcAaTXjj, .BnanM f' -ifiii, l ' aa This'. Is; at IriitatiorP " tcP Visitt (Duif New JeWelry Thenew"Jewelry Section is 'displayingr'aflcornpfete and well-selected -assdrtirient ot Watche s,'" Cha"ns Rings, Novelties,' HolloWand "Flat ' shverware f and 'Cut 'Glass. ' Articles 'suitable "for yengagemen tv birthday ,'aiid Wedding presents ''are here f in ' great? 1 profusion? So 'complete is this stock thai the hard-to-please customer Will1 think we" rriake a ;i'speclalty of :the 'Very thing he "had in mind , to buy- The beauty 'andelegance of these "wares combined with the remarkably low prices arid easy terms make this ' avef)r'attctiVe"pfac The' brands we sell are' theguarante'ed kind:'- There will be no extra charge should you desire to pay a little dowri and a little each .... week or 'monthj . : Pettldoatt Special vt SEX WINDOW 2 2 i & i Trt 'the 'ranth Srrt 5rt of hU na-uw atnra la a No. 22.' From time to time we will place In this ainerent tnmgs ar, lower, prices tnan usual, so termarf 'it' ' the? : "aneciat wirtrlow. Th firr bargain we Will place therein is a Rustle Taffeta Petticoat of the latest styleblack and all Colors. very special price. window window we have notable $5 Eastern Outfittin Washington r.;. V