The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 17, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Brooke &
Quarter fclock Third nd Coucfc; in-
. come $420 per .month.
Price .62,500
Quarter block,'Sixth and Flanden;
, income $350 per month, i..
. Price v; . . . .i . ..... . . ...f 60,000
Quarter block,' Sixth and Johnson;
income $360.. Price. . . , . . 60,000
' Lot on Front, two-story brick, e
rurrit. Iraie: income $185- per
month. Price......... ;.f 25.00O-
- Southeast corner of Sixth and Burrl-
' side, opposite Commonwealth build
ing;, 100 feet on. Barnside.
V Price . i. ...... . ..... . 75,000
Southeast corner Fifth and Burnside,
100 feet ott Burnside 80 feet on
, . Fifth. Price; ............ . 65,000
' Quarter block,' Serenth and
Glisan .-.v.' . , . .. 35,000
Half block, Fourteenth and
.Irving ,.....,30,000
Half block on Irving between Sixth
and ' Seventh" .t.t.t,. 65,000
. Inside kit on Tenth, between Mdrri
' son and Yamhill, well improved;
income $140 per month.
Price ............ f22,500
r 3 acres of warehouse property, on
: Sj P. track, solid arround, next to
"Western Clay Co......,.50,000
Oattmplatlot tiiiw throorb forrlra laada
aboM carry oar traralrra' ekocka aao - , -
. ' and '-IV.1
? Irroinit
Letters of Credit
ArallaMo far traoalrra tkroacbaat tka warM,
toautd by a on tbamoat farurabla tarBM. ,
For tka aoawaloaca of tkoao wbo .kara
i- reraaloa to aaud tftmrf abroad, ara laaoa
. I-ajabto la aaarlr crerjr eoantry oa tba (loba.
k -Pcrttal Trust Cdnipani bl Orcjon
?. K. cor. M and Oak at. - Pbooa El. Tl
HEXt. I. roHKN.. iPraaldaat
., II. U 1'ITTtMH,. ,Vka-Praldnt
' Lie i'(ir.i Brctwiary
O. UOLTBA...........Aaatataat rlrcratary
.lota 100 frot. aldawalka, sradad atraata.
rlty watar (Bnll Rna) Blpad ta oacb lot. aa
hr earllna. wltb aa aanbatraetad alaar of tba
-rlr; arrrf . lot inrd - la araao - stot-aad
ruutalaa tba rlehaat kind of aoU. Ib aralkla
' dlalaar of roalr of fbr etty; tltla arrfaet.
aa abatract fnralabod wltb arary kit, and tba
j arlra aalf 1"i dot lot.
A.fowjaf thraa Ma wlU b an Id for IS0:
.VI down, balanr Bnntbly Inatallmrhta. "
Tbo Srat mm tbo drat aaraod.
v- U. J, CLOHK8Y, SuT kleKay Balldlng.
have a vary-fine placor mln for
fal that la an opportunity for aorn
ond to make foi tuna. If you ara in-
: trtd I would like to mt yott and
how you what It la. I do aot car to
meet curbalonera, tor it will only b a
wnsi of time. Tula Ib not a promotlnit
I Bcliem. for th nrnnerty la for aalo in
stead of stock. 0 80, care Journal.
(0 fur four of the chotcsst Point View
lots; near St. John.
91,100 for 48 acres, 8 miles from Van
couver. r7,B00 will awing beat investment on
rmirket in Pnrtlnnrl.
TYBOBT XIJrSXX.1 OommarelaU Block.
.1 And keep y
A CO.S adi
our eya on WILET ALLEN
for fin barcalns In real
, s(at.
Kew store and .tfflco rooms, wltb stam
heat and electtio light, N. E. corner
Third and Madlaoa streets. Apply room I.
, ' fOT.OOO Solid J-atory brick bulldln on
First street, , bringing good - Income;
oy terras. A splendid Investment.
,': F. FL'CHS, 221 H Morrison street.
rrvet. la aw oaea for recenuoe of amolla.
- E. U WUllama. TS4 Eaat MadtooB etreet, tt;
' Ulldred D. folUiia. 2
Harry .J. Lea. 401 N.H-tk TwBty-8fth atreet,
S: Deli A. Bradr. (3.
K. J. Denlaoa. 388 Kaat Morrlaoa (treat, 88;
Holes Jeffery. 81.' ,
A. 0. Magere,, Saleai, Oregon, 41; Faaai
aagat . Fararll, 35.
Weddtng Card. . W. O. Bmltb Oe Waah.
Ligloa bldg.. aor. Foartk aad WaablattoB at.
. , r WeddlBg and eel Mag eerd agraeed r
srlated. E. T. Baabtoe, 833 Waeblngtoa at.
' Mia Berth Marti a. room' 818 Allaky bldg.
Btemplag and doe aoedleworkl leaaoa glrea.
rail dree ealte for rant.. U Ue. t'alqa
. Te I taring Co., ;irrr-r L-L -
'' K 1 DEATHS.
WataWaaalawtoaeaeaa "to a aiaaaaawaaawe aaaaaaw
UKKNBIISY la tbla Htm. September IS.
Iiaat. Mr. Margaret Hcneey, aged 48
tear, a meaoher of Maria Stuart coart. No.
1, IBtboltc Order arf Forester. FaaaraJ
aottee hereafter. ' ' -
DI I XSON September 18. FVrene A- Web.
Ien, 14 year. Alto rare, parairaia mt mmmrt
811 rT September 44. WI C. Belley, Wood
Beaaarlua koapltal, mitral laeufjlcteac.
A large big h praaatirg area was central tbl
moraine- m the aalddla Back anountaia IUM.
The barometer - la relatively tow aorta 9
Montana aad rar southera
a New MM
ales, sad
la addition there to nldm that s low pro
wit srea la at im, waat of Vancouver ielaad,
which a mo. log slowly Island. The become ts
to sis relatively low Florida and a kick
pressure aroa evsrllss New Kngksnd Bad tba
middle Atlaatle atalaa. . Phenomenally he TV
ralaa gar occurred to- waaura kaneee anal
laaaar ananti ara reported la the dJolnlng
ataiaa. .Moderately beery raiaa have also
fallen la Florida la evened Wo with tha die
turbaaca Baa thai state. FafF weather pro
ratal generally on tha Partita (lops, with
aiiiilarata f, iiiinraliaraa
4 Tbo Inductions ara (or fair weather la fhla
dtotrtet Tuesday, except la aorthwcstara Oro
foa and western Washington, wkara shower
ara prokabla.
OBservatione tun at, a a., racine nasi
Temp.- '
Button"' 'I- . Mai. . Mia rrecip.
Baker City. Oregon.; 48 .0
Boatoa. Maaeachueetts...... 60 - 83 , .0
Chicago, llllnola. M , ' 71. .0
Denver. Coiuraoo.. s
Keusas City, Missouri 80 IM
Los Angeles. tallfuraU.: 83
New Orleens. LoulsUs.,, a
, '
. 53
Nsw York. Near York....;.' OS
Portland, Oregon T
Boaeburg, Uni..i T
St. Louie. Missouri.,,.,,,,, 80 ....
Bait Laka. Utab. .......... 60
Saa Frseclsc. CallforaU.. S3 "
Spoka, Washington....... TO ..
Twnmt, Watbtngtr.. . . . ..." Tl -
Walla Walla. Waabloftoa. Ta -WaablBKtoa.
D. C M
BIIHb Srptrmbar Id. ta Sir. BBd Mra. Ma
- RalbL 653 Walnot. a boy.
SCHWABTft Saptrmbor IS. ta Mr. aad Mra,
Wllllaoi Sebatarta. Arlota, a boy. .
LEHTOMCN onptaBibef 12. bo Mr. and lira.
Edward Ltffitoaaa. 01 Horta raroiiia, a ooy.
BOWKIU bopteaibor 14, to Mr. aad Mra. W RnaroM. IUA Kaat . Aah.. B boV. .
MALlf aapUfflbor 11. la Mr. and Mra. i. H.
BbuU. B4B Baat BoBtB a tin. -BI1X
Brptambrr 10. to Mr. and Mra. Baraua
B. HUL SVS Kaat Taatb, a boy.
WEIST Boptambar S, to Mr. aad Mra. Charlaa
Walat," arjaj rroni, a coy.
f-OWLEB Brptambar 16, 1S0B, at tha family
raaJdonca, 42S Manaua atr., MoatiTiiu, lira.
, Mallaaa M. rowlor. aavd 58 yaar and
. Banatb. Frloada ar raapaetfulty laTttad t
' attaad too fuaoral aarvleaa, avblcb will b
" bald at Holman'a cbapcl, cornor Tblrd and
: Sahaoa ata., at p. an., Tbeaday, Sail toolbar
r 18. ' iBtarawat-BlTarTlaw cMaatary.
rLRISCHNBK la tbls rtty, Baptanbar Id. at
bar lat raaiaaac. B3i botobib at., Mra.
ranar FtolaeBaor, wlfo-af Jainb flaUcbnor.
motbar of I. M. aad Max riolarbaor, Mra.
Rudolph Coldamltk, Mr. Bol Blnmanar and
Mr. Gori H. Daala of Baa Franclaco.
Fanaral Tnaaday BBoralnf. - Fnaral aad ln
taraiant prlTar.
Daanln. McBntaa Qllbanfb. andartakrr
aad ambaUHra; atodara la nary data 11. Soraotk
aad Plaa. Mala 480. Lady aaaUuat. .
A. B. Baawtoek. BBdortakar aad aaibalaaar.
Baat Tbtrtaaatb sad VawtUto ara. Pkoaa 5aU-
1. i y
KrickBba VndorUktB Co.. aad Bblailaa. doe
at. - raon Mala aiaa. uor aaaiataat.
J. f. Plalay Bobb. Tblrd and Madlaaa
Of boa af toanty aoroaar. Pboaa Mala B.
CLARKB BROS.'. FlorHt PIb tloarar
flora tjaaa id, sbb Mornaoa at. .
Edward RolBMB. aadartakar, ISO Tblrd at.
- ; imsmw cemitxbt. ;
Slafta iriraa 810. faajlly lot T8 to 1.000.
Tba only raawtary la Portland wklrk par.
iwtaally Bialntaln and caros for lota.- Far fall
Information apply to W. B. Macbaaal. War
ootor blork. city. W. M. Ladd. proaldoat. -
Tttl Onrrantee tt Traat company to
1. S. Tbomaa, loto 8 and 4. block 14,
Wat Pleduwat 400
B. C. Borb and Marl Roche to F. I.
Vaa Mater and Mamla Van Meter, lot
. a and B. hlnek B. al.rta. - AM
oba Clayto to Kageae Cnha end Mircos
una, ma ana . biocb la city. . .. ej, J3U
Arlrt Land company to Lllllaa Barker,
lota 10 and II. block t. Leater Park.. 800
The Land Company of Oregoa to Adelle
aeeuneia, iota it ana IS, owes u,
City View Park.. l. ' 800
Arlete Laed eompaay to C. C. Wiley,.
lot It block IS. Arret Park No. 3... ' 1
B. O. and Olle V. Henderson and W.' 0. "
and Maria E. A ah to tVBronla AUen.
' eeat H of iuik H of north H of '.
Bortheaat af northwnt i acUoa 31, -
townablp 1 aoufh, range 1 eaat v. . 3,800
Emma J. Longhead and C. U. Lang-.
- bead to Bert ft. Stone, loti 4 and t, .
' block 8. Caples' addltloa to Bt Joea. SOS
Martb A.: and A. C. Faltvblld to A. -:
C. Bnrdlck. Iota IT aad 18. hlOrk 13v.
rnleeralty Park ' 800
J. C. Orlpper and wife to Itot Willi, .
lot 8. block 8. Storey' addition. l.TOO
H. . Hardmaa to W. N. Oary, lot 8
and arret 44 of lot 8. blork 31. Bunny, a '
' aid 800
Dudley EeB and wife ta I. A. Peter,
eaat U of lota 8 and S. blork 4.
Irene addltloa to Albin....' '.. 1,158
William J. Petton et 1. ta Mary France
Bimrna, lot 8 of tract F la Greener ay - ---!
addltloa 108 ;
Stella Rlaor and wife to A. J. and Joaal
Header, lot . block 8, Nottk IrrlnC- '
toa iOOO
Cberlra L. Btubekcr and wife to Mr. . .
Tina William, aoutb H of north H of '
lot 1. tract E. Orertoe Park -. 300
B. aad SoBe Bylte iTeraea re Lola Mey
T.nrvt . 8. block 11, rortemoutk -
Till Extended 180
M. C. Bandeld et el. to Americas laeeet.
ment company, north iim reet of lot 33,
Mock 1. Lent eddltto 1 s.-. J
Poet tend True! Company of Oregon to
, John Kublk. lota 1 and, 3, block 8,
- Karrell e addltloa " 188
Hattle (Hirdurr and boebend to Maurice
I. Young, lot 34, block 4, La ore! wood
Tark . 108
Oenrge W. Brown to Maurice P. Young. .
tote 1 aad 1 block 8. and lot 28. block
4. Laurel wood I'ark . BOO
William Hherlork to' fornellne Burk et al . Vt 3. 8, 8. T. block 18.
Kberkv-k addition 12,000
Ellaabeth Rren ta ft. 0. Keck, lota
T and 8, blork 8, Ellaabeth Irrlnf ad-
dltbrn 1
Bertba B and W. H. Booth to H. C.
Keck, lot T and 8, block 8, Ellaabeth
Irelng'e addltloa t.400
United Ballwara eompaay ta J. Wbrt
Eean. kit 8. 4. 8. 6. block 48. city. 1
C. E. Lea to I. Wbyte Keen, lota 8.
4. 8, 8. block 4d. rltr 1
Pcie Reelly d Ineeetment eomponr t
Alfred and J. N. CtoodlB. lot IS. block
A, Stewart Park I0B
Mary R-lneteln awl kuaband to Port- a
land Truat Company af Ore rna, lot 8.
blork 11. Goldemitb addition.. I
gllaahh Itna to Edward H. Lain pert.
lot S. block 1, Irrbig'a Harbor View. BOO
Jay H. I'ptoa to Morrla (Inmbert. lot .
91 1lck IB. ' Penlnenlar addition
No. 1 100
Ortael Anaplnnd to Krank C. Baker,
w a ..J no S feet lot HI.1 block 8.
Wllaoa'a addition I.T58
A. A. Aueplund to Frank C. Baker et
lor t and t a. .feet lot, 10, block'
S. Wllaoa' addition 1
Beemn Jorgetwea and wife to laabella
t Initiate eeat IS l.g feet of bit 33.
block T, WUllama Aeenne addition.... 1,840
Lou I P. Beno, et al. to Elnatkan Sweet,
lot IS. block 1.1. OoWemlth'a addition. . 3.600
Brr1e Smith to Nick and Mary Aarerar.
la 1 hlnce- S Hewthorne'a Flrat ad-
i dittos lano
Martb J.' Mctlulr et al. to Frank w.
n-i.-a mtmmt mill feet of lota T and
' a. bloi-k ST. city 80.000
Fred P. lfottp et L t S. C. Prleetlr,
i..... m-A a klnck 13. Foirbaa .adrti-
Mna 18
8. C Nortoa and Ellabelb Ann Nortos
..v v lot IS. block 8. Bae-
erance addition to St. John. . . .f . . .. . . 800
Arleu Land company to K-S- Ereln, lot
IS block 13. Arleta Park N. ...... 108
Ben M. and C.rrt A. Wataos to II. p.
t. m htock 1. (lllham
Flrat addltloa .' WO
Newum L. and Utile Jt. Ollbam to J.
u i& hlock 1. oilham
VlVat addition ........... .Trrr ".'v - 150
Tb Title One rente fr Truat remreiny tn -
T. A. K hoe maker, lot z, omea ii. bohib
Bt. John 0
Btlaa M. Leonard to T. A. Shoemaker.
lot 1. block ; Orim ddltloa te St.
John . 800
Sat ah E. and Jokn Maraball to Oeorg H. ,
Wlntermaatle, aontk SO feet of lot 8 ' .
nd nortk 10 feet of lot 4. block SIS. .
Holladar- addition to Kaat Portland '
W. R. EI11 d Ida J. Xllla to Charlotte
, K. TlerbtM, lot d, S, 8, block T, High
land , . ' 1
Charlotte T.. nd . ImiI tflerbu, lets
4. 8, 8, blork T. Highland 1,009
LontM A. and Che-lea J. fldeomn to
Stephen and Addlg Morga. lot 10. ,
block T, Doer her a nrmnA ddltln.. 8.408
Plrmploa Kelly and Ellaabeth A. Kelly
to Jame 0. Kelly, pert of donatio .
toad claim of rirmptoa Kelly, aoutb f
of eectloB'llne between eertlon 4, $,
townahlp 1 aauth, rang eaat .
J oar pa A. and rioraaca Pottlt to .
AaaAal H. aad Mary J. W. Paint, lot
... .... i. . . Klk BA.
mum tmmm in aw www.m .
a,iiiBw.Ma, S.aot)
fcaapb aad rioraaoa B. Cattlt to
Aaabal R. and burr J. W. Patttt,
W 14 and waat H of lot 18. block 54,
aBnyalda I
roa abatraata tltla, laaaraaea ar aaartcaga
loaaa, call aa PaHMa Tltla Truat eoaapaay,
fnroarly Pacta Coaat Abatrart Onaraat
rual aoaspaoy. Boa--! raum o"nm".
, Oa roav Inanranoa aad abatraota to roal aatata
froni tba Tltla Oaaraata na aiaaaar,
B40 Waiting toa atroat. euraar aauunak
1AWTB0EN Mp Ha. 11. A. . T,
A A. it. I IA I COtniniiisff.aui
b.(am urtB. mmIm tat A o'chiHl
Work Ik Cb r. C. . VU1U
litiat br(brm wclcom. '
C, ft, Btntwty,
iiwBTiiim omHwrit. Oaod aaaate for -all
ooraatana. Tory raaaoaaba. .Mala
AA Iuiratlo at. .....
M. W. A., OrBsoa OrapB Cam. Ha. S.tTI, Moa.
. daya. ITth aad MarabaUl vtolton waleaia.
M. W. A. EVIROBBait CAMP, idet, . toaota
Wadaaaday avaalnd, Ailaky bids.. Tblrd Bad
Morrtoa ata.
tOBT Bopt. Id. from car near Oaka, wMt tea
wool auawL not am w aim mmm
Phono Baaf 141. Hoarara.
- Notice to be re by aire that th coanty eoort
af Crook county, Oregon, wUl recelre eled
bid for the betiding of a new eoorthooa
an to oeomber 1, ltfOo, Bt 10 o'clock a. en..
I tb eoortboua at PrtBerUle, Oragoa.
rirat A bid for tb eooatroctlno aad balld
lng of th foaadatloa out of atone aa orlgia
ally planned by W. O. Pugh. architect. Balenw
Orogoa. Beooaa--A bid for tbo- eooatraetloa
. aad balldlng of tbo foundation oot of hfka.
aceordlng to amended plaa by eama arrbltaet.
. Third -A bid for tb eooatraetloa and com
pletion af tha apertrtur ortgjBa'V
planned, omitting to dome. Fourth A bid
' lor tb eooatraetloa aad completion of the
bdlMIng complete originally planned. Fifth
A bid for tb aonatructtoo and completion
of the balldlng ooaipiet aceordlng to tba
amended plana. '
. Tbat all bid moat be aobmlttad,poa tb
plan and apeclflcatloa of W. D. P"ih. ar-
. ehlteet, Batom. Oregoa, aad aeeled aad marked
, "Bid for Ooartbooaa." addraaaad to tb
county clerk, PrtaeTUl, Oregoa. , ,
. Tb county wlU pay aab apoa any contract
entered Into for tba building aad eonetnicttoa
of aay part or wbol of aald building. Cot
tlfled check Batatlonad in tb epeciflcmtlooe
mat accompany eack bid. Tb plaa and
- eperirtcatlone ran be exarntaed t tb-fflc
of W. D. Pugh. Batom. Oregoa, The Oregoa
. Dally Journal offlea, Portland, Oregon, and
at tb afflea of tba eouaty etork. PrlawTlll.
Oregoa. Tba court reeerree tb right to rjet
' say aad all bid.
By order of tb court.
' (Baal.) . WARREN BROWN. '
. .... .. Clark af Crook County, Oragoa.
TO THE taitpayar af MnltaoaMb OoantyOra-
Ortobor 1. lOOd. tba board of aqnallsatto i af
Maltaaatak county will attend at tba atflca
of tha county dark of aald roonty aad pub.
llcly ia)ln tba aaaaaanaaBt roll for tha
yaar IDfld, aad comet all orrors ta raloatton.
. ooaerlptloa or ooalltlr of land. Jot" or otbor
property, and It I th doty of all peraon
Intoraatad to appear at tha Mm aad place
appointed, aad If It aball appear to anefc
board of - aqaallaatloa tbat there are eny
' land a, lot or other property aaaaaeed twlca
or la tbo nam of a peraon ar aeraoa not
tba owner of aame. or aaaeaaad ander ar be
yond It valao. ar any taBda. lota ar other
property aot aaaeaaad aald board of qoall
to n M Ifit tf IB rnaeBB A akato
Parttaad, OragoB. September 8. lSOd.
JSOTICB 1 btby glrea that tb board of
director OX to Will won nee aoowie.-
nd re need to be filed with th eouaty clerk
of - Multaomak county and tb eecretary of
atata of Oregon euppleaaental artleto of in
eorporatloa changing th nam of tb earpora
tloa from the Will Wolf Co. to tn Outlet
Chtthlng eompaay, la parauaae to B reaolu
tloB peaeed by s thro (oarths veto s! all th
stock aubecrlbed. . -
POI ND A light red cow. Inqnir af F. O.
' John eoa, 883 Commercial at.
FOUND A light bay bore with whit epot os
forehead. laonlr af J. B. MlMBblBMr. wtth
Flak Co.. 8i4 Mlaalealppl are. . ..
LOST Mink fur collar vicinity East Third and
i laraa maa-et. rjinrrn. pieatee nbvsv bmw. mu.
after 8 p. m. Reward.
Union Hotel
, ' Pre employment to our p trees.
. Weekly rateei Boom. 81.S8 ap: roaa
board. 84.80 as. Anoereoo, proprietor.
SOCND yoang smb. age IS to 80. for Sramee.
. -and brakemea oa . aew road and for tall
ruaai eapTiewco aaai 1 1 aeerr , wrwimmm
per month, brakemen 818; position now epen.
National Railway Training aeeoclatloa, T80
Paitoa blk Omaha. Nebrk or 881 Bldg
bldg., Kaaaaa City., Mlaaoari.
atarvciTwaa l --
Wanted BO Bingira id won em rooi iu
Be Frinctoeo; 8 month' tede- antoa work
at 88 to 88 per day. Addree Eugen Brae.
448 Third bt., or pbos Paetae BTI.
ANSWER TRIE AD! It' money la your nock
vreeaed 38 to 1O0 per rent n matter where
located, what your work. Proof furnlabed.
Cell or write. Page-DiTto Co., Dapt, 31. 41
toBBwrciai uiu, ., a v. .uw.
WANTKD Special aeleemen to tntrodae mr
, full line of peiitie. inriuaug numaei
new toalea plnm-mlrecle. Reply wltb
refercaea, to U vrego nureery aaiam.
MEN AND WOMEN to leer barber trad la
eight week a; gradeete ear from 318 to 338
weekly l eipert Inetructore; eatelogn free.
Moler Sratm of Colleges, 88 Nortk Fourth at..
rortianu. '
AGENTS wanted to eel raperlor. blgk grade
Baraery etock; complete eutat furaiebed free;
eaeh weekly; write today for choice of tec
ntory. cepuai vy .w ' r wrv t
uregon. - .
WANTED Toaag mea to toara tele graplir aad
" . u STB OA . aoo no
For free' caulngue addrea Mora Colleg f
Telegrapny. aua lata at., eiaeei, y.
WANTED 80 awamper at good wage; J8
mile from Portland Bad mm mil from rail
road. Apply Wee Urn Cpg. Co.. 80S Steera
bldg., rortiaaa. , -
tr-ero Two et three flret-claea, all-around
toaeniB men; prmanat poeitiow. aeea warae
tlregoa raraiiar mig. ii
WANTED Moelng-pleture. raaeb toe-operator;
will teece ywa mt wwwt
Doaltlona aecured) . good salary. 'NewmeB,
laoa oiata.
wa mm awrk for owe eBmbrr aoecf al aa
bare. S3. Y M. 0. t. Foartb aad YamhIU.
FIRST-CLASS panta-maker. NtcoU, Tba Tailor,
lua.iuira si...j. . -
WANTED Boys steady week. 88 M. Froat.
oraer Daeto.
WANTED AT ONCE Oood wearer oa blanket
nd robe; good nay, steady work. Addreea
-Union Wooer Mill. Valoa, ur.
V1VTIII VB.k .kM.1 IK ... W W 1 H PV... .
tor and lean , baatnee, s Addreea X as.
care ewiraeia -
BOYS wanted ver 18. with bicycle; good pa,
Apply T North Fifth at.
WANTED Flrat -el cleaner and preeeer. Ap
ply F. c Bion. tailor, wo a.eet seeaatarvsc.,
.. .. ancouTar. , , . aaB.. , ,
TWO bnya about 16 year eld, willing te work
their way ap must kara good reference.
Wondard. Clark Co., whole. druggtota.
Mnth and Moyt (ta. ,
WANTED 10 young men to prepare fag re IV
mad - telegraph operator; poaltloa . wheS
- eMaak,nt! o. rt tuition aarabke. after at
work. Etpert College of Telegraphy, Ce-
vra wealth a rag., bixib aoo anaeny.
SHOE ealeeman, tlmraughly elnerlenced and r
liable. Apply to eupcrlntendent. Old,. Wort
ma A King. ...
fF.NMAN Prieate and rlae leoaema,- both rlav
ad evening; get terra. . oeter Eipert coc
lege, commonwealth Bldg., auta ami Anaeer
WANTED A Blnmher! eteedy lob. . Apple
Itrmgherti A Heal. T a Booster, wash. Fkoag
RB&A.N0 BOY wanted! good wage. H. Ueba
- O., lot WUl at.
838 A WBBK guaranteed to good mea to Mil
accident and uci aaaeoia. i am.
WANTED Boy to work Oa email dairy. 18
mn, ta city; maet b good milker. Eaat
MtB aaa iDomnaoB.
B0TB, 18 to 18 yaar of ara. Apply, te aopar-
Inteadent a office, uia. wortmaa e aviug.
an ar mImmb kaaat ' ha oinorioBced and re
liable ; a permeneat plac for right man. Apply
operfatnutoot- ofhea, Okto, , Wortmaa t
AVlBg. ' '
WANTED AT ONCE bora ore 18 yeere.
Bobarta Bra.', Third and Morrlaoa.
WANTED etarcher; ateady amploawBt. Or.
goa Laaadry Co., Pboaa Eaat 18. - - .
WANTED MtTeaamkrj a toady work. 88
Front, earner uaei.
WANTED Boy to belp la ahlpplna-room. Mod-
era Coarectloaary CO., uia ana ouyi "
BOYB- '-WANTED Apply - to WaatoXB - CatoB
Telegraph O. '.
WANTED 30 wamnra at food wage; 98
mUe from Portland and on mil from rU
,. road. Apply W eater Cpg. Co., 808 Btaama
, plug., r or liana.
WANTED A good aboesnaker. STB Bandy toad,
'near Eaat 3SU at., and of Beet Aukeny car-
WANTED Boy aequalnrad la etty to work la
market. . Call 149 Flrat t. D, U Bottot
to vc. - .I.-
WANTED rtnt-elaaa Breeeer. Ill Fourtt at.
WANTED Detaetleaa. 1 abrowd. reUablo teen,
, for profitable aecrat oerrlce. " ta act aadi-r
oraere; no axperieac aeceaaary. .wru. a.
C. Webeter, Indlanapolla, Ind. '
CABINET -MAKEBB wasted at 87S Front t.
WANTED B earpenUra. 888 Eugene at.
OFFICat BOY, whole I boa. Addr awi
haBdwnusg. gir as saa experience. u
84, ear Journal. '
If you work why not earn mar thaa a
IrrtBgl Be Independent; do good.' Tb Vlael
Co. already employ 13.000 women; tb work
eorer S3 eonntrle of tb world; ,w will
entertela application from capable women;
' aot eanraeelnff. but helpful, dignified work,
-etddreee by maU only, tb Ylarl Co., Lwl
bWg., Portland, Or. , .
188)4 Fourth at., cor. Morrtoea. Bpetalr.
Phone Mala 5828. ,
AVoBgald tb Y. M. C. A. bldg.
SIBLc) WANTED Operator to work e ablrt
and OTeralla. Laeaona glrea to lnasporteaeed.
Apply at Standard factory No. S, Or and .
aad Eaat Taylor at.
WANTED Girl to auk "Boa af Alt' rrer
11 at T8 flrat at. ..
toa at, cor. 8Tath. apatalra. rhoae Mala
tdOS. Femal help wanted.
GIRLS wanted for general booMworkj cook
. aad waltree. City . Employment Ofaca,
- aulte 1, BM Waahlagtoa at. Mala B410.
WANTRD-"OonTpteut girl for general Bob
Apply aim mmn jtb au
WANTED Olri, ataedy work, at 58 M. Froat.
corner Dartav
WANTED Lady t aaay. . profitable poedUos;
alary aad eommiMoa. 11 lit au
WANTED Mangle hand and troaar Bt Oraad
- Lauadry Co., ITth aad Qulmby ata.
FEW . todlaa wanted toe aaalat - asaklng aaay
aatawj wegg leeajrw waWBsat m a. ,
pay; no experleace rwdutnd. e328 rkldnef
bids., 40T Waeblngtoa at. . ,
WANTED Aa all-around
work. Apply 313 FourtB et. uoa wags.
0PEKAT0HS sb pant; caa eara flS a wk.
828 Fllednar bldg.
PENMAN PrlTats Bad claw leeeooa, both day
and Tenlng; get term, veter a btxdmt w
kg. Commonwealth bldg., SUth aad Aakaay.
38 OIKL8 and 3 boyai ateedy employment and
good wages. Araoa . aaor u4 ivib saw
uuaaa sta. rnona maia avis.
WANTED Ladle to leer garmont-eutttnit
from expert ladles' tailor; metaod aimpi an
perfect titling; atod roura la ladles' tailor
ing; ope Tning. 108 13th at.. Bear Waah
lagtoa. GIRL, wanted for general heuevwork; so cook
ing; good Borne; te aealat wita cniiorea. eei
Fifth at. v
OIKLB. when you waat work cell aa the Sean-
dlnaelan LAdle- Agency, if( -p oilta , .
Main 880S. ' Joha Aoderaoa, manager.
WANTED 8 girl, dining room aad Bitches
girl, at )04-f N BeveatB at.
WANTED Starch work Ireaera. manal gtria
nd etarrher. oragoa L unary Co., paoo
East IS. -
WANTED Girl attending arhool to work for
Board and email wage.. Apply aaorninga or
evening 804 Madlaoa.
WANTED Housekeeper for widower' family.
Addreea v go, journal.
A OOOD helper on coat. Apply at the Bos
Toa Tailoring uo.. jvH " room a.
WAITED Cboeouttfl-dlpper. wrapper and
pacKere. aaooarD vout rruwiw v., .eiet mom
Hoyt t.
t WAITREBSEB 880, S at 33. room and heard;
80 girl for aoueawork. 20 to do, ana otner
Blc place. Home Ladle' Agency, lo&t
Fourth t. Mala 8838. -
WANTED Men's bat trimmer, til Fourth at.
WANTED Firtl walit-Snlaher. Mrs. St.
Joha. 1T8 ITth at., cor. Yamhill.
WANTED Three flret-claea eewlng (lrla, . B.
Gurney, 40T Mohawk bldg. -
aim. for doctor' a office. 8:80 a. m. to 3 a. m
: except Sunday: Call d to 8 p. at., 300V
Tblrd St.
STRONG, capable woman, dfihwaaherr middle-,
gked woman, housekeeper, widower; ebanv
berate tde, wairreeees. nooerwork. eooga, jhq
- xamnm. mam oeie. v
W A NTFD Immediately, neat woman ander SO,
bonaekeeper widower' family; out of tows.
Room 4. 3nv laranill. Mala Mis.
UAKB MONEY la th advertising baalne; so
- enllcltlng: apiendld aalary when you begin
and erery chance for adTanceroent. Call or
.' writ and learn all about It. . Page-Davla Co.,
; Dept. 31. 413 commercial n tog..-fori land.
WANTED Oood Ire arenta to nnreeent a I
different saetlrm of city, coantry and la
mill town. . writs or call at. rwrnm
. 300 Third at. - . - -
W A ft TED Immediate It, experienced premer on
ladle' garment. , Bellabla Dy Work, SOS
rirt ai.
BELP waated aad aunpHed. aaa la r female. U.
fl. Drake. SoAH Waeblngtoa ft. Paelne I.TT0
WANTED Bora and glrto ever 18 te wras oao.
LaekeL King A Cake Soap Co., 84A Hood at.
CALL Mata S148 for kelp.
H. B. ItlCHARDB Booka poeted, collection.
general clerical workl reference, sua 4tB tt
COMPETENT eleetrlclaa would like to get
position operating a email plant, either light
- ar power, or ootn. u eo, car eouroai.
A MONI'MENTAL or general draughtsman
1. lit .t.l. hmI.Im. CI Ifl .
WOMAN wants day work or by hour. ' Addreea
L. O., Lenta, Oregon. Bog 872. ,
eOOD kome to refined mother and dasghter
or two snltable people In exchange for light
hoaeework, or oome plac wltb emell wege
to ' nulet, tedy woomb; flvs telephone.
U gscara journal.
WOMAN Want day work or by hour. Addree
v t. o. hox X72. Lent. Orsgea.
AGENTS wanted, could aak 84 ts 88 a day,
TSV N. Third,
AGENTS waated la vry tow ta Oregon to
represent tb National Llf Insurance Co. of
. V, a.- A, s. V. aetiano, erate manager, sue
Feiedssr mugt, retuut, ' uy. , .
i North Beosad at. rhooe Mata
04 Murrleoa St. Pboaa Paclfl t-tm.
WANTED TO BBNT Rouse, eottagea, flat,
tee, efdoea, roemlagbouesa, et. LaaaV
ktrda will do wall to cell ea
. Phone Bx. T3. B. B. Co. Sd aad Oak.
WANTED to rent, by rseponelbl party, good
10 or IS-roam boo in deelrtbt location;
willing to pay good reatal for autubla feouae,
W 88. ear Journal.
BOUSES, flat, rooming boaeee, atoree. effleas.
te.) prompt attention aeeered. Pboaa Ma Is
UTl. H. W. Uadhaxd. McKay bldg.
WANTED COTTAGE Four or live rooaes; mod
ern; partly furnished; reaeunabl. Addree
C BT. JoutbsI.
riRST CLASS bnslnaa maa or womaa caa kara
paying poaltloa by addreeelug 0 BT, car
To The Portland Capitalist
FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and
. tka beat of facilities fog carrying out your
wlahee aa aa ageat. W aollclt your
patroaag. 'Our rafenaesat Ladd A Ttltea.
banlkara, sad' Mrehnta National bank. .
R. H. BLOSSOM. , .
OOOD Income and residence property, lot,
farming and timber land. Phwae Msia 11T1.
. H. W. Lladhard. McKay bids.
WANTED 4 or 8 -room houae aad lot; lot eloa
to carllne; aot exceed 81,000. . E. J. Gclser,
331H Morrlaoa at. . .
AT ONCE, loaa f 318.000 tor 8 ysar en well
impraeed farm of 3.000 sere; a eoBrvtlT
vafu ef tbls property to ever thro times tb
- loan oeeirea. t avAairer imaMOianiiy. v eo,
ear Journal. - . J
-.-- FOB ,
tU Flrat at. . Mala 8888
HIGHEST pries paid for asi'l raat-off clotb
- lag. Pboaa Paclno de. Uncls jba, 83 Third.
PAINTING, spraying and wbltowaehlng tree.
oa ee meats, para. eocKa, ate; lergrai aaaoiioe
praying outfit oa the aoaat. M. O. Morgaa
A Co- 323 Unioa ava. Pheas Bast BIT.
WB WILL BUY your farnltur say eld time.
HIGHEST caak price
m neld for
good. Pboa Eaat
80T7. US TJatoa avs.
I BAV1 a Remtngtoa typwrltr I eUd rant
etwap. lao Froat at.
WANTED To buy a aoeood band typewriter
desk wita four or eight drawer, jr. 10, ears
WANTED Homeatead reHnqnlabment. heavily
timbered. Is allots raeatrralloa. Addr Bos
T. St. Helens, Or.
WANTED A eeeond-hend asf with burglar
cneert; atata pries aaa maa. . Aoarees u ov,
v care Journal.
WBLL-rTJBNIBHED auriny easts room la pri
eate sou ee; seta aaa ruraac Beat; to Bin
Btee walk from poetoffie: refereoeea. 84T
11th. between Market aad Mill.
YBB GBAND. S4 Nortk Third sc. I
gentleanea 1.38 pee week aad BP.
THB BICHBLIBU. 88 H North Sixth at. Bl-
gaatly turaiaooa; at earn Boat aaa Batba.
KLONDYKB Furatobed hoaeekeeplag reow
lngl a a aults. ,808 AMer, ear. Lownada
THB BUR," 88 EkrveBth at., ea
rooms with steam heat aad hath.
t NEWLY furatobed front rooms suitable tor
two gentlemen. 148 10tbL ,
TflB MITCHELL, riandera aad
Boobm, housekeeping and WMSasati
eenleot; price reaeoeuhle. -
LA RGB legBtly furalBbed booeekeoprag.
ioobb; ga rang. rsBBUaT warns, xae lewie
daw. mSm Aider at.
1.39 FEB WEEK Large, dee a fsratohed
Bousekeepiag-roosis; laundry saa Bats, is
Shermaa, South Portland. , .
888 SIXTH ST.. 8 I
furntohed housekeep.
sable; ey walking
Ing ealtes; eery
SAVB half bote) eipeaeae; 81 areek sp. etoaa.
rnrntonea Bwkeeptng-ioocB. auitaoto ror
two; parlor, taaadry, bath.- yard. BOSVb Itts
tea. V car. .
FURNISHED 'or nart furalehed auttr. Blc
toeatloB . and low rent. Phone Eaat 4138.
.. B. C. Barter, ML Tabor. . t
FURNISHED houaekeeptng room. 984 Jaffer-
oa t, corner Thlr
iru .
GOOD furnlabed and anfarntebed hounekeeplng
and Bleeping room. 81 week. McCoy, 371 Vi
Morrlaon. room l eecood floor.
COZY, boaao-llke boueeheeplng eulte, partly
- faralahedi - 8 noma and aleova, with alnk,
for quiet adult only! cheap to right people;
give telephone. C 67, care Journal.
THREE or toar fnrntahed housekeeping room
with yard, gas and bath, clue la.. Phone
tut S418. ......
KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re
. II able plan and fnml tare-mover; alee atoe.
age.- Pboa Mala 1888. Of See 110 N. Third,
FOR RENT 8 handsome modern T-rootB boueoa.
conveniently located on Thlrd-et, carllne sin,
813 and 14r Corbet t at.t rent reaaxmabla to
desirable tensats. David S. . Blaaraa, 348
' Washington st.
FINB (lightly seed high-crass plan for Ml
t a bargain price. Call to eee it. A Ilea A
Gilbert, Co.. Sixth dad Morrlaoa at.
MODERN S room hose at Midway. 808 EUts.
Get key aext door. 818.
SEVEN-BOOM bone 800 Second St.: five-room
eottaee, corner Front and G rover at. Inquire
aw Chamber or commerce.
NEWLY papered T mom and brh. beet eoodl
Hon. 18. East Third sad Aab Bt.
FOR KENT 8 roam modern cottage. Slat St.,
Kenllworth. Pbon East T3.
HOUSE ef 8 room, good location. Inquire 428
ae renin at.
NEW S-moni modern bona with biaemest, gat
walking dlatanr weat aide; 818.40 mouth.
Room 403 Commercial bldg.'
FOR RENT Small I -room eottaie: owner
would like te board with family. Apply at
NO East Twelfth or phone Union Sbev after
8:30 evening or all day Sunday.
FOR RENT Furnlehed 8-mnm -rot tag. I3T
Eaat 30th . .Apply ST East STtb. Phooe
Eeat 1104. . .
FOR RENT 8-reew . modern . kouee, newly
(M.bed, Sixth and , CaruUiar. pkoo Mala
W4B. ' ' "
HOUSE ef S room, good locattoa. Inquire 438
geventk at. t rent jal SO. ' '
FTRNISHED moders cottage. Saasyelde. to re.
Ilehle people without children. Phone Eaat
aon. -
FUBNITURS ef 8-mom hone cheoaj rent sf
poaest gee per monta. rnoe Mai ies.
HOI SB for rent, tnrBltare tor Bala. . Csll at
jta kevrcyay su . . v,,, ' , . -
FART ef aoe to reov ealtxhl fug palate ee
plumber. AA Foea-th at.
OFfiCB-BOOMS, BBfurnlshad room and aampl.
. room tor rant, . ttovdaough bldg. Apply to
HALL and ballroom, eeoarate er togetbeei bow
aad wltb all coo reals nee. Phone Mala So.
PHENOMENAL rlae la price ef Horet Switch
expected any day; tbl mar be roar laat
. epportuntty. to buy before eubaerlptloa book
arirloaed. J. F. . Burst A Co., Ud Me
' Kiy bJklg.
HERE'S your chance of getting oil route;
flrat-cmee ell wagon aad team for aale, atoe
route. - 338 Morrlaua at. . ,
One-half Interest la a restaur sat clearing 3300
to 82.10 for your part every month, which
will be proren. and fulleet tneeetlg attoa Bo
ll cited; price 81. MO oa easy term, or tk
good city property; good reason for ailing.
7 F. Flicka. 331 M MORRISON ST.
MACHINERY, vehicle and Implement bualue
for al. A profitable and old-etabllabed
bualneea for sals at oaea at landed coat W
- tb goods, aa I am leering Salem. Addree,
' If Interaated, F. A. Wiggins, Satom, Oregoa.
BEST offer tbl week buy th snly drug store
: la gojd valley tows; aeery thing ap !to data,
good corner location; no reaeonable offer re
' fused. Writ or eall Drugatore, Meuat Angel,
Oregon. -
WANTED A pert Ar In general blackamltk
a good hroeesboer nd all-around smith; capfsj
taf required, 8000. Address Y 78, JoumaL
If yea ar looking for roomlne bouse go te
TS N. Sixth at., Portland. Oregon.
CLEANING and pressing eatsbl lab meat for sals.
Addree P 64, car JournaL
CHEAP FOB CASH 8-room roemlng-houae.
splendid tocatioa. Address X e. Journal.
A SNAP Elegaat offlr furniture; cheap rani,
good locattoa. Room 551, 88. Third at,
FOR SALE Hotel; threestory - brick. 42rOS
- feet. In thrlTing Oregon town; good eon.
dittos; well furntohed: favorably altuated;
31.000: a bargain. Addree Chsrle Tkayec,
' $38 Wttar al.
For Lease
A celebrated hotel end roadnene at ' 183S
Macadam at., 38 room furnlehed, for a
term of year. Apply to ewaer, ' C. B.
plsgott, at his law offlce, room 4, Mulkay
bldg. - ' "
FOR SALE Apartment-house of IB roome; all
Bewly rurnlahed; eaay term 11 aereesary ; in
come $11X1; rent 8A0: located ea Morrison st.
Apply Cobs Bros.' furniture Co., ISO Flrat.
CITY basin compels ms to sell my general
tor and dwelling; without exception the
beet money-maker In th valley... Address M.
C. Davto, 258 Alder. . .
FOR SALE Spiall grocery dorng a good bua1-
aouu. oaa L'Bloa avs. rsana x-aai z.
CIOAR, caady aad grocery atore en Wsshrngtoa
set mng leaae, good mcatma: goes nxtur;
for sal cheep. Call 343 Madison at. .
A PARTNER to real estate office; en ef ex
perience, sad 8150 required. Apply at CSV
Blxta t., aear Pin.
FOR BALB cheap, a well paying reetauraat and
lonca counter, gig rourta t., aear coart.
hoos. . . ... t -
BaSsaaaMeeamaaeaaaeeaaeeWeea av,aa.aas,eaBaaBaesaaa lawauaaaanaanasaaanBjaaSI
Here Are a Few cf Wiley
Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains
314 strut Fair S-room boue. 8
f good orchard. It acres ander raltleatkm,
38 acree ef good timber, near-earllna aad
ea good read; oaly $38 per acre.
' Several 8a pieces et beererdam toad ea
Johnson creek, aear . Leata; fa-st (laaa for
gardes Buipuae.
Atos'le and acre trect with reside;
koveee to rest, foralahed sad aafsralaked. Bt
rsaaosebl teat. ; . .
d 8-acr t recta, all . tmpre-eed with
bulldlnge. 8 mlantee' walk from eehnel and
ear ststloa, 8 fare .to any part ef
had. aad tha cheapest luts sa tha
Beetl ihm.
Allen & Co.
- ' i
A NEW T room kouaa. yoet finished, and 80-foot
mt. ea west ave., near nawtaern are., unit
Ban watar, beautiful view: price $3,500;
terms. A. B. Jeekaon, rsum . 8, Bamiltoa
bldg. Pbon Mela 1513. ' , .
Send One Dollar
Aad we will Hat your property with 1.000
'reel eetate dealer whs are snxlaus to aers
a commie lo you are to eell; nr plaa
'Seldom falls; Bead dearrlptlon; w are helping
meny ether, why sot yont Addree Th le
vee tor 'a Galas, 811 Marque m bldg.. Partlaad.
Oragoa. .
500 Homes For Sale
Farms and City Property.
811 HeVquem bldg., Portland. Oregon.
$1,100 d-BOOM henve wtth block, ea 23d
et. can at itiin xnira at.
, S-rooo, boose, built 1 year, are to i
home; large reeeptloa-ball, Sreplace aad
furnace, beautiful view of th city and Btonre
talna. houae lorated near carllne end to en
of tha prettiest borne on' th height;, tbl
. I the Srt time this property bss been of
fered for aale; 38.UU0; terme.
-C. C. SHAY. Phono Male 3384. 8 to 10 I. m.
A SNAP A modern T-room bone, four lot,
barn, laundry and fruit for aele cheap; tour
. block weat, one bkick north, Tremont sta
tion; J. F. Uugglos.
88.000 FINE building lot oa Nob Bill. 808
Ablngtoa. Phone 'Main 8841.
FOR TRADE Homestead relinquishment for lot
In lPorlland. Address 8ST East Eighth aL,
, Eugen. Or.
$2.000 8-ROOM modern end sew borate; full
, cement bssement. full lot wltb fruit tree and
berrie! oa carllne. Call at 107 H Tblrd at.
SPECIAL FOR $1,300 . .
8-acr tract ef land, fenced and cleared,
. located at llwace llfe-aavtng etatloni 10-mom
boor furnlehed, Including 4 bed mom aultee,
cream eeparator. mllkcane, 8 buggies. 1 light
.: wagon, 3 alngl harnesses. 3 pbtwa, '.1 bar.
row, 3 doxen chicken. T Ns. 1 mllck cowl, 4
heifer eilveg.
J. W. MILLER. Nachotta, Waahlagtoa.
$3.000 NEW and modern 8 -room home oa East
Morrison sf. Csll st lOTVk Third si. .
, 8250 to 800O. ' .
toxioo foot lota,
W 1 LLt ' M B 1 A . - Try:
I Nesr Portsmouth. i - i '
Will assist to build. - ' i "
$3800 T -room hoos, ,
, lot 100x1011, . ' . s.
' Cbolc fruit, -
1 t blocks from city school, '
Good car oervic. .
$1350 B-roem eottege, . ... ..
lot 50x100, 'slley) ' . . .,
' plenty ef fruit. " 4 '. V
' Near Portsmouth. . .
' Essy terms. . .
$2200 g room modem boue.
-. lot sokSoo. . , ' ' . .
Fruit end outbuilding. 'I
Improvement worth the prtes.."'"'-'
. Maegtoy Junction. ,
1 Pbon Main .
Beaver Realty Co., 424 Lumber" Exchange.
. .. MorebouM A French. IT0"E. 18th.
Phone Seiiaraod ,T4.
City Ylesr Park lota, $378 and ap; Bos
Addition kits. $100 and sp; $S dnwa ad SH a
month. Homee from 8M0 to 8S.0O0. Lots 3208
and sp. In all part of Sell wood, Ltot your
property with ; w wlU sell it.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS groom cottage, large
. Int. fireplace, furnace, fruit trees, cement
walks, wood-Sher pleat cr, houae new with
everything strictly modern and coavealent;
. view of all th city and mountains; lot alon
la worth tb pries asked for the, property
83,800: term. - -
C. C. SHAY. Phone Mala 8384, 8 to 10 a. at.
$1.000 S-BOOM sew- basal, - modem ssaesa
toscs. . 1818 Ixster t -Tertomeuth. ,
BUY a lot os tb seat Bide; 8-mlauta ear i
Ice, wltbla walking d'.tance: On houeea
Juing up price (ruis $ou0 to $0j torea U
- M. B. THOMPSON, -848
Mississippi ara. Pbon Wood law SOS,'
, or branch ofi-e os th ground. Twenty
second sad Morrison. Opsa dally 8 a. m.
to 13 BV Mount Tabor Bad Buasyaid ears.
FOB SALE Three 60x100 tot, wltb S-reoea
sad a T-room bone thereon, 31. SAO,
4 -story brk-k s Third et., 8-.ouo. ' -
3 story brick es First St., $d.0O0.
- - 11-rooaB boua on 14th stH ground TBxlOO,
$10,800. ,
. Boom T, UlVb Flrat Bt. .
FINB farm sear Portland, aehool aad ereamei r
Svlolalty, good bulldlaga, flrat-claae toll,
rg orchard, running water, for Ml eheaa
for each, or would trads tor Portland prop
erty. Address Poatof flee Bog 328. Portland.
i NICB reeideacs-tots Bear Union ., about'
3 feet shors th street grsda; all go for
$1,800. Call at 10TH Third L
EXTBAt EXTRA! 8 seres, house, bars, hen
houses, cow, chickens. Daw wagon, plana,
furniture, good well, ea carllne; gQ fog
31. 8o0. J. J. Oeder, 1 North Graad ava.
ABB yea looking for a hoas er a tnveetsvantt
Good real eetaU to af. W kv om that
. la good. Be for you buy see what w ksr
-to offer.--.
S4S MUatoalppt Bv. Psoas Wosdlswa 803.
FOB SALE Improved sad unimproved farm,
wheat aad eteck ranches, timber lead and
Mwmllto, city and suburban property) ex
aanxea a epeclalty. Turner A WtUec, room
4, 808H Waabtagton at.
38.000 10-BOOM mod era
srs eld. lot
100x100: half esah, rsoM!
to wit. Call
st i'n h Tnira at.
WB bar buyer for your property er your
bualnse. . Spblns Agency, S05H Stork St.
WABEH0USB' property for (ale, lot 100x100,
facing adjoining railroad track. Addree '
P SS, car Journal.
8.000 acree ef choice timber lead sad
several hundred acre of oa! lands also stock
- ranches and saull tracta to th Coo bay
eoustry. .
BOU8B8 built ea installments, lots It desired.
818 Commercial bldg.. Mais 1840.
AC BBS with gaed d-reoai boas, barn, chicken.
house; 4 acre clesrsd. 86 young fruit treea,
ea tiej Foe tar road Dear O. W. P. carllne; '
pries $1,500; $1,000 ah, remainder 8 years
at T per eeat. Call at 10TH Third t. -
$X.850GO0D 8-room bona, brick Bad eement
baaement. en Eaat Waeblngtoa at. Call al
.' 10IH Third st. . . , .,, : - , . ,
800 FARMS, small tracts sad tots; bargain a
0. W. P. electric line. O. B. Additoa. Leauv,
Oregon. ' Tak Mosat Sestt ear, 7
ACREAGE Wa have fair mor ehoto 8 and
10-acre tracts for sal at very reoabl
price; aaay paymenta. . Call st 344 Stark at.
laeeet ment Co.'. T , .
S BEAUTIFUL bom, walking d lets nee
Sroom. 83,800: A room, 3.5uv; A room,
corner, 83,80; term. Pbon for particulars,
C. C. SHAY. Pboa Mala 8884. 8 to 10 a m
BARGAIN 5-room eettsg. hot water, hath.
- besemeat; close to ear. . Pbon Scott 4438.
DON'T PAY RENT W will Mil yea hoaa
Is aay part ef the city, er build to suit you;
pay yon cas. M. 0. Dsvls. 353 Alder et.
FOR SALE Tba finest euhurhe poms on penln.
mil,- near proposed Northern Pacific depot
grounds. Portsmouth, 2031 Exeter . st. , See
$850 S 18 ACRES, 1 alto northweat ef Beaver.
ton: 4-room house, cellar, 30 fruit trees,
m good road sad sear arhool. Call at 107 tt
Tblrd Bt. - . ...
I3.S00 NICS corner lot sad 8-room Bedera
, boue Eaat 84th at. nesr Bewthora sv.t
AVX eaab. , dus Commercial bldg. . - - -
A SNAP. 100x100 er half, la Kern Perk, near
rain-aad track. See K. M. Plumaw, am
Third at.' i . ... ... .
IF yon bare $5,000 which yea wish to net
ever to -per eeat ea, sa B. . M. riummar,
300 Thsrd st.
BOUSE, 4 reams, ant aults finished loetde;
. lot 50x127 feet, enly 4 blocks from cap, $850;
- flOu-dowa. $10 per monlh. Owner, room T,
Raleigh bWg.. corner Sixth and Waahtnglo.
$3,000 BUYS a fin building lot oa eeat aid:
half cask, be lane 3 year. 8 per cent; will '
' he worth 33.000 Isolde 3 ears. , SOS Ahlnf.
ton. rhoa Main 8641.
$8,800 BUYS a fin Serosa houae ea eaatjlde;
-tot Boil 0O fact.-tlreBlacST larc rooms, fin
b lew-; wall la. - 80S Abiagtou. Pbooa Main
83.300 Whole block, cloee la, eeat aid.
8X850 T-room new awdera houae, 80x100
lot, gaed plumbing. - .
. $4.500 A-rooa bones. South Portland.
- $4,400440 acres roal nd tlmbsr la Coos
county. -
$12.000 Most deslrabls U bkych SB Port
land Heights. . x '
. Inquire 308 Fourth. Tel. Fne. 3136. ,
eaat front:
' S aad 8-room houses, full lot,
assail psymest dowa, balxnc
rner.r Pboaa Eaat 878.
- amatbly. - Owner,
FINE reideaea property
- mrm bene a. brick frail
rty for sele; t-room mod-
alt bouse and ether- out-
bulldlaga, 3 acree of fratt, 80 allea from
Portland. $3,000; rare bargain.
800 ACRES nnlmpreved land. SB alto from
Portland; abest 800 sere level graslng land,
rest rolling; plenty water ea the land; $5.50 .
.per acre. ... , .,..-;,,-......-,
60 acres efvesre. level laed; about 80 sere
la cultivation, about B acree orchard, good
T-room bouse, barn and ether outbuilding. ,
-class to school, 8 miles to townj for 83,800.
100-sers fern. 18 alios south sf Porttond;
TO acre Sndev rultlvatlon, 1U acres ef orch
ard, good 8-room houae, 8 heme, well and
. running water; for $T,500; $3,500 down, teat
"E!"la. BH0WNIN0 BEALTT CO. ,'
.181 Morrtoos Bt.
FOR SALE At bargain. 800 acres well Im
proved firm sear Eugen. 50 acre orchard
mostly T-year-oM Spltsenborg . apples; price
818,000; email payment down, easy terms bal
ance. E. H. Ingbsm, Eugene, Oregon.
10 ACRES r bo lev farm land, good, new A room
, hone, barn, 3 elktems, fruit, berrie; very
deelrabl for bom; bslf all Berth Gray's
crossing; Mt. Scott earlins.- Oeorg Clark.
SEYERAL good homeatead rellnqulebaeats for
Bale, cloee te railroad. 181 Morrison et.
FOR SALE 18 l-S acre, H all from S. P.
depot. Vi mile - from good ecboal and S
churcbee; running water, 1H teres creek hot
ta i will eell ill er belf tor 880 per acre.
William Rlf. Sherwood, Oregon. . ;
WILL sen g iso-Bcrs farm near Forest Grave,
Waablniion county, a whnto or divide In
three parte; thl ta th beet . hop arp wing land
In county, all level snd clesrsd sad creek
running through It. If yon are looking for
- farm plac tkat Is Al look st tola, . 3. B.
Ballsy, 481 -Lumber Exchange..
100 sere of excellent land, SO scree nsdef
eultlvatlon; S-room boue. bsr and ether ent
bulldbtga; bearing orchard, fine water; ea
good road, near O. W. P. By. ata t km; 2 fine
Jeroe heifers, chickens; mower, rake, all
farming toola, hrmeehold furuiture aad ether
good; aB for $3,soo.
i. L. WELLS CO., ' . k- j
84 Grand avs. "'....''.
FARM FOR SALE AtO acree ef grala farm
for sals 250 acre Is cultivation, reet a
pester; all fenced Bad e roe e-fenced, 1 acre '
.. orchard. . 3 - seres Is stf alf - goed , houae.
grsssry end bar, all sseri plenty wtr
en flace; Ibis place to Is Whltmas county,
Waeblngtoa, S mile Berth of Soaks river
and O. R. A N.'e new ralh-oadl wlU sell ee -trade
for Wtllaasetts valley email farm;pvtce
810.000. Addreep F. Ebrlieh, Wlloox, With
IngroB. i
320 ACRES, 8 mile from Prloevll!, djoilng
Deechotea Irrlgstlon Isnds. 1 mil from rail
road aurveyi will trade at market value for
modern house and pay cash any difference.
P 2.1, care Journal.
We ere always hi th market either to bny
. er eell y cttv mining er Industrial stocks,
' It will per ro to get ear brtee.
B. W. DONAHUE. Mgr. Broserags VtmU
. 43-30 La f ay t la Bldg. ;
i S